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IBM University Relations - Newsletter (Q3&4,2010)

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Table of contents:

Topic Page
IBM - a sustained record of corporate responsibility 3
IBM India received Ecosystem Connect & Development Award
Shared University Research (SUR) Grants 4
Open Collaborative Resarch (OCR)
Faculty Awards
Successful delivery of Webinars in 2H, 2010 5
Remote Mentoring Program Update 5-7
IBM Campus Ambassadors Announced 8
Intern Activities at IBM India 9
IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange (I-CARE 2010) 10
Workshops conducted by IBM 11
DA OR Workshop 2010
HPC Workshop at JNCASR
HPC Roadshow at Trichi
UR Curriculum Campaign 12 - 14
UR at Campus 15
Women in Engineering at SASTRA
Tech talk at PESIT and SASTRA
Faculty Enablement Workshops 16
IBM STG Lab collaborates with University of Melbourne 17
IBM University Relations invited at various forums 18
IBM Research Days 19 - 20

A very Happy New Year to you all!
We feel excited and are looking forward to an eventful 2011. One of the things that
make us excited about 2011 is the collection of activities "our team" has been able to
achieve together. "Our team" includes the UR core team, all the IBM participants as
well as the readers of this Newsletter! Let me take you through the landmarks of the
second half of 2010, and I hope that you will also be in our camp that is set to make
2011 even more memorable and productive.
Just as IBM is committed to making the society better through the strong and sustained Corporate Responsibility
programs, IBM India UR is equally very focussed on bridging the digital divide and industry-academia gap. Some of the
activities of second half of 2010 towards that are illustrations of that.

IBM India UR was able to secure two prestigious SUR (Shared University Research) grants- one to IIT Kharagpur and
the other to IIT Madras. SUR is a worldwide program and is fiercely competitive in nature. Both the SURs, are aligned
with Smarter Planet themes, and are also aligned with projects of national importance for India and are well supported
by ISL and IRL, along with IBM Corporate Headquarters. IBM India also signed OCR (Open Collaborative Research)
with IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras on smart power grids. IBM Faculty Awards are also very competitive and is a
worldwide program. In the second half of 2010 IBM India UR has been able to secure 4 Faculty Awards and the
recipients are Dr Pinaki Mitra (IIT Guwahati), Dr Pabitra Mitra (IIT Kharagpur), Mydhili Nair (MSRIT) and Dr Rahul
Marathe (IIT Madras).

In the second half of 2010, IBM India UR conducted 40 sessions in webinar series on variety of topics and more than
3000 students and faculty participated from 30 campuses across India. The webinars, for the first time, featured general
topic sessions including "Intellectual Property", importance of services and importance of diversity.

‘Global Remote Mentoring’ projects included 115 projects, being worked on by 340 students who qualified themselves
both on technical merit and also proving that their project outline is worthy. Almost 10 assets have come out of these
projects. Out of 200+ applications received, 61 students were declared to be "Campus Ambassadors".

IBMers teaching variety of courses, augmenting faculty through "Faculty Enablement Program" and extending
courseware to many campuses as "electives" or even as "mainstream" courses, is yet another way of making academia
more "industry ready". Examples are advanced database technology at IISc, CoEP, VJTI, RVCE; Operating systems at
SASTRA; IoD at IIIT Bangalore; Storage Virtualization at CoEP; multiple HPC workshops and so on.

Our internship program also enables us to work closely with different campus teams. India Software Labs (ISL) and IBM
Research-India (IRL) conducted 10 week internships, and IRL also conducted "I-CARE 2010" conference. IBM India UR
also strove to encourage diversity participation in technology. Another interesting program called "Faculty Residency",
sponsored by ISL, wherein faculty from campuses spent 2-4 weeks at IBM facilities for exchange of skills with IBMers
and also identifying needs in bridging the academia-industry gap, was completed. We plan to not only repeat but also
expand this new program in 2011.

With the encouraging formal feedback IBM India UR received from a faculty-student survey in July-August 2010, and
also from informal feedback received from students, our various individual programs continue and expand in 2011. It
promises to be a very interesting year already so let us strive together to turn our vision of bridging the industry-
academia gap, into reality.

Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar

Country Manager, IBM India University Relations

IBM - a sustained record of corporate responsibility
IBM is proud that our strategic business priorities are tightly aligned with our social responsibility efforts. A
smarter planet enables and requires smarter citizenship. We're enthusiastic about our record and proud to share
it with you, and, hopefully, to begin a discussion.

IBM’s 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report details the specific ways in which IBM and IBMers are making the
world healthier, more sustainable and smarter. It provides an annual update on our company’s strategies,
activities and results in the areas of governance, supply chain, the environment, employment practices and
community partnership. We'd like to share the results with you.

In the report, you can read about some of the ways IBMers are making the world work better:
-- How our scientists are pushing the frontiers of environmental sustainability – from green data centers to smarter
buildings to smarter roadways and waterways.
-- How IBMers are building smarter healthcare systems around the world, with innovations ranging from
bioinformatics to electronic medical records to smarter hospitals.
-- How hundreds of IBMers have worked with non- governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities in
emerging markets to foster local business development, as part of the company’s groundbreaking Corporate
Service Corps.
-- How IBM has achieved a remarkable milestone – more than 10 million hours of volunteer service in
communities around the world.

Other highlights in the 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report include how:

-- IBM is providing employees with skills training; opportunities to gain global experience, health and wellness
programs and including rebate incentives for healthy lifestyles.
-- We are protecting the environment in all our business activities, including an energy conversation program that
avoided over 142,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions and saved our company $26.8 million last year.
-- We are setting new requirements for our global suppliers to deploy and sustain corporate responsibility and
environmental management systems.
-- We have strengthened our governance practices through Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), embedding a
strong culture of risk awareness throughout the company.

Link for 2009 Corporate Responsibility Report: http://www.ibm.com/ibm/responsibility/report/2009/index.shtml


IBM India received Ecosystem Connect & Development Award

IBM India recently won leading management consulting company Zinnov’s Ecosystem Connect & Development
Award, for its many contribution to the Indian University ecosystem. Received by Amol B Mahamuni for IBM India,
the award recognizes IBM's mature model for interacting with the universities in India and our extensive work with
universities for various strategic engagements. The breadth of our engagements is also noteworthy ranging from
medium touch programs covering large number of schools through technology day, technical contests and
curricula, to high touch programs such as Center for Advanced Studies, collaborative research, faculty awards
and SUR grants at Tier-1 schools. Investing its resources in building the university ecosystem beyond the tier-1
IITs, the ISL team has worked on impacting a larger student body by creating affiliate programs in various
institutes of repute.

