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Review of Research on Vehicles Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Methods

Article · January 2014

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M.N. Sudin
Technical University of Malaysia Malacca


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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:02 35

Review of Research on Vehicles Aerodynamic Drag

Reduction Methods
Mohd Nizam Sudin1, Mohd Azman Abdullah1, Shamsul Anuar Shamsuddin1, Faiz Redza Ramli1, Musthafah Mohd
Center for Advanced Research on Energy (CARe), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
(UTeM), Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100 Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia.
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract-- Recent spikes in fuel prices and concern regarding consumption and contributes up to 50% of the total vehicle
greenhouse gas emissions, automotive design engineers are faced fuel consumption at highway speeds. Reducing the
with the immediate task of introducing more efficient aerodynamic drag offers an inexpensive solution to improve
aerodynamic designs vehicles. The aerodynamic drags of a road fuel efficiency and thus shape optimization for low drag
vehicle is responsible for a large part of the vehicle’s fuel become an essential part of the overall vehicle design process
consumption and contribute up to 50% of the total vehicle fuel
[3]. It has been found that 40% of the drag force is
consumption at highway speeds. Review on the research
performance of active and passive flow control on the vehicle concentrated at the rear of the geometry [4].
aerodynamic drag reduction is reported in this paper. This Flow separation control is of major interest in
review intends to provide information on the current approaches fundamental fluid dynamics as well as in various engineering
and their efficiency in reducing pressure drag of ground vehicles. applications [1-56]. Numerous techniques have been explored
The review mainly focuses on the methods employed to prevent to control the flow separation either by preventing it or by
or delay air flow separation at the rear end of vehicle. Researches reducing its effects. These methods range from the use of
carried out by a number of researchers with regard to active and passive to active control devices either steady or unsteady
passive flow controls method on vehicle and their effect on (e.g. synthetic jets, acoustic excitation). Among the various
aerodynamic drag in terms of drag coefficient (CD) was
strategies employed in aerodynamic control, conventional
highlighted. Passive methods i.e. Vortex Generator (VG), spoiler
and splitter and active flow controls i.e. steady blowing, suction passive control techniques, consisting in modifying the shape
and air jet are among the methods had been reviewed. In of the vehicle or attaching add-on devices to reduce the
addition several attempts to couple these flow control methods aerodynamic drag, appears as the easiest to implement but
were also reviewed. Several aspects of aerodynamic drag that unfortunately it only dedicated for particular application. Due
need for further investigation as to assist for vehicles to wide range of applications active flow control is preferable.
aerodynamic design and for practical reasons were highlighted. Thus research efforts are now focusing on active flow control
Progressive research on active flow control was observed due to techniques as an alternative to conventional design-
its flexibility for wide range of application without body shape modification solutions.

Index Term-- Aerodynamic drag, drag coefficient, active 2. IMPACT OF AERODYNAMIC DRAG ON FUEL
control, passive control, vehicle aerodynamic CONSUMPTION
Sudden spike in fuel prices and concern of greenhouse
1. INTRODUCTION gas emissions, automotive design engineers are facing a new
The rapidly increasing fuel prices and the regulation of challenge for introducing more aerodynamic design vehicles.
green house gasses to control global warming give tremendous The ineffective aerodynamic shape results in excessive drag
pressure on design engineers to enhance the current designs of which leads to increased fuel consumption rates. The main
the vehicle using the concepts of aerodynamics as to enhance cause of vehicle aerodynamic drag is due to pressure drag or
the efficiency of vehicles [1]. Fuel consumption due to form drag. Pressure drag on vehicles due to flow separation
aerodynamic drag consumed more than half of the vehicle’s constitutes more than 80% of the total aerodynamic drag [5],
energy. Thus, the drag reduction program is one of the most while frictional drag constitutes for the remaining 20%. Thus,
interesting approaches to cater this matter. Aerodynamic drag reducing aerodynamic drag is significant for the fuel
consists of two main components: skin friction drag and consumption efficiency. In United States, the ground vehicles
pressure drag. Pressure drag accounts for more than 80% of consumed about 77% of all (domestic and imported)
the total drag and it is highly dependent on vehicle geometry petroleum; 34% is consumed by automobiles, 25% by light
due to boundary layer separation from rear window surface trucks and 18% by large heavy duty trucks and trailers. It has
and formation of wake region behind the vehicle. The location been estimated that 1% increase in fuel economy can save 245
of separation determines the size of wake region and million gallons of fuel per year. Additionally, the fuel
consequently, it determines the value of aerodynamic drag. consumption by ground vehicles accounts for over 30% of
According to Hucho [2], the aerodynamic drag of a road CO2 and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Moreover,
vehicle is responsible for a large part of the vehicle’s fuel most of the usable energy from the engine goes into

