Allison Butts - Capitulo V Termoquimica-99-115
Allison Butts - Capitulo V Termoquimica-99-115
Allison Butts - Capitulo V Termoquimica-99-115
to the decrease of total energy of the system. It is not, however, equal to the decrease
of free energy of the system. The significance of free-energy change is discussed in
Chap. XXIV.
11H = -198,500 Cal.,
Ml = -397,000 Cal.
Ca + 0 + <'O· = J.ll = -t 95,050 Cal.
ThereforP: CaCO,, Ca + 0= CaO; Ml = -151,600 Cttl.
"specific heat" as hre indwated, in many books the term "heat capacity" is
alwa·" us('d with reference to one unit of the substance and thus has the same
meaning as "specific heat."
above is indeed practically a comitant and has the value of 5.0. Since
most metals in the vapor state are always monatomic, this relation
enables one to determine easily the specific heat of a metal vapor, a
quantity which can be measured experimentally only with great
vaor, then, :
difficulty and in many cases not at all. The specific heat of a metal
is 5.0 cal. per gram-atom, or 4 = 0.223 Cal. per cuhic meter. These
statements refer to the specific heat at constant preHs11re, c,..
This value apparently does not vary appreciably with temperature.
It has been used in calculations for various metal vapors frequently and
with considerable confidence.
Summary.-Lct it he required as an example t,o ealcnlat<' the
hmt, content of 1 kg. of nickel (vapor) at 3500°C. Nickel undergoes :t
trans formation in ·the solid i;tatc (a- to {1-nickc'l) at ahont 52°C. It
mP!t.s at 1455°C. and boils at about 2730°C. Jn going from a- t.o {1-
nirkPl, l kg. absorbs 1.33 Cal. The latent heat of fu14ion of nirkcl is
72 Cal. per
kilogram. The latent heat of vaporization has not been <iPtPnninrd
directly, but a method of calculation gives l ,-rno Cal. a:-; an approximation.
The mean specific heat of mlid nick<>l bPtwrcn 0 and 200°C. has hr<>n
determined as 0.1032 + (I 00011.;I ' In the ab;;encc of ot.lwr data, thi:-;
eression may be assumed to apply up to the transformation point. The
specific heat o( {1-nickel is 0.128 at 360°C. anc!remains approximatPly
constant up to the melting point The specific heat of molt m nickel is
known to be slightly greater than that of solid nickel. [ts rxart value
is uncertain since different published results re at variam·c'. Tim
most recent determination iR O.Hl. The specific heat of the vapor i:-;
probitbly close to 5.0 Cal. per molecular weight of 58.7 kg From thes<'
valus, the specific heat of nickel vapor per kilogram is calculated as 0.085.
With the above constants, the calculation now proceeds as follows:
Heat in 1 kg. of a-nickel at 352° = (0.1032 + 0.000051 X 352)352 = ·12 (j ( 'al.
Latent heat of transformatmn, a to {:J = 1 ,3
Heat in 1 kg. of {:1-niekPl at 352° = - - 4:f"ii Cal.
Heat gained between 352 and 1455° = 0.13 X (1,455 - 352) = 143
Heat m 1 kg of solid nickel at the melting pomt (14.55°) = -187 Cal.
Latent heat of f t1H10n = 72
' Heat in l kg. of hquid nickel at the melting pomt = 259 Cal
Heat gaind between 1455 and 2730° = 0.16 X (2,730 - 1,455) = 204
Heat in 1 kg. of hqmd nickel at the boiling pomt (2730°) = - ( 'al
Latent heat of vaporization = I , 490
Heat in 1 kg. of nickel vapor at the boiling point = i,953 - Cal.
Heat gamed hetween 2730 and 3500° = 0.085 X (3,500 - 2,730) = 65
Heat in 1 kg. of nickel vapor at 31\00° = 2)Yttf ( 'al
where B and C apply only to the mean specific heat c,,.. If these values
of B and C are not known, but the values are known of a and {3, repre
senting the corresponding constants in the expression for the actual
("instantaneous") specific heat at temperature t, a being the specific
heat at 0° (a = A ), then the actual specific heat at t0 is given by:
c, = a + {jt + "{t 2• (7)
l\nd the heat content above 0° at t 0 is given by:
q= .£' (a + {jt + "{l 2)
= at + Y2f3t 2 + Ya'Y t·1
= ( + Y2f3 t +
%'Yt2 )t.
Equation (9), it will be obsc>rved, is applicable for finding thr heat
content at t 0 , wlwn the exprrssion for the actual specific heat at t0 is given
instead of the mean specific heat.
Equation (8) is a more general form
of Eq. (6), and it i obyious that
the coefficients in tlie 'expression for
mean specific heat between 0 and t 0
are related as follows to the corre
sponding coefficient,; in thr expression
for actual Rpecific heat at t 0 when
the latter is given in the form of Eq.
(7): A = a, B = J,{3, C = 'S"f .
