Rubber Expansion Joints

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Rubber Expansion Joints














Thermal growth, equipment movement, vibration
or pressure pulsation may generate movement
in a piping system. When this movement is
not absorbed by the piping system itself, an
expansion joint is the perfect solution.

A Rubber Expansion Joint is flexible connector

fabricated of natural or synthetic elastomers,
fluoroplastics and fabrics and, if necessary,
metallic reinforcements used to absorb
movements in a piping system while containing
pressure and a medium running through it.


Absorb Axial movements (extension and

Axial movement is the change in dimensional
length of the bellows from its free length in a
direction parallel to its longitudinal axis.

Absorb Lateral movements.

Lateral movement is the relative displacement
of one end of the bellows to the other end in a
direction perpendicular to its longitudinal axis.

Absorb Angular and Torsional Movements. Reduce Vibration.

Angular movement is the rotational displacement Rubber expansion joints isolate or reduce
of the longitudinal axis of the bellows toward vibration caused by equipment. The transmission
a point of rotation. Torsion refers to twisting of vibration is reduced and they protect
one end of the bellows with respect to the equipment from these adverse effects.
other end, about the bellows centerline.
Dampen Sound Transmission.
Rubber expansion joints tend to dampen
transmission of sound because of the steel-
rubber interface of joints and mating flanges.


Reduced fatigue factor Low Spring Rates due to inherent flexibility of

Given the inherent characteristics of natural and rubber
synthetic elastomers, they are not subject to The inherent flexibility of rubber expansion joints
fatigue breakdown or embrittlement and prevent permits almost unlimited flexing to recover from
any electrolytic action because of the steel-rubber imposed movements, requiring relatively less
interface of joints and mating flanges. force to move, thus preventing damage to motive
Extraordinary resistance to abrasion and corrosion
A wide variety of natural, synthetic and special No gaskets required for installation
purpose elastomers and fabrics are available to the Elastomeric expansion joints are supplied with
industry. Materials are treated and combined to flanges of vulcanized rubber and fabric integrated
meet a wide range of practical pressure/temperature with the tube, making the use of gaskets
operating conditions, corrosive attack, abrasion and unnecessary in most of the applications. Check
erosion. See table of materials. assembly instructions before installation.

Minimal face-to-face dimensions while absorbing Lightweight

large movements Rubber Expansion joints are relatively light in weight,
With a minimal face to face length the Rubber contributing to lower installation labour costs.
Expansion Joints provide superior movement
capability in axial compression, axial extension, Reduced Heat Loss
and lateral deflection, as well as in the angular and Rubber expansion joints reduce heat loss, giving long
torsional direction. maintenance-free service


—— Power generating stations

—— Oil & gas
—— Desalination
—— Cooling systems
—— Pumps
—— Chemical plants
—— Heating, ventilating and
air conditioning
—— Shipbuilding
—— Off-shore applications
—— Water treatment plants
—— Sewage
—— Sanitary piping systems
—— Pulp and paper plants
—— Piping systems for chilled or hot water
—— Cooling systems power generation
—— Phosphate plants
—— Potable water
—— Food process


MACOGA rubber expansion joints are designed Rubber Expansion joints are fabricated with an
following the guidelines of the FSA (Fluid Sealing elastomeric tube reinforced with multiple plies of
Association) Non-Metallic Expansion Joints fabrics covered with synthetic rubber. The inner
Technical Handbook, ASTM F1123 - 87 Standard tube is made of natural rubber, synthetic rubber or
Specification for Non-Metallic Expansion Joints blend of synthetic rubber. The fabrics are Nylon®,
and always complying with the European Pressure Polyester, Aramid or Kevlar®. An additional
Equipment Directive 2014/68/UE for the specified reinforcement to the fabric may be provided in the
operating conditions. body of the expansion joint and may be solid metal
rings or wire embedded in the rubber.
MACOGA Rubber Expansion Joints are manufactured
—— Chemical resistance of internal layers.
—— Temperature resistance.
—— Movement absorption capabilities.
—— Pressure resistance.
—— Weather, ozone and UV-resistance
of external layers


