Strahd Loves Man Kills N°3
Strahd Loves Man Kills N°3
Strahd Loves Man Kills N°3
Man Kills
Writing and Design: Jack Shear
Cover Art: Michael Gibbons
Interior Art: Dmitry Vechorko, Sammy Williams, David Balev,
Clark Young, Donovan Reeves, Jose Martinez, Macau, Adam
Flockeman, Kristina Flour, Alexia Rodriguez, Engin Akyurt
Contact: [email protected]
A Ravenloft Fanzine
Issue 3: Winter 2022
The Dead Travel Fast
I bid you welcome to the third issue of Strahd Love, Man Kills.
Have you ever considered that since the Land of the Mists is an
artificial construct made by the Dark Powers, the sun that shines
over the domains may not be real in a meaningful sense? Think
upon this: if the sun isn’t real, creatures of the night such as
vampires and wights may not be affected by its sullen rays.
It’s too grim a possibility to contemplate for long. Let’s move on
to this issue’s contents:
Lurid Locations explores a version of Sanguinia inspired by
the Gothic fear of feudalism’s oppressive excesses.
Baleful Backgrounds presents a new background for
characters: penny dreadful writer.
Seeds of Evil details two adventure seeds you can use to craft
Lurid Locations
scenarios set in Ravenloft. This issue’s installment posits the grim
possibility of a war between Dracula and Strahd and a campaign
framework based on stopping a malefactor from resurrecting the
Darklord of Barovia after his demise. Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features many interesting
Portraits of the Damned presents two nonplayer characters locations tailor-made for adventures set in the Land of the Mists,
for use in your games: Reverend Krast and Sister Vulcra, two but there is always room for more sinister sites. This installment of
witchfinders corrupted by fanaticism and zealotry. Lurid Locations presents a re-imagined version of Sanguinia.
Cryptic Alliances adds two additional factions to Ravenloft Sanguinia was introduced in the Realm of Terror boxed set, but
from my home campaign and offers an alternate take on the Vhage it never really had a chance to shine as a compelling adventure
Agency detailed in Van Richten’s Guide. locale. Sanguinia was depicted as a rather generic cold and dark
Tragic Heroes focuses on sinister spiritualists you might Gothic land under the thumb of a cruel vampire lord, which meant
create as characters for games set in the Domains of Dread. it had little to recommend it over Barovia as a site for vampire-
Random Ruin features a table that generates Dark Secrets for slaying adventures.
the characters in your campaign and suggests mechanics for The version of Sanguinia that I present here mines the fears of
making those secrets matter. a return to feudalism and the resurgence of the excesses of the
Forbidden Tomes provides a bibliography of a particular medieval past that color many Gothic novels. I’ve taken the
genre of horror for your edification and entertainment. This previous Darklord, Prince Ladislav Mircea, and divided him into
installment explores dark fantasy. two competing Darklords—each of whom symbolizes a different
kind of feudal horror.
Maps of Sanguinia can be found in Realm of Terror and the
Ravenloft Campaign Setting book. Also, several fantastic fan-
made maps of the domain are only an internet search away.
Sanguinia Noteworthy Features
Those familiar with Sanguinia know the following facts:
Domain of Feudal Excesses
• Sanguinia was once a united kingdom ruled by Prince
Darklords: Count Magnus von Karlok and Countess Yulia Ladislav Mircea, but is now divided between the vampires
Skarnstein Countess Yulia Skarnstein and Count Magnus von Karlok.
Genres: Gothic horror and dark fantasy • The oppressed peasants of Sanguinia are required to tithe
Hallmarks: Oppressed peasants, decadent nobility, blood tithes their blood to feed their undead masters.
