مراجعة اشتقاق انجليزي م4 توجيهي 2001

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  :


Auxiliary / Helping Verbs 

1 (Be) 
V1 + ing ‫ ﺃﻭ‬V3
is / am / are
was / were + adj
be / been
1- My uncle is --------------------------- in several languages.
(fluency, fluent , fluently)
  V1 + ing V3ly
is / am / are
was / were + adv + V1+ ing or V3
be / been
1- My uncle is --------------------------- speaking English.
(fluency, fluent , fluently)
2- Your mail has been --------------------------sent.
(success , successful , successfully )
2 (have)  V3ly

has / have / had + adv + V3
  ly V3
has / have / had + V3 + adv
1- Ali has --------------------------passed the Maths exam.
(success , successful , successfully )
3 (do) 
Sub + doesn't / don't /didn't + V1 …?
Do / Does / Did + Sub + V1 …?
Wh + do / does / did + Sub + V1 …?
1- How quickly does blood ------------------------------ round the body?
(circulation, circulated , circulate)
4 (Modals) 

will shall can may must have to

has to would should could might had to + V1
ought to 'll won't shan't 'd can't
1- If you work hard, I'm sure you will------------------------------.
(succeed, success, successful )
  :
 
 

adverb + adjective + noun + verb
noun + verb verb 
noun + verb   noun 
adjective + noun    
adjective + noun    
be + adverb + adj be    
  
be + adverb + adj be     

adverbs   
always / usually / often / sometimes
really / absolutely / extremely / completely
very / so too / quite
Sub + adverb + V1--- 1. Thank you for help, I really appreciate it.
Sub + be + adverb + adj 1. Thank you for help, you are really wonderful.
 
 

  
  
  
 the -----------to   tothe
 to -----------the   the to
 The ----------- + noun of   
 The + adjective ---------- of   
 -----------is   is
 is -----------    is
 is ----------- speaking    V1 + ing isly
 is ----------- spoken   V3  isly
 
 

  :
 

verb noun adjective Adverb= adjective + ly

…ate … ion … al …ly

…ise …ice ..…ic fluently
advise advice extensively

…ize …ment … ent

…ed …ence … ed
succeed dehydrated
‫أﺻﻠﯿﺔ‬ qualified

…fy …ance … ant

…ve …ency … ive
…ity … ous
…ing …ing
marketing rewarding
engineering amazing
…ness …less
iasm …ible
… ist …able
… er …ary dietary
… or … ful
career advisor

… ory …ory
memory compulsory
… th
  :

  V1    ) noun 

   V1    noun
1 Sub + V1---    noun 
Sub + really + V1---
1 
2 Sub + Modals + V1---
The / An / A + noun +---
will …
the / an / a
3 To / to + V1---
a -----------as the -----------of
4 Let's + V1--- an --------from
2   
5 does / do / did + V1---
Adjective + noun +…
  Adjectives  3 prepositions
1    
of / in + noun +
Adjective + noun …….
4   's / s'
2 am / is / are
N + 's / s' + noun
was / were + adj
be / been 5 my /his / her
 your / our +
their / its
V1 + ing ‫ ﺃﻭ‬V3
6   
3 Sub + be + well- + Adj
other /any / no
all / some /much +
4 (be) + adv + Adjective a few / a little
very / so too / quite many / a lot of
absolutely / extremely one
really / usually / always 7   
5     this / that / these / those + noun
look /seem
8   
find / found + adj
feel / felt   
become / get Noun + verb……. …………is
6 the most + adj + noun
9   
7 be more+ adj + than 
Sub + cause  + noun
8 be as + adj + as
need 
  ly avoid
1 
10 Noun + Noun
----------- , sub+ verb
Business Management
2 
air circulation
Aux. verb ly main verb blood circulation
    career advisor
are extensively grown work experience
3 sub+ main verb + (obj) + ly 

  :
 
