Reliability Resilience Scale

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Reliability and Validity Testing of Wagnild and

Young’s Resilience Scale in a Sample of Nigerian

Samuel E. Oladipo & Erhabor S. Idemudia

To cite this article: Samuel E. Oladipo & Erhabor S. Idemudia (2015) Reliability and Validity
Testing of Wagnild and Young’s Resilience Scale in a Sample of Nigerian Youth, Journal of
Psychology, 6:1, 57-65, DOI: 10.1080/09764224.2015.11885524

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© Kamla-Raj 2015 J Psychology, 6(1): 57-65 (2015)

Reliability and Validity Testing of Wagnild and Young’s

Resilience Scale in a Sample of Nigerian Youth
Samuel E. Oladipo and Erhabor S. Idemudia

School of Research and Postgraduate Studies, North-West University (Mafikeng Campus),

Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho, 2735, South Africa
KEYWORDS Higher Institution. Principal Component. Varimax Rotation. Unemployment Insecurity

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the 25-item Wagnild and Young’s
resilience scale in order to establish its suitability for use in Nigeria. 284 (males 154 (54.2%) and females 130
(45.8%) randomly selected sample participated in the cross-sectional survey.The results suggested that 22 of the
initial 25 items of the scale were retained because items 11, 20 and 22 of the initial scale loaded below the .3
benchmark. Principal component analysis with varimax rotation produced 3 factors, against the 5 factors of the
initial scale; a KMO test produced .91 and Alpha reliability coefficient of the total scale was .867, while for each
subscales was .897, .644, and 605 respectively. It was concluded that 22 out of the 25 items on the scale are
culturally relevant, but the scale is reliable and valid for use in Nigeria.

INTRODUCTION sive literature search revealed several measures

of resilience which have been developed and
Globally, individuals are exposed to challeng- used in many western countries; these include:
ing and difficult life situations such as life threat- Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (Connor and
ening events, loss of job, unemployment, terror- Davidson 2003), Brief Resilience Scale (Smith et.
ist attacks, poverty, natural disasters, and a host al 2008), Resilience Scale for Adult (Friborg et al.
of others.There is no gainsaying the fact that 2003), Brief Resilience Coping Scale (Sinclair and
Nigerian youths are part of the individuals who Wallston 2004) and Wagnild and Young Resil-
face these stressors around the world. In the ience Scale (Wagnild and Young 1993). Of all
face of these challenges, individuals do exhibit these measures, Wagnild and Young’s resilience
different behavioral reactions (Basim and Cetin scale has been reported as the best and most
2010); some people are able to cope adequately widely used (Wagnild 2009; Ahern and Kiehl
well while others do not. This differential reac- 2006); the first developed resilience measuring
tion to challenges raises a poser- what makes instrument (Wagnild 1993); easy to use with fo-
Nigerian youth thick in the face of adversities? cus on psychological qualities rather than defi-
The answer may be found in that despite the cits (Abiodun 2011) and its applicability cuts
various frustrating and psychologically disturb- across adolescents to elderly age groups (Abi-
ing experiences that many Nigerian youth en- ola and Udofia 2011).
counter on daily basis, majority of them are still Although there is an abundance of resilience
optimistic; they forge ahead with hope and te- measures, majority of these measures are most-
nacity, which invariably precipitates the ques- ly from western countries and little or nothing is
tion of whether Nigerian youth are more resil- available from the developing world, particular-
ient than youth in other nations. Although very ly Nigeria. The only validated resilience scale
promising question for scientific exploration, for use in Nigeria was the 14-item resilience scale
unfortunately, the lack of indigenous measures which was done at Kano in the Northern part of
Nigeria (Abiola and Udofia 2011). The need for
that assess the construct of resilience put re-
validation of the 25 item scale for Nigerian use
search in this area at bay. Nevertheless, exten-
despite the 14 item scale already validated is
necessitated because; longer scales have been
Address for correspondence: reported to be better compared to shorter ones
Dr. Samuel E. Oladipo
School of Research and Postgraduate Studies
(Ahern et al. 2006; Ryan and Caltabiano 2009);
North-West University (Mafikeng Campus) besides, the 25 item scale has enjoyed wider
Private Bag X2046, usage with researchers reporting strong psy-
Mmabatho, 2735, South Africa chometric properties for the scale (Humphreys
E-mail: [email protected] 2003; Christopher 2000; Heilemann et al. 2003).

