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24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017

Paper 0049



Megger – Germany Megger – Germany Megger - Germany
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

To reduce the amount of failures by internal defects, on-

ABSTRACT site cable diagnostics can be applied. Failures caused by
Diagnostics on both MV and HV cables is nowadays ageing of the cable insulation can be reduced by applying
dielectric losses measurements. Local types of defects
almost applied at every utility. Not only for condition can be identified by using partial discharge diagnostics.
monitoring to determine local defects and ageing status In XLPE insulated cables these defects are mainly located
of the cable. But also as part of a commissioning test; to in accessories. In paper insulated cables also global
check the quality of workmanship of newly installed drying out of the paper layers can be identified.
cables and accessories. With regards to offline partial Off-line PD diagnostics can be performed with different
discharge diagnostics, especially in the medium voltage type of excitation voltages. From the asset-manager point
range, there is a wide variety of systems available with of view it is of major importance that the offline PD
each having its own type of excitation voltage. For measurements reflect normal operating conditions. This
proper decision making it is of importance that the PD too have a solid and reliable source of information to base
decisions such as repair or replacement activities on. So
characteristics measured with the offline PD system are ideally the offline PD diagnostics should be performed
directly comparable with the PD characteristics at power with a 50 or 60 Hz power source, but this is as of
frequency. If not, it can happen that either incipient faults financial and also technical reasons not really possible.
will not be recognized, or that a recommendation is given Therefore Off-line PD diagnostics are mainly performed
to replace a defective component which was not needed using either a 0.1Hz VLF Sinusoidal (VLF SIN 0.1Hz),
as with power frequency the conditions were still ok. 0.1Hz VLF Cosine-Rectangular (VLF CR 0.1Hz) or
This paper will go into detail to all available excitation Damped AC (DAC) excitation voltages.
voltages for offline PD diagnostics. For this research,
using all types of excitation voltages, a number of on-site EXCITATION VOLTAGES FOR PD
practical measurements on MV-cables have been MEASUREMENTS ON MV CABLES
performed. Both newly installed cables as well as service
For offline PD measurements on MV cables 3 types of
aged cables were part of the test program. As the
excitation voltages are established, VLF Sinus 0.1Hz,
measurements were performed very close in time on the
DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz.
same day, data of each type of excitation voltage can be
directly compared with each other, influences like water VLF Sinus 0.1Hz:
infiltration or soil temperature can be excluded. The In the beginning of the nineties VLF sinusoidal 0.1Hz test
measurements have shown some significant differences systems were introduced. Main driver as DC testing
between the different types of excitation voltages which created space charges [1] and in addition as of the other
will be discussed at the end of this paper. disadvantages DC testing has [2]:
- It is “blind” to certain types of defects, such as clean
INTRODUCTION voids and cuts.
The importance of high reliability of distribution cables - It may not replicate the stress distribution existing
increases in times of higher competition between utilities with power frequency ac voltage. The stress distribution
and due to regulatory requirements. Customer minutes is sensitive to temperature and temperature distribution.
lost have to be monitored and the asset management
departments are requesting clear indication about the
condition of medium voltage (MV) cables and the The advantage of using a pure sinusoidal excitation
accessories. Failures in MV-cables can be divided into voltage is that these systems can also be combined with
two categories; failures inside the cable insulation and diagnostics like e.g. a PD-diagnosis or a tanDelta
failures in accessories (terminations and joints). In most measurement. However as the testing frequency differ
cases insulation failures are either related to integral 500 or 600 times with the operating frequency, the PD
degradation of the insulation like water treeing in XLPE characteristics are not the same anymore as concluded by
cables and degradation of cellulose for PILC cables, or
caused by external damage such as roots from trees or Voigt [3]. A direct correlation of important PD parameter
excavation works. Faults in accessories are local obtained at 50/ 60Hz power frequency has therefore not
problems such as bad workmanship of a jointer, been given anymore. Moreover a recent research has
accelerated ageing because of overloading the cable or a concluded that the PD seems to “die” out at lower
decreased oil-level in case of oil-filled joints/ frequencies [4].

