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Be deep rooted in the Wisdom of God
Matthew 13: 20,21
20. fw;ghiw ,lq;fspy;
tpijf;fg;gl;ltd;> trdj;ijf;
Nfl;L> clNd mijr;
21. MfpYk; jdf;Fs;Ns
epiyj;jpUg;ghd;@ trdj;jpdpkpj;jk;
cgj;jputKk; Jd;gKk;
cz;lhdTlNd ,lwyilthd;.
Spiritual Wisdom and Revelation
Ephesians 1:17
• 17. ek;Kila fh;j;juhfpa ,NaRfpwp];Jtpd; NjtDk; kfpikapd;
gpjhTkhdth; jk;ik ePq;fs; mwpe;Jnfhs;tjw;fhd Qhdj;ijAk;
njspitAk; mspf;fpw Mtpia
• That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may
give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the
knowledge of him:
Colossians 1:9
• 9. ,jpdpkpj;jk;> ehq;fs; mijf; Nfl;l ehs;Kjy; cq;fSf;fhf
,iltplhky; n[gk;gz;ZfpNwhk;@ ePq;fs; vy;yh Qhdj;NjhLk;> Mtpf;Fhpa
tpNtfj;NjhLk; mtUila rpj;jj;ij mwpfpw mwptpdhNy epug;gg;glTk;>
• For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for
you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all
wisdom and spiritual understanding;
1 Corinthians 14:1
1. md;ig ehLq;fs;@ Qhdtuq;fisAk; tpUk;Gq;fs;@ tpN\rkha;j; jPh;ff
; jhprd
tuj;ij tpUk;Gq;fs;.
1. Revere God Psalm 111:10 ESV The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it
have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!
2. Submit to God’s will Colossians 1:9 ESV … we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with
the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
3. Carefully consider Ephesians 5:15 ESV Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the
their ways best use of the time, because the days are evil.
4. Are humble Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.

5. Acknowledge 1 Corinthians 3:18-20 ESV Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is
ignorance wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise.
6. Practice self-control Proverbs 16:32 ESV Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his
spirit than he who takes a city.
7. On the watch for 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are
deception from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
8. Are open to advice Proverbs 12:15 ESV The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens
to advice.
9. Edify and correct Ecclesiastes 7:5 It is better for a man to hear the rebuke of the wise than to hear the song of
others for their own fools.
1. பயபக்தியயோடு Psalm 111:10 fh;j;jUf;Fg;
gag;gLjNy Qhdj;jpd; Muk;gk;@
யதவனை அணுகுதல்
mtUila fw;gidfspd;gb nra;fpw ahtUf;Fk; ew;Gj;jpAz;L@
mth; Gfo;r;rp vd;iwf;Fk; epw;Fk;.
2. யதவைின் சித்தத்னத Colossians 1:9, 10 ,jpdpkpj;jk;> ehq;fs; mijf; Nfl;l ehs;Kjy;
அறிந்துக ோண்டு
cq;fSf;fhf ,iltplhky; n[gk;gz;ZfpNwhk;@ ePqf ; s; vy;yh Qhdj;NjhLk;>
Mtpf;Fhpa tpNtfj;NjhLk; mtUila rpj;jj;ij mwpfpw mwptpdhNy
epug;gg;glTk;> rfytpj ew;fphpiafSkhfpa fdpfisj; je;J> Njtid mwpfpw
mwptpy; tpUj;jpaile;J> fh;j;jUf;Fg; gphpaKz;lhf mtUf;Fg; ghj;jpuuha;
3.மதியற்றவர் ளோய் Ephesians 5:15,16,17 MdgbapdhNy> ePqf ; s; Qhdkw;wth;fisg;Nghy elthky;>
இரோமல் QhdKs;sth;fisg;Nghyf; ftdkha; ele;J nfhs;sg;ghh;j;J> ehl;fs;
ஞோைமுள்ளவர் ளோய்
நடந்துக ோள்ளுங் ள்
nghy;yhjitfshdjhy; fhyj;ijg; gpuNah[dg;gLj;jpf;nfhs;Sq;fs;.
Mifahy;> ePqf ; s; kjpaw;wth;fshapuhky;> fh;j;jUila rpj;jk; ,d;dnjd;W