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:02 36

overcoming the aerodynamic drag (53%) and rolling Time-periodic changes in the volume of the cavity are brought
resistance (32%); only 9% is required for auxiliary equipment about by some mechanism such as an oscillating piston or a
and 6% is used by the drive-train. 15% reduction in piezoelectric diaphragm (Fig. 1). These changes in volume of
aerodynamic drag at highway speed of 55mph can result in the cavity cause alternate expulsion and ingestion of the fluid
about 5–7% in fuel saving [6]. Thus, research on vehicles across the slot with zero net mass flux (ZNMF). This process
aerodynamic drag reduction have been carried out for a few is often accompanied by the generation of a stream of vortices
decades at the edges of the orifice/slot which impart finite momentum
and vorticity into the surrounding fluid. Interaction of these
3. ACTIVE FLOW CONTROL vortical structures with the external flow field can trigger
Based upon whether the methods consume energy to instabilities and enhance mixing in the external flow [9].
control the flow or not, they are classified into active or A number of numerical simulations of synthetic jet flows
passive control methods. Active control is performed by using have also been reported in the literature. Kourta and Leclerc
actuators that require a power generally taken on the principal [10] applied the synthetic jet flow control on a road vehicle
generator of energy of the vehicle. The visible part of these wake flow. The experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel
systems includes mobile walls, circular holes or slots using Ahmed body scaled at 0.7 of the original size. Synthetic
distributed on the vehicle surface where the flow must be jet actuator (Fig. 2) was developed by using electromechanical
controlled. Their use requires mechanical, electromagnetic, analogy with the help of the Lumped Element Modelling. The
electric, piezoelectric or acoustic systems placed in the hollow aerodynamic efficiency of the drag control was analyzed for
parts of the vehicle. Their weights and their overall different Reynolds numbers, Drag reduction up to 8.5% was
dimensions must be smallest as possible to reduce their attained at Re = 1.2 × 106 with a rear window tilted at 25°.
impacts on consumption and habitable volume. Several Bellman et al., [6] employed a few oscillatory jet actuators,
control solutions have been identified, tested and analyzed for known as synthetic jet actuators at the rear face of the ground
aeronautics. It has been the same for the hydrodynamic and vehicle. Numerical simulations were performed using the
the aerodynamic of the road vehicles. The adopted solutions Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS)
generally consist on suction or blowing systems through equations in conjunction with a two-equation realizable k-ε
circular or rectangular slots. The suction and blowing can be turbulence model. The commercially available grid generator
continuous or intermittent [7]. GAMBIT and the CFD solver FLUENT were employed for
the simulations. Three generic ground vehicle configurations
3.1 Active flow control with air jets were considered in their simulations; the experimental data
A large contribution to the aerodynamic drag of a vehicle was available for these configurations without and with active
arises from the failure to fully recover pressure in the wake flow control for comparison. These studies clearly
region, especially on square back configurations. A degree of demonstrated that the active flow control techniques can be
base pressure recovery can be achieved through careful shape employed to achieve significant reduction in aerodynamic
optimisation, but the freedom of an automotive drag of ground vehicles in range of 10–15% thus, reducing the
aerodynamicist to implement significant shape changes is fuel consumption between 5–7%.
limited by a variety of additional factors such styling,
ergonomics and loading capacity. Active flow control
technologies present the potential to create flow field
modifications without the need for external shape changes and
have received much attention in previous years within the
aeronautical industry and, more recently, within the
automotive industry. Bideaux et al. [8] performed
experimental studies in a wind tunnel to control the flow
separation on rear window of a generic vehicle shape (the
Ahmed body with a scale of 0.7 and a slope angle of 35°). The
rear part of Ahmed body was modified by changing the sharp
edge between roof and rear window with smooth curved
surfaces. This model was equipped with a strip of pulsed jets
at the end of the roof to control the flow at a velocity of 30 Fig. 1. (a) Cross-sectional schematic of the jet configuration used in the
m/s based on a periodical blowing. A maximum of 20% drag experiment (not to scale). The dashed oval indicates roughly the region of the
reduction was obtained with a pulsed frequency at 500 Hz and jet actuator modelled in the current computations. (b) Engineering drawing of
a momentum coefficient Cµ = 2.75x10−3. This result confirms actuator geometry used in the experiment [9].
the significant of pulsed jets in reducing aerodynamic drag of
A typical synthetic jet actuator consists of a jet orifice or
lot opposed on one side by an otherwise sealed cavity and
flush mounted on the other side to a fluid dynamic surface.

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:02 37

window. They found, the reduction of rear axle lift with active
flow control was possible with small trade-off losses in drag
performance. A reduction of rear axle lift by about 5% was
possible with CD changes around 1%.
Littlewood and Passmore [15] investigated the influence
of steady blowing applied at a variety of angles on the roof
trailing edge of a simplified ¼ scale square back style vehicle.
Hot-wire anemometry, force balance measurements, surface
Fig. 2. Synthetic jet actuator [10]
pressure measurements and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
As speed of ground vehicle increases, there are increased were used to investigate the effects of the steady blowing on
concerns on the aerodynamic drag reduction of ground the vehicle wake structures and the resulting body forces. The
vehicle. Recently, synthetic jet is emerging as a promising energy consumption of the steady jet was calculated and was
active flow control technology for aerodynamic drag used to deduce an aerodynamic drag power change. Results
reduction. Park et al. [11] performed an experimental show that overall gains were achieved. They concluded that
parametric study on synthetic jet for aerodynamic drag the requirement for large mass flow rate limits the
reduction of Ahmed model. Synthetic jet array was applicability of this technique to road vehicles.
constructed by twelve synthetic jet actuators, and installed on An active flow control approach was investigated in
two kinds of Ahmed model, of which slant angles are 25° and order to reduce the aerodynamic drag of a generic square-
35°. The jets are emanated between the roof and the rear slant backed vehicle. The investigations were carried out at Re = 5
surface. Jet angle, momentum coefficient, and driving x 105. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) was performed as it is
frequency were changed to assess the effect of synthetic jet suitable for time dependent flows around vehicles with large
array on aerodynamic drag. To quantify the effect of synthetic coherent structures. Active flow control was applied in order
jet, the aerodynamic drag and rear surface pressure were to achieve drag reduction using steady blowing through small
measured and analyzed. From the result, the effect of synthetic slits near the edges of the rear surface. The blowing velocity
jet actuation on aerodynamic drag differs according to the was equal to the inflow velocity (vblow = U0), and the
slant angle of the body. The aerodynamic drag was reduced blowing angle was changed from θ = 0° to θ = 60°. It was
for 25° slanted body, but increased for 35° model. In addition, shown that these control techniques can achieve a maximum
jet angle, momentum coefficient, and driving frequency affect drag decrease for the θ = 45° control version of around 12%
the quantity of change in aerodynamic drag [12]. [16].
The influence of rear-end periodic forcing on the drag A model of a generic vehicle shape, the Ahmed body
coefficient was then investigated using electrically operated with a 25° slant, was equipped with an array of blowing
magnetic valves in an open-loop control scheme. Four distinct steady microjets 6 mm downstream of the separation line
configurations of flow control were tested: rectangular pulsed between the roof and the slanted rear window. The goal of the
jets aligned with the spanwise direction or in winglets study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this actuation
configuration on the roof end and rectangular jets or a large method in reducing the aerodynamic drag, by reducing or
open slot at the top of the rear slant. For each configuration, suppressing the 3D closed separation bubble located on the
the influence of the forcing parameters (non-dimensional slanted surface. The efficiency of this control approach was
frequency, injected momentum) on the drag coefficient was quantified with the help of aerodynamic load measurements.
studied, along with their impact on the static pressure on both The changes in the flow field when control is applied were
the rear slant and vertical base of the model. Depending on the examined using PIV, wall pressure measurements and skin
type and location of pulsed jets actuation, the maximum drag friction visualisations. By activating the steady microjet array,
reduction was obtained for increasing injected momentum or the drag coefficient was reduced by 9-14% and the lift
well-defined optimal pulsation frequencies. A drag reduction coefficient up to 42%, but depending on the Reynolds number
of 30% was achieved, almost corresponding to the goal of [17].
automotive industry [13]. Wassen and Thiele [18] investigated drag reduction of
generic fastback vehicle by applying an active control with
3.2 Active flow control with steady blowing steady blowing. The actuation was applied at the rear edges of
The design of the rear part of a car has great impact onto the vehicle (Fig. 3). The blowing direction was 90◦ upward at
the vehicle’s aerodynamic behavior. Lift and drag are strongly the slant edges and 45◦ inward at the edges of the vertical base.
influenced by the topology of the flow in this area. The blunt They found this approach reduced the total aerodynamic drag
body geometry of common passenger cars produces a by 10.2%. The active control prevented the flow reattachment
detached, transient flow which induces fluctuating forces on on the slant, leading to a significantly higher surface pressure
the body, acting especially on the rear axle. This effect may in this area. At the same time, some adverse effects were
distress dynamic stability and comfort significantly. The observed which reduced the amount of drag reduction. These
application of steady blowing on a realistic car model was effects were a pressure decrease on the vertical part of the
carried out by Heinemann et al. [14] to observe its influence back, a pressure increase on the front, and an increase in
on the drag and lift forces on the rear portion supplied through friction drag.
continuous slots at positions above and beneath the rear