Rubber bellows Aramid or Kevlar®. Fabric plies are impregnated

A rubber bellow is manufactured from independent with rubber or synthetic compounds to
rubber layers and reinforcements that are permit flexibility between the fabric plies.
vulcanized together after being molded or formed.
Metal reinforcements
With over 35 rubber elastomers available and the Wire or solid steel strings are imbedded
ability to further modify properties by compounding in the carcass and are used as
it can be challenging for non-specialists to strengthening members of the joint.
select the most appropriate rubber polymer for
their requirements. Our experts may assist our Flanges
customers with material selection for a proper Carbon steel as standard. Also available in zinc
performance and to reduce the risk of failure. plated or hot dip galvanized carbon steel, stainless
steel, duplex, etc. Flanges drilled to EN, ANSI, JIS,
Fabric reinforcements AWWA standards or any specific dimension.
Standard constructions normally utilize high
quality synthetic fabric like Nylon®, Polyester,

Abbreviation Name Temp. Range ºC Properties Application

Weather-resistant, good gas tightness, Hot water, cooling water with salt
resistant to attack by oxygen, U.V., ozone solutions, chlorine solutions, ester, ketones,
Ethylene Propylene and extreme weather environments. compressed air (oil free) and chemicals
RED EPDM -35 to +100
Diene Monomer except for hydrocarbons.

Special EPDM rubber compound suitable High temperature applications up to 140

for high temperature up to 140 °C °C. Hot water, cooling water with salt
DOUBLE Ethylene Propylene applications without hardening. Weather- solutions, chlorine solutions, ester, ketones,
RED RED EPDM HT -35 to +140
Diene Monomer HT resistant, good gas tightness, resistant to compressed air (oil free) and chemicals
attack by oxygen, U.V., ozone and extreme except for hydrocarbons.
weather environments.

FDA Approved. Drinking water.

Ethylene Propylene
RED+WHITE EPDM DW -35 to +90
Diene Monomer DW

Good general resistance to oils and Oil and fuel, also suitable for gases,
hydrocarbons.Good mechanical properties solvents and fats. Mineral oils, vegetal
NBR Nitrile Nitrile Butadiene especially tensile strength, flexibility, and animal oils, oils aerosols, butane or
YELLOW -40 to +90
Rubber compression set and impermeability to propane gas.
gases.Moderate ageing properties. Good Not suitable for steam and hot water.
abrasion resistance.

Good general resistance to oils and High temperature applications up to 140

hydrocarbons.Good mechanical properties °C. Oil and fuel, also suitable for gases,
DOUBLE Nitrile Butadiene especially tensile strength, flexibility, solvents and fats. Mineral oils, vegetal
YELLOW NBR HT -40 to +140
YELLOW Rubber HP compression set and impermeability to and animal oils, oils aerosols, butane or
gases.Moderate ageing properties. Good propane gas. Not suitable for steam and
abrasion resistance. hot water.

FDA approved material and has good Foodstuff, good for pulps, flours, juices and
resistance to oils and greases. wines. Food and beverages, including fats
White Nitrile and oils.
WHITE NBR-W -20 to +90
Butadiene Rubber

Excellent resistance to oxidation. Strong and/or concentrated acids

Outstanding resistance to atmospheric and bases, freons, hydroxides, ozone,
Chloro- sulfonated
conditions and in particular strong sunlight compressed air that bears oil aerosols, etc.
GREEN CSM HYPALON polyethylene -25 to +90
and ozone.
synthetic rubber
CSM compounds resist fire and are self-

Good resistance to abrasion. Wearing material such as sludge

Excellent mechanical properties. suspended stones, calcium, etc.
Styrene-butadiene Only moderate resistance to tearing, ozone
BLUE SBR -25 to +85
rubber and general weathering.

The best multi-function rubber. Water, warm water, seawater, air and weak
Good resistance to temperature changes, acids. Suitable for some small groups of
ozone action and adverse weather conditions. acids as well as compressed air and lightly
Good mechanical and abrasion properties. oil-related media.
BLACK CR NEOPRENE Polychloroprene -25 to +90
Resistance to chemicals; resistant to
inorganic chemical products except oxidizing
acids and halogens. Moderate resistance to
aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Low gas permeability. Animal and veg. oils, fats, greases, air,
Good ozone and weather resistance. gas, water, many oxidizing chemicals and
Resistant to oxidizing agents, vegetable and ozone.
Isobutylene isoprene
RED+BLUE IIR BUTYL -30 to +120 animal fats and polar solvents.
Poor wear resistance.
Not resistant to hydrocarbon solvent
and oil.

