TRI Week 1-10merged

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Chocolate - 巧克⼒

Vitamin - 维他命

mapping between linguistic systems based on

功夫 - Kungfu Borrowing
phonetic similarity

⾖腐 – Tofu

résumé (French)

White collar – blue collar – gold collar

Direct translation
calque is a type of borrowing where a word or
phrase is translated literally from one Calque
language into another.

Pandora’s box

Knowledge is power.
word-for-word translation Literal translation

n. > v. / adj. / adv.

我坚信... 这个政策是正确的 It’s my conviction that ...
the correctness of this policy
change of part-of-speech of a word Transposition
Vinay & Darbelnet
v. > n.
to develop the economy

He failed the exam.

change of form for more idiomatic expression Modulation
I hate to say good-bye.

New brooms sweep clean. More haste, less displacement or movement of an image after
speed. Penny wise, pound foolish. 爱屋及乌 translating idioms and proverbs Equivalence Image shift it has been translated from one language to Definition: effortless/without much effort
百闻不如⼀⻅ 不遗余⼒ 巧妇难为⽆⽶之炊 another.
⼩菜⼀碟 (piece & 碟)
Oblique translation

Translating cultural references; extreme limit

of translation
negation is expressed by using negative
words such as "not," "never," or "none."

Gone with the wind



Translation method

卧⻁藏⻰ TRI WEEK 1

staff only
affirmation is often expressed simply by
Different models of translation stating a positive fact or opinion

Subtopic 1

Tension is building up.

张⼒在增⼤。 proper choice of words and phrases Diction
压⼒在增强 Active
Most trees are stripped/denuded of leaves in
This watch never varies more than a second active voice, the subject of the sentence winter.
in a month. Active/Passive voice performs the action, while in passive voice,
Conversion of parts of speech
这块表⼀个⽉的误差从不超过⼀秒钟。varies & the subject receives the action.

Heated, water will change into vapor. ⽔如受 supply necessary words for faithful
Amplification Shifts at lexical-semantic level
热, 就会汽化。 如;就 representation

The time-keeping devices of electronic

watches are much more accurate than those
subtract components from the original work Omission
of mechanical ones.

Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as of

a device for achieving stylistic effect, such as
admiration. ⽆知是恐惧的根源,也是惊奇的根 Repetition
for clarity, for emphasis and for vividness

This problem is above me.

这问题我不懂(或:这问题我解决不了)。 Negation

They are striving for the ideal which is close

to the heart of every Chinese and for which,
in the past, many Chinese have laid down
their lives. Division
他们正在为实现⼀个理想⽽努⼒, 这个理想是每个
中国⼈所珍爱 的, 在过去, 许多中国⼈为了这个理 Zhang Peiji et al.

The sun, which had hidden all day, now came

out in all its splendor. 整天躲在云层⾥的太阳, Combination Shifts at structural level

the way in which a translator tries to capture

She did not wish to be troubled.
the author's unique voice and style in the Voices
translated text.

Most of the information we have got is adjust or rearrange the word order on
through that channel. account of the different syntax of these two Restructuring
我们得到的⼤部分消息是通过那个渠道获得的。 languages

Jeep – 吉普 ; Logic – 逻辑 = borrowing Transliteration

Airplane – ⻜机 ; Mascot – 吉祥 Replacement

is a type of translation that focuses on the

Horse-power ⻢⼒ ; honeymoon 蜜⽉ meaning of the source text, rather than simply Semantic translation Shifts at cultural level
translating individual words or phrases.

哪吒庙 – Na Tcha Temple ;Beer – 啤酒 Transliteration plus semantic translation

Hippy – 嬉⽪⼠ Sardine – 沙丁⻥ Transliteration plus’s explanation

E: The application of electronic computers
makes for a tremendous rise in labor

C: 使⽤电⼦⼦算计可以⼤⼤提⾼劳动⽣产率。

E: Difference between the social systems of

states shall not be an
obstacle to their approach and cooperation.

Verb derived words (to arrive - arrival;to C: 各国社会制度的不同,不应妨碍彼此接近和相

Nouns In A Verbal Sense Conversion/transposition
repeat - repetition) 互合作。

E: I am afraid I can’t teach you swimming. I

think my little brother is a better teacher
than I.

C: 我未必会教你游泳。我想我的⼩弟弟⽐我教得
Nouns ending with -er & highlighting
E: Talking with his son, the old man was the
forgiver of the young man’s
past wrong doings.

C: 在和⼉⼦谈话时,⽼⼈宽恕了年轻⼈过去所⼲
C: 的坏事。

E:We are deeply convinced of the

correctness of this policy and firmly
determined to pursue it.

C: 我们深信这⼀政策是正确的,并有坚定的决⼼
Adjective-derived words by adding suffix,
E: Allow me, on behalf of the delegation that
Nouns In An Adj. Sense including -ness, -ity, - ance/-ence, -ment ( Conversion/transposition
accompanies me and in my own name, to
Ready – readiness ;Happy – happiness)
sincerely thank you for this and convey to
you the message of friendship and fraternity
of our people.

C: 对此,请允许我以陪同我访问的代表团和我本
Translating nouns
⼈的名义,向你们表示 诚挚的谢意,并向你们传

E: The new mayor earned some appreciation

by the courtesy of coming to visit the city

C: 新市⻓有礼貌地来看望城市贫⺠,获得了⼈们
Words with abstract conceptions and 的⼀些好感
Nouns in an adverbial sense systematically related to the other parts of Conversion/transposition
sentences E: When he catches a glimpse of a potential
antagonist, his instinct is to win him

C: 只要⼀发现有可能反对他的⼈,他就本能地要

- Nouns as results of doing something

• She is a valuable acquisition to the firm - 她
Concrete Meaning Of Abstract Nouns - Nouns need to be concretized
• And I knew that many families today were
conscious of absences. - 我明⽩,许多家庭今天

E: Kissinger felt that Rogers was quibbling,

but the lawyer in Nixon supported the
quibble of a fellow lawyer.

Nouns need abstraction, referring to entities

C: 基⾟格感到罗杰斯是在挑刺⼉,但是尼克松身
TRI WEEK 2 Abstract Meaning Of Concrete Nouns or qualities that have no direct/physical
上的律师⽓质使他⽀持了另⼀位律师 的挑刺⼉。

E: He felt the patriot rise within him.

C: 他感到⼀种爱国热情在胸中激荡。

A phrase that has a noun or pronoun as its

Eg. The Largest Gold(modifier) Ring(noun) In
head (main noun or pronoun) or performs
The World(modifier)
the same grammatical function as a noun.

