Economic and Financial Assessment of Solar-Powered Irrigation

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Journal of Agricultural Science; Vol. 12, No.

4; 2020
ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Economic and Financial Assessment of Solar-Powered Irrigation

Lana Mousa Abu-Nowar1
Green Economy and Gender Research Department, Economic and Social Studies Research Directorate,
National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Jordan
Correspondence: Lana Mousa Abu-Nowar, Green Economy and Gender Research Department, Economic and
Social Studies Research Directorate, National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Jordan. E-mail:
[email protected]

Received: January 15, 2020 Accepted: February 17, 2020 Online Published: March 15, 2020
doi:10.5539/jas.v12n4p185 URL:

This paper aimed at assessing the economic and financial viability of solar-powered irrigation of tomato crop in
Jordan Valley. Data were collected from 16 tomato farms that use solar-powered irrigation system. Another 16
farms with diesel-powered irrigation system was investigated for comparative reasons. Descriptive statistics,
Cost Function Analysis (CFA), Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Water Productivity (WP) and the financial
indicators of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP) and Benefit to Cost
Ratio (B/C) were the main economic and financial analytical tools used in this study. The results of the study
revealed that costs of inputs, labor costs and equipment and maintenance costs have had a lower adverse impact
on the total revenues level when using solar-powered irrigation system. The results also indicated the preference
of the investigated financial indicators (NPV, IRR, PP and B/C ratio) when solar-powered irrigation is used
compared to diesel-powered irrigation. The results also revealed a lower cost of life of the farm under the use of
solar-powered irrigation. The governmental policies and programs should be directed toward the concepts of
renewable energy in general and solar energy uses in agriculture in particular. Special agricultural extension
plans in training and capacity building of farmers and extension workers on the use of solar energy in irrigation
of agricultural crops should be developed. Cooperation in the fields of solar energy between the Ministry of
Agriculture and related parties such as the Royal Scientific Society and the Ministry of Energy should be
initiated to conduct specialized researches in the fields of solar energy use in agriculture.
Keywords: solar-powered irrigation, Jordan Valley, cost function analysis, life-cycle cost, financial indicators
1. Introduction
People are always looking for new sources of energy to cover their growing needs in applications of the
advanced life they live. Fossil fuel, the major source of power, is depleting, so other sources of energy are
needed to be developed (Mohammad, 2014). Solar energy applications have more attention to substitute the
fossil fuel in Jordan. The increasing energy demand has brought challenges to Jordan due to country’s limited
resources. One of the most important energy applications to be considered in this manner is agriculture. Solar
energy is used in many agricultural processes, including solar sterilization of soil, drying of crops, heating and
cooling of water, desalination of water for drinking and wastewater treatment. The use of solar energy in
agriculture is becoming increasingly popular and the energy produced from this renewable source can be used on
the farm providing the farmer with an additional income. One of the most important uses of solar energy in the
agricultural sector is generating electricity to irrigate agricultural crops, especially in view of the increasing costs
of electricity consumption using fossil fuels to generate electricity (Alnogrouch, 2005). During the last decade,
irrigating agricultural crops through solar-powered irrigation pumps is an emerging practice in Jordan.
Solar-powered irrigation pumps need little maintenance, and their operating life may be more than 20 years, they
are easy to install, and do not pollute the environment. On the other hand, the disadvantages of using solar energy
in irrigation are that its capital cost is high, energy storage must be ensured to take advantage of it during the period
of solar radiation, and its maintenance requires skilled technicians. Diesel-powered irrigation pumps are
characterized by low capital costs, fast and easy installation and widespread use. Their disadvantages include their
high operational costs and maintenance costs, short life span, noise and environmental pollution (Neil, 2012).
Worldwide, 15% of total energy consumption in crop production is for pumping irrigation water (Dursun &
Ozden, 2012). Cost of irrigating many agricultural crops (mainly vegetables) in Jordan Valley by diesel-powered