Mist Talismans: Bejeweled goblet, fragment of shattered crown • The worship of the gods has been outlawed throughout
Sanguinia. The land’s many churches and cathedrals stand
Sanguinia is a cold northern realm of defiled churches, sprawling vacant or ruined, though some Sanguinians meet in secret
castles, and humble farming communities. Once a land held in to continue practicing their faiths.
thrall by a single capricious feudal prince, Sanguinia is now a
realm divided. Two vampire nobles vie against each other for
control of Sanguinia. In the south, Count Magnus von Karlok Sanguinian Characters
holds sway over the territories encircling Fagarus. In the north, Characters from Sanguinia tend to be hardened and stoic folk
Countess Yulia Skarnstein rules the villages, towns, and hamlets who take nothing for granted. Used to hunger, frigid weather,
that surround Kosova. and abuse from those with authority, they rarely complain openly
A look of fear, resentment, and resignation is common in the and treat every new day as a gift. When players create characters
eyes of Sanguinian serfs. The mortal peasantry who populate the from Sanguinia, consider asking them the following questions.
land are forced to work the unforgiving and often barren soil of
Sanguinia just to eke out a meager existence. Worse yet, they must What social class did you belong to? Social class matters a
pay a tithe in blood to the vampires who reign over them as great deal in Sanguinia. Most Sanguinians are serfs with few
undying lords. Although they are oppressed by undead nobles they rights, but a small middle class of artisans does exist. Rarer still
cannot hope to overcome, revolts among the lower classes are are the mortals who attend the courts of the lands’ vampire rulers
becoming increasingly more common, incendiary, and dangerous as members of the hereditary aristocracy.
in Sanguinia. These petty rebellions are always violently
suppressed by the vampires who govern the domain. Have you attended the court of Yulia Skarnstein or
Countess Skarnstein and Count von Karlok contest each other’s Magnus von Karlok? The courtiers of the land bend to the
rule in both overt and subtle ways. Each wishes to usurp the other whims of Sanguinia’s vampire nobles—have you ever
from their territory so that they might rule all of Sanguinia. Yulia encountered either of the vampire lords who rule the realm or
Skarnstein has spies hidden within the Count’s household and perhaps had your presence requested at their courts?
plots to lure him into a cunning trap that will end his unnatural
existence. Magnus von Karlok has marshaled his troops, annexed What sustains you? Sanguinia is largely a land without hope,
villages that belonged to the Countess’s dominion, and hopes to but its people often grasp onto an ideal or cause that gives their
one day meet Yulia on the field of battle so that he might kill her lives a greater sense of purpose. This ideal may be dedication to
personally. Neither can rest easy while the other still exists. The one’s family, belief in a spiritual savior, or the cause of liberty and
people of Sanguinia are caught in the middle of this ferocious and emancipation itself.
unending enmity.
Settlements and Sites Lake Argus
The winds blow cold and harsh around the shores of Lake Argus.
Sanguinia is a hard, unforgiving land of frost, cold winds, and
Save for a few brief weeks in the height of summer, Lake Argus is
rocky soil. Most of the populace live in villages and hamlets that
sealed over with a thick crust of gleaming ice. Those who stare into
are little more than open farmland dotted with crude shelters. It is
the lake’s mirror-like surface on nights of the full moon are
only around the estates of Sanguinia’s vampire lords that anything
granted strange visions, such as glimpses of a wintry apocalypse
approaching urban civilization can sustain itself.
that will make the land inhospitable to life or the presence of a
sunken city lurking at the center of Lake Argus.
Castle Guirgiu
Nestled at the foot of the mountains, Castle Guirgiu is an Tirgo
abandoned keep that was once the seat of Prince Ladislav. The
The town of Tirgo is caught at the border between the lands
people of Sanguinia have a pronounced dread of Castle Guirgiu.
claimed by Count Magnus von Karlok and Countess Yulia
The castle is haunted by a spectral memory of the once-whole
Skarnstein. Ownership of the town and its farmland alternates
prince; he continually weeps over his currently divided state and
between the two vampire lords of Sanguinia depending on the
inability to reconcile his warring passions.
fluctuation of the border between the two vampires’ holdings.
The heavily fortified city of Fagarus is the seat of Count Magnus
Ladislav Mircea
von Karlok’s realm in the south of Sanguinia. Count Magnus Sanguinia is a domain possessing two Darklords, but it was once
demands that the people of Fagarus suffer meekly under the the province of a single man—Prince Ladislav Mircea. Ladislav
imposition of austerity. Fagarus is the central hub of trade in knew he ruled his principality as an unloved despot. Though the
southern Sanguinia, but the townspeople do not benefit from suffering engendered by his rule troubled his conscience, rather
increased access to food or other goods. The Count stockpiles than attempt to reform his tyrannical ways directly he enlisted a
grain and other necessities for the war he wishes to wage against foul priest of a deity known as the Lawgiver to enact a ritual that
Yulia Skarnstein. Order is kept in Fagarus by the Count’s brutal would magically purge him of his most pernicious flaws.
