Individual/LAC Group Presentation On Unpacking of A Sample MELC

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Individual/LAC Group Presentation on Unpacking of a Sample MELC

Most Essential Learning Competencies UNPACKED

classifies tools and materials according to their use Define different sewing tools and materials
(measuring, cutting, sewing)

Describe the uses of different sewing tools and materials


Merged/ Clustered TLE6HE-0a-1 TLE6HE-0a-1
1.1 identifies family resources and needs identifies family resources and needs (human, material, and non-material)
(human, material, and nonmaterial)
1.1.1 lists of family resources
1.1.2 lists of basic and social needs
TLE6HE-0a-9 TLE6HE-0a-10
2.6. markets finished house hold linens in varied/ creative ways. 2.4 markets finished house hold linens in varied/ creative ways
2.6.1. packages product for sale creatively/ artistically: prepares
creative package and uses materials using local resources,
packages products artistically, and labels packaged product
2.6.2. computes costs, sales, and gains with pride
2.6.3. uses technology in advertising products
2.6.4. monitors and keeps record of production and sales
Retained TLE6HE-0a-2 TLE6HE-0a-2
1.2 enumerates sources of family income enumerates sources of family income
TLE6HE-0a-3 TLE6HE-0a-3
1.3 allocates budget for basic and social need such as: allocates budget for basic and social need such as:
1.3.1 food and clothing 1.1.1 food and clothing
1.3.2 shelter and education 1.1.2 shelter and education
1.3.3 social needs: social and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, 1.1.3 social needs: social and moral obligations (birthdays, baptisms, etc.),
etc.), family activities, school affairs family activities, school affairs savings/emergency budget (health,
1.3.4 savings/emergency budget (health, house repair) house repair
TLE6HE-0a-4 TLE6HE-0a-4
1.4 prepares feasible and practical budget 1.2 prepares feasible and practical budget
1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently 1.2.1 manages family resources efficiently
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants 1.2.2 prioritizes needs over wants
TLE6HE-0a-5 TLE6HE-0a-5
2.1 classifies tools and materials according to their use ( measuring, cutting, classifies tools and materials according to their use (measuring, cutting,
sewing) sewing)
TLE6HE-0a-6 TLE6HE-0a-6
2.2 prepares project plan for household linens prepares project plan for household linens
TLE6HE-0a-7 TLE6HE-0a-7
2.3 identifies supplies/ materials and tools needed for the project identifies supplies/ materials and tools needed for the project
TLE6HE-0a-8 TLE6HE-0a-8
2.4 drafts pattern for household linens 2.1 drafts pattern for household linens
2.4.1 steps in drafting pattern 2.1.1 steps in drafting pattern
2.4.2 safety precautions 2.1.2 safety precautions
TLE6HE-0a-9 TLE6HE-0a-9
2.5 sews creative and marketable household linens as means to augment 2.2 sews creative and marketable household linens as means to augment
family income family income
2.5.1 assesses the finished products as to the quality (using rubrics) 2.3 assesses the finished products as to the quality (using rubrics
TLE6HE-0a-10 N/A
3.1 explains different ways of food preservation (drying, salting, freezing,
and processing)
3.1.1 conducts an inventory of foods that can be preserved/ processed
using any of the processes on food preservation
3.1.2 discusses the processes in each of the food preservation/
processing method
3.1.3 explains the benefits derived from food preservation/ processing
3.2 uses the tools/utensils and equipment and their substitutes in food
preservation/ processing N/A
3.2.1 identifies the tools/utensils and equipment
3.2.2 prepares plan on preserving/processing food
3.3 preserves food applying principles and skills in food preservation
3.3.1 selects food to be preserved/ processed based on availability of
raw materials, market demands, and trends in the community
3.3.2 observes safety rules in food preservation / processing
3.4 conducts simple research to determine market trends and demands in N/A
preserved/ processed foods
3.5 assesses preserved/processed food as to the quality using the rubrics
3.6. markets preserved/processed food in varied/ creative ways with pride
3.6.1. packages product for sale creatively/artistically, prepares
creative package and uses materials sourced locally, packages
products artistically, and labels packaged product
3.6.2. computes costs, sales, and gains with pride
3.6.3. uses technology in advertising products
3.6.4. keeps record of production and sales

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