Oj 07

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The Oerth Journal 7
Produced by the Council of Greyhawk
Vol. 1 #7
June 15, 1998

ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, GREYHAWK and WORLD OF GREYHAWK are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. All TSR
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The Council of Greyhawk is an informal organization of gamers dedicated to keeping the World of Greyhawk a viable
campaign world. At present, this group meets and communicates primarily on America Online. Send inquiries to
[email protected].
Having achieved the core of what I wanted to do with the
   Oerth Journal - the relaunch of the World of Greyhawk and

 the evolution of a dynamic and interesting online magazine
by and for the online Greyhawk community, it is time for me
As I write this, I look down to my desk at two new Greyhawk to move on. This is the last issue of the Journal I will edit,
products. No, these aren't the esoteric typings of a few raving and it is likewise likely that this is the last editorial I shall pen
mad college students, like the "products" I've looked forward for this magazine. I'll still be the friendly neighborhood
to for so many years. These are Greyhawk products. Real, Webmaster, and I imagine I'll be a frequent contributor to
actual, TSR-produced Greyhawk products. these pages.
Some time around the late months of 1994, I was still new to I'd like to thank a number of people for making the Journal
the Internet. A student at Emerson College, in Boston, I what it is today. Nathan, Eric, Morgan, Phil, Tom, Fred,
viewed trips to the computer lab as an inconvenience. One Roger and the rest. I'd also like to thank my predecessor and
night, however, I decided to see if anyone else shared my (sometimes) conscience, Steve Wilson
perversion. I plopped over to Lycos (at that time a useful ([email protected]). Thanks too go to Joe Bloch, who on a
engine) and typed out my passion: Greyhawk. rainy Boston evening rekindled my love for the setting with a
brilliant campaign. Lastly, I must thank Gary Holian, the
Imagine my surprise when I discovered a small, mostly
author of that History of Zagig I discovered so long ago.
secretive, cadre of Greyhawk enthusiasts on the Internet!
Thanks go to everyone who has brought us to this point, and
Suddenly, the 'net seemed a much more interesting place.
who will bring us to even better heights in the future.
Perhaps, I mused, I might even find someone who would be
interested in notes from my many years of Greyhawk It's been a blast.
The next issue of the Oerth Journal will be edited by Nathan
I did. While mucking around in the archives of MPGN, I Irving ([email protected]), who has an article in this issue.
discovered a half-complete, heavily notated file. A history of Nathan's vision of Greyhawk is a good one, and I leave
Zagig Yragerne, of the City of Greyhawk. I shot off a letter trusting that the Oerth Journal, and its humble legacy, is in
to the author, positing a number of questions about the file, good hands. Nathan assures me that OJ8 is just around the
and about questions that had always bothered me. corner, and will appear after a relatively short wait.
How could Iuz plan the Temple of Elemental Evil scheme Here's hoping all the waits over the last four years have been
while he was imprisoned below Castle Greyhawk? worth it.
What happened to the Bandit Kingdoms between their first
appearance in Dragon magazine and their apparent shrinkage
Stone Endures Still,
in favor of the Shield Lands on The Marklands' map?
Lastly, just who the hell were those nine imprisoned


In the almost four years since then, I've posted my answers to
some or all of those questions. Some of those answers still
(Erik Mona)
stand, in my humble opinion, and others have been broken
down and improved upon by the legion of Greyhawk fans
who, like me, seemed to appear out of nowhere and form
something of an actual community.
That community has changed a lot in the last four years, and
my guess is that the next year will see it change even more.
For Greyhawk is alive again in the eyes of TSR, and with
TSR comes the masses. Our fun little niche is now open to
the world, for good or ill.
Personally, I think it's for good. When I took over this
magazine, I did so with a very clear agenda - to maintain the
World of Greyhawk as a viable campaign setting. Part and
parcel to that challenge was an attempt to prove to TSR that a
stable and interested fan-base exists for the setting. I think
that's been accomplished, and I'd also like to think that I
played a role, however minor, in that accomplishment.


Wee Jas: The Lady of Book and
Bone................................................…... by Nathan Irving
Starting a new series for the Oerth Journal, our Editor-to-be
explains the mysteries behind Wee Jas, the Suloise goddess
of Law, Mystery and Death.


Ebonfrost................................................. by Eric L. Boyd
A powerful dragon is one thing, but it becomes more
interesting in the back yard of the Old One. . . .

The House on Summoner
Court....................................................by Roger E. Moore
A companion adventure to his Return of the Eight, in which
the party saves Tenser. Venture to the home of Otiluke. . .
can he be rescued as well?

Ahlissa: Land of Intrigue........................by Morgan Rodwell
Dare you explore the plains of Ahlissa, land of treachery,
politics, and death?


Robilar Remembered: Lord Robilar and Company ........….by
Robert J. Kuntz and Douglas J. Behringer
An Oerth Journal exclusive! You know Lord Robilar
from NPC capsules in all versions of the Greyhawk
Campaign. Now hear about him from the man who
created him!
!    In the years following the Twin Cataclysms, the Suel and
their pantheon suffered as the different cultures of Oeridian,
  !" Suel, Flan, and Bakluni mingled into one, and worship of the
Flan god Nerull ascended among the common folk of the
#$!# Flanaess. Despite the eventual recovery of fragments of Suel
culture and the rise of such Suel-born nations as Keoland and
the Urnsts, however, worship of the Lady of Book and Bone
by Nathan Irving ([email protected]) steadily declined, reaching its low point around 200 CY. At
Wee Jas that time, and after decades of consideration, the priests of
Wee Jas instituted a new policy, becoming far more vocal in
(The Taker, the Lady of Book and Bone, the Dark-Eyed
their advocacy of Wee Jas. The Taker, they proclaimed, was
a goddess of order and law. She took no souls before their
Intermediate Power of Acheron, LN
appointed time, doing only what was lawful and proper. This
Portfolio: Magic, Hidden Lore, Vanity, Law, Death, the was in stark contrast to Nerull, the Reaper, who was said to
Dead (particularly lawful dead) stride the Flanaess searching for souls to cut down. Wee Jas,
Aliases: Asiji (pre-Rain of Colorless Fire name of an avatar in the careful politicking of her church, was the goddess of
of Wee Jas, and not in common use) those who died in bed asleep and peaceful, while Nerull
Domain Name: Tintibulus/Patterned Web brought only pain and suffering, the agonizing and unrestful
Superior: None deaths of suicide and murder.
Allies: Lendor, Jascar, Bralm, Phaulkon
This promise of a peaceful passing appealed to many of the
Foes: Syrul, Llerg
peasants and other common folk, and Wee Jas' fortunes have
Symbol: A skull surrounded by flames
slowly improved from that time. At the moment, Wee Jas
Wor. Align: LN, N, LE, NE
holds influence over the deaths of lawful beings, those who

ee Jas (WEE Jas) is the Suel goddess of law, die as the result of law (executions and such), and those who
vanity, magic and death. She is worshipped by die in a peaceful and serene manner. Her servants guide those
wizards of Suel descent or training, souls to their final resting places in the Outer Planes and into
necromancers of all stripes, and anyone who the protection of their patron power, or to the Outlands where
commonly deals with the dead (undertakers and the like). In the atheists, agnostics, and those without a favored power end
addition, she is venerated and placated anywhere Suel culture their journey. Nerull lays claim to the deaths of chaotic and
has survived, particularly the Sheldomar Valley, the Amedio neutral beings and those who die in an untimely manner or as
Jungle, among the Frost, Ice, and Snow barbarians, the Suel the result of unlawful or violent action (murder and suicide).
of the south-east, and the Duchy of Urnst. These souls are at much greater risk, and unless a servant of
the soul's god arrives to escort them to the Outer Planes, they
The Taker is a staunch advocate of law, and like most of the
may be stolen away to Nerull's realm to feed his servants and
Suel powers, judges others not by their affiliation with weal
or woe, but by their sense of order or chaos. She is on good
terms with most lawful powers of her pantheon, both good The Dark-Eyed Goddess's involvements with Boccob are far
and evil, and has poor relations with the less lawful members, less certain. Neither deity will acknowledge the presence of
particularly Llerg and Syrul. She shares a strong relationship the other for good or ill, and the two priesthoods maintain a
with Lendor (who is described as her father in the older, pre- careful neutrality between them.
Rain myths), and enjoys the company of Jascar and Phaulkon
Wee Jas is invariably haughty and condescending to mortals,
(despite the latter's chaotic beliefs). Rumors of her romantic
and is never amused by petty diversions or distractions,
involvement with Norebo continue to circulate, despite her
though she may sometimes be persuaded to listen by an
priesthood's stout denials of this (priests of Norebo wink,
extraordinary gift, or a subtle appeal to her vanity. Her
nod, and grin broadly while heartily denying any such
growth as a goddess of death and law has awoken Wee Jas to
the possibility of acquiring more power, and it is this greed
Wee Jas's relations with Nerull, The Reaper, deserve special that has caused the shift toward evil in her alignment.
consideration. The two have an intense but subtle rivalry, a
centuries-long contention over the portfolio of the dead and Wee Jas's Avatar
death itself. Wee Jas's interest in this area, though reported by (Mage 35, Priest 30)
several sources to be only a few centuries old, is thought by Wee Jas always appears as beautiful human woman in her
more knowledgeable sages to hearken back to the aftermath early twenties, with ebony or scarlet hair and pale skin. Her
of the Rain of Colorless Fire and the deaths of so many most striking characteristics are her eyes; almond-shaped
mortals in the Suel Imperium by magical means. This pools of darkness with bone-white, skull-shaped pupils. She
irrevocably linked magic and death in the minds of the wears beautiful and expensive gowns, changing them
survivors, and imbued Wee Jas with the portfolio of death instantly to suit her whim. She will sometimes create a gown
and the dead.
as a gift to a woman, usually one who is about to go into a extends to bronze, silver, gold, and steel dragons) and lawful
dangerous situation on Wee Jas' behalf where she may be undead (wights, wraiths, spectres, mummies, and ghosts) to
open to attack or assault. The gown acts as a cloak of do her bidding and act as her representatives. The tasks she
protection +3 for the next 72 hours, and confers a +3 bonus sets for these creatures cannot violate their alignment. She
to all saving throws. Wee Jas favors spells from the spheres also numbers among her extra-planar servitors fiends
of Elemental Fire, Healing (reversed) Law, and Necromancy (primarily abishai, erinyes, hamatula, and osyluth baatezu,
and from the schools of Illusion/Phantasm, but sometimes arcanaloths, never tanar'ri); einheriar (fallen
Invocation/Evocation, and Necromancy, although she can Suel soldiers and wizards); imps; maelephants; maruts;
cast spells from any sphere or school. aasimars; noctrals; and observers.
AC -5; MV 13; Hp 205; Thac0 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 or as The Church
spell; MR 90%; SZ M (5'9") Str 18, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 24,
Wis 23, Chr 23, Com 24 Spells: W: U/U/U/U/U/9/9/8/8* Pr: Clergy: Cleric, speciality priest, monk, wizard
12/12/10/13/13/9/8 Saves: PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 5; BW 7; Sp Clergy's Align.: LN, N, LE, NE
4 Turn Undead: C: No, SP: No, Mon: No, Wiz: No
Command. Undead: C: Special, SP: Special, Mon: No,
* Numbers assume one extra necromancy spell per level. Wiz: No
Special Att/Def: Wee Jas knows every wizard spell of every All clerics (including multi-classed clerics), monks, and
level and every priest spell of fifth-level and lower, as well as specialty priests receive religion (Common, Suel) as a bonus
every priest spell from the spheres open to her worshippers. nonweapon proficiency. Wizard clergy receive spellcraft as a
She may cast 9 spell levels worth of magic per round (to a bonus nonweapon proficiency, and they are required to
maximum of three spells per round), mixing them as she sees purchase religion (Common, Suel) as well (at a cost of 1
fit with regard to type, level, and effect, and casting them as a nonweapon proficiency slot).
30th level wizard. She may cast an unlimited number of first
through fifth-level wizard spells per day, nine sixth and Wizards, monks, clerics, and specialty priests of Wee Jas are
seventh-level spells, and eight wizard spells of eighth and all welcome within the hierarchy of the faith, and each has an
ninth-level. assigned place within it. Warriors of the faith are either
temple guards or part of the soldiery of the church,
She cannot be harmed by non-magical missiles or weapons, depending on their inclination (these are discussed further
and in addition to her magic resistance, has around her a under affiliated orders). Lawful bardic worshippers of Wee
permanent globe of invulnerability which cannot be Jas, known as Keepers, likewise have a place of their own
dispelled, rendering her immune to magics of first through within the hierarchy, as messengers between the different
fourth levels, even from devices. She may make this globe temples and recorders of the lore of the common people.
glow at will, with a potential brightness equal to a sunburst
from a wand of illumination. The magical forces that Wee Jas is not a commonly worshipped goddess in the
surround her also empower her low armor class. Flanaess, and her followers are infrequent at best. She is
sometimes worshipped, and often placated, by wizards and
As the goddess of death, all undead are under her total spellworking bards, sages, morticians, and others who must
command, but she prefers to command only the lawful or choose to work with the dead. Her faithful are seen as
undead, and will usually destroy or drive off chaotic and aloof and slightly sinister by the common people, and their
neutral undead. reputation has not been improved by the recent actions of the
Scarlet Brotherhood. In the lands of Sunndi, Idee, Ahlissa,
Other Manifestations Onnwal, and the Lordship of the Isles her clergy have been
Wee Jas sometimes appears as a fiery will o' wisp to lead a suspected of collusion with the Scarlet Brotherhood, and
person or persons to a particular site or object (but characters these accusations (though unproven) have turned many
are warned, she pays little attention to, and never sets off, any against her faith.
traps, spells, or devices along the way that may affect the
The leader of the Wee Jas faith in the Flanaess is called the
party). She may also appear as a flickering ebony radiance
Archon, and the high priests of each temple are titled
highlighting a site or object, or a flame-shrouded skull that
Archites. Lesser members of the faith are titled Archpriest X
can unleash spells as her avatar. She enjoys the trappings of
(where X is the member's name). Forms of address include
wealth and may look favorably on those who sacrifice such
Blessed (for general use, when one is unsure of the exact rank
things to her. She prefers star sapphires above all other
or responsibilities of the priest), and in exact titles are
gemstones, and those who win her favor may find themselves
(ascending order of rank): Spiritwatcher, Soulguide,
gifted with one of these stones. Black sapphires, fire opals,
Deadspeaker, Soulbringer, High Spiritwatcher, High
and crown of silver are also symbols of Wee Jas and/or her
Soulguide, High Deadspeaker, High Soulbringer, and Lord
High Spiritmaster. These titles are the same across the length
Wee Jas prefers to summon lawful dragons (primarily blue, and breadth of the Flanaess, although certain conservative
green, emerald, and sapphire breeds, although her influence
temples continue to use the Suel titles, rather than their some survive as mummies or even guardian ghosts). These
Common tongue translations. undead maintain their standing and position in the Church,
and are addressed as Taken on the rare occasions they are
Clerics of Wee Jas are a minor part of the clergy (15%). They
addressed by the living. It is suspected that a the Archon of
often maintain the smaller shrines and temples, or are
Wee Jas may call upon a secret council of lichs that normally
assigned duties assisting and guarding the specialty priests of
lie, neither awake nor asleep, beneath the White Temple in
Wee Jas.
Niole Dra until their advice and council is sought.
Monks are likewise uncommon in Wee Jas' clergy (15%), and
Dogma: Order before all. Knowledge brings power, power
all those in service to the Taker are members of the Order of
brings strength, strength brings order. The rules of magic are
the Patterned Web. It is their task to guard and preserve the
the rules that govern the universe; understand them, and
accumulated lore and knowledge of the church. The
nothing is beyond reach. Know the order of the world and
Monastery of the Ebon Flame, in the Hellfurnaces south of
your place in it. Accept that progress and advancement come
the Yeomanry and west of the Tors, is home to the
not through luck or blind fortune, but by knowing the laws of
Grandfather of Mysteries, the leader of the Order.
the world (social, political, legal, magical, etc.) and following
Wizards (mostly necromancers and diviners) are the smallest them dutifully.
portion of the clergy (10%). They conduct research and
The clergy of Wee Jas are governed by centuries of laws,
experimentation in the name of the goddess of Book and
decisions, rules, and edicts carefully recorded and organized
Bone. A few live at the various temples and monasteries, but
by their predecessors. These strictures govern everything
most prefer solitary lives, keeping in contact with one another
from the hierarchy of the church to the amount of time
by magical means, or via the bardic heralds of the faith. The
acolytes may sleep (6 hours) to naming the foes and allies of
wizards are all members of the A'ath Ulkiam, an ancient
the faith (Iuz is a foe, the church of Rao a respected ally).
order that predates the Twin Cataclysms.
This adherence to procedure, more than anything, is the
Specialty priests hold a clear majority in the clergy, hallmark of Wee Jasian dogma and policy. Everything, they
outnumbering all of the other orders combined (60%). They believe, has rules, and to follow those rules is to succeed.
are the favored servants of Wee Jas, and the Archon of Wee
Day-to-day activities: Priests of Wee Jas perform dual roles.
Jas (the leader of all the sects, orders, and temples together) is
They are collectors of magical knowledge and artifacts, and
always chosen from their ranks, as are the lesser archites (or
young acolytes spend many long hours transcribing arcane
high priests) of each subordinate temple.
lore (failed priests often seek employment as scribes). Older
The relationship between undead and the priests of Wee Jas priests perform their own research into the secrets of magic,
is a complex one. The Taker views any disturbance of these or supervise (and assist) their allied wizards in doing the
spirits as an infringement upon her will, and so her priests same.
(both specialty priests and clerics) must gain her permission
They are also guardians of the dead, and the principal
to command any undead, under any circumstances. Failure to
officiator at funerals. Many low-level priests travel the
do this brings swift retribution (typically the loss of all but
Flanaess, performing funeral services for a small fee, or
first-level spells) until atonement is made. A second violation
simply saying a few words in exchange for food and supplies.
results in the errant priest's excommunication from the faith.
Others are stationed in catacombs and graveyards, to
Lower-level priests may seek to divine her will by casting
maintain and those areas, and guard against defilers and
augury or divination (this use overrides the spells' normal
functions), but the chance of receiving any answer at all is
only 40% and 60%, respectively. The omen spell (2nd-level Important Ceremonies: The most important ceremony to
priest spell, sphere: All, Divination, Prayers from the the followers of Wee Jas, and indeed almost all Suel, is the
Faithful, pg.121-122) is more appropriate and is more likely Day of Fire on the 28th of Patchwall, originally said to mark
to be answered, but not all of Wee Jas' clergy are granted the invocation of the Rain of Colorless Fire and the
knowledge of this spell. Priests utilizing a commune spell are subsequent deaths of 90% of the population of the Suel
guaranteed an answer, and may ask other questions as per the Imperium. Over the centuries, the ritual has lost much of its
normal use of the spell. original meaning, and it is celebrated throughout the Flanaess
as a time to placate and honor all the dead. It is also a time to
Petitioners are more likely to be granted permission to
renew oaths, forge agreements, and take oaths and pledges
command unthinking undead and undead under the command
(often of vengeance). It is worth noting that undead attacks
of a chaotic being. She is less likely to grant permission to
from the Sea of Dust on the watchtowers of the Order of
command lawful undead (see list above), intelligent undead,
Bone peak around this time.
and spellcasting undead (thus, the effective chance of being
granted permission to command a Lawful Evil lich mage is Twilight is a time of great power to worshippers of the Taker,
somewhat lower than 0%). and special ceremonies are usually timed to reach their
culmination around this point in the day though the
Occasionally, members of Wee Jas' faith are allowed to
summation may consume an additional two or three hours.
continue beyond death as undead, typically lichs (although
Major Centers of Worship: All temples, shrines, and other pieces of information they come across, which are later
places of worship to the Dark-Eyed Lady are ranked transferred to the permanent records of their home temple.
according to their size. The White Temple of Wee Jas, in The symbol of the Keepers is a black circle on a grey
Niole Dra, houses the Archion of Wee Jas, and is the only background.
holy place of that goddess currently active accorded the
Priestly Vestments: Priests of Wee Jas wear ornate and
status of a Temple of the First Circle (at least three others
expensive robes or gowns, usually cut to enhance the
were destroyed in the fall of the Suel Imperium, and one,
wearer's physical attributes. They favor white, crimson,
near current day Rel Deven, was razed during the Oeridian
silver, and black, but will wear deep blue or gold attire if
invasion six hundred years ago). Temples in Hookhill, Lo
Reltarma, Radigast City, Rel Astra, and Scant are accorded
the rank of Temple of the Second Circle. Temples of the When performing official functions in a temple, the
Third Circle are located in most major cities where the Suel ceremonial garb consists of a number of layered silken robes
settled in great number, Temples of Fourth Circle (those with (the exact number and cut dictated by rank), so that the priest
only a few permanent priests), are scattered about the appears wrapped in mist or fog. Evil priests of Wee Jas wear
Flanaess, and Temples of the Fifth Circle, being no more than white vestments and neutral priests grey vestments. When
wayside shrines, may be located nearly anywhere. The Wee Jas allowed good-aligned priests (some centuries ago),
location of each of these is recorded in tomes (copies of they wore robes of deepest ebony interwoven with strands of
which are stored in Niole Dra, the Monastery of the Ebon silver, some of which are still preserved in the older temples.
Flame, and each of the Temples of the Second Circle), and Older robes (of all hues) are often magically treated to
once a year a visit is paid to each one for the purpose of prevent damage and aging, and a few of these robes have
inspection, re-consecration, and (in the case of Temples of been recovered from dungeons and caverns after decades or
the Fifth Circle), confirmation of the shrine's very existence. centuries, intact and ready to be worn.
A single stark tower of volcanic stone overlooks the Solnor Adventuring Garb: Few priests of Wee Jas go adventuring,
Ocean, 90 leagues north of the Sablewood, at the very tip of and those that do are expected to carry and don their
the Thillronian Peninsula. Called the Dokkhulder, or Dark ceremonial vestments whenever they officiate a ceremony or
Hall. Studiously avoided by the local Cruskii barbarians, this engage in spellcasting in the name of the Lady of Book and
fell structure is somehow tied to the Dark-Eyed Goddess, for Bone. If this is impractical (as it often is), they instead carry a
mages in service to her are sometimes seen making their way simple silk scarf (the color of which reflects the priest's
there, usually in the company of a bardic Keeper. alignment), and wear ordinary but well-tailored suloise-styled
clothing. Under no circumstance may a specialty priest or
Affiliated Orders: The most important orders affiliated with
mage dedicated to Wee Jas wear armor or bear a shield for
the Church of Wee Jas are the Order of Bone, the Company
defensive purposes. Priests who question the Dark-Eyed
of the Invisible Fire, and the Keepers. The former two are
Goddess' ability to protect her faithful by doing so often find
warrior orders, and open to any warrior of lawful or true
themselves unable to cast all but the simplest spells until they
neutral alignment devoted to the Taker, while the latter is a
bardic order.
The Order of Bone is comprised of temple guards and Specialty Priests (Archpriests)
defenders, and those charged with maintaining the sanctity of Requirements: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 11
any ground sacred to Wee Jas (primarily graveyards and Prime Req: Intelligence, Wisdom
battlefields). In addition to their posts throughout the Alignment: LN, LE
Flanaess, the Order of Bone maintains several watchtowers Weapons: Dagger, dart, knife, quarterstaff, sling
on the outskirts of the Sea of Dust, near the most commonly Armor: None
used trails from the east. Their symbol is a skull against a Major Spheres: All, astral, charm, divination, elemental
crimson background. (all), guardian, healing, law, necromantic, protection,
The Company of the Invisible Fire, formed in the wake of the summoning, thought, time
Twin Cataclysms, is a mobile force that safeguards the Minor Spheres: Combat, sun, wards
wizard followers of Wee Jas, investigates magical Magical Items: As priests or wizards
occurrences, and acts as guards for any extended travel by a Req. Profs: None
superior (level 7+) priest of Wee Jas. Their symbol is a silver Bonus Profs. Spellcraft
outline of a flame on a white background.  Almost all of Wee Jas's worshippers are human or
The Keepers are the most enigmatic and smallest of the non- partially so, as most of the demihumans of the Flanaess who
clerical orders associated with the Church. Its members are might be inclined to worship her (olve and gnomes),
all lawful neutral or true neutral bards devoted to Wee Jas. remember far too well the treatment their peoples received at
The Keepers travel from one temple to another, delivering the hands of the Suel invasion a millennium ago. A few half-
messages, information, and spell lore. In addition, they keep olves in the Spindrift Isles and Keoland have become priests
scrupulous logs of their travels, chronicling any interesting or priest/mages of Wee Jas.
 Archpriests command undead as though they were 2 (detailed in Powers & Pantheons, pg. 34, in the entry for
levels higher when they have requested and received Wee Jergal), and the third-level spell spell shield (detailed in
Jas' approval. Prayers from the Faithful, pg. 81, under the entry The
Sceptre of Mystra.)
 Archpriests have extensive knowledge of the destinations
of the spirits of the departed. This information is known as Third Level
netherworld knowledge (this is identical to the netherworld
knowledge nonweapon proficiency from the Complete Book Ability Alteration* (alteration)
of Necromancers.) Sphere: Combat, Necromancy
Netherworld Knowledge: Archpriests must make an ability Level: 3
check against their Wisdom score minus three to successfully Range: 0
use this proficiency. Through their extensive training and Components: V
education, archpriests are informed about the cosmology and Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/lvl
organization of the Outer Planes, and how it relates to the Casting Time: 6
Flanaess, focusing primarily on the destinations of souls after Area of Effect: Caster
death. In addition, archpriests learn about the types and Saving Throw: None
behaviors of the beings that inhabit the Outer Planes, By means of this spell, the priest may enhance one or more of
including modrons, baatezu, tanar'ri, and eladrins. With a his physical abilities by temporarily suppressing another
successful use of this proficiency, netherworld knowledge physical ability. The priest may "spend" ability points from
can reveal the specific weaknesses and natural immunities of one physical ability in order to gain ability points in another.
beings from the Outer Planes. Netherworld knowledge can The ratio is 2 points expended to 1 gained. No ability score
also be used to classify the exact type of extraplanar creature can be reduced below 8 by this spell, nor can racial
encountered with a successful ability check. maximums or minimums be exceeded. Exceptional strength
 Archpriests gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. is possible, but costs 2 points per 10% gain. Example: a priest
spells. with Strength 17 and Dexterity 16 could "spend" up to 8
points of Dexterity to increment Strength to 18/30 (17 to 18
 Archpriests receive a -1 bonus to their casting times, to a to 18/10 to 18/20 to 18/30).
minimum of casting time of 1.
*This spell was originally presented in the From the Ashes
 At 6th level, the priest may learn and cast first and boxed set by Carl Sargent, Reference Card #6.
second-level wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm and
Illusion/Phantasm schools. Peace of Wee Jas (necromancy)

