Biocompatibility Evaluation of Tramadol Loaded Nanoparticulate Systems

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Basic and clinical neuroscience − Neuropharmacology S241

and mechanical stimuli were used as outcome measures of neu- Ac-D-SPRG exhibited no significant influence on production
ropathic pain in sham and nerve-injured rats (n = 8 per group) by of conditioned food-procuring site reaction in case of intranasal
using the plantar, acetone and von Frey test, respectively. These injection.
tests were performed during the day portion of the circadian When producing passive avoidance reaction, Ac-D-SPRG had
cycle (09:00−16:00 h). A period of 20−30 min was allowed for positive influence on animals’ training capacities. They manifested
behavioral accommodation. After cage exploration and major in all test parameters in case of dose of 10 mg/kg. As for dose of
grooming activities ceased, we made measurements to determine 1 mg/kg, only increase of duration of animal standing in light part
baseline values, and then carried out the pain tests 3, 5, 7, 10 and of maze. Injection of low doses of Ac-D-SPRG seemed to have
14 day after the surgery. no significant effect on parameters.
The data were analyzed by repeated measure ANOVA test with Ac-D-SPRG positively influenced the production of reaction of
SPSS software. Lithium decreased thermal haperalgesia score with active avoidance. The significant increase of number of performed
dose of 5, 10 and 15 mg/kg and allodynia score with dose of reactions was registered in experimental group of rats by the fourth
10 and 15 mg/kg significantly (P < 0.001). Naloxone (1 mg/kg) training day for all concentrations.
significantly reverses anti-hyperalgesic and anti-allodynic effects Conclusively, the investigated tetrapeptide either improves train-
of lithium (10 mg/kg) in radiant heat plantar and von Frey fila- ing process or has no influence on it. Ac-D-SPRG appeared to
ment stimulation test (P?0.05) but cannot block the anti-allodynic be more effective in training with negative reinforcement. The
effects of lithium in acetone test. Our study demonstrates that stimulating action of peptide on training processes is probably
intraperitoneal injection of lithium reduces hyperalgesia and al- dependent on character of produced habit and signal initiating
lodynia in sciatic nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain with production of conditioned reaction. The “complex maze” is the
involvement of opioid system. least stressful among used tests, the reactions of passive and active
avoidance follow according to increase of stress effect. One cannot
References exclude, that stressful conditions of experiment lead to activation
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Bipolar Disord. 2002 Apr;4(2):129−36. corresponding effects.
[2] Alborzi A, Mehr SE, Rezania F, Badakhshan S, Mombeini T, Shafa- The results of our experiments obtained demonstrate that Ac-D-
roodi H, Moezi L, Ravan MN, Sharifian M, Dehpour AR The effect of
lithium chloride on morphine-induced tolerance and dependence in iso- SPRG is neuromodulator of functions of central nervous system,
lated guinea pig ileum. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Sep 18;545(2−3):123−8. having direct relation to processes of the perception, the consoli-
[3] Seltzer Z, Dubner R, Shir Y. A novel behavioral model of neuropathic dation and the reproduction of memory traces.
pain disorders produced in rats by partial sciatic nerve injury. Pain.
1990 Nov;43(2):205−18.

P.1.c.012 Design, structural characterisation and

biocompatibility evaluation of tramadol
P.1.c.011 Influence of the structural analogue of loaded nanoparticulate systems
AVP(6−9) on training of rats followed with
positive and negative reinforcement L. Tartau1 ° , A. Garlea2 , V. Melnig2 . 1 University of Medicine
and Pharmacy “Gr T Popa”, Department of Pharmacology and
A. Belyakova1 ° , O.G. Voskresenskaya1 . 1 Moscow State Algesiology Faculty of Medicine, Iasi, Romania; 2 “Al. I. Cuza”
University, Human and Animal Physiology Department Faculty University, Department of Physics − COMB Laboratory Faculty
of Biology, Moscow, Russia of Physics, Iasi, Romania