Shared University Research (SUR) grants Open Collaborative Research (OCR) program
for IIT Madras and IIT Kharagpur on Smart Grid with IIT Madras and IIT
For 2010, IBM India has been able to secure two Shared Kharagpur
University Research (SUR) Grants- one for IIT Madras IBM has signed a research collaboration agreement with
and the other for IIT Kharagpur. SURs are extremely IIT Madras and IIT Kharagpur to develop systems that
competitive worldwide and we are happy to receive two
grants for India in this year.
will help power grids become more efficient and
resilient. The systems will analyze power grid data for
IIT Madras SUR is 'Smart Analytics Framework for predictive insights. They will also improve grids to
GIS/GPS Data Based Applications' which is geared enhance productivity and reduce inefficiencies in power
towards two main Smarter Planet agenda themes- consumption. IBM Research India will work with these
Smarter Cities and Healthcare. Advanced analytics to be two premiere institutes to develop open system designs
used as predictive method and 'actionable intelligence' that can boost the potential of Phasor Measurement
for large volumes of complex GIS/GPS data to be used Units (PMU), a new type of sensor on power grids. The
for traffic management and outbreak and spread of IBM researchers and the students will develop network
diseases is at the heart of this SUR.
architectures to collect data from PMUs as well as
IIT Kharagpur SUR focusses on two main Smarter analytics tools that process the collected data to provide
Planet agenda themes- healthcare and water valuable information to the grid operators
management. In telemedicine part the SUR project will
enhance, advance and develop models for conditions
pertinent to diabetes, opthalmology and cardiology. This
effort is to build on good success of IIT Kgp in a north
eastern state.The 'Clean Ganga Project', a project of
national importance and supported by the World Bank
and Government of India, of which IIT Kgp is a part, SUR
will strive to demonstrate the strength/ utility of IBM H/W
and IBM Analytics IIT Kgp SUR builds on an earlier SUR
grant we had given in 2005, thus consolidating the IBM

In both the SURs, multiple departments and centers are

involved and in both the SURs it is envisioned that we
will have opportunity to showcase the cloud technology,
advanced analytics and Smarter Planet agenda as it
pertains to India. IBM Faculty Awards
The IBM Faculty Awards are competitive that are
The IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Awards is a intended to foster collaboration between researchers in
worldwide equipment award program designed to leading universities worldwide and employees in IBM
promote research in areas of mutual value and interest research, development, and services organizations and
to IBM and universities. The SUR Awards program also to promote courseware and curriculum innovation.
strives to connect the research and researchers at Faculty Awards are granted annually on a global basis.
universities with personnel in IBM: in organizations such
as IBM Research, IBM Life Sciences, IBM Global
In the second half of 2010, IBM India UR has been able
Services and our development and product labs. This to secure 4 Faculty Awards and the recipients are Dr
program is not aimed at supporting a single individual or Pinaki Mitra (IIT Guwahati), Dr Pabitra Mitra (IIT
research project. Rather, the intent is to support and Kharagpur), Mydhili Nair (MSRIT) and Dr Rahul Marathe
have an impact in an area of significant interest to the (IIT Madras).The technological areas for these
university and IBM. recipients predominantly are "information management
and analysis" and "Business Transformations and
Services Innovations". Congratulations to all four of

Successful delivery of Webinars in 2H, 2010
For the first time University Relations planned an extensive
calendar for technical lectures through WebEx platform at
such a large scale, 6 Technology Hubs including Java
Technologies, Information on Demand, Services Oriented
Architechture, Software Architechting, Enterprise Computing
and Advanced Operating Systems & High Performance
Computing presented deep dive technical lectures. We have
had more than 30 colleges from all regions of India and over
3000 students participated in 40 sessions for this series.

Apart from the technical lectures, we conducted some

special sessions, which includes:
 Intellectual Properties, Patents & Publications
by Dr. Eric Dias, Patent Attorney, IBM India
 And you thought Services were boring! by Dr.
Manish Gupta, Director, IBM Research India
 Women Leadership Development; Women in
Technology (WIT) members IBM conducted a
special lecture for the diversity students at campus
to share the first hand knowledge of how IBM
enables women in various ways.

Overall rating received for these lectures are nearly

"Excellent". We plan to deliver technical education on such
industry relevant topics in future.

Remote Mentoring Program update
In the Phase II, 2010 Remote Mentoring Program, 150 students are selected from more than 500 applications.
Selections are made on the basis of project synopsis submitted by these students followed by interviews with
project mentor. The students selected in this phase are working on 29 projects.

From past one year remote mentoring program has grown bigger and has become one of the successful ventures from
University Relations. More and more students are looking forward to work with us under this program.

Some of the figures shown here might excite you:

 Total Number of Projects: 115

 Total Number of students: 340
 Total number of articles published: 2
 Papers published/selected: 2
 Disclosures : 1
 Papers accepted at IBM I-CARE 2010: 3
 Total number of colleges Covered: 31

With one of the projects recently won the Services Innovation Challenge, ICSEM (International Conference on
Services in Emerging Markets) and the “Best Demo” award at I-CARE (IBM Collaborative Academia Research
Exchange) 2010, we have very high hopes with the projects in this phase.

Here are updates from a few projects which will give you a brief picture of the overall program
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Project: Synchronous and Asynchronous Framework for Project: Low level System Monitoring and Analysis
Web Service Discovery and Ranking Based on QoS College : IIIT Hydrabad
College : MSRIT Mentor Name : Chiranjib Sur
Mentor Name : Nishant D Kulkarni
Chiranjib is planning to publish a paper with the IIIT H,on
“Remote mentoring is a great concept and I am personally remote mentoring ,,, Low level System Monitoring and
benefitted a lot. Being a mentor, students approached me Analysis in the upcoming HiPC student symposium.
with many challenging problems and technical requirements.
However we could complete the engine but what next. We Project: Cloud computing for community applications
needed use cases to choose. We decided with Vermi College : College of Engineering Guindy
culture, blood bank integration like socio subjects. The low Mentors : Ramanathan Sundarrajan and Kishore Kumar
cost web service invocation engine was then used to
integrate blood bank to effectively manage blood storage “Has helped build skills on cluster - hw, storage areas of
and supply“. cloud, relationship management with stakeholders” --
This work was showcased at the "Service Innovation  Ramanathan and the project team installed
Challenge" in 1st International Conference on Services in eucalyptus open-source software. The project
Emergining Markets. M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology is team was vibrant in kurushetra and led to
proud to win the First Place in this contest. This work has producing the eucalyptus install guide. This team
also won the “Best Demo” at I-CARE (IBM Collaborative was very knowledgeable, and minimal effort was
Academia Research Exchange) 2010. spent with the team.
________________________________________________  The project team created a ring based database
Project: Implementation of Map-Reduce and Load approach. Ramanathan and team also read about
Balancing In a Cloud Environment cassandara (link) an open source Amazon
College : College of Engineering Guindy dynamo storage engine equivalent
Mentor Name : Kirpal A Venkatesh _______________________________________________
·Kirpal and the project team installed hadoop an open- Project: MAIL PLUGIN FOR IBM MASHUP CENTER
source software. The project team tested a sample College : IIT Guwahati
application in a regular multi node (simulate pc) Mentor Name : Girish Sundaram
environment. The project team created an web application
using eclipse IDE which helps to search for a keyword in a “A paper has been accepted for the NETs2010 International
given file using Map-Reduce technique. Kirpal and the Conference on Internet Studies Conference to be held in
project team performed a study on SaaS and Map-reduce. Taiwan between 25-27 Nov, 2010. This paper was the
An article is also published on developerWorks at following outcome of the University Relations Remote Mentoring
link project with IIT Guwahati.”
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl- http://conference.academic-journal.org/NETs2010