Excellent mechanical properties. It has Seawater, sewage, resist weak acids

excellent tensile, elongation, tear resistance and alkalis. Up to 65 °C it has a good
and resilience. Excellent abrasion resistance resistance against: hydrochloric acid in
NRL NATURAL and excellent low temperature flexibility. Poor any concentration, sulfuric acid up to 50%
BROWN Natural rubber -25 to +80
RUBBER resistance to ozone, oxygen, sunlight and concentration, sodium hydroxide, diluted
heat. It has poor resistance to solvents and and concentrated potassium hydroxide.
petroleum products.

Excellent mechanical properties. Excellent Up to 65 °C it has a good resistance against:

abrasion resistance and excellent low hydrochloric acid in any concentration,
BR temperature flexibility. Poor resistance sulfuric acid up to 50% concentration,
GREY Polybutadiene -40 to +80
POLYBUTADIENE to attack by petroleum oils, poor ozone, sodium hydroxide, diluted and
UV resistance. concentrated potassium hydroxide.

Good flame resistance, resistance to High concentrated chemicals up to 150 °C.

oxygen, ozone and natural weathering. Hydrocarbons, aliphatic, aromatic and
Poor performance against ethers, ketones, chlorinated chemicals. Good resistance to
PURPLE FKM (ASTM) Fluorine-polymer -20 to +150
and bases. acids and alkali’s including oxidants. Good
resistance to chemicals, oils, combustibles
and solvents.

Note: Temperatures listed above are the typical maximum degree ratings for continuous use.

Our analysis and design practices include:

—— Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
—— Pipe Stress Analysis
—— CAD
—— 3D Modelling

We use the most sophisticated analysis and

calculation software to design pipe systems and
select the most appropriate Expansion Joints
providing a complete pipe stress analysis when

With our 3D mechanical CAD software our engineers

design Expansion Joints to the same conditions that
they’ll experience in the real world before they have
been built. This is a design validation tool that helps
our engineers to test the designs earlier in the design
cycle and against real-world conditions. This lead
us to improved design quality and manufacturing
efficiency, while reducing time to market, costs and
materials waste.


MOULDED OR CUSTOM MADE EXPANSION This model absorbs all the movements in any one
Unrestrained expansion joints under pressure will
These are the standard moulded or custom made
exert a considerable axial force on the pipeline, i.e.
Expansion Joints consisting of high quality rubber
anchors. It is essential that checks are carried out
body incorporating floating flanges.
when the expansion joint is first pressurized to
ensure that there is no unforeseen stretching of the
Rubber bellows: Reinforced EPDM, EPDM HT, Nitrile,
bellows. If unforeseen movement is apparent, then
Spec. Nitrile, Nitrile white, Hypalon, SBR, Viton®,
Chloroprene, etc.

Flanges: Zinc plated carbon steel as standard. Also,

available in hot dip galvanized carbon steel, stainless
steel, etc. drilled to EN and ANSI standards. On
request, flanges are also available drilled to JIS and
AWWA standards.

For vacuum applications, an internal stainless steel

vacuum ring is incorporated.

Standard moulded construction from DN 32 to DN

1000 (see table for standard dimensions).
Larger sizes can be supplied custom made up to DN
MAC-W Series

MAC-W / Unrestrained
the pipe guides or anchors shall be examined to
A high quality moulded or custom made single arch
ensure that they have been installed correctly and
unrestrained expansion joint consisting of a rubber
sufficiently designed for the duty.
bellow incorporating floating flanges.

MAC-W & MAC-WT standard dimensions

Specific dimensions can be provided custom made.