Any dependent words (modifier) before or

Translating noun phrases Nouns Phrases
after the head

Makes the noun more specific

In Chinese: modifiers precedes nouns

A Group Of Words That Has The Same Uses

In A Sentence As A Noun

A type of nominal clause that functions as the

subject of a sentence. typically begins with a
Subject clause What she wrote is true.
subordinating conjunction such as "that" or "
Translating noun/nominal clause Different Functions Of Nominal Clauses
A type of nominal clause that functions as the
object of a verb or preposition in a sentence.
Object clause I don’t know who is at the door.
It typically begins with a subordinating
As such, it can function in several different
conjunction such as "that," "whether," or "if."
ways in a sentence, such as:
• Subject
A type of nominal clause that functions as a
• Object
complement to a subject in a sentence,
• Predicate
typically linking the subject to a predicate
• Apposition Predicative clause That is when it happens.
adjective or noun. It usually begins with a
copular verb such as "be," "seem," or "

a type of nominal clause that functions as an

The problem, that you did not pick up the
appositive to a noun in a sentence, providing
Appositive clause packages, delays the entire production
additional information about the noun. It is
typically set off by commas
1. Adj. : describe/modify nouns/pronouns (
happy, beautiful, tall)

2. Verbs : express an action, occurrence or

state of being (run, eat, sing)

3. Nouns : refer to ppl, places, things/idea(

could be concrete such as desk or abstract
such as happiness)

E: Every time you meet someone in a social

situation, give him your undivided attention
for four minutes.
Undivided: adj

C: 每当你在社交场合遇到某⼈,专注地看他四分
专注地: adv.
Translating adj. - adv.
E: I am so grateful to my father for his
continuous encouragement
during my childhood.
Continuous: adj.

C: 我⾮常感谢⽗亲,因为他在我⼩时候总是不断
地⿎励我。不断地 :adv.

Subject complement is a word or a group of

words that follows a linking verb and describes
or renames the subject of a sentence.

Subject complement tells us more abt the sub.

of sentence ; it can either rename or describe
the subject

A predicate nominative is a noun, pronoun, or

any other substantive that renames the
subject of a sentence.
Predicate nominative:
Eg.: My favorite food is pizza. (In this
Adj. after verb “be” as subject complements sentence, "pizza" is the predicate nominative
that renames the subject "My favorite food.")

A predicate adjective is an adjective that

describes the subject of a sentence.
Predicate Adjective:
Eg.: The soup smells delicious. (In this
sentence, "delicious" is the predicate
adjective that describes the subject "the

In both cases, the linking verb connects the

subject with its complement. The most
common linking verbs are "be," "seem," "
appear," "become," "feel," and "look."

When an adjective is used as a predicative, it

follows a linking verb and describes the subject
Translating adj. - verbs of a sentence.

Eg.; The cake is delicious. (In this sentence, "

Adj. used as a predicative that introduces a
delicious" is the predicative adjective that
“that’ clause
describes the subject "cake.")

Eg.; He seems tired. (In this sentence, "tired" is

- Clauses include adverbials of time, place, the predicative adjective that describes the
cause, condition, concession, purpose, result, subject "he.")
and so on.
- Generally speaking, they do not pose any E: He said the meeting was informative.
obstacles to either comprehending or Informative; adj.
translating. Conversion
- The crux is how to make the translation C: 他说这个会议使⼈了解许多事情。了解: v.
conform to Chinese usage, i.e., how to
arrange them properly
E: Scientist are confident that all matter is
indestructible. Confident: adj.
- 如果你来了 (rúguǒ nǐ lái le) - If you come (if
you have come),...
often start with conjunctions or adverbs such Chinese adverbial clauses of condition are C: 科学家们深信物质是不灭的。深信: v.
- 假如明天下⾬ (jiǎrú míngtiān xià yǔ) -
as 如果 (rúguǒ), meaning "if," 假如 (jiǎrú), used to express a condition or circumstance
Suppose it rains tomorrow (if tomorrow
meaning "suppose that," and 只要 (zhǐyào), that must be met before an action can take modifies a specific noun that has already been
meaning "as long as." place or before a certain result can occur. mentioned or is known
- 只要你努⼒ (zhǐyào nǐ nǔlì) - As long as you
Adjectives with definite articles to indicate
work hard (if you work hard),...
specific groups of persons or things The definite article "the" is used to indicate
E: Please turn off the light when you leave that the speaker is referring to a particular
the room. noun, not just any noun.
- Stand at the beginning
- May be translated by using such a Chinese
Translation of English adverbial clauses – adjectives that follow linking verbs and
C: 离屋时请关电灯。 pattern as “⼀......就......
Time describe the subject of a sentence.
” May be translated Adjectives are used as predicatives to
E: He had scarcely handed me the letter into Chinese adverbial clauses of condition indicate the nature of things
when he asked me to read it. used to indicate a quality, state, or condition of
the subject.
C: 他把信⼀交给我, 就叫我念给他听。
Translating adj. - nouns E: The rich are not always happy. Rich: adj.
E: Turn off the switch when anything goes
wrong with the machine. C: 富⼈未必总是幸福的。富⼈:noun

C: 如果机器发⽣故障, 就把电⻔关上。 E: Everyday experience shows us that heavy

objects are more stable than light ones.
E: Make a mark where you have any doubts Stable: adj.
or questions.
C: ⽇常⽣活经验告诉我们,重东⻄⽐轻东⻄的稳
Translating adjectives
C: 在有疑问的地⽅做个记号。 定性要好些。稳定性:noun

May be translated into Chinese adverbial Translation of English adverbial clauses – Aka: attributive nouns/noun adjuncts
E: Where water resources are plentiful,
clauses of condition place
hydroelectric power stations are
being built in large numbers.
TRI WEEK 3 nouns that are used as adjectives to modify
other nouns
C: 只要哪⾥⽔源充⾜, 就在哪⾥修建⼤批的⽔电 Translation of eng adverbial
站。 clauses They are called "transferred" because they are
When an adjective usually used to describe nouns that have been transferred from their
- 因为下⾬,所以我们没去公园。(Yīnwèi xiàyǔ, one thing is transferred to another original noun function to act as an adjective
suǒyǐ wǒmen méi qù gōngyuán.) - Because it modifying another noun.
was raining, so we didn't go to the park.
- 由于他⽣病了,所以他没来上课。(Yóuyú tā These clauses often start with conjunctions or Eg: Coffee mug (In this phrase, "coffee" is a
Chinese adverbial clauses of cause are used
shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ tā méi lái shàngkè.) - Due adverbs such as 因为 (yīnwèi), meaning " noun that has been transferred to act as an
to indicate the reason or cause behind an
to his illness, he didn't come to class. because," 由于 (yóuyú), meaning "due to," and adjective modifying the noun "mug.")
action or event.
- 因为我忘了带钥匙,所以我进不了房间。( 所以 (suǒyǐ), meaning "so" or "therefore."
Yīnwèi wǒ wàng le dài yàoshi, suǒyǐ wǒ jìn bù E: An awed hush fell upon the bystanders.
liǎo fángjiān.) - Because I forgot to bring the Awed: transferred adj. (feeling of respect/
key, so I couldn't enter the room. Translated into Chinese adverbial clauses of admiration/wonder)
cause !
E: The crops failed because the season was C: 旁观的⼈都惊愕得说不出话来。惊愕 :
Translating transferred adj.
dry. adj.
Translation of English adverbial clauses –
C: 因为⽓候⼲燥, 作物歉收。 E: With an effort I managed to restrain my
incredulous laughter. Incredulous; transferred
E: Because he was convinced of the adj. (often used to describe a person's
accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his reaction to a surprising or unbelievable event
opinion. or piece of information)
Changed into principal clauses
C: 他深信这件事正确可靠, 因此坚持⼰⻅。 C: 我好不容易才忍住了笑,他的话太令⼈难以置
信了。难以置信:adj. (unbelievable)
E: If something has the ability to adjust itself
to the environment, we say Attributive clause: type of dependent clause
it has intelligence. that modifies noun/pronoun(whose,which,
that or relative adverb like ‘where, when,
C: 如果某物具有适应环境的能⼒, 我们就说它具 why’)
有智⼒。 translated into Chinese adverbial clauses of Translation of English adverbial clauses –
condition condition Position of attributive clause in eng & chi is
E: Granted that this is true, what conclusion different
can you draw?
Unlimited attributive clause in eng
C: 假设这是实际情况, 你⼜能得出什么结论呢?
This is the cat
- While she is a talented singer, she is not
confident performing in front of large It usually begins with conjunctions such as " An adverbial clause of concession expresses 这就是那只猫
Translation of English adverbial clauses –
audiences. although," "even though," "though," "while," an idea that contrasts with the main idea of
- Despite being warned, she went ahead with or "despite." the sentence. This is the cat that killed the rat.
her plan.