185 Journal of A
Agricultural Sciience Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

irrigation ppumps is a majjor componentt of the capital aand operationaal costs of prodduction using trraditional meth
Therefore,, other means ofo power sourcces should be ssought (MoA, 2014). Many rresearches shoowed that the use u of
a solar pummp in pumpingg irrigation watter is more proofitable than ussing a diesel puump (Hossain et al., 2015; Sh harif,
2013; Khaair, 2015; Narrale et al., 20113; Bakry & JJasem, 2013; Seham & Imaad, 2012; Neil, 2012). Due to its
economic and technical feasibility, esspecially in terrms of cost coompared to othher traditional sources of en nergy,
solar-poweered irrigation pumps are noow of the mostt important appplications of w water pumping systems to irrrigate
agriculturaal crops. This technology is nnow used on a ccommercial scale in differentt countries in thhe world (Achkour,
Tomato is a major crop in i Jordan. It iss in the forefroont of cultivateed area comparred to other veegetables accorrding
to the 2014 Departmentt of Statistics rreport. The total area planteed by tomato iin 2014 was 2251604 dunum ms, of
which 1644467 dunums in Jordan Valleey alone. The pproduction of this crop for thhe same year w was about 1493629
tons, incluuding 1143773 tons in Jordann Valley. Jordaan is one of thee top ten counttries in the prooduction and exxport
of tomatoees worldwide. According to the year 20144 Department oof Statistics (D DoS) records, tthe list of exported
vegetabless and fruits is 70%
7 of the tottal exports of 4465 thousand tons exported to various inteernational marrkets,
mainly to tthe Arab Gulf States and Eurrope (DoS, 2014).
The preseent study introoduces a commparative econnomic and finnancial assessm
ment for two systems of water
pumping; PPV system, annd Diesel unit ssystem to irriggate tomato croop.
2. Solar-P
Powered Irrigaation
Because off its climate annd geographicaal location, Jorrdan is capablee of exploiting the sun's rays. It is located within
the so-callled solar belt states,
s which aare between thhe latitudes 355 North and 355 South. The nnumber of day ys on
which the sun rises on Joordan's land is over 300 dayss a year at an avverage of 8 hoours per day annd at an elevation of
83 degreess in summer (Jordan
( Renewwable Energy A Association, 22011). Figure 1 shows the ddistribution of solar
radiation iin Jordan. Fromm the figure, iit is clear that hhigher solar raadiation levelss can strongly supports the use
u of
solar energgy in Jordan. The
T perfect meeteorological cconditions and land space aree available, whhere solar pum mping
could suppply freshwater for drinking, iindustry, and ffor agriculture in Jordan.

Figuree 1. Distributioon of solar radiiation in Jordann

Source: htttps://solargis.ccom/products/m

Sun is a m
major source of
o energy whiich can be fouund all over thhe world but tthe energy prooduced is diffferent
region by region depennding on meteoorological conndition and deemand for eneergy service. IIn recent years the
developmeent of renewabble energy sourrces is being ppopular in Jorddan due to the increasing fueel cost and dou

186 Journal of A
Agricultural Sciience Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

availabilityy of electricityy. Transforminng solar energyy into electricitty through phootovoltaic (PV
V) technology is
i the
dominant application too develop reneewable energyy sources. Thiss method is bbased on a tecchnique using solar
panels conntaining electrrochemical ceells that convert sunlight innto electrical energy. Due to the contin nuous
decrease inn its cost, the presence of seeveral competiing companiess in the markeet and the existtence of researrches
related to its efficiency this technologgy began to sppread widely in many counttries (Curtis, 22010). Due to High
Grade eneergy output thhe PV cells arre used to runn the electricall equipments directly. One of the remark kable
Agricultural waater pumps. Many research sstudies were ca
applicationns of solar PV is to provide eelectricity to A arried
out to inveestigate the perrformance of w water pumps bbased on solar energy (Camppana et al., 2013, 2015; Korp palea
et al., 2016). A photovvoltaic water pumping sysstem (PVWPss) is a combiination of diff fferent componnents
connected together to fuulfill the water requirement. Figure 2 show ws illustration oof simple PV system. The power
from sun cconverted by PV P module is ttransferred to the pump which in turn deliivers water to where it is nee eded.
The main ccomponents off the system arre PV array, coontroller or invverter (s) and m motor-pump unnit.

Figure 2. Simple PV sysstem

Source: Cuurtis (2010).