4. தோழ்ந்த Proverbs 11:2 2. mfe;ij te;jhy; ,yr;irAk; tUk;@ jho;e;j

சிந்னதயுள்ளவர் ளோய்
rpe;ijAs;sth;fsplj;jpy; Qhdk; cz;L.
நடந்துக ோள்ளுதல்
5. நோம் யதவனுக்கு 1 Corinthians 3:18-20 xUtDk; jd;idj;jhNd tQ;rpahjpUg;ghdhf@ ,t;Tyfj;jpNy
முன்போ ஒன்றும் cq;fspy; xUtd; jd;id Qhdpnad;W vz;zpdhy; mtd; QhdpahFk;gbf;Fg;
அறியோத மூடர் ள் igj;jpaf;fhudhff;fltd;. ,t;Tyfj;jpd; Qhdk; NjtDf;F Kd;ghfg;
என்பனத igj;jpakhapUf;fpwJ. mg;gbNa Qhdpfis mth;fSila je;jpuj;jpNy
உணர்த்தவர் ளோய் gpbf;fpwhnud;Wk;> QhdpfSila rpe;jidfs; tPzhapUf;fpwnjd;W fh;j;jh;
மோற யவண்டும் mwpe;jpUf;fpwhnud;Wk; vOjpapUf;fpwJ.

6. சுய Proverbs 16:32 gythidg;ghh;f;fpYk; ePba rhe;jKs;std; cj;jkd;@

ஒழுக் த்னத gl;lzj;ijg; gpbf;fpwtidg;ghh;f;fpYk; jd; kdij mlf;Ffpwtd; cj;jkd;.
7.வஞ்சிக் ப்படோத 1 John 4:1 gphpakhdth;fNs> cyfj;jpy; mNefq; fs;sj;jPh;f;fjhprpfs;
வர் ளோய் Njhd;wpapUg;gjpdhy;> ePqf
; s; vy;yh MtpfisAk; ek;ghky;> me;j Mtpfs;
ஆரோய்ந்து Njtdhy; cz;lhditfNsh vd;W Nrhjpj;jwpAq;fs;.
8.ஆய ோசனைக்கு Proverbs 12:15 kjpaPdDila top mtd; ghh;itf;Fr; nrk;ikahapUf;Fk;@
திறந்த MNyhridf;Fr; nrtpnfhLf;fpwtNdh QhdKs;std;.
ளோய் இருத்தல்
9. டிந்துக ோள்ளு Ecclesiastes 7:5 xUtd; %lhpd; ghl;ilf; Nfl;gjpYk;> Qhdpapd;
தன ய ட்பது fbe;Jnfhs;Sjiyf; Nfl;gJ eyk;.
ந ம்
Wisdom 1: 4

• tQ;rid epiwe;j Md;khtpy; Qhdk; Eiotjpy;iy@

• ghtj;jpw;F mbikahd clypy; Qhdk; Fbnfhs;tjpy;iy.

• 4 Vnddpy; faikepiw Md;khtpy; Qhdk; EioahJ> ghtj;jpw;F

mbikahfptpl;l clypy; mJ Fbnfhs;shJ.
Godly vs. worldly wisdom
• We can acquire vast amounts of knowledge but still make
the wrong choices in life.
• It takes wisdom to decipher what is constructive, timely and
appropriate for the long run.
• For believers, wisdom is not just the well-advised
application of factual knowledge.

Our wisdom comes from the ultimate Source of all

wisdom, understanding, and counsel, God Himself.
In God’s opinion, “whoever trusts in his
own mind is a fool“.
• Proverbs 21:30 No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel
can avail against the Lord.
• fh;jj
; Uf;F tpNuhjkhd QhdKkpy;iy> Gj;jpAkpy;iy>
• Proverbs 28:26 ESV Whoever trusts in his own mind is a
fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
• jd; ,Ujaj;ij ek;Gfpwtd; %ld;@ Qhdkha;
elf;fpwtNdh ,ul;rpf;fg;gLthd;.
Godly vs. worldly wisdom
• Jesus calls us to be as wise and shrewd as serpents, but this wisdom
is very unlike the world’s wisdom.
• Godly wisdom is innocent, gentle, reasonable, peace-loving,
impartial and sincere.
• It is full of mercy and willing to yield to others. It leads to godliness

