Tigao Narrative Report

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A Narrative Report in
On-The-Job Training Undertake in
Narciso St., 8400, Surigao City

Presented to the Placement Office

Surigao State College of Technology
Narciso St., 8400, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines

In the Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (BSECE)

Submitted by:
Carissa Cane C. Tigao

Submitted to:
Rhoda May B. Macalam, DBA
Placement Coordinator

Summer 2020

1. Approval Sheet (Certification from the Division Chair man 1

and Vice President for Academic Affairs)

2. Table of Contents 2

3. Introduction 3

4. Certificate of Registration 4

5. Resume 5-6

6. Affidavit of Waiver 7

7. Parent’s Consent 8

8. The Industry Partner 9-14

8.1 Name of the Industry

8.2 History
8.3 Company Profile
8.4 Orgizational Chart

9. Daily Accomplishment Report 15-16

10. Daily Time Record 17

11. Certificate of Completion (photocopy) 18

12. OJT Performace Rating Sheet (photocopy) 19

13. Documentation 20-21

14. Assessment of Work Experience 22


On-the-job Training is part of a college curriculum that aims to train and

orient students about the work and their future career. It is a type of skill
development where a worker learns how to do the work through hands-on
experience. On-the-Job Training is one method by which students are
exposed with different work situation designed to give students an opportunity
to experience and a chance to apply the theories and computation that they
have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant
knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting.

OJT is very important not only to teach students regarding their chosen
career but also to show students the reality about working. The students will
be exposed to the actual work related to the course that they are taking. It
also allows those with no experience to work and to learn at the same time. It
helps the trainee to learn more about his/her chosen field and practice what
he/she has learned from the school. It helps in the building up of the trainee’s
competence. Of course, when a student is competent enough, he/she will be
able to do things successfully. This training develops one’s professionalism in
dealing with people. After the training, the trainee will be able to handle
situations properly and he’ll/she’ll be able to know how to socialize well with
his colleagues. He/She will also be able to work well with everyone and
he’ll/she’ll have a good teamwork. It also enhances the critical thinking
abilities and discipline of the student conducting his training in a company.
His/Her ability to make sound decisions and evaluate pertinent factors will be

Having a proper On-the-Job Training helps in the preparation of future

professionals for their future jobs. What the students learned in their OJT,
even the little things can be applied when they are already working. Students
will be trained not only academically but socially as well. The way they work
and communicate with others will not be a problem for them anymore. It also
gives the trainee the chance to immerse himself/herself in his/her chosen field
and experience and learn the skills necessary to the industry he/she
interested in. Working with experienced staff, one will be able to observe how
the job is done properly.

On-the-Job Training requires effort and seriousness. A trainee should

take the OJT seriously as it can be a powerful tool for a person in preparing
for the next chapter of life as a professional. It can possibly be a source of
recommendation when they take that big lift from being students to career
professionals someday.