Unfortunately, it seems there is no study in trait that is genetically transferred; a dynamic

Nigerian context on the validity and reliability of process that can start at any given moment in
the 25-item Wagnild and Young’s (1993) resil- life, or a mix between the two, there is strong
ience scale. Based on this gap in literature, the agreement that having higher degree of resil-
primary purpose of this study was to determine ience can enhance better self-esteem, self-con-
the validity and reliability of the 25-item Wag- fidence and self-discipline (Portzky et al. 2010),
nildand Young’s (1993) resilience scale in order courage and optimism in the face of misfortune
to establish its suitability for use in Nigeria. The- (Luthar et al. 2000), moderate the negative ef-
secondary purpose of this study is to contribute fects of stress and promotes positive adapta-
to the body of knowledge on the cross-cultural tion (Portzky et al. 2010).
usefulness of the 25-item Wagnild and Young A core of resilience is to minimize the impact
(1993) resilience scale. Two research questions of risk factors (such as stressful life events) and
are therefore put forward in this regard: (a) Will enhance the protective factors (such as opti-
the 25-item Wagnild and Young’s scale be a valid mism, social support, and active coping) that
and reliable scale for use in Nigeria? (b) Will all increase people’s ability to deal with life’s chal-
the 25 items be culturally relevant and retained lenges (Smith et al. 2008). Therefore, having a
on the scale for use in Nigeria? good measuring instrument for resilience is a
Researchers have identified that Nigerian positive step towards assessing people’s level
youth have positive thoughts about the future of resilience in the face of several daily chal-
(Oladipo et al. 2012) despite low life satisfaction lenging situations since such a step has posi-
(Oladipo et al. 2012). The positive thoughts about tive implications for mental health planning, pol-
the future seem to have become a motivating fac- icy, research and impact treatment and promo-
tor accounting for the supposed calmness in the tional outcomes.
face of the psychologically frustrating situation. Resilience has global cultural and contextu-
It is not unlikely that the positive thoughts al specific aspects (Ungar 2008), yet the avail-
about the future have motivated Nigerian youths able scales of measure were developed outside
to develop a wide variety of different coping the African context which implies that such
skills, such as ignoring problems, venting frus- scales may not be culturally relevant within the
tration, thinking positively, and working on solv- African context, therefore, using them without
ing the problem (Neill 2008); which researchers revalidation will put a great limitation on the
like Luthar et al. (2000) and Masten (2001) have scale’s usage and it will jeopardize the reliability
referred to as resilience. of the studies conducted with such scales (Che-
Resilience as a psychological construct is ung and Leung 1998). It is of paramount impor-
defined as an individual’s capacity to overcome tance to validate the resilience scale in order to
stressful life situations and do well in spite of establish its cultural relativity and validity for
exposure to significant adversity (Cicchetti 2003; use within the Nigerian cultural context.
Luthar 2006; Masten 2001; Rutter 2000). Resil- In addition to the above, young people are
ience has also been defined as “…both the ca- often faced with major life events that can pose
pacity of individuals to navigate their way a variety of stresses and psychologically dis-
to the psychological, social, cultural, and phys- turbing circumstances to them (DeChesnay 2005;
ical resources that sustain their well-being, and Williams and Lisi 2000), these life events are con-
their capacity individually and collectively to textually specific risks related to their exposure-
negotiate for these resources to be provided in and which are managed individually, within fam-
culturally meaningful ways” (Ungar 2011). In ilies or as communities. Therefore, while there
other words, resilience is associated with such may be global aspects of resilience which are
individual capacities as being able to form mean- relevant to youth internationally, resilience re-
ingful and useful attachments, capacity to self- lated patterns of functioning and expression are
regulate and the ability to interact in socially contextually distinct, and this needs to be put
appropriate ways with members of the broader into consideration in the development of scales
society or community (Luthar 2006; Masten 1999; to measure resilience; therefore it might be need-
Ungar 2011). ful to effect a reconstruction of some items in
Although debate is still ongoing regarding the scale so as to make it relevant and meaning-
whether resilience is a fixed, stable personality ful to the respondents within the cultural con-