Project: KVM Test Framework for Cloud Project: Implementation of Map-Reduce and Load
College : BMSCE /IIT Bhubneshwar Balancing In a Cloud Environment
Mentor Name : Supriya Kannery and Team College : College of Engineering Guindy
Mentor Name : Kirpal A Venkatesh
 “Remote Mentoring program has been very · Kirpal and the project team installed hadoop an
beneficial for my team from various perspectives till open-source software. The project team tested a sample
now (though we are yet to reach the final results in application in a regular multi node (simulate pc)
the RM projects that we initiated) environment. The project team created an web application
 These projects helped us to think about the using eclipse IDE which helps to search for a keyword in a
proposed ideas more deeply due to which given file using Map-Reduce technique. Kirpal and the
enhancement of the ideas came up resulting in ip project team performed a study on SaaS and Map-reduce.
generation. An article is also published on developerWorks at following
 Since most of the time consuming activities are link
done at student's end with the guidance from the http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-
local mentor, we are able to execute multiple RM mapreduce/index.html.
projects at a time, without much effort from IBM
mentor's side. This enables implementation of Project: Virtual Block Storage
multiple ideas at a time which would have been College : College of Engineering Guindy
more effort intensive if done as direct mentoring. Mentor Name : Ramanathan Sundarrajan
 Since we are able to include multiple mentors into a
project, the info sharing between IBM mentors is Anna university project team installed eclipse and

more ( without all mentors in sync, we cannot extended the source code of walrus. The changed
communicate clearly to the colleges], which results code was deployed in the IBM 16 node cluster.
in more useful discussions and better
• Ramanathan submitted an abstract article titled
“Modified Block Storage for Cloud Eucalyptus platform”
 Since multiple colleges are involved at a time, we
in developerWorks for review on may 19th, 2010.
are expecting to compare the results for the same
project and then choose the better implemented • Ramanathan and team produced a eucalyptus –
one for adoption.” opensource IaaS install guide. Click here to download
the document.
Rated Published, the project work which started as a • Ramanathan and team conducted a “Cloud computing
problem statement for the students turned in to a potential workshop” in the Kurukshetra(International Conference
patent, which was finally adjudged as rated published by the and Techno Management Festival of Anna University,
IBM team. chennai)
• Ramanathan presented “Setting up the cloud
Environment using Eucalyptus” in a private engineering
college in chennai. This is as part of their staff
development program.
• An article got published at developer works
Some feedback about the program

“This RM project helped me broaden my skills, especially it gave me an opportunity to learn machine learning algorithms and
various aggregation techniques”. Sreekanth , Mentor VJTI

“The RM project was an excellent opportunity to hone skills in the areas of Machine learning and data mining. It was fun
interacting with the academia and students in particular. Exposure to big data analytics and open source software helped in
broadening the scope with respect to products. The project provided a scope to better understand the healthcare domain and
players involved thereby helping to tailor specific business usecases for the project”. Sandeep , Mentor VJTI

IBM Campus Ambassadors Announced
IBM University Relations is extremely happy to announce the Campus Ambassadors for 2010-11. IBM Campus Ambassador
Program is a voluntary program designed to have a liaison between IBM & Academia to strengthen the collaboration and
evangelize cutting edge technologies. Though the program is voluntary, it gives a chance to the students to learn more about
industry relevant technologies, know how technologies are evolving and network with IBM Experts. All of these will surely
broaden the horizon of the students.

We have received over 200 students from colleges across India applied for this program. University Relations team have
reviewed the applications and selected the best student to support the program. 61 students from 34 campuses are appointed
as Ambassador for 2010-11, these students will be the advocates of IBM UR programs at their campus and help us to
evangelize and execute them.

We congratulate the students selected under this program and look forward to work in future.

List of Ambassadors:
 Dwaipayan Mukherjee, Bengal Engineering And  SUVIR JAIN, PEC Chandigarh
Science University  Rishil Murukan Mypalli, PESIT Bangaluru
 Subhro Mukherjee, Bengal Engineering And Science  Saloni Maru, PESIT Bangaluru
University  Sanjeev Gopinath V, Sastra University
 Nipun Jain , BITS-Pilani  Brij Mohan Lal Srivastava, Sastra University
 JERY ALTHAF P K, COE-Trivandrum  C. K. SHAMYA, SJCE Mysore
 PRANNOY C VARGIS , COE-Trivandrum  Dheeraj .S .Shetty, SJCE Mysore
 NEHA A. PATIL, College of Engineering -Pune  KUMAR PUSHKAL, VNIT Nagpur
 DEEPAL DHARIWAL, College of Engineering -Pune  Sameer Kumar Gupta, VNIT Nagpur
 Mugdha Shekhar Vichare, Cummins  Avinash Kumar, IIT Delhi
 Vikas Khurana, IIIT Allahabad  Rakesh Malladi, IIT Madras
 AWANI BHUSHAN RAI, IIIT Allahabad  Arun Kumar Tripathi, IIT Guwahati
 Vasu Gupta, IIT Bhubaneshwar  Sidharth Pipriya, IIT Guwahati
 Raju Kumar, IIT Kharagpur  Hemant Noval, IIT Bombay
 Atul Gupta, IIT Kharagpur  Saurabh Goyal, IIT Bombay
 Amit Dugar, IT-BHU  Sushant Kamath A., BMS College of Engineering,
 Saket Saurabh, IT-BHU Bangalore
 SAURABH JAIN, MIT COE  Yeshwanthi A.C., BMS College of Engineering,
 Narendra Kumar, MIT COE Bangalore
 Suruchi Sharan Sinha, MITS Lakshmangarh  Harish Raddi C S, MSRIT Bangalore
 Bhumika Garg, CSE , MITS Lakshmangarh  Prabha P, MSRIT Bangalore
 SRIKANTH J, NIE Mysore  Vignesh Miriyala, IIIT-Hyderabad
 Praveen Kumar, NIE Mysore  Ashish Kumar Shah, IIIT-Hyderabad
 TARUN KUMAR GUPTA, NIT Calicut  Sampath Kumar T, PSG College of Techology
 Sujoy Saha, NIT Calicut  Kalpana Gupta, IIT Roorkee
 G. P. Krishna Siddartha, NIT Jamshedpur  Anish Goyal, IIT Roorkee
 SATBEER SINGH LAMBA, NIT Jamshedpur  SETHURAM.S., College of Guindy, Anna University
 Roshni Chandrashekhar, NITK Surathkal  T. Rakesh, VIT Vellore
 SONAL BANSAL, NIT Kurukshetra
 Priyanka Mehtani , NIT Rourkela
 Argha Sen , NIT Rourkela
 P.SAI KIRAN, NIT Warangal