enforcers, who are immediately recognizable by the ashen coats Unfortunately, Prince Ladislav was a man of many sins. He was
they wear and the executioner’s axes they carry as grim badges of as warlike and bellicose as he was lusty and depraved. The ritual
office. Overlooking the town is Castle Myrkrana, Count Magnus did not free him from his worst impulses—it instead rent him
von Karlok’s spartan and imposing keep. asunder, giving separate life to the failings that marred his
essential self. His anger and love of exercising authority was
Kosova encapsulated in Magnus von Karlok, the very embodiment of the
imperious vampire. His licentiousness and ungovernable
Kosova is the largest city in Countess Yulia Skarnstein’s northern attraction to physical and spiritual corruption was given form as
realm and the acknowledged center of culture in Sanguinia. The the vampire hedonist Yulia Skarnstein.
Countess’s court attracts artists, dancers, musicians, poets, and
actors who find the unnatural allure of undeath to be aesthetically As equal portions of the same blighted soul, Yulia and Magnus
inspiring. Similarly, the pleasures offered in Kosova dull the pain hold each other in the deepest contempt and are cursed to forever
and monotony of toil on behalf of the Countess. Taverns, brothels, war against one another in a battle that neither can win. The Dark
and gambling dens litter the streets of the city. At the center of Powers ensure that the hubris of Prince Ladislav’s vain attempt to
Kosova stands Castle Siebenhurst, Yulia Skarnstein’s seven-spired free himself from his transgressions will be punished in perpetuity
fastness of gleaming white stone, elegant galleries, and stained as the two halves of his nature are forced into a never-ending
glass windows depicting acts of carnal depravity. conflict to control Sanguinia.
Magnus’s Powers and Dominion Yulia’s Powers and Dominion
Magnus von Karlok is a towering Yulia Skarnstein is a vampire of
vampire of rigid, militaristic mien, with breathtaking beauty who refuses to be
a long mane of hair and piercing eyes. dressed in anything less than the
He only ever truly feels comfortable height of sumptuous fashion. She is a
when striding across the battlefield masterful gatherer of information and
clad in his blood-red ancestral armor an adept manipulator. Yulia favors
and giving vent to his violent impulses indirect machinations; she prefers
against whoever dares to oppose him. quiet assassination and complex
Magnus von Karlok’s stats are similar stratagems over blatant aggression.
to those of a vampire warrior. Yulia Skarnstein’s stats are similar to
The Knights of Draghul. those of a vampire spellcaster,
Magnus von Karlok maintains an elite though her spells lean toward
band of warriors known as the Knights enchantment, divination, and magic
of Draghul who direct and lead his drawn from the darker end of the
militias. The Knights of Draghul are cleric’s spell list.
mostly comprised of the scions of dragonborn families that the Cult of the Razor’s Kiss. Yulia is the high priestess of a
Count has allowed to settle in estates around Fagarus. Count pleasure cult that venerates Malcanthet, the Demon Queen of
Magnus trains each of his knights personally; they are fanatically Succubi. The cultists of the Razor’s Kiss view pain and degradation
loyal to him, viewing him as a veritable demigod of war who will as the highest forms of beauty and art; they venerate Malcanthet
lead them to blood-soaked victories. through sadomasochistic rituals that test their endurance and
The Brides of von Karlok. Magnus has few close devotion to the Demon Queen. As Malcanthet’s chosen prophet,
relationships, but his most trusted advisors are his three Yulia Skarnstein has a number of skilled enchanters,
monstrous brides: Lithka is a cunning harpy who acts as his cambions, and succubi from the cult sworn to her service.
spymaster, Phaedra is a medusa who operates as his private
assassin, and Maxima is an erinyes who assists in drawing Roleplaying Yulia Skarnstein
elaborate battle plans for the conquest of Countess Yulia Countess Yulia fears the inescapable ennui that comes with long
Skarnstein’s territories. centuries of undeath. She regularly holds salons in Castle
Siebenhurst to stave off boredom and keeps a harem of
Roleplaying Magnus von Karlok breathtakingly beautiful intellectual and artistic men and women
Magnus is inflexible, believes in a strict code of honor, and is a to provide her with whatever stimulation she requires.
