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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 2, March-April 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Self Instructional Module

on Knowledge Regarding Minor Ailments and its Management
during Pregnancy among Primigravida Mothers in Selected
Hospitals of Mehsana District, Gujarat
Mrs. Darjilin Kanmoni. J
Professor, Joitiba College of Nursing, Mehsana, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Mrs. Darjilin

Pregnancy is considered as one of the most beautiful events in every Kanmoni. J "A Study to Assess the
female life which brings a lot of physiological and hormonal changes Effectiveness of Self Instructional
to prepare women for motherhood. Pregnant women should be Module on Knowledge Regarding Minor
Ailments and its Management during
responsible to support the health of the child. The aim of this study is
Pregnancy among Primigravida Mothers
to assess the effect of self-instructional module on knowledge
in Selected Hospitals of Mehsana
regarding minor ailments and its management during pregnancy District, Gujarat"
among primigravidia mothers in selected hospitals of Mehsana Published in
district, Gujarat. Quantitative research method was used for this International Journal
study. The research design adopted for this study is pre experimental of Trend in
one group pre-test one group post design. Non – probability Scientific Research
convenient sampling test is used for collecting samples. The study and Development
was conducted after obtaining consent from the concerned authorities (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD55031
of the hospital and participants care giver. A tool was prepared to 6470, Volume-7 |
assess the effectiveness of self-instructional module on minor Issue-2, April 2023, pp.429-433, URL:
ailments and its management during pregnancy. A total of 24
questionnaires were prepared to assess the knowledge of mothers.
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
The data thus collected were analysed using differential and International Journal of Trend in
inferential statistics. The pre-test mean score is 8.33% and post-test is Scientific Research and Development
14.18%. the ‘t’ value is 13.28%. The study revealed that there is an Journal. This is an
inadequate knowledge regarding minor ailments in primigravidia Open Access article
mothers. It is proved that there is a significant improvement in the distributed under the
knowledge regarding minor ailments in primigravidia mothers. It is terms of the Creative Commons
proved that there is no significant association between the knowledge Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
and practice. (

