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Money I

Verbs related
related to
to money
money Irregular
Irregular Verbs
ŠBuy bought bought comprar
ŠBe worth: valer My house is worth about € 150.000. ŠGet got got conseguir
ŠCost: costar This book cost me € 18 (me costó...) ŠKeep kept kept mantener
ŠLend lent lent prestar
ŠBuy: comprar You can buy best lettuces in this market. ŠPay paid paid pagar
ŠSell sold sold vender
ŠSell: verder Best lettuces are on sale in this market. ŠSpend spent spent gastar
ŠSteal stole stolen robar
ŠPay: pagar Pay me, please! ŠWin won won ganar
ŠSpend: gastar I always spend money on stupid things.
ŠWaste: malgastar I always waste money. And you?
Some Prepositions
ŠBlow: derrochar I blow a lot of money on stupid somethings.
ŠBe broke: estar en bancarrota I’m already broke! ŠFor:
ŠFor: II paid
paid for
for the
the dinner
dinner last
last night.
ŠTo: II don’t
don’t like
like lending
lending money
money to to friends.
friends. Pay
ŠInherit: heredar I inherited € 5,50 from my uncle. ŠFrom:
ŠFrom: I borrowed a lot of money from
I borrowed a lot of money from the
the bank.
ŠCharge: cobrar The dentist charged me the earth.* ŠIn: I pay in cash.
ŠIn: I pay in cash. ŠIn
ŠTake out: sacar, extraer I took out € 200 from the cash machine yesterday.
ŠBy: II pay
pay byby credit
credit card.
ŠEarn: ganar (salary) I earn not much a mounth. And you? ŠBy
ŠOn: II sepent
sepent €€ 50 50 on
on books.
ŠSave: ahorrar I’m saving quite a lot money. ŠBack:
ŠBack: Pay Pay me me back
back the
the money
money II lentlent you.
ŠInvest: invertir I will invest some money.

ŠLend: prestar I lent him € 250... Some

Some verbs
verbs with
with definitions
ŠBorrow: pedir prestado ... and I have just borrowed him only € 50, ŠEarn: to get money by working.
ŠOwe: deber (Own: poseer) so he still owe me € 200. ŠSpend: to give or pay money for something.
ŠPay back: devolver Pay back, please! ŠBlow: to spend a lot of money on something.
ŠBe broke: having no money.
ŠAfford: permitirse económicamente Can you afford it?
ŠCan’t afford: no poderse permit. I can’t afford buy this house. ŠAfford: to have enough money for something.
* El oro y el moro.

Oposite verbs
Lend Õ
(pedir) Ö Borrow (pedir prestado)
(ahorrar) Save Õ Ö Waste (malgastar)
(Own: poseer) (deber) Owe Õ Ö Pay back (devolver)
Quino Villa
Money II
Vocabulary related
related to
to money
money II Some
Some Phrases
Phrases II Some
Some Phrases
Phrases IIII

ŠNote: billete Wallet: cartera ŠHe’s earning good money now: ŠWho do you bank with?
¿En qué banco tienes cuenta?
ŠCoin: moneda Purse: monedero Él está ganando ahora un buen sueldo
ŠTo buy something on hire purchase
ŠShe married money Comprar algo a plazos
ŠTo be on sale: estar en venta Ella se casó con un hombre rico
ŠFor sale: Se vende ŠTo sell yourself
ŠTo come into money Dejarse sobornar
ŠBank: banco Heredar dinero ŠTo sell like hot cakes
ŠTo bank: tener cuenta con (verbo) ŠTo lose money Venderse como churros
ŠBank manager: director de banco Perder dinero
ŠAll that glitters is not gold
No es oro todo lo que reluce
ŠBank account: cuenta bancaria ŠTo play the stock market ŠTo ask the earth
ŠCurrent account: cuenta corriente Especular en la Bolsa Pedir el oro y el moro
ŠTo be in credit: tener saldo positivo ŠMoney isn’t everything ŠTo make one’s fortune
ŠKeep over: mantener saldo por encima de... El dinero no lo es todo Hacerse de oro
ŠBank balance: saldo de una cuenta ŠYour money or your life ŠThere is a 16% service charge
Se cobra un 16% de servicio
ŠService: servicio La bolsa o la vida
ŠTo be in the money
ŠService charge: servicio ŠTo be in the money Estar bien de dinero
Estar forrado ŠMoney can’t buy happiness
ŠCash machine: cajero automático ŠTo have to money to burn El dinero no da la felicidad
ŠCash: dinero en metálico Tener dinero de sobra ŠMoney makes money
ŠTo pay in cash: pagar al contado ŠTo spend money like water El dinero llama al dinero
ŠCash price: precio al contado ŠTo spend money like water
Gastar dinero como si fuera agua
ŠCash card: tarjeta de cajero automático Tener un agujero en el bolsillo
ŠMoney talks ŠMoney back if not satisfied
ŠCredit card: tarjeta de crédito Poderoso caballero es don dinero Si no queda satisfecho, le devolvemos su dinero
ŠAccount: cuenta
ŠCurrent account: cuenta corriente
Vocabulary related
related to
to money
moneyIIII Earn
Earn (ganar
(ganar salario)
ŠAccounts: factura ŠPaper money: papel moneda ŠEarnings: ingresos
ŠTax: impuesto ŠHungarian money: dinero húngaro ŠEarner: fuente de ingresos
ŠRise: subida, aumento ŠEarned income: rentas de trabajo
ŠFinance: finanzas
ŠMortgage: hipoteca ŠEarnings-related: proporcional a los ingresos
ŠThe finance minister: el secretario de hacienda
ŠLoan: préstamo
ŠFinancial year: ejercicio fiscal ŠEarnest: serio, sincero
ŠSalary: sueldo
ŠPublic spending: el gasto público ŠIn earnest: en serio

Quino Villa

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