Enhancement of Oral Bioavailability of Lipophillic Drugsfromselfmicroemulsifying Drug Delivery System Smedds

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Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Birla Institute of Technology, (Deemed University) Mesra, Ranchi . 835 215, India
Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Pharmacy, Udai Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur. 302 004, India

Approximately 40 per cent of new drug candidates have poor water solubility and the oral delivery of such drugs is
frequently associated with implications of low bioavailability, high intra and inter-subject variability, and lack of dose
proportionality. Bioavailability problem of lipophillic drugs can be solved by formation of Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug

Delivery System (SMEDDS). SMEDDS appears to be a unique and industrially feasible approach to overcome the
problem of low oral bioavailability associated with the lipophillic drugs. Self-micro emulsifying formulations are mixtures

of oils and surfactants, ideally isotropic, and sometimes containing co-solvents, which emulsify spontaneously to produce
fine oil-in-water emulsion when introduced into aqueous phase under conditions of gentle agitation. The digestive motility
of the stomach and intestine provide the agitation necessary for self-emulsification in vivo. This review describes

SMEDDS as one of the important approaches to overcome the formulation difficulties of potent lipophillic drugs.
.KEY WORDS: Oral delivery, Bioavailability, Lipophillic drugs, Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug delivery system.

INTRODUCTION Various formulation strategies reported in the literature

Most of the New Chemical Entities (NCE) that are being includes, incorporation of drug in oils[1], solid
[2] [3] [4]
discovered are lipophillic in nature and have poor aqueous dispersions , emulsions , liposomes , use of

[5] [6] [7,8]

solubility, thereby posing problems in their formulation cyclodextrins , coprecipitates , micronization ,
[9] [10]
into delivery systems. Because of their low aqueous nanoparticles , permeation enhancers and lipid

solubility and low permeability, dissolution and/or release solutions. The Self-Dispersing Lipid Formulations
rate from the delivery system forms the rate-limiting step (SDLFs) is one of the promising approaches to overcome
in their absorption and systemic availability. More than the formulation difficulties of various
60% of potential drug products suffer from poor water hydrophobic/lipophillic drugs and to improve the oral
solubility. For the therapeutic delivery of lipophillic active bioavailability of poorly absorbed drugs. The SDLFs
moieties (BCS class II drugs), lipid based formulations are contain oil and a surfactant mixture into which the drug is
inviting increasing attention. Currently a number of incorporated. They emulsify when mixed with aqueous
technologies are available to deal with the poor solubility, environment. The self-emulsification process is specific to
dissolution rate and bioavailability of insoluble drugs. the particular pair of oil and surfactant, surfactant

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 10

concentration, oil/surfactant ratio, and the temperature at Microemulsions (drop size 10-100nm) have received
which self-emulsification occurs . After self- considerable attention for their potential as drug delivery
dispersion, the drug is rapidly distributed throughout the vehicle due to advantages like excellent thermodynamic
gastrointestinal tract as fine droplets. Bioavailability stability, longer shelf life, high drug solubilisation

enhancement results from the finely dispersed state of the capacity, improvement in oral bioavailability and
drug containing lipid globules. The large surface area protection against enzymatic hydrolysis . However, poor
enhances the dissolution. The emulsion globules are palatability due to lipidic composition leads to poor
further solubilized in the gastrointestinal tract by bile patient compliance and acceptability, and due to their
fluids. The presence of surfactant causes enhanced water content, micro emulsions cannot be encapsulated in
absorption due to membrane induced permeation changes. soft gelatin and hard gelatin capsules[24]. A feasible
The droplets formed are either positively charged or substitute is Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery
negatively charged. As the mucosal lining is negatively System (SMEDDS) -an anhydrous system of micro-

charged it was observed that positively charged particles emulsion. Self-micro emulsifying formulations are
penetrated deeper into the ileum . A cationic emulsion mixtures of oils and surfactants, ideally isotropic, and
[15, 16]
has greater bioavailability than an anionic emulsion . sometimes containing co-solvents, which emulsify
The SDLFs are of two kinds namely, Self-Emulsifying spontaneously to produce fine oil-in-water emulsion when
Drug Delivery Systems (SEDDS) formed using introduced into aqueous phase under conditions of gentle

surfactants of HLB < 12 and Self-Micro Emulsifying agitation. The digestive motility of the stomach and
Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS) formed with intestine provide the agitation necessary for self-

surfactants of HLB > 12. Both SEDDS and SMEDDS are emulsification in vivo . These systems advantageously
stable preparations and improve the dissolution of the present the drug in dissolved form and the small droplet
drug due to increased surface area on dispersion. size provides a large interfacial area for drug absorption

