Contact Us Lesson Plan - Unit 4

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Failing to plan is planning to fail.

República Dominicana

LEVEL: Advanced-Call Centers English Skills. TEXTBOOK: Contact us Unit 4

ClASS: DATE: November 27th, 2013

Lesson Objectives: After this class students will be able to:

Lesson Topics: Defusing Anger a) Deal with an angry customer and use modal verbs
Time: 8:00 – 12:00 b) Use phrasal verbs and discuss their meanings
Pages: 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 c) Defuse anger and sound sincere
d) Understand and use intonation to express emotions
Materials: Poster, books, markers. Life Skills: Foreign culture: Ways of verbal communication
Equipment: Audio Program, radio Hard Skills: Decision making and team work
Language Listening, Speaking,
Soft Skills: Giving clear information and explanations
Skills: reading and writing


Starting out: Copy the objectives on the board and check understanding. Take attendance and set up to start. 10 min.
Warm Up/
Warm up: Ss see a poster with different info. Then hide the poster and ask Ss to write what they remember. 10 min.
Feedback: Ask students to tell you in short words what the last class was about and if they have questions about it. 10 min.
Presentation 1 Introduction: Page 35. Ask students to observe the picture. Take turns and say what they know about the topic 10 min.
Practice & Activity Listening: Page 36. Explain the tasks and play the recording. Repeat if necessary. Have Ss compare answers. 15 min.
Grammar: Students read the Part B and complete the tasks 1, 3, 4 page 36-27. T monitor each group at a time 15 min.
en Recycling: Improvisation: Students are asked to stand up in pair. They start a conversation. T shows a card with a
Presentation 2 modal verb. They have to continue the conversation using that modal verb. Have another pair and so on. 20 min.

Practice & Activity Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs: divide the class in small groups and give them instructions to do the Ex. 2, page 37.
Students choose one member of each group to talk to other group members and compare their work. 20 min.
Presentation 3 Reading and Speaking: Students work in pair and read about methods for defusing anger. Then they study the
Practice & Activity instructions given on page 38 and practice the role plays. Ss perform the role play in front of the class. 20 min.

Break 15 min.
Listening: Students read the box on Ex. 2 Page 39. Then they listen and complete the task 1 and 2 on same page.
Presentation 4 20 min.
Speaking: Students practice in pairs and simulate conversations according to instructions on task 2 page 39
Practice & Activity 20 min.
Recycling: Game: A student sits in front of the whole class. He /she has to guess a word by asking Yes/No
Practice & Activity questions. The rest of the class may say yes or no. Then use the word in one sentence related to the lesson. 20 min.

Pronunciation: Part G, page 40. Have students read the explanations and read it afterwards in case they
Presentation 5
mispronounce the sentences. Then get students to complete the tasks 1, 3 and 4.
Practice & Activity 20 min.

Assessment/Evaluation Have students read the conversation in the audio script. Pay attention to the intonation and correct mistakes.
15 min
Remedial Activity? Suggest students to listen to the recording at home to improve their pronunciation and understanding.
Wrap up: Have students take turns and express how they have felt in class so far and how they felt during that
Closing Activity 10 min.
particular class. Pay attention to what they say and their facial expression while they talk.

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