KEYWORDS: Primigravidia mothers, minor ailments, pregnancy,


Pregnancy is one of the most precious, memorable In India, most of the mothers have poor knowledge
and unique experience in each mother’s life. The regarding antenatal, intranatal care and postnatal care.
pregnant mothers should understand the normal Illiteracy, poverty and lack of communication and
physiological changes that are occurring in their body transport facility make them vulnerable to serious
during the stages of pregnancy and should take into consequences. Though they are the prominent care
account the health care and lifestyle considerations. (1) providers within the 2 family and key to human
development and well-being, the fundamental right
Pregnancy is considered to be a normal physiological
health is denied to them in most parts of the world.
state, by medical sciences. To a lay person it is a
The death of a mother increases the risk to the
common phenomenon occurring in women after
survival of her young children, as the family cannot
marriage. According to genetics it is the process of
substitute a maternal role. (2)
procreations. But above all for women it is a state of
joy and satisfaction.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55031 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 429
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Every Pregnancy is an unique experience for the Objectives of the study
women and each Pregnancy that the women 1. To assess the knowledge regarding minor
experience will be new and uniquely different. ailments and its management during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a long and very special journey for the among primigravida mothers
woman. It is a journey of dramatic Physical, 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of self-instructional
Psychological and social change of becoming a module on minor ailments and its management
mother for the new born child. The majority of among prmigravida mothers
discomforts experienced during Pregnancy can be 3. To find out the association between knowledge
related to either hormonal changes or the Physical with their selected demographic variables.
changes related to growing foetus. (3)
Materials and methods
Maternal health is connected with women’s lives and The study was conducted in selected hospitals of
options as individuals, the well – being of their Mehsana. The study population comprises of 60
children and families, and the economic productivity primigravida mothers admitted in selected hospitals
of their countries. of Mehsana. Convenient sampling technique is used
Pregnant women experience common disorders such to select the sample based on the inclusive and
as Nausea, vomiting, backache, pica, leg cramps, exclusive criteria. Demographic performa consisted
constipation, haemorrhoids, varicose vein etc. Often of eight items namely age, educational status,
this minor ailment associated with pregnancy can occupational status, type of family, socio economic
cause discomfort. This discomfort can be overcome status, dietary pattern, period of gestation and source
by making small adjustments in your life style there of information. A total of 24 questions were prepared
by ensuring that you have a heathy and comfortable to assess the knowledge level of mothers. The
pregnancy. knowledge level was classified into poor knowledge
(0 – 8), average knowledge (9 – 16) and good
Many women experience minor ailments during knowledge (17 – 24). Pretest was conducted for 60
pregnancy. These ailments should be treated properly women by administering the self-structured
as they may escalate and become life threatening. questionnaire. Immediately after the pre-test self-
Minor ailments may occur due to hormonal changes instructional module was administered to
and accommodation changes of every system of the primigarvida mothers. The post test was conducted
body. The mother needs knowledge to cope with the after 7 days of administration of self-instructional
experience of pregnancy. (4) module. Mean, percentage and standard deviation
were used for analysing pre-test and post test scores.
The data obtained were analyzed and presented under following heading;
Section A: Description of Demographic characters of Mothers
Section B: Analysis and interpretation of data regarding knowledge of minor ailments and its Management
during pregnancy among primigravida women
Section C: Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding minor aliments and its
management among primigravida mothers
Section D: Association of knowledge of primigravida mothers with their selected demographic Variables
Section A: Description of Demographic characters of Mothers
The findings of the study show that 13.33% of the primigravida mothers were in the age group of < 20 years,
66.66% of the primigravida mothers were in the age group of 21 – 30 years, 20% of the primigravida mothers
were in the age group 31 – 40 years and no mothers at the age group of 40> years. Regarding education 45% of
primigravida mothers completed primary and secondary education, 15% of primigravida mothers completed
higher secondary education, 13.3 % of primigravida mothers completed graduate and post graduate and 26.66%
are illiteracy. Study on occupation shows that 11.46 % of primigravida mothers were government employees,
15% of primigravida mothers were private employees 58.33% of mothers were housewife and 15% of them are
self-employed. Study on type of family shows that 25% of them belongs to nuclear family, 48.33% of them
belongs to joint family and 26.66% belongs to extended family. On socio economic status 8.33% have monthly
income of <5000, 31.66% having monthly income of 6000 – 15000, 43.33% of them having monthly income of
15001 – 20000 and 16.66% of then have a monthly income of > 20000. A study on religious status shows that
81.66% were Hindus, 15% belongs to Muslim religion and 3.33% of them belongs to Christian religion. In
dietary pattern 80% of primigravida mothers were vegetarian and 20% of mothers were non – vegetarian.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55031 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 430
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Regarding study on period of gestation 35% were in first trimester, 51.66% were in second trimester and 13.33%
are in third trimester. Regarding previous knowledge about minor ailments and its management 15% of
primigravida mothers have previous knowledge and 85% of them don’t have previous knowledge regarding
minor ailments and its management.
Section B: Analysis and interpretation of data regarding knowledge of minor ailments and its
management during pregnancy among primigravida women
S. No Characteristics Categories Frequency Percentage (%)
a) < 20 08 13.33
b) 21- 30 40 66.66
1 Age in years
c) 31-40 12 20
d) >40 00 0
a) Illiteracy 16 26.66
b) Primary &secondary 27 45
2 Educational Status
c) Higher secondary 09 15
d) Graduate & P. Graduate 08 13.33
a) Government employee 07 11.46
b) Private employee 09 15
3 Occupation
c) Housewife 35 58.33
d) Self- employed 09 15
a) Nuclear family 15 25
4 Type of family b) Joint family 29 48.33
c) Extended family 16 26.66
a) < 5000 05 8.33
b) 6000 – 15000 11 31.66
5 Socio economic status
c) 15001 – 20000 26 43.33
d) > 20000 10 16.66
a) Hindu 49 81.66
b) Muslim 09 15
6 Religion
c) Christian 02 3.33
d) Others 00 0
a) Vegetarian 48 80
7 Dietary pattern
b) Non - vegetarian 1 2 20
a) First trimester 21 35
8 Period of gestation b) Second trimester 31 51.66
c) Third trimester 08 13.33
a) Yes 09 15
9 Previous knowledge
b) No 51 85
Regarding percentage of knowledge level none of the mothers have good knowledge regarding minor ailments.
73.33% of mothers had average knowledge regarding minor ailments and 26.66 % of mothers had poor
knowledge regarding minor ailments.
In post-test 78.33 % of mothers had average knowledge and 21.66 % of mothers had good knowledge and none
of the mothers had poor knowledge regarding minor ailments
Pre test Post test
Level of Knowledge
Frequency Percentage (%) Frequency Percentage (%)
Poor (0 – 7) 16 26.66 0 0
Average (8-15) 44 73.33 47 78.33
Good (16 – 20) 0 0 13 21.66