These spells are cast as if the priest were a wizard of the same Sphere: Necromancy
level. For example, a 7th-level archpriest casts wizards spells Level: 3
as a 7th-level mage. Archpriests pray for their wizard spells Range: Touch
instead of studying to memorize them, and chosen wizard Components: V, S, M
spells replace priest spells potentially available for use that Duration: Permanent
day. (In other words, the wizard spell occupies a priest spell Casting Time: One turn
slot.) Area of Effect: One corpse
Saving Throw: None
 At 9th level, the archpriest may learn wizard spells of up
to fourth-level from the schools of Enchantment/Charm, This spell, a traditional part of funeral services for the clergy
Illusion/Phantasm, Alteration, and Invocation/Evocation, of Wee Jas and those who pay for it, grants the soul of the
subject to the learning restrictions above. departed a certain amount of protection from disturbance.
Any remains consecrated by this spell are immune to the
 At 12th level, the archpriest may cast raise dead, and, effects of fourth-level and lesser spells that would animate or
provided she has the approval of Wee jas, the subject otherwise disturb the eternal rest of the departed, including
automatically succeeds their resurrection survival check, and skeletal servant and animate dead. Speak with dead is
nor do they lose a point of Constitution (although it still likewise prevented, unless cast by a servant of a deity of the
counts towards determining the maximum number of times a dead (on Oerth, either Wee Jas or Nerull). It also guarantees
subject may be returned to life.) the soul will not rise as a ghoul, ghast, wight, wraith, shadow,
 At 16th level, archpriests may learn wizard spells of up to or other lesser undead (those with 6 HD or less), regardless of
sixth-level from the aforementioned schools. the method of death. It is no protection against the possibility
of the deceased rising as a more powerful undead,
Wee Jasian Spells particularly a ghost, vampire, or mummy.

In addition to the spells listed below, all priests of Wee Jas The material component is a thin silver chain, at least one
have access to the third-level spell determine final rest foot long, laid across the bare chest of the corpse (the chain is
customarily bound around the body before it is dressed). If remaining undisturbed, plus or minus 5% per level of the
the chain is removed after the spell is cast, the spirit gains a spell caster above or below 12th-level, and plus or minus 5%
saving throw vs. magic (as the soul's former class and level) per level of the infecting vampire or wizard (if a lich) below
to determine if the spell continues unbroken. This spell has or above 12th level. Example: a 14th level priest (2 levels
no effect if cast on a living being, or an already risen spirit or above 12th, so +10%) casts guarded soul on a 18th level
corpse. wizard (6 levels above 12th, so -30%) who had made
preparations for lichdom. 50% + 10% - 30% = 30%. The
Fifth Level spirit of wizard has only a 30% chance of remaining safely
Grace of Wee Jas (a.k.a. Kelemvor's grace; Pr 5, Protection, dead, as her soul struggles against the priest's spell to achieve
Prayers from the Faithful, pg. 91.) Casting this spell on a undeath.
living being is not considered an attack and does not require In addition to the above protections, the caster may secure an
the permission of the Taker. Casting the spell on an undead extra-planar guardian to the spirit, typically a fiend or
for purposes of rendering it vulnerable to attack is considered celestial, though certain corpses are rumored to be protected
an attack, and casters must receive permission from Wee Jas by elementals of unusual power. The spell does not summon
before undertaking such action. a guardian that is up to caster but by force, bribery, or
Improved Ability Alteration (alteration) bargaining, the caster and guardian-to-be must agree on a
duration of time (typically not less than 99 years nor more
Sphere: Combat, Necromancy than 999) and recompense, if any.
Level: 5
Range: Touch The guardian remains primarily on the ethereal plane, alert to
Components: V any force disturbing their charge, for the duration of their
Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/lvl task. The guardian may leave the vicinity of the remains
Casting Time: One round (roughly a thousand-foot radius) only if an outside force
Area of Effect: One subject threatens their guardianship, in which case they may travel
Saving Throw: None any distance to combat it. Guarded soul magically links the
guardian and the remains, allowing the guardian instant
By means of this spell, the priest may enhance one or more of awareness of any creature, spell, or force that disturbs their
the subject's physical abilities by temporarily suppressing charge.
another physical ability. The subject may "spend" ability
points from one physical ability in order to gain ability points If the spell is broken or the duration expires, the guardian is
in another. The ratio is 2 points expended to 1 gained. No freed to depart, taking any treasure it has accumulated from
ability score can be reduced below 6 by this spell, although grave-robbers (a.k.a. adventurers). If the guardian is defeated,
racial maximums and minimums can be exceeded. it forfeits any treasure accumulated and returns to its home
Exceptional strength is possible, but costs 2 points per rank plane, the compact ended (although the spell still protects the
gained. Example: a priest casts improved ability alteration on remains from animation). It is not possible to have two
a warrior with Strength 17 and Dexterity 16. The warrior guarded soul spells (and guardians) on the same set of
could "spend" up to 10 points of Dexterity to increase remains.
Strength to 18/00 (17 to 18 to 18/51 to 18/76 to 18/91 to Wee Jas occasionally prevents the successful casting of this
18/00). spell, particularly if the subject spirit is likely to rise as a
Sixth Level lawful vengeful spirit (one with a purpose or goal beyond
murder and mayhem). This is most true in the case of
Guarded Soul (necromancy) wronged spirits who wish to exact a final retribution upon
Sphere: Necromancy their malefactors, or those driven to complete a final task or
Level: 6 duty before they rest forever.
Range: Touch The material component of guarded soul is a continuous
Components: V, S, M chain of silver which must encircle the protected corpse at
Duration: Permanent least three times, and is positioned against the subject's skin.
Casting Time: One hour
Area of Effect: One corpse Thanks to Eric L. Boyd for assistance with this article.
Saving Throw: None
A more powerful version of peace of Wee Jas, guarded soul
renders the remains of the deceased immune to any spell,
device, or creature that attempts to animate or communicate
with the departed soul. In addition, it prevents the corpse and
spirit from rising as any sort of undead except a lich or
vampire. In the latter cases, the spirit has a 50% chance of
$$ Ignisvitrumsable, "Ebonfrost"
 %!% &' Ignisvitrumsable (ig-ni-SVIT-rum-SA-ble) is a venerable
obsidian dragon (of Lawful Neutral alignment) who dwells in
by Eric L. Boyd ([email protected]) the northernmost reaches of the Flanaess. From her lair in the
western reaches of the Cold Marshes, the great dragon

nspired by the "Wyrms of the North" articles by Ed watches over some of the most inhospitable reaches of
Greenwood that have appeared of late in Dragon magazine eastern Oerik. Living in self-imposed exile from her
and by the paucity of dragons that appear in published generally gregarious kin, Ignisvitrumsable seeks solitude in
Greyhawk materials, I offer the third of a series of which to explore her arcane research and anonymity behind
installments on the prominent dragons of the Flanaess. In my which she can observe and manipulate events in the world
mind, I envision that the dragons of Oerik are important outside the waters of her bitterly cold fen.
participants in the events of the region, although they do not
play nearly as prominent a role as the dragons of Ansalon or To the brutish Urzun hill orcs of the neighboring Howling
even the dragons of the Realms. The reasons behind this Hills, Ignisvitrumsable is Ebonfrost, the Cold Claws of
diminished influence (for they were once dominant in an age Darkness, a legendary foe who slays those who wander too
long past) are manifold, but the strong influence of fiends deep into the great fen. In the ancient tales of the human
from the Outer Planes on the unfolding tapestry of events in nation to the north of her domain, she is the Dragon Queen of
the Flanaess in recent centuries is thought to be the most Blackmoor, said to claim the entire archbarony as her
critical factor (although the exact causality of this demesne and to suffer the presence of human settlers in the
relationship is still a matter of debate). area only as long as they pay her due homage. Although a
few intrepid hunters claim to have spotted the great ebony
It may be of use to discuss the rules governing dragons and wyrm during one or more forays into the Cold Marshes, in
the spells they may cast. Officially, draconic spellcasters fall truth, Ignisvitrumsable has not been spied by human or orc
into one of two categories: those who cast spells and those for at least three score years. Most sages of Dantredun
who are spellcasters. Members of the former group learn believe the Dragon Queen of Blackmoor to be a somnolent
magic haphazardly and thus cannot choose their roster of black dragon of unusual wisdom and restraint, a
incantations. The number and levels of spells available to misconception that Ignisvitrumsable discretely encourages.
them are detailed in their Monstrous Compendium write-up,
and they regain their spells automatically. All such spells Like most of the elders of her race, Ebonfrost has jet black
have a casting time of 1 and only require a verbal component. scales with bright silver highlights and, from a distance,
The latter group are true wizards. Dragon wizards must learn looks as if she has been carved from lustrous obsidian and
their spells from spellbooks and may chose which spells they inlaid with silver filigree. Stretching over two hundred feet in
know and which subset of spells they memorize. (Note that length from head to tail, Ignisvitrumsable is one of the largest
the previous two categories have nothing to do with the obsidian wyrms to ever emerge from the Lands of Black Ice,
natural spell-like abilities common to each species.) and, compared to most other breeds of dragons, she is truly
an awe-inspiring behemoth. Her serpentine shape glides
While these rules serve reasonably well, I would propose one easily through the freezing waters of the Cold Marshes, and
important modification for the dragons of Oerth: Dragons of her supple form quickly twists and bends as she pleases,
the World of Greyhawk who cast spells, but are not wizards, allowing her to contort to attack foes from nearly any angle.
may judiciously select their permanent roster of spells and do Whereas the horns of most silver and obsidian dragons
not learn them "haphazardly." This variant of the core rules extend straight backwards along their neck with a slight
frees the Dungeon Master to choose a dragon's spells so as to downward curve, Ebonfrost's horns curl to form twin spirals
enhance the wyrm's personal or lair's defenses to maximum reminiscent of those of a ram.
The reasons behind Ignisvitrumsable's long estrangement
The subject of this column is an obsidian dragon, a rare type from her kin in the Land of Black Ice became unimportant to
of wyrm found only in northern Oerik in and around the her long ago. Now the Dragon Queen of Blackmoor simply
Land of Black Ice which was first described by Mark Mathis enjoys her quiet hermitage and the freedom it gives her to
in Dragon #146, pp. 23-25. Accompanying this article is a pursue her own agenda. Ebonfrost is by nature very
revised write-up of this unique species in AD&D2 Monstrous disciplined in her thinking and actions and not given to wild
Compendium format. The discussions of Xanxeven Point and emotional outbursts. She prefers a world of orderly balance
the shadow dragon of Drenghuz are paraphrased, in part, in which she can concentrate on her investigations into the
from the write-ups in Iuz the Evil, pp. 22-24. Finally, I have arcane and natural order of the world, and she is willing to go
done my best to keep this write-up consistent with Frederick to great lengths to tame the tide of chaos which threatens to
Weining's inspired write-up of the Archbarony of Blackmoor engulf the lands surrounding her demesne.
in the Oerth Journal #5, without requiring the use of that
article in campaigns based solely on either the World of The Cold Claws of Darkness considers orcs and other
Greyhawk and/or the From the Ashes boxed sets. humanoids to be largely rapacious and chaotic influences on
the world to be combated and destroyed when necessary but Ignisvitrumsable had regained her equanimity and rethought
otherwise ignored. The dwur, noniz, hobniz, and olve are her approach to interacting with the world at large. Forgone
largely predictable in their ways and fairly harmless as far as was the direct, albeit cloaked, manipulation she had practiced
two-legged creatures go. Humankind, however, is a great for centuries bending the inhabitants of surrounding realms to
conundrum the Dragon Queen has yet to crack. While her will. Forgone also was the assumption that orderly rule
humans are capable of achieving brilliance, the depths to could be permanently and heavy-handedly imposed on
which they can sink and the destruction which they can naturally chaotic creatures without such situations eventually
unleash never ceases to astound Ignisvitrumsable. Since her exploding into a great conflagration. Instead, Ebonfrost
birth near the end of the great migration of Oerid, Baklunki, adopted an approach more in line with that of the ancient
and Suel eastwards into the lands of the relatively peaceable circles of druids in the Flanaess, a style she has continued to
Flan, Ignisvitrumsable has witnessed humankind's his day. Ignisvitrumsable seeks to learn and monitor events as
transformation of the Flanaess, from the founding of the they unfold across the Flanaess, all the while working to
Kingdom of Aerdy to the chaos of the Greyhawk Wars with maintain the Balance between law and chaos, good and evil.
all the triumphs and tragedies that have marked the period in As the Dragon Queen of Blackmoor sees it, the principles of
between. order are better served by allowing regular, small eruptions
of chaos rather than allowing the forces of entropy to build
The isolated human realm of Blackmoor has always been of
up an unstoppable potential. The obsidian wyrm considers
great interest to Ebonfrost, for in it she has found a
the emergence of Iuz in the Flanaess as a great intellectual
microcosm of the events and changes which have swept the
(and, to a much lesser extent, moral) failing on her part for
continent over the centuries and with which she can easily
which she must eventually atone. As a result, the Cold Claws
experiment on the human condition. From Blackmoor's initial
of Darkness works toward the day when the Cambion is
independence, to its conquest and assimilation by the
finally dethroned and the distortions which she induced in the
Overking in distant Rauxes, to its emergence as an
natural fabric of life finally subside.
independent archbarony, the deft touch of the Dragon Queen
has shaped the realm's history and the lives of its inhabitants. As part of her efforts to observe the societies which surround
Through centuries of manipulation, Ignisvitrumsable has her demesne, Ignisvitrumsable has learned to play the role of
worked both to ensure the sanctity of her domain and to learn a wide variety of human, demihuman, and humanoid
as much as she can about what drives humans to the extremes creatures, and she has half a dozen identities she particularly
of which they are capable. In part because of her guiding favors. In a way, the natural gregariousness of Ebonfrost's
efforts, the Archbarony of Blackmoor is today a bit player in race has reasserted itself through the dramatis personae the
the politics of the Flanaess, likely neither to rise to greatness obsidian wyrm has adopted. Some are guises she has
nor sink into chaos. invented, others are amalgamations of several individuals she
has observed, and a few "replace" those individuals who have
The birth of the cambion Iuz in 479 CY began a rapid
died but whose demise is known only to Ebonfrost.
transformation of the petty fiefdoms to the south of
Ebonfrost's domain that caught the obsidian wyrm largely For many generations, Blackmoor's reigning archbaron has
unprepared for the threat they posed. For centuries the been loyally served by castellans drawn from a single family,
Dragon Queen had focused her attention on her unfolding House Moorhound. The first Lord Moorhound earned his
experiment in Blackmoor, largely ignoring the simple prominent position through loyal service to the archbaron of
nomads and weak feudal societies found along the other the day in a series of skirmishes with raiding Wolf Nomads.
borders of the Cold Marshes. The Old One's rapid ascent to His descendants have proved their worth time and time again
prominence shattered Ignisvitrumsable's quiet confidence that as advisors and confidants of the ruler of Blackmoor, in
she had mastered the enigma of humankind and weakened addition to their nominal duties supervising the archbaron's
the powerful grip she had held in the region. The Dragon seat of rule. Even in situations where the reigning archbaron
Queen quickly refocused her efforts toward regaining her was murdered or overthrown, the successor to Blackmoor's
influence over the Howling Hills, but the distraction crown has always appointed a new castellan from the ranks
weakened her hold on the archbarony and she was of House Moorhound or simply allowed his predecessor's
unsuccessful in dislodging the bastard son of Iggwilv and vassal to continue in his accustomed role. House Moorhound
Graz'zt from the Howling Hills. Only the successful efforts of is, of course, a fiction invented by the Dragon Queen, and the
Zagyg, St. Cuthbert, Heward, Murlynd, Keoghtom, and role of castellan has always been held by the dragon herself
Kelanen to imprison the cambion in the dungeons of Castle or, as needed, by a trusted proxy. Ebonfrost's ongoing
Greyhawk averted a desperate and probably disastrous deception is assisted by a trio of dopplegangers who play the
confrontation between Ebonfrost and the Old One, and Iuz's roles of the various members of House Moorhound, even
decades-long imprisonment allowed the Dragon Queen of assuming the identity of the current castellan, Taric
Blackmoor the opportunity to rethink her ambitions and her Moorhound, when the dragon is unavailable to play the role.
approach to steering the unfolding events of the region. The shapeshifters of House Moorhound are very loyal to their
generous benefactor, and their discretion is magically
When the Old One was released from his captivity several
decades later through the actions of foolhardy adventurers,
reinforced through a series of magical mantles laid on them speleothems throughout the labyrinth of tunnels and caves
by Ignisvitrumsable. resulting in starkly beautiful cave formations cloaked in
eternal darkness. Veins of pitchstone, obsidian, and other
As Lyxan Mistwolf, grandnephew of the reigning Tarkhan of
vitreous rocks are found in great abundance throughout
all the Wegwiur, Ebonfrost walks freely among the Wolves
Ebonfrost's subterranean labyrinth and more than one stone
of the Prairies. The frequent absences of the far-wandering
golem built of igneous rock wanders the ancient lava tubes
ranger are attributed to regular trading expeditions to
hunting for intruders.
Schwartzenbruin, Lopolla, and Sefmur and an adventuring
career that has plumbed ruins in the Burneal Forest, the Yatil Ignisvitrumsable's Domain
Mountains, and Cold Marshes. Rumors discretely encouraged
by the draconic thespian suggest that Lyxan is a wolf spirit of Ignisvitrumsable's domain extends from Eru-Tovar, the
some sort, for a few claim to have observed him transform capitol city of the Wegwiur, along the southern edge of the
into a mist wolf and back. Ignisvitrumsable has carefully Cold Marshes to the northwestern edge of Iuz's territory.
cultivated such tales, as she finds that it gives "Lyxan" added From there, the eastern boundary of her domain extends
influence and stature amongst the Wolf Nomads and northeasterly, skirting the Vale of the Bite, all the way to the
increases the amount of information she can collect while tip of the southern tine of Blackmoor Bay. The northern
residing among the Wegwiur. boundary of Ignisvitrumsable's territory makes a great arc
along the southern edge of the Land of Black Ice that
Ignisvitrumsable's most daring disguise involves playing the stretches all the way to the headwaters of the Fler River.
part of Corin'ka, an alu-fiend apprentice of the mage Zuberin. Finally, the western boundary of Ebonfrost's domain leads
Based in the citadel of Kendragund in the southern reaches of southeasterly through the eastern reaches of the Burneal
the Howling Hills, Iuz's resident senior mage works closely Forest to the headwaters of the Blackwater River.
with Sverdlin, his counterpart in the clergy of the Old One, in
maintaining discipline and morale in the Urzun soldiery. As The Deeds of Ignisvitrumsable
Corin'ka, Ebonfrost has slowly encouraged the growing rift
between her "master" and the Cambion's senior priest in the Ignisvitrumsable has battled other wyrms on several
region, and Zuberin has come to rely increasingly on the occasions over the centuries, and accounts of such aerial
softly-whispered advice of his one-time consort and chief contests over the Cold Marshes as seen by far-off observers
apprentice. Since the demise of the original tanar'ri half-breed are largely responsible for the tales of Dragon Queen of
when she ventured too deeply into the territory of the Dragon Blackmoor never fading from the archbarony's folklore. The
Queen of Blackmoor, Ignisvitrumsable has played the role of last such conflict occurred a mere eight years ago, although
the calculating and thoroughly depraved Corin'ka to great no tales of the struggle have been told in the region as there
effect, subtlety reversing the relationship between Zuberin were no observers. The Cold Claws of Darkness slew the
and the alu-fiend. Corin'ka accounts for her lengthy absences Drake of Drenghuz, an old shadow dragon who laired in
from Kendragund by supposedly serving as an emissary and caverns beneath the easternmost Howling Hills, nearly eight
agent of her master in the heart of the Old One's court in years ago when he sought to extend his domain west of the
Dorakaa. (While the dragon does visit Iuz's capitol on rare headwaters of the Dulsi River. Ebonfrost recovered much of
occasions in the guise of Corin'ka, most of her information the shadow dragon's hoard, but she was forced to leave a
gathering is done through a network of agents in the fiend- significant fraction of the treasure behind when her efforts to
ridden city and through various arcane scrying devices.) In close a permanent gate to the Demiplane of Shadow
recent months, Zuberin's apprentice has convinced the mage backfired badly. The gate still works in a limited fashion, and
that by discretely investigating the mysteries of the well- denizens of the shadowy demiplane have slowly filtered into
guarded caverns to the northeast on his behalf, an advantage the wyrm's abandoned lair ever since. For now
over the mage's rival, Sverdlin, can be won. As such, Ignisvitrumsable cautiously tolerates the family of white
Ebonfrost has several opportunities to explore the outermost dragons resident in the Vale of the Bite, but it is unlikely that
caves of the Soul Husk Caverns that the Cambion has so she will permit their continued presence on the periphery of
carefully guarded. her domain for much longer.
Over the course of several days in the month of Readying in
Ignisvitrumsable's Lair the Year of Peace (585 CY), a huge black icicle formed atop
Ignisvitrumsable lairs in a series of interconnecting, lightless a sheer, pinnacled hill at the junction of the Dulsi and
caverns and lava tubes hollowed out beneath a volcanic plug Blackwater Rivers on the western border of the Land of Iuz
(hex P4-58) that are partially submerged by the frigid waters before plunging nearly 300 feet to the waters below, causing
of the enveloping fen. Permafrosted walls of black ice block the waters of the fork to seethe and boil for hours. For days
off the handful of access tunnels leading down to the caverns afterwards, the surface of the Dulsi southwards appeared to
and prevent the waters of the marsh from inundating the be covered in a thick membrane with a broiling surface crust
dragon's lair. (Ignisvitrumsable normally bypasses them with of black oily residue that was corrosive to the skin. Plant life
a dimension door incantation.) Small rivulets of icy water, along the river died away for a distance of a hundred yards
after seeping through the enveloping volcanic rock, form ice on each bank. The filth on the river slowly dissipated,
forming a great smoky mist which hung around the area for Duration: Special
days thereafter. While it is widely feared by the defenders of Casting Time: 2 (1 for Ignisvitrumsable)
the Vesve and Furyondy that these events are the work of Area of Effect: 10 x 10 feet/level
Iuz, the garrisoning of 300 orc soldiers nearby and several Saving Throw: 1/2
visits by High Priestess Halga of the Boneheart suggest that
Hoarfrost, a spell commonly known to white dragons as well
even the Old One is troubled by these events.
as a few obsidian dragons, creates a thin, white coating of
Unbeknownst to all, Ignisvitrumsable is the sorcerous agent frost, similar in appearance to frozen dew, on any surface or
behind the creation of the black ice pinnacle at Xanxeven creature within the area of effect when the spell is cast. The
Point. The obsidian dragon has been experimenting for years light coating of frost belies its innocuous appearance,
to create variant frost spells that form acidic black ice, not however, as any creature coated with hoarfrost is magically
common white ice. While Ebonfrost has succeeded in chilled far more than the observable effects of the spell would
merging the two effects in relatively simple spells such as seem to warrant. For every round in which a victim is coated
ebonfrost, her efforts at shaping and controlling large with hoarfrost, this spell inflicts 1d4 points of cold damage.
amounts of black ice have been a failure until very recently A successful saving throw versus spell reduces the damage to
(with the development of her wall of black ice spell). 1d2 points, but does not end the effect.
Unwilling to continue destroying large regions of the Cold
This effects of this spell can only be ended by through the
Marshes around her lair and thus risk bringing attention to
close application of heat, magical or otherwise, as
both her presence and her true ancestry, Ignisvitrumsable has
adjudicated by the DM. A ring of warmth worn for one full
begun unleashing her spell prototypes within the borders of
round or an open flame held near a subject of this spell for
the Land of Iuz. The dragon's decision is predicated by the
two full rounds immediately ends the effects of hoarfrost.
fact that the cambion's territories are already so corrupted that
Spells such as heat metal or fireball will also end the effects
a little additional uncontrolled spell experimentation can
of this spell immediately if cast directly on a creature covered
hardly make things worse and that by adding to the worries
in hoarfrost, but in such cases the cure may be worse than the
of the Old One within his own lands she may indirectly
mitigate the devastation that Iuz can unleash elsewhere. The
obsidian wyrm may have miscalculated the attention she Ebonfrost is more commonly employed by obsidian dragons
would provoke, however, as her actions have generated a than its dual, but the reversed form of hoarfrost is totally
great deal of consternation in Chendl, Dorakaa, and Eru- unknown among the community of white dragons. Creatures
Tovar. Adventuring bands have been dispatched by the covered in ebonfrost, which resembles black hoarfrost, suffer
various power groups of the region to investigate, and one or 1d2 points of cold damage and 1d2 points of acid damage per
more groups might possibly succeed in tracking Ebonfrost to round. Otherwise the effects of ebonfrost are identical to that
her lair. of hoarfrost.

