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International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.


International Double Blind Peer Reviewed, Refereed & Indexed Research Journal Related to
Higher Education For all Subject
Issue : Sept.- 2020

ISSN 0975-3486 (Print), E-ISSN- 2320-5482 RNI RAJBIL 2009/30097

Dr. Krishan Bir Singh

Editor in Chief

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ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020

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International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020

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ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020

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4 Research Analysis and Evaluation

ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020
Research Paper - History
Chaudhary Devi Lal's Struggle for
the Protection of Tenants' Rights
*Davinder Singh **Dr.Harpinder Kaur
*Research Scholar, Department of History, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (Punjab), India
**Assistant Professor, Department of History, Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo(Punjab), India
India is a successful and progressive nation today. This long-cherished dream was
not possible without eradicating the feudal social and economic system. Many great men and organizations
fought for a long time to end the feudal social and economic system. Chaudhary Devi Lal emerges as the saviour
of the downtrodden agrarian class. Tenants were agitating during 1940 decade throughout India. During
British Period, he launched a movement for the welfare of peasants and protection of the rights of the tenants;
he mobilized tenants and launched the agitation with slogan stop ejectment ‘Bedakhaliyan Band Karo’ in
Chautala a village in Sirsa District of Haryana. His village ‘Chautala’ became the epicentre of tenants’
struggle under the leadership of Chaudhary Devi Lal. After a long struggle, the movement came to a fruitful
end with an act which stopped ejectment of tenants and had a way of becoming a landowner for tenants. He
was a prominent member of the act drafting committee and played an important role in drafting the bill. He
was the voice of tenants in the committee and Punjab Legislative Assembly.As a result, this act changed a
large number of tenants into landowner. This act was a milestone in eradicating feudal values and in the
establishment of modern values. It brought drastic changes in social, economic and political fields. It brought
independence in food grains, break hierarchy of feudal society and change the lives of millions of common
people. It resolved the class conflict between landlords and tenants forever. Really it was a Nobel revolution,
which established a piece and lead to progress in the region.
Keywords: Tenants Reforms, Agrarian Politics, Chaudhary Devilal, Land Reforms, Peasants’
Exploitation, Tenants’ Right.
India is a successful and feudalistic social and economic system was a
progressive nation today. This present progress herculean task.As envisaged in the Preamble of
was not possible without eradicating the feudal the Constitution of India, India is a socialist-
social and economic system. Owing to this, many democratic and welfare state. It’s the duty of
great men and organizations fought for a long time policymakers to secure a dignified life to agrarians
to end the feudal system. At the time of and should introduces ethical and welfare economic
independence, the zamindari system was the policies for the wellbeing of marginalized section
biggest obstacle in the development of rural of the society.
India.Most of the population of the village, came It has a long history of exploitation and
under the category of tenants and landless labours. struggle. Agrarians used to pay a high rate of land
India is considered as the country of revenue and other ‘Begari’ services. They were in
villages. Agricultural Census of India, 61.5 percent the web of poverty. During the British period, the
population of India is rural and depends on peasants’ conditions turned worst due to heavy
agriculture.At the time of independence, there were taxes. Whole system had been modified according
two models: - ‘Capitalism’ and ‘communism’. to the colonial interest.
Constitute Assembly of India adopted mixed Tenants were agitating during 1940
economy, which was the middle path. This model decade throughout India. Dinajpur, Jalpaiguri,
neither accepted exploitation nor was in favour of Mymensingh, Midnapur and 24 Parganas in Bengal,
the bloody revolution.In such, the change in Hasanabad in Tripura, Travancore and Telangana
Research Analysis and Evaluation 19
ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020
were struggle areas led by the Communists and of this category could eject from the agricultural
the Kisan Sabha. The agrarians of the Punjab land, whenever land-owner wanted.
struggled against their miserably. The Haryana 3. The third category was lease-tenants. Tenants
regions of Punjab also took participate in it. of this category used to lease land and do
In such a situation, peasants need a strong agriculture on it for a fixed amount. The lessee
and reliable leader (apathy with peasants) for the had the responsibility of giving land revenue on
struggle against such exploiter in Punjab region. this land. The leases were of two types: -
There is a long story of the struggle, in which ‘Dawami’ leases used to be 99 years old and
Chaudhary Devi Lal played an important role. term ‘Miyadi’ leases were shorter than Dwami
Chaudhary Devi Lal came into deep contact with leases.
the tenant families after the death of his mother, as In ‘Mahalwari’ system, the landlords’s
a child born in a Zamindar family, realized the share of the batai of Rabi crop was one third of
struggles of the tenant families and became a harvested crop alongwith nearly two and a half
companion of their struggles throughout his life. seers per maund for various expenses. In the case
Chaudhary Devi Lal emerges as the of Kharif crop the landowners used to charge
saviour of the down trodden agrarian class.He had Rs.one and a half per-bigha. Tenants had to carry
a long political career for more than six decades. the landlords’ share of the harvested crop to the
He took part in the India’s struggle for freedom houses of the landlords. Bataidar can graze only
during the Civil Disobedience Movement and Quit his camels or bulls, and not the milch cattle in the
India Movement. He served eight terms to the field.
Legislative Assembly and had served both the Tenants had to pay several ‘Lag-Bags’
Houses of Parliament. Twice he became Chief and ‘Begaries’ to Pandits, Fakirs, Police officials,
Minister of Haryana and was the Deputy Prime Patwaris, Chowkidars after the division of the
Minister of India and hold the portfolio of the harvested crop. Seeds were also to be arranged by
Ministry of Agriculture 1989 [Secretariat, Lok the tenants. These all reduced in the share of
Sabha,2003]. He was a leader of the masses and tenants.They had to protect thrashing grain in field
interests of the farmers were always the uppermost from rain, weather storm and theft till the division
in his actions. He gave us a work plan and vision of the produce.
for the successful implantation of our constitutional To provide food grains to the new-born
obligations mentioned in the preamble of the country’s population was the main challenge. These
constitution. two states were able to discharge this role because
Mahalwadi system of land revenue was of the timely work done on land reforms and the
in force in Punjab under British colonial power. In zamindari system was abolished.