  V1    ) noun 
 
   V1    noun
 
1 Sub + V1---    noun 
Sub + really + V1---
1   
2 Sub + Modals + V1---
will …
The / An / A + noun +---  
the / an / a
3 To / to + V1---
a -----------as the -----------of  
4 Let's + V1--- an --------from  
2   
5 does / do / did + V1---  
Adjective + noun +…
  Adjectives   
3 prepositions
1     of / in + noun +  
Adjective + noun …….
4   's / s'  
2 am / is / are
N + 's / s' + noun  
was / were + adj
be / been 5 my /his / her  
 your / our +
their / its  
V1 + ing ‫ ﺃﻭ‬V3
6     
3 Sub + be + well- + Adj
other /any / no
noun  
all / some /much +
4 (be) + adv + Adjective a few / a little  
very / so too / quite many / a lot of  
absolutely / extremely one
really / usually / always 7     
5     this / that / these / those + noun  
look /seem
  
find / found + adj
8  
feel / felt   
become / get Noun + verb……. …………is  
6 the most + adj + noun
9   
7 be more+ adj + than   
Sub + cause  + noun
8 be as + adj + as  
need 
study  
  ly avoid  
1 
10 Noun + Noun  
----------- , sub+ verb
Business Management
2  air circulation  
Aux. verb ly main verb blood circulation  
    career advisor
work experience  
are extensively grown
3 sub+ main verb + (obj) + ly   
 
  :
 
 

 
 

 
D. Choose the suitable item from those given to complete each of the
following sentences and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
 

1 Doctors ----------------------- that regular exercise and a healthy diet are crucial
to our well – being.
(advice, advise, advisor)
2 If you work hard, I'm sure you will------------------------------.
(succeed, success, successful )
3 Congratulation! Not many people------------------------------such high marks.
(achievement, achieve , achievable )
4 Before an exam, you must ------------------------------ everything you’ve learnt.
(revision, revise , revising )
5 When I am very tired, I don't ----------------------------- well.
(concentration , concentrated, concentrate )
6 Let's ----------------------------- our
lessons before the final exams.
(revision, revise , revised)
7 Why don't you ------------------------------your computer skills?
(develop, development, developmental)
8 Don’t talk to the driver. He must----------------------------- .
(concentration , concentrate, concentrated )
9 How quickly does blood ------------------------------ round the body?
(circulation, circulated , circulate)
10 With children, it is important to -----------------------the right balance between
love and discipline.
( achieve , achieved , achievable )
  :
11 Doctors -------------------------- a balanced diet for a good health.
( recommend , recommending , recommendation )
12 Services, mostly travel and tourism ------------------- the majority of our
(dominant, dominance, dominate)
13 Whether or not you remember some things that you have learnt in the past
------------------------------ on the experience you had while you were learning it.
(depend , dependence, dependent )
14 When you talk about business and try to do a deal, you----------------------------.
(negotiation, negotiate, negotiatiable)
15 Rami closed his eyes and tried to . --------------------------------
(concentrate , concentration , concentrating )
16 It's amazing to watch the-------------------------of a baby in the first year of life.
(develop, development, developmental)
17 The company is pleased with your work and is happy to give you
a------------------------- .
(recommend, recommended , recommendation )
18 One of the most important things that we give children is a good ----------.
(educate , education, educational)
19 In hot weather our bodies are in danger of------------------------------.
(dehydrate , dehydrated , dehydration )

20 Before you apply for a job, check that you have the correct---------------------.
(qualify, qualified, qualification )
21 My father works for an------------------that helps to protect the environment.
(organise , organised, organisation )
22 I’m confused. Could you give me some ------------------------------please?
(advice, advise, advisor)
23 The business meeting was long, but we finally reached an -------------------- .
(agree, agreement , agreed)

  :
24 Have you had any --------------------------------of learning another language?
(experienced , experience , experiencing )
25 Language ----------- is becoming an important requirement for many jobs.
(proficient , proficiency, proficiently)
26 Nuts contain useful ------------------------------ such as oils and fats.
(nutrients, nutritious, nutrition)
27 My grandfather often tells us about what he did in his----------------------------
(young , youth , youthful)
28 The career advisor's speech was a -------------------of her advice to our class.
(repeat , repetition, repeated )
29 Adnan never forgets anything! He's got an amazing ----------------------------.
(memory, memorise, memorable)
30 I checked my letter carefully for errors and wrote a --------------------at the
(correct, correctly , correction )
31 Zainab listens to music while she's working. It helps her ---------------------------.
(concentration , concentrate, concentrated )
32 Finding work can be challenging for graduates who don’t have any-------------------
(experienced , experience , experiencing )
33 Don't sit still for too long- move around frequently to increase your ---------------.
(circulation, circulated , circulate )
34 It is important to drink a lot of water in order to avoid ---------------------------.
(dehydrate , dehydrated , dehydration )
35 Ali's ----------------------------- is
(success, succeed, successful)
36 Maha shows great-----------------------for her new job as a lawyer in the court.
(enthusiasm , enthusiastic , enthusiastically)
37 The company gave Mr. Marwan a glowing -------------------------------.
( recommend , recommendation, recommendable)