Ignisvitrumsable's Magic Both forms of this spell are particularly insidious in gradually
weakening a group of opponents and in disabling
Ignisvitrumsable wields a wide range of spells and magical spellcasters. The reversed form of this spell is particularly
artifacts little known elsewhere in the Flanaess, although effective in the latter regard, as few creatures are immune to
most are well-known among the community of obsidian both acid and cold.
wyrms resident in the Land of Black Ice. Four spells known
to be favorites of Ebonfrost are detailed below. Hoarfrost is
an enchantment known to many white wyrms capable of Wall of Black Ice
casting spells. Obsidian dragons are familiar with a more (Evocation) Level 5
useful variant of this spell, ebonfrost, developed by Range: 10 yards/level
Ignisvitrumsable. Wall of black ice, volcanize, and Components: V, S, M (V for Ignisvitrumsable)
permafrost are variants of more commonly known spells, Duration: 1 turn/level
wall of ice, transmute rock to mud, and glassteel, Casting Time: 5 (1 for Ignisvitrumsable)
respectively. Foolhardy adventurers who dare to enter the Area of Effect: Special
western Cold Marshes are warned that the Dragon Queen of Saving Throw: Special
Blackmoor is engaged in ongoing efforts to develop deadly
new spells, as the events at Xanxeven Point demonstrate, and This spell can be cast in one of three ways: as an anchored
she may very well test her latest efforts on unwary plane of black ice, as a hemisphere, or as a horizontal sheet to
interlopers. fall upon creatures with the effect of a black ice storm.

Hoarfrost This spell is identical in all respects to the more commonly

known spell wall of ice, with two important distinctions. The
(Alteration) Level 2 Reversible ice created by means of this spell is blue-black, not blue-
Range: 30 feet + 10 feet/level white as is the case for normal ice. Black ice includes a
Components: V strong acid in its composition, and thus, in addition to the
normal cold damage suffered when breaking through a black (Alteration) Level 7
ice plane or hemisphere, 1 point of acid damage per inch of Range: Touch
ice is inflicted as well. Likewise, a black ice sheet inflicts Components: V, S, M (V for Ignisvitrumsable)
1d10 points of acid damage in addition to its frost damage Duration: Special
when dropped on opponents. Casting Time: 7 (1 for Ignisvitrumsable)
Area of Effect: Object touched
The material components of this spell are a small piece of
Saving Throw: None
quartz or similar rock crystal and a small chunk of obsidian,
all of which are consumed in the casting. This spell increases the tensile strength and unbreakability of
ice to that of actual steel. Only a relatively small volume of
Volcanize ice can be affected (a maximum weight of 10 pounds per
(Alteration) Level 6 level of experience of the spellcaster), and it must form one
Range: 10 yards/level whole object. The Armor Class of the substance is 1.
Components: V, S, M (V for Ignisvitrumsable) Like the spell glassteel, the effects of this spell are
Duration: Special permanent. However, unlike the spell on which it was
Casting Time: 6 (1 for Ignisvitrumsable) pattered, permafrost-treated ice will still melt in warm
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube/level temperatures or under the direct application of a heat source,
Saving Throw: None such as an open flame, at the same rate as normal ice.
This spell subjects rock and earth to the effects of volcanic The material component of this spell, which is consumed in
heat, briefly transforming it into an equal volume of molten the casting, is a handful of earth which has been frozen solid
lava. The depth of the lava can never exceed half its length or for at least one full year.
breadth. If it is cast upon a rock, for example, the rock
affected collapses into lava, and will slowly flow downhill. While permafrost was developed by ice wizards for use in the
Creatures unable to levitate, fly, or otherwise free themselves construction of safe ice bridges across frozen rivers, this spell
from the molten lava sink at the rate of 10 feet per round and has been adopted by elder obsidian dragons as an effective
suffocate if the heat does not kill them first, except for follow-on to the use of their breath weapon. Any creature
lightweight creatures that could normally pass across such encased by an obsidian dragon's web of black ice which has
ground. Brush thrown atop the molten lava can support been reinforced with the use of a permafrost spell makes all
creatures able to climb on it, with the amount of brush bend bars/lift gates Strength rolls to break free with one-
required subject to the DM's discretion. quarter the normal chance of success. Likewise, 48 points of
damage (treat the web as AC 1) must be inflicted on the
However, the heat of the molten lava will ignite flammable permafrosted web of black ice in order to shatter it
materials. Any creature within 10 feet of the lava suffers 2d4 sufficiently so that the imprisoned victim may escape.
points of damage per round, while any creature within 20 feet
suffers 1d4 points of damage per round. In addition, the lava Ignisvitrumsable's Fate
inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point of damage per
level of the spellcaster, upon any creature in contact with it. Ebonfrost has created a dangerous enemy for herself in the
Creatures especially subject to fire may take additional Old One, a foe whose power exceeds even her own
damage, and undead always take twice normal damage. Note formidable strengths. Ignisvitrumsable is probably safe
that attempting to catch a moving creature with a newly- within her own domain and in harrying the northernmost
created region of lava is difficult; a successful saving throw outposts of the Land of Iuz while the Cambion remains
enables the creature to avoid the lava, while its rate and preoccupied with shoring up his grip on newly conquered
direction of movement determine which side of the territories to south. If the Old One should ever uncover
volcanized rock it is on. Volcanized rock remains molten as Ignisvitrumsable's ongoing campaign to undermine his
long as the wizard concentrates on maintaining it, or one absolute dominion in the region, however, it is unlikely that
round per level of experience of the wizard, in the event he the obsidian wyrm could escape the full brunt of the
does not wish to concentrate upon it. demigod's powers and the isolated Archbarony of Blackmoor
would probably pay the price of her failure as well.
A successful dispel magic causes the spell effect to end
immediately. In any case, rock or earth subject to the effects
of volcanize does not revert to its original form but remains
Dragon, Metallic Obsidian
as cooled lava. Dragon
The material components of this spell are a small chunk of CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Cold plains, forest, mountains, hills,
pumice and a small piece of obsidian, both of which are swamps (northern Oerik)
consumed in the casting. FREQUENCY: Very rare
ORGANIZATION: Solitary or clan
DIET: Special Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: An obsidian dragon has
INTELLIGENCE: Exceptional (15-16) two breath weapons: a cone of black acidic frost, 90' long, 5'
TREASURE: Special wide at the dragon's mouth, and 30' wide at the end or a
ALIGNMENT: Lawful (good 65%, neutral 25%, evil 10%) membranous web of black ice 10' in diameter, shot up to 60'
NO. APPEARING: 1 (2-5) away. Creatures caught in the black frost are allowed a save
ARMOR CLASS: -4 (base) versus breath weapon for half damage. They must save again
MOVEMENT: 9, Fl 30 (C), Jp 3 at -2 to avoid taking an additional 2d4 points of acid damage
HIT DICE: 17 (base) per age category as well. No acid damage is taken if the
THAC0: 3 (at 17 HD) second save is made. Creatures targeted by the web of black
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3 + special ice must save versus breath weapon or be enveloped by the
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: 2d6/2d6/6d8 (claw/claw/bite) web and encased in black ice 5 to 8 inches thick by the end of
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Special the round. All encased creatures are held immobile and must
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Variable make a second saving throw versus breath weapon to keep
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Variable their faces from being covered. Otherwise, they will suffocate
SIZE: G (56' base) in 1d4+1 rounds unless they can make their bend bars/lift
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18) gates strength rolls to break free or unless the web of black
XP VALUE: Variable ice suffers at least 12 points of damage (treat the web as AC
4). One quarter of the damage done to the black-ice web is
Most obsidian dragons are gregarious and considerate,
instead inflicted on the victim so encased.
however, increasing numbers seek only isolation. Good-
aligned obsidian dragons act much as do silver dragons, At birth, obsidian dragons are immune to cold and acid and
whereas neutral-aligned obsidian dragons would rather can polymorph self three times per day. Each change in form
observe others than interact with them. Evil-aligned obsidian lasts until the dragon chooses a different form and reverting
dragons are selfish hermits who care nothing for the external to their normal form does not count as a change. As they age,
world and want only to be left alone. Obsidian dragons will they gain the following powers: Young: metamorphose
often take the form of humans or normal animals so as to liquids (detailed in the Tome of Magic) twice per day.
assist, observe, or drive away, according to their natures. Juvenile: water walk once per day. Adult: wall of ice three
times per day. Mature adult: cone of cold once per day. Old:
At birth, an obsidian dragon's scales are dull black with little
acid storm (detailed in the Tome of Magic) once per day.
shine, resembling hardened ash. As the dragon approaches
adulthood, its luster gradually increases and its color Habitat/Society: Obsidian dragons live in cold regions,
gradually deepens and darkens. An adult or older dragon has preferring lands where the temperature rarely rises above
jet black scales with bright silver highlights. From a distance, freezing such as arctic tundra, coniferous forests, and frozen
these dragons look as if they have been carved from obsidian fens. They lair in caves of ice or damp stone caverns.
and inlaid with silver filigree.
Good-aligned obsidian dragons are very social creatures with
Obsidian dragons speak a dialect of the tongue spoken by strong family and clan ties who are usually found in the Land
silver dragons, and, depending on their alignment, a tongue of Black Ice. Neutral- and evil-aligned obsidian dragons-
common to all good, neutral, or evil dragons. 16% of whose numbers seem to be increasing every generation-are
hatchling obsidian dragons have an ability to communicate typically solitary rogues who seek territories farther afield
with any intelligent creature. The chance to possess this and desire little interaction with their kin.
ability increases 5% per age category of the dragon.
Ecology: Obsidian dragons appear in most respects to be like
Combat: Obsidian dragons are rarely violent and avoid silver dragons. The main difference is their coloration and
combat except when faced with highly aggressive (or-in the size. Known only in the northern reaches of the continent of
case of good-aligned dragons-highly evil) foes. Evil obsidian Oerik (in the World of Greyhawk® setting), obsidian dragons
dragons are extremely territorial and will defend their lair or are thought to be distant but more powerful cousins of silver
domain aggressively. All obsidian dragons are extremely dragons, originating (some speculate) in the Land of Black
proficient magic-wielders, and fully 45% are true Ice.
spellcasters. They often create defensive perimeters using
Obsidian dragons have little appreciation for flavors, and thus
metamorphose liquids (to transform a circle of water into a
are relatively indifferent to what they consume. They are able
moat of acid) or wall of ice. When pressed into combat,
to eat nearly anything, but they will consume only food
obsidian dragons attack without mercy, raining ice sheets (a
which has been burned with acid and subsequently frozen.
wall of ice effect), acid storms, and cones of cold on their
Obsidian dragons detest white dragons, and typically seek to
opponents. Obsidian dragons are particularly skilled in using
destroy such lesser kin, who they perceive as brutish, dumb,
their tails in combat, inflicting double the normal damage
and generally contemptible. Obsidian dragons have little
caused by such attacks.
patience for crystal dragons but usually simply ignore them.
Age Body ( in Feet) Tail (in feet) AC Breath Spells MR Treasure XP Value
1 9-21 4-8 -1 2d10+1 Nil 5% Nil 9,000
2 21-33 8-15 -2 4d10+2 3 10% Nil 12,000
3 33-45 15-20 -3 6d10+3 43 15% Nil 14,000
4 45-57 20-26 -4 8d10+4 543 20% E, R 19,000
5 57-70 27-34 -5 10d10+5 6543 25% H, R 20,000
6 70-83 34-40 -6 12d10+6 76543 30% H, R 21,000
7 83-96 40-46 -7 14d10+7 876543 35% H, R 22,000
8 96-109 46-53 -8 16d10+8 9876543 40% H, Rx2 23,000
9 109-123 53-59 -9 18d10+9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 45% H, Rx2 24,000
10 123-137 59-64 -10 20d10+10 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 50% H, Rx2 25,000
11 137-151 64-71 -11 22d10+11 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 55% H, Rx2 27,000
12 151-165 71-79 -12 24d10+12 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 60% H, Rx2 28,000
   detection and location so his mind cannot be read, and ring of
spell turning, just in case; the items are not his, but merely on

 (())& loan from the guild vaults. Inquirers may take notes and ask
limited questions, but no handouts are given. The property's

previous owner is not immediately identified.
The property for sale is a well-built two-story town house,
by Roger E. Moore the eastern half of a large structure on Summoner Court, just
off Marsh Street and about 300 feet from the Marsh Gate.
([email protected])
The western half of the structure is a three-story home (not
©1997 TSR, Inc. TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All
for sale) owned by a leatherworking family, their own
Rights Reserved. dwelling separated from the eastern town house by a 2-foot-
thick fire wall. No passages through the fire wall exist. The
References required: 1989 City of Greyhawk boxed set leatherworking family has no small children, and all
(CoGH), including the Folk, Feuds, and Factions booklet members are said to be quiet and keep to themselves.
(FFF/page number) and Gem of the Flanaess booklet
(GotF/page number). The town house for sale is said to be about 60 years old, a
post-and-beam structure with a stone foundation, stone-
Part 1: The Worst-Kept Secret reinforced first-floor walls, and no basement. Its exterior
dimensions are reported to be 70 feet east-west by 50 feet

n the spring of 585 C.Y., a legal notice is quietly circulated north-south, with one door on the east side. (The three-story
among a few dozen individuals in the Free City of family home on the west side is slightly smaller but has a
Greyhawk - among them at least one player character. The workshop on its far western side.) Thick rock is said to lie
notice first appears on a wall outside the governing offices below the house for several yards at least.
in the Guildhall of the Guild of Wizardry, then it is privately
copied by hand and passed among some wizards, legal The exterior is thick white plaster over oak timber, without
workers, and adventurers elsewhere in the city. The original cracks and well insulated from mild winter temperatures. The
notice has the city's coat of arms carefully reproduced on the peaked roof is covered with green-black slate, with four
top, and it and its copies read as follows: minor gables per side and a single large chimney in the
center, leading up from insulated fireplaces on the first and
"Be it known to all from the offices of the honorable Guild of second floors. (The second floor is more of a finished attic,
Lawyers and Scribes of the Free City of Greyhawk that a originally set up as a bedroom, study, and storeroom.) A
private auction of land within these city walls is hereby second, smaller chimney pipe pierces the roof on the south
scheduled to take place on the 1st of Flocktime, 585. Sealed side from a second-story bedroom heating stove. A single
bids for the property must be submitted to the First Secretary iron-banded oak door leads to the outside on the first floor.
at the Master's Office at the Guildhall of Wizards before The town house has a number of small windows on both
sunset of that day; the property will be awarded to the floors, reported to contain glassteel panes. A single staircase
submitter of the winning bid on the 2nd of Flocktime at noon. links the first and second floors on the house's eastern side. A
Details on the property may be received by simple inquiry at dumbwaiter leads from the first-floor kitchen to the upstairs
the Master's Office from the First Secretary." bedroom.