the system, there were three categories of tenants In spite of these all, Jamindar ejected their
under the landowners. tenants. They had no organization and no leader to
1. The first type of tenants called ‘Maurisi’ used fight against such exploitation. In such situation,
to pay a fixed rent to the landowners, hence Devi Lal mobilized tenants and launched the
they were also known as ‘Chakota Sal Tamam’. agitation with slogan ‘Bedakhaliyan Band Karo’ in
As per the Punjab Tenancy Act, 1887, this Chautala village. He brought the issue in notice of
category of tenant was permanent, they could the Development and Revenue Minister Sir Chhotu
not be removed, but the landowners and local Ram, of the United Punjab during his Chautala
officials used to eject them by conniving with visit. Chhotu Ram, in his speech, promised to take
misuse of certain sections of the Punjab Tenancy necessary remedial steps to lessen the sufferings
Act. of the people. But, before Chhotu Ram could initiate
2. The second class was called ‘Gair-Maurisi’. remedial steps to rove the plight of tenant-peasants,
The tenants of this category provided one-third he passed away on 9th January 1945.
of the yield to the landowner, hence it was also The leadership of landlords of Chautala village
called the ‘Batai-Tihai’. The tenants in this mobilized themselves under Sheo Karan Singh
category were called tenants at will. The tenants Godara while their tenants were organized by Devi
20 Research Analysis and Evaluation
ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020
Lal and Sahib Ram, M.L.A. This led to rise of two October 1945 at Chautala and heard them but failed
rival camps leading to a sort of class-war in the to give a final solution to the matter.
region.On the of rise in prices of food-grains and In the elections held under the Government
fodder after the Second World War, the landlords of India Act, 1935, there was no representation in
enhanced the rent It created tension between the legislature from the tenant class nor did they
landlords and tenants. The tenants, under the fulfil the qualification of being a voter. In such a
leadership of Devi Lal, refused to carry landlords situation, there was no one to raise their demands
share to their stores. They also refused to give 2.5 and voice. That is why the tenant interests of
‘seers’ as expenses. Chaudhary Chhotu Ram’s Unionist Party,
Landlords ejected the rebellion tenants. representing the Zamindars in Punjab, never
Twenty-nine tenants were ejected through the court advocated for tenancy interests.
of Sub-Divisional Officer, It triggered off agitations The tenant classes were forced to live
in the nearby villages. It spread the tenants’ the life of the marginalized in the economic system
movement at a large scale and the tenants started of the feudal society.
to organize themselves. In 1952, landlord issue ejectment notice to
They started taking possession of the land tenants. Chaudhary Devi Lal raised the issue in
forcibly. The landlords complained to the police. Punjab Legislative Assembly and demanded to
The police arrested 25 tenants and 18 landlords’ restore evicted tenants. A delegation of tenants
under section 107/151 Cr. P.C. At the assistance also sent to meet Central Home minister and
from Devi Lal, Sahib Ram met Pandit Jawahar Lal represented the miserable condition of the tenants.
Nehru at Lahore in the first week of August 1945 As a result, Punjab Legislative Assembly
and apprised him of the agrarian agitation at nominated a select committee of 21 members
Chautala for the betterment of the tenants. Pandit headed by Pratap Singh Kairon. Chaudhary Devi
Nehru approved the action and directed the Punjab Lal was a prominent member of the committee
Provincial Congress Committee to take the matter and play an important role in drafting the bill. He
in its hand. [Gupta, 1997] Landlords association was voice of tenants in the committee
complained on 3rd September 1945 to the Deputy Finally, the chairman of the committee
Commissioner, Hisar blaming Chaudhary Devi Lal moved Punjab Security of land tenure bill in Punjab
and Chaudhary Sahib Ram as the mastermind Legislative Assembly. The bill passed by the
behind the tenants’ agitation. Assembly and was enforced on 15th April, 1953.
To highlight the issue of the tenants’
agitation, Devi Lal directed tenants to cultivate the THE PUNJAB SECURITY OF LAND
land from which they had been ejected. If the TENURES ACT, 1953
police arrested them, then the issue could get * ‘Permissible area’ in relation to a landowner
momentum. As per the plan, many tenants forcibly or a tenant means thirty standard acres.
started cultivating the land from which they had * ‘Reserved area’ means the area lawfully
been ejected. Once again The landlords complained reserved under the ‘Punjab Security of
under section 147/447 of I.P.C. on 13th October Tenures, Act, 1950
1945. [Haryana State Archives, File No. S-64-A] * ‘Surplus Area’ means the area other than the
In view of the situation growing grave, Pandit Neki reserved area, and, where no area has been
Ram Sharma, president, District Congress reserved, the area in excess of the permissible
Committee, Hisar telegraphed on 16th October 1945 area or the area which is deemed to be the
from Lahore to the Deputy Commissioner, Hisar surplus area under sub-section (1) of section
to urging him to settle the demands of the tenants 5C and includes the area in excess of the
which were just and reasanable. [Haryana State permissible area selected under section 29 B.
Archives, File No. S-64-A] * No landowner shall be competent to eject a
Arbitrator, Mr Balbir Singh, Naib-Tehsildar, tenant except when such tenant
Dabwali dialogued with both the parties on 10th I. Is a tenant on the area reserved under this Act
or is a tenant of a small landowner.
Research Analysis and Evaluation 21
ImpactFactor-6.315(SJIF) RNI-RAJBIL2009/30097
International Double Blind Peer Peviewed,Refereed,Indexed Research Journal,ISSN(Print)-0975-3486,E-ISSN-2320-5482,RNI-RAJBIL-2009/30097,Impact Factor-6.315(SJIF),Sept-2020
II. Fail to pay rent regularly without sufficient The tenants working on the landlords’ fields
cause. and had interest in agricultural work, were
III. He is in arrears of rent at the time of granted the ownership of the land by the
enforcement of this Act. Punjab Security of Land Tenures Act, 1953,
IV. Has failed, or fails, without sufficient cause, due to which the province became an
to cultivate the land comprised in his tenancy. example of social harmony as well as the
food producer for the nation.
* A tenant desirous of purchasing land shall Conclusion
make an application in writing to an Assistant As a result, this act changed a large
Collector. number of tenants into landowner. This act was
* The value of the land which shall be the average a milestone in eradicating feudal values and in
of the prices obtaining for similar land in the the establishment of modern values. It brought
locality for 10 years immediately preceding drastic changes in social, economic and political
the date on which the application is made. fields. It brought independence in food grains,
* The purchase price shall be three-fourths of break hierarchy of feudal society and change
the value of land as so determined. the lives of millions of common people. It resolved
* The tenant shall be competent to pay the the class conflict between landlords and tenants
purchase price either in a lump sum or in six- forever. Really it was a Nobel revolution, which
monthly instalments not exceeding ten. established a piece and lead to progress in the
* On the purchase price or the first instalment region.
thereof, as the case may be, being deposited,
the tenant shall be deemed to have become
the owner of the land.