• Matthew 10:16 ESV “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in

the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
• MLfis Xa;eha;fSf;Fs;Ns mDg;GfpwJNghy> ,Njh> ehd;
cq;fis mDg;GfpNwd;@ Mifahy;> rh;g;gq;fisg;Nghy
tpdhTs;sth;fSk; Gwhf;fisg;Nghyf; fglw;wth;fSkha;
,Uq;fs;. (Reverse)
Godly vs. worldly wisdom
• James 3:17-18 ESV But the wisdom from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits,
impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace
by those who make peace.
• guj;jpypUe;J tUfpw QhdNkh
• KjyhtJ Rj;jKs;sjhAk;>
• gpd;G rkhjhdKk; rhe;jKk; ,zf;fKKs;sjhAk;>
• ,uf;fj;jhYk; ew;fdpfshYk; epiwe;jjhAk;>
• gl;rghjkpy;yhjjhAk;> khakw;wjhAkpUf;fpwJ.
• ePjpahfpa fdpahdJ rkhjhdj;ij elg;gpf;fpwth;fshNy
rkhjhdj;jpNy tpijf;fg;gLfpwJ.
Sirach 24
• 24 ehd; mhpa md;gpDilaTk; mr;rj;jpDilaTk; mwptpDilaTk; Gdpj nja;t
ek;gpf;ifapDilaTk; jhaha; ,Uf;fpNwd;.
• 25 ed;ndwpapDilaTk; cz;ikapDilaTk; monfy;yhk; vd;dplk; cz;L.
tho;tpDilaTk; Gz;zpaj;jpDilaTk; KO ek;gpf;if vd;dplNk cs;sJ.
• 26 vd;id ehLfpwtHfs; vy;yhUk; vd;dplk; te;J NrUq;fs;@ vd; fdpfshy;
• 27 vd; mwpT Njid tpl ,dpg;gha; ,Uf;fpd;wJ. vd; chpik NjidAk; mjd;
,dpa RitiaAk; tpl Nkyhdjha; ,Uf;fpd;wJ.
• 28 vf;fhyj;Jf;Fk; vd; epidT epiyj;jpUf;Fk;.
• 29 vd;id cz;gtHfs; ,d;dKk; Mty; nfhs;thHfs;. vd;id mUe;JfpwtHfs;
,d;dKk; jhfkha; ,Ug;ghHfs;.
Exodus 25:8
• 8. mth;fs; eLtpNy ehd; thrk;gz;z> vdf;F xU ghpRj;j ];jyj;ij
• And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.

Psalms 77:13
• 13. NjtNd> ckJ top ghpRj;j ];jyj;jpYs;sJ@ ek;Kila
Njtidg;Nghyg; nghpa Njtd; ahh;?
• Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our
We see the circumstances, God sees the destination
• Our lives are the result of all the choices we make. It takes wisdom to ensure that our choices come
together so that we end up at the narrow gate of eternal life, not the wide gate to eternal

• To find the path to the narrow gate, we need to seek wisdom and guidance from God. He
will show us the way.

• Matthew 7:13-14 ESV “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to
destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads
to life, and those who find it are few.
• 13. ,Lf;fkhd thry;topaha; cl;gpuNtrpAq;fs;@ Nfl;Lf;Fg; Nghfpw thry;
tphpTk;> top tprhyKkhapUf;fpwJ@ mjpd; topaha;g; gpuNtrpf;fpwth;fs;
• 14. [PtDf;Fg; Nghfpw thry; ,Lf;fKk;> top neUf;fKkhapUf;fpwJ@
mijf; fz;Lgpbf;fpwth;fs; rpyh;.
• Psalm 32:8 ESV I will instruct you and teach you in the way
you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

• ehd; cdf;Fg; Nghjpj;J> eP elf;fNtz;ba topia cdf;Ff; fhl;LNtd;@

cd;Nky; vd; fz;iz itj;J> cdf;F MNyhrid nrhy;YNtd;.

• Godly wisdom could even result in us bringing many others with

us to the narrow gate. Worldly wisdom often tends to result in
Practising Godly wisdom

• The good news is that godly wisdom can be gained and learnt.
• Proverbs 4:5 ESV Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not
turn away from the words of my mouth.

• 5. Qhdj;ijr; rk;ghjp> Gj;jpiAAk; rk;ghjp@ vd; thapd; thh;j;ijfis

kwthkYk; tpl;L tpyfhkYk; ,U.
• 6. mij tplhNj> mJ cd;idj; jw;fhf;Fk;@ mjpd;Nky; gphpakhapU> mJ
cd;idf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;Sk;.
• 7. QhdNk Kf;fpak;> Qhdj;ijr; rk;ghjp@ vd;dj;ijr; rk;ghjpj;jhYk;
Gj;jpiar; rk;ghjpj;Jf;nfhs;.
• 8. eP mij Nkd;ikg;gLj;J> mJ cd;id Nkd;ikg;gLj;Jk;@ eP mijj;
jOtpf;nfhz;lhy;> mJ cd;idf; fdk;gz;Zk;.
Practising Godly wisdom
• We receive wisdom from God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit
communicates through our spirit and inner conscience.

As we pray and quiet down to listen to Him and meditate the

word of God, He will give us an “inner knowing” and plant
insights into our minds.
Practising Godly wisdom
• Isaiah 11:2 ESV And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
2. Qhdj;ijAk; czh;itAk; mUSk; MtpAk;> MNyhridiaAk;
ngyidAk; mUSk; MtpAk;> mwpitAk; fh;jj ; Uf;Fg; gag;gLfpw
gaj;ijAk; mUSk; MtpAkhfpa fh;jj
; Uila Mtpahdth; mth;Nky; jq;fpapUg;ghh;.