The auction is obviously being handled in an unusually The town house has been enchanted to block all sounds
discrete manner; the notice is not posted anywhere else in originating from outside the house from entering it, and vice
public, and those who pass the notice along usually ask that it versa. Also, the person reading the house description says
be kept confidential (though, of course, everyone seems to that the house has water and sewage systems "up to Guild
keep passing the notice on to everyone that they know). The standards," clearly implying that magical systems operate
overseer of the sealed-bid auction is not given in writing but here. Such systems are not uncommon in the dwellings of
is rumored to be none other than the master of the Guild of wizards. No other enchantments or enhancements are
Lawyers and Scribes, Sir Anton Palmirian, of the City's detailed. Again, the previous owner of the house is not
Directing Oligarchy (FFF/34). This last rumor is impossible named, and the reader has no idea who it was.
to confirm from any source. (The guildmaster of the Guild of The house is currently under guard and cannot be inspected
Wizardry, by the way, is Kieren Jalucian -- FFF/16). until after the sale is complete. This is very irregular, but this
Anyone who goes to the Wizard's Guildhall (building H13 on term cannot be altered. From the description of the house,
the map of the city from the CoGH set) and asks for details however, any native of the City of Greyhawk could find the
on the property receives a detailed verbal briefing on it. The house with ease. Any long-time native of the city will also
speaker is indeed the First Secretary, a middle-aged zero- know almost immediately who owned it (see following), but
level male human scribe named Erojen Dwir. Under his dull- outsiders probably won't.
colored outfit, Erojen wears an amulet of proof against
Word-of-mouth from sources outside the Guildhall is that The guild's papers reveal that the town house was built onto
bidding should not fall below 20,000 gp to have a chance of the western half of the structure, the original home, in 524
succeeding. This seems like an exceptional amount for a C.Y. It was owned by the middle-class leatherworking family
dwelling, though it is within the city walls and is noted to be and was intended to bring in extra money as a weaver's
of high quality. business, run by two brothers, but this was discontinued in
530 when several members of the family died during a minor
On the map of the City of Greyhawk from the CoGH box, the
outbreak of food poisoning. The add-on residence was then
building being sold is identified as R15 (GotF/83), on the
used to store leatherworking goods, then was sold as a town
southern end of the River Quarter. The single door into the
house for 12,500 gp to a retired brewer and his family in 556,
house is unlocked but has a wizard lock on it from an 18th-
who then sold the residence to Otiluke in 573 for an
level archmage. Four fighters from the City Watch patrol the
undisclosed sum. (The papers are marked "based on separate
area around the house at all times to prevent any looting or
agreement" here.) Otiluke is noted as having moved to the
defacing of the house. Various patrols pass by this area fairly
City of Greyhawk from an unknown location in that year; it
often, as the DM desires. (See FFF/10-11.)
is possible that he was born here and merely moved back
Sergeants-at-Arms (4): AC 2 (chainmail +1, Dex 15); MV after long years of adventuring, but this is not clear. The
12; F3; hp 21 each; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type brewer and his family moved to an undisclosed location
(long sword +1, Str 17); AL LN-N; 80% likely to be human, outside the city.
10% dwarf, 10% half-elf. If strongly attacked, the guards
Tax information on the house and its occupants is not
have been instructed to retreat but alert the full Watch, which
available in this adventure. This information is closely
will summon heavy reinforcements for a counterattack.
guarded by the Greyhawk Revenue Service (GRS, FFF/13),
Intruders are to be arrested, chained or tied, and brought to
and any long-time or native Greyhawk resident knows
the nearest Watch House for questioning.
enough to never, ever, fool with the GRS. Nothing more can
With a little further probing among members of the Guild of be learned from the Guild of Lawyers and Scribes, either.
Wizardry or neighbors around the dwelling (or asking the Persistent inquiries in either direction are sure to bring doom
right player character, who may already know the house at on the inquirer in the form of a tax investigation that
the DM's option), the previous owner can be learned. The threatens to reduce the character to the status of a beggar. No
house in question is the former dwelling of the famed City information on the house can be gained from the Thieves'
Oligarch, President of the Society of Magi, and recently Guild, either, though it seems obvious that the guild had
revealed member of the Circle of Eight - the late, great nothing to gain by trying to rob someone in the city's
Otiluke. government. All thieves were encouraged to avoid the place
at all costs, as Otiluke was not only a government member
Talking to the Neighbors but volatile, vengeful, and dangerous in the extreme. Any PC
The DM should allow for a period of time before the sealed- thief who is a member of this guild will know this
bid auction in order for interested adventurers to investigate information.
the deal. They can personally go to the house being sold, but Any character who explores the neighborhood where the
they will not be admitted by the guards, who can't get past the town house stands learns some interesting facts. As noted
wizard lock anyway. Inspection of the outside is permitted. earlier, the house stands in the western side in the River
Clever characters might break into the house by other means, Quarter, though in the relatively peaceful southern end of that
a possibility that will be addressed later and can be allowed. notorious district. The house is very close to the local Temple
A very clever character might think about talking to someone of Trithereon the Summoner (for which the dead-end
at the City of Greyhawk's Guild of Architects and residential street is named). The temple has a huge bell in a
Stonemasons (FFF/30, GotF/74). It is nearly impossible for tower that gongs hourly for 1d4 minutes on Godsday, from
just anyone to get access to the housing plans and records dawn to midnight, normally gonging once per day at sunset
here, as they are locked away in a hidden room on the second for 1d6 minutes. Many Trithereon worshipers live around this
floor, in a false wall behind one meeting room. Ruling out a area, as no one else can stand the noise. It is not unusual to
direct assault on the guildhall (A1 on the City of Greyhawk meet an assortment of low-level Sacred Daughters, Hopeful
map), an adventurer might be able to use magical or mundane Initiates, and so on during the day, going about their
disguises, charm spells, ESP, teleportation, and so forth to get business, along with some stray dogs and cats, peddlers,
nonviolent access to the data on the house. (An interior washerwomen, playing children, street patrols, farmers and
description will be presented later.) The plans for Otiluke's fishermen heading for the Marsh Gate, etc. The area is zoned
home are here in general detail and dimensions, minus all for small shops and family dwellings, and nearby shops
furniture placement and room use, of course. Side notes on include a bakery, tavern, two small warehouses, and the
the house's owners, with several papers filed for business leatherworking family's small sales room.
zoning (for tax purposes), are included with the house plans. Talking to most neighbors quickly reveals their anti-
authority, anti-law, anti-Pholtus, borderline-troublesome
Trithereon activism. Though friendly, most neighbors are
highly opinionated. Unless the questioner loves heated magical lessons. Though verbally abusive, he was never seen
debates on politics and religion, it is best to keep questions to strike her. She appeared eager to please him, but he offered
focused. A few mercantile neighbors are followers of her no visible affection. This further lessened his image in the
Zilchus, others of St. Cuthbert and other gods; these are eyes of the neighbors; there was talk about quietly
generally less annoying, too. (A couple of neighbors could be complaining to someone in authority about his behavior, but
minor thieves who never dared "check out" Otiluke's home; a nothing was done. Who complains about such a powerful
player character thief from Greyhawk might know one of wizard who is part of the government? Besides, Glorial was a
these NPCs and gain some information in this way.) wizard, too, and she should take care of her own life, it was
The following tidbits of information may be gained from
random neighbors here. The DM can pass along this  Otiluke vanished for a few months a few years ago
information depending on questions asked or simply based around 581-582, when some of the other great wizards of
on Charisma, time spent in the area, disguises used, etc. Greyhawk were rumored to have been slain by a dangerous
being (Vecna himself, it is said in low whispers). He was not
 Otiluke purchased his home here in mid-573. (The date known then to have been a member of the Circle of Eight,
given may vary by up to 5 years, depending on the speaker's though this news is known to many now following his death
memory.) The wizard claimed at the time to be almost 30. He in Harvester of last year. It is thought that Otiluke was
lived there with a few minor servants (the numbers varied himself slain at this time; Glorial shut herself in the house for
from three to six) and, from 580 on, a young female human two weeks, and suddenly Otiluke was back. The earliest
apprentice named Glorial, who simply moved in one day memory anyone has of his reappearance is that he simply
with almost no possessions. walked out of the house with Glorial and left, as if nothing
 Otiluke was a young, very short, weak-looking individual had happened. The neighbors thought he had managed
who had short black hair, a thin beard, and brown eyes. He somehow to bring himself back from the dead, and they were
dressed well in a variety of clothing, but the thinness of his suitably impressed. (Cloning and time travel are the means
arms and legs was often secretly remarked upon by those usually mentioned for his "revivification" by more
who saw him. He stood just over 5 feet tall and was 41 years intellectual sorts, who have no evidence on which to base
old in Harvester 584, when he was slain by Rary in the their theories.) Otiluke's temper improved for a while during
horrible battle before the signing of the Treaty of Greyhawk. this time, then worsened again to his former state.
He was slain only a month before his 42nd birthday, which  Otiluke had on several occasions briefly invited
fell in early Patchwall. (He was born in 542.). He never tradesmen into his home for business purposes only (getting a
celebrated his birthday in public. new rug, fixing furniture, etc.); he always warned them to
 Everyone around appreciated having a powerful and never touch or steal anything. Various stories tell that
reasonably reliable wizard living nearby, especially given Otiluke's home once contained many art objects, mirrors,
that he was eventually made one of the city's Oligarchs and trinkets, etc., most made of highly reflective silver. He had
the president of the city's Society of Magi. However, Otiluke bragged that his collection of valuables was worth tens of
was not well liked, as he was often rude and insulting; thousands of gold orbs. Everyone had heard of Otiluke's habit
neighbors variously describe him as touchy, cruel-tongued, of tracking down and destroying any thief who dared steal
threatening, and "a really nasty little @#$%$^&$#!!!" He from his home, which had only a lock on the front door to
rarely smiled and often seemed angry at something. Still, for protect the valuables scattered on shelves and tables around
his powers and the sense of security he brought the small area the first floor. (He often bragged of this, too.) The last time
around his home, he was well tolerated. such a thing had happened was about 581, when a half-elf is
 Glorial, Otiluke's apprentice, is thought to have moved to rumored to have been frozen to death by Otiluke's spells
Greyhawk from Dyvers. She was very short, under 5 feet tall, outside the city walls for stealing a jeweled cup. Some
a little on the heavy side, with green eyes and long dirty neighbors suspect that Otiluke actually hoped for a theft,
blonde hair generally described as wavy, frizzy, or thick. daring others to give him an excuse to attack them with some
Reasonably attractive and cheerful, she was widely believed new spell he'd invented. There is no proof of this, of course,
to be much more than a mere apprentice to Otiluke. Several but the suspicion is strong. Other neighbors simply believe
neighbors recall that she was rumored to have been his lover; Otiluke relied on his reputation to keep his home safe, not
it appears that several of Otiluke's servants, with some going out of the way to seek trouble but taking any
discomfort, admitted such a relationship existed between the opportunity to expand his fame and prove his powers.
two wizards. Glorial was often heard to complain to friends The Events of Harvester 14, 584 C.Y., about Noon
and acquaintances about how little money she had, and the
public supposition was that she managed to find "other ways" The following story is one that must be compiled from
to pay for her tutoring in magic. The relationship was widely numerous sources after considerable questioning by player
believed loveless. Glorial appeared subservient in Otiluke's characters. Otiluke's former neighbors do not like talking
presence, and he was sometimes seen shouting at her about about this episode for many reason, not the least of which is
one matter or another in public, usually involving her the potential threat to their lives offered by those who raided
Otiluke's home. The DM should paraphrase this material if an Otiluke's house was found to have been stripped of nearly all
NPC is questioned, adding embellishments or minor twists as its many valuables. The body of the one attacker, a male
desired. human, was removed; nothing is known of its disposition. No
harm was done to the leatherworking family's residence next
On the day that Otiluke was murdered, a large squad of men
door, leading many to suppose the attackers had special
in medium armor (chain mail) rode up to Otiluke's home
knowledge of Otiluke's quarters and knew where to go and
from Marsh Street, having assembled at some point in the
what to do. City officials were tight lipped about other
northern end of the River Quarter. Some 18-20 were counted
details, and they kept the house under heavy guard for weeks.
by onlookers. They used some sort of device, possibly
magical, to swiftly break down the front door, then many Glorial moved out of the area that evening, staying at a
charged inside while others stood guard outside, attacking guarded inn elsewhere in the city for weeks afterward. She
with swords anyone who came close. An old beggar and two refused to speak to anyone about the event, except for official
minor followers of Trithereon were killed by the attackers, investigators and a few trusted neighbors. The Guild of
and all onlookers were threatened with death if they spoke of Wizardry issued a statement that completely cleared her of
this to anyone. The men spoke a foreign language that one any complicity in the attack on Otiluke's home, the guild
onlooker, a baker, recognized as Baklunish, though they wore going so far as to commend her for her courage in resisting
armor and clothing typical of the city of Greyhawk. Their the attack, reflecting that she resisted three armed men and
faces were partially covered by their helmets. killed one while armed only with a common dagger and no
The men looted the house in record time, mounting their
horses and fleeing within 10 minutes of their arrival. The last Anyone hunting for Glorial now might ask about her at the
two men leaving the house were seen running; they appeared Guild of Wizardry. Glorial is said by the membership office
to have been in a fight with someone inside as they had been of the guild to have left the city for Dyvers during Needfest
wounded and were bleeding. All escaping men carried off 585, earlier this year, to an undisclosed address. The guild
sacks and packs full of valuable items, waving some things in has respected her request for privacy following her mentor's
the air as trophies of their raid. The men rode out of the city death. Rumors and gossip about her have dried up, though
through Marsh Gate, surprising the soldiers there and there was a brief flurry about her right after Otiluke was
wounding three. Their ultimate destination was not known killed, wondering what she would do with no place to go.
then. It is known now that they were working for Rary, who There was and is very little said here about her relationship
slew Otiluke, and it is widely supposed they are now working with Otiluke; it is simply not regarded as being anyone's
for Rary in the Bright Desert. business but theirs.
The five servants (three male, two female) who worked for The leatherworking family has stayed on next door to
Otiluke at the time were all slain by the men who looted his Otiluke's former home, though sometimes rumors surfaced
home. They were local people, all elderly. Their bodies have that one or more of them were involved in Otiluke's death -
long since been buried. Glorial, his apprentice, was at home charges that have long since been proven false by a variety of
that morning. From her words to neighbors later, she had means. Clerics and followers of Trithereon now patrol this
been upstairs when the men attacked. She had snatched up a area more often than before, challenging anyone who looks
dagger to defend herself, as she was magically unprepared even vaguely suspicious and calling for the watch at the drop
and her spells for the day were not offensive in nature. (She of a hat. A huge street fight with a merchant wagon guarded
was studying divination spells and had not finished learning by clerics of Pholtus came about in Sunsebb 584; two people
her full range of spells for the day, as she had not planned to were killed, six were injured, and five (including three of the
leave the house.) In the ensuing melee, she killed one attacker injured) were jailed. The city government has since come
and wounded two others, driving the men from the second down and told everyone to keep the peace here or face worse
floor, though one man (the one she later slew) managed to punishments.
throw a device into Otiluke's workroom that detonated and
Several neighbors recall that in Patchwall, 584 (just a week
destroyed his workshop. Glorial was battered and wounded
after what would have been Otiluke's 42nd birthday), a famed
herself in the fight, but was treated by several minor clerics
gnome warrior and spellcaster came to visit and inspect the
of Trithereon who arrived on the scene as the men were
grounds of Otiluke's home. He was Imiric von Suss-Varren, a
powerful count from the Principality of Ulek and until
Curiously, despite Glorial's story of a device detonating in recently a henchman of Otiluke. He had retired from
Otiluke's workroom, no explosion was heard within the house Otiluke's service shortly after the Vecna affair less than five
by onlookers, and no one saw flames, light, or smoke within years earlier, and he had recently been directly involved in
the home. No one dared enter the home until a Special Patrol fighting against the so-called Orc Empire of the Pomarj,
Group (FFF/11) entered it an hour later that afternoon, which had invaded and taken his ancestral lands in the Suss
backed by several extra wizards from the Guild of Wizardry, Marches. The gnome seemed saddened and very weary, but
after securing the area. said little to anyone as he inspected the house in the company
of the Greyhawk Watch and two wizards from the Guild. He
apparently spoke with Glorial at her inn room; the Speaking of Glorial, it may also seem odd to some that a very
conversation (which was not overheard) seemed to anger short and nonathletic wizard with a dagger was able to fend
him, as he left the city in an ill humor soon thereafter, off three armed men, wounding two and killing one. If
returning to the Principality of Ulek. anyone wishes to pursue this line of inquiry, the documents
section at the Courts of Justice (H12) contain a few public
The town house and Otiluke's belongings are now believed
files, written in Common, describing the attack on Otiluke's
by all to belong to local relatives of Otiluke, left to them in
home. Of interest is a long, handwritten statement by Glorial,
his will. These relatives have not been seen around the house,
describing the events of that day. Anyone making an
and to everyone's knowledge they have not inspected the
Intelligence check while reading the document notes that
place nor taken up residence there. Their names and
Glorial refers to her weapon at the time as an old dagger that
addresses are not known. It is suspected they are in hiding or
she snatched from a shelf of Otiluke's collectibles as the
laying low to avoid being targeted by Rary or other enemies
attackers came up the stairs. She does not say where she put
of Otiluke in the future. It seems logical to all.
the blade later.
DM's Note: It is entirely possible for adventurers, even ones
A separate report from a constable on the scene described
involved in attempts to buy Otiluke's town house, to take on
Glorial's appearance on his arrival at the house, saying she
other adventures prior to the 1st of Flocktime, 585. In fact,
was "wild-eyed," breathing heavily and on the verge of
this is probably the best way to conduct this adventure,
hysteria, and was so greatly splattered with blood across her
letting it build as it rolls along between other activities. The
arms, face, chest, and legs that it was not possible to tell if
investigation into the circumstances surrounding Otiluke's
she herself had been injured or if the blood was from her
life and death can go on even long after the sale of the house;
attackers. She held a long, blood-covered dagger in her left
the DM should keep this information on hand and distribute
hand; the constable allowed her to keep the blade, as no need
it as required, as trouble threatens or develops later.
was felt to examine it or keep it as evidence. The constable
Loose Ends and Odd Trails knew her and did not suspect anything more than self-defense
in the matter. No further reference to the dagger appears in
It may strike one or more PCs as odd that the First Secretary the reports, except in the commendation from the Guild of
at the Guildhall of Wizardry, the scribe named Erojen Dwir, Wizardry referring to Glorial's remarkable defense of herself
was unable to identify the previous owner of the property. while so poorly armed. The dagger is not named in a list of
Surely he would have known Otiluke personally, and he evidence gathered from the scene of the attack.
would surely have known where Otiluke lived. If this
question is brought to the Guildhall's offices, the inquirer is In the list of evidence, however, mention is made of "One
stiffly informed that the First Secretary was merely corpse, h ma, bak? 35? chain (swd. recvd), multiple stab
presenting the information on the town house in the manner wounds -- hold for A&I." Any clerk will translate this as
requested by the current seller, who is not identified. It might referring to a human male's body, possibly Baklunish
be hinted that the First Secretary was put under some form of (probably judging from his complexion and looks), about 35
temporary forget-type spell to block out knowledge of the years old, wearing chain mail armor; his sword was
house's owner. Why this was felt necessary when the house's recovered with the body. He died from multiple stab wounds.
owner could be determined in other ways is never made The body was being held for an autopsy (A) and
clear; this was a stipulation of the seller, the inquirer is told interrogation (I) by clerical spells, probably by a priest
again. The identity of the seller is to be made clear at the final working for the Watch.
sale meeting, though the implication is that the seller is one A later paper entitled "Report on Rary's Brigand" is very
or more members of Otiluke's surviving family. (DM's Note: brief, noting that the man died of approximately a dozen or
The seller, Otiluke's cousin, is being extremely cautious, so stab wounds to the face, neck, and chest. He had also been
perhaps paranoid; more later, but be aware this red herring cut multiple times on the hands and arms, as if trying to
can be exploited if followed.) defend himself while unarmed from a knife-wielder. The
Otiluke's membership in the Circle of Eight was revealed paper is signed "S. Gobayuik," the current guildmaster of the
immediately after the raid on his home by his apprentice, Guild of Embalmers and Gravediggers (FFF/33, GotF/82),
Glorial, in speaking with the investigators on the scene. This who was brought in especially for this case. Questioning the
revelation, combined with the already common knowledge of half-orc guildmaster produces little new information, except
Otiluke's position as an Oligarch and President of the Society that it was his decided impression (conveyed to the listener
of Magi, caused a lid of secrecy to be clamped down over the with an amused wink) that most of the worst wounds were
investigation into the raid. Imiric von Suss-Varren, the famed apparently inflicted while the man lay on the ground
count of the Principality of Ulek, also confirmed Otiluke's wounded. "Must have rubbed the little sorceress wrong, eh?"
secret. Mordenkainen has had no public comment on the he adds with a rude laugh. "Mean little minx, eh?" He finds
matter, except to express his sorrow at the tragic deaths of the situation merely amusing.
Otiluke and Tenser, and his rage at Rary. A final paper, also very brief, is entitled, "Results of Spiritual
Interrogation of the Deceased Bandit" and signed by Derider
Fanshen (the chief Constable of Greyhawk and a powerful at night on errands, traveling in groups of four though
cleric of Pelor; FFF/10). The paper merely says, scattered as if unrelated to one another. Anyone who attacks
"Inconclusive, no response." If anyone manages to speak one woman will be attacked by all four, who are heavily
with Derider Fanshen about this, she says she got no armed, well armored, and motivated to kill evil-doers.
responses from the corpse to her use of a speak with dead
As a general rule, bidders will not attempt to harass other
spell. She has no idea why the spell didn't work, but notes
potential bidders, except in the case of evil or highly
that it happens sometimes. (Read the spell's description in the
aggressive folk like the ex-Falcon cult member (a killer) or
Player's Handbook.)
the Trithereon clerics (who will constantly and boldly attempt
Uncommon Commoners to talk bidders out of bidding on the property, attempting to
convert them to Trithereon at the same time). Amounts being
The DM should create about a half-dozen varied nonplayer considered for bidding are never discussed, though they are
characters interested in submitting bids on the late Otiluke's generally in the 15,000-30,000 gp range. (An ESP spell will
property. Most have no ulterior motive in doing so - at least, help reveal this information, of course.)
no ulterior motives involving the PCs. The PCs can discover
the identities of these people just by asking about town; the The leatherworking family, the Skimmins, is not interested in
sale of the property becomes a widespread rumor within a buying back the town house, but is very worried about the
couple of weeks after it is first announced. Some bidders kind of people who will buy it and become their neighbors.
likewise are motivated to secretly find out who is bidding The family members will not permit anyone to enter their
against them. Suggested NPCs bidders include: living quarters on the upper floors of their home, though
anyone can enter their one-room leather goods shop on the
 A LN hill dwarf warrior, retired, hoping to start a mining first floor of their three-story house. The Skimmins are well-
and prospecting business using a teleporting device that will to-do and work hard, cautious and close-mouthed these days
take him directly to the Cairn Hills and back without error. around people they don't know, like adventurers. Their
He came to the city from Greysmere a decade ago and has leather goods are of high quality, and if any adventurers
many trade connections. befriend the Skimmins, the family will offer a 20% discount
 A group of five very-low-level, middle-class wizards on leather goods to those persons.
(good and neutral alignments) hoping to buy the house A week before the bidding date of the house (during the last
collectively and live there while they pursue their studies at week of Planting), rumors circulate that the current owner of
the College of Magical Arts. One is a half-elf wizard/thief the house is Otiluke's sole first cousin, a scribe named
also interested in checking Otiluke's old home for hidden Lanharden. This rumor is true; Lanharden, a paranoid,
compartments, buried maps and treasure, etc. unmarried, middle-aged man who lives in Clerkburg, is
 A NE middle-aged human merchant, working out a deal concerned that not enough people are bidding on the
to turn the first floor of the house into a shop for various property. (The town house was left to him in Otiluke's will,
goods from Nyrond. The merchant was once a minor cult read shortly after it was determined that Otiluke's clones were
member of the notorious Falcon, who terrorized Greyhawk destroyed.) As a result, Lanharden has decided to take the
less than a decade before. If the players have played through enormous risk (from his viewpoint) of spreading the word
the WGA1-3 Falcon series, they will not recognize him as he that the property is for sale. He had originally asked that his
was away from the city when the cult was (assumedly) name as owner be withheld from the sale information, and he
destroyed. If WGA1-3 have not been played, the cult is has taken every opportunity to prevent his name from
assumed to have been destroyed by other adventurers, but reaching the public's ear, but now he just wants to be rid of
again this man escaped. He secretly hopes to find a way to the place. Lanharden thinks he might be targeted for
revive, free, or otherwise bring back the Falcon (depending assassination by Otiluke's enemies, and he wishes to divest
on her ultimate fate). He is a low-level thief willing to kill to himself of all properties owned by his cousin in hopes of
get his way. making his "elimination" unnecessary. Lanharden has
 A neutral Baklunish carpet and furniture merchant, newly nothing to fear; no one really cares about him or wants to
arrived in the city with hopes of exposing the east to the harm him, though of course the PCs need not know this.
marvels of high-quality Kettite products, and thus make his Looking for Lanharden's imagined enemies can sidetrack
fortune. them for some time; his paranoid thinking is quite complex,
and some of his suspicions sound reasonable.
 Eight female followers of Trithereon, hoping to turn the
town house into a religious public house and thus bring in PCs can find and speak with Lanharden (a zero-level LN
more converts. They also secretly plan to use the house as human), who keeps all talk focused on selling the house and
their base of operations against thugs and other not on recalling the deeds or words of his cousin. He comes
"troublemakers" (including clerics of Pholtus) in the southern across as anxious, tense, untrusting, pressured, compulsive,
half of the River Quarter, as all four women are highly and lacking in many social skills (asks rude personal
militant mid-level priests, two being dual-classed fighters. questions, has obnoxious laugh, constantly complains about
They will pose as defenseless beggars or housewives out late everything, etc.). The loss of his cousin was a bit of a blow,
but Otiluke had been killed before and returned from the stalker only 1d4 rounds later. This summoning spell effect
dead, and Lanharden suspects Otiluke will return again will be canceled by a wizard from the Guild of Wizardry
someday, when it is least expected - in the grand tradition of once the house sale is completed. The successful casting of
many wizards. Lanharden personally thinks that anyone dispel magic on the fireplace of the first and second floors
stupid enough to mess with magic is risking horrible death, (one spell per floor, vs. 18th-level spell use) will also cancel
and Otiluke's fate is full proof of this. Oddly, Otiluke had this effect. This automatic summoning repeats as often as
never invited Lanharden to his home; Lanharden would never necessary, one stalker per person. No alarm is sent to anyone
have accepted (wizards' homes are dangerous places, he in the city if an intruder appears.
believes), and so he was not offended. Lanharden knows
Interestingly, any sounds of battle inside the house will never
nothing about Otiluke's personal business or possessions,
reach the outside, as the inside of the house walls and roof
though he knew about Glorial and with a sneer calls her a
were magically soundproofed by Otiluke to block out the
"magic tart." He never knew Otiluke was in the Circle of
noise from the temple bell of Trithereon only a block away,
Eight, but this knowledge only confirms to him that wizards
and to prevent outsiders from spying on his personal
who mess with powerful magic make powerful enemies, and
conversations. Flashes of light and fire inside, however, have
should expect to die at any moment.
an 80% chance per round of being noticed, drawing
On the Outside Looking In immediate attention as guards summon more guards, wizards,
etc. to their aid. The inside walls and ceilings radiate faint
Adventurers inspecting the outside of Otiluke's house might alteration magic as a result.
try to peer in the windows, but the four guards, of course,
discourage this. However, the guards cannot detect magically Invisible Stalker (1+): AC 3; MV 12, Fl 12(A); HD 8; hp 40
invisible persons. There are six first-floor windows on the each; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg 4d4; SA invisible, -6 penalty
south side of the house and six on the north side; an unused on surprise rolls of victims who cannot detect invisibility; SD
trellis partially covers one window on the south side, the attackers unable to detect invisibility have -2 penalty to
fourth over from the left (west). (The trellis is the doorlike attack rolls; MR 30%; SZ L (8 feet tall); AL N
structure seen on the house's south side in Valerie Valusek's Exterior of the Town House
color artwork showing the City of Greyhawk, from the City
of Greyhawk boxed set.) The window sills on the first floor The town house is about 60 years old, a post-and-beam
are about 3 feet 6 inches off the ground. The east side of the structure with a stone foundation, stone-reinforced first-floor
town house has two windows and the only door (wizard walls, and no basement (except for a section in the western
locked at 18th level). On the second floor, a single window is half, noted later). Its exterior dimensions are about 70 feet
set in each of the four southern gables and four northern east-west by 50 feet north-south, with one door on the east
gables. A single window peers from the east side on the side. (The three-story family home on the west side is slightly
second floor. Each window has a single glassteel pane that smaller but has a workshop on its far western side.) Thick
extends about a foot into the stone or wooden wall on all rock lies below the house for 15 feet, turning into stone-filled
sides, making them impossible to remove or open. A window earth below that until limestone bedrock is reached 30 feet
is typically about 2 feet wide and 3 feet high, with some below the surface.
minor variations from this size. The exterior is thick white plaster over oak timber, without
Each windowpane radiates faint alteration magic and saves as cracks and well insulated from mild winter temperatures. Ivy
if solid steel. It is not known now to anyone living (except has not been allowed to grow up the walls to this point; grass
Glorial), but if someone touches a window and says "close" and colorful weeds grow right up to the sides of the house.
or "black" in Common, the window goes completely dark, The peaked roof is covered with green-black slate, with four
allowing no one outside to see in. (Light, however, will still minor gables per side and a single large chimney in the
enter the house through the window.) This effect is one-way center, leading up from insulated fireplaces on the first and
only, so someone inside could still see perfectly well looking second floors. A second, smaller chimney pipe pierces the
out. Touching the window and saying "open" or "light" will roof on the south side from a second-story bedroom heating
return the window to normal. This twist was added by stove. Old birds' nests and dropping appear here and there
Otiluke shortly after he purchased the home. across the roof, particularly on the gables. A wasp nest would
not be out of place here, to surprise PC thieves.
Adventurers might have access to spells or powers allowing
them to pass through the house's walls and make a quiet First Floor Interior
inspection unseen. This is entirely possible, though this The DM should get a piece of graph paper to sketch out the
possibility was foreseen by the surviving members of the following (one square = 10 feet). The layout need not be
Circle of Five, who wished to protect Otiluke's home from exact, so long as the DM knows where everything is. The
wizard marauders or looters, particular ones sent by Rary, town house walls are about 1 foot thick and so have little
Iuz, or other enemies of the city or the Circle. Each person impact on the interior layout. The first-floor walls are of
who suddenly and visibly appears in the home while the front stone; the second floor walls are of wood. The first floor's
door has the wizard lock on it will be attacked by an invisible floor is of flat, fitted and mortared stones (tan or gray), each
piece about 4 square feet in size and 3 inches thick, with 10-by-5-foot food preparation tables, several racks for
large carpets in some places; the second floor's floor is wood holding pots, and a long, 2-foot-wide foot larder/cabinet
with a few large carpets. Carpets are much worn, of local against the southern portion of the west wall. All food has
manufacture, and usually about 20 feet by 10 feet; the DM been removed from this area by those cleaning up the house
may design and place them as desired. Several look like they after the attack last year. The central fireplace on the west
are stylized treasure maps, but they are not. side has openings for baking or cooking. Four average
wooden chairs are present, apparently moved together in a
The first floor is 70 feet east-west by 50 feet north-south. In
bunch when the house was being cleaned. The floor in the
the center of the east wall is the door; it opens inward with
southwestern part of the house has several large, faint stains
the hinges on the southern edge of the door (on the left side,
on it, mostly removed by scrubbing; these are old
to someone facing the door on the outside, facing west). The
bloodstains, where Otiluke's five housekeepers fled and were
ceiling is about 9 feet high; the second floor is about 1 foot
massacred during the attack by Rary's men.
thick, made from heavy wood. In the center of the first floor
is a large fired-brick-and-stone fireplace with an oval shape, Against the center of the western wall is a 10-foot-wide
about 8 feet wide north-south by 6 feet wide east-west. It (north-south) by 5-foot-wide (east-west) walled-off space.
goes straight up through the second floor to the roof. The The southern 5-by-5-foot section turns out to be a toilet room
fireplace radiates alteration and conjuration/summoning with wash basin (no towels). The inside of the room has been
magic, the latter the result of the invisible stalker summoning enchanted to have absolutely no odor; this effect is
spell. The former is a permanent spell Otiluke had another permanent. (It comes from a set of "homebuilding" spells
wizard place on the fireplace when he moved in, causing sometimes used by the Guild of Architects and Stonemasons,
gentle air circulation throughout the house on both floors, placed by wizards hired by that guild for high-paying
circling around the fireplace. This wind-movement spell, a clients.) The toilet is a 2-foot-square box with a wooden seat;
minor one, also cools the air and allows fresh air to enter water flows inside it once the door is shut, washing wastes
through the chimney when not in use. This keeps the house away to a 5-by-5-foot copper-lined space below the floor
from going "stale" because the windows cannot be opened. where a small-sized gelatinous cube is housed. It cannot
Otherwise, the internal temperature of the house is not escape, but it consumes all nonmetallic wastes dropped onto
regulated; the fireplace provided all the warmth in cold it from the toilets and sinks above. (Cooks often dropped
weather. unwanted refuse down the toilets, too, and a few metallic
items of small value have collected here by accident.) The
The first floor has no interior walls, oddly enough. Otiluke
gelatinous cube is like the normal version except for having
had them all removed to form a huge interior space. Four
1/2 HD (4 hp) and 1/8th the volume of a normal 'cube. The
support pillars, each a 1-foot-thick wood beam, are on this
toilet room door has only a simple deadbolt lock. The sink
floor; each is positioned about 20 feet from either an east or
fills with warm, soapy water from its center when anything is
west wall and 10 feet from a north or south wall. The walls
placed in it, allowing for hands or utensils to be washed; the
are plastered and whitewashed white; the ceiling is dark
sink empties after five minutes of disuse, the water draining
wood. Light streams in primarily from the southern windows;
down to the 'cube. The water appears to be created or brought
all windows on this floor are spaced 10 feet apart on the
in from nowhere (another minor "house-building" spell). The
north and south walls, with no windows on the east or west
water is not fit to drink, being soapy.
walls. Again, the fourth window over from the left on the
south wall is partially blocked by the unused trellis outside. The northern 5-by-5-foot section turns out to house a
From the southern windows, one looks into the cluttered and dumbwaiter operated by a crank on the second floor. The
slightly trashy back yards of various buildings lining Marsh toilet door opens to the south in its section; the dumbwaiter
Street, with the Black Wall beyond (see the City of door opens to the east in its section. The dumbwaiter
Greyhawk city map); from the northern windows, a nicer platform can support up to 100 lbs. before the pulley at the
view of buildings lining Summoner Court is had, with the top of the shaft pulls loose. (Note: Immediately behind the
western city wall beyond. western wall by the toilet and dumbwaiter is a huge fireplace
used by the leatherworking family to heat their shop. This
The easternmost part of the first floor, which greets anyone
area thus stays very warm all year round.)
entering through the doorway, was the dining room. A 15-
foot by 5-foot nicely carved dining table is still here, though Second Floor Layout
with only a half-dozen average-quality chairs. Five small
The second floor is less wide than the first on its north-south
cabinets sit against the walls in this room; few objects are on
axis because of the sloping roof; it measures 40 feet north-
them (see later post for details). The curving wooden
south by 70 feet east-west, with a whitewashed-wood ceiling
stairway to the second floor is in the 10-by-10-foot square
truncated on the north and south sides except where the
just inside the house to the north of the entry door.
gables are. In the center of the second floor is a free-standing,
The northwest corner of the first floor has six wooden beds of brown, fired-brick fireplace (extending up from the first
average quality; all bedding material is gone, leaving only the floor) of rectangular shape, about 5 feet square. This goes
frames behind. The southwest corner of the first floor has two through the ceiling to the roof. The chimney opening from
the roof to the second floor fireplace is about 2 feet east-west having been tampered with (no secret doors, traps, etc.).
by 3 feet north-south; two 1-foot-wide masonry pipes lie Little dust is present.
behind the back wall of the fireplace, coming up from the
If the bed frame upstairs is moved, it becomes apparent that it
first-floor fireplace to open into the chimney above the
is much heavier than plain wood would warrant. The center
fireplace. The second-floor fireplace opens to the west.
of the bed turns out to be wood veneer over a metal
Numerous iron bars have been sunk into the chimney throat,
casketlike box about 6 feet long and just under 3 feet wide.
however, to prevent thieves from entering it; the resulting
The box is empty now (it is steel with a thin layer of lead
space through which a thief must squeeze is only about 1 foot
over it), but it has trace residue of some sort of yellowish
wide. A thin halfling or gnome could do it with minimal
alchemical material in the bottom. Neither the box nor the
clothing, a Dexterity check on 1d20 (to squeeze through),
bed radiate any magic. The box appears to have had a lock on
and a climbing roll. However, the chimney top recently has
it once, but that has been chiseled off.
been capped by a hastily built wooden plug with a wizard
lock (18th level) cast on it, sealing it from entry. (This will be The house appears to be missing a few things, which a PC
removed when the house is purchased.) might realize with an Intelligence check on 4d6. There is no
source of fresh water, no sign of a magic laboratory or
The second floor is divided into two halves, again with no
workshop, and (unless the PCs think about the casket built
interior walls. (The central fireplace marks the boundary
into the bed) no sign of a cloning device. Large cabinets used
between the eastern and western halves.) The eastern half has
to store clothing or valuable materials are missing. The PCs
the top half of the staircase in the northeastern corner, with
can guess that all the valuable furniture and materials were
more wall shelves and cabinets (mostly empty) and some
given to Otiluke's cousin. (He had all laboratory items
wooden chests (empty). The western half has a large wooden
destroyed or gave them away free to the Guild of Wizardry.)
bed frame with canopy, the elaborate headboard pushed
However, a modified decanter of endless water used in the
against a 10-foot-wide (north-south) by 5-foot-wide (east-
house will be given over to the house's new owners at the
west) walled-off space against the western wall. No bed
signing of the final deal (see later). There is no trace of an
mattress, sheets, etc. are present; the bed frame is a solid box
explosion on the second floor, though Glorial's manuscript
about 2 feet thick and the size of a modern king-size bed. The
specifically mentions that a thrown device was "detonated" in
southern 5-by-5-foot section is a toilet room just like the one
the upstairs laboratory. The PCs do not know that this
below, with a metal pipe taking wastes into the wall down to
statement is not quite correct; the device was very similar to a
the first floor and below. The northern 5-by-5-foot section is
rod of cancellation and destroyed Otiluke's cloning tank and
the top of the dumbwaiter, with its opening on the north side
all magical fluids and materials inside it. The tank was