Extreme Blue Internship 2010 Research Poster Competition for
The Extreme Blue India program was formally kicked off on Research Lab Interns
24th May. 47 Interns from 13 top universities of India and 4 A poster competition for the research interns at IBM
Universities from the US became a part of the IBM family. Research – India was organized in July. The poster
This year there was 12 projects were sponsored in India, 9 competition, which started in 2008, is aimed to showcase
from India Software Labs & 3 from Research Division. the intern research projects and give interns an opportunity
The 10 weeks tenure saw the interns go through a rigorous to get a broader spectrum of research activities at IBM.
work-schedule. However, there were ample opportunities for Amongst a total of 55 posters, four were adjudged the
learning via technical & management talks by senior IBM winners:
leaders, like : I. The OptiHire Problem - Approximation Algorithms
- Talk on IBM businesses and ISL Portfolios by Kalpana & Hardness, Aman Dhesi, B-Tech, IIT Kanpur
Margabandhu, Director - Adapters,WPG,WDI development II. Discovering topics and their behaviour from
and AIM development in India unstructured data, Ashish Kumar Yadav, B-Tech, IIT
- Talk on career at IBM and Work Life balance by Srividhya Kharagpur
Sireesh, Delivery Project Executive, ITD GD III. Aggregate Traffic Shaping for Video-on-Demand
- Talk on 'Cloud Computing' by technical leaders of ISL - Services in 3G/4G Networks, Anand Seetharam, MS,
Ravi Ranjan and Sunil Kc Sreekumari University of Massachusetts, Amherst
IV. Cloud Tenant Modelling with Multi-Dimensional
Extreme Blue Expo: The Extreme Blue expo on Friday, July Similarity Matching, Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD,
23rd turned out to be a great event with leaders like Shanker North Carolina State University
Annaswamy, Regional General Manager, IBM India/South
Asia, Dr.Ponani Gopalkrishnan, Vice President, India Research division has done the biggest internship program
Software Lab and Dr.Chandrasekhar Sripada, Vice ever in 2010 with a total of 98 interns in 2010 from all
President & Head Human Resources, IBM India/South Asia geographies of the world with 18% diversity.
visiting us and addressing the gathering. The interns and
mentors put a great show with their presentations during the
expo. We also got a fantastic response to the walk-through
session after the expo, with visitors (from IBM) thronging the
venue and interacting with the project-teams.

Roadshow 2010 -TES Interns
On the 16th of August University Relations team held out a fabulous event called "Roadshow 2010 -TES Interns" for the
current batch of students doing their internship TES Lab. The event was an ideal one off platform for the interns to present
their incredible work to a large section of TES technical community. In all there were 23 poster presentations across the 5
verticals (Asiscs & IP, Processor,SRDC, SEMS and EDA). People started pouring in from the word go and every poster
section was crowded with curious IBMers till the closing bell.

It was not only an opportunity for the interns but also for every IBMer from TES to know the kind and quality of work being
executed by our interns. If there was a prize to be awarded for the Best poster then probably all the 23 posters would have
been adjudged the Best, such was the competition and standard of each one of them in terms of content as well as
presentation. Overall the half a day session was a grand event with something for everyone to take home at the end of it.

I-CARE 2010: IBM Collaborative Academia Research Exchange
Strengthening its presence in the academic community, IBM Research – India organized the IBM Collaborative Academia
Research Exchange (I-CARE) in Bangalore on October 22. I-CARE, an annual event started last year, aims to promote
collaborative innovation and explores the new ways of fostering a culture of innovation. More than 260 students and
academicians from 27 premier technology and management institutions, including Indian Institute of Technology, Indian
Institute of Science (IISc), Indian Institute of Management (IIM), and Indian School of Business (ISB), among others,
participated in this event. The agenda of the event included poster and demo competitions, a total of 110 submissions were
received for the contest out of which 46 entries were selected for final presentation in 4 tracks at the event. A panel of judges
evaluated the posters and demos presented at the site decided the following as winners:

Best Posters:
Track - I Services: Service Science, Management, and Engineering
Behavioral drivers of individual and team performance
Suneel Chatla (ISB), Nandita Banerjee (ISB), Amit Nandkeolyar (ISB), Nithya Rajamani (IBM)

Track - II Information Management and Analytics

Towards Efficient Mining of Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Transactional Databases
R. Uday Kiran, Akshat Surana, P. Krishna Reddy (IIIT-Hyderabad)

Track - III Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Verification of Requirement Specification Using Partitioning
K Vasanta Lakshmi (IISc), K V Raghavan (IISc)

Track - IV Distributed, High-Performance, Network & Cyber-physical Systems

Sensor Based Smart Mine Design
Bharat Uday Seth (IIT Madras), Krishna Sivalingam (IIT Madras)

Best Demo
Mobile Telemedicine A Redeemer in Disaster Relief
Mydhili K Nair, Manjunath Amaresh, Anil Kumar, Lalit Kumar, Dheeraj Pai (MSRIT Bangalore)

Workshop also had expert talks, and a panel discussion on “Is India geared up to have Smarter Cities?”