text where the scale will be administered (Yang factor solution (‘Personal Competence’ and ‘Ac-
2006). ceptance of Self and Life’) because they did not
An observation of unfolding events within observe strong evidence for a five factor struc-
Nigeria as a country shows that many young ture reflecting the ûve characteristics described
people cope and adapt despite being exposed by Wagnild and Young, mainly because of high
to risk and adversity (Ahern 1996). What would secondary loadings. They concluded that the
easily have led to youth violence in some other resilience scale is a valid and useful screening
countries have not produced same reaction instrument to detect persons at risk, who could
among Nigerian youths. It is therefore neces- beneût from closer and prolonged psychologi-
sary to investigate resilience among this popu- cal help.
lation, with a view to being able to help youths On the contrary, Lundman et al. (2007) in an-
better and advice policy makers better on issues other validation study to establish the psycho-
relating to coping with life challenges. However, metric properties of the resilience scale for Swed-
such an investigation cannot be done without a ish use, reported a five factor structure of ‘equa-
valid, reliable and culturally relevant instrument nimity’, ‘meaningfulness’, ‘perseverance’, ‘ex-
of measurement (Marshall et al. 2000), hence the istential aloneness’ and ‘self-reliance’ reflecting
need to establish the psychometric properties the five dimensions described by Wagnild and
of the resilience scale for use in Nigeria. Young. The five-factor solution comprised all 25
The original resilience scale developed by items and only four items contained double load-
Wagnild and Young (1993) was a 25-item scale ings. The factors could be labelled in accordance
which was developed based on narratives from with the resilience theory without difficulties:
elderly women who were interviewed because meaningfulness (factor 1), equanimity (factor 2),
they were perceived to be successful and posi- self-reliance (factor 3), perseverance (factor 4),
tively adapted following major and potentially and aloneness (factor 5). Concerning the under-
harmful life events. From the narratives given lying structure some support for the theoretical
during the interview, five personality character-
assumptions were found, supporting that resil-
istics constituting resilience (which eventually
ience is a multidimensional construct. These
formed the bedrock of the 25-item resilience scale)
were identified, namely: equanimity (a balanced authors also reported that four items had dou-
perspective of one’s life), meaningfulness (the ble loadings that is, Item 3 ‘I am able to manage
understanding that life is meaningful and valu- myself more than anyone else’ loads in factor 5
able), perseverance (the ability to keep going, (aloneness) as well as in factor 3 (self-reliance).
even after setbacks), self-reliance (the belief in Item 8 ‘I am friends with myself’ loads in factor 1
one’s abilities and awareness of limitations) and (meaningfulness) as well as in factor 2 (equa-
existential aloneness (the recognition of one’s nimity). The other two items, item 9 ‘I feel that I
unique path and acceptance of one’s life). can handle many things at a time’ and 17 ‘My
Previous revalidation studies available for belief in myself gets me through hard times’ loads
review suggests that the 25-item resilience scale in factor 3 (self-reliance) as well as in factor 1
is a valid and reliable tool for measuring resil- (meaningfulness). Item 8 was placed in accor-
ience among adults (Ahern et al. 2006; Ryan and dance with the highest factor loading, that is,
Caltabiano 2009) basically because of its report- factor 1. The other three were placed in accor-
ed good psychometric properties and total num- dance with theoretical assumptions rather than
ber of respondents in various studies, both from statistical. They concluded that the resilience
the original authors as well as others (Hum- scale is valid and reliable for use among the
phreys 2003; Christopher 2000; Heilemann et al. Swedish population.
2003, and Aroian and Norris 2000). Apart from Summarily, common research findings re-
reporting a valid and reliable scale, Portzky et al. vealed a valid multi-interrelated components of
(2010) in a Dutch adaptation of the Wagnild and resilience; a strong reliability coefficient for the
Young Resilience Scale study, reported that all entire scale as well as the dimensions, although
the 25 items of the original RS were retained, but factor loadings ranged between 2 – 5 factors
a 4-point rather than a 7-point response was (Connor and Davidson 2003; Friborg et al. 2006;
used and one item was re-worded by removal of Luthar et al. 2000; Maluccio 2002; Richardson
the negation. They however maintained a two 2002; Ryan and Caltabiano 2009).