• Job 38:36 Who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given
understanding to the mind?
36. me;jf;fuzq;fspy; Qhdj;ij itj;jth; ahh;? cs;sj;jpy; Gj;jpiaf;
nfhLj;jth; ahh;?
Practising Godly wisdom
• Job 32:8-9 ESV But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the
Almighty, that makes him understand. It is not the old who are
wise, nor the aged who understand what is right.

8. MdhYk; kD\hpy; xU MtpAz;L@ rh;tty;ytUila

RthrNk mth;fis czh;Ts;sth;fshf;Fk;.
9. nghpNahnuy;yhk; Qhdpfsy;y@ KjpNahnuy;yhk; ePjpia
1. Begin with humility and turn towards God

• Reverence and humility before God are crucial to gaining godly wisdom. The humble will listen,
observe, accept correction and grow wiser. The proud only collect more knowledge. God calls this
folly and futile.

• Proverbs 27:5-6 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

• 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches
the wise in their craftiness,” and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are
Job 28:28
• 28. kD\id Nehf;fp: ,Njh> Mz;ltUf;Fg; gag;gLtNj Qhdk;@ nghy;yhg;ig tpl;L tpyFtNj
Gj;jp vd;whh; vd;W nrhd;dhd;.
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is

Psalms 111:10
10. fh;jj
; Uf;Fg; gag;gLjNy Qhdj;jpd; Muk;gk;@ mtUila fw;gidfspd;gb nra;fpw ahtUf;Fk;
ew;Gj;jpAz;L@ mth; Gfo;r;rp vd;iwf;Fk; epw;Fk;.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his
commandments: his praise endureth for ever.
Prov 1:7
• 7. fh;j;jUf;Fg; gag;gLjNy Qhdj;jpd; Muk;gk;@ %lh; Qhdj;ijAk;
Nghjfj;ijAk; mrl;ilgz;Zfpwhh;fs;.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise
wisdom and instruction.

Prov 9:10
• 10. fh;j;jUf;Fg; gag;gLjNy Qhdj;jpy; Muk;gk;@ ghpRj;jhpd; mwpNt
• The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of
the holy is understanding.
Sirach 1 Wisdom and Fear of God
• 16 Qhdj;jpd; njhlf;fk; nja;t gak;. mJ jha; tapw;wpNyNa gpukhzpf;fk; cs;stHfNshL
cz;lhfpd;wJ@ ew;FzKs;s ngz;fNshL tsHfpd;wJ@ ePjpkhd;fsplj;jpYk;
tpRthrpfsplj;jpYk; tpsq;Ffpd;wJ.
• 25 Qhdj;jpd; mbNtH nja;t gakhFk;. mjd; fpisfs; ePbj;j MASs;sit.
• 26 Qhdj;jpd; nry;tq;fNsh mwpTj; njspTk; kiw xOf;fKkhk;. ghtpfNsh Qhdj;ij
• 27 nja;t gak; ghtj;ij mfw;Wfpd;wJ.
• 28 Vndd;why;> gakw;wtd; ePjpkhdhjy; ,ayhJ.
• 32 ghtp flTSf;F Copak; nra;tij ntWf;fpwhd;.
• 33 kfNd> eP Qhdj;ij tpUk;Gthahfpy; ePjpiaf; fhg;ghw;W. flTs; cdf;F mij mspg;ghH.
• 34 QhdKk; ey;nyhOf;fKk; nja;t gakhFk;. mit mtUf;F tpUg;gkhdit.
Qhdj;jpd; mbNtH nja;t gakhFk;. mjd; fpisfs; ePbj;j MASs;sit.Sirach 1: 25

<rhnad;Dk; mbkuj;jpypUe;J xU Jsph; Njhd;wp> mtd; Nth;fspypUe;J xU

fpis vOk;gpr; nropf;Fk;. Isaiah 11:1

Stump OR Root of
Wisdom – Mother The righteous
Virgin Mary – branch of Wisdom
Holiness obtained – Our Lord Jesus
by reverence for Disciples of Christ Christ the
God Nazarean




Righteous Branch
• Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will raise up
for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and
deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the
land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell
securely. And this is the name by which he will be called: ‘The
Lord is our righteousness.’" Jeremiah 23:5-6

• Jesus would be the son of David, i.e. a descendant of David,

according to the flesh, according to Romans 1:3.
Righteous Branch
• The great prophet, Isaiah, also had something to say about this
“branch”, cf. Isaiah 11:

• There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,

and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
Righteous Branch
• Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who
sit before you, for they are men of good omen: behold, I will
bring my servant the Branch.