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24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017

Paper 0049


To generate damped AC voltages with duration of a few The following case studies are PD measurements
tens of cycles of AC voltage at frequencies between 50Hz performed with three different excitation voltages (VLF
and 500Hz, a system has been developed that is based on Sinus 0.1Hz/ VLF CR 0.1Hz/ DAC) on service-aged
a resonance circuit between the cable capacitance and the cables. As the measurements are performed on the same
inductor of the test system itself. This DAC method to day the PD characteristics of the individual excitation
energize, measure and locate on-site partial discharges in voltages can be compared with each other. Influences
power cables is in accordance with IEC 60270 and IEEE such as water infiltration, temperature difference or
400.4 recommendations and is world-wide in practical further ageing can therefore be excluded. All PD
use for over ten years. Figure 1 shows a DAC voltage diagnostic measurements have been performed with a
measurement with PD. The main advantage of the DAC combined test set either integrated in a test van or as a
excitation voltage is, that the frequency is close to power stand-alone system. As of this, influences such as
frequency and therefore PD characteristics are the same. different set-up or different PD coupler used, can also be
In addition as of the decaying voltage the PDEV can excluded.
easily be determined.
Case Study 1:
The first practical case study is a measurement performed
on a 12/20 kV service-aged mixed cable. The cable is
mainly composed of XLPE insulation, only a smaller
portion is mass-impregnated insulation. The cable has 11
joints and a length of 1335 m (Figure 3).

Figure 1: Typical DAC excitation voltage.

Figure 3: Schematic display of the 1335m long cable, green XLPE
cable, blue is PILC cable
VLF CR 0.1Hz:
In several publications the operating principle of VLF The three measurements have been performed with a
cosine rectangular (VLF CR) testing systems are fully integrated system inside a test van as can been seen
described [5, 6]. Its use for PD measurements is not new; in Figure 4. On the measurement side the cable ended in a
several researches have already been performed. Since SF-6 insulated compact switchgear, a test adapter has
2014 its use on MV cables is widely performed. The PD been used to get a PD free connection to the test object.
measurement takes place during the polarity reversal
from either positive to negative period, or negative to
positive period, see Figure 2. The polarity reversal itself
is caused by a resonance circuit between the cable
capacitance and the test systems inductance. The
frequency of the polarity reversal is between 20 and
400Hz and depends on the cable capacitance and
therefore cable length. The longer the cable, the lower the
frequency of the polarity reversal will be. Research has
shown that the PD magnitude and intensity is often
higher compared to that measured with 50Hz power
frequency [7]. This can be seen as an advantage as this
will simplify the PD localisation process. Figure 4: Connection of PD diagnostic system to the test object

The PD diagnostic measurement results performed with

the three different excitation voltages (i.e. VLF Sinus 0.1
Hz, VLF CR 0.1 Hz and DAC) are shown in Figure 5.
On the left hand side the PD mappings at Uo are shown,
on the right hand side the PD mappings at maximum test
voltage 1.7Uo are shown.

It can be clearly seen that the measurement results of both

VLF CR 0.1Hz and DAC show comparable results. This
Figure 2: VLF CR 0.1Hz excitation voltage with PD measurement was expected as the frequency of the polarity reversal of
window at polarity reversal. the VLF CR excitation voltage and the frequency of the
DAC wave shape are exactly the same (280Hz).

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24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017

Paper 0049

Figure 5: PD mapping comparing 3 different wave shapes at U0 and 1.7Uo. Top VLF Sinus 0.1Hz, middle DAC and bottom VLF CR 0.1Hz/
50Hz slope technology (x-axes cable length, y-axes PD level).