METHODOLOGY sible to administer and collect back the ques-

tionnaire the same day. A total of 300 question-
Design naires were administered, but 284 were found
adequate for data analysis. Others were rejected
The study adopted a cross-sectional survey on the ground of mutilation or incomplete
design. response.

Participants Ethical Considerations

Participants were 284 randomly selected un- Participants’ consent was obtained before
dergraduates from a University in Nigeria. The administering the questionnaires on them and
sample comprised of 154 (54.2%) male; 130 only participants who consented to participate
(45.8%) female. Distribution according to age were included in the study.
showed that 16-20 years old were 127 (44.7%);
21-25 years 117 (41.2%); 26-30 years 40 (14.1%); Data Analysis
academic level showed that 151 (53.2%) were in
100 level, 37 (13.0%) in 200 level, 38 (13.4%) in All analyses were performed using the Sta-
300 level and 58 (20.4%); 400 level. Categoriza- tistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
tion based on religious affiliation revealed Chris- for Windows version 22. Internal consistency
tian respondents to be 235 (82.7%); Muslims of the resilience scale and its sub-scales were
were 47 (16.6%), while traditionalists were 2 evaluated according to Cronbach’s alpha and to
(.7%). Distribution according to course of study study the validity of the RS scale, a principal
showed that students in economics were 35 component analysis was performed. The num-
(12.3%) political science 38 (13.4%) psycholo- ber of factors retained was determined by the
gy 118 (41.5%), and sociology 93 (32.7%) standard rule of retaining factors with eigenval-
ue > 1. Factor loadings were obtained after Vari-
Instrument max rotation in accordance with Wagnild and
Young’s original analyses on the RS scale. Fac-
The 25-item, Likert format, Wagnild and tor loadings exceeding the value of 0.4 were ac-
Young (1993) resilience scale was used for data cepted to meet the same criteria as used in the
collection. It is self-reported summated rating Wagnild and Young study. Specific analysis
scale, with responses ranging from strongly dis- conducted is reported in the results section.
agree (1) to strongly agree (7). Scoring and in-
terpretation was in the following pattern: 25-100 RESULTS
very low resilience; 101-115 low resilience; 116-
130 moderately low resilience; 131-145 moder- Factor Analysis
ately high resilience; 145-160 high resilience; 161-
175 very high resilience, Wagnild and Young A principal components analysis with a Vari-
(1993) reported reliability co-efficient of .91 for max (orthogonal) rotation to produce the dimen-
the scale, while for the present study an Alpha sion of differentiation of 25 Likert scale ques-
reliability co-efficient of .861 was established, tions from the resilience scale was conducted on
both indicating that the resilience scale is data gathered from 284 participants in order to
reliable. confirm or not the scale construct validity. To
define if the subscales were suitable for factor
Procedure for Data Collection analysis, two statistical tests were conducted:
The Barlet Test of Sphericity, which tests for the
Data collection process was done within two inter-independence of the sub-scales and the Kai-
weeks with the assistance of a colleague at the ser-Meyer Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy
setting of the data collection. Sample was drawn (KMO), which examines sample sufficiency.
among the students with the assistance of coor- The factorability of the 25 items resilience
dinators in charge of compulsory university scale was first examined. Initial correlation anal-
courses. The minimum response time for the ysis conducted revealed that 22 of the 25 items
questionnaire was 5 minutes, hence it was pos- correlated at least .3 with at least one other item,