• For behold, upon the stone which I have set before Joshua,
upon a single stone with seven facets, I will engrave its
inscription, says the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the
guile of this land in a single day. In that day, says the Lord of
hosts, every one of you will invite his neighbor under his vine
and under his fig tree.” (Zech 3:8-10)
• The question is what does "Nazareth" mean in Hebrew? Better yet,
what is the word for BRANCH in Hebrew? The answer is the same!
The Hebrew word for "branch" is netzer, which is spelled NZR, same
as "Nazareth." "Nazareth" means "branch" in Hebrew! Jesus
shall be called the "Righteous Branch" - "He shall be called
a Nazarene."

• This realization, along with the significance of sitting "under the fig
tree", is what came flooding over Nathanael when he began speaking
with Jesus. This is why Nathanael responded with the
exclamation, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the
King of Israel!” Jesus is the Branch, the Netzer, shooting up from
the Stump of Jesse. He is the New David, the New King of the New
Kingdom of the New Israel.
• 1. Humility:
• கடிந்துககொள்ளுதலை ககட்கக்கூடிய தொழ்ச்சி
(Prov 27: 5)kiwthd rpNefj;ijg;ghh;ff
; pYk; ntspg;gilahd
fbe;Jnfhs;Sjy; ey;yJ. (Narrow gate)

• 2. Turn away rom fleshy wisdom: மோம்ச ஞோைத்னத க ோண்டு யதவனை அறிய
முடியோது (Romans 8:8) khk;rj;Jf;Fl;gl;lth;fs; NjtDf;Fg;
gphpakhapUf;fkhl;lhh;fs;. (Follow the commandments of Christ)
Prov 14:12 kD\Df;Fj; nrk;ikaha;j; Njhd;Wfpwtop cz;L@ mjpd;
KbNth kuz topfs;.
• 3. SIT AT HIS FEET ASK GOD: (James 1:5) cq;fspy; xUtd;
Qhdj;jpy; FiwTs;stdhapUe;jhy;> ahtUf;Fk; rk;G+uzkha;f;
nfhLf;fpwtUk; xUtiuAk; fbe;Jnfhs;shjtUkhfpa
Njtdplj;jpy; Nfl;ff;fltd;> mg;nghOJ mtDf;Ff;
nfhLf;fg;gLk;. (Mathew 7:7)
• A – Ask; S –Search; K – Knock (Why should we meditate?)
• Wisdom 7:7
• 7 Mifahy; ehd; kd;whbf; Nfl;Nld;> vdf;F mwpT toq;fg;gl;lJ@ flTsplk;
Ntz;bf; nfhz;Nld;> Qhd czHT vdf;Ff; fpilj;jJ@
• 4. TEST YOUR THOUGHTS: (Lam 3: 44)ehk; ek;Kila topfisr;
Nrhjpj;J Muha;eJ
; > fh;j;jhplj;jpy; jpUk;gf;flNthk;.

• 5. Stay away from ungodly influences: Rom 16: 19 ePq;fs;

ed;ikf;F QhdpfSk; jPikf;Fg;
NgijfSkhapUf;fNtz;Lnkd;W tpUk;GfpNwd;. (From Movies,
Cinema songs, etc…)
• Ephesians 4: 14 ehk; ,dpf; Foe;ijfshapuhky;> kD\Uila
#Jk; tQ;rpf;fpwjw;NfJthd je;jpuKKs;s Nghjfkhfpa
gytpj fhw;wpdhNy miyfisg;Nghy mbgl;L
• 6. Choose your Spiritual Counsellor / Friend: Prov 13: 20.
QhdpfNshNl rQ;rhpf;fpwtd; Qhdkilthd;@ %lUf;Fj
; NjhoNdh ehrkilthd;.

Prov 11:14 MNyhridapy;yhj ,lj;jpy; [dq;fs; tpOe;JNghthh;fs;;@ mNef MNyhridf;fhuh;

cz;lhdhy; Rfk; cz;lhFk;.

Prov 12: 15 kjpaPdDila top mtd; ghh;itf;Fr; nrk;ikahapUf;Fk;@ MNyhridf;Fr;

nrtpnfhLf;fpwtNdh QhdKs;std;.

Prov 13: 10 mfe;ijapdhy;khj;jpuk; thJ gpwf;Fk;@ MNyhridiaf; Nfl;fpwth;fsplj;jpNyh Qhdk;

Prov 15: 22
MNyhridapy;yhikahy; vz;zq;fs; rpj;jpahkw;Nghk;@
MNyhridf;fhuh; mNefh; ,Ue;jhy; mitfs; cWjpg;gLk;.