Therefore, they are not dependent on bile secretion for .
absorption. The emulsified form itself is readily SMEDDS can also be formulated to give sustained release
absorbable. This ensures a rapid transport of poorly dosage form, by adding inert polymeric matrix, which is
soluble drugs into the blood. not ionizable at physiological pH, and dispersed in the
Many researchers have reported applications of SEDDS self-micro emulsifying system before ingestion. The
for delivering and targeting lipophilic drugs, e.g., polymer matrix (after ingestion) in contact with GI fluid
[17] [18] [19]
coenzyme Q10 , vitamin E , halofantrine and forms a gelled polymer making it possible to release the

cyclosporin A . Potential advantages of these systems micro emulsified active agent in a continuous and
include enhanced oral bioavailability (enabling dose sustained manner by diffusion[28].
reduction), more consistent temporal profiles of drug The lipophillic (poorly water soluble) drugs such as

absorption, selective drug targeting toward a specific Nifedipine, Griseofulvin, Cyclosporin, Digoxin,
absorption window in the GI tract, and drug protection Itraconazole Carbamazepine, Piroxicam, Fluconazole,
from the hostile environment in the gut . For Indomethacin, Steroids, Ibuprofen, Diazepam,
selecting a suitable self-emulsifying vehicle, drug Finasteroids, Difunisal, etc. are formulated in SMEDDS
solubility in various components, identification of to improve efficacy and safety [29].
emulsifying regions and resultant droplet size distribution FORMULATION CONSIDERATION
need careful monitoring, since these are drug-specific Studies have revealed that the self-micro emulsification
systems . process is specific to the nature of the oil/surfactant pair;

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 11

the surfactant concentration and oil/surfactant ratio; the polyoxyethylene derivatives are also, employed.
concentration and nature of co-surfactant and Emulsifiers derived from natural sources are expected to
surfactant/co-surfactant ratio and the temperature at which be safer than synthetic ones and are recommended for
self-micro emulsification occurs . These important SMEDDS use despite their limited ability to self-

discoveries were further supported by the fact that only emulsify. Non-ionic surfactants are known to be less toxic
very specific combinations of pharmaceutical excipients compared to ionic surface-active agents. The high HLB
led to efficient self-micro emulsifying systems. The and subsequent hydrophilicity of surfactants is necessary
formulated Self-Micro Emulsifying Drug Delivery for the immediate formation of o/w droplets and /or rapid
Systems is specific to that particular drug only. Various spreading of the formulation in the aqueous environment,
major components of SMEDDS are: providing a good dispersing/self-micro emulsifying
Oils: Long chain triglyceride and medium chain performance. The usual surfactant concentration in

triglyceride oils with different degree of saturation have SMEDDS required forming and maintaining a
been used in the design of SMEDDS. Unmodified edible microemulsion state in the GI tract ranged from 30 to 60
oils provide the most ‘natural’ basis for lipid vehicles, but % w/w of the formulation . The surfactants used in
their poor ability to dissolve large amounts of hydrophobic these formulations are known to improve the
drugs and their relative difficulty in efficient self-micro bioavailability by various mechanisms including:

emulsification markedly reduces their use in SMEDDS. improved drug dissolution, increased intestinal epithelial
Modified or hydrolyzed vegetable oils have contributed permeability, increased tight junction permeability and

widely to the success of SMEDDS owing to their decreased / inhibited p-glycoprotein drug efflux .
biocompatibility . Recently medium chain triglycerides However, the large quantity of surfactant may cause
are replaced by novel semi synthetic medium chain moderate reversible changes in intestinal wall
triglycerides containing compound such as GELUCIRE permeability or may irritate the GI tract. The effect of

(Gattefosse Corporation, Westwood, N.J.). These formulation and surfactant concentration on

excipients form good emulsification systems because of gastrointestinal mucosa should ideally be investigated in
higher fluidity, better solubilising potential and self-micro each case.
emulsification ability. Other suitable oil phases are Co-surfactant: In SMEDDS, generally co-surfactant of
digestible or non- digestible oils and fats such as olive oil, HLB value 10-14 is used. Hydrophilic co-surfactants are
corn oil, soyabean oil, palm oil and animal fats . preferably alcohols of intermediate chain length such as
Surfactant: The choice of surfactants is limited as very hexanol, pentanol and octanol which are known to reduce

few surfactants are orally acceptable. Non-ionic the oil water interface and allow the spontaneous
surfactants with high HLB value are used in formulation formulation of micro emulsion [29,31].
of SMEDDS including: Ethoxylated polyglycolysed Co-solvent: Organic solvents are suitable for oral

glycerides, Tween 80, LABRFAC CM1O-a mixture of administration. Examples are ethanol, propylene glycol,
saturated compounds containing 8 carbon polyglycolysed and polyethylene glycol, which may help to dissolve large
glycosides (HLB =10, Gattefosse Corporation, Westwood, amounts of hydrophilic surfactant or drug in liquid base
N.J.) and other long chain alkyl sulfonate sulfate . Addition of an aqueous solvent such as Triacetin, (an
surfactants, such as sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate, acetylated derivative of glycerol) for example glyceryl
sodium lauryl sulfate and dialkyl sulfo succinate and triacetate or other suitable solvents act as co-solvents.
quaternary ammonium salts, fatty alcohols such as lauryl, Triacetin is suitable since it is miscible in the oil lipid
cetyl and stearyl, glyceryl esters, fatty acid esters and