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the

* 这就是那只捕杀了偷吃了蛋糕的⽼⿏的猫。

This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the
cake that lay in the house


This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the
cake that lay in the house that Jack built.


Eng; unlimited no. Of attributive clauses

following the word being modified

Chi: only limited amount of words preceding

the word being modified

Eventually there is no correspondence

between their sentence structure

- Characterized by the absence of a comma

between the subordinate clauses and the
principal clauses
- Closely related to the nouns or pronouns (
also called antecedents) that they are modifying
- Meaning of the complex sentence would be
incomplete unless the restrictive attributive
clause is taken into consideration

Conversion between simple and complex


E: The people who worked for him lived in

mortal fear of him. Who worked for him;
restrictive AC.
Comparative study of eng & chi attributive
clause Translating restrictive attributive clauses -
C: 在他⼿下⼯作的⼈对他怕得要死。

E: July and August are the months when the

weather is hot. When the weather is hot:
restrictive AC.

C: 七⼋⽉是天⽓很热的⽉份。

Too complicated for translator to take as a


Principle clause: a clause that can stand

alone as a sentence and does not depend on
any other clause for its meaning

Antecedent: the word or phrase that comes "John lost his book," "John" is the
before the pronoun and gives it meaning antecedent of the pronoun "his".

E: Between these two tiny particles, the

proton and the electron, there is a powerful
attraction that is always present between
negative and positive electric charges. That is
always present …..: Restrictive AC | Principle
Divide it into two, placing the attributive clause: there is a powerful attraction
clause after the principal clause to conform
to the usage of Chinese language, repeating C: 在质⼦和电⼦这两个微粒之间有⼀个很⼤的吸
the antecedent being modified 引⼒, ⽽这个吸 引⼒总是存在于正、负电荷之
Translating restrictive attributive clauses -
Restrictive clauses
E: Newton invented a paper lantern
illuminated by a candle which he carried with
him to light his way to school on dark winter
mornings. Which he carried….: restrictive AC |
principle clause: newton invented a paper
lantern illuminated by a candle

C: ⽜顿发明了⼀只点蜡烛的纸灯笼, 在昏暗朦胧
的冬天早晨上学 时带着灯笼照路。

Compound sentences: consist of two or more

independent clauses that are joined together
by coordinating conjunctions, semicolons, or
a colon.

E: A fuel is a material which will burn at a

reasonable temperature and produce heat.
Attributive clause may be translated as a
compound sentence, C: 燃料是⼀种物质, 在适当温度下能够燃烧并放
without repeating the antecedent being 出热量。
E: They worked out a new method by which
production has now been
rapidly increased.

C: 他们制定出⼀种新⽅法, 采⽤之后⽣产已迅速

E: There were men in that crowd who had

stood there every day for a month. Principle
clause: there were men in that crowd |
restrictive AC; who……..

C: 在那群⼈中, 有些⼈每天站在那⾥, 站了⼀个

Attributive/relative clauses
E: There are some metals which possess the
Translating restrictive attributive clauses – power to conduct electricity and the ability to
mixture be magnetized. Principle clause: there are
some metals | restrictive AC: which……..

C: 某些⾦属既能导电, ⼜能被磁化。

E: Good clocks have pendulums which are

automatically compensated for temperature
changes. Principle clause: good clocks have
Condensation of principal clause (if very pendulums | restrictive AC: which…..
simple) into the subject of a simple sentence
C: 好的钟摆可以⾃动补偿温度变化造成的误差。

- Characterized by a comma between the

principal and the attributive clause
- Hence hold a loose relationship with the
- Function as a supplementary part in the

- No significant difference between these

two kinds of attributive clauses
-“Division” is more frequently adopted

E: Fine grains of dust can reflect blue light ,

Translating Non-restrictive attributive which coarse grains of
Repeating the antecedents
clauses - division dust cannot.
C: 微粒灰尘能反射蓝光, 但粗粒灰尘却不能。

E: After dinner , the four key negotiators

resumed their talks, which
Omitting the antecedents continued well into the night.
C: 饭后, 四个主要谈判⼈物继续进⾏会谈, ⼀直谈
Non-restrictive attributive clauses - Features
E: Nevertheless the problem was solved
successfully, which showed
Translating into independent sentences that the computations were accurate.
C: 不过, 问题还是圆满地解决了。这说明计算很

E: Transistors, which are small in size, can

make previously large and
Translating Non-restrictive attributive To avoid a loose structure and take
bulky radios light and small.
clauses - combination coherence into consideration
C: 体积⼩的晶体管使得先前那种⼤⽽笨的收⾳机
E: When the pressure gets low, the boiling
S+V: He came. point becomes low. (Gets ; becomes)
S+V+O: The family are watching TV. Translating ENG verbs Omission
S+V+O+O.C.: We saw many people standing C: ⽓压低, 沸点就低。
Subject – Verb (S+V)
on the square.
S+V+I.O+D.O: He passed me the book. E: The man I saw at the party looked and
S+be.V+P: He is disappointed. ENG talked like an American. (Looked ; talked)

- Subject: doer/agent (active voice) or doee ( C: 我在聚会上⻅到的那个⼈,外表和谈吐都像美

passive voice) 国⼈。(外表 ;谈吐)
- Subject-verb agreement
Translation ENG verbs into CHI nouns
E: As the war progressed, he would symbolize
他来了。 their frustrations, the embodiment of all
Compare ENG & CHI structure evils. (Symbolise)
C: 随着战争的进⾏,他成了他们受挫的象征,成
我们看到很多⼈站在⼴场上。 S+V 了⼀ 切坏事的化身。(象征)

他递给我那本书。 E: 林则徐认为, 要成功地制⽌鸦⽚买卖, 就得⾸先

他很失望。 CHI
Nouns Translation CHI verbs - ENG nouns
C: Lin Zexu believed that a successful ban of
Topic+comment / Theme +rheme the trade in opium must be preceded by the
destruction of the drug itself. (ban ;
Zero-subject structure destruction)

E: 获悉贵国遭受地震, 我们极为关切。(关切)