Prov 19:20 ,21

20. cd; me;jpafhyj;jpy; eP QhdKs;stdhapUf;Fk;gb> MNyhridiaf;Nfl;L>
Gj;jpkjpia Vw;Wf;nfhs;.
21. kD\Dila ,Ujaj;jpd; vz;zq;fs; mNefk;@ MdhYk; fh;j;jUila NahridNa

Prov 20:18
• MNyhridapdhy; vz;zq;fs; ];jpug;gLk;@ ey;Nahrid nra;J Aj;jk;gz;Z.
7. Go to Counsellors who counsel with THE WORD OF GOD
Prov 21:30
• 30. fh;j;jUf;F tpNuhjkhd QhdKkpy;iy> Gj;jpAkpy;iy> MNyhridAkpy;iy.

Isaiah 9:6
• 6. ekf;F xU ghyfd; gpwe;jhh;@ ekf;F xU Fkhud; nfhLf;fg;gl;lhh;@
fh;j;jj;Jtk; mth; Njhspd;NkypUf;Fk;@ mth; ehkk; mjprakhdth;>
MNyhridf;fh;j;jh> ty;yikAs;s Njtd;> epj;jpa gpjh> rkhjhdg;gpuG
• For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be
upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7. Know God’s Word well (Psalms 19:7,8)
• 7. fh;j;jUila Ntjk; Fiwtw;wJk;> Mj;Jkhit
caph;g;gpf;fpwJkhapUf;fpwJ@ fh;j;jUila rhl;rp rj;jpaKk;>
Ngijia Qhdpahf;FfpwJkhapUf;fpwJ.
• 8. fh;j;jUila epahaq;fs; nrk;ikAk;> ,Ujaj;ijr;
re;Njh\pg;gpf;fpwJkhapUf;fpwJ@ fh;j;jUila fw;gid
J}a;ikAk;> fz;fisj; njsptpf;fpwJkhapUf;fpwJ.

8. Make use of the Wisdom for God’s Glory

2. Qhdpfspd; ehT mwpit cgNahfg;gLj;Jk;@
• Col 3:3
• 3. mtUf;Fs; Qhdk; mwpT vd;gitfshfpa nghf;fp\q;fnsy;yhk;
• In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

• John 1: 1
• 1. MjpapNy thh;j;ij ,Ue;jJ> me;j thh;j;ij Njtdplj;jpypUe;jJ> me;j
; j NjtdhapUe;jJ.
• In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.
• 14. me;j thh;j;ij khk;rkhfp> fpUigapdhYk; rj;jpaj;jpdhYk; epiwe;jtuha;>
ekf;Fs;Ns thrk;gz;zpdhh;@ mtUila kfpikiaf; fz;Nlhk;@ mJ gpjhTf;F
xNuNgwhdtUila kfpikf;F Vw;w kfpikahfNt ,Ue;jJ.
1. Begin with humility and turn
towards God
• Reverence and humility before God are crucial to gaining godly wisdom. The humble will listen,
observe, accept correction and grow wiser. The proud only collect more knowledge. God calls this
folly and futile.

• Proverbs 27:5-6 Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend;
profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
• 5. kiwthd rpNefj;ijg;ghh;f;fpYk; ntspg;gilahd
fbe;Jnfhs;Sjy; ey;yJ.
• 6. rpNefpjd; mbf;Fk; mbfs; cz;ikahditfs;@ rj;JU ,Lk;
Kj;jq;fNsh tQ;ridAs;sitfs;.
2. Turn away from worldly wisdom
• 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 For the wisdom of this world is folly with
God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,”
and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they
are futile.”
• 19. ,t;Tyfj;jpd; Qhdk; NjtDf;F Kd;ghfg;
igj;jpakhapUf;fpwJ. mg;gbNa Qhdpfis mth;fSila
je;jpuj;jpNy gpbf;fpwhnud;Wk;>
• 20. QhdpfSila rpe;jidfs; tPzhapUf;fpwnjd;W fh;j;jh;
mwpe;jpUf;fpwhnud;Wk; vOjpapUf;fpwJ.
Godly vs. worldly wisdom
• Worldly secular wisdom tends to be self-centred.
• It exalts ourselves. When our hearts are not submitted to God, we
will harbour pride, jealousy and selfish ambitions and use our wisdom
against others.
• God’s Word calls such wisdom “earthly, unspiritual, demonic“.
• Jesus pointed out that Satan fosters such thinking and gets people to
focus on things from a human point of view, not from God’s.
2. Turn away from worldly wisdom

• The world is filled with teachings, quotes, and ideologies that sound like great wisdom, but will
ultimately, lead us away from God.

