Historical Source

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Historical Source Similarities Difference

Source material 1  Both article is all about  The Source material 1

the model of the UP added a picture in their
Oblation. article, so the readers
 They are both will see who is the
Secondary Source. person they’re talking
 They both prove that about in the article
the Up oblation model  The article published
is not Fernando Poe Sr. on August 30, 2011
 The Source material 1
have a long article and
it has a wider
explanation of the
 The Source material 1
have many background
 The Source material 1
have a Re

Source Material 2  They are both local  The article published

literature. on September 2, 2007.
 They both stated that  The Source material 2
the UP Oblation model have a short but
is Anastacio Caedo. straight to the point
 The Source material 2
only focus to Caedo
and the Oblation.
 The Source material 2
have an Online cite
1. Define “History” based from the various perspectives given by historians

*According to Edward Hallet Carr “History is what the historian makes.”

- We all know that Historian is the person who studies, seek and writes about the past.
Historian is the one who have vision and know what to do when it comes to history.
Everything is a raw material for history, but with the help of the historian it becomes
finished product. Before we read or have an information about history, historians mold it
first and check about its factual information. History is like a never ending dialogue
about the past and the historians is the one who serve as our guide and interpret.

*According to Robin George Collingwood “History is the reenactment in the historian’s

mind of the thought whose history he is studying.”

- Historian didn’t actually see or witness the history they desire to know. They can only
imagine or just photograph in his mind on what happened. When the historian is
studying, they begin by getting familiar on particular events, then they proceed to
understand them by reenactment.

*According to Michael Joseph Oakeshott “History is the historians’ experience.”

- History is the one who teach the historians about the past, they make them understand
what is happening in the past events and what is the difference between the past and
the present. History helps the historian to become knowledgeable, so they can critic and
check the facts about history.

2. Why is the Filipino term for history “Kasaysayan”?

- The Filipino term for History is “Kasaysayan” because the root word
“saysay” in Kasayasayan means significance or important. It pertains to
what’s the importance of the past. It becomes “Kasaysayan” because it is
not only pertaining to the past events but also what is importance and the
meaning of those events.

3. Explain how there are so little usable materials left to historians to use.
- History is based on evidence. Historian can’t just make up what happened
in the past. Some of the Materials are not reliable or have a factual
information. Since historian get their information from 2 different kinds of
source: Primary and Secondary Source. And it takes time and many test
to prove if it is an actual source and usable materials.

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