reactionary traditionalist at heart. However, his chivalrous nature Personality Trait. “I appreciate witty conversation and
is compromised by a domineering streak that flares into violent demand to be amused by those around me.”
rage at the slightest provocation. Ideal. “I want to be privy to every secret and experience every
Personality Trait. “If a subordinate does not bow and scrape possible pleasure—no matter how base or degenerate.”
before me, they must learn a grievous and painful lesson.” Bond. “Whoever gratifies my desires is my current favorite,
Ideal. “I am driven to seek glory through military victory.” but my favor is forever fickle and inconstant.”
Bond. “I feel a kinship with all honorable warriors.” Flaw. “I cannot conceive of others as anything else but
Flaw. “My belief in the superiority of my martial skill playthings.”
sometimes blinds me to obvious danger.”
Adventures in Sanguinia
The horror of Sanguinia lies the fear of a return to feudal brutality
in a land where the common people can be used, drained of
vitality, and disposed of at the whims of a powerful caste of
undead nobility.
Sanguinia Adventures
d8 Adventure
1 A monstrous beast has been massacring remote villages. It
must be tracked to its lair and slain. However, it will be
discovered that the beast is under the command of a
shadowy agent sowing chaos and discord to weaken one of
the domain’s Darklords.
2 Ownership of a hamlet sitting near the shores of Lake Argus
is contested by the domain’s two rival vampires, rendering it
vulnerable to being caught in the crossfire as they pursue
their bloody-minded vendettas.
3 A peasant rebellion is about to erupt in a village famous for
its gem cutting. The serfs are in dire need of additional
Baleful Backgrounds
armaments, training, and the aid of experienced This section of Strahd Loves, Man Kills presents a new
adventurers to make their bid for freedom successful. background for characters: penny dreadful writer.
4 A forsaken dungeon holds dark intimations of the Although any fictional tales of terror a penny dreadful writer
connection between the domain’s two fractious Darklords. might pen could be easily mistaken for factual reporting by the
besieged and bedeviled denizens of the Land of the Mists, I love
5 An unheralded force of darkness descends upon the land. the idea of an adventurer who captures the essence of their
The only thing that could possibly repel it is an alliance exploits in prose—with a few grisly embellishments, of course—to
between the forces commanded by Yulia Skarnstein and satisfy the prurient interests of the reading public.
Magnus von Karlok. The characters will be placed in the
unenviable position of entreating their combined aid.
6 Magnus von Karlok has enlisted a rogue artificer to create INSPIRATIONS
automaton soldiers to swell the ranks of his legions. This background was inspired by the many unrecognized authors
7 The moon turns a sickly yellow and the earth splits to reveal of penny dreadfuls in the nineteenth century who kept the Gothic
a fire raging beneath the land. These apocalyptic portents tradition alive in the lurid pages of their cheaply printed
point to the arrival of a dhampir prophesied to bring the end periodicals. Should you wish to explore the world of penny
of the world. dreadfuls, I recommend Varney the Vampire, a lengthy tale that
8 An innocent has been captured by the Cult of the Razor’s predates the publication of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and The
Kiss. This individual is in need of rescue, else they will String of Pearls, which introduced the world to Sweeney Todd,
transformed into an avatar of Malcanthet against their will. the Demon Barber of Fleet Street!
Penny Dreadful Writer Personality Traits
d8 Personality Trait
You write gruesome tales of murder, monsters, and mayhem for
the entertainment of the reading public. 1 I pry into other people’s private lives to find material for my
next story.
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from among History, Insight,
and Investigation 2 I always have my nose in a book.
Tool Proficiencies: Calligrapher’s supplies 3 I scrutinize everyone’s behavior so that I might make my
characters’ motivations more realistic.
Languages: One of your choice
4 I adventure to experience horror firsthand to capture its
Equipment: A copy of your latest publication, calligrapher’s
effects with the upmost verisimilitude.
supplies, a blank book, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch
containing 10 gp 5 When I am writing I become oblivious to the world and
people around me.
Feature: Adoring Fans 6 I am curious about every little detail and quite easily become
fixated on minor matters.