of the walled-off section and a wall crank to raise and lower
cleaned out during the investigation, and it was recognized
then that Otiluke had no chance of being revived short of an
A small wood- or coal-burning stove sits against the south act of the gods. He had refused to allow any of his flesh to be
wall in the west half of the upstairs, between two gable taken by anyone for clone-making, knowing how such
windows. It does not look much used and is very clean. The material could also be used against him.
6-inch-diameter pipe going to the ceiling has much wire
mesh placed within it to keep out pests like squirrels, pixies, Remains of the Day
wasps, flies, etc. The windows on this floor are lined up in The following items can be found during a diligent search of
staggered order over the first-floor windows, so that the first, the interior of Otiluke's former home. These 12 items are
third, fourth, and sixth windows on the north and south sides numbered so the DM can randomly assign them to characters
of the first floor have gables on the second floor above them. as they search by rolling 1d12. One item can be found per
No form of lighting is apparent other than the windows. turn of searching per character, so three characters can find
(Otiluke had Glorial use light spells, or placed a few objects nine items in half an hour. (This, of course, assumes they
with continual light on them around the rooms.) Both floors have bright light to work by; double the rate of finding things
of the house have been searched, and the few obviously if less than daylight or continual light is used.) These items
valuable objects were removed and given later to Otiluke's were left behind by Lanharden, Otiluke's cousin, and by
cousin. Still, a few items are left in the house, things that others searching the house during the investigation, as the
Lanharden did not want and asked to be left behind (see items were either not noticed or seemed to be of little
later). importance.
A very careful search of the house with strong light sources 1. A kitchen drawer contains 4 forks (2 badly bent), 5 spoons
reveals a couple of anomalies. In the eastern half of the (2 bent), and a dull butter knife. The knife has an "O"
second floor is a stain in the wood near the stairway. This engraved in the handle on one side, probably for "Otiluke."
was a large pool of blood from the attacker that Glorial The tin kitchenware is badly corroded and in need of
killed, largely cleaned up now. This area also shows signs cleaning, but free of food particles. Also in the drawer is a
that some workbenches and tables were here before, but have worn wooden cutting board with deep grooves in it carved at
since been removed. The walls in the house show no signs of
random, apparently by sharp knives. The board has old 50 gp worth can be recovered after 5d4 turns of careful
(animal) bloodstains all over it. brushing and collection.
2. A 3"-long, 1/8"-thick tube of brass has been stuck into an 10. About 30 iron nails are stuck in the walls at various
upstairs carpet in such a way that it is not immediately places, where once pictures or ornaments were hung. The
visible. Only if the carpet is shaken or flipped will the nails are 2" long each and appear normal.
presence of the thin tube become apparent. The tube's ends
11. A total of seven worn, round, bronze zees (coins used in
are not sharp. It is not magical but makes a high chiming
the City of Greyhawk until discontinued in 579 C.Y.) can be
noise if held lightly and struck with metal or wood.
found here and there throughout the house, as the DM wishes
3. A small bowl of dull stone, about the size of a cupped to place them. Some are stuck in cracks in the wooden floor
hand, is found on a window sill on the north side of the upstairs, while others are covered by a bit of dust in corners
second floor. The unpolished bowl is of very primitive or even left out in the open (as no one will bother to pick
workmanship and appears to have been chipped out of gray, them up, the zee being worthless now). The zees have the
red-veined granite. It looks dirty and worthless. Under the mark of Zilchus (coin pouch and string tie) on one side and
bowl is a pale rectangle of paper, 2" x 1", whose handwritten the coat-of-arms of Greyhawk on the other (castle above six
note reads: coins arranged as a point-down triangle). Two of the zees
look like they were etched by a sharp instrument, perhaps a
#177 Artery Granite, ceremonial? Southern Jungles Galdin of
knife point, placing an assortment of outward-pointing
Monmurg 6/579
arrows and concentric circles over the side with the pouch of
The notation is in ink. Anyone familiar with Otiluke's Zilchus (which is flatter and smoother than the other side).
handwriting will recognize his scribble.
12. A pale rectangle of paper, 2" x 1", found on the
4. Two empty, open glass jars with traces of yellow powder southeastern side of the second floor, half-wedged into a
in them sit against the corner in the southwestern (kitchen) crack in the floorboards by a rug, reads:
side of the first floor. The yellow powder is corn meal.
#237 Obsidian, sacrificial? Yatils nr. Ket Rary 4/583
5. A crumpled slip of torn paper, 1" square, can be found
The notation is in ink. Anyone familiar with Otiluke's
against the west wall in what was Otiluke's second-floor
handwriting will recognize his scribble.
bedroom. The paper has some kind of drawing on it in black
ink. It appears to be a circle with 16 arrows radiating out With the Naked Eye
from it, and a mathematical notation. Any wizard or priest
who makes an Intelligence check on 4d6 recognizes the math The dozen sorts of items discovered in Otiluke's home might
as relating to the reduction in power or force per the inverse move the characters to investigate them further, with the
square of increasing distance. A wizard will also recognize following results. The DM can alter these results or add to
the note as likely a part of someone's spell research. The them if there is a chance the players have seen this material.
handwriting appears to be Otiluke's. Note that some information might not be available without
extensive use of divination spells, wishes, questioning,
6. A carved sphere of quartz crystal, 1/2" in diameter, is research, etc., as the DM determines to be logical within the
covered in ash in the fireplace on the second floor. The campaign.
sphere is worthless, being cracked, but it has a carefully
etched pattern on it like longitude and latitude lines. It does 1. Research on the kitchen drawer's tableware produces no
not radiate magic. results. The cutting board has old animal blood on it, from
meat from pigs, fish, poultry, and cattle. On one corner is
7. A brown-stained glass bottle, missing its stopper, sits in a carved the word "Bildig," the name of a cook/housekeeper
corner of a downstairs wall shelf. The bottle is about 3" high. who once worked for Otiluke. Bildig left Otiluke's service in
A wizard with any knowledge of alchemy will suspect the 580, forgetting her cutting board, and moved to Hardby, her
bottle held some kind of acid, probably for spell research or old home, where she died of natural causes in 584. This lead
as a spell component. goes nowhere, though Bildig's four adult grandchildren are
8. Behind a loose brick in the western side of the second- all low-level human adventurers in the Hardby area.
floor fireplace is a 2" x 2" square of lead crystal, with 2. The 3"-long, 1/8"-thick tube of brass that was stuck into an
magical runes etched along its edge on both sides. The crystal upstairs carpet is actually the material component for a spell.
radiates a faint aura of evocation and alteration magic. Also It was deliberately hidden in the carpet in the unlikely event
etched onto the crystal square (which is about 1/16" thick) is that Otiluke was kidnapped or imprisoned in his own home,
a circle with four arrows inside it, equally spaced and and needed a means of escaping bondage. The spell, Otto's
pointing toward the center. chime of release, is described in Greyhawk Adventures, page
9. A glittering, colorful dust found in most of the upstairs 65, but is reprinted here. Otiluke purchased the spell from
carpets on the east side turns out to be diamond dust. About Otto, a fellow wizard in the Circle of Eight, and hid a number
of these chimes around his home as a safeguard; all the others
were found and discarded after his death, when his home was print as the "Index"). Otiluke purchased the bowl from a Sea
cleaned for sale. No one has recognized the tiny chimes as Princes explorer named Galdin of Monmurg, in Wealsun 579
spell components, but any wizard who knows about the spell C.Y. Galdin vanished during the Greyhawk Wars and cannot
automatically knows what the chime is for. Anyone who be located now; he is likely a victim of the Scarlet
knows Otto himself might guess that the chime is connected Brotherhood. Questioning in Monmurg (if the Scarlet
with him, since Otto is well known for his love of music- Brotherhood can be avoided) will reveal that Galdin was a
based spells. footloose warrior who loved exploring the southern jungles;
he was on good terms with many tribesmen there and liked
Otto's Chime of Release exploring old ruins.
Level: 1 Out of the Aeons
Components: V, S, M The bowl was once used during vile religious ceremonies
Range: 60 yards held by a reptilian race ages ago in the Amedio Jungle. Its
Casting Time: 1 segment ancient magic has weakened greatly to the point that the item
Duration: 1 segment registers as nonmagical except during any night during which
Saving Throw: None Celene, the small aquamarine moon of Oerth, is completely
Area of Effect: One creature full. This occurs on the fourth (middle) night of each of the
Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, a delicate four main festivals of the Flanaess: Needfest (Midwinter),
chime rings out, the vibrations of which will release any form Growfest, Richfest (Midsummer), and Brewfest. At sundown
of nonmagical bonds holding a single creature or person. on each such night, the bowl suddenly radiates magic and
Ropes will be untied, chains and shackles loosened, leather becomes slowly invisible over the space of an hour, then
straps unbound, a gag undone, or a wooden stock will be remains invisible until before dawn, at which time it becomes
opened by the chime. The spell can even be used to release a visible again over an hour's time. Though the bowl is
bit and bridle on a horse, freeing the mount from a rider's invisible, it can be touched and picked up; the invisibility
direct control. The material component is a small brass remains. The magic of the bowl can be detected at this time
tubular chime, which disappears when the spell is cast. to be both illusion/phantasm and conjuration/summoning,
though other magic appears to be in operation as well. The
3. The small bowl of dull stone found on a window sill on the bowl also radiates faint evil at this time.
north side of the second floor is an ancient magical device
whose powers have not yet been recognized (see later note); If any amount of fresh blood is placed in the bowl while it is
it has the potential to be dangerous in the extreme, though invisible, the part of the bowl in contact with the blood
this cannot be foreseen by casual examination and handling. becomes visible again, but the bowl now glows faintly from
within. If the blood is from a nonhuman animal or monster,
The bowl is made from artery granite, a type of volcanic rock no other effects are noticed. If anyone is holding the bowl,
found only in the far south in the Amedio Jungle, along the that person feels overly warm and uncomfortable, but notices
great slopes of the Hellfurnaces. (This volcanic range grows no other effects.
periodically active and dormant; it is currently active.) Artery
granite is so called because of the thick, dark red veins If the blood is from an intelligent, higher being such as a
running through its gray rock. It is rarely used for ornamental humanoid, giant, or demihuman, the bowl grows quite warm
work as it is so hard to find, quarry, and ship; it is also and a bit slick to the touch; the arteries of red in the granite
difficult to polish, though it looks remarkably good if this is glow more brightly and seem to pulse slightly with a single
done. Anyone with the Jeweler or Miner secondary skill or beat. If the blood is from a human, the bowl develops a
the Gem Cutting, Mining, or Stonemasonry proficiencies can repulsive feel, as if it were slowly turning into a warm,
make an Intelligence check on 1d20 to recognize the stone; sticky, beating heart; the arteries shine out like red fire,
consulting with a dwarf miner or stonemason will also help. beating to a single pulse every second. The bowl now
The bowl is worth about 20 gp in its present condition to the radiates very powerful magic (alteration,
right buyer. conjuration/summoning, and enchantment/charm) and
enormous, awakening evil.
The slip of paper under the bowl is one of a number of labels
Otiluke once kept with each of his collected items, each If no one is holding the bowl, one person at random within
further detailed in a large handwritten catalog he kept. The 10 feet of the bowl feels a compulsion to pick it up (save vs.
existence of the catalog can be deduced because the item is spells at +2 to resist, Wisdom and magical bonuses allowed).
numbered like a museum exhibit. The catalog is now held by If no one picks it up, nothing further happens until dawn,
Otiluke's cousin, Lanharden, but it is buried among a large when the bowl returns to normal. All contents within it
pile of other papers in a storeroom in his home in Clerkburg. vanish at dawn. The bowl now radiates both magic and evil at
(Lanharden must be bribed 10d10 gp to allow anyone to poke all times, and it repeats its power to turn invisible with every
among his deceased cousin's effects.) The bowl is detailed new Celene as usual. (Oddly, Otiluke never noticed this
under entry #177 in that book (labeled on the cover in gold effect, as he was asleep or busy with other things late at
night. Glorial, his apprentice, noticed once the bowl was If the person chooses to use this power in the future, he can
absent in the evening, but she assumed Otiluke had it.) call upon supernatural assistance at any time. This act will
summon a monstrous outer-planar creature much like an
If anyone is holding the bowl at this time, that person feels
extra-strength invisible stalker in 1d4 rounds (INT 14, AL
physically ill and begins to sweat, as if catching a fever from
CE, AC 3, MV 15 Fl 12 (A), HD 8 (64 hp), THAC0 13,
a very bad case of the flu. The person will not be able to cast
#ATT 1 bite, D/ATT 5d4 (5-20), SA surprise (-6 on surprise
aside the bowl if he fails a saving throw vs. paralysis at -4
rolls of opponents, -2 on attack rolls of opponents), SD
(normal magical bonuses applicable). The person has a
invisibility, MR 40%, SZ L (9 feet tall), ML Elite (14), XP
secret, perverse impulse to drink the blood from the bowl,
despite his revulsion. This impulse may be resisted by a
saving throw vs. spells (plus Wisdom bonuses and magical Anyone attempting to detect invisible objects to find or attack
bonuses). Unless restrained or otherwise prevented, the this monster will behold its ghastly reptilian appearance,
person will drink from the bowl if the saving throw is failed. something like a spectral bonesnapper, and must save vs.
The contents of the bowl are now poisonous; the drinker spells or be struck with insanity, manifested as either fear (1-
must save vs. poison at -2 or die after 1d4 rounds (sufferer 3 on 1d6) or confusion (4-6 on 1d6) for 10 rounds. This
will be extremely ill at this time; cannot attack, defend, move saving throw must be rerolled every round that someone
normally, or cast spells). looks upon this monster. Killing it will drive its spirit back to
its own lost plane of existence. The monster will serve its
If the drinker saves vs. poison, he is collapses unconscious
summoner for 10d6 (10-60) rounds, then will take one bite at
but recovers his wits in 1d4 rounds, appearing none the worse
its summoner (THAC0 and damage as above) and vanish.
for wear - at the moment. However, over a period of 91 days
The summoner will also have his alignment altered to chaotic
(the time until another full Celene), the unfortunate victim
evil, becoming a nonplayer character controlled by the DM,
slowly transforms into a powerful troglodyte (see Monstrous
and must now escape to carry out a quest telepathically
Manual tome, page 348; HD (d8) equal to former character
implanted by a forgotten, horrific deity whose nonhuman
hit dice; double damage with claws and teeth for
followers once ruled the Amedio Jungle. Only the use of two
2d2/2d2/2d4+2). The DM has the option to allow the change
wish spells will remove this curse (restoring the old
to become apparent over time (scales appear on skin, tongue
alignment and status as a player character), but the recipient
becomes narrow and forked, skin turns greenish, crest
must also immediately undertake a quest of his own for a
appears on back on head, hair falls out, claws appear in place
lawful-good deity to be fully recovered, or else he slips back
of fingernails, etc.). The DM has free rein, too, to determine
into his chaotic-evil ways and becomes a permanent NPC
the effect on the character's spellcasting ability (if any), the
villain (and dangerous future opponent) within 2d4 weeks.
character's ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
Constitution may be preserved, while Intelligence, Wisdom, 4. The two empty, open glass jars with traces of yellow
and Charisma are lost), animals who smell the character and powder in them were once full of corn meal and used for
hate the faint musk, etc. The character feels secret urges (sent cooking. No one wanted the jars, but everyone thought it a
by the DM) to eat raw meat, hate humans, and become shame to throw them out. Anyone can use them without
reclusive, hiding away from other people, and possibly harm.
running away from civilization to lurk in complete
5. The crumpled slip of torn paper found in Otiluke's second-
wilderness; this impulse can be resisted until the 91st day.
floor bedroom was a scrap that fell from a pile of papers
The character then becomes a full troglodyte, a nonplayer
concerning a new spell that Otiluke was researching before
character, on the next full Celene, hiding away in dark places
his death. The paper's drawing of a circle with 16 arrows
to make full use of its 120-foot infravision. This evil being
radiating out from it depicts the effects of a spell that would
will kill and eat humans at every opportunity and will
create a flat, horizontal explosion in all directions, damaging
become a terrific, violent menace.
things in its own plane but causing no damage to items above
If the person holding the bowl resists the urge to drink from or below the disklike blast. Such a burst could, for example,
it, that person hears a whispering inside his head. The words fell a grove of trees, or knock down a company of men
of the deep, whispered, lisping voice cannot be distinguished, standing on their feet. The force of the blast would be
but the person has the idea that he can secretly call upon reduced over increasing distance from the center of spell
supernatural assistance at any time. To do so, however, will effect. The trigger and sole material component would be a
put that person in great debt to a powerful supernatural being flat, round coin, marked with outward-pointing arrows,
of evil intent; this, too, is known. The person is not obligated tossed by the spellcaster. The spell was never completed. The
to tell anyone about his new power. He may choose to rid above information can be determined by examining various
himself of this power and all possible bad effects by papers that Lanharden has kept from his cousin's estate.
consulting a priest of 4th or higher level, who after long (Again, Lanharden must be bribed 10d10 go to allow anyone
prayer realizes that only an atonement spell from a priest of to poke among his deceased cousin's effects.) Otherwise, a
at least 10th level can remove this link to an evil power. wizard who makes an Intelligence check on 4d6 after 1d3
weeks of research, costing 1,000 gp, can determine the
above. This research will ease the creation of a similar spell
by the researcher, as determined by the DM; only a wizard an area 20 feet per side at most if square. It may be used to
who can use Invocation/Evocation spells can research this block a large doorway or portal. Any creature passing
spell. See #11 below; if one of the arrow-marked coins is through the screen suddenly finds itself trapped in a
found, the above research time can be shortened by one week mysterious zone of nil-space, where the creature is subjected
(one week minimum) and 200 gp. to anti-energy drawn from one of the four negative quasi-
planes. For every round the creature is trapped, it loses 25%
6. The tiny carved sphere of quartz crystal found in the
of its current hit point total (round fractions up), dropping to
fireplace on the second floor was a prototype spell
0 hit points (and unconsciousness) at the end of the fourth
component for a new spell that Otiluke was researching
round if the creature fails to escape. The creature dies at the
before his death. He discontinued the research in 583 C.Y.,
end of the fifth round. During every round a creature is
however, and had tossed the sphere into the fireplace in
trapped, it makes a saving throw vs. death magic. Success
disgust. No notes about the spell appear in the papers and
indicates the creature escapes back into the Prime Material
books Lanharden has kept from his cousin's estate, and
plane, emerging from the side of the screen opposite the side
nothing more can be told about what spell it was, though
entered at the round's end. The saving throw to escape is
quartz crystals are sometimes used to evoke ice-based spells.
made at -1 in the first round, -2 in the second, -3 in the third,
The crystal is harmless and adds little to spell research on its
and -4 in the fourth.
If the spell ends before a creature escapes or dies, the creature
7. The small, brown-stained glass bottle in a corner of a
is released onto the Prime Material plane as the screen
downstairs wall shelf once contained aqua regia, a type of
disappears, as if the creature had escaped on its own. A
powerful acid. This can be told from a careful alchemical
creature re-emerging onto the Prime Material plane, injured
examination of the bottle lasting 1d2 days, costing 6d10 gp.
but alive, is also stunned for 1d4 rounds as it recovers from
It is known among some wizards (Intelligence check on
the effect of the life-draining zone. Any being imprisoned in
1d20) that Otiluke used acids in a few of his spells,
the zone may heal himself and use other magic, but the being
particularly Otiluke's acid cloud (Greyhawk Adventures,
can't escape in any manner other than described above unless
page 62). The bottle is now useless as a container, as it will
a wish is used. The material components are a sheet of lead
contaminate any spell components or substances placed
crystal, earth from a vampire's coffin, and a hollow sphere
within it (water placed within it becomes mildly acidic, doing
(for vacuum).
1 hp damage to a drinker). No one has thrown it away yet,
everyone thinking someone else might use it. 9. The diamond dust found on most of the upstairs carpets on
the east side is left over from spellcasting and research. It has
8. The small square of lead crystal, behind a loose brick in
no special powers or effects, but is valuable if collected
the western side of the second-floor fireplace, will trigger a
carefully and sold to a wizard or alchemist.
spell if broken. This brilliant crystal is very dangerous. If it is
broken (it saves as glass +1), it instantly evokes Otiluke's 10. The iron nails are all normal, once having been used to
death screen in the nearest major doorway or portal within 80 hold up pictures, shelves, and various catalogued items.
yards (16th level of effect for duration = 16 rounds). The
11. The seven worn, round, bronze zees found throughout the
spell comes from Greyhawk Adventures, page 64, but is
house were simply left behind and ignored as worthless after
reprinted here. Otiluke kept the item here as a defensive
the city's currency changed. Two of the zees were etched by a
measure in case his home was ever attacked. It came to
sharp instrument, placing an assortment of outward-pointing
nothing as he was not at home and already dead when his
arrows and concentric circles over the side with the pouch of
home was raided. Only a wizard familiar with Otiluke's spells
Zilchus (which is flatter and smoother than the other side).
has a chance to guess what the item might be (Intelligence
These were coins that Otiluke idly scratched while
check on 1d20); any wizard who know this spell
developing the spell alluded to in the description given earlier
automatically knows what the crystal will probably do if it is
for item #5. The markings on the coins alone are not enough
to determine what they were meant to be; item #5 must be
Otiluke's Death Screen located as well and researched, as noted above.
(Evocation-Alteration) 12. The pale rectangle of paper found on the southeastern
Level: 7 side of the second floor, half-wedged into a crack in the
Components: V, S, M floorboards by a rug, is a major clue to discovering a secret
Range: 5 yards/level about the events at this house at the time of Otiluke's death --
Casting Time: 7 segments and the actual events surrounding the deaths of Otiluke and
Duration: 1 round/level Tenser, and more besides. The paper was the label for a
Saving Throw: Special cataloged item owned by Otiluke, further detailed in the
Area of Effect: 20 feet square (400 square feet) handwritten catalog ("Index") possessed by Lanharden. The
catalog identifies item #237 as a nonmagical obsidian knife
Explanation/Description: This spell calls into existence a with a reddish tint, possibly used for sacrificial purposes,
gray, misty barrier or screen shaped as the caster wills, filling received from the archwizard Rary in Planting 583 C.Y. Rary
is noted here to have received the item as a curio/gift from an grant full ownership to Otiluke's home and land around it, but
infamous adventurer and former associate, Lord Robilar, less not to any of Otiluke's other personal effects, now held by
than a decade earlier. (This appears to be the same Robilar Lanharden. They also outline the homeowner's responsibility
who aided Rary in his attacks on the Circle of Eight.) The to maintain the safety and security of the city of Greyhawk
catalog notes that Robilar claimed to have found the pointed, and engage in no treasonous, illegal, or publicly harmful
stabbing dagger in an abandoned ruin in the Yatils, near the activities. One reminds the new owner that property taxes
border of Ket, during his carefree earlier days of adventuring, must be paid as well, and these taxes must be paid now for
but could not put a date on when he found it. Rary apparently the coming year. (The DM may devise the specific taxes and
gave Otiluke the dagger because he could find no use for it, their amounts as appropriate to the campaign.)
or so Otiluke conjectures in his catalog. Otiluke mentions
Several other documents also grant the Guild of Wizardry,
recurring rumors of some sort of ancient temple or temples in
Otiluke's relatives and the remainder of his estate, and the
the Yatils, but adds nothing to this.
Guild of Lawyers and Scribes complete immunity from
It is possible that a character in a long-running Greyhawk prosecution and blame for any consequences resulting from
campaign has adventured in module WG4 The Forgotten occupation or ownership of the home. This is a fairly
Temple of Tharizdun. (This area is located in hex F5-88 on standard requirement for the sale of the homes of spellcasters,
the big color maps of the Flanaess from the 1983 World of who may have placed dangerous magical traps, gates, or
Greyhawk boxed set or the 1992 From the Ashes boxed set.) monsters in their home that kill or maim the new owners.
Such a character would draw a connection between that (Erojen Dwir will explain all of this carefully, with past
previous adventure and cataloged item #237 on an examples of such unfortunate events as invented by the DM.)
Intelligence check on 1d20, if the player does not suddenly Otiluke's home has been examined and determined to have
think of it first on his own. Making such a connection is none of the above, so far as the Guild of Wizardry knows
worth 500 xp to the character who states this connection first. (ahem). The signing ceremony will be done with no other
witnesses - none that can be seen, anyway, as the group is of
It is also possible that a character will recall the details of the
course spied upon by at least one Guild wizard using a crystal
assault on Otiluke's home, specifically the long dagger that
ball, just to make sure Erojen is safe. The DM can adjudicate
Glorial was seen to have used in defending herself. Glorial,
this as desired.
as noted earlier, is no longer in the Greyhawk area. The
dagger's disposition is unknown, and no spell reveals its There are excellent reasons for allowing the player characters
current location. to buy Otiluke's home in the campaign. For one thing, the
home will serve well as an adventuring base for a large
Curiously, if any character attempts to locate Glorial by any
number of player characters. The place may come eventually
magical means, no results are received. It is not possible to
to resemble a large, messy college dormitory or flophouse,
find her in such a manner, though there seems to be no clear
with player characters sleeping in various corners or cots
reason why this should be so. Making such a connection is
around the fireplace, armor and weapons piled everywhere,
worth 500 xp to the character who states this first.
everyone arguing over whose job it is to clean the main floor
Be It Ever So Humble... this week, and piles of treasure and monster skins dumped
hither and yon inside the house and around the outdoors.
The actual sale of Otiluke's former home can be Everyone, of course, will search and search and search for
accomplished in a Greyhawk campaign without a great deal any possible secret hideaways that Otiluke may have used to
of fanfare. It can be done with no fanfare at all, as a sort of store precious things like duplicate spellbooks, gems, wands,
anticlimax. The DM can, however, allow for the player etc. The DM can create such hideaways or not, as desired,
characters to be involved in a vicious bidding war against with tricky locks, passwords, and other security devices that
some of the possible buyers mentioned earlier. Or, the DM must be overcome to reach their hidden riches. Or maybe the
can simply declare that the highest bidding player character house has no such mini-vaults. The player characters won't
or group of player characters wins the home. There is nothing know. If nothing else, this should keep the player characters
wrong with any such option. busy with secret note-passing to the DM for weeks of
The auction results are announced on the 2nd of Flocktime at campaign time. The DM should play this up for all it's worth.
noon, by special messenger. A zero-level assistant of the A few secret niches and rewards would not be out of line.
Guild of Lawyers and Scribes searches out the winner in the More importantly, the house should also serve as a magnet
City of Greyhawk and informs him/her/it/them of the date, for trouble -- er, adventure. In fact, this is its primary
time, and place of the final signing of the sale documents. campaign function, and the primary reason why the sale of
The sale itself can take place just before Richfest 585 C.Y., at the house should be allowed to go through to a player
midmorning at the Wizard's Guildhall (building H13 on the character.
CoGH map), in the office of the First Secretary, Erojen Dwir For one thing, some or all of the losing auction bidders might
(statistics and equipment as described earlier). Dwir has have a grudge against the player characters who won the
many documents for the new owner to sign or initial; these house. They might be able to make considerable trouble for
the player characters in various ways, major and minor, Into this group of pleasant NPCs should be insinuated a few
though the other bidders might let bygones be bygone. ringers, such as the high elf fighter/wizard named Evran Coo,
who was in the city just before Otiluke's house came up for
Of course, anyone who ever knew Otiluke will certainly seek
sale. He rents a room in a ramshackle house farther north in
him or his relatives out at the mage's former home. Because
the River Quarter, but often examines goods at the Skimmins'
of Otiluke's personality, however, not many of these people
leatherworking shop, purchasing a few especially decorative
will have been Otiluke's friends. Some might actually be
belts, boots, and gloves. One day he stops by Otiluke's home,
devoted enemies hoping to capture, torture, rob, or slay him.
seeking to catch the attention of a PC (or henchman) to find
The relatives of some of the thieves or monsters Otiluke slew
out if Otiluke is truly dead. He says he knew of the wizard
over the years might hold grudges. Any number of people
only by reputation. He makes conversation from there, asking
had special grudges against Otiluke, and these people are
if any priests have moved into the home. If none have, he
almost certainly to come looking for him here.
chats a bit more, leaves and eventually moves on from the
And who will now open the door to greet them? The player city, disappearing completely.
characters, of course.
Evran Coo stands about 5 feet 4 inches and has a light build.
Ruthless People He is pale and has rust-brown hair and pale green eyes, like
most Flanaess high olvenfolk. He is quiet but friendly, an
If Otiluke's former home is purchased by the PCs (the ideal adventurer who says he is from Highfolk, where he fought
outcome), the PCs should have some time to move in. They Iuz's forces in the Vesve Forest only the year before, and
receive no welcome from most of their neighbors, only long, fought the hobgoblins of the Horned Society years earlier. He
curious stares. The leatherworking family living in the other states that he recently traveled to the City of Greyhawk to
half of the town house, the Skimmins, will make a brief confer with a wizard associate of his, but he has stayed on,
overture to a peaceful coexistence with their new neighbors, intrigued with city life. He wears elven chain mail and carries
bringing over a loaf of fresh-baked bread as an offering. If a short sword and small shield, both of high quality. The
rebuffed, the Skimmins will not approach the PCs again, nor green-and-white coat-of-arms of Highfolk are carefully
will they aid the PCs in case of trouble. If treated well, the painted on the shield's face. Detection spells reveal his
Skimmins will look after the PCs' property, chasing away alignment to be neutral good. His thoughts, if scanned, are
potential thieves or troublemakers from the home if the PCs unremarkable. Coo is a minor family name in Highfolk, but
are known to be absent. They will not enter the PCs' home, the family keeps to itself and is not well known.
however, fearing possible magical traps and monsters may
lurk therein. They learned their lesson well with Otiluke. Evran Coo does not open up except to Good-aligned priests,
with whom he eagerly discusses the news of major events
As a foretaste of the trouble that possession of Otiluke's home across the Flanaess from the point of view of the clergies of
will bring the PCs, the following is presented. This encounter Rao, St. Cuthbert, Heironeous, and so forth. He does not
is suggested as the first in a series of meetings with former seem to espouse any particular religion himself. A character
associates and acquaintances of Otiluke, all of whom have making an Intelligence check on 1d20 gets the impression
heard of his demise and are now drawn to his former home that Evran Coo, who says he has not gotten out much in the
like hyenas to a rotting carcass. world until lately, has a much more sophisticated
These NPCs are meant to be used carefully by the DM. They understanding of Flanaess politics and religion than he tries
should not be hurled into instant combat with the PCs in most to let on. Perhaps he is of higher level but keeping a low
cases. Instead, they are villains and foes of extraordinary profile - not a bad idea in the City of Greyhawk. A character
power, ones who will carefully scout out Otiluke's home and with the Religion proficiency who makes a Wisdom check on
its new owners, perhaps making friends with the PCs or their 1d20 notes that Evran Coo uses phrases sometimes heard in
henchmen and hirelings in order to gain the advantage of the sermons of followers of Delleb, the lawful-good Oeridian
surprise over them at a future date. The DM, like these NPCs, deity of the intellect and reason. (Delleb's followers are often
should be quite ruthless when employing them. The PCs must wizards or wizard/priests.) However, Evran Coo has a
be careful, clever, and a bit untrusting to survive. sometimes cynical and bitter way of talking about lawful-
good religions that can be picked up by any lawful-good
A Meeting with Evran Coo character with a Wisdom over 12 who makes a Wisdom
The DM should create a standard list of NPCs often seen in check on 1d20. It may be guessed that he has doubts about
the neighborhood of Summoner Court, such as peddlers, his faith or has been gravely disappointed by the turns of the
children, farmers entering the city with produce for sale, Greyhawk Wars. In other fields, Evran Coo is also interested
worshipers of Trithereon, tramps, and so forth. A few often- in magical research into the prolonging of life; here, too, he
seen NPCs can be briefly detailed, folk who become familiar seems to have a more sophisticated knowledge of the topic
enough to the PCs to eventually be ignored, especially if they than one would guess (Intelligence check for priest on 1d20).
offer no threats over a reasonably long period of time. During the time that Evran Coo is present in the area, rumors
suddenly surface that a large rat with glowing red eyes has
been seen in the River Quarter. The tales of the rat grow with
each telling, until it is supposed to be the size of a mastiff, its destroyed nearly all of his retainers, servants, henchmen, and
jaws dripping venom and its teeth as sharp and large as close allies, stealing their magical items and portable wealth
spearheads. The rat is not seen after two or three appearances. and bearing this bloodstained treasure away to a secret
No one is harmed by it, though many are frightened. location in the Shield Lands, near the border with the Bandit
Kingdoms. It is believed he was insane at this time, but this is
It is suggested that Evran Coo see the PCs off and on over a
subject to debate.
period of about a month or two. He can even help out the PCs
in a minor adventure or altercation. If he makes the PCs' The time of his conversion to evil is generally believed to
acquaintance and Good-aligned priests are among the group, have been around 572 C.Y. He ceased his magical studies
Evran Coo eventually asks one very powerful Good-aligned soon thereafter, as he was being pursued by vengeful forces
priest out for an evening of dinner and conversation, entirely commanded by relatives and allies of those he had earlier
platonic but rich with the possibility that he wishes to convert killed. He fled his minor citadel in the Shield Lands, leading
to the priest's faith, perhaps even serving as a henchman or his cavalry, archers, and infantry off on a career of banditry.
adventuring associate. Evran suggests the Gold Dragon Inn, At this time he also took up the sword, becoming proficient
saying he has saved up enough to pay for a good meal for the as a warrior, and used magical devices as would a wizard
two of them. He has the idea that the place must be when he could not cast spells for the armor he wore. He
marvelous, but he has never eaten there. (See the "Gem of the largely vanished from the public eye in the late 570s and is
Flanaess" booklet, page 64, from the City of Greyhawk widely rumored to have died in a variety of ways. One tale
boxed set for details.) even has it that he starved to death beneath Greyhawk Castle.
It is known that his army was whittled down before long,
As the two walk off together toward the Gold Dragon Inn
perhaps as much at the hands of their traitorous and
(assuming the offer was accepted), this may be the last time
bloodthirsty leader as to enemy swords. These details on his
anyone ever sees that priest alive - or sees Evran Coo at all.
life are all that can be confirmed by interviews with those
On the way to the Gold Dragon Inn, a raven flaps down from
few who knew him and survived his attacks, going into
the sky to land in the street only 15 feet ahead of Evran Coo
hiding thereafter.
and his companion. It caws once loudly. Evran stops, warns
the priest to stand still ("I'll take care of this"), then pulls a Recent (Unknown) History: Erac's Cousin survived --
small cube from a side pocket and presses its sides, saying, barely -- though the rumors of his demise spread far and
"Away with you now!" At that moment, Evran, the raven, the wide. He secretly operated in North Province in the Great
priest, and all persons within 20 feet of Evran Coo vanish. Kingdom during the Greyhawk Wars, slaughtering what few
(See later for details.) workers of good he could find there, and now roams his old
haunts around Greyhawk, literally in search of new blood
Evran Coo has not always been an elf. He was a human who
(and ways to prolong his life). He was forced to use a wish
wished himself into this form several years earlier to escape
from a magical sword to change his body entirely into that of
capture for his many hideous crimes. He now employs a
a high elf, in order to escape capture by very determined
variety of magical items to conceal his true nature and to
bounty hunters. He retains all of his old abilities, though he
fulfill his only two full-time occupations: grand theft and
has ceased to gain experience for new levels of ability. (He is
unholy murder. "Evran Coo" is not his real name. In fact, no
not aware of this.) His only companion remains his imp
one alive knows his real name, and tale-tellers refer to him as
familiar, the "red-eyed giant rat" seen around the city before
"The Unnamed," or "Erac's Cousin."
it stayed invisible.
"The Unnamed," a.k.a. "Erac's Cousin" Personality: Erac's Cousin is a loner who is selfish in the
Known History: Erac's Cousin (as this person is most often extreme, having no regard for any life but his own. He is
called in local tales and legends) is one of the most notorious incapable of working with others unless he plans to slay or
criminals known in recent Flanaess history. Little is known of steal from them. He craves magical items, particularly
his early life and career, as he was so effective in slaying or devices capable of prolonging life, as he fears death. (He
silencing those closest to him. Reputed to have once been a does not entirely trust Baalzebul's word and suspects now he
lawful-good wizard of considerable power, he is said to have was outfoxed by the archdevil, and is likely to suffer after
been captured and tortured by a netherworld fiend, possibly death as a result of his pact.) He also seeks to murder any
while traveling through the depths below Castle Greyhawk. good-aligned individuals he can to fulfill his part of the pact
He was able to escape on his own, but bitterly and short- he made. (Perhaps Baalzebul will be lenient if he does well.)
sightedly turned on his deity for failing him in need. He He believes powerful priests are choice victims, though he
struck a pact with a great baatezu lord, thought to be rarely gets the chance to get close to one or gain one's trust.
Baalzebul, and offered to serve the archdevil with In fact, he has confined his last few dozen murders to low-
enthusiasm. He swore to slay all major servants of good he level adventurers or peasants, thanks to an increasing streak
could find in exchange for being made a greater baatezu of cowardice and desire for self-preservation. His thinking
himself upon his death (not as great a baatezu as Baalzebul, has become warped and erratic from his increasing panic to
but powerful nonetheless). He is said to have soon thereafter please his patron. Erac's Cousin knew Otiluke only
superficially, but he was aware that Otiluke had many
associates and acquaintances, some of whom were Good in user and all live beings within a 20-foot radius of the user are
alignment and suitable for his purposes. He decided to carried off. No saving throw is given to unwilling subjects.
investigate the new owners of Otiluke's home -- and thus met The other five places this device reaches are:
the PCs.
 A rugged, forested area on a world within
Statistics: Erac's Cousin is a lawful-evil human male, a 13th- Greyspace (DM's choice). Directly beneath the spot
level warrior/16th-level wizard. He gains one level of wizard where the PCs appear is a small cache of
ability (17th) when near his imp, and loses one (15th) when nonmagical weapons, armor, clothing, and food
not. (ruined). The materials are at least 500 years old and
are of Great Kingdom manufacture. Of the worlds
STR 13, INT 14, WIS 8, DEX 17, CON 18, CHA 16 hp 52
listed in SJR6 Greyspace, the following are
AC -4 (chain mail +4, shield +3, DEX 17; can drop to -8
suggested: Luna (Raenei), a large asteroid in the
using short sword +4, defender)
Grinder, Ginsel, or an asteroid in the cluster-world
Attacks: 2 per round with weapons, 1 per round with spells Greela. Alterations to spells or psionics are possible,
and ancient ruins or strange dungeon complexes are
Proficiencies: blind-fighting, bowyer-fletcher, endurance,
likely to be found.
fire-building, gem-cutting, herbalism, hunting, local history
(current events in the Flanaess), reading/writing (Common,  A deserted city on the far western end of Oerik. A
bonus), religion (Delleb and other lawful-good Flanaess building near the spot where the PCs appear was
religions), riding (land-based, horse), spellcraft, swimming once used as a base for exploration, but this was five
centuries ago. The ruined city is inhabited only by
Weapon Proficiencies: dagger, staff, darts, short sword, long monsters but contains some wealth. The city seems
sword, hand axe, long bow, battle axe, sling, light lance, light to have had no historical connection to the peoples
crossbow, two-handed sword of the Flanaess; it is very worn, tens of thousands of
Special Abilities: Erac's Cousin has a permanent mind blank years old.
on him, though this is of a variant form. Anyone using magic  A small extradimensional space in the form of a
to read Erac's mind believes this is being done, but the spell circular room, 80 feet in diameter and with 10-foot-
makes it appear that uninteresting and trivial thoughts are all high walls, with a hemispherical dome for a ceiling
this is present, masking true thoughts and intentions. Erac's rising to 50 feet above the center of the room. The
Cousin lacks all elven abilities, even infravision, as he is not walls and ceiling appear to be of stone, but they
truly an elf and merely has the appearance of one. He can cannot be damaged or harmed in any way. The room
cast spells while wearing elven chain mail armor so long as has no magical or natural light. It also smells like
both hands are free; verbal spells can be cast if his hands are old, rotting flesh. Erac's Cousin often activates the
occupied, however. gate leading to this area, taking an unwilling victim
Magic Items: The following items are suggested, but the list with him. There, he kills his victim in a cold,
can be added to or altered as desired. Erac's Cousin can have ruthless, efficient manner, loots the body, and lets
1d3 potions and 1d4+1 wizard spell or protection scrolls. his imp dine on the remains. He then gathers up the
remains, gates back to Oerth, and walks away from
 elven chain mail +2 the body (see above).