⼤象,⿐⼦⻓。 Conversion Translating CHI verbs into ENG Adj. Translation CHI verbs - ENG adj.
C: We are deeply concerned at the news that
your country has been struck by an
The elephant has a long nose. earthquake. (Concerned)
那件事我已经办好了。 C: 他们不顾⼀切困难、挫折, 坚持战⽃。(不顾)
Prepositions or preposition phrases Prepositions or preposition phrases
I’ve handled the matter. E: They kept on fighting in spite of all
difficulties and set backs. (After)
E: Go by car. (By)
Various restaurants are available in Beijing.
Verb/verb phrase as topic Translating verbs C: 乘汽⻋去。(乘)
E: Are you for or against the plan? (For ;
China will witness more benefits than losses
after its entry into WTO. TRI Week 4 Against)

Translating ENG prepositions or preposition

C: 你赞成还是反对这项计划? (赞成 ;反对)
他明天去美国,我觉得很奇怪。 phrases into CHI verbs

E: She skimmed over the lawn, up the path,

It strikes me that he is going to the US up the steps, across the veranda, and into
tomorrow. the porch ( over ; up ; up ; across ; into )
Clauses as topic
历史系开会,我可以跟他提⼀提。 C: 她蹦着跳着地跑了, 越过草地,跑上⼩径,
跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了⻔廊。(地 ; 越 ;
At the meeting of History Department, I will 跑 ;跨 ; 穿 ; 进 )
mention it to him.
Translating CHI subjects Most unnecessary verbs in Chinglish occur in
桌上搁着⼀碗饭。 phrases
Preposition phrase as topic
A bowl of rice is on the table. unnecessary verbs Usually, they are combined with nouns

在海拔3000⽶的⾼空采集到了这种空⽓样本 Two principal types:

- Unnecessary verb + noun
This air sample has been collected at the - Unnecessary verb + unnecessary nouns
altitude of 3,000 meters. - Zero-subject plus third word
要制造⻜机,就要考虑空⽓阻⼒问题。 - Translated into passive voice We must make an improvement in our work.

Air resistance has to be taken into “make” is a weak, colorless, all-purpose

consideration when an airplane is to be made. word having no very specific meaning of its
希望⼀切问题都会迎刃⽽解。 - Zero-subject
Real action is expressed in “improvement”
I/We hope that all the problems will be - Subjects omitted in Chinese
readily solved.
Translating subjects It is impossible for us to accomplish the
unnecessary verb + noun transformation of the whole society
有很多问题亟待解决。 overnight -> transform

- Zero-subject they should conduct a careful examination
Many problems have to be solved CAUTION
structure of ... -> examine
- Existence/occurrence

There are many problems to be solved to bring about a change in this state of
immediately. affairs -> change

A telephone was fitted up in the pavilion. until China realizes industrial

modernization -> modernizes
- S+V to Topic+
Comment our efforts to reach the goal of modernization
- Passive voice with time or space
That bed has been slept in today.
“goal” is no more precise than “reach”
The work of the verb has to be done by
Translating ENG subjects
Mention should be made of the role played another word, “modernization” – a second
by the other team. noun

应该提⼀下另⼀队所起的作⽤。 - S+V to Zero-subject our efforts to modernize

One cannot see the wood for the trees. - Passive voice, or proverb unnecessary verb + unnecessary nouns + our troops used the method of slow
third word advance -> advanced
we adopted the policy of withdrawal - >
withdrew (or:decided to withdraw)

we need to achieve the objective of clarity in

ideology -> be clear

this measure will have a restrictive effect on

the activities of speculators -> restrict
What is syntax Grammar

- A conjugated form of “to be”

- The main verb’s past participle
In Eng
We use the passive when we want to change
the focus of a clause, or if the doer of the
verb is not important or not known or if we
do not want to say who the doer is..

Active voice: 我吃了苹果。(Wǒ chī le

Passive voice can be formed by using the
píngguǒ.) - I ate the apple.
How verb "被" (bèi) before the verb, followed by
Passive voice: 苹果被我吃了。(Píngguǒ bèi
the subject.
wǒ chī le.) - The apple was eaten by me.
In Chi
- To emphasize the action or the do-er
- To express some negative meanings

1. When it is more important to draw our

attention to the person or thing acted upon
In both languages, passive voice is used at
least in these 2 situations.
2. When the actor in the situation isn't
Similarities important

1. Passive Voice Both languages employ limited lexical items

to stress some semantic contents

Similarities and differences There are more Chinese passive voice

sentences which have no grammatical
indicators to mark its passiveness. The
passiveness of the sentence has to be judged
from the contextual implication(s).
English tends to use more passive voices
compared with Chinese. Many English
passive voice sentences are semantically
not passive in Chinese.

Maintaining the passive voice construction

in the translated text. The translator
1. KEEP IT preserves the passive form and structure to
convey the same sense of agency and
emphasis as in the source language.
Convert the passive voice into an active
voice construction. By doing so, the
emphasis is shifted from the recipient or
2. CHANGE IT object of the action to the subject
performing the action. This change can
make the sentence more direct and
engaging for the target language audience.


- In Chinese, the character "着" (zhe) can be

used to express both continuous actions and
ongoing states.
- Action -ing refers to the ongoing action or
Action -Ing And Status -Ing In Chinese
activity, while Status -ing refers to the
Using "着":
continuous state or condition.
- The use of "着" can present both Action -ing
and Status -ing concepts in Chinese

- When translating from Chinese to English,

2. Tenses and Aspects it is not always necessary to use "-ing" to
convey the continuous or progressive tense.
- In some cases, other expressions or
Translation of Continuous/Progressive
structures may be used to convey the
Tense from Chinese to English:
continuous aspect in English.
- Similarly, when translating from English
to Chinese, "着" may not always be the only
option to express the continuous aspect.

- When translating the perfect tense from

Chinese to English, it is important to
consider the order of actions in the sentence.
- Not all instances of "了" in Chinese are
Translation of Perfect Tense:
equivalent to the perfect tense in English.
- Context and additional linguistic elements
should be taken into account for accurate

1. Attributive phrase: The attributive clause

is converted into a phrase that modifies the
noun directly.
Example: The car that I bought -> 我买的⻋ (
wǒ mǎi de chē)

2. Independent sentence: The attributive

clause is translated as a separate sentence
In E-C, an Attributive Clause could be that provides additional information about
translated into either an attributive phrase, the noun.
Translation of Attributive Clauses
an independent sentence, or coordinate Example: The girl who won the competition
clause. is my sister. -> 赢得⽐赛的⼥孩是我的妹妹。(
Yíngdé bǐsài de nǚhái shì wǒ de mèimei.)

3. Coordinate clause: The attributive clause

is expressed as a coordinate clause, joined
by conjunctions like "and" or "but."
Example: He is a teacher who is passionate
and dedicated. -> 他是⼀个热情⽽敬业的⽼
师。(Tā shì yīgè rèqíng ér jìngyè de lǎoshī.)
3. Clausal Order
- Purpose - Time - Condition - Method -
Frequency - Degree (CN):

- CN: 为了学习更好地中⽂,我每天早上在图书馆
认真地学习。(Wèile xuéxí gèng hǎo de
CHI zhōngwén, wǒ měitiān zǎoshang zài
túshūguǎn rènzhēn de xuéxí.)