1. Agarwal, O.P., The Punjab Tenancy Act of 1887, Metropolitan Books Ltd., New Delhi, 1978.
2. Haryana State Archives, File No. S-64-A- Political (Misc)/64, Chandigarh: Manimajra.
3. Chautala, A.S., Chaudhary Devi Lal: Life, Work and Philosophy, Ph.D. Thesis, Kurukshetra
University, Kurukshetra, 2008.
4. Punjab Vidhan Sabha Debates, Vol. I.
5. Gupta, J.K, Devi Lal A Critical Appraisal, Astha Publication, New Delhi, 1997.
6. Ram, R., Chautala se Chandigarh , Light and Life, New Delhi, 1978.
7. Trikha, T., Sharma, M.M., Banger, S., and Singh, H., Gourav Gatha, Choudhary Devi Lal
Smarak Trust, New Delhi, 2002.

1. Secretariat, Lok Sabha. Chaudhary Devi Lal. New Delhi: Jainco Art India, 2003. p.11-12
2. Gupta, Jugal Kishore. Devi Lal A Critical Appraisal, New Delhi: Astha Publication, 1997. p.
3. Haryana State Archives, File No. S-64-A- Political (Misc)/64, Chandigarh: Manimajra.
4. Haryana State Archives, File No. S-64-A- Political (Misc)/64, Chandigarh: Manimajra.

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