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simulation used was k-epsilon flow turbulence model. In this

configuration, the front part of body was inclined at an angle
of 35◦ with respect to the horizontal. The geometry was placed
in a 3D-rectangular numerical domain with length, width and
height equal to 8l, 2l and 2l, respectively. The suction and
blowing velocities were set to 1 m/s, 5 m/s, 10 m/s and 15 m/s,
respectively. The results show that aerodynamic drag
reductions close to 15.83% for suction and 14.38% for
blowing were obtained [20].

3.3 Active flow control with suction

Automobile aerodynamic studies are typically undertaken
to improve safety and increase fuel efficiency as well as to
find new innovation in automobile technology to deal with the
problem of energy crisis and global warming. Some car
companies have the objective to develop control solutions that
enable to reduce the aerodynamic drag of vehicle and
significant modification progress is still possible by reducing
the mass, rolling friction or aerodynamic drag. Some flow
control method provides the possibility to modify the flow
separation to reduce the development of the swirling structures
Fig. 3. Size, position and blowing direction (above) and numbering of slit around the vehicle. In Harinaldi et al. [21] study, a family van
segments (below) [18] was modeled with a modified form of Ahmed's body by
Many studies show that an active flow control provides a changing the orientation of the flow from its original form
very good alternative prospect for reducing the aerodynamic (modified/reversed Ahmed body). This model was equipped
drag on automotive vehicles. Tarakka and Simanungkalit [19] with suction on the rear side to comprehensively examine the
applied an active flow control of blowing in a bluff body van pressure field modifications that occur. The investigation
model adapted from modified Ahmed model which was combines computational and experimental work.
considered the closest basic model of the family van widely Computational approach used a commercial software with
produced by car manufacturer. The research was carried out standard k-epsilon flow turbulence model, and the objectives
by computational and experimental method. The was to determine the characteristics of the flow field and
computational approach used k−ε standard turbulence model aerodynamic drag reduction that occurred in the test model.
with the objective to determine the characteristics of the flow Experimental approach used load cell in order to validate the
field, the intensity of turbulence and aerodynamic drag aerodynamic drag reduction obtained by computational
reduction that occurred in the test model. Meanwhile, the approach (Fig. 4). The results show that the application of
experimental approach used load cell in order to validate the suction in the rear part of the van model gives the effect of
aerodynamic drag reduction obtained by the computational reducing the wake and the vortex formation. They found that
approach. The results showed that the addition of active aerodynamic drag reduction is closed to 13.86% for the
control by blowing gives an influence on characteristics of the computational approach and 16.32% for the experimental.
flow field, the intensity of turbulence and aerodynamic drag.
Aerodynamic drag reductions close to 13.92% for
computational approach and 11.11 % for experimental
approach. The obtained drag reduction indicates that the flow
of blowing is able to effectively reduce the wake that occurred
in the back of the bluff body van model.
Method of active flow control can be applied to reduce
aerodynamic drag of the vehicle as it provides the possibility
to modify locally the flow, to remove or delay the separation
position or to reduce the development of the recirculation zone
at the back as well as the separated swirling structures around
the vehicle. A passenger van was modeled with a modified
form of Ahmed's body by changing the orientation of the flow
from its original form (modified/reversed Ahmed Body). This
model was equipped with suction and blowing on the rear side Fig. 4. Scheme of aerodynamic drag force measurement [21]
to comprehensively examine the pressure field modifications New development constraints prompted by new pollutant
that occur in order to modify the near wall flow toward emissions and fuel consumption standards (Corporate Average
reducing the aerodynamics drag. The computational Economy Fuel) require that automobile manufacturers develop
new flow control devices capable of reducing the aerodynamic

