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Kriya for Negative Mind

Bron: The Ten Light Bodies of Conciousness van Nirvair Singh Khalsa

So So So So Hung Hung Hung Hung 3 MINUTES.

Let’s start with this pranayam. It’s going to be a 4:4 breathing pattern. You’re going to inhale in 4
parts, exhale in 4 parts. Fill your lungs up completely on the inhale, empty the air out completely on
the exhale. Stretch the legs out in front of you for a little bit of balance. The eyes are going to be 1/10
open and 9/10 closed, which means you’re going to hazily look at your legs as you do this exercise.
They’re not shut tight, they’re not wide open. Fingers on the pads, thumbs up; arms are out parallel
to the ground; straighten up your back and lean back as far as you can without falling over. In that
position we’re going to do that 4:4 breathing pattern. Mentally chant SO SO SO SO on the inhale; and
on the exhale you’ll mentally chant HUNG HUNG HUNG HUNG. 3 MINUTES TOTAL.

Inhale, close the eyes, exhale, relax the arms. Sit cross legged, normal breath, have the hands in the
lap. Rest a moment. Eyes focused at the brow point. Don’t do this more than three minutes. Open
your eyes.

Moving Wide Leg Stretch 2 MINUTES.

Stretch the legs out wide in front of you. I want you to take it real easy with this. You’ll inhale up
center, exhale stretch left; inhale up center, exhale stretch center; inhale up center, exhale stretch
right. Eyes closed. 2 MINUTES

Inhale up center, and exhale, relax the breath, and slowly and carefully bring the legs together. And
then come standing up.
Triangle Pose 3 MINUTES.

We’re going to do something called triangle pose. You’ll have the legs wider apart than shoulder
width; you’ll have the hands on the ground very close together — I don’t want you to have the hands
wide — very close together. My body dimensions allow me to have about equal distance between
my feet and my hands, but in any event, if you can I’d like you to have about equal weight on the
hands and feet in this position. Place your head in between the shoulders and push the seat out at
little bit, arch the back, and push down through the shoulders. Come into position, get yourself set,
knees are straight, hold it now and do long slow deep breathing. This is for the navel point, nervous
system, life nerve, sex nerve, lower back. If you find yourself quivering a little bit in this position,
that’s ok. That’s good. We want just a little bit of stress on the nervous system so it can build it’s
strength. Keep the breath going long, slow and deep. Let the breath pull you through the exercise. 3

Body Survey Rest 1 MINUTE.

Inhale and exhale, come down on the knees and then lie down flat on your stomach. Have the head
to the side, the arms by the side, rest a moment. As you’re resting, survey the body. Start with the
feet, go to the top of the head. Just check yourself out. Feel where you’re keeping tension in the
body — whether it’s the front part of the body, the back part of the body, or your internal body.
Where are you collecting tension? 1 MINUTE.
Cobra Pose 3 MINUTES.

Let’s do cobra pose now. Place the hands underneath and slightly forward of the shoulders, have the
chin on the ground, legs together. Now inhale, come up into cobra — chin up, chest up, slowly push
yourself up — get the hands adjusted so that they’re shoulder width apart, fingers pointing forward,
elbows a little bit bent, shoulders rolled back and down, chin up. Hold this position now and do long,
slow, deep breathing. Remember, you can always walk your hands out further from the body if you
need to, even resting on your forearms is ok. During this exercise keep the breath long, slow and
deep. Inhale energy up the spine and exhale energy out the brow point. Feel that happening, or
visualize light coming up the center of the spine on the inhale, and on the exhale project that light
out the brow point. 3 MINUTES.

Stay in position, inhale, exhale, hold the breath out and apply ROOT LOCK — squeeze the rectum, sex
organs, pull the navel point in. Release it, inhale and exhale, slowly lower yourself down, belly, chest,

Baby Pose 1 MINUTE.

Once the chin hits the ground, then slowly push yourself up into baby pose, up on the knees and
heels, forehead on the ground, arms by the sides, hands by the ankles. Rest a moment with normal
breath. 1 MINUTE.
Spine Flex with Held Breath 3 MINUTES.

Slowly rise up now and stay on the knees and heels, or sit cross-legged if you have to. We’re going to
flex the spine, but we’re going to do something a little bit different. You’re going to inhale, hold the
breath in, and you’re going to keep the breath held in as you flex the spine as long as you can
comfortably hold the breath in. Don’t turn blue and fall over. When you need to, straighten up, stop
the motion, exhale through the nose, inhale through the nose again, and initiate the spine flexes
again, holding the breath. This is a rejuvenating exercise, brings a lot of extra oxygen into the blood.
Yogis say that doing this regularly can reverse the aging process. This will make you young and juicy
again. Now I want you to place the tongue on the gum line of the top teeth and press there gently.
Inhale deeply, hold the breath, flex the spine. You’ll probably be able to hold and flex between 15
and 45 seconds. When you need to, straighten up, exhale, inhale, hold the breath, flex the spine. 3

Come upright, exhale, inhale, come off the knees and heels and sit cross-legged.
Second Body Meditation

Meditation for Negating False Identity 5 TO 11 MINUTES.

This meditation is training to bring yourself to meditative mind, neutral mind. What I want you to do
is think, and be very active in your thinking with this, bring up how you identify yourself. You can
start with your wallet, for instance I would say I am Nirvair Singh Khalsa — that’s what my Driver’s
License says. But then I answer myself back, and here’s the negation, I am NOT Nirvair Singh Khalsa.
Always start with the basic stuff like your gender, your family role, your job — all those things — and
then see how many layers of the onion you can peel off. Bring up all your good qualities. Bring up all
your bad qualities. Anything goes and everything goes, in any language you want, about how you
think of yourself and how you identify yourself. Sit up tall, eyes closed, focused at the brow point;
breath is normal. Be very active. When one goes and you negate it, get another one quick.

Deep Relaxation 7 MINUTES.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, stretch the arms up overhead big stretch up, shake the hands. This is a way of
breaking the meditation. Now rub the hands together, lower the hands down, hands on the shins,
and flex the spine a few times, lift your shoulders up, move the back a bit, squirm a little bit. Now
straighten the legs out and lie down flat on the back, have the arms by the sides palms up, eyes are
gently closed, breath is soft and normal. Totally and completely relax.

Inhale. Exhale. Roll the hands and roll the feet. Stretch the arms up overhead. Twist the body from
side to side. Rub the hands together. Rub the soles of the feet together vigorously. Draw the knees
up to the chest. Rock a few times on the spine. Rock yourself up.

Wasn’t that meditation interesting? What was left? Your unknown? O.K.

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