Emerging Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Ecommerce

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The key takeaways are that AI is playing an increasingly important role in ecommerce through chatbots, marketing, and improving customer relationships. Chatbots can provide 24/7 customer support and help with tasks like ordering. AI also helps with marketing by better understanding customer needs and preferences. Examples of popular chatbots mentioned are those used by Starbucks and Pizza Hut.

AI helps in ecommerce marketing by better understanding customer needs and preferences. This allows ecommerce companies to target customers more effectively with personalized recommendations and deals. AI can analyze large amounts of customer data to gain valuable insights.

Some examples of popular chatbots mentioned are those used by Starbucks and Pizza Hut. The Starbucks chatbot can be used to place orders in its mobile app, and interprets voice commands and text. The Pizza Hut chatbot allows customers to track orders, see deals, and reorder.

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 4 Issue 5, August 2020 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Emerging Roles of Artificial Intelligence in ecommerce

Vishal Dineshkumar Soni
Department of Information Technology, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, Kentucky

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Vishal

The present study, insights on the role of artificial intelligence in e commerce. Dineshkumar Soni "Emerging Roles of
Last few years can be dedicated to e-commerce era with its rapid expansion. Artificial Intelligence in ecommerce"
At the same time the technological advances gave rise to different platforms Published in
which can be useful to update the trends and capture the market needs. Hence International Journal
this study focuses on the uses of Artificial intelligence in e commerce business. of Trend in Scientific
Research and
KEYWORDS: Artificial intelligence, E-commerce, Automation, Business, Development (ijtsrd),
Technology ISSN: 2456-6470,
Volume-4 | Issue-5, IJTSRD31768
August 2020, pp.223-
225, URL:

Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in Scientific
Research and Development Journal. This
is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of
the Creative
Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0)
Artificial Intelligence also is known as AI is one of the widest to problems and a lot more. One can see AI in the ecommerce
and popular branches of computer science in today’s date industry as chat bots, CRM, ERP, Product Content
which involved creating and building smart machines [1]. Management (PCM) and so much more.
These smart machines are constructed with a purpose that
they will be able to perform the actions which can be THE ROLE OF AI PLAYS IN BOOSTING AND BENEFITING
performed by human intelligence. It can be said with full THE ECOMMERCE INDUSTRY.
confidence that artificial intelligence is a concept which is A. Chat Bots
known to everyone. We can also say the concept of Artificial The best part about shopping online is that the ecommerce
Intelligence is used in the home for purposes such as e- websites assist its customers with 24*7 customer support
learning and e-commerce as well [2]. There is hardly any and help. This has been all possible because of chatbots.
domain which is left unaffected by artificial intelligence. We Some of our readers who are not aware that what are
can say that artificial intelligence is all around us starting chatbots, then here’s your answer. “ChatBots can be defined
from the department store you visit for grocery having self- as a type of software application which makes use of AI to
checkout cash counters to huge shopping malls and airports have online chat conversations via text or speech medium
having best and advance security systems. Apart from this, with people visiting on the website. It is these chatbots
the use of AI has also been included in the education system, which further direct the people to a live human agent who
offices, etc. With every passing day, humans are using more will assist further.” Going back a few years, the chatbots
such technology which is operated and driven by Artificial were simply designed to respond to the customer with some
Intelligence [3]. In today’s date, it has become very common standard and customary replied. However, with time and
to see machines and robot performing the daily simple and development in AI, it has now become possible for the
mundane tasks of humans to make their lives easier. Given chatbots to assist potential customers with replies and
the world we are living in which is highly profit-driven and assistance according to their needs and requirements. In
serving customers across the globe despite the time and today’s date, there are many different ecommerce websites
business needs, Artificial Intelligence has become an like Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc which make use of these
indispensable part of people’s life. It is AI which allows a AI operated chatbots. The use of Artificial Intelligence is not
business to investigate in real-time and bring more efficiency just limited to ecommerce websites, but they are also used in
in their work and also helps in countries safety, security popular applications such as Facebook Messenger, etc [4,5]
[3,4]. It can be said that in today’s date ecommerce is one
such industry which is using Artificial Intelligence at its best B. CRM- Customer Relationship Management
by generating huge customer base, understanding customer If you are still of thinking that it is the role of the human
needs, doing real-time research, coming with end solutions resource department only to look after and maintain the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31768 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2020 Page 223
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Customer Relationship Management, then you are living in automation is that it helps the businesses by allowing them
the world, which has long passed. In today’s date with the to understand what their customers want despite the time
help of Artificial Intelligence, one can gather a wide range of gap/constraint. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, sales
information data, evaluation to make sure that the best-in- representatives from across the globe can connect easily and
class services are given to the potential customers. It has work together and connect with customers as much as
only become possible with the help of AI that one can easily possible to ensure the best customer experience and high
transfer, use and share huge volumes of data which is used sales [8].
for observing the customer buying trends, choices, factors
which affect their buying decision, etc so that proper and G. AI is everywhere
secure engagement can be ensured. CRM is a very important Considering the development and involvement of Artificial
part in the ecommerce industry because it is trough the CRM Intelligence in the ecommerce industry, it can be said that by
platform only that one can study the customer’s buying the end of 2021, about 90% of the customer interactions will
trends, etc in detail to form best and profiting predictions for be dealt and handled without the humans. Acknowledging
better accuracy and better results [6]. the innovation and development which AI has bought in the
field of ecommerce, it can be said that business will see a
C. Artificial Intelligence helps to achieve the sales drastic positive change like never before. Ecommerce portals
goals such as eBay, Flipkart, Amazon, etc is making use of the
There is no hiding to the fact that if the sales are on the right Artificial Intelligence effective to grow their business [3].
path, they can make the world go ound and also ecommerce
is a field which is all dependent on sales. This is the reason ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS USED FOR FORECASTING
why Artificial Intelligence is used here as it can help the THE SALES
ecommerce companies to find a clear perspective which can One of the most significant and common uses of Artificial
ensure higher sales and a whole customer journey process. Intelligence is that, it can help in sales forecasting buy
The experts of AI- “Data scientists” and “Data Analytics” day helping people and experts to analyze huge volumes of
that if one is looking forward to pitch higher sales for higher customer data so that one can get useful and proper insights
properties, then AI can help one to achieve the same by regarding the same. The reasons why it is better to make use
generating better insights and forecasts at both micro and of Artificial Intelligence is that, if a person would be doing
macro levels in the sales trends. With the help of the right such work, then it is natural for him/her to take many days
use of Artificial Intelligence, all the ecommerce companies and hours, at times even months. Therefore, to save time and
can use their resources to the best and come up with some resources, AI is used for such purposes.
healthy pipelines ideas which can fetch better and profitable
D. Product content management (PCM) Artificial Intelligence can help ecommerce companies to do
The primary goal of every ecommerce company is to provide away with redundancies by simply automating the usual
the best customer experience to all their clients and this is processes so that personalized marketing can be offered.
what AI helps them to achieve. Starting right from the This can be better understood with the simple and
cataloguing, designing the products to making sure that the commonly used example of a chatbot. By now, we suppose
customer is having the best experience. It can be said that it that all the people must of aware of the great benefits these
is the Artificial Intelligence itself which helps people in the chatbots brings to the business by helping them to save a lot
ecommerce industry to come up with the best and quality of money in customer service.
PCM (Product Content Management) [7].  Chatbots make sure that the response time of the e-
commerce increases.
E. Customer Service  Allow the agents can get enough time to perform other
For every ecommerce business irrespective of its shape and important and tough tasks.
size, customers are its blood and backbone. Therefore, it is  These chatbots can help to address almost 90% of the
very important to ensure that your customers are having the regular questions asked by the customers.
best of facilities and experience with you. Artificial
Intelligence is actually that options which can help you USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE WILL HELP
achieve all of it so that you can always be in the good books ECOMMERCE COMPANIES TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER
of your customers. It is finally the AI which can help the SATISFACTION AND ENSURE HIGHER SALES
company to get started on the path of perfect and brilliant The right use of Artificial Intelligence cannot only help you
customer service. With Artificial Intelligence one can know improve the customer experience but also help the
about the satisfaction of the customers and how to address ecommerce companies in conversational commerce? Besides
the needs and requirements of the customers irrespective of these services, AI helps in real-time human interaction
the time and situation. One should note that if the customer between the client and the customer via messengers,
service of a business is great then it is going to yield huge chatbots, voice-chats and so much more. With the use of
volumes of profiting sales. Artificial Intelligence helps people Artificial Intelligence smart services are created in which the
to construct such a balanced environment in which a man technology ask customers the questions and based on their
and the machine work together to achieve profit and sales. answers, offer the right and customized recommendations
which are tailor-made to their expectations and
F. AI helps in automation requirements. It is with these high levels of customer
Most people think that by the word automation we mean to satisfying experience which helps the ecommerce businesses
say that the robots are going to take over all the things which to pitch higher and profitable sales. This can be explained
are performed by humans. However, the actual meaning of better with the example of Ebay’s shopbot interacts with the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD31768 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 5 | July-August 2020 Page 224
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
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