DA OR Workshop 2010
The Business Analytics and Optimization group (http://www-07.ibm.com/in/research/serviceanalyticsopt.html) at IBM Research
– India organized the 5th edition of its Data analytics and Operations Research Workshop in cooperation with the Department
of Computer Science and the Department of Mechanical engineering of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi during
October 29-30, 2010 at the IIT Delhi campus. The previous editions of the workshop were organized by IBM Research in
collaboration with Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi, 2006), Indian School of Business (Hyderabad, 2007 & 2009), Indian
Institute of Sciences (Bangalore, 2008). With invited talks and tutorials from leading academicians and researchers from select
universities, government organizations and corporate research, the workshop promotes and propagates the science of
operations research and data analytics among the practitioner community with a special focus on students from reputed
academic institutes. The theme for this year's event was "Smarter Solutions for Smarter Businesses" that is motivated from
IBM’s Smarter Planet agenda. The workshop agenda consisted of Tutorials and Research Student Symposium on October 29
and invited talks from eminent speakers both from academia and industry on October 30. The keynote talk “Enhancing
Enterprise Performance” by Dr. Shiva Kumar, (VP- Enterprise Performance and Industry Analytics, IBM Research, New York)
was the highlight of the session. The workshop registered more than 150 students, practitioners, and faculty across the
country and awards were given to selected doctoral students for their research work.

Program Link: http://www.cse.iitd.ac.in/~sdas/ibm-or/

Workshop on high performance High Performance Computing Road show
computing in sciences and engineering conducted by University Relations
IBM India & Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Edvin V Kollanoor, (STG Software University Relations
Scientific Research organized a one day workshop on high Lead) and Ganesan Narayanasamy, (Manager, HPC
performance computing in sciences and engineering at Development, India Software Labs) conducted a High
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Performance Computing Road show at Sangam Hotel,
(JNCASR) campus, Bangalore. The Centre is funded by Trichi on 8th September. The event was co-sponsored by
the Department of Science and Technology, Government the IBM Marketing team and IBM India University Relations
of India and is a deemed university. team. NIT Trichi, Bharathidasan University, SASTRA
University, Bishop Heber College, MIET Engineering
This workshop brought together key scientists from Indian College, Nehru Memorial College, Oxford Engineering
academia, industry and government with IBMers on College, P R Engineering College, MAM College of
scientific applications of High Performance computing. IBM Engineering, Trichi Engineering College and several others
Fellow andVP power systems, Dr. Bradley McCredie, gave colleges in the area participated in this event. During the
the keynote address followed by several presentations on roadshow Ganesan Narayanasamy talked about IBM High
the applications of HPC in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Performance Computing and how it can help colleges
Material Science, Fluid dynamics, Earth science and advance their research portfolio and develop business
Nanotechnology. The workshop has laid a platform for solutions relevant to a smarter planet. Edvin V Kollanoor
increased interaction with Indian spoke about IBM's University Relations agenda and how it
academia/government/industry. Kota Murali from ISTL- has been helping several colleges across india to bridge
TES, Subram Natarajan, IBM STG S&D and Umesh the technology gap. A Q&A session was also conducted at
Waghmare, JNCASR were co-conveners of this workshop. the end of the session where several questions about IBM's
technical capabilities were explained.

IIIT - Bangalore teaches Information on Demand
IIIT- Bangalore has recently adopted an elective course on Information on Demand. This course is offered to the MTech 2nd
year students as an Elective course for 6 months duration from 9th August 2010 and is named as Enterprise Information
Management(EIM). Around 50 students attended the introductory session delivered by Rajavel Sekaran, and 28 students
enrolled for this elective course.

Rupa N Rao is co-ordinating this elective course and is the SPOC for the SMEs, students and professor for all the activities.
As part of this course, around 12 lectures were delivered by the SMEs on various Infosphere products -

Developments in Relational Databases and PureXML: Jimson John and Khurram Faraaz
Enterprise Content Management : Suma C Shastry
Data Warehousing : Shekhar Gujjar
Trends in Data Replication & CDC : Venugopal M Narayanareddy
Integrated Data Management - IBM Optim : Srinivas R Mangi
Business Intelligence : Srinivas Gowda
Applied Intelligence - InfoSphere Traceability Server : Nisanth M Simon
Applied Intelligence - InfoSphere Identity Insight : Manu Kuchal
Applied Intelligence - InfoSphere Mashup Centre : Roopa Vedagiri and Sunil Kumar Perla
Information Integration and Metadata Management : Suresh Tirumalai Shetti

Students are being evaluated based on their scribing assignments, mid-term and final examination as well as projects
undertaken. Apart from delivering the lectures, SMEs from IBM are assisting in student evaluation, they were also responsible
for setting up the
examination paper for their topics and correction of the same.

System Integration Projects related to Informix, Cognos and Mashup were provided. Mentors for each of the projects were
identified and the students were guided by these mentors.
Informix: Dhanashree Kudgavkar, Prasanna Mathada & Harshavardhan Changappa have helped conducting the session and
providing hands-on to the students.
Cognos : Sowmyashree H and Yogendra K Srivatsava conducted a hands-on session for these students.
Mashup : Senthil helped these students with Mashup hands-on as well.

Following SMEs have mentored the student projects at IIITB

1. Senthil G Kumar - Mashup project

2. Harshavardhan Changappa - Informix Project
3. Raviprasad N. Pentakota - Informix Project
4. Santosh Hegde - Informix Project
5. Manoj Ghogale - Informix Project
6. Ramesh G Srinivasan - Informix Project
7. Radhika Gadde - Informix Project

Apart from these lectures and projects, interacted with Himanshu, Shilpa and Mayank for conduction of the DB2 Academic
workshop and Certification program for the IIITB students. Around 55 students participated in the DB2 Academic
Workshop and around 40 students who took the certification have cleared the same. Most of the EIM students have taken up
the certification and cleared it.

This course will be completed during December 2010. We have received good feed back from Professor & students for these