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drag of motor vehicles. The solutions envisaged must have a vehicle, mainly to generate down force (which is needed for
negligible impact on the vehicle geometry. In this context, better performance). Although, the effect of such VGs was
flow control by continuous suction is seen as a promising studied in the past, not all features of the flow fields were
alternative. The control configurations identified in 2D documented. For example, the shape of the vortex wake
numerical analysis were adapted for this purpose and tested on behind a VG, the wake rollup and the resulting pressure
a 3D geometry. A local suction system located on the upper signature is still not well understood. To answer the above
part of the rear window was capable of eliminating the rear questions (van de Wijdeven and Katz [24] studied the surface
window separation on simplified fastback car geometry. pressure distribution and the trailing vortex signature behind
Aerodynamic drag reductions close to 17% were obtained the VGs of a generic model in a low speed wind tunnel. The
[22]. airfoil shaped VGs were tested to demonstrate the incremental
Aerodynamic drag is an important factor in vehicles fuel effect of the vortex wake and the effect of rake (vehicle's
consumption. Pressure drag which is the main component of angle of attack), was investigated as well. The results of this
total drag is a result of boundary layer separation from vehicle study provide quantitative information on the expected loads
surface. Jahanmiri and Abbaspour [23] experimentally and pressure distribution behind such large-scale VGs; data
investigated the effect of suction and base bleeding as two needed for the successful application of such devices to actual
active flow control methods on aerodynamic drag reduction of vehicles. In order to delay the flow separation at the rear,
Ahmed body with 35° rear slant angle. Suction in boundary bump-shaped VGs at the roof end of a car were tested for two
layer was applied in order to delay flow separation by different types of car models Sedan and Hatchback (Fig.5). In
extracting flow particles with low kinetic energy near the separate study, the aerodynamic analysis was carried out using
model surface and the sucked air was blown into the wake of GAMBIT and FLUENT for Sedan and Hatchback models.
the model to increase the static pressure of the wake region. CFD analysis confirms that the use of VGs reduces both the
The location of suction is at the beginning of rear slant surface drag and lift coefficients [25].
and the location of blowing is at the middle part of rear
vertical part of the model. Boundary layer suction at the
beginning of rear slant surface of Ahmed model can reduce
the drag. However, if the suction less than 0.0021 m3/s, it may
lead to the increment of drag. This is due to the fact that weak
suction intensifies the secondary flow on the rear slant surface
of the model rather than affecting free stream.
Aubrun et al. [17] constructed a test facility to
realistically simulate the flow around a two dimensional car
shaped body in a wind tunnel. A moving belt simulator has
been employed to generate the relative motion between model
and ground. In a first step, the aerodynamic coefficients CL
and CD of the model were determined using static pressure and
force measurements. LDA-measurements behind the model
show the large vortex and turbulence structures of the near and
far wake. In a second step, the ambient flow around the model
was modified by way of an active flow control which uses the
Coanda effect, whereby the base-pressure increases by nearly
50% and the total drag was reduced by 10%.


The passive control systems consist on the use of more or
less discrete obstacles, added around or on the roof of the
vehicle. They can be declined in two groups according to their
influence on the flow control. The first group consists on
obstacles positioned on the surface of the geometry. The
second group consists of the obstacles positioned upstream or
Fig. 5. Position of VG at the rear end of the roof (above) dimensions of a
downstream of the geometry to be controlled [7]. bump shaped VG (below) [25].

4.1 Passive control: Effect of VG on aerodynamic drag One of the main causes of aerodynamic drag for sedan
A VG is an aerodynamic surface which is basically a vehicles is the separation of flow near the vehicle’s rear end.
small vane that creates a vortex. VG widely used in the To delay flow separation, bump-shaped VGs were tested for
aerospace industry, mainly to control boundary layer transition application to the roof end of a sedan. Commonly used on
and to delay flow separations. A different type of VG is used aircraft to prevent flow separation, VGs themselves create
on race cars for manipulating the flow over and under the drag, but they also reduce drag by preventing flow separation

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:02 40

at downstream. The overall effect of VG was calculated by they do have measurable effect on aerodynamic drag reduction
totaling the positive and negative effects. Since this effect and vehicle stability [31].
depends on the shape and size of VGs, those on the vehicle The simulation of external aerodynamics is one of the
roof were optimized. It was found that the optimum height of most challenging and important automotive CFD applications.
the VGs is almost equivalent to the thickness of the boundary With the rapid developments of digital computers, CFD is
layer (15 to 25 mm) and the optimum method of placement is used as a practical tool in modern fluid dynamics research. It
to arrange them in a row in the lateral direction 100 mm integrates fluid mechanics disciplines, mathematics and
upstream of the roof end at intervals of 100 mm. Based on the computer science. With high-speed automobiles much more
comparison study they found delta-wing-shaped VG is more common nowadays, reducing the lift coefficient to enhance
effective than bump-shaped VG [26]. stability on the road is no longer just a concern for race cars.
Large investments are aimed at minimizing power Spoilers are one of the well-known devices for producing
needed for propulsion i.e., new downsized engines with new down force on a moving vehicle. Hu and Wong [31] studied
aerodynamic devices for drag reduction. For passenger the flow around a simplified high speed passenger car with a
vehicles the aerodynamic drag force is the dominating rear-spoiler (Fig. 6) and without a rear-spoiler. The standard
resistance force at higher velocity. The vehicle body is often k-ε model was selected to numerically simulate the external
optimized for reducing the drag resistance. VGs belong to the flow field of the simplified Camry model with or without a
category boundary layer manipulators. Their function is to rear-spoiler. Through an analysis of the simulation results, a
reenergize an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer that is new rear spoiler was designed and it shows a mild reduction
about to separate by transporting high momentum fluid from of the vehicle aerodynamics drag. This leads to less vehicle
the outer part of the boundary layer down to the low fuel consumption on the road.
momentum zone closer to the wall. Gopal and Senthilkumar Daryakenari et al. [32] studied the three-dimensional
[27] studied the variation of pressure coefficient, dynamic turbulent flow over both a simple car model and a real road
pressure, coefficient of lift and drag with and without VGs on vehicle. They found that flow pattern and the results for
the roof of a utility vehicle for varying yaw angles of VG. The aerodynamic forces were in good agreement with
yaw angles used are 10°, 15° and 20°. To measure the effect experimental results. In addition, the same method was used to
of altering the vehicle body, wind tunnel tests have been investigate the effect of numerous rear-spoilers on lift and
performed with 1:15 scaled model of the utility vehicle with drag coefficients of the models. They found a significant
velocities of 2.42, 3.7, 5.42 and 7.14m/s. The experiments reduction in lift and drag on the models. The popular k−ω
showed that a great improvement of the aerodynamic drag SST turbulence model was used to assess aerodynamic forces,
force reduction can be achieved with VG. as well as pressure and velocity distribution.
Reduction of the aerodynamic forces on a minivan has
been achieved using a pair of pockets at the left and the right
sides, respectively, of the rear roof end of the vehicle. The two
pockets generate cross-streamwise vortices that cause the
turbulent kinetic energy to increase in the boundary layer in
the downstream of the two pockets. This increased turbulent
kinetic energy induces the flow separation to be delayed
further downstream along the vehicle back. Unlike the
common Vortex Generators (VGs) of extrusive type, these
VGs of a pocket type do not cause any additional drag by
themselves [28]. Mazyan [29] numerically investigated the
effect of VGs on drag. Drag reduction of 4.2% and 10% were
attained for the SUV model and Ahmed car model,