Lenght Compression Extension Lateral Angular Working

mm mm mm mm deg pressure
32 130&150 30 20 20 30 16
40 130&50 30 20 20 30 16
50 130&150 30 20 20 30 16
65 130&150 30 20 20 30 16
80 130&150 30 20 20 30 16
100 130&150 30 20 20 25 16
125 130&150 30 20 20 25 16
150 130&150 30 20 20 15 16
200 130&200 30 20 20 15 16
250 130&200 30 20 20 10 16
300 130&200 30 20 20 10 16
350 200 30 20 20 10 10
400 200 30 20 20 10 10
450 200 30 20 20 10 10
500 200 30 20 20 10 10
600 200 30 20 20 6 10
700 275 40 25 30 5 10
200 275 40 25 30 4 10
900 300 40 25 30 3 10
1000 300 40 25 30 3 10

MAC-WT Series

MAC-WT / Restrained
As MAC-W but incorporating control units/tie rod
system. A control unit assembly is a system of 2 or
more control rods placed across the expansion joint
from flange to flange to set the maximum allowable
expansion/contraction of the expansion joint and
that will contain the pressure thrust. Recommended
on most applications to prevent damage due to
excessive pipe movements, each rod incorporates
MAC-F Series
double nuts on each end to keep the expansion joint
from over- elongating and spherical washers to allow
Lateral, Angular and some Torsional movements MAC-F Series / Unrestrained
as well as to accommodate moderate piping A high-quality custom made single arch
misalignments. unrestrained expansion joint consisting of a rubber
bellow incorporating full face rubber flanges and
EXPANSION JOINTS WITH FULL FACE metal backing flanges.
RUBBER FLANGE This model absorbs all the movements in any one
MAC-F & MAC-FT SERIES length of piping.
High quality custom-made expansion joints supplied Unrestrained expansion joints under pressure will
with split or fixed steel backing flanges. The full face exert a considerable axial force on the pipeline, i.e.
flanges are integral with the body of the joint and anchors. It is essential that checks are carried out
drilled to conform the bolt pattern of the companion when the expansion joint is first pressurized to
flanges of the pipe line. ensure that there is no unforeseen stretching of the
bellows. If unforeseen movement is apparent, then
Rubber bellows: Reinforced EPDM, EPDM HT, Nitrile, the pipe guides or anchors shall be examined to
Spec. Nitrile, Nitrile white, Hypalon, SBR, Viton®, ensure that they have been installed correctly and
Chloroprene, etc. sufficiently designed for the duty.
Flanges: shot-blasted and painted carbon steel as
standard. Also available in hot dip galvanized carbon
steel, stainless steel, etc. Drilled to EN, ANSI, AWWA,
JIS standards or any specific dimension.
For vacuum applications, an internal vacuum ring is
MAC-F and MAC-FT can be supplied with one or
more arches.
Dimensions from DN 15 to DN 6000.

MAC-FT Series Multiple arch type

MAC-FT Series / Restrained Filled Arch Type

Like MAC-F but incorporating control units or tie rod Filled arch-type expansion joints may be supplied
system. with a bonded-in-place soft rubber filler to provide
Expansion joints expand in length when under a smooth interior bore. Filled arch design reduces
pressure. The force created by this pressure is possible turbulence and prevents the collection of
designated as Pressure thrust. Where the pipe solid materials that may settle from the solution
supports and anchors are not designed to absorb this handled and remain in the archway. Filled arch joints
force, tie rods across the joint must be incorporated. also have a seamless tube so the arch filler cannot be
Tie rods are designed to take the full pressure thrust dislodged during service.
and tie rods supports are integrated in the flanges
(retaining rings) so there is no thrust on counter Advantages
flanges. —— Reduces flow turbulences
A control unit assembly is a system of 2 or more —— Avoids solid deposits in the corrugations.
control rods placed across the expansion joint from —— Disadvantages
flange to flange to set the maximum allowable —— Decrease the flexibility. Movements of
expansion/ contraction of the expansion joint and expansion joints with filled arches are
will absorb the pressure thrust. limited to 50% of the normal movements
Recommended on most applications to prevent of comparable size expansion joints
damage due to excessive pipe movements, each with unfilled (open) arches.
rod incorporates double nuts on each end to keep
the expansion joint from over elongating and
spherical washers to allow lateral and some angular
movements (2 tie rods only).