Solar powwered pumpingg systems are ccapable of dellivering water from rivers aand wells in voolumes up to 9000
l/minute (TTietjen et al., 2008).
2 Solar puumping system ms costs from 222-56% of diesel pumps cost and can achieve a
payback ovver diesel engiine operated puump little as 2 years (NAMR REP, 2006). Abbu-Aligah (2001) reported th hat in
locations w
where electriciity is not availaable photovolttaic pumping ssystem is a goood option for iirrigating crops and
supplying drinking wateer. Hahn (20000) stated that iin regions withh high insolatiion levels, phootovoltaic pum mping
systems wwere technicallyy suitable for uuse, beneficiall for the enviroonment and w
were able to yieeld cost advantages
over dieseel engine driveen pumps. Wiith the reductiion of price off solar panel aand electronicc components solar
power is nnow an econom mically viable ooption for irriggation.
3. Materiaals and Methoods
3.1 Study A
The part oof Jordan Valleey covered by this study exttends from Noorthern Shouneeh area to the Southern Sho ouneh
area near the Dead See. Jordan Valleey (Figure 3) iis a low-lying strip that exteends along Joordan’s west bo order
from Nortthern Jordan near Lake Taibberia to southerrn Jordan nearr Aqaba. The prevailing subbtropical clima ate in
the Jordann Valley and feertile soil allow
ws for year aroound cultivatioon especially vvegetables in w winter. About 70%
of Jordan’’s production of fruit and vvegetables is ffrom the Jordaan Valley. Croops planted inn the different agro
climatic zoones in the Jorrdan Valley aree field crops, vvegetables, fruit trees, bananna, citrus, greenn house vegeta
and dates. The valley is a long and naarrow trough; it is 105 km ((65 miles) lonng with a widthh averaging 10 0 km
(6.2 miles)) with some pooints narrowinng to 4 km (2.55 miles) over m most of the coourse before w widening out to a 20
km (12 miiles) delta wheen reaching thhe Dead Sea. T The valley is bbordered by hhigh, steep, esccarpments with the
difference in elevation between
b the vvalley floor annd the surrounnding mountaiins varying beetween 1,200 m to
1,700 m (SSalameh, 2001).

187 Journal of A
Agricultural Sciience Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

Figure 3. S
Study area (in ggreen)

3.2 Populaation and Sampple

The popullation of the study
s consists of two types of tomato farrms, the first type use solaar energy for water
pumping tto irrigate tomaato (16 farms)), and the secoond use diesel as a source off energy for waater pumping. Both
types of fa
farms are locatted in three off the most impportant vegetaables productioon areas in Jorrdan Valley (N North
Shouneh, DDair Alla, andd Southern Shoouneh). Due too the limited nnumber of farm ms that use solaar energy for water
pumping, all these farm ms were consiidered in the analysis. The total number of farms usinng solar energ gy in
Northern SShouneh is 5, in Dair Alla iis 5 and in Soouth Shouneh is 6. To achieeve the objectiives of the stu udy, a
comparativve economic anda financial assessment w was conducted between the 16 farms usinng solar energy y for
water pummping and otheer 16 farms ussing diesel as eenergy source for water pum mping to irrigaate tomato. Table 1
shows the distribution off the investigatted farms accoording to studyy areas.

Table 1. D
Distribution of the
t investigateed farms accordding to the stuudy areas
Arrea SSolar-powered ppumps farms Diesel-poweredd pumps farms Total
Noorthern Shounehh 5 5
Daair Alla 5 5
Soourthern Shounehh 6 6
Tootal 116 16 32
Source: Fiield survey.

3.3 Data C
To obtain information from responddents, a well--structured quuestionnaire w was designed. The question nnaire
included iitems related to the cultivaated areas, fixxed and variaable productioon costs (costt of labor, cost of
equipmentt and materials, cost of fuell in the case oof conventionaal energy), prooduction quanntities, revenue e and
other information necesssary to achievve objectives of the study. The questionnnaire was preesented to rele evant
specialists and techniciaans to be evaluuated. The quesstionnaire accoordingly was m
modified. Secoondary data sou urces
included DDepartment of Statistics (DoS S), Ministry off Agriculture (M
MoA) and othher agriculturall related agencies.