4.2 Passive control: Effect of spoiler on aerodynamic drag Fig. 6. 3D vehicle model with rear spoiler [31].
The spoiler is used as a tool to minimize unfavorable air
movement around the vehicle and can be divided into the front Kodali and Bezavada [33] carried out a similar study.
spoilers and the rear spoilers. A front spoiler, connected with They observed that, the presence of a rear spoiler reduces lift
the bumper, is mainly used to direct air flow away from the force at the back side of the car. Results show that there was
tires to the underbody. A rear spoiler is commonly installed considerable reduction in the coefficient of lift of around 80%
upon the trunk lid of a passenger vehicle. The added spoiler with the presence of rear spoiler and a very insignificant
can diffuse the airflow passing a vehicle, which minimizes the increase in the coefficient of drag of around 3% when the
turbulence at the rear of the vehicle, adds more downward vehicle was fitted with a rear spoiler. By the disturbance
pressure to the back end and reduces lift acted on the rear created in the streamline flow due to the presence of a rear
trunk [30]. The rear spoiler is no longer just a decoration and spoiler, there was reduction in the flow separation at the trunk
resulting in increase of turbulence. In conclusion, the study
reveals that rear spoilers have considerable effect on lift, i.e.

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vehicle stability and moderate effect on drag i.e. Fuel application to lift and drag forces on a vehicle in ground
consumption. proximity. The results show a potential to reduce aerodynamic
4.3 Passive control: Underbody diffuser drag of the sedan car approximately 10%, and the wagon car
Mazyan [29] analyzed the effect of applying drag by 2–3 %. The possible gain was much bigger for the sedan
reducing devices on a sedan, sports utility vehicle (SUV) and vehicle and the optimum occurs at a higher diffuser angle.
a tractor trailer model to improve the fuel consumption of the This was most likely due to the fact that the sedan car in its
vehicle. Both RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes original shape produced more lift force than the wagon, a
equations) and LES are used to analyze the percent drag wagon usually produces very little lift or even down-force.
reduction due to the use of different drag reducing devices. Lift forces were also reduced with the use of under-body
The numerical procedure is first validated against the covers with diffuser. The down-force increased, or lifts force
experimental data for the tractor-trailer model with no drag decreased, linearly with increased diffuser angle, and the trend
reducing devices installed. Following the validation, was the same for both sedan and wagon rear ends. Flow
simulations are carried out to investigate the percent drag analysis of the wake showed the importance of how the wake
reduction by installing a modified front head to help the flow is balanced.
transition from the tractor to the trailer, and inventive rear This research aims to develop an actively translating rear
wings that direct the air flow towards the rear of the vehicle diffuser device to reduce the aerodynamic drag experienced by
where low pressure exists. The tractor trailer results showed a passenger cars. One of the features of the device is that it is
total drag reduction of around 21% when the front and rear ordinarily hidden under the rear bumper but slips out
drag reducing devices was installed. Huminic et al. [34] backward only under high-speed driving conditions. Kang et
presented new results concerning the flow around the Ahmed al. [12] designed a movable arc-shaped semi-diffuser device,
body fitted with a rear underbody diffuser without endplates, round in form, to maintain the streamlined automobile’s rear
to reveal the influence of the underbody geometry, shaped as a underbody configuration. The device was installed in the rear
venturi nozzle, on the main aerodynamic characteristics. The bumper section of a passenger car. Seven types of rear diffuser
study was performed for different geometrical configurations devices whose positions and protrusive lengths and widths are
of the underbody, radius of the front section, length and the different (with the basic shape being identical) were installed
angle of the diffuser being the parameters, which were varied. and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analyses were
Later, based on a theoretical approach, the coefficients of the performed under moving ground and rotating wheel
equivalent aerodynamic resistances of the front section of conditions. The main purpose of this study was to explain the
underbody and diffuser were computed, which help to aerodynamic drag reduction mechanism of a passenger car
evaluate the drag due to underbody geometry. cruising at high speed via an actively translating rear diffuser
Reducing resistance forces all over the vehicle is the device. The base pressure of the passenger car was increased
most sustainable way to reduce fuel consumption. by deploying the rear diffuser device, which then prevents the
Aerodynamic drag is the dominating resistance force at low-pressure air coming through the underbody from directly
highway speeds, and the power required to overcome this soaring up to the rear surface of the trunk. At the same time,
force increases by the power three of speed. The exterior body the device generates a diffusing process that lowers the
and especially the under-body and rear-end geometry of a velocity but raises the pressure of the underbody flow,
passenger car are significant contributors to the overall bringing about aerodynamic drag reduction. Finally, the
aerodynamic drag. To reduce the aerodynamic drag it is of automobile’s aerodynamic drag was reduced by an average of
great importance to have a good pressure recovery at the rear. more than 4%, which helps to improve the constant speed fuel
Since pressure drag is the dominating aerodynamic drag force efficiency by approximately 2% at a range of driving speeds
for a passenger vehicle, the drag force will be a measure of the exceeding 70 km/h.
difference between the pressure in front and at the rear. There
is high stagnation pressure at the front which requires a base 4.4 Passive control: Others add-on devices
pressure as high as possible. The pressure will recover from Wahba et al. [36] numerically investigated the use of
the sides by a taper angle, from the top by the rear wind lateral guide vanes as a drag reducing device for ground
screen, and from the bottom, by a diffuser. It is not necessarily vehicles (Fig. 7). Two types of ground vehicles were
the case that an optimized lower part of the rear end for a considered, a simplified bus model and a simplified sport
wagon-type car has the same performance as for a sedan or utility vehicle (SUV) model. The guide vanes were used to
hatch-back car [35]. direct air into the low-pressure wake region in order to
Marklund et al. [35] focused their study on the function enhance pressure recovery, which in turn would reduce form
of an under-body diffuser applied to a sedan and wagon car. drag and hence the overall aerodynamic drag. CFD
The diffuser geometry was chosen from a feasibility stand- simulations were used to assess the efficiency of the drag
point of a production vehicle such as a passenger car. The reducing device. The steady-state simulations were based on
fluid dynamic function and theory of the automotive under- the RANS equations, with turbulence closure provided
body diffuser working as a drag reduction device was through two-equation eddy-viscosity models. Guide vane
discussed. The flow physics of the under-body and the wake cross-section, chord length and angle of attack were varied in
was analyzed to understand the diffuser behaviour in its order to obtain the optimal configuration for improved

