Monthlybarometer September2020

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1st September 2020

A majority of scientists and pundits now predict that disputes over drilling rights between Greece and Turkey
COVID-19 will be with us well into 2021, if not beyond have escalated to a level at which “a spark could lead to
(Bill Gates says it will be over by the end of 2021). The a disaster” (German foreign minister); (2) In the Baltic
rates of hospitalisation and death are lower than in the region, the Swedish minister of foreign affairs is sounding
spring, but the future of the pandemic depends on critical the alarm over “heightened” tensions; (3) Chinese
unknowns like the right choices we are collectively and officials and academics now openly refer to the risk of the
individually capable of making, lasting immunity (or not) US and China “sleepwalking” into a conflict triggered by
and seasonality effects. The enduring presence of miscalculations. Today’s disunited world increases the
COVID-19 is psychologically taxing and constrains potential for accidents and conflicts, a situation
demand. exacerbated by us-versus-them identity politics.
What’s happening in the US and in countries New research enabled by giant data sets shows that the
experiencing a surge of new cases (like Spain) effects of air pollution are probably twice as bad as
demonstrates that trying to help the economy by previously estimated. They also expose people to a
prioritizing it over public health doesn’t work. Real- greater risk of catching COVID-19 and dying from it. In
time data analysis shows that, despite the end of the US alone, quantifying the benefits of air quality
lockdowns and subsequent re-openings, many people through avoided deaths, avoided health care spending
continue to avoid places (like shops, restaurants, hotels and the concomitant increase in labour productivity would
and other businesses) for fear that they are not safe. lead to USD700bn+, an amount that far exceeds the cost
of energy transition.
Persistent infections mean that the bifurcation of the
global economy will accentuate, making the rebound These new findings might break the “free rider” problem
ever more asymmetric. First, the largest companies will that besets climate policies around the world. Contrary to
continue to do better than the small ones. Second, those climate benefits often vague and long term, air quality
sectors and industries with wind in their sails (like e- benefits are immediate and can be (almost) secured
commerce and tech) will thrive, while for those already hit on a country basis. Therefore, individual countries will
hard (like travel and tourism) the decimation will continue. be incentivised to improve air quality and probably forced
In the coming months this most unequal situation will to do so by rising activism. Concentrated efforts for
lead to a sharp rise in unemployment: in the OECD 1 cleaner air could then lead the way in the fight against
person in 3 is employed in a micro-firm (less than 10 global warming.
employees) and two out of three in SMEs (less than 250).
We argue in COVID-19: The Great Reset (co-written with
COVID-19 is hitting economies so hard, with potential Professor Schwab – founder and executive chairman of
political and social fallouts so considerable that the World Economic Forum) that Mother Nature may
governments feel they have no choice but to embrace become one of the unexpected long term
substantial deficits. Austerity is gone and public debt beneficiaries of the pandemic. Recent developments
is going through the roof: at 128% of global GDP in give credence to this conviction. HSBC, for one, is
advanced economies (versus 124% in 1946). Tax creating a “natural capital” asset class that will invest
increases are therefore inevitable. The coming in sustainability to “preserve, protect and enhance nature
economic and political battle is: which taxes will go up over the long-term”.
and by how much? Those who derive income from capital
are in the sights of policy-makers. In the same vein, the success of Arkose (a French start-
up with revenues growing at 100%+ per year) epitomises
The Fed’s announcement that it will accept higher this rising quest for nature. It sells “natural urban
inflation for the sake of a stronger labour market climbing” by combining block parks with various
essentially means “low rates forever”. The reflation sustainability themes like organic food and recycled
trade carries huge risks for financial stability, but it’s hard materials. Increasingly, investors realise that human
to tell whether it will succeed. The Fed is nearing the health and planetary health go hand in hand.
limits of its capacity for action.
Two recent examples add to the growing body of factual
Culture - a defining element for containing the pandemic - evidence proving that activism is rising around the world.
explains why East Asian nations (in which community (1) Sport activism in the US: the cancellation of NBA
acts as a collective agent for the common good) have Games as a means of advocacy to embrace social justice
done so much better than individualistic countries (in this particular instance the Black Lives Matter
characterised by an “each for their own” mentality. The movement) shows how much the push for social
reason is this: the lower the level of social cohesion (or change is gaining momentum. It started a chain
the higher the level of social inequality), the stronger the reaction in other sports, indicating that (at least in the rich
incentive for individuals to compete for relative advantage world) employees are becoming more outspoken, forcing
(and the lower the incentive to co-operate for the companies to pay attention to how social risks can affect
advancement of society as a whole). This begs the their bottom line. (2) Youth activism in Thailand, where
question of how far countries like the US and the UK will a new wave just broke the taboo of criticising the
be willing to go to revisit the terms of their social contract. monarchy. Activism will activate the Great Reset by
making a return to the status quo less and less
It seems to us that too few business leaders and acceptable.
investors are paying enough attention to rising
geopolitical tensions. These are flaring up in many For an in-depth analysis or discussion of any of the bullet
parts of the world, fuelled by the pandemic crisis. Three points and what they mean for you - please contact us
such examples are: (1) In the eastern Mediterranean, and ask about gaining access to our tailor-made research
and unrivalled network.


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