 short sword +4, defender A cave mouth in a valley in the northern Yatil
Mountains. The cave leads back into a massive
 small shield +3 underground complex that was once a lair of the
infamous witch Iggwilv, abandoned many decades
 portable hole ago. She has left many riches and traps here,
 ring of fire resistance however.
 A demiplane of the DM's own construction.
 ring of protection +3 Guidelines for demiplane building may be found in
Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns,
 phylactery of long years (wished to operate only for chapter 2. The demiplane should follow a peculiar
line of logic in its construction and may have been
 cubic gate: The cubic gate connects to five locations on created by Zagyg in his early days as a demigod.
the Prime Material and elsewhere. (Its "landing spot" in the
central Flanaess is near an empty Star Cairn in the Cairn Erac's Cousin took this device from a Great
Hills, somewhere on the hilly peninsula of land sticking out Kingdom wizard he slew a few years ago, and it has
into the Nyr Dyv just north of the city of Greyhawk. The served his needs well. The original maker of the
remains of perhaps four or five dozen humans and device is unknown, but guessed to have been dead
demihumans lie near this spot; see below.) When used, the for at least 400-500 years.
Imp ("Hairball") Dragon Magazine issue #37 (May 1980), "The Sorcerer's
Scroll: Greyhawk: The shape of the world," page 30.
INT Ave (12); AL LE; AC 2; MV 18; HD 2+2; hp 17;
THAC0 19; #ATT 1; D/ATT 1d4 (bite); SA Poison in bite
(save vs. poison or die), suggestion once per day; SD "at
will" abilities useable once per round (detect good, detect
magic, invisibility), polymorph self into giant rat or raven
form, spell immunities (cold, fire, electricity), resist spells as
7 HD creature, harmed only by silver or magical weapons,
regenerate 1 hp/round; MR 25%; SZ T (2 feet tall); MO Ave
(10); XP Value 1,400.
Hairball is a nonstandard imp, being shaped like a short
umber hulk covered in gray-green hair. He is very fast in his
normal form, his bite having all the powers of a normal imp's
tail sting. He can fly only in raven form. As a giant rat, he
bites for 1d4 and can also poison his victims, but cannot
transmit diseases.
When within one mile of Erac's Cousin, Hairball has
complete telepathy with his master and grants him 120-foot
infravision, plus a 25% magic resistance and the ability to
regenerate 1 hp/round. Erac's Cousin also gains one spell
level to reach the 17th level of ability. When Hairball is over
one mile away, the telepathic link is lost with the other
special abilities, and Erac's Cousin temporarily drops to 15th
level as a wizard, losing all extra spells. If Hairball were
slain, Erac's Cousin would permanently lose 4 levels of
spellcasting ability to become a 12th-level wizard, and he
would be unable to gain any further levels in spellcasting.
Hairball's secret goal is to serve Baalzebul by having Erac's
Cousin continue slaying powerful Good-aligned people
across the Flanaess, allowing a resurgence of the Horned
Society. However, Erac's Cousin has not been very helpful of
late, and the imp is becoming frustrated with his master's
cowardice. Hairball has urged Erac's Cousin on in seeking
out Good priests, and as a result the pair have found
themselves checking out the new residents of Otiluke's home.
DM's Notes: Erac's Cousin's true identity should remain a
mystery, one that the DM may shape to fit the campaign
circumstances. Rumors may surface that he was once one of
Mordenkainen's apprentices; the old archmage will never
speak of his knowledge of this individual, though he hunts
for news of this person's whereabouts and may eventually
attempt to have Erac's Cousin assassinated or captured.
"Erac" himself may be a clue to this person's true identity,
though "Erac" could be an anagram, a pet name, a nonhuman,
or other thing as well as a live person. The consequences of
discovering this material are left to the DM's imagination.
References: Erac's Cousin, a character in Lake Geneva, Wis.,
Greyhawk campaigns from the 1970s, has appeared in at least
two official Greyhawk sources. He has been altered from
these earlier descriptions to reflect changes in his character
over time, and to conceal his true nature from Greyhawk
campaign superfans.
9031 The Rogues Gallery (TSR, 1980), page 42.
 counties to bring to their attention a great problem: The
expanding Kingdom of Aerdy to the east, whose reach would