IBM Delivered lectures at IIIT-Bangalore IBM supports curriculum at VJTI
Anshu Jain from IRL has delivered lectures titled IBM India is supporting following curriculum at VJTI:
"Understanding Framework Architectures" and "Overview of • Dataware house
Eclipse Rich Client Platform" as a part of the "Design
Patterns" and "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design" • Data mining
courses for the M.Tech class at IIIT-Bangalore.
________________________________________________ As a part of this we are currently helping VJTI in Dataware
house software installation and configuration. Which will be
used in their lab curriculum. IBM team including Charu
Advanced Operating System Course Agarwal, Anushka Chandrababu, Geetha S Pullipaty &
Implemented in SASTRA University Pallavi Bansal is helping in this initiative.
IBM STG University Relations team has completed the first _______________________________________________
phase of Faculty Enablement programs at SASTRA Elective course on Storage Virtualization in
University. The advanced Operating Systems course
adopted in SASTRA covers Kernel Overview, Process
College of Engineering Pune
Management, IPC, File Systems, Memory Management, Storage group at IBM has been running an elective course
Operating System Virtualisation, RAS Security, Capacity on on Storage Virtualization at CoEP for past 2 years. This
Demand, Work load partitions etc from an AIX context . year also we are delivering the course for the period of Jul-
Sowmya Vijayalakshmi, Mallesh Lepakshaiah, Madhusudan Oct 2010. We have also managed to collaborate with other
Kandasamy, R Vidya and Kiran Grover were part of the team storage companies in Pune like Symantec, LSI and Qlogic
who developed and implemented the course at SASTRA. for this initiative. This has been very fruitful engagement
The University is also actively participating in all the Webex both for students and for IBM. We have been able to create
lectures and has also been selected as an institute for interest in student community for storage technologies and
remote mentoring projects. IBM STG Team also conducted IBM's product portfolio in this space.
written tests, interviews and selected three candidates for
working in IBM India STG Lab. _______________________________________________
Database Management Course at IISc IBM Teaches Advanced Database
Prasad Deshpande at IBM Research - India completed Management Concepts at University of Pune
teaching a graduate level course in Database Management Nilesh F Jalnapure and Sudhir Titirmare from IBM have
Systems at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in the taught Advanced Database Management Concepts course
August semester. The course covered fundamental research for M. Sc. (Scientific Computing) course held at University
papers in Database systems covering a variety of topics of Pune. Nilesh and Sudhir have also prepared
including Query Processing and Optimization, Transaction examination paper for mid semester 1, 2, 3, and final
Management, Distributed Databases, Data Mining, Data semester exam. They completed entire syllabus for
Warehousing, Semi-structured Databases, Main memory ADMBS for the current year and also conducted Oral exam
Databases and Probabilistic Databases. It was a full course for ADMBS for the students enrolled in the course.
attended by 26 MS and PhD students at IISc. _______________________________________________
________________________________________________ Advanced DBMS Workshop at RVCE
IBM organized an advanced DBMS workshop at RVCE on
DB2 Certification at IIIT Bangalore Oct 8 for M-Tech students at campus. Abhigyan Agrawal &
IBM scheduled a 3-day DB2 Academic Workshop @ IIITB Praveen Devaraoconducted the whole workshop covering
campus on 22nd, 23rd and 24th Oct. with support from the following topics:
AI team ( Shilpa HG and others). Total of 55 students • Installation of DB2
attended this workshop and around 40 students took the
DB2 Certification on 26th Oct and it was a cent-percent • CLOB/BLOB handling
results. Remaining 15 students were scheduled to take the • Multi-valued Attributes and nested tables
examinations during first week of November. • Triggers
Workshop was very successful and Dr. G. Shobha, Dean
PG Studies (CSE &ISE) thanked IBM team for this useful
session for the students

Tivoli team conducted learning session at PEC Chandigarh
Amit Aherao from IBM Tivoli team, held a two days session for post graduate (Mater of Engineering in Computer Science)
students and their faculties at Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh under University Relationship initiative.
Session was arranged for two days (27th-28th Aug 2010) on "Key Security Technologies" topic under "Recent trends in
Information Technology" subject at PEC, Chandigarh. Session was very interactive and was well received by post graduate
students. Audience got an overview and idea on how different Security Techniques are implemented in various business

Amit covered following Key topics:

1. Threats, attack and security details.
2. Encryption Techniques and Cryptography.
3. Application & Data Security.
4. Biometrics concepts and architecture, challenges in Biometrics.
5. Privacy Preserving Access Control. Authentication and Authorization concepts.
6. Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws concepts.
7. Security Threats, Network Threats.
8. Intrusion Detection and Prevention system concepts.

He, additionally covered:

1. IBM Tivoli Security Portfolio details.
2. IBM's state of Security on Smarter Planet.
3. IBM Security Framework.
4. IBM Security Solution Focus Areas.
5. Security Challenges in Unix Environment and the IBM solution to it.

Following this, Students had assignments on the relative topics and later they are evaluated per case basis.

Women in Engineering at SASTRA
Women in Engineering (WIE), chapter of IEEE, was launched by IBM India at SASTRA on August 28 2010 with a mission
to inspire and empower young women in the fields of Engineering and Technology. Around 350 women students participated
in the half day long workshop.
The WIE workshop began with the Guest Speaker
session delivered by Premalatha M Nair, Program Director,
Linux Technology Center and Women in Technology Lead,
IBM India Chapter. She talked about Women in
Workforce, IBM’s commitment to Gender diversity and
the Success Mantras for women leaders. This was
followed by sessions on “Leadership Competencies and
Career Development” by Sandhya Venugopala and
Sowmya Vijayalakshmi, Technical Leads, ISL Bangalore.
Dr. M.Vijayalakshmi, Associate Dean, School of Chemical
and Biotechnology, SASTRA presented statistics on
“Women in Research” indicating that research is driven by
passion and is a very respectable, achievable and desirable
career path. The talk also highlighted the new policies
initiated by the Indian Government and the Research
Councils to encourage women inclined towards research.
The program concluded on a strong note with the Panel
Discussion on Women in Engineering and Technology
which provided lot of insight to women students about
perceived barriers at work, inclusive work environment and
work-life balance.
IBM also conducted a poster contest for women students
centered on the agenda of “Smarter Planet”. Top 15 ideas
were selected and the winners awarded with prizes and
certificates at the closing ceremony.

_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Think Saturday : Technical Talk at PESIT Technical talk at SASTRA
Manoj Dusanapudu visited PESIT for their Think Saturday R.D.Prabhu - SRDC, Bangalore, was invited by Prof. John
event to deliver a technical talk, he started with a good Bosco Balaguru - Associate Dean (Research), School of
introduction, with basic concepts which helped the students Electrical and Electronics Engineering, SASTRA University
to concentrate on the talk with less trouble. He explained on October 11th, 2010, to deliver a talk titled " An overview
how the processors have evolved over the years and the of IBM Technologies with a focus on Semiconductor
challenges designers face. He explained in detail about the Research and Development ". Prabhu traced the evolution
jargons used in this field and the vast technology growing in of IBM Technologies that addressed many of the market
the processor world. He also advised on many topics which demands in computing and communications. Innovations at
the students could work as research projects. Students were various stages of development of the technologies - ranging
amazed to be able to relate some of their text book topics from process to system design - were highlighted. The talk
being used in the real world and the importance of them in also zoomed onto the activities of SRDC, Bangalore. IBM's
the silicon industry. smarter planet philosophy and initiatives were also outlined
As promised, Manoj had virtually built a processor with the in the talk. This talk was aimed at informing as many young,
students at the end of 90 mins. Batches of 20-30 students enthusiastic and technically inclined budding professionals
stayed back through their lunch hour to talk to Manoj and of SASTRA about the many possible avenues with IBM
clarify their doubts. Few students doing project on multi-core they may explore in their quest for dream jobs and jobs that
discussed with Manoj and exchanged e-mail ids for future will whet their appetite for technical challenges! This talk
contact was well attended by the students and faculty of the EE
department of SASTRA.