• Proverbs 14:12 ESV There is a way that seems right to a man, but its
end is the way to death.
• 12. kD\Df;Fj; nrk;ikaha;j; Njhd;Wfpwtop cz;L@ mjpd; KbNth
kuz topfs;.
• Worldly wisdom will lead us to gratify our desires, rather than submit to God. The Bible calls us to
“set the mind on the Spirit” so we will experience God’s “life and peace”. We need to put away or
repent of relying on our own understanding or logic as to how things work based on the world’s
“teachings” and renew our minds with God’s Word. This is how we will be able to follow His
ultimate wisdom.
2. Turn away from worldly wisdom
• Romans 8:6-8 ESV For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but
to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that
is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to
God’s law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot
please God.
• 6. khk;rrpe;ij kuzk;: Mtpapd; rpe;ijNah [PtDk; rkhjhdKkhk;.
• 7. vg;gbnad;why;> khk;rrpe;ij NjtDf;F tpNuhjkhd gif: mJ
NjtDila epahag;gpukhzj;Jf;Ff;fPo;g;gbahkYk;>
fPo;g;gbaf;$lhkYk; ,Uf;fpwJ.
• 8. khk;rj;Jf;Fl;gl;lth;fs; NjtDf;Fg; gphpakhapUf;fkhl;lhh;fs;.
3. Slow down, quiet our thoughts
and ask God
• It takes discipline to quiet our minds and wait on God. When we fix our thoughts on Him, He will
reveal the path forward. He even promises to be generous with His limitless wisdom when we ask
Him with simple faith.

• Isaiah 26:3 ESV You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in
• 3. ck;ik cWjpaha;g; gw;wpf; nfhz;l kdijAilatd; ck;ikNa
ek;gpapUf;fpwgbahy;> ePh; mtidg; g+uz rkhjhdj;Jld;
• 4. fh;j;jiu vd;nwd;iwf;Fk; ek;Gq;fs;@ fh;j;juhfpa NaNfhth epj;jpa
3. Slow down, quiet our thoughts
and ask God
• James 1:5-8 ESV If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to
all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a
double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.
• 5. cq;fspy; xUtd; Qhdj;jpy; FiwTs;stdhapUe;jhy;> ahtUf;Fk;
rk;G+uzkha;f; nfhLf;fpwtUk; xUtiuAk; fbe;Jnfhs;shjtUkhfpa
Njtdplj;jpy; Nfl;ff;fltd;> mg;nghOJ mtDf;Ff; nfhLf;fg;gLk;.
• 6. MdhYk; mtd; vt;tsthfpYk; re;Njfg;glhky; tpRthrj;NjhNl
Nfl;ff;fltd;@ re;Njfg;gLfpwtd; fhw;wpdhy; mbgl;L miyfpw flypd;
miyf;F xg;ghapUf;fpwhd;.
• 7. mg;gbg;gl;l kD\d; jhd; fh;j;jhplj;jpy; vijahfpYk; ngwyhnkd;W
• 8. ,UkdKs;std; jd; topfspnyy;yhk; epiyaw;wtdhapUf;fpwhd;.
3. Slow down, quiet our thoughts
and ask God
• Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV Trust in the Lord with all your
heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all
your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight
your paths.
• 5. cd; RaGj;jpapd;Nky; rhahky;> cd; KO
,Ujaj;NjhLk; fh;j;jhpy; ek;gpf;ifahapUe;J>
• 6. cd; topfspnyy;yhk; mtiu epidj;Jf;nfhs;@
mg;nghOJ mth; cd; ghijfisr; nrt;itg;gLj;Jthh;.
• The temptation is always to ruminate on the “what if’s” in life but such thinking will prove
to be futile because with God, there is only one way, and that is His good and perfect will.
We need to beware not to let some inner unspoken fear or personal insecurity drive us to
“look at all the possibilities” in life. Such fears are not from God.
4. Test our thoughts
• Some thing can sound 95% right and still be wrong.

• Just as the Holy Spirit will give us godly wisdom, Satan can also give us worldly wisdom. It is
important to ask the Holy Spirit to help us examine and test the direction of our thoughts so that we
follow His voice, instead of the enemy’s. This is one way we “test the spirits to see whether they are
from God”.

