Enterprise Application Architecture (EAI) Part 2

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Enterprise Application Architecture

(EAI) Part 2

Lecture 16
1 layer architecture
• monolithic Information Systems
• presentation, application logic, and resource management were merged into a single tier

2 layer architecture
• separation of presentation layer from other 2 layers (app + resource)
• became popular as 'server/client' systems

3 layer architecture
• can be achieved by separating RM (resource management) from application logic layer
Multi-tier Architectures
Where to put the business-logic?
• Client tier -> NO!
• Fat clients

• Reimplementing it for each different type of client

• Redistributing clients after each software update

• Data tier -> NO!

• Vendor and technology dependence grows

• Different applications have different needs for the same data

• Performance issues in resource usage

Multi-tier Architectures
Where to put the business-logic?

• Middle tier -> YES!

• Business logic has its own tier

Client tier Middle tier business Data tier

user interfaces logic data sources

Web browsers Web Databases

HTML, Java Server
GUI clients Legacy Systems
C++, VB, Java
Middleware I
Allows communication
• through a standard language

• across different platforms

• between legacy and moderm applications

Takes care of
• transactions between servers

• data conversion

• authentication

• communications between computers

Middleware II
Provides runtime environment for components in the middle-tier
• Component lifecyle and management
• Transaction, event and security services
• Provides connections to databases, mainframes and legacy systems

Seperates client-tier from the data source

• Clean seperation of user-interfaces and presentation logic from the data
Middleware III

Main use today: Legacy wrapping for thin client architectures

User interfaces Client-tier (GUI applications, browsers)

Business logic Middle-tier (CORBA/EJB/COM server)

Data sources Data-tier (databases, mainframes)

Importance of EAI

A step forward in the evolution of middleware

Integrates applications and enterprise data sources so that they

can easily share business processes and data.

Integration is done without significant changes of applications and

data sources.
Middleware Middleware

EAI Middleware

Middleware Middleware
ERP System

Internal Applications
CRM System

Enterprise Portal
Application EAI Databases

Financial System Legacy System

SCM System
Example: a simple supply chain
Ordering System
order Business Process
CRM System

Warehouse check
Controlsystem availability
available available
ERP System
order atricle

Financial System write invoice

deliver goods
EAI benefits:
Lower development costs

• Integration is simpler because systems are more loosely coupled than in object brokers

Lower opportunity costs

• Integration is done more quickly

• corresponding cost savings reachieved sooner

Lower maintenance effort

• adapters extract the interaction with external systems

• significant advantage from the software engineering point of view

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