The Surigao State College of Technology is a public college in

the Philippines. It is mandated to provide higher vocational, professional and
technological instruction and training in the fields of agriculture, fisheries,
engineering and sciences, as well as short-term technical courses. It is also
mandated to provide primary consideration to the integration of
research/studies for the development of the Province of Surigao del Norte. Its
main campus is located in Surigao City. Established on June 15, 1998.
History Surigao State College of Technology (SSCT) was formerly
Surigao del Norte School of Arts and Trades, established as a trade school
with the help of then Governor Jose C. Sering on August 8, 1969 by virtue of
Republic Act 6057 under the supervision of Supt. Marcelo S. Bonilla of Cebu
School of Arts and Trades, Cebu City. The school formally started its
operation on September 15, 1969 with borrowed technology teachers from
three different schools of the province. There were 103 pioneering students in
the first secondary trade and the trade technical curricula. Two 2-storey
buildings were constructed upon donation of 1.2 hectares of land through the
Provincial Government.
Along with this, several machineries were acquired from Japan
Overseas CooperationVolunteers; Technical Vocational Education Program;
Asian Development Bank; and Philippine Australian Technical Vocational
Education Program which became instruments of becoming a fullfledged
higher institution offering Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology and the
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education. From 1969 to 1988, Dr. Tomas P.
Solana, the principal of Numancia National Vocational School (NNVS) served
as its 1st Principal and later became the College Vocational School
Superintendent II and steered SNSAT for almost two decades. Upon Dr.
Tomas P. Solana’s retirement in February 1988, Dr. Ernesto N. Gonzales
assumed into office as the Vocational College Superintendent. Through the
efforts of the late Senator Robert Z. Barbers, R.A. 8650 merged SNSAT with
the Malimono School of Fisheries, a secondary school that offered the
Revised Fisheries Curriculum of 1972 under P.D. 223 in 1975, thereby
creating the Surigao State College of Technology (SSCT) which was signed
into law on June 5, 1998 by then President Fidel V. Ramos. With the
conversion of SNSAT and Malimono School of Fisheries to a State College,
there was a major review of its organization, curriculum, and programs and
standards under Dr. Teresita T. Tumapon who took the seat as the 1st
College President on September 25, 1998. The chartered State College
integrated a satellite campus on October 30, 2000 which is the Siargao
National College of Science and Technology or SNCST situated in Del
Carmen, Surigao del Norte.
The integration was made pursuant to Section 8 of RA 7722 and
Section 4.1 of RA 8292.Dr. Gloria C. Gemparo, VIS-III of SSCT assumed as
its 1st College Administrator until May 14, 1998. The retirement of Dr.
Tumapon on October 2, 2003 paved the way for Dr. Reynaldo T. Peňa as the
2nd College President on October 3, 2003 and after more than four (4)
months of presidency, Dr. Peňa opted to end his term on February 29, 2004
to assume as Regional Director of CHED –Region XI, Davao City where the
then CHED Regional Director, Dr. Joanna B. Cuenca was designated as the
Officer-in-Charge of the College on March 1, 2004 until March 3, 2005. Engr.
Henry L. Laňada, Ph.D. assumed into office on March 4, 2005, as the 3rd
College President of the Surigao State College of Technology and
unexpectedly resigned on January 4, 2007 which eventually led to the
designation of Dr. Jocelyn T. Medina as Acting President effective January 5,
2007 per BOT Resolution No. 490 s.2007. On May 11, 2007, the Board
passed Resolution No. 521 s. 2007 approving the appointment of Dr. Medina
as the College President to serve the unexpired term of Dr. Laňada effective
May 15, 2007. On March 4, 2009, Dr. Anastacio P. Martinez succeeded Dr.
Medina and was designated as Officer-in-Charge to the Office of the
President per BOT Resolution No. 661 s. 2009 who served the College until
August 14, 2009. On August 15, 2009, Dr. Virginia D. Akiate who was the
Regional Director of the Commission on Higher Education in CARAGA
Region was designated as Officer-in-Charge of the College and was
confirmed by the Board per Resolution No. 716 s. 2009 during its Special
Meeting on October 30, 2009 at Almont Hotel and Inland Resort in Butuan
Her designation as OIC ended on November 30, 2010. The Surigao del
Norte College of Agriculture and Technology (SNCAT) which was formerly the
Mainit National Agricultural School (MNAS) by virtue of R.A. 5256 1983 Batas
Pambansa Blg. 358 on May 26, 1969 was integrated to SSCT through a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into by and between CHED and
TESDA on October 10, 2008 duly represented by TESDA Director General
Emmanuel Joel J. Villanueva and Dir. Virginia D. Akiate who was then the
CHED Regional Director in Caraga at the same time the Officerin-Charge of
SSCT with the presence of the two representatives of Surigao del Norte,
Cong Francisco T. Matugas of District I and Cong. Guillermo A. Romarate Jr.
of District II. Under the Memorandum of Agreement, the Higher Education
Programs of Surigao del Norte College of Agriculture and Technology
(SNCAT) will be placed under the direct supervision of SSCT. The same was
confirmed by the Board through Resolution No. 735 s. 2009 on December 28,
2009 during its 44th BOT Meeting. Dr. Georgito G. Posesano, Professor II of
SSCT-Main Campus was designated on November 25, 2010 as its Campus
The year 2010 marked another milestone in the history of SSCT as the
new lady president, Dr. Gloria C. Gemparo, after undergoing the year-long
selection process, assumed into office as the 5th College President of the
Surigao State College of Technology on December 1, 2010 pursuant to BOT
Resolution No. 25 s. 2010. With Dr. Gemparo at its helm, everybody hopes for
a bright future as it faces 21st Century challenges in pursuit of quality and
relevant education for all its constituents.
Dr. Gloria C. Gemparo ended her four-year term of office seat and Dr.
Ecclesiastes T. Dumanig was designated as Office-in-Charge in 2015 until
January 18, 2016 in which Dr. Gregorio Z. Gamboa Jr., the 6 th President of
Surigao State College of Technology assumed into office after a yearlong
process of selection.


