Establishing Application Security

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Network Security

Establishing Application Security


At the end of this chapter, students will:
1. Learn the importance of Secure Coding Concepts.
2. Understand the need for applying application patches and keep your
system up-to-date and make sure that the administrators follow the
secure coding concepts.
3. Acquire knowledge about application hardening concepts and what
you can do to help prevent security issues



An overlooked aspect of security is that the security within the applications we use
today. It is very important to learn and understand how hackers are hacking the systems
through the use of applications that are running on a company’s systems. It is a must that the
network administrator must keep all the application updated and follow secure coding
concepts to prevent hackers from gaining access on the system easily.

Testing the system is crucial in every organization and they should always test and
examine all the applications they are creating by putting any invalid data on it to make sure
that it only accepts correct types of information. This step of testing the software inputs if
it’s invalid or not into input fields of any application is called fuzzing.


As stated before, a big part of hardening your system security is to ensure that
the application that are running on the systems should always been developed in a
secure way. To the application or software developers, they need also to learn secure
ways of developing an application so that any hackers cannot hack through
applications in order to gain access to the system. There are two important parts in
developing a secure code, these are writing good exceptions- handling routines and
validating all data passed to the application.

Error and Exception Handling

When the software or application developers create an application,
they sometimes forget to look at any possibilities that errors can occur in
different situations. For example, most common error is when creating a file
dialog open box is not preparing for the users choosing to open a file from the
CD or DVD drive when no VD/ DVD has been placed in the system when user
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is using or accessing the application. It normally causes a system runtime
error- an error that only occurs when the user is up and running. Meaning to
say, there was no sign to the software developer that the error would exist
when they were creating the application.
These runtime errors will occur since the developer cannot force any
user to place a CD/DVD into the CD/DVD tray before browsing to that source.
So, the developer needs to is trap the error that occurs at that point. Trapping
an error means that instead of the error happening, the programmer captures
the error and displays a warning message instead of the application crashing
because runtime errors cause the application to crash.

Exception handling is an advanced method of error handling. Exception

is another term for a runtime error, and most programmers such as Java or
.NET developers will implement this exception-handling code. Exception-
handling code uses what is called a try/catch block syntax that means “try this
code and catch any errors.” The following code is an example of a try/catch
block and is very useful in handling errors on the application:

MessageBox.Show(cdbl(txtTotalAmount.text) +
Catch ex as InvalidCastException
MessageBox.Show("Please supply 2 numbers as input")
Catch ex as Exception
MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred. Please try again.")
End Try

Input Validation

Software developers need to strictly follow the concept that when

someone enters any information into an application and clicks a button like
Save, the system must validate the input first before using it somewhere in the
application. Validating an input means that the developer checks all the data
to make sure that the information provided by the user in the application is
valid and correct for the type of data that the application is expected. Any
invalid input should not proceed and should be modified first before the
process pushed through.
Let say for example, if you created a login system, the user must need
to provide his username and password. There are some rules that the
username must contain fewer than 14 characters only. The programmer
should check on this input and make sure that the username provided by the
user meets the required number of characters.
Network Security
Establishing Application Security


Application Security Issues

To help establish a more secure environment, you should be familiar first with
several common application security issues. The following shows security issues to
the systems today:

ActiveX controls
The use of ActiveX controls area an area of concern with applications.
If one application or website is using this ActiveX control, it is not necessarily
a bad thing, but it does show a security apprehension because the ActiveX
controls can manipulate your system including the deletion of the important
files on your computer.

This Java applications are different from ActiveX controls since they
run in what is known to as a sandbox. Sandbox is a restricted area with a
resource that these Java applications can access.

There are lots of application environments including web sites that
supports scripting. A scripting is a security concern because most scripting
languages can make some changes to your system. Example, before, a script in
Microsoft Office could loop through your address book using Outlook and then
send an e-mail to all your contacts without your consent but today, they have
now a macro security feature to prevent this from happening.