- EN: In order to learn Chinese better, I

study diligently in the library every
Translation of adverbial modifiers morning.

- Condition - Purpose - Degree - Method -

Frequency - Location - Time (EN):
EN: If you work hard, you will achieve
- CN: 如果你努⼒⼯作,你将会取得成功。(
Rúguǒ nǐ nǔlì gōngzuò, nǐ jiāng huì qǔdé
- Cohesion means linking the elements of a
text together.
- It involves various ways like grammar,
vocabulary, meaning, rhythm, and
- The term "cohesion" comes from "cohere,"
which means "to stick together."
- Cohesion ensures that the words and
sentences used in a text stick together.
- It is important for creating a coherent and
connected piece of writing.

- Cohesion and coherence are related but

distinct concepts in writing.
- Cohesion refers to the ways in which the
elements of a text are connected and linked
- Coherence, on the other hand, refers to the
overall sense and logical flow of a text.
- A text can be internally cohesive, meaning
Cohesion vs Coherence
its elements are connected, but still lack
Cohesion and Coherence 1. Cohesion coherence, making it nonsensical.

- An example of an incoherent yet internally

cohesive text is provided: "An octopus is an
air-filled curtain with seven heads and three
spike-filled fingers, which poke in frills and
furls at ribbon-strewed buttons."

1. Repeated words/ideas involve using the

same words or related ideas to create a
sense of continuity and connection within
the text.
2. Reference words are used to refer back to
previously mentioned elements or ideas,
providing clarity and cohesion.
3. Transition signals help to establish logical
connections between sentences and
Good cohesion is achieved through 4 main
paragraphs, guiding the reader through the
text smoothly.
4. Ellipsis involves omitting certain words
or phrases when their meaning is clear from
the context, enhancing cohesion by avoiding
unnecessary repetition.

These methods work together to create a

cohesive text that is well-connected and
easy to follow.

Use the same words or phrases to reinforce

ideas and create connections within the text.

Repeated words Eg:

"The cat was fluffy. The fluffy cat purred
"She loved the beach. The sandy beach was
her happy place."

Employ pronouns or other words to refer

back to previously mentioned concepts,
maintaining clarity and continuity.
Reference words
"John ate an apple. He enjoyed the crispness
of it."
"The book was intriguing. It captivated
readers with its suspense."

Utilize words or phrases that indicate shifts

or connections between different ideas or
Transition Signals
4 main methods to achieve good "However, on the other hand, in contrast..."
cohesion "Firstly, secondly, finally, moreover..."

Use ellipsis to omit unnecessary repetition

or information, allowing for concise and
cohesive expression.
"She went to the store to buy apples; he, to
the market for oranges."
"The cat meowed loudly; the dog, barked

Shell nouns are abstract nouns used as

placeholders in a text

Require additional information or context to

convey their specific meaning

Maintains cohesion and coherence in

translated texts

Shell nouns Eg:

Shell noun: Aspect
Translation: "⼀个重要的⽅⾯需要考虑的是对环
Shell noun: Issue
Translation: "报告讨论了影响社区的各种社会问

Shell noun: Challenge

Translation: "该项⽬在实施阶段⾯临着重⼤挑

Shell noun: Trend

Translation: "该研究探讨了消费者⾏为的当前趋

Shell noun: Factor

Translation: "⼀个促成成功的因素是有效的沟

Additional words such as nouns, subject

words, object words, verbs or linking
words are added into translation to
provide a complete meaning

John likes, and Peter hates, Mary.
Translation 1: 约翰喜欢,且彼得讨厌,玛丽.
Translation 2: 约翰喜欢玛丽,但彼得讨厌玛丽.
(In both translations, words are added to
specify "John likes Mary" and "Peter hates
Mary" to provide clarity and completeness
in the sentence.)

He buried the treasure to prevent its
Translation 1: 他埋了宝藏以免宝藏的发现.
Translation 2: 他把宝藏埋了起来以免被⼈发现.
(In both translations, words are added to
clarify "to prevent its discovery" as "以免宝藏
的发现" or "以免被⼈发现" respectively, to
supplement the verb and object words and
convey the complete meaning.)

This method involves omitting

information in the target language that is
present in the source language, when it is
redundant or unnecessary for conveying
the meaning.

Ellipsis of pronouns, articles,

Ellipsis prepositions, conjunctions, linking verbs

Source language: "He is a tall and handsome
man." (English)
Target language: "他是个⾼⼤英俊的男⼦。" (

In this example, the Chinese translation

omits the conjunction "and" because the
adjectives "tall" and "handsome" can be
combined into a single phrase in

This method involves combining two or

more phrases or sentences from the
source language into a single phrase or
sentence in the target language.

Source language: "I want to eat pizza and
drink soda." (English)
Target language: "我想吃披萨,喝苏打⽔。" (

In this example, the Chinese translation

combines the two actions of wanting to eat
Cohesion and coherence in and drink into a single sentence.

Breaking a long complex/compound
sentence, or to translate a word/phrase

Division Source language: "I am happy because I
passed the test." (English)
Target language: "我因为考试通过⽽感到⾼
兴。" (Chinese)

In this example, the Chinese translation

divides the source sentence into two parts,
with the reason for the happiness (passing
the test) in a separate phrase.

This method involves repeating a word or

phrase from the source language in the
target language to convey emphasis or
strong emotions.

Repetition Example:
Source language: "I love you, I really do." (
Target language: "我爱你,真的。" (Chinese)

In this example, the Chinese translation

repeats the adverb "真的" to emphasize the
sincerity of the statement.

This method involves restoring a pronoun

in the target language that was omitted in
the source language, in order to make the
sentence grammatically correct.

Pronominal restoration Example:

Source language: "Went to store." (English)
Target language: "我去了商店。" (Chinese)

In this example, the Chinese translation

restores the missing pronoun "我" (I) to
make the sentence grammatically correct in

This method involves specifying or adding

details to abstract nouns in the target
language to make them more concrete and

Specification of abstract nouns
Source language: "He has a lot of
experience." (English)
Target language: "他有丰富的⼯作经验。" (

In this example, the Chinese translation

specifies the type of experience (work
experience) to make it more concrete and
Every life has its roses and thorns.

Roses: flower → Sweet, romance, happy

Thorns: plant → Hard, difficulties

She has a high color.


East, west, home’s best.


Literal Translation – The extension He lives by his pen.

of words
This extra strong glue should do the job

Much blood was shed in the war.

Children are a picture in their pretty

Literal translation by abstract or concrete

means to translate words that refer to
abstract or concrete concepts, such as
emotions, ideas, or physical objects. This
type of translation can be helpful in
preserving the meaning of idiomatic
Literal Translation – Abstract or
Concrete He committed suicide during a fit of
depression. 他⼀时想不开,⾃杀了。

At present coal is the most common food of

a steam plant.

To translate words in the SL as they are in

the TL, even if it changes the meaning of
the sentence from positive to negative or
vice versa.

Many famous people are surprisingly

WEEK 7 humble. 许多名⼈都是 .