• Lamentations 3:40 ESV Let us test and examine our ways, and
return to the LORD!
• 40. ehk; ek;Kila topfisr; Nrhjpj;J Muha;e;J> fh;j;jhplj;jpy;
4. Test our thoughts
• 1 John 4:1 ESV Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the
spirits to see whether they are from God…
• 1. gphpakhdth;fNs> cyfj;jpy; mNefq; fs;sj;jPh;ff ; jhprpfs;
Njhd;wpapUg;gjpdhy;> ePq;fs; vy;yh MtpfisAk; ek;ghky;>
me;j Mtpfs; Njtdhy; cz;lhditfNsh vd;W
5. Stay away from ungodly
• Ungodly influences come from many different sources, from family
traditions, the media, society, pop culture, songs etc. Ultimately, they
will fill our minds with insecurity, pride, doubt, and worldly human
logic. We are to keep our thoughts pure, uncorrupted and innocent so
our thoughts don’t get swayed away from God’s will.
• Romans 16:19 ESV For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice
over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as
to what is evil.
• 19. cq;fs; fPo;g;gbjy; ahtUf;Fk; njhpate;jpUf;fpwJ. Mifahy;
cq;fisf;Fwpj;Jr; re;Njh\g;gLfpNwd;@ MdhYk; ePq;fs; ed;ikf;F
QhdpfSk; jPikf;Fg; NgijfSkhapUf;fNtz;Lnkd;W tpUk;GfpNwd;.
5. Stay away from ungodly
• Proverbs 3:7 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and
turn away from evil.

• 7. eP cd;id Qhdpnad;W vz;zhNj@ fh;j;jUf;Fg; gae;J>

jPikia tpl;L tpyF.

• If we feel as if we are “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried

about” in our thoughts, then we need to examine if we are being
blown about by ungodly teaching or lies that sound like the
5. Stay away from ungodly
• Ephesians 4:14 ESV so that we may no longer be children, tossed to
and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by
human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.

• 14. ehk; ,dpf; Foe;ijfshapuhky;> kD\Uila #Jk;

tQ;rpf;fpwjw;NfJthd je;jpuKKs;s Nghjfkhfpa gytpj fhw;wpdhNy
miyfisg;Nghy mbgl;L miyfpwth;fshapuhky;>
6. Choose our counselors wisely
• It is wise to listen to good advice. Even so, we need to be
selective about who we turn to for advice. Seeking wisdom from
prudent God-fearing people is good but seeking God’s ultimate
wisdom is best. No one knows what tomorrow holds as clearly as
God does, and no detail is too insignificant to bring before God.
• Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

• 20. QhdpfNshNl rQ;rhpf;fpwtd; Qhdkilthd;@ %lUf;Fj

; NjhoNdh ehrkilthd;.
7. Know God’s Word well

• Nothing beats studying God’s Word. This is how we will be able

to decipher His ways, His will, and His character. The wise know that
God will never do anything that’s out of character nor will He change
His Word.
• Psalm 19:7-8 ESV The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the
testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
• 7. fh;j;jUila Ntjk; Fiwtw;wJk;> Mj;Jkhit caph;g;gpf;fpwJkhapUf;fpwJ@
fh;j;jUila rhl;rp rj;jpaKk;> Ngijia Qhdpahf;FfpwJkhapUf;fpwJ.
• 8. fh;j;jUila epahaq;fs; nrk;ikAk;> ,Ujaj;ijr;
re;Njh\pg;gpf;fpwJkhapUf;fpwJ@ fh;j;jUila fw;gid J}a;ikAk;> fz;fisj;
7. Know God’s Word well

• 1 Samuel 15:29 ESV And also the Glory of Israel will not lie or
have regret, for he is not a man, that he should have regret.”

• 29. ,];uNtypd; n[agykhdth; ngha; nrhy;YfpwJk;

,y;iy@ jhk; nrhd;dijg;gw;wp kd];jhgg;gLfpwJk; ,y;iy@
kdk; khw mth; kD\d; my;y vd;whd
8. Make use of our wisdom for
God’s glory
• The wise will choose the right time to speak up for what is right, stand up against
injustice, and correct those who are heading towards destruction – all because they
consider others more highly than themselves and love them as God loves them.

• When we take this loving attitude to counsel, advise and correct others, the wisdom we
bring will be appreciated because it will prevent more damage. At the end of the day,
when we combine wisdom with God’s grace, He is glorified and praised.

• Proverbs 15:2 ESV The tongue of the wise commends knowledge,

but the mouths of fools pour out folly.
2. Qhdpfspd; ehT mwpit cgNahfg;gLj;Jk;@ %lhpd; thNah
Gj;jpaPdj;ijf; ff;Fk;.
fh;j;jh; Qhdj;ijj; jUfpwhh;@ mth; thapdpd;W mwpTk; Gj;jpAk; tUk;.

Kj;Jf;fisg;ghh;f;fpYk; QhdNk ey;yJ@ ,r;rpf;fg;glj;jf;fitfnsy;yhk; mjw;F epfuy;y.

Mat 7:7; Wis 7:7

Praise the Lord! Ave Maria!

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