suggesting reasonable factorability. Items 11, also affirms that the principal component analy-
20 and 22 were excluded in the analysis because sis is valid. Based on the above, the 22 items
the diagonals of the anti-image correlation ma- were factor analyzed.
trix were < .5 (Schene et al. 1998; Hair et al. 1995). The result of factor analysis showed four fac-
Again, the communalities for the three items tors with eigenvalues > 1. The first factor ex-
were< .3 (Comrey and Lee 1992 cited in Tabach- plained 33.28 percent of the variance, the second
nick and Fidell 2001: 588). factor 7.18percent of the variance, third factor 5.71
After the initial correlation analysis, the Kai- percent of the variance and the fourth was 5.06
ser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequa- percent, this is shown in Table 1 a.
cy which compares the sizes of the observed Table 1 b shows the communalities among
correlation coefficients to the sizes of the partial the items before extraction; the communalities
correlation coefficients for the sum of analysis for all items is 1 because Principal component
variable was carried out, which gave a result of analysis works on the assumption that all vari-
.91, (91%), which is well above the recommend- ance is common. The communalities under ex-
ed value of .6 (60%) and which is an indication traction column reflect the common variance in
that the sample data are suitable for factor anal- the data structure, which is a representation of
ysis. The Bartlett’s test of sphericity was also the variance in each variable that can be ex-
significant (c2 (231) = 2117.049, p < .001), which plained by the retained factor.

Table 1a: Total variance explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction sums of squared loadings

Total % of variance Cumulative % Total % of variance Cumulative %

1 7.322 33.283 33.283 7.322 51.223 51.223

2 1.579 7.175 40.458
3 1.255 5.706 46.164
4 1.113 5.059 51.223

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Table 1b: Communality table

S. No. Items Initials Extraction

1 When I make plans, I follow through with them. 1.000 .559

2 I usually manage one way or another 1.000 .489
3 I am able to depend on myself more than anyone else 1.000 .478
4 Keeping interested in things is important to me 1.000 .464
5 I can be on my own if I have to 1.000 .476
6 I feel proud that I have accomplished things in life 1.000 .544
7 I usually take things in stride 1.000 .675
8 I am friends with myself 1.000 .430
9 I feel that I can handle many things at a time 1.000 .655
10 I am determined 1.000 .634
12 I take things one day at a time 1.000 .353
13 I can get through difficult times because I’ve experienced difficulty before 1.000 .454
14 I have self-discipline 1.000 .571
15 I keep interested in things 1.000 .478
16 I can usually find something to laugh about 1.000 .480
17 My belief in myself gets me through hard times 1.000 .384
18 In an emergency, I’m someone people can generally rely on 1.000 .360
19 I can usually look at a situation in a number of ways. 1.000 .474
21 My life has meaning 1.000 .655
23 When I’m in a difficult situation, I can usually find my way out of it 1.000 .616
24 I have enough energy to do what I have to do 1.000 .511
25 It’s okay if there are people who don’t like me 1.000 .529