Even under the most unlikely circumstances you might encounter
a fan of your work. This fan will be willing to put you up for the 7 I never pass up the opportunity to hear an old storyteller
night or aid you in any way they can, if only to have the spin a yarn by the fireside.
opportunity to get your autograph, take a peek at your next penny 8 Writing is my curse. I feel bound to write even though the
dreadful, or ask you where you get your ideas. process is pure torture.
Cryptic Alliances
accompanied by orphaned children they “adopt” in their travels.
These children are purposefully reduced to a feral, wild state. They
are kept on leashes and their teeth are filed to sharp points to
make them into weapons useful to the two witchfinders. These This installment of Cryptic Alliances details two factions that I’ve
children use stats similar to those of wolves. Consider the used to good effect in my own campaigns and an alternate take on
following plots when featuring Grigori Krast and Sister Vulcra in the Vhage Agency.
an adventure:
• The witchfinders have accused an innocent of practicing
black magic and plan to burn them at the stake to
The Barbarez Legion
demonstrate the fate that awaits heretics. The Barbarez Legion is a mercenary band comprised solely of
• The pair have taken a child into their retinue who is not an gnolls who engage in carnage to honor the demon lord Yeenoghu.
orphan; the child’s parents are desperate to have the girl Their lust for gold and plunder is outpaced only by their love of
returned to them. bloodshed. The gnolls of the Barbarez Legion serve anyone
depraved and wealthy enough to employ them. The contract
• One of the pair have been captured by a coven of witches. insisted upon by the Barbarez Legion is simple: they expect to be
The other demands that the characters help them free their paid well to fight on behalf of their employer, and they reserve the
compatriot. If the characters refuse, they will be accused of right to feast upon the carcasses of their fallen foes and deceased
being in league with fiends. allies when battle has concluded.
The warriors of the Barbarez Legion are likely to be found in
INSPIRATIONS any domain when military conflict is imminent or ongoing. They
Reverent Krast was inspired by Reverend Trask from Dark might appear in Falkovnia, offering to engage the undead hordes
Shadows. Sister Vulcra was inspired by the Battle Sisters army, that besiege Levkarest, or they may enter into a contract to repel
and Saint Celestine in particular, from Warhammer 40k. Their the advances of the faceless warriors who continually assault
savage adopted children were inspired by the show Salem. Staunton Bluffs. When not under contract as soldiers, they operate
as brigands and raiders.
The Crucifuge
The Crucifuge is an order of necromancers who experiment with
novel ways of combining dead flesh, black magic, and the vital
essences of demons to birth new forms of corporeal undead.
Members of the Crucifuge possess a nihilistic philosophical
perspective, regarding life itself as a cosmic stain that should be
effaced by the depredations of the undead. Many necromancers of
the Crucifuge revere Orcus and consider their dark work to be a
form of worship. The undead created by the necromancers of the
Crucifuge are endowed with demonic boons as detailed in
Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes.
Vhage Agency
The Vhage Agency is a guild of occult detectives, spies, private
investigators, thief-takers, and bounty hunters. The Vhage Agency
excels at bringing the worst criminals in the Land of the Mists to
Tragic Heroes
justice, offering an alternative to often incompetent or uncaring
parish beadles, watchmen, and local constabulary. The Vhage
Agency will take any case—that said, their services do come at a
price that is sometimes too dear for the truly downtrodden to pay. This feature gives four brief outlines of heroes you might create as
Rumors that the Vhage Agency will take innocent lives for the characters to face the horrors of Ravenloft. Each Tragic Heroes
right handful of coins dogs the organization and tarnishes its segment revolves around a common theme. The theme of this
reputation. Additionally, it is known that the Vhage Agency’s installment is sinister spiritualists.
members have worked as strikebreakers and as private security for
the wealthy and powerful. Disciple of Slaughter
What is not well known is that every Vhage Agency office is part
of the domain that entraps the Darklord Flimira “Flintlock” Vhage. The disciple of slaughter is haunted by the ghost of a murderer
No matter what domain a Vhage Agency office is located in, there who was convicted and executed for their heinous crimes.
is always a hallway within it that leads to Flintlock’s personal Although this haunting is a constant torment to the disciple of
chamber—a strangely monotone gray room where she spins webs slaughter, they also benefit from the attention of the murderous
of deceit, as she is a criminal mastermind successfully spirit who is always by their side. The disciple of slaughter is
masquerading as a detective. unlikely to be a hardened killer in their own right, but when they
are in danger they become momentarily possessed by the
murderer’s spirit—which grants them the ability to kill with
INSPIRATIONS reckless abandon.