The arrogant policemen is very humble

toward his superiors.
Literal Translation - Positive and
Negative 1. A good salesman must be aggressive if he
wants to success. ⼀个优秀的销售⼀定要有闯劲
2. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.
3. An aggressive young man can go far in
this firm. ⼀个有进取⼼的年轻⼈在这家公司是

In Chinese, the word "aggressive" can have

both positive and negative connotations,
depending on the context and how it's used.
In the first and third examples, "aggressive"
is translated as 进取⼼, which has a positive
meaning of being enterprising and
proactive. In the second example, "
aggressive" is translated as 侵略性, which
has a negative meaning of being invasive
and threatening.

1. He shut his eyes to our suggestion. 他对我

("He shut his eyes to our suggestion" is an
idiom that means the person ignored or
refused to consider someone else's idea or

2. 探险家经历了千⾟万苦,最终达到⽬的地。
The explorers underwent much suffering
Literal Translation - Idioms before they reached their destination.
("The explorers underwent much suffering
before they reached their destination" is a
literal translation of the Chinese idiom "千⾟
万苦", which means to go through numerous
hardships and difficulties before achieving a
goal. The idiom is often used to describe
someone who has endured many obstacles
and challenges to reach a certain
destination or goal.)
- How many words? Knowing the word count
can help you estimate the time and effort
required for the project.

- Which field? Understanding the subject

matter and field of the text can help you
determine if you have the necessary
expertise and terminology knowledge to
complete the project.

- When is the deadline? Knowing the

deadline is important for planning and
Request Request coming in:
prioritizing your workload.

- What are the requirements? (Style,

purpose, target audience) Understanding the
requirements of the text, such as the
intended style, purpose, and target audience,
can help you produce a more accurate and
effective translation.

- Price? $$$ Determining the price or fee for

the project is important for both you and the
client to agree upon before starting the work.

- When to start? Once you have agreed to

take on the project, it's important to
establish a clear start date to ensure you
have enough time to complete the work
before the deadline.
- Pacing of translation based on the deadline
and your current work. It's important to
pace your work and schedule your time
Take the offer Taking the offer
effectively to ensure you meet the deadline
while also maintaining the quality of your

- Any relevant research related to the given

text. Conducting any necessary research
related to the subject matter and
terminology can help ensure the accuracy
and quality of your translation.

- Don't underestimate the difficulty of the

task. Consider the complexity of the text,
available resources, word count, and
Pre-Stage Mistakes
- Provide an appropriate price quote based
on all relevant factors.

- Conduct research before starting the

translation to ensure accuracy and quality.

Knowing who the translation is intended for

can help you adapt the language and style to
Target audience suit their needs and preferences. This can
include considerations such as age, gender,
education level, and cultural background.

Understanding the circumstances in which

the translation will be read or used can
inform your approach to word choice and
sentence structure.
Context Circumstances
For example, if the translation is intended
for a legal or technical audience, using
precise terminology and sentence structures
may be important.

Knowing the intended purpose of the original

text can help you ensure that the translation
effectively conveys the intended message.
Purpose For example, if the original text is a
marketing or advertising piece, the
translation may need to use persuasive
language and employ a specific tone.

Understanding the field or industry to which

the original text pertains can help you
Field ensure that your translation accurately
conveys the relevant concepts and
Paying attention to the writing style of the
original text can help you determine the
Writing style appropriate tone and level of formality for
your translation, as well as the appropriate
level of creativity or expression.

Positive vs. Negative

Formal vs. Casual

A persistent, cold rain was falling, mingled

with snow.
Omissions (Information missing)
In the example, "A persistent, cold rain was
falling, mingled with snow," the Chinese
translation omits the word "persistent,"
which is a crucial detail that helps to paint a
more vivid picture of the weather conditions.

I thought all pretty secretaries loved

Omissions (Implication missing)
In the example, "I thought all pretty
secretaries loved publicity," the Chinese
translation omits the implication that the
speaker's belief was incorrect. Without this
implication, the sentence loses its ironic tone.

Without trees our entire world would be a

much drier place.

Amplifications (But too much) In the example, "Without trees our entire
world would be a much drier place," the
Chinese translation includes an unnecessary
amplification that tries to convey the
severity of the situation. The original
sentence is simple and straightforward,
whereas the Chinese translation seems to be
trying too hard to make a point.

In the days that followed I learned to spell in

this uncomprehending
During Translation AT word level way a great many words.


WEEK 8 DURING 在接下来的那些天,我⽤这种难理解的⽅法学习


In the example, "In the days that followed I

learned to spell in this uncomprehending
way a great many words," the Chinese
translation misunderstands the meaning of "
uncomprehending." The correct
interpretation should be "spelling the words
without understanding their meanings," but
the Chinese translation implies that the way
of spelling is difficult to comprehend.

In a country with only 275,000 people, one
in four visitors, or 62,052 people, came to
whale watch last year.

Mis-interpretation: Range In the example, "In a country with only 275,

000 people, one in four visitors, or 62,052
people, came to whale watch last year," the
Chinese translation misrepresents the range
of the population by using the word "only."
Additionally, the Chinese translation
separates the information about the
percentage of visitors from the actual
number of people who came to whale watch.

About 1700, one of the principal acting

troupes in Suzhou found that they had no
one to take the part of the Wicket General
who was the main character in the play.
现他们没有⼈能扮演剧中的⼀个 主要⻆⾊ – 维克

Mis-interpretation: Transliteration In the example, "About 1700, one of the

principal acting troupes in Suzhou found
that they had no one to take the part of the
Wicket General who was the main character
in the play," the Chinese translation
mistranslates "Wicket General" as "维克特将
军," which is a transliteration and does not
convey the correct meaning. Furthermore,
the Chinese translation omits the word "
acting" before "troupes," which changes the
meaning of the sentence.

Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia today in the

hospital. He was ill only two

Mis-interpretation: Collocation In the example, "Mr. Behrman died of

pneumonia today in the hospital. He was ill
only two days," the Chinese translation
omits the information about the cause of
death, which is an important detail. The
translation also changes the collocation of "
two days" by placing it at the end of the
sentence instead of immediately after "ill."

Breaking down long sentences into shorter

ones can help the translator better
Lengthy sentence
understand the meaning and structure of the
original sentence.

- Redundancy can also pose challenges for

translation, as it may not always be clear
which words or phrases are essential to
convey the intended meaning.
During Translation ABOVE word level Redundancy
- Translators must carefully consider the
context and purpose of the text to determine
which elements are necessary and which can
be omitted.

- Sentence structure is important,

particularly for complex and compound
Sentence structure (clauses, complex and
- Translators must consider the intended
compound sentences)
meaning and purpose of each sentence and
use appropriate grammatical structures to
convey this meaning in the target language.

The translated text should be proofread at

least twice to ensure accuracy in grammar,
Proof reading punctuation, and faithfulness to the original
text. Proofreading should be done by a
second linguist or a proofreading software.

Once the proofreading is done and any

Project Delivery Deliver to client required changes have been made, the final
version should be delivered to the client.

It's important to gather feedback from the

client on the translation quality and any
Gathering feedback from client other relevant factors. This feedback can be
used to improve future translations and to
build a strong relationship with the client.