Multiple arch type
Expansion joints with two or more arches
(convolutions) may be manufactured to
accommodate movements greater than those of
which a single arch type joint is capable of. Length of
the joint is dependent on the number of arches.
Filled Arch Type

PTFE lining Rectangular


MAC-F or MAC-FT spool arch type joints are available MACOGA Rubber expansion joints can be
in many standard pipe sizes with fluoroplastic manufactured in square or rectangular shape and
lining of PTFE and/or FEP. These lining is fabricated in any dimension. They can be also produced with
as an integral part of the expansion joint during or without arch and with multiple arch design for
manufacture and cover all wetted surfaces in absorbing greater movements.
the tube and flange areas. Fluoroplastic provides
exceptional resistance to almost all chemicals within
the temperature range of the expansion joint body

Reduced type

Reduced type
Reducing expansion joints are designed and
manufactured to allow the connection of different
diameter pipes. There are two main types of reducer:
concentric and eccentric reducers. Reducers are
usually concentric but eccentric reducers are used
when required to maintain the same top-or bottom-
of-pipe level.

OTHER STYLES Gimbal rubber expansion joints are designed to
Universal tied, hinge, gimbal, in-line pressure- facilitate and isolate angular movement in all planes.
balanced and elbow pressure-balanced are also The arrangement consists of two pairs of hinge
possible. They all incorporate a restrained design, plates connected with pins to a common gimbal ring
which manages pressure thrust forces in the piping and attached to the expansion joint’s hardware. The
system. The selection and application of these Rubber gimbal assembly must be designed for the internal
Expansion Joints categories are particularly useful pressure thrust forces of the system. They can be
in systems that have support structures or adjacent used in sets of two or sets of two with a single-
equipment with load limitations. All these styles can hinge design to absorb large lateral movements in
absorb set movements, reduce noise and vibration, multiple planes.
have a long cycle life, compensate for planned
misalignments and relieve pipe and anchor stresses. In-line pressure-balanced rubber expansion joints
provide the only effective solution
Universal tied rubber expansion joints feature two for directly absorbing large axial thermal movements
resilient arch sections separated by a straight section (a specific design can also be provided to absorb
to facilitate greater lateral-movement capability some lateral movements) while continuously
and a set of control or tie rods system. Control units self-restraining the pressure thrust forces. This
are used as limit rods for secondary restraint in a arrangement consists of tie devices interconnecting
properly anchored piping system, or as tie rods when the main joint sections to the opposing balancing
the support structure or adjacent equipment have joint section and is commonly used when the
load limitations. support structure or adjacent equipment have
load limitations.
Hinge rubber expansion joints are designed to
absorb angular movement in one plane only. The Elbow pressure-balanced rubber expansion joints
arrangement consists of a pair of hinge plates are designed to absorb all directional
connected with pins and attached to the expansion movement while continuously self-restraining the
joint’s hardware. The hinge assembly must be pressure thrust forces. This consists of tie
designed for the internal pressure thrust forces of the devices interconnecting its main joint section to its
system. These Expansion Joints can be used in sets of opposing balancing joint section and is often used
two or three to absorb large lateral movements in a when the support structure or adjacent equipment
single plane. have load limitations.


External protective shields, covers and flame Sun covers protect the elastomer against UV
guards radiation. When possible, it is not recommended to
Unusual applications of rubber expansion joints insulate over elastomeric expansion joints.
may require the specification of: protective shields,
protective cover or fire cover. These three types of CAUTION:
covers, when manufactured of metal, have one end Protection / Spray shield have some insulating
which is bolted to or clamped to the mating pipe properties. The containment of system
flange. The other end is free, designed to handle the temperatures can accelerate the aging of the
movements of the expansion joint. product and makes required external inspections
Protective shields should be used on expansion
joints in lines that carry high temperature or Internal liner
corrosive media. This shield will protect personnel Consists of a sleeve extending through the bore
or adjacent equipment in the event of leakage of the expansion joint with a full-face flange
or splash. Wrap around protective shields of on one end. Constructed of hard rubber, metal
fluoroplastic impregnated fiberglass are the most or fluoroplastic it reduces frictional wear of the
common. expansion joint and provides smooth flow, reducing
Protective covers of expanded metal are used to turbulence. This type sleeve should not be used
prevent exterior damage to the expansion joint. where high viscosity fluids, such as tars, are being
Fire covers, designed oversize, are insulated on the transmitted. These fluids may cause packing-up or
I.D. to protect the expansion joint from rupture caking of the arch area, which reduces movements
during a flash fire. They are normally installed on fire and in turn may cause premature expansion joint
water lines. failure.