The Barbarez Legion was loosely inspired by the Barbaroi in Suggested build: Human Path of the Berserker barbarian
volume three of Vampire Hunter D. The Crucifuge was inspired
the Devil Forgemasters in Castlevania and Danzig’s Lucifuge
album. My revision of the Vhage Agency took inspiration from
film noir and the historical Pinkerton National Detective Agency.
The eviscerant has mastered the art of separating their astral body
from their corporeal body to aid them in the midst of battle. They
Random Ruin
project their spiritual body to fight alongside their earthly form, When you’re stuck for inspiration,
temporarily sundering the bond between spirit and matter. nothing beats a random table.
However, they run the risk of becoming reckless and foolhardy;
dividing spirit from the body can create a feeling of unreality for Dark Secrets
the eviscerant, which sometimes results in a callous disregard for In some games set in Ravenloft, the characters may not be pure of
their own safety as they become all too accustomed to functioning heart in the traditional sense. If you want a cast of characters
without the sensations that accompany embodied existence. burdened by their past misdeeds or the strange convolutions of
Suggested build: Human Echo Knight fighter their lives, have each player either pick or roll for a Dark Secret
from the following table.
Geist Caller When a character encounters something that reminds them of
their Dark Secret or interacts with someone who knows their Dark
The passing of generations leads to a loss of knowledge as
Secret, consider giving them inspiration if their reaction draws
individuals take their lore with them to the grave, but the geist
attention to their hidden past. Once a character gains inspiration
caller has learned the secret of recalling the spirits of the dead
in this way, they can’t do so again until they finish a long rest.
from the afterlife to take advantage of their forgotten wisdom. The
Additionally, if you are using the optional Stress Score rules from
geist caller usually serves a deity associated with learning, death,
Van Richten’s Guide, that character’s Stress Score increases by 1.
or secrets. Their divine magic summons specters who whisper
knowledge lost to the world of the living or provide instruction in
skills that the ghost practiced in life. As an example, a law-abiding Dark Secret
geist caller confronted by a locked door may consult with the ghost d100 Secret
of a burglar, temporarily gaining the ability to deftly manipulate 01 Abandonment. You abandoned your family during a
thieves’ tools in order to spring the troublesome lock. crisis, leaving them to fend for themselves.
Suggested build: High elf Knowledge domain cleric 02 Abduction. You were kidnapped as a child, and your
family was lost to you.
Sacral Custodian 03 Abusive. You were physically or emotionally violent to
The sacral custodian took on the sacred duty of tending to the someone vulnerable.
sanctified graves of a burial ground. The cemetery they protect 04 Accursed. You are the unfortunate inheritor of a
empowers them in strange, uncanny ways; the spirits of dead who dreadful familial curse.
are buried in the cemetery arise from their final rest to defend the 05 Addiction. You have developed an unhealthy reliance
sacral custodian in times of need. Sacral custodians are generally on an intoxicant.
content to live within close proximity to their chosen graveyard, 06 Aggression. You entertained yourself by getting into
but this adventurer has left their duties to find a relic or a bone needless, brutal fights.
that was stolen from one of the graves they swore to protect. The
retrieval of this consecrated item is the object of their single- 07 Betrayal. You broke the bonds of trust with someone
minded quest, and they cannot rest until it is re-interred. who loved you.
Suggested build: Tortle Path of the Ancestral Guardian 08 Betrothed. You fled an arranged marriage.
barbarian 09 Black mark. One of your family members is an
infamous criminal.