All browsers can be a huge security issue since most web sites have
different types of contents that can be run by the browser. Most active
content that is to be run in a browser needs to have an add-on that are
installed in a browser to make sure that the content will be executed and run

Cross-site scripting (XSS)

This cross-site scripting or XSS, the hacker inserts a script code into a
form on a site so that when the page is displayed by another user, the browser
will read the inputter scripts and executes those commands.

Cookies are logon information from all the websites you visit and is
stored in memory on computer. There are some security issue surrounding
storing information in cookies. One of this is that if the information is stored
in a text file and if someone gain an access to this, they will know the

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information that you have provided or gathered on that file and might use it
against you.

Instant messaging
Instant messaging applications grows for fast that it become one of the
big security issues nowadays. This instant messaging software allows worm
viruses such as the W32.Seesix worm replicate itself within your system. Not
only that, instant messenger applications also allow files sharing and it’s
possible to the hacker to gain access on your systems and gather important
information on your network.

This type of file sharing applications is also having a security risk since
the users are downloading files from untrusted sources. Downloading any files
or software from any untrusted sources will put you on risk because most of
the times there are malicious code attached to that file that will cause harm to
your system when executed.

Buffer overflow
As we discussed earlier, a buffer overflow attack is an attack when the
hackers send too much amount of data to an application and is being able to
run random code that might results in administrative access to the system.

Prevention Techniques

Following are the best application security practices that are essential. There
are two major categories- making sure that you validate first the input and that you
apply patches to the application that you are using. Following are some other ways
to protect and save your system from attacks:

Application configuration baseline

Make sure that each of the applications are configured with

security. It means that with every single application, you must go
through the options and check each application are configured in the
most secure state. For example, Internet Explorer comes with a
different number of options that control what type of content is allowed
or not in the browser. Another example is that Microsoft Office comes
with a macro security feature that you can configure to allow or
prohibit macros from running.

Application hardening
It is important to disable any features in applications that you
don’t want users to use. Let say that your company wants to use instant
messaging applications, in order to make it more secure, you can just
disable the file-transfer and desktop-sharing features in the software
and only allow chatting.

Application patch management

You should always need to patch the applications on your
system together with the operating system.
Network Security
Establishing Application Security

Cross-site scripting prevention

Preventing cross-site scripting is important method in

hardening your system. It typically validating the input first into a web
site for any illegal characters or invalid inputs in a particular field.

Cross-site request forgery prevention

Cross-site request forgery is an application vulnerability where

a web page may have code that uses another site and that is
automatically uses the user’s cookie data for validation if the cookie is
existing and has not yet expired. To avoid and prevent this type of
attack, users should always not choose the “Remember Me” option
when logging in to any web site. Also, for any application developers,
they should make cookies expire in a short time possible.

NoSQL databases vs. SQL databases

The NoSQL database is the idea of developing a database system

to store and retrieve large volumes of data also known as Big Data. The
NoSQL database is designed in a different way than a traditional
relational database system since the NoSQL database should be
enhanced for retrieval of large amounts of data. Relational database
management systems are normally not optimized for retrieval of large
data but are improved for insert and updates of records in the database.

Server-side vs. client-side validation

Application developers must validate any input that the

application accepts. The validation code can be applied either at the
client a.k.a client-side validation or at the server a.k.a server-side
validation. Developers should always implement validation at both the
client and the server to obtain high security level. Client-side validation
will ensure that any unnecessary traffic will not be submitted to the
server when data is valid, and implementing server-side validation will
gives you an extra layer of security by making sure that everything
reaches the server is then re-validated again.

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References and Supplementary Materials
Online Supplementary Reading Materials

1. 7 must-dos for delivering app-focused security;

must-dos-delivering-app-focused-security; January 2020
2. Application Security: How to Secure the Many Apps in Your Enterprise;; January
3. HOW TO: Secure Applications That Are Built on the .NET Framework;
are-built-on-the-net-framework; January 2020
4. 5 Common Network Security Problems and Solutions;
solutions; January 2020

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