188 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

3.4 Data Analysis

Descriptive statistics, Cost Function Analysis (CFA), Life-cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Water Productivity (WP)
and the financial indicators of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP) and
Benefit to Cost Ratio (B/C) were the main analytical tools used in this study.
3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics are brief descriptive coefficients that summarize a given data set, which can be either a
representation of the entire population or a sample of it. Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of
central tendency and measures of variability, or spread. The main descriptive indicators were estimated for both
types of the investigated farms.
3.4.2 Cost Function Analysis
Cost analysis helps allocation of resources among various alternatives. Cost function summarizes all of the
economically relevant information about the process of transforming inputs into outputs. Cost functions were
estimated, average cost functions were derived for both types of the investigated farms to determine the optimum
size of production for allocation of resources to be efficient.
3.4.3 Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a tool to determine the most cost-effective option among different competing
alternatives to purchase, own, operate, maintain and, finally, dispose of an object or process, when each is
equally appropriate to be implemented on technical grounds. This Life Cycle Costing Tool has been developed to
assist asset managers in decision making based on performing a systematic assessment of the life cycle costs of
selected assets. The initial capital outlay cost is usually clearly defined and is often a key factor influencing the
choice of asset given a number of alternatives from which to select. The process of identifying and documenting
all the costs involved over the life of an asset is known as Life Cycle Costing (LCC). LCC was conducted for
both types of the investigated farms. The formula to calculate LCC is as follows:
LCC = Investment costs + Present value of future costs of operating, maintenance and replacement costs (1)
3.4.4 Water Productivity (WP)
Water productivity is generally defined as crop yield per cubic meter of water consumption for irrigated areas.
The concept of water productivity (WP) is offered by Kijne et al. (2003) as a robust measure of the ability of
agricultural systems to convert water into food.
The productivity of the cubic meter of water was calculated for both types of the investigated farms. The
following formula was used:
Productivity = Average production (kg/dunum)/Average quantity of water used (m3/dunum) (2)
3.4.5 Financial Indicators
To determine the financial viability of using solar-powered irrigation, the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate
of Return (IRR), payback period (PP) and Benefits to Costs (B/C) ratio for both types of the investigated farms
were calculated. The feasibility of the investigated farms was analyzed at a discount rate of 12% over a 10 years
period for both NPV and IRR.
(1) NPV
Net Present Value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of
cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyze the profitability of a projected investment or project.
The NPV was calculated as follows:
NPV = Ri/(1 + i)t (3)
Where, t: time, i: discount rate; Ri: net cash flow.
(2) IRR
Internal rate of return (IRR) is the interest rate at which the net present value of all the cash flows (both positive
and negative) from a project or investment equal zero. IRR is used to evaluate the attractiveness of a project or
investment. If the IRR of a new project exceeds a company’s required rate of return, that project is desirable. If
IRR falls below the required rate of return, the project should be rejected. The IRR can be mathematically
calculated as follows:

189 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020


CF0 + + + + = 0 (4)
(1 + r)1 (1 + r)2 (1 + r)3 (1 + r)n
Where, CF: cash flow in the last period being n, and r is the internal rate of return to be calculated.
(3) PP
Payback period in capital budgeting refers to the period of time required to recoup the funds expended in an
investment, or to reach the break-even point. For example, a $1000 investment made at the start of year 1 which
returned $500 at the end of year 1 and year 2 respectively would have a two-year payback period.
(4) B/C Ratio
B/C ratio is the ratio of the benefits to costs of an enterprise expressed in monetary basis. It is the ratio of total
value of benefits to the total value of the costs. A reliable measurement to accept the investment is when B/C
ratio greater than or equal to one.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Averages of Total Returns (TR), Quantities produced (Q), Productivity of land unit (P) which is Dunum (1000
m2), Cost of Labor (L), Cost of Equipment and Maintenance (EM), Cost of other Inputs (OI) were calculated for
both the solar-powered irrigation farms and diesel- powered irrigation farms. Table 2 shows the results of these

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the investigated farms:

Item Average in Solar-powered pumps farms Average in Diesel-powered pumps farms
TR (JDs/Year) 2039 1861
Q (Kgs/1000 m2) 6528 6191
P (Kgs/1000 m2) 192 176
L (JDs/Month) 149 184
EM (JDs/Year) 452 488
OI (JDs/Year) 201 224
Source: Statistical analysis.

Table 2 shows that the averages of TR, Q and P are higher in solar-powered farms compared to those in diesel
powered farms by almost 10%, 5% and 9% respectively. The table also indicates that the costs of labor,
equipment and maintenance and other inputs are lower in solar-powered farms compared to those in diesel
powered farms by almost 19%, 7% and 10% respectively. These results confirm the fact that using solar-powered
pumps to irrigate tomato in study area is economically efficient than using diesel-powered pumps. Higher returns,
production and productivity as well as lower costs were achieved. These results are in line with the results
achieved by Hahn (2000), Hossain et al. (2015), Sharif (2013), and Khair (2015) that showed that the use of a
solar pump in pumping irrigation water is more profitable than using a diesel pump.
4.2 Cost function Analysis
Cost functions were estimated for both solar-powered farms and diesel-powered farms, average cost functions
were derived for both types of investigated farms to determine the optimum size of production for allocation of
resources to be efficient. Table 3 shows the results of cost functions analysis.