10 Blackmail. You extorted a prominent member of 30 Enslaved. You were once kept in bondage as a slave.
society because you knew their secret. 31 Enthralled. You willing gave your blood and service to
11 Blasphemous compact. You have made an unholy a vampire.
pact with an otherworldly creature. 32 Entrapment. You arranged circumstances so that
12 Bleak outlook. You see no value in life and seek your someone else took the blame for your crimes.
own death. 33 Escapee. You managed to escape from a prison,
13 Bloodsport. You participated in or were part of the dungeon, or jail before finishing your sentence.
audience for a game that was fatal to a competitor. 34 Exile. Due to an unspeakable incident, you are no
14 Bullying. You tormented someone else, pushing them longer welcome in your homeland.
to the brink of their ability to endure. 35 Expelled. You were forced to leave a school or
15 Cannibalism. During an expedition you were forced to apprenticeship due to an indiscretion.
commit cannibalism to survive. 36 Extortion. You demanded money and used the threat
16 Charmed. You were once under the control of a of violence to get it.
spellcaster who used enchantments to break your will. 37 Extravagance. You shamefully squandered your
17 Cold. An attack by an undead creature has left you with inheritance.
muted emotions and an inability to experience pleasure. 38 Failed execution. You were believed to have been
18 Compelled. You have always heard voices in your head executed for a crime, but you miraculously survived.
urging you to do cruel, inhuman things. 39 Fallacious will. You forged a fraudulent will to ensure
19 Cowardice. You once witnessed a grave crime, but did your inheritance.
not intervene out of fear. 40 False witness. You turned in a rival to the authorities
20 Criminal confederacy. You aided and concealed the whom you knew was innocent of an alleged crime.
heinous crimes committed by someone else. 41 Fictitious title. You claim an aristocratic title that you
21 Cult membership. You belonged to an unwholesome have no real right to.
or dangerous cult. 42 Fixation. You have an unhealthy obsession with
22 Deranged. During a time of crisis you had a complete another person.
mental breakdown and were institutionalized. 43 Flagellation. You abuse your body in the name of your
23 Desertion. You were a soldier, but you abandoned your religion or to soothe your feelings of guilt.
duties to save your own skin. 44 Forbidden love. You are in love with someone
24 Disastrous duel. You killed someone in a duel. unsanctioned and disallowed.
25 Dishonored. You committed an unworthy act that 45 Forged identity. You have adopted another person’s
would stain your reputation forever if it were known. name and identity to escape from your old life.
26 Disturbing past life. You have vivid memories of the 46 Forsaken. Your parents abandoned you at a foundling
monstrous life you led prior to being reincarnated. hospital or sold you to a traveling carnival.
27 Divine punishment. You were struck by lightning— 47 Fraud. You pretended to be someone or something you
evidence that you have earned a god’s personal disfavor. are not in order to enrich yourself.
28 Double. Someone else looks exactly like you and 48 Gossip. You spread malicious rumors, ruining
sometimes commits crimes using your identity. someone’s reputation and good name.
29 Enmity. A childhood friend is now your bitterest foe.
49 Grave robbery. You violated the sanctity of the grave 68 Monstrous rearing. You were raised by the monster
for your own gain. who slew your parents.
50 Hag-ridden. Each night, you dream that you are visited 69 Murder. You have taken a life in cold blood.
by a hag who sits on your chest. During these episodes 70 Mysterious scars. Your body is defaced by scars, but
you feel like you are awake, but find yourself paralyzed. you have no memory of how you earned these wounds.
51 Harangued. A spectral saint regularly chastises you for 71 Nocturnal pulse. In your dreams you roam the night
your moral failings. as a predatory animal.
52 Haunted. You perceive the ghost of someone you have 72 Otherworldly nightmares. An Elder Evil trapped in
wronged at inopportune moments. the Far Realm speaks to you in your dreams.
53 Hedonism. You are addicted to sensual pleasure and 73 Parricide. You killed one or both of your parents.
have led others down the path of the sybarite.
74 Perversity. You struggle against a constant urge to do
54 Heresy. Some of your religious sentiments run contrary things that you know to be wrong.
to accepted dogma.
75 Plague bearer. You are a vector for a disease that you
55 Hideous parasite. A monstrous parasite lives within are immune to.
your body.
76 Press-ganged. You were forced to join a pirate crew or
56 Hunted. You were born the heir to a bloodline that bloodthirsty militia against your will.
someone or something is invested in exterminating.
77 Provocation. A book or tract you have written has
57 Hypocrisy. You publicly crusade against a sin you earned you the ire of the authorities.
freely indulge in private.