% ! &%'( surely extend to the counties of Ahlissa. Zelrad contended
that Aerdy would easily annex individual counties, and the
by Morgan Rodwell remainder would be left with little power to resist Rauxes or
fight for their place in the growing empire. Somehow, he
([email protected]) persuaded the counties to elect him Graf of Ahlissa. As Graf,

hlissa is a complex land of politics and intrigue. This Zelrad had little power over everyday concerns, but
work is to ready those who would lead others into the coordinated the strengths and weaknesses of Ahlissa to
web that is the Game of Houses in this southern land. withstand the growing power of its eastern neighbor. This
A warning to those who would travel into the land of consisted of both diplomatic and military overtures, as well
Ahlissa: Watch every side. Carefully. as large scale trade treaties.
The counties of Ahlissa still had much autonomy, and they
History paid little in taxes to the graf. Times were good for Ahlissa,
Ahlissa began as a nation-state in OR 485, 160 years before and Zelrad instituted a unique political system. When the graf
the crowning of the first Overking in Rauxes. But the history passed away, the princes of the royal houses would gather to
of the land begins long before that. elect a new graf from amongst their ranks. Zelrad's idea was
to prevent the possibility of an incompetent heir taking the
When the Oeridian migration crossed over the Harp River,
many thought they had found the perfect land, eventually
settling in what became the Kingdom of Aerdy. More In OR 590, the princes chose the young Count of Sakhaeron,
adventurous members of the Aerdi tribe, however, moved descendent of Zelrad, to be Graf. He was not the selfless
west across the Thelly, and discovered an empty land leader many had believed. In OR 606, the new graf took
populated mostly by plains bison and antelope. The only accepted annexation into Aerdy. In return for this, he was
people they found there were Iron Hills dwarves, and some granted dominion over the land of Ahlissa, as well as the
Suel refugees who had settled here in their flight from the lands between Ahlissa and the Thelly River, south to the
Imperium. Rieuwood. Zelrad II, as he was known, conscripted an army
and conquered the lands of Idee and Onnwal.
These settlers soon found the land to be rich and fertile,
though lacking trees. To make houses and small towns, they As an old man, Zelrad II supported the crowning of his
cut down much of the Thelwood (now Bonewood), such that cousin, Nasran of Cranden, as the first Overking of the Great
it is now about half of its original size. They traded grain for Kingdom. Nasran took titles over the south lands, and in
wood from the lands northeast of the Thelly, but wood was return made Zelrad Herzog of the "South Province," Overlord
still very expensive, and difficult for most people to buy. of Onnwal, Fasstal of Ahlissa and Idee, and also granted him
Therefore, most settlers built sod houses with thatch roofs, title over Sunndi. At Zelrad's death, the South Province
though the wealthier nobles were able to obtain stone from extended to the Vast Swamp, covering more territory than at
the dwarves of the Iron Hills. Today, many of the buildings any other period in its history.
in Ahlissa are still sod and thatch, and the cities have been
Zelrad II was succeeded by his son, Garzeld, who decided
built primarily of stone or unfired clay brick.
that the castle at Sakhaeron and surrounding town were not
The noble houses among the settlers set up alliances to ideal for the ruler of the entire province. The place had been
protect themselves from the other families that surrounded built to be defensible, and he needed to be closer to the new
them. The alliances were often not just of different houses, mines in the Iron Hills. So Garzeld began construction of
but of the many factions of each house. Over time, these Zelradton, which would be the shining capital of South
alliances evolved into counties, ruled by the princes of the Province. When it was completed, he granted the castle at
houses that held the land. The region soon became known as Sakhaeron to a young courtier, a lesser member of the House
Ahlissa, taking its name from a pre-Cataclysm queen of great of Rax.
Sakhaeron again entered the public consciousness during the
The counties often fought amongst each other, primarily for Turmoil Between Crowns, when Ivid's servants scoured
land. Land was wealth; those who held it could grow food; Ahlissa, assassinating all scions of the house of Rax. The
and food is the wealth of Ahlissa. Grain and livestock castle was destroyed, and Sakhaeron's prince was murdered
brought lumber and stone from the north, as well as much- by the fearsome Allreynen the Gripper, a vile man whose
coveted riches in coin and gems. The result of this land name still haunts the neighboring populace.
warfare is that Ahlissa has always been one of the most
South Province's Cranden rulers did not approve of the
fragmented parts of the Great Kingdom.
assassinations, and shifted the policy of the nation away from
In OR 485, one scion of the House of Cranden, Zelrad the that of the newly crowned overking. While the House of
Eloquent, Count of Sakhaeron, sent messengers to the other Cranden may have agreed that the House of Rax could no
longer rule the Kingdom, they did not think they all deserved freemen, but since the coming of Reydrich, such activities
to die. have become uncommon.
Eventually, Ivid III tired of South Province's Cranden The people of the cities are in many cases poorer than the
opposition, and had the Herzog and his family put to death in farmers, as the wages for goods and services are low
CY 498. To ensure a more cooperative neighbor, the compared to the income gained from the land. This is due to
overking installed his cousin, the weak Naefil, as Herzog of the influx of cheap refugee labor. Most of the residents of
South Province. Thus, the rulership of Ahlissa fell to the Zelradton and Hexpools are of peasant ancestry, while those
wicked House Naelax. in Prymp and the Lantern Ports share ancestral pasts in the
sea trades, both legitimate and otherwise.
Four of the last five Herzogs have taken the name Chelor,
and the events of the recent past have been documented by Eastern Ahlissa is currently flooded with refugees from
other scholars. See works by C. Sargent (From the Ashes, Almor, Nyrond and elsewhere. Though the refugees are often
Ivid the Undying), D. Cook (Greyhawk Wars), and E.G. skilled laborers, most arrive in Ahlissa penniless, and have
Gygax (Guide to the World of Greyhawk). been absorbed into the peasantry of local princes. Some,
however, have resisted working in the fields, and have set up
Postwar shanty towns outside Prymp, Hexpools, and smaller towns
Most of Ahlissa had little to do with the conflicts that became throughout the region.
known as the Greyhawk Wars. Osson of Almor did cross The refugees are a small economic problem for Reydrich,
over the eastern fringes of the land, but he did not impose any who has decreed that not only must all able bodied Ahlissans
great defeat to the armies of the South Province. The greatest between 16 and 30 serve at least 3 years in the military, but
damage of the war came with Ivid's Imperial Army, which that if an able bodied person is unemployed, they cannot
dragged off most of the Herzog's court. And of that court, refuse conscription. This has reduced the refugee population
only one returned: Reydrich. while ballooning the size of the military, making Reydrich's
Reydrich now rules the wealthiest and most unscathed neighbors very nervous.
portion of the former empire, and holds in his control
"Aerdy's" single largest military force. Because Reydrich is
also well known as a powerful archmage, his neighbors have Ahlissa has never had a state religion. As in much of the
reason to fear him. However, few the princes outside Ahlissa Great Kingdom, however, two faiths enjoy popularity: those
recognize, or even suspect, that Reydrich looks west, not of Hextor and Zilchus.
The priesthood of Hextor in Ahlissa is led by Patriarch-
The Graf, as he has taken Zelrad's old title, has no interest in General Haelx of Zelradton. Haelx is a sadistic man, who
taking the Malachite throne. He has learned much of its wields a two handed morningstar in battle. Haelx is a fairly
dangers by simply watching the effects on those who claimed young man, only 32 years of age, and only became patriarch
it, and by communicating with those denizens who helped at the end of the Wars. He has no great love for Reydrich, but
create it. He also knows that many others vie for the right to does fear him immensely. The priesthood of Hextor is
being Overking, and that attempting to take the throne would probably the largest in Ahlissa, but it is not widely cared for
be tantamount to suicide. by the rural population.

The People The priesthood of Zilchus is led by Matriarch Schleretha.

Many in the Great Kingdom see Schleretha as the true leader
The people of Ahlissa are mostly of Oeridian descent, of the faith, as Lassaren of Kalstrand is seen to have become
although the common blonde hair and blue eyes are evidence a pawn of Xavener of Darmen. As such, Schleretha has many
of the area's original Suel inhabitants. The majority of duties that occupy her, and her influence in Ahlissa is limited.
Ahlissans are farmers, living off of the land, and selling grain Her priesthood is growing, and there are many young
and livestock for modest profit. The cities and towns do members of the faith, as trade with Sunndi and Irongate is
contain tradesmen and merchants, but the cities of Ahlissa are increasing.
not large.
Other faiths that are widely respected in Ahlissa are those of
Farmers in this land are almost evenly split between freemen Beory, Incabulos and Nerull. These are mostly worshipped
and peasants working the princes' land, although the freemen by the peasants and free farmers of the plains, in as much as
often do not feel much different than the peasants. Some of they placate the evil deities, and give offerings to Beory for a
the princes have set up government marketing systems, such good crop.
that it is illegal to sell grain or livestock to anyone but the
prince, who then sells it for a profit. In this way, each farmer The priesthood of Pholtus exists in Ahlissa, but like much of
gets the same price for their grain. The freemen do make a the Great Kingdom, it has been decimated. It is currently
decent living, but many of them think that they could do enjoying a rise in stature, however, with the coming of
better themselves. In the past there have been militant Archbishop Haldethar, a charismatic cleric who has come
from the Pale to rally the spirits of Ahlissa's downtrodden. Code of Schandor, Aerdy's legendary lawyer/mage, with
Haldethar is a member of the Valorous League of Blindness, some slight modifications
and has gathered a small following in the lands near Prymp,
Each county has a sheriff, appointed by Reydrich from his
especially amongst the refugees of Almor.
military officer corps. This has upset the princes though it
The priesthood of Heironeous also deserves special mention. does ensure that taxes are collected and that Reydrich knows
In Ahlissa, Heironeous' faith was never totally wiped out, and what is going on throughout his realm. The sheriff is free to
it is secretly growing, with support among the general appoint deputies, and they do so. By ensuring that people
populace. In the final year of the wars, when all of the loyal to them are appointed deputies, some of the more
Flanaess was in upheaval, a young man working as a smith in cunning princes have found this to be a way to have the
Zelradton had a dream, after which he sought out a priest of sheriff's office look the other way.
The courts are an entirely different matter. Reydrich
That man, Quantal by name, is now a paladin of Heironeous. instituted three levels of courts in Ahlissa. Princes are
A great orator, he brings much hope to the people. Reydrich allowed to appoint judges to the county courts, though
has only recently noted his presence, but has not yet acted Reydrich-appointed prosecutors often appeal their decisions,
against him. While the graf is himself evil, he appreciates a forcing important trials to be heard in higher courts more
balance between those factions who would oppose him. sympathetic to the graf.
Unknown to Reydrich, is a Holy Legate of Heironeous is Justices of the circuit courts, which travel around the state,
traveling the farmlands, gathering the support of the rustic are appointed by Reydrich. These courts hear appeals from
folk. It is rumored that he even has the support of some the county courts, as well as all cases of capital crimes, which
factions of Reydrich's military. The legate is traveling as an include murder, rape, fraud, and major theft. The current
herbalist, and is accompanied by a wizard of no small power, justices of the circuit are a priest of Pholtus (LN), a priest of
who is ensuring the legate is invisible to scrying. Quantal Hextor (LE), a military general (LN), a priest of Zilchus
does not know of the Holy Legate's presence. (LN), and a duergar known as Trakelak (NE).
Religion does not play a major political role in Ahlissa. On Judgments that go against the prosecution in the Circuit
the local level, however, different religions often hold great Courts can be appealed to the High Court of Ahlissa, which is
sway, as some princes (especially those who are priests) have only present in Zelradton. This court is presided over by
declared an official religion. Reydrich, or his direct appointee. General Reynard has heard
cases here as well. The High Court also hears all cases of
Political Structure treason and espionage.
Ahlissan politics are intriguing, and difficult to understand at It may seem strange to outsiders that an inherently evil nation
best. The basic structure of Ahlissa's government is as would punish people for crimes most people in the west and
follows. north would consider evil. However, Reydrich believes in
Reydrich is the Graf, and he holds nominal title over the strong control of his subjects, and as such believes that crime
entire area of the Ahlissan plateau. He levies taxes on the can bring down an evil land just as it can a good land.
counties that make up his lands. The counties in turn are Therefore, the courts of Ahlissa look surprisingly similar to
ruled by princes of the various royal houses, who control the courts in Nyrond or Furyondy, as they share many of the
their lands and levy taxes on their people. same codes and traits. The sentences in Ahlissa may simply
be more severe.
The cities of Ahlissa are not ruled by princes. Zelradton, the
capital, is ruled by Reydrich, although the administration of The penalties in Ahlissa for criminal activity are harsh. All
the place is carried out by a council of ministers, all offenses save for misdemeanors such as failing to properly
appointed by Reydrich. Hexpools is still ruled by the register animals are punishable by imprisonment or death.
descendants of the mage Farlockend, who created the Imprisonment often means death, as life expectancy in
Hexpools. Reydrich allows this to continue, as he sees Ahlissan prisons is very low.
Hexpools as a great asset, and he is not about to impose upon Only treason and espionage are automatically punishable by
the workings of a great past mage. Prymp is ruled by military death. In this way, no court lower than the High Court can
council, under the auspices of Admiral Llarnen and General officially administer a death penalty. This is part of the Code
Reynard, who report directly to Reydrich. of Schandor, an old institution, and is quite often disregarded
by the county courts. Reydrich has tried to stop the local
Law Enforcement practices, but does not have enough manpower to root it out
Law and order are no longer the dictate of the local princes completely, as the local princes simply do not record these
since the rise of Reydrich. When he returned from Rauxes, cases, making it difficult to investigate.
the graf took control of law enforcement throughout the state, The severity of the penalties in the courts makes the Ahlissan
as well as the courts. The Archmage has reintroduced the people very law-abiding, which cannot be said for the
refugees of Almor and Medegia. These people are poor and sentences in Ahlissa. An example was a case of two liegeman
desperate, and their activities have provided much work for arguing over ownership of a herd of cattle. As she saw no
Ahlissa's judges. obvious solution, and simply dividing the herd would be
liable to engender cattle rustling, she ordered the herd
Counties of Ahlissa slaughtered, and the meat sold. Each landholder was then
Ahlissa has more than 100 counties, each ruled by a noble given the same sum of money, with the county taking a
prince. Reydrich thinks this healthy, as it keeps any one significant cut.
prince from getting powerful enough to challenge him, and Acrolis
he knows they dislike each other enough never to ally against
him. Acrolis is a significant fief, north of Zelradton. This is a little
close for Reydrich's liking, as Larinnen of Garasteth (W(C)6,
Some of the significant counties are as follows: LN) has little love for the Graf. The stereotypical prince of
Getheren Garasteth, his only goal is to stamp out the House of
Torquann, and Larinnen will ally with anyone to do so. The
The County Getheren, located northwest of Zelradton, and is prince is aging, and Reydrich is content to wait for him to
ruled by Prince Schedek of Cranden (F7, NG). At 53, die, as his heir, Ladronnen (T8, LE), is much more accepting
Schedek remembers the glory that was the Iron League and of the Archmage.
wishes for either alliance or annexation of the League. To
some extent, he lives in the past, for he does not appear to Ladronnen is not a man of magic like his father, but instead a
recognize the danger of the Scarlet Brotherhood. Although rather cunning rogue. Ladronnen is very intelligent, and has
not evil himself, Schedek supports Reydrich, because he has decided to prepare for when he will take the seat of power.
given Ahlissa independence from Rauxes. The young prince has taken to "helping" his father appoint
deputies, while at the same time having those deputies he
Schedek's lead advisor is Karl Montand, a dedicated spy for dislikes killed. Since Larinnen is obsessed with the house
the Brotherhood. He is a lesser priest of Pyremius, and his feud, the Sheriff's office is entirely occupied by those loyal to
real name is Brother Ignatius. He is quite content to have Ladronnen, even to the point that Reydrich appointed
Schedek living in the past, and he fosters this, as Getheren is Ladronnen's childhood friend to the sheriff's post.
a foothold in Ahlissa. Karl, as Schedek's advisor, has
recommended the appointment of many Brothers to the There are two reasons Reydrich does not take action in
sheriff's office as deputies. In Getheren, the police are more a Acrolis. While Larinnen controls a significant swath of land,
den of spies than a functional law enforcement system. his neighbors unanimously dislike him. This plays neatly into
Reydrich's desire to have little stability on a local level.
Estira However, he helps the prince's heir, as he can see needing
allies in the years to come.
About 40 miles east of Zelradton, the County of Estira is
ruled by Phoskisinian, Prince of Cranden (Pr10, CE). This The second reason is Larinnen's niece, Zula the Night
prince is utterly evil, a priest of Erythnul. He is, as would be Princess. She is a known necromancer, who studied in Rel
expected, a cruel and horrible man. He is widely known to be Astra. She owns a small portion of land given to her by
quickwitted, and believes that he should rule all of Ahlissa. Larinnen, and her only temporal interest is in her uncle's
Reydrich gives Phoskisinian some leeway, as the Prince has a safety. Zula keeps to her tower, which the peasants call
significant militia, and the Graf has some fear of Erythnul. Necrolis, with her consort, Carrod the Diviner. It is not
known how powerful Zula is, but Reydrich gives her due
Phoskisinian has declared Erythnul to be the state religion in
Estira, and as such has required all sheriff's deputies to be
priests of Erythnul. Due to this, Reydrich has been forced to Westhills
abandon his usual pattern of appointing priests to the sheriff's
position, as he could not put another priest of Erythnul there, The County of Westhills is located west of Zelradton, and is
nor could he use another faith. Thus, in Estira, the sheriff is ruled by the Count Cyrus (Pr5, LN(G)), prince of Torquann,
Bothagar, a dwarven fighter from the Iron Hills, who has and priest of Zilchus. The merchant class in this realm is very
worked as a mercenary around the eastern Flanaess. powerful, and the town of Richmond is populated by both
human and halfling traders. This realm is the gateway to
The rising star of Phoskisinian's court is Carolyn, Princess of Irongate, and as such gathers much wealth from trade in that
Darmen (W7, CE). She is an invoker of significant power, direction. Cyrus is a supporter of the military leaders, and
having studied at the Nexus in Rel Astra. The prince enjoys believes Ahlissa should "liberate" Onnwal and Idee, simply
her company, as she is almost as sadistic as he. Carolyn has to return his trade to the excellent position it was 10 years
one secret - she is a worshipper of Iuz the Old. She has been ago.
recruited by the Old One, to search for an enemy he believes
to be in the area. Carolyn is the justice of the county court, Cyrus has sent his friend Jallan the Cat (T6, CG) to Irongate
and is renowned for handing out some of the most inventive to make proposals to Cobb Darg on the future of the region.
Reydrich is aware of this, but does not impede the halfling
thief. Cyrus and Cobb Darg have known each other for thirty The House of Naelax has little remaining power in Ahlissa,
years, and trust each other implicitly. Reydrich suspects that as either Ivid or Reydrich has destroyed their princes. The
trying to take Irongate by force would use up too many remaining princes feel this was acceptable, as the house of
resources and make the South Province vulnerable to the Naelax is believed to be cursed. Many seem to forget that
Brotherhood. Therefore he hopes that Cyrus can make Reydrich himself is of the House Naelax.
peaceful inroads, such that Irongate can be claimed an ally.
The House Darmen has many princes in Ahlissa, but they
Tren mostly hold small holdings in the east, near the borders of
Kalstrand and Rel Deven. Unlike the lands east, the Darmen
On the North coast of Ahlissa, dominated by the town of princes in Ahlissa tend to bicker amongst themselves, and
Trennenport, is the County of Tren, ruled by Trenrast the have not become a significant power in this land.
Incompetent (F4, CG). Trenrast is only 27, but he is a
megalomaniac, who believes he holds much greater sway Mysterious Places
over his lands than he actually does. Trennenport is being
reinforced by Reydrich, as he needs a strong port in the west There are many mysterious places in Ahlissa, most of them
to complement Prymp. located in the fringe of the Iron Hills, Hollow Highlands, or
along the coast of Relmor Bay.
Trenrast does not in fact run the daily government in this
area. It is performed by the Lord Mayor of Trennenport, who Other scholars have detailed some of the region's well known
is an appointee of Reydrich. Unknown to Reydrich, the Lord locations of import, such as the Icespire, or the Calling
Mayor has been charmed by the true power in this county, Mines, but other, less well documented areas deserve
Astrax the Lich (W22, N(G)). attention. Whether these locations are real, or just the
imaginings of old men or the fictions of even older books, is
Astrax is ancient, taking the mantle of undeath before the unknown.
Turmoil Between Crowns. As such, he is still bound by his
oaths to the Throne in Rauxes. Astrax despises Ivid, but by The Lost Temple
oath must obey him. For this reason, Astrax is lying low, In the Hollow Highlands, it is rumored, is the Lost High
hoping Ivid will not notice him. The lich does not support Temple of Ralishaz the Unlooked For. No one knows what
any of the claimants to the Malachite Throne, and hopes that might be hidden there, but only one party of adventurers has
Ivid V is the last Overking, for then he will be freed of his ever escaped, and of that party, only one member made it
oath. His greatest fear is that Ivid's attention will turn to the back to civilization. She spoke of cunning traps, and of
South, and order Astrax to attack Reydrich. While there is no amorphous guardians that could seep through armor. She also
doubt Astrax could perform great destruction, the lich has no spoke of misfortune on an unheard of scale for hardy treasure
desire to do anything but continue with his research. It is hunters. Swords breaking when sheathed, spells having
rumored among those who know of Astrax that he holds random effects for experienced casters, and things going
many divining devices, and is obsessively seeking some missing just when they are needed most.
artifact of great power.
This bad luck seemed to follow the adventurer, and would
Sakhaeron even claim her life only a night after returning. On that
Zelrad the Eloquent's old fortress has been a ruin since evening, an inn boy cutting wood lost grip on his axe, which
Allreynen the Gripper destroyed it during the Turmoil flew through the second floor window of her lodgings,
Between Crowns and there are many rumors about its embedding itself into her forehead and killing her instantly
contents. However, few adventurers have ever attempted to The Crypt of Scales
search it, for fear of the Curse of Sakhaeron, which states that
no one may enter the ruin unless they are the heir to its The Crypt of Scales is but a folktale - or so most believe. No
throne. Since the last member of the House of Rax in this one is sure where it lies, but veiled references to its existence
area has been dead for many years, few are willing to brave are present in some of the ancient writings of those Aerdi
the castle's dangers. who first came to this area.
Other rumors hint that before the castle's destruction, the last Only Cyndor knows the entirety of the writing of these
Count wrote a bearer's will, such that any who find it will Oeridian settlers, but over the years scraps of their lore has
gain the ownership of the land. Under the Code of Schandor, surfaced. It is said that the crypt is occupied by the bones and
this was an acceptable practice, although rarely used. treasures of many dragons, and that it is guarded by both
living and undead wyrms.
The County of Sakhaeron reaches about eight miles from the
ruin, and almost to the walls of Zelradton. At present, the Carrod the Diviner is said to own the only known object to
land is administered by the city. have come from the Crypt, and he has determined that it is
not only a place where dragons died, but a portal to the
The Houses of Naelax and Darmen Mausoleum of Chronepsis. Unnamed sources indicate that
Carrod may not the only one to have such a treasure; the
exiled Jaran Krimeeah allegedly also possesses such an  The presence of operatives of the Brotherhood in Ahlissa
object. offers many possibilities of either ending up helping them
(without knowing, of course) or trying to expose them.
There is no living person who admits to having found the
Crypt's entrance, and few books tell of it. Everyone knows,  The city of Irongate, which is isolated and besieged, may
however, that if one could find it, and return alive, the wealth require couriers to transport goods to and from Sunndi,
and knowledge would be unimaginable. across the lands of Reydrich. Any type of party may be
required for this task, depending on the nature of the goods.
The Bronze Fortress
 Using the Sea Devils accessory, Ahlissa makes a good
The Bronze Fortress is one of the Fading Lands. It is not starting point for an undersea adventure, as sahuagin are
known who built this edifice, but it said to be constructed found in Relmor Bay.
entirely of bronze, and when it appears, it floats above the  Reydrich is Ahlissa's primary "balancing" force, though
ground. Descriptions of the Fortress range from a structure of his actions are based in self interest. A primarily neutral party
indescribable beauty, to a warped and twisted example of could enjoy hours of adventures either working with or
architectural psychosis. against Reydrich, with the aim of balancing the powerful
The earliest reports of the Fortress were not made in Ahlissa, leaders of Ahlissa.
but were reported by the Aerdi three times during the
migration east from the Suel Imperium. Since then, it has Conclusions
only been reported in Ahlissa. Many priests and mages have Travelers to the lands of Ahlissa have much to explore, for
attempted to divine its origin or creator, but to no avail. the land is not small, and the political intrigues there offer
many employment opportunities with the many princes of the
Other Sites
land. Reydrich is a powerful ruler, and should be avoided, but
The Iron Hills and Hollow Highlands are riddled with both the petty games of the princes often turn into important
active and abandoned mines of the dwarves and gnomes. The power struggles, and one never knows when they might find
older catacombs have become the lairs of many monsters, themselves in the right place to benefit. As a base of
including humanoid tribes, and purportedly even some operations, Ahlissa makes a reasonable home for those
dangerous creatures, such as the manticore. Even a few adventurers who wish to explore the Iron Hills or Hollow
dragons are also rumored to make their abode in these caves. Highlands, or risk life and limb in the battlefields of Almor.
There are reliable reports from the Hollow Highlands of a If a study of the covert operations of the Scarlet Brotherhood
subterranean society of a dark denizens who have a tendency draws interest, this is a relatively safe nation on the front
to explode when attacked (dark creepers). lines, with nearby subverted nations that will one day need
assistance in throwing off the scarlet yoke.
One mine bears special mention. High in the Iron Hills, with
its entrance halfway up a cliff, lies the Mine of Unending So be warned of the dangers in your exploits on the plateau,
Depths. This mine is inhabited by the duergar, and while and remember to watch every side. Carefully.
adventurers have returned from its depths, they note that it
just keeps on going. The presence of the duergar suggests
that this may be a rare entrance to the Underdark.