When C i;; negligible, the graph
of Ct = A + Rt is a straight line, and
0 Temperciture t the mean value of B is its value
Fro. 3.-Vanatwn of spec1hc heat with halfway between 0 and t, or a + !1,
{3t ; temperature (empu ical) but when C is not negligible, then
Ct = A + Bt + Ct 2 is a parabolic curve, in which C = !'a'Y (see Fig. 3).
The chnge in sensible lwat when the temperature changes from t 1
to t2 may be expressed as:
For many substances, especially solids, it has been found that varia
tion of specific heat with temperature can best be expressed in the form
A + BT - CT-2, except when the value of T is small, say below 400°.
(Here T is on the absolute temperature scale, degrees Kelvin.) When
this expression is integrated between 0 and T to obtain the heat content
above 0°K., the result is:
q = (A + 72BT + CT- 2) 'l'. (11)
The capital letter C is used as the symbol for the molal heat capacity
of a substance. The heat capacity of l mol would be the same quantity
as specific heat per mol. The Amal! letter c is used as the symbol for the
specific heat of 1 g. In theoretical work the molal heat capacity is of the
greater significance; but in practical calculations, where weights are
known in grams or kilogramR, the values of c and c., in calories per gram
( = Calorics per kilogram) arc morn convePient to mm; the latter will
therefore be given in the tables in Chap. XXV. For the same reason of
convenience in u;;e, ;;;ince it is customary in practice to calculate heat
contents from 0°C. as a base line, fae cxpre:-1sions for Hpecific heats in
this book will have Huch valuPs for the constants that a iR the specific
heat at 0°C. Jn many book;;; the c>xpres:,;ions for ;;;pecific heat and heat
Papacity are given in the form l + BT + C T 2 , where T is on the abso
lute scale and 0°K. ( -273°C.) is the ba:,;e line>.
In using given values or exprc'sHions for Hpecific heat and heat capacity,
it is therefore esst>ntial to note (1) whether they are given per mol or per
kilogram (or, in the case of a gaH, per cubic meter) and (2) wheter they
arc for degrees centigrade (t) using 0°C. a8 the ba;;;c line or for degrees
Kelvin (T) ur:ing 0° absolute t<•mperature a;;; the haHf' line. Both methods
of exprer:Hion will give the ;;;amc reHults if correctly used. More rarely,
the cornitant:-; given may h<> for the Engfoih ;.;ystem (B.t.u. per pound or
per pound-mo! and per degree Fahrenheit). The tahlPs in thi;;; book,
as is eustomary, use metric unifai; but values given in calories per gram
or Calories pPr kilogram hold also for pound-calories per pound, and it
The procedure in the various cases will be obvious from the foregoing
Kirchhoff ts Equation.-The change in heat of reaction with change of
temperature may be expressed as follows:1
dQ = (Gp - Gp') dt,
where GP and Cv' are the. heat capacities at constant pressure of the
reactants and of the products, respectively, of the given reaction. In
this equation all reactants and products are at the same temperature.
1 KIRCHHOFF, G., Ann. Physik [2), 103, 177 (1858).
Integration of the equation and substitution of the proper values of Cp
and C/ lead to the same result as in the foregoing discussion.
Phase Symbols in Reactions.-Since the heat content of any sub
stance taking part in a chemical reaction will depend greatly on whether
it is in the solid, liquid, or gaseous 'state, it is desirable in some cases to
follow the formula for a substance in a reaction with a symbol in paren
theses to show the phase or state in which the substance is present.
This should be done when any doubt can arise. as to the existing state;
when the state is obvious, it is better for the sake of clarity and simplicit y
to omit such symbols. The symbols most commonly used are:
s = sohd.
c = crystallme
l = liquid.
dil = d1fote solution.
g = gas. aq = dilute aqueous solution
OtherH are Rometimes Examples of the way in which these arc
uReful. m ed are aH follows:
Electrolyt1c Pxtraction of copper from solution formed by leaclung: CuSO,
(aq) + H,O(l) = Cu + H ,SO,(aq) + O(g).
Dctmnmg of srrap tin plate with rhlorm<>:
Sn(.•) + 2CI,(g) = SnCl,(l).
Prod11ct10n of ammonia from cyananudP:
CaCN, + 3H,O(g) = 2NH,(g) + CaO + CO,.
In this book, Rince the phase or stat<> will wmally be obvious from
the nature of the process under discussion, it will not of ten be necessary
to employ these symbols.
96. Calculate 'the heat of the reaction for each of the seven rf'actions given or
required in Probs. 1 to 5. (Place the proper plus or mmus sign before each answer;
for CO and CO, use values for amorphous carbon.)
97. From the tables, Chap. XXV, obtain the following heats of formation: (F•-,
S1, 03), (FeO, 8102), and (S1, 02). Write each of these in theform of a thermochemical
f'QUation. From these equations determine the heat of formation of FeO, per kilo
gram of Fe.