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 12

phases and it can be used to solubilize a hydrophobic drug The high polarity will promote rapid rate of release of the
[29] [33]
. drug into the aqueous phase. Sang-Cheol Chi et al. ,
Consistency builder: Additional material can be added to who observed that the rate of release of idebenone from
alter the consistency of the emulsions; such materials SMEDDS is dependent upon the polarity of the oil phase

include tragacanth, cetyl alcohol, stearic acids and /or used. The highest release was obtained with the
beeswax . formulation that had oily phase with highest polarity.
Polymers: Inert polymer matrix representing from 5 to FORMULATION
40% of composition relative to the weight, which is not The method of making self- microemulsion drug delivery
ionizable at physiological pH and being capable of system for increasing the bioavailability of a drug and/or
forming matrix are used. Examples are hydroxy propyl pharmaceutical ingredient by emulsifying the drug with
methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, etc. . the self-microemulsifying excipient includes various steps
FACTORS AFFECTING SMEDDS as described below [29]:

1. Drugs which are administered at very high dose are not 1) Preparation of phase diagram [34].
suitable for SMEDDS, unless they exhibit extremely good 2) Solubilizing a poorly water-soluble drug and/or
solubility in at least one of the components of SMEDDS, pharmaceutical ingredient, in a mixture of surfactant, co-
preferably lipophillic phase. The drugs exhibit limited surfactant and solvent. Now mix the oil phase suitably
solubility in water and lipids are most difficult to deliver prepared, if necessary, by heating or other preparatory

by SMEDDS. means, to the solubilized drug formulation and thoroughly

2. The ability of SMEDDS to maintain the drug in mixed.

solubilized form is greatly influenced by the solubility of 3) The emulsion can then be added to a suitable dosage
the drug in oily phase. If the surfactant or co-surfactant is form such as soft or hard-filled gelatin capsules and
contributing to a greater extent for drug solubilization, allowed to cool.

then there could be a risk of precipitation, as dilution of MECHANISM OF SMEDDS

SMEDDS will lead to lowering of solvent capacity of Different approaches have been reported in the literature.
surfactant or co-surfactant. No single theory explains all aspects of microemulsion
3. Equilibrium solubility measurement can be carried out formation. Schulman et al. considered that the
to anticipate potential cases of precipitation in the gut. spontaneous formation of microemulsion droplets was due
However, crystallization could be slow in solubilizing and to the formation of a complex film at the oil-water
colloidal stabilizing environment of the gut. Studies interface by the surfactant and co-surfactant.

reveals that such formulations can take up to 5 days to Thermodynamic theory of formation of microemulsion
reach equilibrium and that the drug can remain in a super explains that emulsification occurs, when the entropy
saturated state up to 24 hours after the initial change that favour dispersion is greater than the energy

[25] [36]
emulsification event . required to increase the surface area of the dispersion
4. The polarity of lipid phase is one of the factors that and the free energy (ÄG) is negative. The free energy in
govern the release from the micro-emulsion. HLB, chain the microemulsion formation, is a direct function of the
length and degree or unsaturation of the fatty acid, energy required to create a new surface between the two
molecular weight of the hydrophilic portion and phases and can be described by the equation:
concentration of the emulsifier govern polarity of the ÄG = ∑ N ð r 2 ó
droplets. In fact, the polarity reflects the affinity of the where, ÄG is the free energy associated with the process
drug for oil and/or water, and the type of forces involved. (ignoring the free energy of the mixing), N is the number

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 13

of droplets of radius r and ó represents the interfacial flow may be responsible for the enhanced drug absorption
energy. .
With time, the two phases of the emulsion tend to separate A hydrophilic drug is less likely to be absorbed through
to reduce the interfacial area, and subsequently, the free the lymphatics (chylomicron) and instead may diffuse

energy of the system decreases. Therefore, the emulsion directly in to the portal supply. Hence, in this case,
resulting from aqueous dilution are stabilized by increased dissolution from the large surface area afforded
conventional emulsifying agents, which forms a mono by emulsion may be a contributing factor to enhanced
layer around the emulsion droplets, and hence, reduce the absorption of drugs [25,41].
interfacial energy, as well as providing a barrier to prevent A relatively less focused consideration is the presence of
coalescence. surfactant in formulation, which may also play a role in
BIOAVAILABlLITY ENHANCEMENT OF DRUGS increasing the absorption of the drug [25].