The Dog Bone Type Expansion Joint is used as flexible CLAMPS

connection between Turbines and Condensers. Used The rubber belt expansion joint equipped on both
as a flexible connection in power plants it is the sides with self-sealing rubber knobs, affixed to the
most widely used turbine to condenser expansion connecting metal parts using specially designed
joint in use. One of the main functions of the Dog machined
Bone Expansion Joint is to absorb the differential clamps that ensure tightness. The machined
thermal expansion between the steam turbine and clamps and the bolting ensure leak tightness during
the condenser while imparting minimal forces and operation. The clamps on either end are welded to
moments on the turbine exhaust flange. Steam a flange if the expansion joint is to be bolted to the
turbines come in a variety of exhaust configurations condenser and the turbine. The clamps are welded to
such as down exhaust, axial exhaust and top filler piece of a weld end if the expansion joint is to
exhaust. Each configuration has unique design and be welded to the turbine or the condenser.
performance requirements for the expansion joint.
The expansion joint must perform satisfactory INNER LINER
under a wide range of operating conditions to ensure The internal liner secures a smooth flow, protects
reliable operation of the turbine condenser system. bellows from flow induced vibrations, hold friction to
MACOGA provides the highest Quality Dog-Bone a minimum and protect bellows from erosion.
Type Expansion Joints.
MULTIPLY MOULDED BELT In carbon steel material as standard, they can be
A moulded construction of plies of rubber supplied with landing bars or weld ends for welding
impregnated to customer’s ducting or with flanges drilled to
fabric, rubber covered and spliced endless to a match customer’s equipment.
specific peripheral dimension.
Dog Bone Expansion Joints can be made of Neoprene ON SITE SERVICE
(Poly-Chloroprene) or EPDM (Ethylene Propylene MACOGA Site Staff of expert technicians is available
Polymer). on and as-needed basis. Our service group consists
—— Standard overall width : 240 mm (9-3/8”) of highly-qualified technicians and engineers
—— Rubber Material : EPDM or Neoprene specialized in expansion joints. Our staff is well
—— Reinforcements : 6 (standard) or 8 ply trainedwith regard to health and safety issues.
polyester 500 warp x 500 fill tensile strength Compliancewith international, local, customer and
—— Knobs : 32 mm (1-1/4”) diameter company regulations is mandatory, and is assessed
—— Core : 16 mm (5/8”) Polypropylene cord on a regular basis.
We offer our customer custom made and
Maximum temperature rating professional solutions to solve their site needs as
—— EPDM follows: Installation Package, Supervising Package
Continuous : 121 °C (250 °F) and Assembly Package.
Intermittent: 194 °C (350 °F) max. 36 hours
whole life
—— Neoprene
—— Continuous : 107 °C (225 °F)
—— Intermittent: 152 °C (275 °F) max. 36 hours
whole life

Pressure rating
—— 1 bar (15 psig) / Full Vacuum

Rate movements (for a standard 240 mm width)

—— Axial Compression : 25 mm (1”)
—— Axial Extension : 3 mm (1/8”)
—— Lateral Movement : 12 mm (1/2”)

















When in doubt about an installation procedure Clamping torque in Nm for MAC-W Series

please contact macoga technical department before DN Lenght mm WP bar Torqe Nm

attempting to install the expansion joint. 32 130&150 16 60

Macoga’s warranty may be void if improper 40 130&50 16 60

50 130&150 16 60
installation procedures have been used.
65 130&150 16 60
80 130&150 16 60
EXPANSION JOINTS 125 130&150 16 80
This document gives general guidance for proper 150 130&150 16 80

storage, unpacking, handling and assembly of 200 200&130 16 80

250 200&130 16 80
MACOGA Rubber Expansion Joints. In case of doubt
300 200&130 16 80
we recommend that you contact MACOGA directly
350 200 10 130
and inquire about your specific question. In order to 400 200 10 130
ensure that the Expansion Joint work properly and 450 200 10 130
in order to prolong its working life, it is necessary 500 200 10 130
to respect a series of precautions that make the 600 200 10 210
700 275 10 250
Expansion Joints almost maintenance free elements.
800 275 10 300
The most important precautions that must be
900 300 10 310
observed are as follows: 1000 300 10 340