98. a. Givrn the following heats of formation (from t he tables, Chap. XXV):
(Ag,O, N 20,) = -46,100
(Ag, N, O,) = -29,400.
(N,, O.) = + 600.
Required: The heat of oxidation of silver to Ag 20, per kilogram of silwr.
b. Given the followmg heats of formation ( -till):
MnO from Mn and 0: 1,757 lb.-cal. per pound of Mn.
SO, from S and 30: 2,930 lb.-cal. per pound of S.
MnSO, from Mn, S, and 40: 1,664 lb.-cal. per pound of MnSO,.
Required: The molal heat of formation of MnSO, from MnO and S08•
99, a. Antimony ore containing 27 per cent Sb2Sa is roasted, producing Sb20•
and 801• The weight of ore treated is 5,000 lb.
Required: 1. The volume of oxygen required, in cubic feet.
2. The quantity of heat evolved, in pound-calories.
b. An electric furnace is used to manufacture gaseous carbon bisulphide
through the reaction of sulphur with carbon. The production is 7 metric tons in
24 hours.
Required: The total amount of energy <'volvcd or required (which?) in the reaction,
in Calories, and the power in kilowatts.
100. An ele?tric furnace is.supplied with CaO and C, in the proportions to form
CaO +3C = CO + CaC,.
It produces 0.25 kg. of CaC, per kilowatt-hour. The CaC', reacts with H20
according to the reaction
CaC, + 2H,O = Ca(OHJ, +
Required: 1. The minimum power to produce 1 ton of CaC 2 ppr hour.
2. The electrothermal energy efficiency of th<• furnace operation.
3. If 100 g. of CaC, is treated with 10 kg. of cold H,O, how many calories will
be set free, and how many degrees rise of temperature will rcHult?
101. a. Calculate the heat content (above 0°C.) of 1.5 kg. of tin (a) soh<l, iust at.
the melting point; (b) molten, just at the melting point; (1') at a tPmperature of 1200°C.
b. Calculate the heat content (above 0°C.) of 1 mo! of silicon vapor at 3700°<'.
(the temperature of the electric arc between carbon electrodes).
102. A coal-burning furnace was used for meltmg copper cathodes and required
7 hr. to melt 160-'llletric tons of copper. The calorific power of the coal used was
5,952 Cal. per kilogram. There was used 250 kg. of coal per ton of copper melted.
The heat capacity of the gases resulting from burning 1 kg. of th<' coal is 4.071 +
0.000669t. The furnace is equipped with a waste-heat boiler; temperature of thr
gases at the entrance to the boiler, 1100°C.; at exit from boiler, 500°('.
Required: 1. The quantity of heat required to melt the copper
2. The thermal efficiency of the furnace durmg the melting.
3. The boiler horsepower developed by the boiler, assuming that it utilizes 94 per
cent of the heat dropped by the gases in passmg through it.
103. In converting copper matte, the chemical action in each of the two stages 1s
represented by the following equations:
(a) 2FeS + 30, = 2Fe0 + 280,.
(b) Cu.S + O, = 2Cu + so,.
Assume that the average temperature in the convl'rter <luring the first stage is l 100°C ,
o.nd during the second stage 1200°C. The air, however, is blown in cold ; assume that
its temperature is 0°C. Calculate for the eaction only, disregardmg the nitrogl'n,
which does not appear in the reaction.
Required: 1. The heat of the first reaction, all components except oxygen being at
2. The same for the second reaction, all components except oxygen being at
lM. a. Calculate the heat of the reaction for production of silwon 1\arb1de, bPg111-
ning and ending at 1700°C.:
SiO; + 3C = SiC + 2co.
1'/l /\'U.\/ 0(' /l /:' \f ll'i1'RY AND 'l'HETlllfOPIIYSICS 95
b, Iron carbide ch'c·omposes as follows, forming crystals of pure iron and
Fe,C = 3Fe + C.
Required: The heat of this reaction, per pound of iron, (a} when it occurs in solid
cast iron at a temperature of 2000°F., and (b) whrn it occurs in the production of
artificial graphite at a temperature of 4000°F.
106. Calculate the heat of the reaction
Al20, + sc = 2A1 + aco,
I & •
taking place in the Hall procelJs at a ternp"rature of 1000°C. Although this tem-
perature is below the melting point of AJ,O,, the alumina is actually in the liquid
Btate, being dissolved in molten cryolite. Assume, therefore, that the heat content
of the Al,03 includes its heat of fusion.
106. Th<> rc•action for reduction of zinc from roasted zinc ore is:
ZnO +C = Zn + CO.
llequired: 1. The heat of this reaction as it takes place in the zinc retort, beginning
n nd ending at 1000°C.
2. The heat requir('(l for the r<>action, per kilogram of zinc vapor produced, allow i
ng for th<' fact that the zinc oxide and carbon ar<' put into the retort cold (assume