In addition for both PD Level and PD intensity only small Case Study 2:
differences have been observed at Uo and 1.7Uo. The second practical case study is a measurement
Looking to the Partial Discharge Inception Voltage performed on pure 12/20 kV service-aged XLPE cable.
(PDIV) of all excitation voltages, this was exactly the As of failing information the number and position of
same for all wave shapes. However some major joints was unknown. The cable has a length of 1202m
differences could be observed between the VLF Sinus and is composed out of three single cores, see Figure 6.
0.1Hz excitation voltage and DAC/ VLF CR 0.1Hz
excitation voltage. At operating voltage only 1 PD weak
spot have been identified with VLF Sinus 0.1Hz whereas Figure 6: Schematic display of the 1202m long XLPE cable.
2 weak spots with the other excitation voltages. In
addition the PD intensity is far lower at VLF Sinus Figure 7 shows the individual PD mappings of the PD
compared to the other wave shapes. This taken into diagnostic measurements performed with VLF Sinus
account that the time of data capturing has been equal. 0.1Hz, DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz. On the left hand side
Only at elevated voltages VLF Sinus 0.1 Hz was able to the PD mappings at Uo are shown, on the right hand side
detect the second weak spot inside the cable. PD intensity the PD mappings at maximum test voltage 1.7Uo are
of the first weak spot hardly increased with increasing shown. The frequency of the DAC excitation voltage and
test voltage for VLF Sinus 0.1Hz. With the VLF CR the frequency of the polarity reversal from the VLF CR
0.1Hz and DAC voltage it did change more. PD level of 0.1Hz excitation voltage was 294Hz.
VLF Sinus 0.1Hz has also been lower compared to DAC
and VLF CR 0.1Hz.

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24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017

Paper 0049

Figure 7: PD mapping comparing 3 different wave shapes at U0 and 1.7Uo. Top VLF Sinus 0.1Hz, middle DAC and bottom VLF CR 0.1Hz/
50Hz slope technology (x-axes cable length, y-axes PD level).

Comparing the PD mapping at Uo measured with VLF weak spots have been detected within the cable
Sinus 0.1Hz with that from DAC or VLF CR 0.1Hz insulation/ joints using VLF CR 0.1Hz and just 4 PD
major differences can be recognized. With VLF Sinus weak spots using VLF Sinus 0.1Hz. Three out of the four
0.1Hz excitation voltage there was no PD measurable localized PD weak spots identified with VLF Sinus 0.1Hz
whereas with either DAC or VLF CR 0.1Hz two weak are matching with the DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz voltage.
spots were identified. One weak spot in Phase L2 at One PD weak spot positioned in Phase L1 at 993m,
position 155m and one in Phase L1 at 649m. The partial which incepted at 1.3Uo, has only been recognized using
discharge inception voltages measured with DAC and VLF Sinus 0.1Hz. On the other hand four PD weak spots
VLF CR 0.1Hz of both weak spots are identical and far identified with DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz have not been
below operating voltage. See Table 1 for the comparison identified with VLF Sinus 0.1Hz.
of all excitation voltages. With VLF Sinus 0.1Hz
excitation voltage even up to maximum test voltage TABLE 1: PD INCEPTION VOLTAGE AND FAULT POSITION OF
1.7Uo no PD has been detected in both of these two INDIVIDUAL EXCITATION VOLTAGES.
localized weak spots which had a PDIV below Uo.
L1 L2 L3
Looking to the PD mappings at maximum test voltage 1.3Uo 1.3Uo 1.2Uo
1.7Uo further differences can be recognized. DAC and VLF Sinus 0.1Hz
(993m) (394m) (394m)
VLF CR 0.1Hz PD mapping are still both comparable
with only some minor differences in PD level and 0.7Uo 0.6Uo 1.1Uo
intensity. The higher PD level and intensity are with VLF (649m) (155m) (0m)
CR 0.1Hz excitation voltage and is most probably caused 0.7Uo 0.6Uo 1.1Uo
by the 5 second DC stage at each period. In total 7 PD VLF CR 0.1Hz
(649m) (155m) (0m)

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24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Glasgow, 12-15 June 2017

