Introduction To Philosophy 12: Department of Education Maryknoll High School of Asuncion

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Asuncion, Davao del Norte

Preliminary Examination

Name: ______________________________ 7. Who determines truth?

a. No one determines truth.
Score: ____________
b. Philosophers
Date: ____________ c. Society collectively determines truth.
d. Wise people, like politicians, teachers,
General Direction: This is a 60-minute test. Kindly answer and other leaders determine truth.
the questions completely. Going out for the duration of the 8. Which (or who) of the following describes those
test is not permitted. Any form of communication to other who say the universe is many things?
a. Monist
students is considered cheating. Using cellular phones or
b. Atomist
any gadget is not allowed. Use only black or blue ink. c. Thales
Erasures, alterations and using of pencil in your answers d. All of the above
are considered wrong. 9. The claims 1)"God exists," and 2) "God does not
exist," are:
TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE a. logical, 2) illogical
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. b. contradictory
c. based solely on blind faith
d. 1) illogical, 2) logical
1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?
10. What is only an extension of a fundamental and
a) Philosophy
necessary drive in every human being to know
b) Ethics
what is real?
c) Epistemology
a) Metaphysics
d) Aesthetics
b) Ethics
2. Parmenides and Heraclitus represented two
c) Epistemology
opposite positions in which great debate:
d) Aesthetics
a. forms vs. essence
11. Ontology is:
b. nature vs. nurture
a) The theory of existence (or being).
c. the Good vs. Reason
b) The theory of "ought."
d. permanence vs. change
c) The theory of knowledge.
3. Empiricists claim that:
d) Another name for the Socratic Method.
a. beliefs cannot be justified.
12. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally
b. knowledge comes through sense
means to leave everything to God which is
c. reason alone can be trusted to provide
a) Bahala na
b) Bayanihan
d. we should doubt everything.
c) Pakikisama
4. William James' pragmatic theory of truth is:
d) Kalooban
a. the same as absolute truth
13. Pantheism is the belief that:
b. the idea that truth is whatever work
a) God is omnipresent.
c. the same as Socrates' idea of truth
b) Everything is god.
d. also called "the scientific method."
c) God created everything.
5. That which conveys principles that are true, but
d) There is no god.
are not true in fact is called:
14. Who said, "You cannot step in the same river
a. conversational truth
b. poetic truth
a) Heraclitus
c. science
b) Parmenides
d. philosophy
c) Zeno
6. "Agreement of thought with reality." This is the
d) Socrates
definition of:
a. Truth
b. Belief
c. Subjectivism
d. The Pragmatic Theory of Truth
Republic of the Philippines
Region XI
Asuncion, Davao del Norte
15. Which are reciprocating debts of gratitude 24. Normative claims are. . .
between coordinates and subordinates holds the a) always subjective.
whole group together? b) prescriptive claims dealing with right and
a) Bahala na wrong behavior.
b) Bayanihan c) often objective and absolute.
c) Pakikisama d) both b) and d)
d) Utang na loob 25. Acts of the mind that can be objectively true or
16. Philosophers' first question is of ultimate reality. false.
This ultimate substance, or stuff is referred to as: a) Opinion
a) the archei b) Knowledge
b) matter c) A lie
c) ozone d) A necessarily true belief.
d) concepts e) All of the above
17. Who determines truth?
a) No one determines truth. TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE
b) Everyone determines truth. Direction: Write A if the statement is True and B if the
c) Society determines truth.
statement is False. (2 points each)
d) Experts determine truth.
18. Which is the philosophy of “living in harmony with
nature”? ____1. Epistemology mainly asks us to consider the
a) Bahala na question, how do we know anything.
b) Bayanihan
c) Pakikisama ____2. For Plato, the realm of ideas (the forms) are less
d) Kalooban real than those things seen in the visible world.
19. An idea is _______________ when they are
private, not public. ____3. "False knowledge" properly describes the situation
a) Absolute where what was once believed to be true turns out to be
b) Free form false, as in, "People used to believe the earth was the
c) Objective center of the universe, so that was false knowledge."
d) Subjective
20. ___________________ describes that which ____4. The term "blind faith" is redundant, because all faith
never, ever changes. is blind.
a) Objective
b) Immutable ____5. If you truly believe anything, then it is "true for you."
c) Incapable
d) Prevenient TEST III. ESSAY (5 points each)
21. An act that asserts something to be true or false.
a) Asking a question 1. If it was discovered that personality traits were
b) Making judgments partly genetic and could be removed with gene
c) Doing research therapy, would it be ethical to edit out negative
d) Subjectivism character traits that harm others like extreme
22. "Every claim is either true or false." This is the aggression, compulsive lying, or cruelty?
definition of...
a) The law of the excluded middle.
b) Subjectivism
2. If a child somehow survived and grew up in the
c) Objectivism
wilderness without any human contact, how
d) The categorical imperative
human would they be without the influence of
23. Those who claim that everything in the universe is
society and culture?
made up of one thing are called...
a) Theologians
b) Monists 3. Does the study of philosophy ever lead to answers
c) Determinists or simply more questions?
d) Skeptics

Good luck 😊

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