Adventure Ideas
In Ahlissa, there is much opportunity for those who seek
 For those just starting out, with little experience, the local
princes are often looking for couriers to transport items or
information to their allies. Should a group be successful at
this, they could be further hired as spies to seek information
from enemy princes.
 A party could come in contact with the paladin Quantal of
Heironeous, or the Holy Legate. They could assist in helping
the good priesthood gain a foothold, such as by rescuing a
village from the clutches of the priesthood of Hextor.
 A high level campaign idea is for Astrax to hire (coerce)
the party to slay Ivid in Rauxes and destroy the Malachite
Throne, in an attempt free the lich from his oath.
 $ #  

They were frequently used on adventures and their breath

weapon attacks were excellent for clean retrievals of treasure.
%&))&! Patron Deity: None (although Robilar did occasionally give
homage to Odin).
&!%&*+ Stronghold: Robilar's Castle was located about 70 miles
by Robert J. Kuntz with Douglas J. Behringer southwest of the City of Greyhawk, on the Wild Coast (Hex
E4-89). The castle complex was surrounded by several
([email protected], [email protected]) villages, all of whom paid a tithe to Robilar for protection.
The castle consists of a series of structures; a great keep

he following information is derived from the original
Greyhawk campaign, as conducted by E. Gary Gygax surrounded by four walls with towers at the corners. The
and Robert J. Kuntz. This information is presented for uppermost part of the keep had a collapsible roof allowing
background and trivia's sake, and may not in some the dragons to take immediate flight up and out. The main
instances completely agree with the "official" Greyhawk gate was barred so that only a person with storm giant
setting, as published by TSR, Inc. Only TSR, which owns the strength could lift the bar to gain entry (i.e., Robilar had a
rights to the Greyhawk setting, can decide what is "official" girdle of storm giant strength, so only he could enter).
Greyhawk lore, but it is hoped that the reader will find this Role-Playing Notes: Robilar started his career as neutral in
information from the original Greyhawk campaign of alignment but over time has turned lawful evil. In many
interest. ways, attitude and treatment of others, Robilar is still neutral.
Lord Robilar: "The Master of Dragons" Anyone other than his close friends, however, should be wary
Played By: Robert J. Kuntz (created in 1972) of trusting him. Robilar always plans on coming out on top.
Class/Level: Fighter/19th level He is a tough, talkative and friendly individual, who enjoys
Abilities: Str: 18/78, Int: 11, Wis: 16, Dex: 16, Con: 18, Chr: adventuring, companionship and the many pleasures of life.
16, hp: 117 Robilar fears nothing, and to prove that point, he often
Race: Oeridian adventures alone, even when the odds appear greatly stacked
Alignment: Lawful Evil against him. Three things drive him: magic, adventuring and
information, three things he can never seem to get enough of.
Items: Ring of spell turning, girdle of storm giant strength,
+3 longsword, +3 plate mail, +3 shield, +1 bow, flying
carpet, ring of invisibility, and a ring of regeneration (bought Robilar secretly owns the Green Dragon Inn, in the City of
from a cleric, played by Don Arndt, who accidentally Greyhawk. He uses the inn as a meeting place and as a means
stumbled into Robilar's castle during an outdoor adventure). of ferreting out information and keeping up with the local
happenings within the city. Robilar spent much of his earlier
Heraldry: A green dragon on a yellow shield. The yellow career adventuring in Castle Greyhawk, turning to outdoor
represents gold, which Robilar believes is a more powerful adventures after about 9th level. Robilar usually adventures
source of power than magic, for with it, one can utilize alone, though he has been known to explore with his djinn
anything that can be bought. (or efreet - since the djinn was killed subduing Robilar's
Relatives: Module WG6, Isle of the Ape, introduces Terik (or green dragons).
Teric), Robilar's brother. In the Greyhawk Campaign, Teric History: Robilar, along with Teric and Tenser, formed a
was played by Theron "Terry" Kuntz, Rob's real brother, triumvirate and took over the first level of Castle Greyhawk
though the characters themselves shared no familial for a while. They barracked their respective forces there and
relationship (this having been added by Gygax during the guarded ingress and egress, using the location as a base for
writing of Isle of the Ape). Robilar was born in the City of further adventures deep within the sprawling castle complex.
Greyhawk. His mother died in childbirth, and he never knew During this time, Robilar was a perilous adventurer, often
his father. He grew up on the streets of the free city, an going without maps and using a ring of invisibility to
outcast from his mother's family. adventure into the depths of the castle to investigate and
Companions: Otto, Tenser, Teric and Quij. Otto the mage ambush his enemies.
retained his laboratories/apartments on the third floor of Robilar was one of the first to make it around the Oerth. By
Robilar's Castle, near Robilar's training halls. Robilar also entering the lowest level in Greyhawk Castle, he was
counted three green dragons among his companions (note propelled by a magical slide to what would be modern day
Robilar's coat of arms from the original Greyhawk boxed "China." Teric and Tenser followed, as they missed his return
set). The dragons were a small family, consisting of a mother, to the first level of the Castle, which, as a team, this trio held
father and baby. The creatures had no names, but Robilar sway over. They caught up with him by scrying and they
spoke their native language, so all was understood between finished the adventure together. They all split later - Teric
them. Robilar trained all three dragons as fighting steeds. visited the southeast area around the Sea Barons (he was
looking for Voodoo-type areas), Tenser went home, and
Robilar trudged down into the southern jungles, far past the Robilar and the Temple of Elemental Evil: The Temple of
reach of Sea Prince slavers. Elemental Evil campaign was designed by Gary Gygax to
introduce new players into the Greyhawk campaign. During
The warrior even introduced steel for the first time to Amedio
this period, a lot was happening in Hommlet, as a whole new
jungle tribesmen. These worthies captured him, inheriting a
breed of Greyhawk adventurers rose in levels. But the
+1 composite bow. Gary hinted that they would reproduce
Hommlet campaign was a beginning campaign and most of
the thing (in non-magical form), and woe to the next series of
the characters involved were low level. They were scared to
death to go near the Temple. After hearing of the happenings
Robilar and the Nine Imprisoned Demi-gods: The freeing of in the Hommlet area, Robilar finally decided to investigate
Iuz and the other eight "demi-gods" imprisoned beneath the Temple himself.
Castle Greyhawk was instigated by Robilar, who released
In CY 575, Robilar traveled with his henchmen Quij and Otto
them (Robilar seems to like freeing things, being a free spirit
the Mage to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Robilar traveled
himself!). This event occurred in the dungeons of Castle
on his flying carpet and Quij and Otto followed on griffons.
Greyhawk on a dungeon level known as the "Bottle City,"
Robilar entered the temple complex with Otto, leaving Quij
which was a level created by E. Gary Gygax.
behind to guard the griffons and flying carpet. While other
Robilar, who was 10th level at the time, entered the adventurers raided the temple and then withdrew, Robilar
containment room, and viewed the nine imprisoned creatures entered the temple and fought his way through it. For two
mounted a top pedestals VERY carefully before deciding to days he slew all he encountered. Eventually Robilar freed the
deal with the many-handed one first (i.e. Hextor). Robilar demoness Zuggtmoy, who was imprisoned beneath the
decided to dispatch (singly) the toughest melee capable of the temple complex. (Artifact of Evil states that Mordenkainen
lot first, in case all nine were to animate simultaneously (the was present and purposefully assisted in "freeing" Zuggtmoy
nine imprisoned were: Iuz, Ralishaz, Trithereon, Erythnul, in some scheme designed to preserve the Balance. This was a
Olidammara, Heironeous, Celestian, Hextor, and Obad-Hai). later literary addition by E. Gary Gygax.) Why did Robilar
In the ensuing melee with Hextor, the other eight "demi- free Zuggtmoy? Robilar purposefully released the demoness,
gods" were "accidentally" released, as loosing one seemed to because too much good was going on around the place. In a
have a domino effect. As the nine "demi-gods" turned their manner, to balance the proceedings.
attentions toward destroying each other, Robilar executed a
Alerted by the "freeing" of the demoness, a Force of Good
tactical withdrawal (i.e. he ran for his life) to lick his wounds.
rushed to the temple complex in an attempt to recapture the
demoness and to punish her liberators. Tenser and his
Robilar later returned to the room to investigate. Before associates arrived, with Burne, Rufus, Otis and a great force
returning, he heard the sounds of a great battle occurring of elves, paladins and unicorns. Upon seeing the destruction
(which was another reason for returning to investigate). Upon of her temple complex and the gathering Force of Good,
re-entering the containment room, he saw that all of the Zuggtmoy departed in great haste. Robilar and Otto fled back
pedestals were empty, with no beings in sight. All nine of the to his castle, with the Force of Good in hot pursuit. The druid
gods were loosed upon the world. Jaroo, in falcon form, followed Robilar and Otto over 200
miles back to Robilar's castle. After they were informed of
Many readers will recognize that the "nine demi-gods"
his whereabouts, the good war party eventually rallied
released by Robilar were later to appear in published
outside of Robilar's castle. Robilar and Otto abandoned the
Greyhawk materials as both demi-gods and lesser gods. Rob
castle and it fell to the Forces of Good.
explains this discrepancy as follows: "What I remember
about the demi-gods is that there were nine that Robilar set Lessons learned: Seems Gary was none too happy with
free. Gary later referred to them as demi-gods, as I sought Robilar's adventure beneath the Temple of Elemental Evil.
more information about them. They essentially disappeared Robilar had a great time dismembering creatures, crunching
into the World of Greyhawk wilderness, never to be heard things and watching Gary's look of consternation grow with
from again until Gary rewrote them for the World of every toppled column. The final straw was the releasing of
Greyhawk Campaign Setting (Second Edition, 1983). That Zuggtmoy. The DM's vendetta pursued Robilar all the way
Gary later referred to them as lesser gods is understandable. back to his castle, which he was forced to abandon. A
In reshaping something that originally appeared in 1972 in valuable lesson was learned and Robilar's history starts being
his actual campaign, name changes and/or designations controlled by outside forces. Not much treasure was gained
appeared and disappeared. Gary was defining his world as and with the fall of his castle, he lost more than he gained. He
well as presenting it for the consumers and fans alike, so this did make a friend of Zuggtmoy, though nothing transpired
was natural. Upon publication of the campaign setting he had from that quarter.
(and we all had) a firm placement (and understanding) of
Alternate Robilar History: Robilar's creator, Robert J.
demi-, lesser- greater-, gods, etc. I will add that Gary seemed
Kuntz, is unsatisfied with the "official" history of Robilar
very pleased when Robilar loosed these creatures, and I was
since his parting of the ways with TSR. He proposes the
to find out why much later in the Temple of Elemental Evil!"
following "alternate history" to bring the "official" Robilar and was taking it to a Temple of Zuggtmoy located there, for
more into line with the Robilar as run by him. what purpose is unknown."
Following the treachery of Rary and the deaths of Otiluke After delivering the Orb to the Temple of Zuggtmoy, Robilar
and Tenser, rumors began to circulate in the lands around made his way back to the Drachensgrab Mountains and is
Greyhawk of a secret meeting of the surviving members of believed to have joined his forces located there. The force is
the Circle of Eight. The rumors state that it was Otto who reported to consist of 50 heavy cavalry (regulars), 100
called this meeting, to attempt to divine the motives behind medium cavalry (regulars), 50 light cavalry (regulars), 50
the treachery of Rary and Robilar. light horse crossbowmen (regulars), 100 heavy infantry
(levied), 50 horse archers (elite orcish), 50 light
Few could fathom how Rary, a trusted member of the Circle,
crossbowmen (regulars), and 100 pole armed infantry
and Robilar, a long time boon companion and friend to many,
(regular orcish). Most of the higher level associates of
could have betrayed and attempted to murder their
Robilar were killed during the fall of his castle. This force is
compatriots in the Circle. Mordenkainen was especially at a
mostly lawful evil, but trusted by few because of their chaotic
loss to explain the betrayal of Robilar, his close friend and
adventuring partner of many years.
Otto reminded Mordenkainen that it was he and Robilar that Quij:
had traveled to the fabled City of the Gods in the lands of Played By: Henchman of Robilar (run by the DM, E. Gary
Blackmoor. It was during this expedition in these strange Gygax, circa 1972)
lands that the pair discovered many ancient scrolls of Class/Level: Fighter/4th level
formally unknown magics and powerful spells. Otto related Abilities: Low Intelligence, high Strength, otherwise average
that when Robilar returned, he gave him several scrolls that statistics.
were found there, one of which contained the spell clone. Race: Orc
Robilar freely gave these powerful magics to Otto in return Relatives: None ever mentioned.
for his promise to use the clone spell, on a piece of flesh Companions: Henchman of Robilar. Also associates with
provided by Robilar, should the need ever arise. Otto and Tenser.
Otto went on to explain that following Robilar's release of Patron Deity: Unknown.
Zuggtmoy during his adventures beneath the ruins of the Stronghold: Used to live at Robilar's keep, but since the
Temple of Elemental Evil, Robilar was forced to flee as the Temple of Elemental Evil debacle and the subsequent
forces of good sacked his castle in retaliation for his release sacking of Robilar's keep, Quij's current whereabouts are
of Zuggtmoy. Still being pursued, Robilar sent word to Otto unknown.
that he was traveling beyond the Flanaess to the lands east of
the Solnor Ocean, and that now might be a good time to use Role-Playing Notes: Robilar seldom risks Quij's health, as he
the clone spell, to cover his escape. prefers to adventure alone, or in the company of his djinn or
efreet. Quij would take advantage of Robilar at times, such as
Obviously, Robilar hoped that those pursuing him would the time he "stole" Robilar's flying carpet during the Temple
destroy the clone and he could return later when things had of Elemental Evil episode.
settled down. Much to the astonishment of the other members
of the Circle, Otto related that he indeed used the clone spell History: Quij killed a troll while fighting side by side with
to create a clone of Robilar, a fact that he kept secret from his Robilar and Teric in a tremendous battle that took place in
friends for years. For many years the clone of Robilar the Troll/Orc level of Castle Greyhawk. Gary promoted Quij
behaved normally, so Otto assumed the "real" Robilar had to Orc Hero (4th level) for killing a troll single handedly.
perished in his eastern expedition. After killing the troll, Quij became very faithful to Robilar
but also very boisterous (showing his orcish pride).
Otto went on to say that he now believes this clone was
slowly driven insane by presence of a very much alive "real" In CY 575 Quij accompanied Robilar on an adventure to the
Robilar somewhere in the eastern lands across the ocean. Temple of Elemental Evil. Robilar traveled on his flying
This would explain Robilar's rather erratic behavior in the carpet and Quij and Otto followed on griffons. Robilar
last few years (such as changing his Coat of Arms and entered the temple complex with Otto, leaving Quij behind to
joining Rary in a plot against his "friends"). Neither Otto nor guard the griffons and flying carpet. Upon seeing the arrival
any other members of the Circle have been able to locate the of Tenser and associates, Quij fled (he was an orc after all
presence of Robilar in the eastern lands. and the forces arriving didn't look friendly to his "kind").

When questioned by the other members of the Circle about Where Quij went after fleeing from the Temple of Elemental
Robilar's trip to the east, Otto pointed to a map that Heward Evil complex is unknown. Many believe that he made his
made for Mordenkainen and indicated that he believes that way to the Pomarj and rejoined the remnants of Robilar's
Robilar was headed to the Empire of Lynn, on the western forces that survived the sacking his keep and fled there.
shores of the continent of Oerik. It seems that Robilar had
"acquired" a powerful relic called the Orb of Clerics (evil)
Played By: Robert J. Kuntz
Class/Level: Magic-user/18th level
Abilities: Above average, 18 Intelligence.
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Items: Staff of power, efreet bottle, crystal ball with
Relatives: None were ever recorded.
Companions: Robilar, Mordenkainen, Tenser, and Bigby.
Otto seldom will be found too far from Lord Robilar's side.
Stronghold: None. Otto lived in Robilar's Castle near the
Gnarley Forest. He had his own quarters, library and
Role-Playing Notes: In the "official" TSR lore, Otto is a
member of the Circle of Eight. In the original campaign, Otto
was a henchman of Robilar. He served as Robilar's court
wizard. The Circle of Eight was an adventuring group
composed of characters run by E. Gary Gygax. Membership
in Mordenkainen's Circle of Eight consisted of: Bigby, Yrag,
Riggby, Felnorith, Siggby, Diggby (a dwarf), and the elves
Vram and Vin.
Favorite Sayings: "Otto is my name; magic is my game," (a
ditty created by E. Gary Gygax, which Otto would sing at the
Green Dragon Inn).
History: Otto was originally an inhabitant of Castle
Greyhawk. He lived on the second level. Robilar, Tenser and
Teric were adventuring in Castle Greyhawk when they
encountered Otto in a room on the second dungeon level. In
the ensuing melee, Otto was subdued by Tenser. After a
dispute involving the two mages, he decided to work for
Robilar. Otto rose in level quite fast and was Robilar's court
wizard - a very loyal and good friend. The pair shared
hundreds of adventures and saved one another's neck on
many occasions.

Dragon Magazine, Issue #37, From the Sorcerer's Scroll, by
E. Gary Gygax, May, 1980.
The Rogues Gallery, TSR Games, 1980, Product # 9031.
Temple of Elemental Evil, Module T1-4, TSR, 1985, by E.
Gary Gygax and Frank Mentzer, Product # 9147.
Isle of the Ape, Module WG 6, TSR, 1985, by E. Gary
Gygax, Product # 9153.
The Council of Greyhawk accepts freelance submissions The Council is a loosely organized group of Greyhawk
from anyone interested. If you have something enthusiasts who currently meet and operate via email and
IRC. Regular meetings are open to all interested. Check our
you wish to submit, or would like to discuss an idea for an web page, the World of Greyhawk folder at KEYWORD:
article, send e-mail to "[email protected]". All submissions RPG on AOL or GREYtalk for meeting times and details.
are reviewed by a small editorial board and checked for
clarity, grammar and consistency. We will work with all Visit our new Web site at:
submissions, but reserve the right to reject a piece if it does www.tc.umn.edu/~monax002/Council
not conform to the aforementioned standards.
We are always interested in in-depth examinations of the THE COUNCIL OF GREYHAWK
nations of the Flanaess and their history, as well as
adventures, NPC outlines, artifact and magical item Chairman: Gary Holian ([email protected])
descriptions, and just about anything else related to Vice-Chair: Fred Weining ([email protected])
Greyhawk. Regular features include "Dyvers, City of
Adventure," which details guilds, individuals, locations and Editor/Webmaster:Erik Mona ([email protected])
organizations of the City of Sails, "With Boccob's Blessing," Assistant Editor: Nathan Irving ([email protected])
a regular in-depth look at a magic item or artifact unique to
the World of Greyhawk, "Gateway to Adventure," World of Secretary: Donna Wieble ([email protected])
Greyhawk-based adventure modules and "The Good Oerth," Chair Emeritus: Steve Wilson ([email protected])
detailed explorations into "off the map" areas of Oerik and
Writer's Guidelines are archived at THE OERTH JOURNAL
http://members.aol.com/oerthjrnl. Editor-in-Chief: Erik Mona ([email protected])
Assistant Editor: Nathan Irving ([email protected])
Editorial Assistance: Phil Rhodes ([email protected]),
Tom Harrison (BluSponge), Mark Bridgeman
([email protected]).

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