Faculty Enablement Program at SSIT College, Faculty Enablement Workshop at VJTI
Tumkur Mumbai
IBM University Relations successfully completed 3 days VJTI recently adopted IBM's curriculum on Analytics and
faculty development workshop on DataMining and Data Mining. In continuation of this collaborative journey,
Datawarehouse by IBMers at SSIT College, Tumkur. Around IBM conducted a Faculty Enrichment Workshop hosted
36 faculties from 3 colleges participated in the workshop and by the institute from Sep 2 to 4, 2010. The intent of this
got overwhelming response from the faculties. With this workshop was to enable the faculty members of VJTI and
workshop college is confident to use IBM Infosphere neighbouring engineering colleges to teach and conduct
Warehouse for DataMining and Datawarehouse Lab. practicals on Data Mining using IBM's Infosphere
Uma Devi, Hub Leader for Information on Demand played an Warehouse product. This was the first such program in
important role in identifying the SMEs and incorporating IBM VJTI and was received with great enthusiasm and energy
technology to support the Lab requirements and the DW by the HOD, staff and key faculty of the college. The event
team including Charu Agarwal ,Anuska Chandrababu, was kicked off by Prof Narayankhedkar, Director (VJTI)
Sowmya S Halappa, Pallavi Bansal and Yogendra K and HOD for MCA Prof Sane. Samiran Ghosh, the IBM
Srivastava helped conducting the wonderful workshop. The member on VJTI BoS, was among the key note speaker
even has been a huge success and now the college is and he also had the honor of inaugurating VJTI's new
requesting more such workshops in future. computer lab on 2nd Sep. Special thanks to Charu
Agarwal, Ramalingam Srinivasan and Rajib Bhattacharya
_______________________________________ from the IOD hub who delivered this training.
Faculty Enablement Workshop on IOD at VIT
IBM University Relations conducted a Faculty Enablement
Workshop at VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu during Sep
8-9, 2010 on Information on Demand. College has accepted
to introduce IOD in their curricula and hence the workshop
was conducted in the first week of September. Vellore
Institute of Technology known as VIT, comprises of seven
schools offering 17 undergraduate programmes and 28 post
graduate programmes. A total of 53 faculties attended this
Feedback received from VIT coordinator was excellent,
faculties got an insight into IOD, the IOD stack and a good
overview of the various subjects that were covered during
these 2 days. They now looking forward to hands-on
sessions and in-depth understanding of these topics. The
plan is for the faculty members to go through the various
links / docs that were provided and connect w/SMEs,
through mail or have remote sessions to enhance their

IBM STG Lab collaborates with University of Melbourne
University of Melbourne is a public university located in Melbourne, Australia and it is ranked among the top universities in
Australia and the world. Among Australian universities, it claims a leading position in Education, Engineering, Arts, Law and
Medicine. Melbourne University is the second largest research organization in Australia. It has consistently ranked first or
second on the major national research indicators which are used by the Australian Government to allocate public funds for
research and training infrastructure. The University of Melbourne and IBM have signed agreement to establish an IBM Life
Sciences Research Collaboratory at the University of Melbourne. The agreement establishes a five year contract in which IBM
Watson Laboratory researchers and researchers from the University and local Australian institutes will collaborate on Life
Sciences research. The collaboratory will focus on:

• Medical Imaging: high performance computers are used to analyze images from the synchrotron and MRI machines
• Medical Genomics: the identification of combinations of genes implicated in disease, and the ability to predict susceptibility to
disease from an individual’s genome and history
• Structural Biology: understanding the structure and shape of biological macromolecules, which is fundamental to drug design
• Integrated Systems Biology: understanding and model

IBM delivered one rack iDataplex and two racks Blue

Gene/P to the Institute last month. In 2012 IBM will supply
4 racks Blue Gene/Q, technologies with a total compute
power in excess of 800 Teraflops. We believe that in
performance capability terms this will put the University in
the top 5 computational facilities worldwide engaged in Life
Sciences computational research. Ganesan
Narayanasamy and Velmayil Sermakkani from the STG
High Performance Computing worked on the idataplex
cluster enablement and Velmayil Sermakkani travelled to
Australia and successfully implemented the idataplex
cluster and General Parallel File System (GPFS). The
university was extremely satisfied with the outcome of the
engagement. They have also expressed interest in IBM
curriculum subjects. The idataplex cluster will not only
reduce the floor space but also reduce the power
consumption. This successful idataplex cluster deployment
in Australia will help in enabling similar such idataplex
enablement in india as well as south asia pacific region.

IBM participated at MSMEs Conference IBM participated at Innovation in Education
Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar was invited for the "MSMEs (Micro, Conference
Small, Medium Enterprises) – Gearing up to Global Dr Manish Gupta, Director IBM Research- India,
Competitiveness" conference held in Mumbai on 26-27 represented IBM India University Relations, as an invited
August. The conference was organized by the MEDC panelist for the "Innovation in Education" conference by
(Maharashtra Economic Development council), Govt. of the Education Times, The Times of India Group. The
Maharashtra, and MSME Institute, Govt. of India. Bhooshan conference was held in Delhi on 26th august, 2010. Dr
was an invited panelist for the session titled "MSMEs- Manish Gupta was an invited panelist for two sessions, very
Technology, Innovation and Global Opportunities". core to the University Relations. One session was
Bhooshan talked about the need for technology enabled "Industry Academia Partnerships" and the other was
industry-academia interaction, examples of technology and "Bridging the Digital Divide". The conference was well
innovation empowering MSMEs, role of the demographic atended and the audience comprised 150 key decision
dividend and the importance of soft skills. makers from Industry and Academia.
_______________________________________ The Times of India (Delhi edition) carried a special
MITS invited IBM to their Board of Study supplement subsequently on 9th September on Innovation
MITS Lakshmangarh has officially announced the in Education. It featured a thought leadership article by Dr.
appointment of Monica Katoch in their Board of Studies in Manish Gupta on the critical need of industry-academia
November. Monika is already associated with the college as collaboration.
Campus Relationshsip Manager and this would be a good _______________________________________
platform for us to enable curriculum enhancement at MITS Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar inaugurated the "IPR
and would help us further strengthen our relationship at this meets IT" Workshop
diversity institute. University Relations congratulate Monika
Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar, Country Manager, University
for this great achievement.
Relations was invited as a Chief Guest for "IPR meets IT"
workshop in Delhi by Delhi Technological University on
25th October. In this two day workshop, Dr. Bhooshan
presented on IPR, patents, trademarks, copyrights and
publications. He also explained to the audience on what all
cannot be patented including discoveries of laws of nature,
production of films, music etc. and computer programmes
(softwares) to mention some.
IIT Indore invited IBM for an Industry-
Academia interaction
IIT Indore had invited IBM to initiate an industry-academia
interaction. Dr. Bhooshan Kelkar, Country Manager,
University Relations reprsented IBM at this meet and talked
to the students and local press on 26th October. He spoke
on IPR, patents, trademarks, copyrights, publications etc.
and how students can make their career with paper
publishing and patenting. Dr. Bhooshan spoke about the
UR programs we are currently offering at the campus and
offered support if students are interested to work towards
publishing and patents. Students were very excited for the
_______________________________________ first ever industry visit at the campus.
Faculty Residency Program
IBM UR with the support from ISLTech Vitality Program launched the Summer Faculty Residency program in July. The
objective of the program is to host the interested faculty in IBM premises for 2-4 weeks for working closely with SMEs on
various UR offerings. Further, the faculty will have access to IBM information which could generate new ideas for the
collaboration with the academia. The faculty is expected to become an IBM champion and influencer at the end of the
Residency. The response to the Residency Program has been encouraging and University Relations plans to run it in coming

