Section 3: Anxiety: Goals of The Exercise
Section 3: Anxiety: Goals of The Exercise
Section 3: Anxiety: Goals of The Exercise
Therapist’s Overview
Many of our fears grow in their intensity without us ever stopping to analyze their exact nature, their
causes, their probabilities of occurrence, the amount of control we might have over the situation, and
the very real outcomes that are possible if our fears were realized. This exercise will help you
thoroughly review your fears. As you rationally analyze the nature and cause of your fear and its real
outcome, the fear will dissipate and your ability to cope will increase. Take this step-by-step
approach in looking at two of your greatest fears and then bring this analysis to your counselor for a
thorough processing and reinforcement of coping skills.
1. My First Fear is
A. What is the fear or anxiety about?
B. What is the possibility on a scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 10 (inevitable) that the feared
outcome will actually happen? Circle one number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C. What self-talk messages do you give yourself that make the fear grow?
D. What are the very real consequences if the feared outcome did occur?
E. What can you do to control the outcome of the situation that you fear?
F. What is the worst possible real outcome if your fear was realized?
G. How would your life be affected if your feared outcome actually happened? How would
you cope or continue to function?
2. My Second Fear is
A. What is the fear or anxiety about?
B. What is the possibility on a scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 10 (inevitable) that the feared
outcome will actually happen? Circle one number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C. What self-talk messages do you give yourself that make the fear grow?
D. What are the very real consequences if the feared outcome did occur?
E. What can you do to control the outcome of the situation that you fear?
F. What is the worst possible real outcome if your fear was realized?
G. How would your life be affected if your feared outcome actually happened? How would
you cope or continue to function?