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aerodynamic performance. Results of simulations indicated

that an overall reduction in the aerodynamic drag coefficient is
up to 18% for the bus and SUV models with lateral guide
vanes. Comparison with available data in the literature was
carried out for validation.
Khalighi et al. [37] investigated several drag reduction
devices installed in the rear of a bluff body with square back
geometry in ground proximity. The experiments include drag,
base pressure measurements and velocity measurements using
PIV. The results of the drag and base pressure measurements
show that significant reductions of the total aerodynamic drag
(as high as 48%) was achieved. The results also indicated that
models with base cavity have lower drag than model without
Fig. 7. Schematic with lateral guide vanes installed for (above) the box and
it. The base pressure distributions showed a strong effect of (below) the SUV models [36]
the ground, resulting to decrease of pressure towards the lower
half of the base. The devices were found to have a strong Howell et al. [39] investigated various techniques to
effect on the underbody flow. Rapid upward deflection of the reduce the aerodynamic drag of bluff bodies through the
underbody flow in the near wake was observed for the vehicle mechanism of base pressure recovery. These include, for
with drag reduction devices. The devices were also found to example, boat-tailing, base cavities and base bleed. In this
reduce the turbulent intensities in the near wake region. study an Ahmed body in squareback configuration was
Khalighi et al. [38] investigated the unsteady flow around modified to include a base cavity of variable depth, which is
a simplified road vehicle model with and without drag ventilated by slots. The investigation was conducted in free
reduction devices. The simulations were carried out using the stream and in ground proximity. The results showed that, with
unsteady RANS in conjunction with the v2-f turbulence a plain cavity, the overall body drag was reduced for a wide
model. The corresponding experiments were performed in a range of cavity depths, but a different minimum drag
small wind tunnel which includes pressure and velocity fields condition was obtained. On adding ventilation slots a
measurements. The devices are add-on geometry parts which comparable drag reduction was achieved but at a greatly
is a box with a cavity and boat-tail without a cavity. These reduced cavity depth. Pressure data in the cavity was used to
devices were attached to the back of the square-back model determine the base drag component and showed that the
meant to improve the pressure recovery and reduce the flow device drag component was significant.
unsteadiness. They found that the recirculation regions at the Gilliéron and Kourta [40] investigated the capacity of
base were shortened and weakened and the base pressure was vertical splitter plates placed at the front or the rear of
significantly increased by the devices which lead to lower simplified car geometry to reduce drag, with and without skew
drag coefficients (up to 30% reduction in drag). In addtion a angle, for Reynolds numbers between 1.0 × 106 and 1.6 × 106.
reduction of the turbulence intensities in the wake as well as a The geometry used was a simplified geometry to represent
rapid upward deflection of the underbody flow with the estate-type vehicles, for the rear section, and MPV-type
devices in place was observed. The baseline configuration vehicle. Drag reductions of nearly 28% were obtained for a
(square-back) exhibits strong three-dimensional flapping of zero skew angle with splitter plates placed at the front of
the wake. Comparisons with the measurements show that the models of MPV or utility vehicles. The results demonstrated
simulations agree reasonably well with the experiments in the advantage of adapting the position and orientation of the
terms of drag and the flow structures. splitter plates in the presence of a lateral wind. All these
results confirm the advantage of this type of solution, and they
suggested that this expertise should be used in the automotive
sector to reduce fuel consumption and improve dynamic
stability of road vehicles.
Fourrié et al. [41] experimentally studied a passive flow
control on a generic car model. The control consists of a
deflector placed on the upper edge of the model rear window.
The study was carried out in a wind tunnel at Reynolds
numbers based on the model height of 3.1 × 105 and 7.7 × 105.
The flow was investigated via standard and stereoscopic PIV,
Kiel pressure probes and surface flow visualization. The
aerodynamic drag was measured using an external balance and
calculated using a wake survey method. Drag reductions up to
9% were obtained depending on the deflector angle. The
deflector increases the separated region on the rear window.
The results show that when this separated region is wide

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enough, it disrupts the development of the counter-rotating

