Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person (GR. 12-S.T.E.M.) First Trimester Mid-Term Examinations Questionnaire General Directions

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person 7.

It is the didactic dialogue of questioning that is

(GR. 12- S.T.E.M.) expressed in the critical examination and cross-
FIRST TRIMESTER MID-TERM EXAMINATIONS examination of the positions of every participant in the
General Directions: a) Socratic Method
b) Albertic Method
1. Read carefully and write all final answers on the c) Scientific Method
space provided for each item. d) A but not B and C
2. Choose and give the best answer/s. 8. What is the first step in doing Socratic Method of
3. Use blue or black ink only in answering. Philosophizing?
4. Cover your test questionnaire with your folder. a) Knowing oneself
b) Knowing what’s right
I.STEM OPTION (Rx1). Analyze the questions/terms c) Knowing what you know
given. Choose the best answer among the choices by d) Knowing how to know
encircling the letter of your choice. 9. All are steps in arriving at the truth in using Socratic
Method, EXCEPT:
1. It is the strong desire of a human person to possess a) Examine yourself
knowledge and apply it correctly. b) Give an initial definition of a thing or a concept.
a) Philosophy c) Look for characteristics that are not captured in
b) A the initial definition.
c) Both A and B d) Give a new definition.
d) All of the above 10. A method of Philosophizing which deals with the
2. He quoted that “Questions are more important than determination of nature and structure of human
answers. Because answers themselves will in turn conscious experience.
become questions.” Who is this Philosopher? a) Phenomenology
a) Karl Jaspers b) Socratic Method
b) Clark Jaspers c) Phenomenological Method
c) Carl Jaspers d) Rosetenological Method
d) Imong mama 11. The following are reasons why we do Philosophy,
3. A major branch of Philosophy which studies the EXCEPT:
things beyond the physical; concepts or things that a) To understand other’s perspective
cannot be experienced. b) To solve problems
a) Metaphysics c) Humans are naturally curious
b) Metalphysics d) It’s a core subject
c) Epistemology 12. It is a point of view that looks at all the aspects of
d) Logic the given problem or situation.
4.A sub-branch of Special Metaphysics which studies a) Holistic point of view
the world or universe including its origin, dynamics and b) Partial point of view
characteristics as well as the laws that govern its order. c) Holistic view of you
a) Cosmology d) Partial na pagtingin agik!
b) Cosmetology 13. Mary Rose scolded Albert immediately after being
c) Comitology late in coming to school. What type of point of view is
d) Comatology being displayed in the situation?
5.A special sub-branch of Philosophy that studies the a) Partial point of view
nature and dynamics of the human person as a whole b) Holistic point of view
with emphasis on the way the person’s mind functions c) Holistic view of you
and the way he/she behaves d) Shape of view
a) Psychology 14. Teacher Albert asks first the students reason of why
b) Cycology they did not comply on the MORAL BANCRUPTCY OF
d) Psychologist GIVEN WEEKS PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE, before he fails
6.It is a is a strong desire to a particular object/ person. them.
An intense feeling of deep affection. a) Holistic point of view
a) Love b) Partial point of view
b) Is like a rosary c) Holistic view of you
c) Full of d) Holistic development
d) Mysteries 15. It is the science or study of correct processes of
thinking or reasoning.
a) Logic
b) Metaphysics ______8. This is because strawberry ice-cream does not
c) Psychology taste good as vanilla and chocolate.
d) Philosophy
16. These are statements which can be verified, or ______9. Super Mario Bros. is a platform video game
checked, for accuracy. They often include dates, developed and published by Nintendo.
numbers, and statistics.
a) Fact ______10. Previous President Barack Obama is the
b) Truth greatest president of the United States of America.
c) Opinion
d) Closeyun III. Meaning- Making
17. These are statements which are influenced by the Short- Response Type (Rx2) Give the definitions of the
writer’s or speaker’s experiences, training, interests, following fallacies.
and context. It uses language that often packs an 1.Ad Hominem
emotional punch.
a) Opinion
b) Fact
c) Truth
d) Trot
18. These are inferences which has to be true. You start
from a basic statement or “premise,” and as long as that 2.Straw man
premise is true there is no logical way for the conclusion
to be false.
a) Deductive
b) Inductive
c) Attractive
d) Si sir Albert
19. It is a series of statements with the goal of 3.False dichotomy
persuading someone of something.
a) Argument
b) Comment
c) Solution
d) Recommendation
20. Are inferences which premises offer strong support
for a conclusion, but one that is not a certainty. 4. Slippery slope
a) Inductive
b) Deductive
c) Attractive
d) Si sir Albert

II. Binary Response. (Rx1) Read the sentences/

situations carefully. Write F if the sentence/ statement
is a fact, O if it is an opinion and B if both. 5. Circular argument
______1. The British Winter of 2009/2010 was the
coldest for 30 years.

______2. London is the best city in the world.

______3. The government should increase spending for

preventing unwanted pregnancy; According to a survey IV. Transfer Skills. (Rx1) Identify the fallacies observed
of DOH more than one million teenagers become in every statements.
pregnant every year. 1. No one has ever been able to prove definitively
that extra-terrestrials exist, so they must not be
______4. It is time for educators to assume more real.
responsibility for schools’ unhealthy lunch menus. Answer: _______________________________
2. Being overweight leads to a shortened lifespan
______5. Pit bulls are the most dangerous dogs alive. because it's unhealthy.
Answer: _______________________________
______6. According to sales records, strawberry ice- 3. You didn't remember to take out the trash this
cream is the worst selling of all the flavors. morning. It will pile up and the neighbors will
complain and the health inspectors will come
______7. Therefore, we can conclude that strawberry is and take away the kids.
the least popular ice-cream flavor Answer: _______________________________
Use this space for your answers in Test V.
4. Don't believe what Kim says about global
warming. Kim dropped out of college!
Answer: _______________________________
5. If you can't prove that Ken had an affair with
the nanny, then he's been faithful to his wife.
Answer: _______________________________
6. It’s either you pass or fail this subject.
Answer: _______________________________
7. Smoking pot is against the law because it’s
wrong; I know it’s wrong because it is against
the law.
Answer: _______________________________
8. People nowadays only vote with their emotions
instead of their brains.
Answer: _______________________________
9. One day robots will enslave us all. It’s true. My
computer science teacher says so.
Answer: _______________________________

10. How can you eat that innocent little carrot? He

was plucked from his home in the ground at a
young age and violently skinned, chemically
treated, and packaged, and shipped to your
local grocer, and now you are going to eat him
into oblivion when he did nothing to you.
Answer: _______________________________
V. Essay Type. (Rx5) In 3-5 sentences, answer the
following questions intelligently. Answer the following
with a holistic point of view.

1. Why is there something rather than nothing?

2. Do we really have free will?
3. If you could become immortal on the condition
you would NEVER be able to die or kill yourself,
would you choose immortality?
4. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Yes,
all the time? No, Right away? No way!
5. If someone you loved was killed in front of you,
but someone created a copy of them that was
perfect right down to the atomic level, would
they be the same person and would you love
them just as much?

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