  :
38 Many doctors believe that --------------------------supports brain development.
(repeat , repetition , repeated)
39 Kareem is a -----------------------journalist, he has worked previously for many
scientific journals.
(qualify, qualified, qualification )
40 The graduation ceremony was a very ---------------- occasion for everyone.
(memory, memorise, memorable)
41 Is one side of the brain more ------------------------------ than the other?
(dominant, dominance, dominate)
42 For higher education, students enter university, either for academic or
(vocation, vocational, vocationally )
43 Doing lots of exercise won't keep you healthy if you don't eat
as well.
(nutrients, nutritious, nutrition)
44 Congratulation on a very------------------------------business deal.
(success, succeed, successful )
45 It's essential not to become---------------------, so drink lots of water.
(dehydrate , dehydrated , dehydration )
46 Are smokers well - ----------------of the dangers of smoking to their health?
(aware, awareness, awarely)
47 Khaled is a very --------------------------- and adaptable worker, I believe that
he can be successful in any position.
(competence, competent, competently)
48 My uncle is --------------------------- in several languages. He is often able to
interpret for us during conversations with foreigners.
(fluency, fluent , fluently)
49 Mr. Sami is the most --------------------------------teacher in our school.
(experienced , experience , experiencing )
50 It was a attempt to climb Mount Everest.
(succeed , successful , success)

  :
51 It is --------------------------- to take regular breaks when revising.
(beneficial, beneficially , benefit)
52 Our national team is now well- --------------for the round of the competition.
(qualify , qualification , qualified )
53 Mahmoud didn’t consult his career -----------------------, so he felt sorry.
(advice, advise, advisor)
54 Would you like to do an ----------------------- or a vocational course if you
have a chance?
(academise , academic , academically )
55 Zaid justified the main -------------------points between the two sides in the
(contradictory , contradict , contradiction)
56 The company gave Mr. Marwan a glowing ------------------------------- .
(recommend , recommendation , recommendable )
57 In order to work in finance, you need to be a very -------------------------- person.
(responsible, responsibly , responsibility )
58 Your mail has been --------------------------sent.
(success , successful , successfully )
59 Kareem wasn't able to speak Spanish --------------------------------till he was
nearly seven years old.
(fluently , fluent , fluency )
60 Olives which are ------------------- grown in the world, have been cultivated
for over 6.000 years
(extend , extensive, extensively)

 and / or
1 verb and / or verb
2 noun and / or noun
3 adjective and / or adjective


  :
 

1 advise 21 organisation 41 dominant
2 succeed 22 advice 42 vocational
3 achieve 23 agreement 43 nutritious
4 revise 24 experience 44 successful
5 concentrate 25 proficiency 45 dehydrated
6 revise 26 nutrients 46 aware
7 develop 27 youth 47 competent
8 concentrate 28 repetition 48 fluent
9 circulate 29 memory 49 experienced
10 achieve 30 correction 50 successful
11 recommend 31 concentration 51 beneficial
12 dominate 32 experience 52 qualified
13 depend 33 circulation 53 economic
14 negotiate 34 dehydration 54 academic
15 concentrate 35 success 55 contradictory
16 development 36 enthusiasm 56 recommendation
17 recommendation 37 recommendation 57 responsible
18 education 38 repetition 58 successfully
19 dehydration 39 qualified 59 fluently
20 qualification 40 memorable 60 extensively
 

 
‫ﻣــﻊ ﲤـﻨـﻴــﺎﺗــﻨـﺎ ﻟــﻜـﻢ ﺑــﺪﻭﺍﻡ ﺍﻟـﺘـﻘــﺪﻡ ﻭ ﺍﻟـﻨــﺠـــﺎﺡ‬


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