Unpacking & Handling

Clamping torque in Nm for MAC-F Series
—— Unpack the Expansion Joints carefully.
Torque Nm
—— Only use rounded objects to DN DIN PN6 DINPN10 AWWA/ANSI
unpack the expansion joints. 400 150 200 300
—— Use only designated lifting lugs 450 150 200 300
to lift the Expansion Joints. 500 150 200 300

—— Do not lift the expansion joint 600 200 300 400

700 250 300 400
by the shipping bars.
800 300 450 600
—— Do not lift the expansion joint by the hinges,
900 350 450 650
gimbals, tie rods or any other operative device. 1000 350 600 700
—— Do not fix any chains or ropes to the 1100 450 600 700
bellows section. The bellows portion of the 1200 500 750 700

expansion joint may be easily damaged 1300 600 900 950

1400 600 900 1000
and cannot usually be repaired.
1500 650 1200 1000
—— Inspect the units directly after unpacking
1600 650 1200 1200
has been completed. Report any damage 1800 750 1200 1200
immediately to your Engineering/Inspection 1900 900 1200 1500
Department for correct disposition. 2000 900 1350 1600
—— Do not remove any blocking/transport 2200 1000 1700 1700
2400 1000 1800 2200
device (yellow marked and clearly
2500 1200 1800 2200
identified) if available until the
2600 1300 1800 2200
Expansion Joint has been installed. 2800 1350 1900 2200

Installation —— The pipe flanges must be smooth,
—— Special care should be taken to avoid flat and free of burrs.
any damage to the bellows. —— Clean the pipe flanges and
—— Any field pre-positioning or pre-setting remove anticorrosion protective
carried out when installing the Expansion coatings from the surfaces.
Joints must be performed in accordance —— The screw holes of the pipe flanges
with the specific instructions supplied by must be aligned. The expansion joint
MACOGA, including both the direction must not be subject to torsion.
and magnitude of the movement. —— Tools required: torque wrench, rubber
—— Expansion Joints must be fitted in the mallet, centering pins. Do not use
appropriate longitude as laid out in the any tools with sharp edges.
instructions supplied by MACOGA. The —— Carefully push the expansion joint into
Expansion Joints should not be stretched the installation gap. It is important to
or compressed in order to absorb any avoid damaging the sealing surfaces.
defects along the length of the pipe or —— Do not install any additional seals between
to rectify any misalignments unless this the expansion joint sealing surfaces and
was taken into account during the initial the pipe flange. The rubber flange or
design and the manufacturing process. sealing bulge of the expansion joint forms
—— Once the Expansion Joint has finally a direct seal against the pipe flange.
been installed and secured, all of the —— Insert the fixing screws and tighten by hand.
shipping devices, if any, must then —— For clearance holes, insert screws with the
be removed and not before. head toward the expansion joint bellows.
—— For Expansion Joints with internal —— Otherwise, select a screw excess length short
sleeve, the Expansion Joint must be enough that the screw bolt will not damage
fitted according to the direction of flow the expansion joint bellows, even under
in relation to the internal sleeve. pressure and in the event of movements.
—— Check the dimensions of the installation —— The sealing surface of the expansion joint
gaps. Do not allow the total of the should be strained together evenly all around.
assembly tolerances and the movements —— The required clamping torque for the flange
to be accommodated to exceed the screwing should be applied crosswise
maximum allowable movement. with a torque wrench in three (3) steps.

Step 1. Apply 1/3 of the final clamping torque When running
crosswise and evenly in approximately three passes. —— The expansion joint must be never covered
Check the gap width at the outer edge of the flange. with insulating material or paint.
Settling time > 30 minutes. —— Check, that the expansion joint is protected
against direct and indirect sunlight,
Step 2. Re-tighten all screws crosswise in 3 passes ozone from electrical equipment, oil
using 2/3 of the final clamping torque. Check the gap and gasoline fumes, rodents, etc.
width at the outer edge of the flange. Settling time > —— Make sure the expansion joints are not subject
60 minutes. to movements beyond their allowable limits.