The fate of SMEDDS following oral administration and Cyclosporine (Sandimmune Neoral) a microemulsion
mechanisms for improved bioavailability are shown in with self-emulsifying properties, is reported to improve
Fig.1. On coming in contact with aqueous gastric oral bioavailability and reduce inter and intra subject
components, after oral administration, SMEDDS gets variability in cyclosporine pharmacokinetics as compared

spontaneously emulsified, which is further emulsified by to its earlier version Sandimmun. The microemulsion had
the bile salt resulting in the formation of small oil droplets better absorption profile than the conventional

of approximately 0.5 µm size. In order to understand the formulation. Moreover, lower dose of cyclosporine
mechanism by which subsequent drug absorption occurs microemulsion are required to obtain Cmax value, similar
from emulsion system, it is necessary to consider the in to that obtained with conventional cyclosporine [42].
vivo behavior of constituent components. There are Gattefosse Corporation, France, has patented SMEDDS

several reports indicating enhanced drug absorption from formulation of indomethacin which offered two fold
emulsified dosage form and SMEDDS. increase in bioavailability in rats compared to
Various modes of enhanced drug absorption can be conventional formulations .
hypothesized as follows: A poorly water-soluble drug used in treating liver disease,
Drugs may be absorbed through lymphatics via biphenyl dimethyl dicarboxylate (BDD) showed ten fold
chylomicron synthesis of the fatty components of the increase in bioavailability when given orally as SMEDDS
digestible oil phase of emulsion. Lipophillic drugs, which .

preferably remain in the oil droplet, may in fact be Charman et.al reported improvement in pharmacokinetic
absorbed via bile salt micelles along with metabolites of parameters of Halofantrine (highly lipophillic anti-

the lipid carrier . malarial drug) and reduction in inter-subject variability

Bates and Sequeria suggested that inhibition of gastric when administered as SMEDDS [25].
motility caused by the presence of the lipid phase of K Itoh et al observed improvement in biopharmaceutical
emulsion might allow more time for dissolution and properties of N-4472, an investigational lipophillic drug
absorption of drug from lipid phase . having lipolytic activity in SMEDDS formulation [45,46].
Increased mucosal permeability via incorporation of lipids 1. Nitrenidipine, a calcium channel blocker with
[36] poor bioavailability showed three-fold increase in
from mixed micelles and enhanced mesenteric lymph
peak plasma

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 14

Oral administration of SMEDDS

Spontaneous emulsification in aqueous G.I fluids


Emulsified oil (triglyceride) stimulates bile secretion and drug containing oil droplets are further emulsified by bile salts.

Increased drug dissolution and Inhibit gastric motility by oil / lipid phase
absorption from large surface area of emulsion allows more time for
afforded by the emulsion. dissolution and absorption of drug from
lipid phase.

Lipid (triglyceride) droplets are then metabolized by pancreatic lipase to give free fatty acids and 2-monoglycerides.

Fatty acids are distributed Monoglycerides along with water insoluble

between other aqueous solution components such as vitamins, lipophillic
emulsion droplets and the drugs are moved into the micelles, which

micelles (formed by bile salt) diffuse through gut content to intestinal


Short chain fatty acids along Once monoglycerides along with

with hydrophilic drug are lipophillic drugs are transported into
diffused directly to portal intestinal mucosa, chylomicron synthesis
supply, while longer fatty acids takes place and are released into
are utilized in chylomicron lymphatics


Figure.1. Fate of SMEDDS following oral administration and mechanisms proposed for bioavailability enhancement of

concentration in rats when given as SMEDDS formulation The bioavailabilities of Calcein and RGD peptide were
. shown to be significantly increased when administered as
Nazzal et al observed improvement in phamacokinetics microemulsion pre-concentrate [49].
and two-fold increase in bioavailability of Ubiquinone, a
lipophillic drug used as an anti-anginal agent and as anti- EVALUATION OF SMEDDS
oxidant when given as SMEDDS [48]. 1. Visual assessment may provide important information
about the self-emulsifying property of the SMEDDS and
about the resulting dispersion . Estimation of the

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 15

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*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

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*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 17

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Conflict of Interest: NONE

*Corresponding Author: e-mail: : [email protected] ; Tel: +91-91414463636

Received on: 07-11-09 ; Accepted on: 28-12-09 Int J.Drug Dev.& Res. | Sept-December 2009 | Vol. 1 | Issue 1 | 18

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