Bcs Higher Education Qualifications BCS Level 5 Diploma in IT

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BCS Level 5 Diploma in IT


Monday 23rd March - Afternoon

Answer any FOUR questions out of SIX. All questions carry equal marks.
Time: TWO hours.

Answer any Section A questions you attempt in Answer Book A

Answer any Section B questions you attempt in Answer Book B

The marks given in brackets are indicative of the weight given to each part of the question.

Calculators are NOT allowed in this examination.

Section A
Answer Section A questions in Answer Book A

A1. In the context of user interface design and evaluation, briefly describe how you would
carry out the following briefs.

Your descriptions must relate specifically to the scenario outlined.

a) Use a card-sort exercise to decide the structure and layout of the navigation
menu for a website promoting tourism in a small city.
(8 marks)

b) Use storyboards to evaluate the proposed toolbar for an tablet micro-blogging

social network app with a small group of users.
(8 marks)

c) Do a cognitive walkthrough of a bank automated teller machine (ATM) that

customers have reported difficulties withdrawing cash from.
(9 marks)

A2. As an HCI expert you have been asked to evaluate the usability of a website that
sells different models of tablet covers. You decide to do a direct observation user
evaluation of the site using twenty tablet owners.

You decide to recruit a user-group for the evaluation from people using tablets in a
public library.

a) Describe FIVE user profile metrics you would collect from the evaluation
(5 marks)
[Turn Over]
b) Briefly describe ONE suitable scenario to use in the user evaluation of the
(5 marks)

c) Describe THREE metrics you could collect from direct observation.

(6 marks)

d) As tablets are increasingly used by people with disabilities, you decide to use
an expert evaluation approach to evaluate accessibility of the website.

Describe THREE elements you would check to ensure accessibility guidelines

are being followed on the web site.
(9 marks)

A3. a) With respect to the use of colour in user interface design, describe what is
meant by:

i) Contrast.
(2 marks)
ii) Colour pollution.
(2 marks)
iii) The Stroop effect.
(2 marks)

b) Describe THREE uses where colour has been shown to be helpful in user
(6 marks)
c) In the context of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs):

i) Describe what is meant by the term icon and why they are used. Give
three distinct examples of GUI icons.
(6 marks)

iii) Describe what metaphors are and why they are used. Give three
distinct examples of GUI metaphors.
(7 marks)
Section B
Answer Section B questions in Answer Book B

B4. Human memory places important limitations on how users interact with computers.
Errors and mistakes are often attributed to human memory.

a) Briefly outline the main components of human memory as described by

information processing models.
(5 marks)

b) In the context of human memory limitations and human computer interaction,

describe what is meant by the “memory bottleneck” and explain how this
(5 marks)

c) Discuss how user centred dialogue design could be used to overcome the
“memory bottleneck” problem.
(15 marks)

B5. a) Briefly explain the difference between user experience and usability in the
context of evaluation.
(5 marks)

b) Briefly explain how cognitive modelling approaches to evaluation might help

design usable systems.
(5 marks)

c) Heuristic evaluation is frequently used in industry to determine the usability of


i) Briefly outline the main characteristics of heuristic evaluation?

(5 marks)

ii) Explain the possible advantages of using heuristic evaluation.

(5 marks)

iii) Explain the possible disadvantages of using heuristic evaluation.

(5 marks)

[Turn Over]
B6. The following is a bespoke graphical user interface for software used in clinical
genetics to assist with the collection of information about families.

In using the system, it has been noted that a number of errors have been made and
you are tasked with planning a study to investigate these errors.

a) What are the main user related issues you might wish to investigate?
(5 marks)

b) What are the main graphical user interface and computer related issues you
might want to investigate?
(5 marks)

c) What are the main human-computer interaction related issues you might want
to investigate?
(5 marks)

d) Based on your analysis in a), b) and c), provide an outline of how you would
apply User Centred Design to designing an improved system.
(10 marks)

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