Paper 0049

Summarizing both case studies it can be recognized, like [1] F.H. Kreuger, “Industrial High DC Voltage”,
other studies, that both DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz show Delft University Press, 1995
comparable results, either related to PDIV or fault
positions of the identified weak spots. VLF CR 0.1Hz [2] IEEE 400-2001 “IEEE Guide for Field Testing
PD measurements results differ from the DAC results and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded
only in PD intensity and level, which is most probably Power Cable Systems” IEEE guide
caused by the 5 second DC stage in each half-period. A
higher PD level with VLF CR 0.1Hz compared with [3] G. Voigt, “VLF-TE Messungen an
50Hz power frequency has also been recognized in a betriebsgealterten Mittelspannungskabel”,
study from Elben [7]. Abschlussbericht FH Konstanz, Germany 2002.
Considering the results gathered with VLF Sinus 0.1Hz
compared to excitation with DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz [4] N. Jäverberg, H. Edin, “Applied Voltage
than it can be concluded that there can be major Frequency Dependence of Partial Discharges in
differences. In most cases the PDIV at VLF Sinus 0.1Hz Electrical Trees” Proc. IR-EE-ETK, Stockholm,
was higher, which is similar reported by other studies [8]. Sweden, 2009.
In case study two although the PDIV of one localised
defect was far lower than DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz, also [5] D. Götz, F. Petzold, H.T. Putter,
this has been seen in other research studies. This was “Zustandsbestimmung und Qualitätskontrolle
mainly observed on cold shrink accessories and may be von Montage an Mittelspannungskabeln unter
related to the physical function of refractive stress dem Aspekt zunehmend großer Kabellängen“,
grading [9]. In the last case study far more defects have VDE ETG Fachtagung, Fulda, Germany, 2012
been recognized by DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz compared
to VLF Sinus 0.1Hz excitation voltage. Overall it can be [6] F. Petzold, H.T. Putter and D. Götz,
concluded that PD measurements performed with VLF "Combination of VLF and Resonance Principle
Sinus 0.1Hz excitation voltage show lower PD levels. for Withstand Testing of long Cable Length",
unpublished, presented at IEEE / PES ICC
CONCLUSIONS Meeting Sub F, Pittsburgh, USA, May 2013.2.
PD measurements as part of a commissioning test or as
[7] A. Elben, W. Kalkner, R. Plath, „Alternative
part of condition monitoring are proven to be useful in
Prüftechniken für lange AC-
identifying bad quality of workmanship or ageing type of
Hochspannungskabel Abschlussbericht“, TU
related defects. For offline PD measurements on MV
Berlin, Germany, 2015
cables 3 types of excitation voltages are established, VLF
Sinus 0.1Hz, DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz. Several research
[8] H.L. Halvorson, “Condition Assessment of
studies have shown that PD measurements performed
windfarm MV cable joints ” NTNU Trondheim,
with DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz voltages show comparable
Norway, 2012
results, like seen in these both case studies as well. The
PD results obtained with VLF Sinus 0.1Hz however
[9] F. Mauseth, “PD and Diel. Response
differ with that from DAC and VLF CR 0.1Hz excitation
measurements service aged cable joints” CIGRE
voltage. It can be concluded that in most cases the PDIV
D1.48 Meeting, Paris, France, 2014
is higher at VLF Sinus 0.1Hz compared with the PDIV
from DAC or VLF CR. Moreover the PD intensity and
level are lower at VLF Sinus 0.1Hz, using exactly the
same data capturing time for VLF Sinus 0.1Hz and VLF
CR 0.1Hz. Although there has already been a lot of
research performed in this field, further research
specifically regarding different type of PD defects is
recommended. This to confirm which defects incept with
VLF Sinus 0.1Hz excitation voltage at lower voltages and
which at higher voltages compared to operating
frequency. It is known that interfacial discharges incept at
a higher voltage at VLF Sinus 0.1Hz compared to 50Hz
or DAC/ VLF CR 0.1Hz, this as interfacial discharges are
mainly depending on the voltage slope dU/dt.

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