The positive influence of both vasopressin and its analogues Nanoparticle drug carriers consists of solid biodegradable par-
on learning processes and memory is now of no doubts. The ticles in size ranging from 10 to 1000 nm in which the active
C-terminal fragments of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) are known to principle is dissolved, entrapped or encapsulated, and to which
be crucial for the development of behavioral effects. In our preced- the active principle is absorbed or attached [1]. From all nanopar-
ing researches we have shown that sintetic analogue C-terminal ticulate systems, vesicles presented some advantages represented
fragment of AVP − Ac-D-MPRG (wherein Cys6 was changed by the low number of excipients used in their formulations,
to D-Met) improves learning process, increase the orienting and simple procedures for preparation, high physical stability, and the
exploratory, decreases the anxiety level in white rats and may be possibility of sustained drug release [2]. In the literature there
used as antidepressant drug. On the basis of theoretical analysis are limited studies reported about the design of tramadol carrier
and conformational designing of original tetrapeptide structurally systems, one of them referring to a formulation containing the
related to the C-terminal fragment of AVP(6−9) − N-Ac-D-Ser- substance in sponges, prepared by freeze drying chitosan solution,
Pro-Arg-Gly-NH2 (Ac-D-SPRG) − was synthesized. using glutaraldehyde as a cross linking agent [3].
The given researches was aimed at investigation of influence Objective: The objective of this study consists in the obtain-
of the original structural analogue of AVP(6−9) Ac-D-SPRG on ing of lipid vesicles coated in polysaccharide chitosan which
production of a conditioned active avoidance of a painful stimulus entrapped the opioid tramadol inside, and their biocompatibility
and production of conditioned food-procuring reaction on site. determination in mice.
The work was carried out on mature white male rats with weight Method: Design of nanoparticulate formulations: The soft
of 220–250 g. The preparation was given via intranasal injection matter vesicles obtained after tramadol immobilization inside lipid
in doses of 0.01, 0.1, 1.0, and 10.0 mg/kg in volume of 1 ml per vesicles, were realized by dissolving the lipid in chloroform and
10 g of body weight in 5 min before testing. The control animals removing the solvent by evaporation which leaded to a dry lipid
were treated with equivalent volume of distilled water. film. The film was then hydrated, by adding distilled water with
S242 P.1.c. Basic and clinical neuroscience − Neuropharmacology