Table 3. Cost functions analysis

Function Solar-powered pumps farms Diesel-powered pumps farms
TC 0.3318X – 0.0009X² + 0.000000071X³ 0.814X – 0.0011X² + 0.000000094X³
ATC 0.3318 – 0.0009X + 0.000000071X² 0.814 – 0.0011X + 0.000000094X²
Source: Statistical analysis.

Benefiting from the average costs functions, the optimum size of production level was determined for both
solar-powered farms and diesel-powered farms. The optimum size of production level for solar-powered pumps

190 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

farms was 6338 kgs while this size for diesel-powered pumps farms was 5851 kgs. It is clear and expected, due
to the higher rate of production using solar-powered pumps, that the optimum size of production level in
solar-powered pumps farms was higher than that for diesel-powered pumps farms. The average cost of
production using average cost function can be tracked to show the optimal production level where per-unit
production cost is lowest and therefore profit margin is the highest. This level was 6338 and 5851 kgs for
solar-powered farms and diesel-powered farms respectively. These results are in line with the resuls obtained by
Narale et al. (2013), and Bakry and Jasem (20130).
4.3 Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis
LCC was conducted for the solar-powered pumps farms as well as for the diesel-powered pumps farms. Table 4
shows the results of LCC analysis.

Table 4. LCC analysis

Item Solar-powered pumps farms Diesel-powered pumps farms
Investment Costs (JDs) 3800 2500
Operating, maintenance and replacement costs (JDs) 10105.89 12447.81
LCC Value (JDs) 13905.89 14947.81
Source: Statistical analysis.

Table 4 shows costs involved over the life of both the solar-powered pumps farms and diesel-powered pumps
farms. As shown in the table LCC value for solar-powered pumps farms is less than that for diesel-powered
pumps farms by almost 1000 JDs (7.5%). The results showed in table 4 confirm importance of solar-powered
pumps in reducing costs over farm assets life cycle that needs to be considered in making the right choice for
asset investment. Achkour (2015) derived similar conclusions.
4.4 Water Productivity (WP)
The productivity of the cubic meter of water was calculated for both the solar-powered pumps farms and the
diesel-powered pumps farms. Table 5 shows the results of these calculations.

Table 5. WP analysis
Item Solar-powered pumps farms Diesel-powered pumps farms
Average Production (Kgs/1000 m2/Year) 6528 6191
Average quantity of water used (m3/dunum/Year) 450 450
WP (Kgs/m3) 14.51 13.76
Source: Statistical analysis.

As shown in table 5, water productivity in solar-powered pumps farms found to be higher than that in
diesel-powered pumps farms by almost 5%. This increase could be attributed to better water use efficiency in
solar-powered pumps farms compared to diesel-powered pumps farms. This result is in line with a result
achieved by Hossain et al. (2015) and Sharif (2013).
4.5 Financial Indicators
Table 6 below shows the values of the Net Present Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), the payback
period (PP) and the Benefits to Costs (B/C) ratio for the investigated farms.

Table 6. WP analysis
Indicator Solar-powered pumps farms Diesel-powered pumps farms
NPV (JDs) 7911.89 5731.94
IRR 55% 47%
PP (Months) 25 28
B/C 1.77 1.54
Source: Data analysis.

191 Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 12, No. 4; 2020

As shown in table 6, the NPV values for both types of farms were positive and acceptable. Also, the IRR values
in both types of farms indicated that both farms activities provided returns higher than the costs paid. The
payback period was less than 2.5 years for both types of farms which is good and acceptable. The B/C ratio was
higher than one in both types of farms indicating a viable activity in which the benefits outweighed the actual
costs that went in the enterprise. Although all the financial indicators were indicating viable and financially
feasible activity, the values of NPV, IRR and B/C ratio were higher in solar-powered pumps farms.
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
The results of this study revealed that tomato farms irrigated with solar-powered pumps are economically and
financially viable than tomato farms irrigated with diesel-powered pumps. In order to save costs, it is
recommended that diesel-powered pumps should be replaced by solar-powered pumps. Government policies and
programs should be focused on the concepts of renewable energy in general and using solar systems in
agriculture in particular. Special extension plans for training and capacity-building of farmers and extension
workers on techniques for using solar energy to irrigate agricultural crops should be developed. Cooperation in
the fields of solar energy between the Ministry of Agriculture and related parties such as the Royal Scientific
Society and the Ministry of Energy should be initiated to conduct specialized researches in the fields of solar
energy use in agriculture.
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