Present Progresive Vs Present Exercise

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Simple present / present progressive

Simple present Present progressive

It is usually used to express : It is used to :

-Habitual actions ,used with adverbs & expressions such : - describe an action in progress ; action that happens at the
every day ,every month, usually , always , sometimes… same time of the speech .

- General truth ; facts …… Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Affirmative Negative Interrogative I +am+ verb+ ing I +'m not+ verb + Am+ I+ verb+ing
I + verb I +don't+ verb Do+ I+ verb ? ing ?
He, she ,it +is+
He,she,it+verb+ He , she , it+ Does + he ,she ,it He, she, it+ isn't
verb +ing Is + he ,she ,it
s doesn't + verb +verb ? verb+ing
+verb + ing?
You , we , they + Do you ,we, they You ,we, they You ,we, they+
don't + verb + verb ? +are+ verb+ ing aren't+ verb+ing Are you ,we, they
You ,we, they+
verb + verb+ing ?
1/ -Put the bracketed verbs in the correct tense : simple present / present progressive
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I+verb I+don't+verb Do+I+ verb?

He,she,it+verb+s He,she,it+doesn't Does+he,she ,

+ verb Do+we,they,yo
u+ verb
1-They (surf) ……………… 2-They ( sing)………………….. 3-Mr.Smith (help)……………..
They,you,we+don't 4-I (hate)……………………..doing
homework .It's very boring!!!!
the net every night . hymns every morning . ……….his+verb
wife and daughter.

5-Now ,They (have)……….. 6-She 7-The postman usually 8-My friend Mark(speak)
…………….fun at the party. (start)……………… work …………………Arabic very well.
Her clothes to go on a trip! early.
Fun sees Peter putting on his coat and says : 10-It(be)………………………half past seven .Sue and Jessie (have)
…………………….breakfast .
-"Where(go)………………………………,Peter ?
11-Aline:-My brother (get up)……………………..early every day , he
-I(go)……………………to buy some cigarettes ,do you(need (wash)………………………..,(shave)…………………………..and (have)
) ………………….anything ? ……………………..his breakfast so quietly that I (not hear) a thing.
-No , thanks !But you know that every day you(smoke) But I (hear)……………………….…..him driving away because his car
………………….about 20 cigarettes!It(to be)…………….. too (make)………………………………..a lot of noise!
dangerous . -My brother (get)……………………..up early too . But he (make)
-Not too much! Only 20 cigarettes! Sam (smoke)……………. ……………………such a lot of noise that he (wake)………………………
much more than I (do)……………………… and (spend) everybody in the house .He(sing)………………………in his bath ,
…………………….over ₤20 on cigarettes . (bang)………………………the doors and (drop)……………………….
things in the kitchen .

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