tramadol. In the end, the vesicles were stabilized with a 0.5% variety of host responses that could hinder efficacy. Adjunct ther-
biodegradable polymer chitosan solution. The tramadol vesicles apies aimed at enhancing progenitor stem cell growth and survival
were characterized for size and zeta-potential by Malvern Ze- and suppressing counter-productive inflammatory responses may
tasizer Nano ZS ZEN-3500 model and by Shimadzu UV-1700 provide a useful strategy to optimize the stem cell approach. In this
PharmaSpec spectrophotometer. Using a Nikon Ti Eclipse optical regard, alpha7 neuronal nicotinic receptors (NNRs) may represent
microscope the vesicles were directly viewed. a unique opportunity. A neuroprotective role for alpha7 NNRs is
In vivo experiment was carried out on Swiss mice (20−25 supported by numerous in vitro and in vivo studies. For example,
g) treated orally with the same volume of solution (0.3 ml): NNR agonists decrease LDH release in hippocampal slices evoked
Group I (control): distilled water; Group II (chitosan vesi- by oxygen and glucose deprivation in wild-type mice, but fail to
cles), Group III (TMD-ves): 10 mg/kbw. At different time exert neuroprotection in alpha7 knockout mice. Alpha7 agonists
points (1 and 6 hours), blood samples were taken from retro- also protect against ethanol-induced cytotoxicity in hippocampal
orbitary plexus to assess blood count, phagocytic capacity of neurons, possibly by reducing the formation of reactive oxygen
peripheral neutrophils and serum complement activity, important species (ROS) and preventing mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus
elements for biocompatibility evaluation. The data were presented progenitor stem cell survival and differentiation in brain following
as +/− SD and significance was analyzed using SPSS for Windows stem cell therapy may benefit from early intervention with alpha7
version 17.0 and ANOVA method. Experimental protocol was agonists to promote pathways implicated in cell survival. In the
implemented according to recommendations of the Gr.T. Popa present studies a highly selective alpha7 agonist TC-7020 [1]
University Committee for Research and Ethical Issues. was used to evaluate the potential benefit of targeting alpha7
Results: We developed new carrier formulations that entrapped pharmacology in models that mimic some aspects of stem cell
tramadol in lipid vesicles with a moderate stability. The polymer graft survival and differentiation.
chitosan binds to vesicles, causing the bilayer to rigidify and in Methods: Inflammatory Pathways: F344 rats were treated either
turn driving a decrease in the size of unilamellar vesicles. The with vehicle, 10Gy of whole body irradiation (WBI), 0.3 mg/kg
tramadol vesicles investigated, were found to have a mean zeta TC-7020 or 10Gy plus TC-7020. Rats were euthanized and
potential of +16.6mV and a mean size of 699nm. Laboratory anal- brains were excised. Cell lysates were collected from brain cortex
ysis showed no significant differences of blood count, phagocytic and Cox-2, IL-6 and ICAM-1 levels were determined using
capacity of peripheral neutrophils and serum complement activity Western blotting. Cell Proliferation: F344 rats were treated with
values, between chitosan lipid vesicles, tramadol entrapped in vehicle, TC-7020 (0.3 mg/kg), WBI (10Gy), or 10Gy plus TC-
vesicles and control group. 7020. Rats were euthanized and brains excised at 2 months post-
Conclusion: It was demonstrated that these vesicles are capable irradiation. Brain slices were stained with Ki-67 antibody and
to entrap tramadol water solution with a large efficiency. Both Ki-67 positive cells counted in the SGZ of the dentate gyrus.
chitosan and tramadol vesicles demonstrated similar immune Microglial Activation: F344 rats were treated with vehicle, TC-
responses with control group, after oral administration in mice, 7020 (0.3 mg/kg), WBI (10Gy) or 10Gy plus TC-7020. Rats were
indicative of good in vivo biocompatibility. euthanized and brains were excised at 2 months post-irradiation.
Disclosure statement: Acknowledgements: This work was fi- Sections of Hippocampus (DG) were stained with CD-68 antibody
nancial supported by the Gr.T. Popa University of Medicine and and CD-68 positive cells counted. Progenitor Cells: Animals were
Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, Internal Research Grant Nr. 16407/2009 labeled with 10% 2 H2 O during drug treatment and hippocampal
and by PN II Capacities 195CPI/2008. progenitor cells were isolated by Percoll fractionation. DNA was
isolated from progenitor cells, hydrolyzed and derivatized for
References GC/MS analysis.
[1] Morrow, K.J., Bawa, R., Wei, C., 2007, Recent advances in basic and Results: TC-7020 prevented radiation-induced reduction in
clinical nanomedicine, Med. Clin. North Am., 91 (5), 805–843. hippocampal cell proliferation and associated changes in mito-
[2] Barauskas, J., Johnsson, M., Tiberg, F., 2005, Self-Assembled Lipid chondrial respiratory chain proteins. The mechanism appears to
Superstructures: Beyond Vesicles and Liposomes, Nano Lett., 5 (8),
1615–1619. be mediated in part through inhibition of radiation-induced up-
[3] Foda, N.H., Ellaithy, H.M., Tadros, M.I., 2004, Optimization of regulation of inflammatory factors, including ICAM-1, COX-2
Biodegradable sponges as controlled release drug matrices. I. Effect and IL-6. In addition TC-7020 inhibited radiation-induced gener-
of moisture level on chitosan sponge mechanical properties, Drug ation of ROS and up-regulation of P47, a protein involved in the
Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 30, (4), 369–379.
NADPH oxidase pathway. In separate in vivo studies TC-7020
potently enhanced neurogenesis in hippocampus and inhibited
P.1.c.013 A7 nicotinic receptor agonist enhances LPS-induced microglial activation.
neurogenesis and reduces brain inflammation Conclusions: From these results we conclude that alpha7-
after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or radiation selective ligands such as TC-7020 have beneficial effects on pro-
treatment genitor stem cells and inflammatory pathways that could support
the optimization of stem cell therapies.
W. Zhao1 , S.M. Toler2 , P.M. Lippiello3 ° , M. Bencherif3 . Disclosure statement: Drs. Lippiello, Toler and Bencherif are
1 Wake Forest University, Radiation Oncology, Winston-Salem, employees of Targacept, Inc.
USA; 2 Targacept Inc., Translational Medicine, Winston-Salem,
USA; 3 Targacept Inc., Preclinical Research, Winston-Salem, USA References
[1] Marrero, M.B., Lucas, R., Salet, C., Hauser, T.A., Mazurov, A., Lip-
Purpose: Stem cell therapies may represent the first true disease- piello, P.M., Bencherif, M., 2010 An alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine
modifying treatments for diverse neurological diseases and in- receptor-selective agonist reduces weight gain and metabolic changes
juries such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple in a mouse model of diabetes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 332, 173–180.
sclerosis, Huntington’s disease, ALS, spinal cord injury and stroke.
However, many hurdles remain, including not only safety but a

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