longitudinal vortices appearing on the lateral edges of the rear
window. They suggested that flow control on such geometries
should consider all the flow structures that contribute to the
model wake flow.
Various vehicles have been designed as short blunt
bodies. Drag coefficients of these bodies are high because
adverse pressure gradients cause boundary layer separation
from their surfaces, but a reduction of the size of separation
zone allows for a substantial reduction of the body drag. It can
be done via displacement of their boundary layer separation
far downstream. Such displacement was achieved with a
passive flow control. Rohatgi [42] built and tested a small
scale model (length 1710 mm) of General Motor SUV in the Fig. 9. Passenger car with tail plates [43].
wind tunnel under expected wind conditions and road
clearance for two passive devices namely rear screen, it is 4.4 Passive control: body streamline
plate behind the car and rear fairing where the end of the car is The Ahmed body is used as a reference model for
aerodynamically extended (Fig.8). It was found that rear fundamental studies of car-type bluff body aerodynamics, in
screen could reduce drag up to 6.5% and rear fairing can particular focused on the influence of the rear slant angle on
reduce the drag by 26%. However the implementation of any the drag coefficient. Conan et al. [44] carried out study to
drag reduction options was limited by aesthetic and practical obtain reliable drag coefficient comparable to the literature
considerations of vehicle. Sharma and Bansal [43] evaluated and explained the nature of the flow over Ahmed body when
the drag coefficient of passenger car that was installed with the rear slant angle was changed from 10° to 40°. The drag
the tail plate (Fig.9). They found that the addition of tail plates coefficients were measured in both an open and a closed test
results in a reduction of the drag-coefficient 3.87% and lift sections differ by less than 0.5% which proves the reliability
coefficient 16.62% in head-on wind. They made a conclusion and reproducibility of the results. The sensitivity of the drag
that the drag force can be reduced by using add on devices on coefficient to some parameters such as the model roughness or
vehicle leading to fuel economy and improving stability of a the oncoming boundary layer and the lack of precise
passenger car. information on these parameters in the literature could explain
the difference observed with the Ahmed drag coefficient data.
The various types of measurement techniques were used in
this study underline for complementarily. The combination of
PIV and oil visualization provides a deeper understanding of
the flow behaviour around the Ahmed body and a physical
interpretation of the drag coefficient evolution.
Separation on the rear end of an Ahmed body was
suppressed by means of coherent streamline streaks forced on
the roof of the model. These streaks originate from an array of
suitably shaped cylindrical roughness elements and were
amplified by the mean shear through the lift-up effect.
Interacting with the mean velocity field at leading order, they
induce a strong controlled spanwise modulation. The resulting
streaky base flow was observed to sustain the adverse pressure
gradient since PIV measurements as well as static wall
pressure distributions show that the re-circulation bubble
completely vanishes. These modifications of the topology of
the flow were associated with a substantial drag reduction,
which can be of about 10% when the roughness array was
optimally placed on the roof of the bluff body [45].
The separated flow past the square-back model used in
the experiments of Ahmed et al. [46] is controlled using flaps
at the end of the top and bottom faces. Grandemange et al.
[47] performed a parametric study of the flow regarding the
slant angle of the flaps from pressure and force measurements
as well as PIV. When the bottom flap orientation was fixed,
Fig. 8. Vehicle model with side view of rear screen (above) and four-section variations in the top slant angle indicate a quadratic
rear fairing (below) [42]. dependence of drag versus lift. This relationship presents self-
similarities when modifying the bottom flap angle. It was

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furthermore observed that the lift was an affine function of a generic passenger car model (the Ahmed Body) and the
both slant angles and the drag was a second-order polynomial NURBS parameters were employed for geometry
containing a coupling term between the two angles. The parameterization. These geometry parameters were
evolution of the drag, depending on both angles, was systematically modified using design of experiments to obtain
discussed. The contribution of the wake size, lift-induced drag different geometries of the simplified car model. The
as well as the local drag induced by the inclination of the flaps computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were
was interpreted. performed on these geometries to obtain drag coefficients.
Drag and lift forces plays a vital role in the performance Once the results of CFD simulations were available, a
and stability of vehicles. Less drag means less fuel response surface model was constructed using linear
consumption and hence less vehicular pollution. Also, lower regression technique. Finally, the design exploration was
lift force means higher chance of adhesion of the car body performed using the response surface model instead of actual
with the ground causing less overturning of the vehicle, which CFD simulations. This technique resulted in a radical
improves the vehicle performance. Both drag and lift forces simplification of the design process as the behavior of the
can be manipulated by varying the ground clearance of the aerodynamic drag was predicted using a simple polynomial.
cars in experimental study. Mitra [48] studied the effect of The proposed methodology was implemented to perform
ground clearance on these aerodynamic forces experimentally. design exploration of a generic fast back model. The response
The result revealed that increase in ground clearance will surface model was able to predict the aerodynamic drag
increase drag and decrease lift. Therefore, optimization to coefficients within an error of 5%. Aerodynamic shape
obtain the best ground clearance is required. optimization was also performed on a generic notch back
Doost [49] carried out aerodynamic analysis to observe model using the response surface technique and the optimized
the flow lines, vortex generated around the car and the geometry parameters for minimum drag were obtained in only
pressure distribution on the vehicle structure. Later on the area 18 iterations. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded
that increases the drag force was identified that providing idea that the proposed methodology is inexpensive, simple and
to reduce the drag force. The ideas were to channel air from robust. It can therefore provide the basic framework for the
the front bumper to rear bumper transfer leading to reduce the design and development of low drag passenger cars.
air pressure in front of the vehicle and reduction in the vortex In the recent times, CFD simulations, with the advent of
behind the car was covered in foam equipment. The proposed computer architectures with superfast processing capabilities
design reduces drag coefficient by 23%, directly improving are rapidly emerging as an attractive alternative to
fuel consumption in vehicles. This remarkable save in fuel conventional wind tunnel tests which are either too restrictive
provides reduction in air pollution and brings about a green or expensive, for aerodynamic styling of a car. In vehicle body
environment. development, reduction of drag is essential for improving fuel
consumption thus protects the global environment and driving
5. DESIGN OPTIMIZATION FOR DRAG REDUCTION performance, and if an aerodynamically refined body is also
Song et al. [50] proposed an aerodynamically optimized aesthetically attractive, it will contribute much to increase the
outer shape of a sedan by using an Artificial Neural Network vehicle’s appeal to potential customers. Islam and Mamun
(ANN), which focused on modifying the rear body shapes of [52] outlined the process taken to optimize the geometry of a
the sedan. To determine the optimization variables, the vehicle. Vertices and edges were imported into Gambit and a
unsteady flow field around the sedan driving at very fast computational domain created. An unstructured triangular
speeds was analyzed by CFD simulation, and fluctuations of mesh was then applied. The CFD program Fluent was used to
the drag coefficient (CD) and pressure around the car were iterate toward a converged solution with the goal of obtaining
calculated. After consideration of the baseline result of CFD, 6 a better flow around the car and drag force. The results were
local parts from the end of the sedan were chosen as the analyzed and only the drag force was compared with a
design variables for optimization. Moreover, an ANN recognized journal to validate the results.
approximation model was established with 64 experimental
points generated by the D-optimal methodology. As a result, 6. COUPLE FLOW CONTROL METHODS
an aerodynamically optimized shape for the rear end of the Several couple control techniques were used to reduce
sedan in which the aerodynamic performance was improved the drag coefficient of the square back Ahmed body. Bruneau
by about 5.64% when compared to the baseline vehicle was et al. [13] carried out an investigation to show the possiblility
proposed. Finally, it was expected that within the accepted to couple passive and active control techniques to improve the
range of shape modifications for a rear body, the aerodynamic flow control. Based on their study, a drag reduction of 30%
performance of a sedan was enhanced so that the fuel was achieved though this combination. Kim et al. [53] used
efficiency of the sedan was improved. the distributed forcing to reduce drag on a two-dimensional
The rear geometry of a passenger car has the most model vehicle. The forcing (blowing and suction) was applied
significant influence on its aerodynamic characteristics. Ghani at the upper and lower trailing edges, and is steady in time but
[51] studied the aerodynamic shape optimization of the rear varies sinusoidally in the spanwise direction. Both the LES
geometry of passenger cars. The Non-uniform rational B- (LES) and wind-tunnel experiment were carried out. LES was
spline (NURBS) curve was used to represent the rear body of performed at the Reynolds number (Re) = 4200, whereas