Step 3. Apply the final clamping pressure in 2 passes, Expansion joint maintenance
cross-wise. It is recommended to perform inspections one week
—— No further retightening needed. after operational start and then every 12 months.
—— Do not significantly exceed the indicated Check for:
maximum clamping torque. —— External damages to the bellows,
—— Protect the expansion joint against damage flanges or tie rods.
until commissioning using a suitable covering. —— Any changes in the outer cover may be
indicative of serious deterioration. Changes to
Prior to starting up the bellows such as blisters, brittleness or tears.
—— Remove any dust of foreign materials —— Make sure the bolts are properly tightened.
which may have found their way —— Deformations to the rubber flange or bellows.
inside the expansion joint. —— Leaks.
—— Check if the expansion joint is designed for the —— Condition of the bellows (bulking,
pressure, temperature and medium specified. hardening, erosions, tears).
—— Check for any possible damage during handling —— Improper displacement of tie rods.
or installation. Check the outer surface of —— Improper movements, displacements
the expansion joint for signs of deterioration and installation lengths.
such as discoloration, cracked or grainy —— Corrosion and wear on the entire component.
surface, or a visible reinforcement layer. —— Clean the expansion joints with dilute soap
—— Ensure that the Expansion Joint suds and then with clean water. Do not use
fit in the correct place. sharp objects, wire brushes or emery paper.
—— If inner liners are available, make sure that
the Expansion Joint is properly installed General guidelines:
with regards to the direction of flow. Please —— Do not paint the rubber bellows: solvents will
check the flow direction arrow if any. attack the surface and destroy the bellows.
—— Verify that the Expansion Joint will not —— When welding or cutting, cover the rubber
be exposed to any contaminants (oil bellows and shield against heat. The anodes
or grease, fuels, acids, or chemicals) and cathodes of the e-weld connection must
for which it is not designed. always be on the same pipe section and may
—— Confirm that all of the supporting not be separated by an expansion joint.
structures and anchorage been —— Do not insulate the expansion joints.
correctly installed as planned. —— It is advisable to make an in-depth inspection
—— Make sure that the Expansion every 5 years. It must be accessible for
Joint is not misaligned. internal inspection or must be dismounted.

When starting up
—— Check for leakage.
—— If necessary, check efficiency of tie rods.

Right Wrong Right Wrong


Expansion Joints require proper handling, storage MACOGA on-site staff can provide you:
and installation procedures for optimal performance. —— Installation guidance, supervising and
technical support during installation
Proper performance of the Expansion Joints is an —— Inspection during plant shutdown.
important factor to insure a safe and reliable system —— Inspection in service (plant in operation).
and plant operation. To install and maintain your —— Periodical Inspections
expansion joints at the highest level, MACOGA offers —— Maintenance and refurbishment
the most complete after-sales support, including on- —— Problem resolution
site assistance. —— Immediate response to site inspections needs
—— Quick-turn expansion joint replacement
MACOGA Site Staff of expert technicians is available during shutdowns and turnarounds
on an as-needed basis. Our service teams consist —— Assembly and installation of the expansion joints
of highly-qualified technicians and engineers
specialized in expansion joints.

MACOGA provides a variety of professional on-site

assistance to meet your needs.


—— PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) 2014/68/UE
—— ISO 9001:2008
—— FDA (EPDM DW Drinking Water)
—— ATEX Directive upon request. Declaration
of Conformity in compliance with the
requirements of the ATEX Directive

—— Hydraulic Pressure Tests
—— Tensile strength
—— Temperature resistance
—— Burst test
—— Cycle life test
—— Spring rate testing
—— Abrasion resistance
—— Movement (axial, lateral, angular) testing
—— Chemical analysis of the elastomers levels participate in quality assurance activities
—— Fluid and chemical compatibility testing incorporated into daily functional requirements.
—— Electrical properties No product is shipped to the customer until its
quality and conformance to customer specifications
MACOGA is fully committed to a quality is assured. Management assesses the effectiveness
management process with quality as a of the quality system on a regular basis and directs
foundational business principle. All management internal efforts towards continuous improvement.

Throughout its more than 40-year history, MACOGA
has been a leader in developing technologies and in
converting those technologies for use in commercial

Nowadays, MACOGA is one of the largest Expansion

Joint manufacturers in the world.

MACOGA is bringing solutions to our customers in

more than 80 countries all around the globe and
has been synonymous with international focus and
worldwide presence for many years.

Leira. s/n. 15680 Ordes. A Coruña, Spain. Tel: (+34) 981 68 00 00
ENGINEERED EXPANSION JOINTS e-mail: [email protected]

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