A glossary of frequently used terms and

phrases should be created during the
translation process and updated as
POST TRANSLATION Build up glossary
necessary. This can be a valuable resource
for future translations and can help ensure
consistency in terminology.

- Comma,
- Question Mark?
- Exclamation Mark!
Same - Colon:
- Semi-Colon;
- Parentheses()
Punctuation - Speech Marks“”‘’

- Period。
- Enumeration Mark、
- The Title Mark《》
- Ellipsis ......
Types of literary translation works you find
most engaging


Literary translation is the process of

translating works of literature, such as
novels, poetry, plays, and other creative

Literary works often contain cultural

references, nuances, and idioms that can be
difficult to translate directly.

Many challenges, including dealing with

linguistic and cultural differences, capturing
the author's style and voice, and conveying
the nuances of the original work.

Translation of Chinese literature and media

into other languages has helped to increase
global awareness and understanding of
Chinese culture and society. By making
Literary and audiovisual translation
Chinese literature and media accessible to
readers and viewers in other countries,
translation has helped to promote cross-
cultural exchange and dialogue.

Chinese literature is rich and diverse,

spanning thousands of years and
encompassing a wide range of genres and
styles. From classic works such as the Tao
Te Ching and Journey to the West to
contemporary novels by writers such as Mo
What made China "global" Chinese literature Yan and Yu Hua, Chinese literature offers a
unique window into Chinese history, culture,
and society. By translating Chinese
literature into other languages, China has
been able to showcase its cultural heritage
and promote a better understanding of its
people and society.

China's rise as a global power has led to

increased interest in its culture, society, and
history, contributing to the popularity of
Chinese literature and media abroad.

An essential step in translation and involves

understanding the language function, text
type, and translation context.
Text analysis
Language function: refers to the purpose of
the text, whether it is informative,
expressive, or operative. The language
function will impact the translation method

Refers to the category of text, such as

literary, scientific, technical, or propaganda
Text type
writing. The text type will also impact the
translation method chosen.

Refers to the purpose or goal of a text. For

example, a news article might aim to inform
readers about current events, while a
persuasive essay might aim to convince
Text, Text Type and Function Text Function
readers of a particular viewpoint.
Understanding the function of a text can
help translators produce translations that
achieve the same goal as the original.

Varies based on the language function, text

type, and translation context.

- Typical examples: Literary texts

- Focus: Writer (1st person)
- Type of language: Figurative
Expressive texts:
- Appropriate Translation methods:
Translation strategies - Reproduce the meaning of the original and
adopt the perspective of the author

- Typical examples: Scientific and technical

WEEK 9 texts
- Focus: Situational (3rd person)
Eg. Informative texts: - Type of language: Factual
- Appropriate Translation methods:
referential information

- Typical examples: Propaganda, notices,

polemical writing
- Focus: Reader (2nd person)
Vocative texts: - Type of language: Compelling
- Appropriate Translation methods:
equivalent effect

Literary translation refers to the translation

of creative works such as novels, poems, and
plays. Literary translation requires not only
linguistic skill but also an understanding of
literary conventions and cultural context.

- The author
- The stylistic features of the source text
Factors to consider when taking a literary
- The background for translating the text
translation task
- The reader
- The target market

When translating literary works, the

translator must prioritize the aesthetic and
artistic qualities of the source text, while
also trying to adopt the perspective of the
Literary Translation: Overview source text author. The style of the source
text should be preserved as much as
possible, even if this means sacrificing some
of the literal meaning of the text.
Principles of translating literary texts
- To transmit the aesthetic and artistic form
of the source text
- To adopt the perspective of the source text
- The style of the source text is a priority
- Where maintaining the form is impossible,
to translate the meaning of the source text

- In-depth cultural knowledge

What makes a good literary translator? - Writing skills
- High-level of creativity


The challenge in translating rhythm from

Chinese to English is maintaining the
poetic structure of the original text while
still conveying the meaning accurately in
English. This can be particularly difficult
since Chinese is a tonal language with a
different cadence and rhythm than
"I am on my own, strolling, hands behind my
1. Translating Rhythm Solution:
back. This bit of the universe seems in my
possession now; and I myself seem to have
One possible solution is to translate the
been uplifted from my ordinary self into
text into a poetic form in the target
another world."
language that preserves the original text's
rhythm and style. For example, the
translator could use techniques such as
alliteration, assonance, or rhyme to
convey the musicality of the original text.
In the case of the above example, the
translator could use a free verse form
with a regular rhythm to capture the flow
of the original text.

The challenge here is to accurately convey

the vague or ambiguous meaning of
certain words or phrases in the Chinese
text, such as "细⼼" (attentive) or "⼝⾥就说
什么" (saying whatever comes to mind).

Example: Solution:

2. Translating fuzziness “袭姑娘从⼩⼉只⻅宝兄弟这么样细⼼的⼈,何曾 For example, a translator might include a

⻅过我哥哥那天不怕地不怕,⼼⾥有什么⼝⾥就 footnote explaining the cultural
Literary Translation: challenges 说什么的⼈。”(《红楼梦》第三⼗四回) significance of the term "细⼼" or provide a
brief glossary of terms that may be
and solutions unfamiliar to non-Chinese readers.
Another solution is to use a more general
or neutral term in the target language to
convey the overall meaning of the original
text, while still capturing the tone of the
original language. In this case, the
translator could use a phrase such as "
someone who speaks their mind freely" to
convey the general meaning of the phrase,
while still maintaining the tone of the
original text.


The challenge here is to convey the

meaning of a word or phrase that is
specific to Chinese culture and may not
have a direct equivalent in English. The
challenge is to convey the meaning and
tone of the title while also making it
appealing and understandable for the
target audience. In the example, the
phrase "藏⻰卧⻁" is a Chinese idiom that
Example: may not have an equivalent in English.

3. Translating culture bound expressions Solution:

我后来才发现,新闻系藏⻰卧⻁。 卧⻁藏⻰ (
film title)
One solution is to translate the title
literally, like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden
Dragon," which conveys the literal
meaning of the Chinese title. Another
solution is to use a more idiomatic
expression in the target language that
conveys a similar idea or tone, even if it is
not a direct translation of the original
title. For example, a translator might use
a title like "Secrets and Shadows" to
convey the sense of hidden power and
intrigue that is suggested by the Chinese
- Business translation refers to the translation
of items related to businesses, including
documents, website content, marketing
materials, product manuals, etc.

- Professional translators with expertise and

knowledge in multiple areas of business are
essential for accurate and effective business
Business translation - Business translation can help companies to
communicate with their international partners,
customers, and employees, and to expand their
reach into global markets.

- To overcome these challenges, business

translators should have a deep understanding of
the cultural and business context of the source
and target languages, as well as access to
relevant resources and tools.

- Economic globalization is one of the main

reasons why business translation has become
essential in recent years.

- With businesses expanding their operations

into newer territories, business translation
allows them to communicate effectively with
their target audience in their local language.

- Business translation can help companies to

reach a wider customer base, increasing their
Significance of business revenue potential.

translation - Accurate business translation can help avoid

misunderstandings and errors in
communication, which can negatively impact
business relationships and operations.