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55031 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 431
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Section C: Effectiveness of self-instructional module on knowledge regarding minor aliments and its
management among primigravida mothers
During pre-test the mean score is 8.33% and standard deviation is 1.35%. During Post-test mean score is 14.18%
and Standard deviation is 1.46% and “t” value is 13.28%. Hence research hypothesis H1 is retained as p≤ 0.05
level. Thus it becomes evident that self-instructional module is effective in improving the knowledge regarding
minor ailments and its management.
Variable Mean (%) Mean difference (%) SD (%) “t” value (%)
Pre – test 8.33 1.35
5.85 13.38
Post - test 14.18 1.46
Section D: Association of knowledge of primigravida mothers with their selected demographic Variables
Level of knowledge Chi- Table
S. No Demographic variables Frequency d. f
poor average good square test value
a) <20 09 0 08 01
1 b) 21–30 39 0 28 11 06 2.83 12.59
c) 31–40 12 0 11 01
d) <40 00 0 00 00
Education Status
a) Illiteracy 16 0 14 02
2 b) Pri & Sec. education 27 0 21 06 06 9.54 12.59
c) Higher secondary 09 0 04 05
d) UG and PG 08 0 08 00
3 Occupation
a) Govt. employee 08 0 08 00
b) Pvt employee 09 0 05 04 06 8.30 12.59
c) Housewife 36 0 30 06
d) Self - employed 07 0 04 03
4 Type of family
a) Nuclear 15 0 12 03
04 1.22 9.49
b) Joint 29 0 24 05
c) extended 16 0 11 05
The study shows that regarding age, knowledge, occupation, type of family, socio – economic status, religion,
dietary pattern, period of gestation and previous knowledge the calculated chi – square value is less than chi –
square table value. So there is no significant association between variables such age, knowledge, occupation,
type of family, socio – economic status, religion, dietary pattern, period of gestation and previous knowledge.
Discussion women had average knowledge and 21.66%
The present study shows that 66.66% of the mothers primigravida had good knowledge.
belonged to the age group of 21 – 30 years, 45% of
In pre-test the mean is 8.33% and post-test mean is
women had primary and secondary education, 58.3%
14.18%. The pre-test standard deviation is 1.35% and
were housewife, 48.3% of women belongs to joint
post-test standard deviation is 1.46. The mean
family, 43.33% of them have monthly income of
difference is 5.85% and the obtained t- value is
15001 to 20000, 81.66 belongs to Hindu religion,
13.38% which are significant at 0.05% level. Hence
80% were vegetarian, 51.66% of the mothers were in
the stated hypothesis was accepted.
second trimester, 85% were not having previous
knowledge about minor ailments and its management The variables such as age, education status,
occupation, type of family, socio economic status,
During pre-test 26.66% primigravida women had
religion, dietary pattern, period of gestation and
poor knowledge, 73.33% women had average
previous knowledge regarding minor ailments and its
knowledge. During post-test 78.33% primigravida
management have lesser chi square value than chi

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55031 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 432
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square calculated value. This shows that there is no [2] Park. K. Text book of Preventive and Social
any significant association between these variables. Medicine. 17th ed. Jabalpur: Banarsidas
Bhanots: 2002
[1] Pallavi Devkate et al., A study to assess the [3] Fraser, D.M., Cooper M.A. Myles Textbook for
knowledge regarding self – management of Midwives. 15th ed. Elsevier. 2009
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD55031 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 2 | March-April 2023 Page 433

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