IBM conducted Research Days at College of Engineering Roorkee, IIIT-Hyderabad, IIT Kharagpur
& IIT Kanpur
IBM Research conducted research days on various topics at College of Engineering, Roorkee, IIIT-Hyderabad, IIT Kharagpur
and IIT Kanpur. The objectives of these events were to showcase the research trends from both industry & academia and
look out for the opportunities to collaborate.

IBM-COER Research Day held at College of Engineering Roorkee on 18 Sept 2010, it was attended by over 400 students
from COER, IIT Roorkee and 4 other engineering colleges in Roorkee. The program included research talks by IBMers, COER
faculty and IIT faculty. There was also a poster and demo session where students showcased their final year projects including
the projects being done in collaboration with IBM in summer and now ongoing as BTech projects.
This workshop covered following topics:
 Dr. L. Venkata Subramaniam (Manager, IBM): Mobile Phones as Information Devices
Vishal Batra (Senior Engineer, IBM): Embedded Analytics
 Dr. Ishan Ranjan (Director, AITM): Multicore Programming
Dr. Debashish Ghosh (Assoc Prof, IIT Roorkee): Image Processing for Traffic Management and Planning
Dr. Ankush Mittal (Dean, COER): Collaborative work with IBM Research Lab, Report and Future Plans

IIIT-Hyderabad: IBM covered the areas of Information Extraction, Speech Technologies, Mobile Solutions, Cloud Computing
and Services Science. From IBM Dr. Raghuram Krishnapuram, Dr. Gopal Pingali, Dr. Ashish Verma, Dr. Krishna Kummamuru
and Shalini Kapoor made presentations. IIIT-H have covered Speech, Machine Translation, Information Extraction and an
overview of other areas of research at their institute. This event has led to the discussion to collaborate further in Natural
language processing (machine translation, information extraction, speech), services/solutions for emerging markets, and cloud
computing related areas.

IIT Kharagpur: IBM Research Day at IIT Kharagpur was organized on Friday, November 12, 2010. Following areas of
interest were identified for the workshop.
Smarter Planet: there is some existing collaboration between IBM and the EE department of the Institute in this
domain, and hence it was a natural choice.
Cloud Computing: the faculty members in the CSE department expressed interest in this domain as an emerging
area of research they are interested to work in.
Team of 5 researchers including Dr. Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Dr. Gopal Pingali, Dr. Jagabondhu Hazra, Akshat Verma, Dr.
Nilanjan Banerjee, Dr. Chumki Basu and Dr. Debapriyo Majumdar participated and presented talks in the workshop. Eleven
faculty members from IIT Kharagpur including Prof. Amit Patra (EE), Prof. A K Sinha (EE), Prof. P K Pandey (Water Resource
Management), Prof. D J Sen (Water Resource Management), Prof. Pabitra Mitra (CSE), Prof. Niloy Ganguly (CSE), Prof.
Chitta Ranjan Mandal (CSE), Prof. Rajat Subhra Chakraborty (CSE), Prof. Arobinda Gupta (CSE), Prof. S K Ghosh (SIT) and
Prof. Shamik Sural (SIT) were present in the workshop and delivered talks.
The overall response from the students was very encouraging. We had about 100 participant in this workshop. Most of the
talks took longer than expected because of several questions from the students which meant they were well involved in the
topics. During and after the lunch, several students approached with queries regarding our work and internship or job
openings in IBM Research India.

IIT Kanpur: IBM Research and IIT Kanpur Research Exchange went off really well with 80 B-Tech/M-Tech/PhD students
participation through out the workshop. Feedback from students was excellent and they look forward to participate in such
research workshops in future.

Following talks were presented during the workshop:

Track - I (Systems Management, Compilers and Algorithms
• On the arithmetic complexity of Euler functio, Prof. Manindra Agrawal
• Managing Shared and Dynamic Infrastructures, Manish Gupta
• Approximating decision trees for entity identification, Venkat Chakravarthy
• High Throughput Memory Efficient Data Redundancy Removal Algorithm, Souvik Bhattacharjee

• Shortest paths in planar graphs: Handling vertex failure made easy,
Prof. Surender Baswana
• Secure storage and data sharing, Prof. Rajat Moona
• Leveraging Speculation for Performance, Prof. Subhajit Roy
Track - II (Solutions for Smarter Planet)
• Smart Cities with Effective Transportation in Emerging
Geographies, Biplav Srivastava,
• Agropedia - an ecosystem for agriculture knowledge management,
Prof. TV Prabhakar
• Organizations of the Future: Technical Challenge, Manish Gupta

University Relations Team

UR Collaboration Platform Devkant Aggarwal

IBM Technical Contest Raj K Sharma
Remote Mentoring Devkant Aggarwal
Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Thekkepat A Pramod
Shared University Research Grants (SUR) Sudar Oli
Faculty Awards Sudar Oli
Curriculum Consultation Sudar Oli
Academic Initiative & developerWorks Himanshu Goyal

To contact any of the above, you can drop a note to India University Relations Cell at
[email protected] with the contact name and purpose in the subject line.


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