78 Rage. You are a wellspring of barely contained anger.
58 Illness. You suffer from an incurable fatal disease.
79 Raised by wolves. Your parents abandoned you to
59 Imaginary friend. You never outgrew your childhood nature in a place of desolation.
imaginary friend; they urge you to commit misdeeds.
80 Renounced duty. Your family is sworn to guard an
60 Indebted. You have racked up an impressive debt. imprisoned monster, but you forsook that duty. The
61 Jealousy. You are consumed by jealousy over another monster is now free because of you.
person’s wealth or accomplishments. 81 Repressed memories. You are nagged by the
62 Lovelorn. You are in love with someone who does not certainty that you have repressed a traumatic memory.
return your affections. 82 Robbery. You stole an item of importance. The original
63 Marked for sacrifice. You were very nearly sacrificed owner still seeks its return.
by a cult or doomsday sect. They still seek your death. 83 Sadism. You find pleasure in delivering pain.
64 Masochism. You find pleasure in accepting pain. 84 Secret lineage. You are related to a deposed or
65 Massacre. You were a soldier who participated in war executed royal family.
crimes against civilians. 85 Sold to a hag. You parents sold you to a vile hag who
66 Meddling. Your meddlesome ways have ruined raised you in a hut deep within the woods.
someone’s life. 86 Stolen valor. You pass yourself off as a hero.
67 Missing relation. One of your family members 87 Survivor’s guilt. You are the sole survivor of a terrible
vanished suddenly and without explanation, but you calamity. You know what you did to save your own hide.
know the cause of their disappearance.
88 Tempted. You are the target of a fiend who regularly
attempts to coax you into signing away your soul.
Forbidden Tomes
89 Terrifying portent. On the night you were born, a
terrible omen predicted that yours would be a life of
untold horrors.
90 Touched by evil. You have a physical malformation Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features a fantastic discussion of
due to exposure to black magic. different genres of horror. Unfortunately, the one thing it doesn’t
91 Uncanny home. The house you grew up in was include is a list of inspirations you can turn to for each of the
haunted by ghosts tied to your family’s crimes. genres it covers. This feature aims to add to Van Richten’s Guide
92 Unholy. When you enter a place of worship, you feel by providing a list of media you might want to read, watch, or play
your skin crawl and experience searing pain. to deepen your understanding of those genres. This installment
covers dark fantasy. These selections are not intended to be
93 Unlawful exhumation. You exhumed and sold fresh
comprehensive—these are merely my favorite examples of the
corpses to medical schools for their anatomical lessons.
dark fantasy genre.
94 Unseelie revelry. As a child you frolicked with the
wicked fey under the cover of a deep and secret forest. Bardugo, Leigh. Shadow and Bone.
This revelry has marked you with unnaturally red hair.
Blizzard. Diablo.
95 Unwholesome experiments. You assisted an insane
artificer with their horrid experiments. Cook, Glen. The Black Company.
96 Usury. Your financially predatory ways have ruined Delaney, Joseph. Revenge of the Witch.
someone’s economic prospects. FromSoftware. Dark Souls.
97 Vengeance. You are consumed by the idea of taking Games Workshop. Vampire Counts.
revenge against someone for a real or imagined slight. Giesbrecht, Jennifer. The Monster of Elendhaven.
98 Visions of apocalypse. You only ever dream of bloody Howard, Robert E. The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian and The
war and world-ending catastrophes. Savage Tales of Solomon Kane.
99 Voyeurism. You take pleasure in spying on others Hoshino, Katsura. D.Gray-man.
surreptitiously during private moments. Kikuchi, Hideyuki. Vampire Hunter D.
100 Roll twice on this table; yours has been an eventful life. King, Stephen. The Gunslinger.
Leiber, Fritz. Swords and Deviltry.
Martin, G.R.R. A Game of Thrones.
Miura, Kentaro. Berserk.
Moorcock, Michael. Elric of Melniboné.
Moore, C.L. Jirel of Joiry.
Sapkowski, Andrzej. The Last Wish.
Sedgwick, Marcus. My Swordhand is Singing.
Smith, Christopher. Black Death.
Wagner, Karl Edward. Death Angel’s Shadow.
Wizards of the Coast. Innistrad.
Yagi, Norihiro. Claymore.
Wyrd Miniatures. Malifaux.