- Business translation can also help businesses

comply with local laws and regulations in
foreign markets.

- Translating business documents, such as

contracts and legal agreements, accurately is
crucial to avoid any legal issues and disputes.

- tight timelines make it difficult to produce

1. Stringent deadlines high quality translation due to sacrificing

- most of the time involve a large quantity of

2. Quantity and fragmentation text spread across multiple docs, making it
harder to achieve consistency and accuracy

Challenges Business translation requires precise and

accurate translations to avoid
3. Accuracy and quality
misunderstandings and miscommunication
that harms business relationships

Business translation often involves complex

technical terminologies and syntactic
4. Technical terminologies and syntactic
structures that require specialised
knowledge and expertise to translate
Challenges and Solutions of
business translation Employing a team of professional translators
who can work simultaneously on different
1. Stringent deadlines parts of the document and using project
management tools to ensure efficient and
timely delivery.

Employing a translation memory tool to

identify repetitive phrases and sentences
2. Quantity and fragmentation
and ensure consistency in translation.

Solutions to consider
Employing a team of professional translators
with experience in the subject matter and
3. Accuracy and quality
proofreading the translated text before

Employing a translator with expertise in the

technical field, providing glossaries and style
4. Technical terminologies and syntactic
guides, and conducting thorough research to
ensure accurate translation of technical
terms and structures.

Legal and technical documentation presents

unique challenges in translation due to their
highly specialized and technical nature.

- Accuracy: Legal and technical documents

must be translated accurately to avoid
misunderstandings or legal issues.

-Quality: The translation must be of high

quality and meet the specific requirements
Challenges: of the target audience.

- Technical terminologies: Legal and

Legal and technical documentation technical documents often use specialized
terminologies that require specific
knowledge and expertise to translate

- Terminology management: Using a

terminology management system can help
ensure consistency and accuracy in the
translation of technical terms.

- Subject-matter expertise: Translators with

expertise in the subject matter can ensure
that technical terms are translated correctly
and accurately.

- The United Nations Terminology Database:

This database provides a comprehensive
collection of multilingual terminology
resources in various fields, including legal
and technical documents.

Internal business documentation refers to any

type of documentation that is used within a
company or organization for internal purposes.
This can include memos, reports, policies,
procedures, and other internal communications.

- Quantity and fragmentation of internal

documents can make translation a time-
consuming task.
Internal business documentation Challenges
- The use of specific internal terminologies
and jargon can make translation difficult for
non-native speakers.

- Centralization of documents can help

streamline the translation process and
reduce the amount of time needed.

- Coordination between departments and

Solutions teams can help ensure consistency in the
translation of internal documents.

- The use of a terminology management

system can help ensure consistency in the
translation of internal terminologies.

- Global brand consistency: Marketing

content and digital assets need to be
translated in a way that maintains brand
consistency across all markets.

- Cultural relevance: The content must be

adapted to the cultural nuances of the target

- Language nuances: Marketing content often

relies on language nuances that can be
WEEK 10 difficult to translate accurately.

Marketing content and digital - Collaborative teamwork: A collaborative

assets approach to translation, involving marketing
teams and translators, can help ensure that
the translated content maintains global
brand consistency.

- Localization management: Using a

localization management system can help
Solutions ensure that all marketing content and digital
assets are translated and adapted in a
consistent manner across all markets.

- Transcreation: Transcreation involves

adapting the content to the cultural nuances
of the target audience and can help ensure
that the message is conveyed accurately.
internal terminologies.

A crucial step in the translation process that

involves analyzing the source text (ST) and
the target text (TT) to determine the best
translation strategies and procedures.

1. Text-in-situation analysis

This involves analyzing the language

features of the ST, such as the register, tone,
and style, to ensure that the translation
accurately conveys the intended meaning.

2. Comparison between text functions of ST

Pre-Translation and TT

This involves identifying the purpose of the

ST and the intended function of the TT to
ensure that the translation is appropriate for
its intended use.

3. Comparison between addressees, the

medium, the purpose of producing ST and TT
Workflow of translating business
texts This involves analyzing the intended
audience, the medium of communication,
and the purpose of producing both the ST
and the TT to ensure that the translation is
culturally appropriate and effectively
conveys the intended message.

Translation Actual translation takes place.

Editing and proofreading to ensure accuracy

Editing and proofreading
and fluency in the target language.

1. Transactional texts: Legal documents.

2. Persuasive texts: Advertisements and flyers.

Types of business texts 3. Instructional texts: User manuals and


4. Informational texts: White papers and

business reports.

1. Expressive

- Typical examples: literary texts (novels,

poetry, drama, etc.)
- "Ideal" style: individual
- Focus: writer (1st person)
- Type of language: figurative
- Translation method: reproduce the meaning of
the original, adopt the perspective of the author

2. Informative

- Typical examples: scientific and technical

texts (manuals, research papers, etc.)
Text Type and translation methods - "Ideal" style: neutral, objective
- Focus: situational (3rd person)
- Type of language: factual
- Translation method: maintain referential

3. Vocative

- Typical examples: propaganda, notices,

polemical writing (advertisements, slogans, etc.)
- "Ideal" style: persuasive or imperative
- Focus: reader (2nd person)
- Type of language: compelling
- Translation method: adaptive, equivalent effect

For example, in the medical industry, terms

like "inflammation," "rheumatoid arthritis,"
Technical terminologies and "neuropathy" have specific and technical
meanings that are important for accurate
communication and understanding.

Some words in business English have For example, "franchise" in business English
At word level connotations that differ from their meanings means "公⺠权" and "negotiable" means "可谈
in daily English. 判的."

Business texts also frequently use

abbreviations such as WTO (World Trade
Organization), FOB (Free on Board), and
CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight).
These abbreviations save space and time in
business communications and are often
universally understood within the business
Stylistic features of English community.
business texts:
Lengthy and complex sentences, especially
in legal texts.

- Passive sentences are commonly used in

formal and informative English business
texts, such as technical reports and formal
- Active sentences, on the other hand, are
more prevalent in business correspondence
At the sentence level and promotional materials.

- Present or future tense is often used in

English business texts.

Tables, formulas and numbers are frequently

Use of tables, formulas, and numbers used to present data and information in a
clear and concise manner

There is typically little use of rhetorical

Use of rhetorical devices devices such as metaphors o analogies, in
technical and legal English business texts.


C1: "本条款由现在开始即时⽣效。" (This clause

takes effect immediately from now on.)
Prioritize conciseness, avoiding redundancy
in their language.

C2: "本条款即时⽣效。" (This clause takes

effect immediately.)

D1: "电冰箱可使⻝物保持在很低的温度。" (
Refrigerators can keep food at a low
Stylistic features of Chinese Concreteness, accuracy, and clarity are
business texts highly valued in Chinese business texts. vs.

D2: "电冰箱可⽤来存放⻝物" which means (

Refrigerators can be used to store food.)

- Active sentences are used to clearly

express the subject performing the action.

- Active sentences often convey a sense of

directness and immediacy.

- Active sentences are commonly used in

Frequent use of active sentences.
business documents such as contracts,
proposals, and agreements.

- By using active sentences, writers can

create a clear and concise tone, which is
highly valued in Chinese business

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