We strive to help CEIT of SSCT attain its goals as learning institution


CEIT College Dean’s Office Duties:

 Supervising various campus programs

 Serving as a liaison between college administrators and student
 Oversee Academic Programs
 Budgets
 Handle Student Complaints
 Working with Professors
 College Representative


To be a center of excellence in engineering and information technology



To provide relevant, quality and sustainable instruction, research and

extension programs and services to produce responsible and globally
competitive individuals in the fields of engineering and information technology.


1. An outcomes-based learning experience for students that fosters the

application of engineering and information technology disciplines.
2. Research, innovation and creative works that promote a sustainable,
just, and prosperous world.
3. Establish linkages with industry, government and other sectors in the
realization of common goals.
OBE Framework

In compliance with the Commission of Higher Education (CHED)

Memorandum Order Nos. 37 and 46 series of 2012, the College of
Engineering and Information Technology adopts the Outcomes-Based
Education (OBE) system in the implementation of its academic programs.

The center of the SSCT College of Engineering and Information Technology

OBE framework is CMO 37 and 46 which specifies the standards of
Outcomes-Based Education in the Philippines where the learning outcomes,
learning environment, teaching-learning activities, and assessment &
evaluation were all anchored on. All these activities were also based on the
Program Educational Objectives (PEO) which is also based on the Vision,
Mission, and Goals of the college. The PEO shall undergo accreditation
process so that it can be certified in complying the Outcome-Based

I have my OJT in Surigao State College of Technology located at

Narciso St., 8400, Surigao City, Surigao del Norte, Philippines and it lasted for
30 working days.

I have been working in the CEIT Department under by Engr. Robert R.

Bacarro, and was given a task. Which is to make four different 2 or more
storey building with has electronic plan layout and cost estimation.

Staying at the department, I have learned many things about on how

we create an electronic plan building through AutoCad 2013, on how the
electronic system wiring connected and also how the fire alarm & detection
system connected.

As an Electronics Engineering student I practiced to be organized,

handling my time, broadening my skills not only in terms of computer, wiring
and etc. but also in the field of works. On the Job Training is the best way to
adapt person in a new environment to be train and prepared in a real

I would like to convey my gratefulness for the excellent success of my

On-the-Job Training in Surigao State College of Technology which will not be
possible without the help of the following:

To our Almighty God for the protection despite this time of crisis that I
was able to complete my journey throughout my On-the-Job-Training.

To our Dean, Engr. Robert C. Bacarro, and Program Chair for

Electronics Engineering Department, Engr. Darwin C. Mangca, for their
generous support and for making this training possible and safe. I am
extremely thankful and indebted to them for sharing their expertise, sincere
and valuable guidance and encouragement extended to me.

I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Gregorio Z. Gamboa Jr. –

College President for allowing this OJT possible despite the pandemic that we
are facing right now.

To my family for the unceasing encouragement, financially and

spiritually support, and attention.

To my co-trainees, for helping me throughout the hardships on this

journey. Thank you.

Fig.1 Cost Estimating

Fig.2 Making Floor Plan and Electronic Layouting

Fig.3 Documentation after completing the required hours for OJT

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