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Re=20 000 and 40 000 were considered in the experiment. It scale PoP clay model of a high-speed SEDAN car tested in
was shown that a significant base-pressure recovery (i.e. drag wind tunnel. A total of 26 combinations are tested for the car
reduction) was obtained with the present distributed forcing model by changing the flow angles, spoiler angles and
under LES, together with a substantial suppression of vortex orientations of vortex generators (co-rotating and counter-
shedding in the wake behind the model vehicle. Similar results rotating). A marked improvement in static pressure along the
were also obtained from the experiment at higher Reynolds car roof, especially at the car rear is noticed at a flow angle
numbers, indicating that the present distributed forcing for 30 by subsequent use of rear spoiler at angle = +45 and co-
drag reduction is applicable to a two-dimensional bluff body rotating vortex generators. It can be seen in that in general, the
at various Reynolds numbers. Brunn et al., [54] investigated surface pressure coefficients are positive and reasonably
the drag reduction on generic fastback vehicle with the uniform over the windward face (the side facing the airflow)
application of active control approaches which is a of the car. It is also observed that suction is present on the roof
combination of steady blowing and suction. Blowing and of the vehicle, and this suction tend to increase from the front
suction was done through an array of small slits along the to rear of the vehicle. The best combination in terms of
vehicle’s upper rear edge reduced the drag by 9.4%. The pressure coefficient rise (by over 92%) was found while the
active control increased the average pressure both on the slant car is facing wind at a flow angle of 0 and is combined with
and on the vertical base of the car model which had a slant spoiler at an angle of 0 with co-rotating vortex generators
angle of 25±. On the slant, the area of separated flow was attached at the upstream of the spoiler (x/L = 0.733). For the
significantly reduced, while on the vertical base the size of the car with flow angle = 0 degree and with a rear spoiler at angle
recirculation bubble increased. The advantage of this approach = +45, combined with the co-rotating orientation of the VG
is that there is no net mass flux, so that it can work locally lined in series, it gives the best performance by reducing the
without any long tubing system drag coefficient value with an impressive 68.18% [56].
A flow-control study using steady suction and pulsed
blowing in close proximity was conducted on an axisymmetric 7. SUMMARY
bluff body at length-based Reynolds numbers between 1.0 and The classification of flow control methods and the
4.0×106. The study included a coupled incremental performance of these methods to reduce drag coefficient
computational-fluid-dynamics and experimental approach. It reported in the reviewed papers is summaries in Table I.
began with computations of various model setup designs.
Subsequently, flow-control experiments and computations Table 1
were used to optimize steady suction alone. Finally, flow Summary of flow control methods and its performance in reducing drag
control was provided by a synchronized array of 28 suction
Type of Flow control Percentage of Drag
and oscillatory blowing actuators, positioned slightly upstream control method coefficient reduction and
of the baseline separation. Results show suction alone has a reference
limited ability to delay separation and reduce drag on this Active A strip of pulse 20% [8]
geometry. Suction located far from the baseline separation is jets
shown to actually increase drag. Addition of pulsed blowing Synthetic jet 8.5%[10],(10-15%[6]
enables separation delay to the trailing edge and drag to be Steady blowing 5%[14], 12%[16],9-14%[17],
nullified. Increased overall system efficiency, including 10.2[18] 11.11-13.92%[19],
estimated total actuator power invested, was found at low 14.38%[20], 50% [38],
momentum input for optimally located steady suction and Suction 15.83[20], 13.86-
pulsed blowing. This was partially attributed to the particular 16.32%[21],17%[22],10%[17]
geometry used because the active flow-control system shows a Passive Vortex 4.2-10%[28]
robust ability to delay separation. Not all measured trends
Rear spoiler 3%[33]
were predicted by computation due to the complex nature of Diffuser 21%[29],10%[35], 4% [12]
this configuration and the active flow-control system Guided vanes 18% [36]
characteristics [55]. Base cavity 48% [37]
For high speed passenger cars, the aerodynamic pressure Vertical splitter 28% [40]
drag is predominant due to the flow separation particularly on plate
the rear window and on the wheel base. One of the main Deflector 95 {41],
causes of aerodynamic drag for passenger cars is the Rear screen 6.5% [42]
separation of flow near the vehicle's rear end. Large energy Rear fairing 26% [42]
losses are often associated with boundary layer separation. Tail plate 3.87% [43]
The main design goal of a 'rear spoiler' in passenger vehicles Streaks (a array 10% [45]
is to reduce drag at its rear and thereby increasing fuel of cylindrical
efficiency. The present investigation is focused on flow roughness
control by vortex generators (VG) in combination with the
rear spoiler. A test facility is developed to realistically
simulate the flow around a geometrically similar, 15:1 reduced

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