Extraction method: Principal Component Analysis


Looking at Table 2 (component matrix table), variance explained by each of the factors; the
when all items with initial eigenvalues < 1 were alpha coefficient for each of the factors as well
excluded, the factorization yielded fourfactors, as for the entire scale. It also shows the value of
the table shows 17 items loading under first fac- KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity.
tor;3 items under the second factor; 2 items un- Figure 1 is a graphical representation of the
der the third factor and only 1 item under the eigenvalues which led to the determination of the
fourth factor. However, because of the rule that number of the essential factorial axes. The graph
a single item loading under a factor is unaccept- presents a distinguished break up to the fourth
able (Costello and Osborne 2005), the factor anal- factor after which an almost linear part of the
ysis was repeated with the number of factors to eigenvalue curve follows. Thus the eigenvalues
be extracted specified to three. Thus, item 4 which are > 1 for all the four factors are consid-
which was originally categorized under the ered (7.322, 1.579, 1.255 and 1.113 respectively).
fourth factor eventually loaded under the third Reliability
factor. The three factors finally emerging were
categorized in line with Wagnild and Young Reliability test was conducted for the scale
(1993) categorization as Meaningfulness, Per- and the result presented in this section. The
severance and Self-reliance. composite reliability of the scale was tested us-
Table 2: Component matrix ing the emerging 22 items and a Cronbach’s α
reliability test. The result is presented in Tables
Components 1 2 3 4 4 a and b.
resilience21 .765 Table 4a: Reliability statistics for the entire scale
resilience10 .747
resilience23 .729 Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha No. of
resilience3 .668 based on standardized items
resilience14 .657 items
resilience15 .645
resilience5 .628 .867 .898 22
resilience19 .617
resilience13 .616
resilience24 .611 Table 4b: Scale statistics
resilience18 .595
resilience17 .563 Mean Variance Std. deviation No. of items
resilience2 .554
resilience16 .540 130.99 699.760 26.453 22
resilience1 .538 .425
resilience8 .507
resilience7 .667 From Table 4a, it was shown that the value
resilience6 .512 of the Cronbach’s co-efficient alpha of the en-
resilience9 .495 tire scale is 0.867 = 86.7 percent, which is con-
resilience25 .481
resilience12 .476 sidered to be a good value for internal conse-
resilience4 .519 quence of the conceptual construction of the
scale being investigated (Anastasiadou 2010;
Table 3 is a summary table for the principal Nouris 2006; Diamantopoulos and Siguaw 2000;
component analysis conducted on the resilience Bagozzi and Yi 1988). With the reliability coeffi-
scale showing the eigenvalues and percent of cient established for the scale, the resilience scale

Table 3: Principal component analysis summary

Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3

Eigenvalues 7.322 1.579 1.255

Variance Explained (%) 18.647 14.712 10.536
Cronbach’s ó for each of the factors .897 .644 .605
Total Variance Explained (%) 51.223
Total Reliability Cronbach’s ó .867
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy = 0.911
Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity: χ 2 = 2117.049, df = 231, p = 0.000

Scree Plot


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Component Number
Fig. 1. Scree plot

can thus be adjudge a reliable scale for measur- es to the question as shown on the question-
ing resilience among samples in Nigeria. naire as, many respondents selected the neutral
option in response to that statement. The situa-
DISCUSSION tion may probably have been different if a spe-
cific situation or experience is referred to in the
The aim of this study was to determine the item.
validity and reliability of the 25-item Wagnild Item 20 which reads: ‘sometimes I make my-
and Young’s resilience scale in order to estab- self do things whether I want to or not’ suffered
lish its suitability for use in Nigerian. Initial in- the same fate as item 11. Although the wording
ter-item correlational analysis carried out re- appears clear and understandable, the respons-
vealed that two items (11, 20 and 22) did not es were also neutral. This may be attributed to
have significant correlation neither did they cor- the cultural practices in the culture where the
relate significantly with at least three of the oth- scale was administered. Individualistic life is not
er items on the scale; therefore, they were ex- common among most Nigerian; communal liv-
ing and practice of the extended family structure
cluded in the factor analysis. A face validation
is still existent. Therefore, an individual may not
of the excluded items suggests ambiguity in feel like doing something but he goes against
wording within the cultural context in which the his will or her will in order to satisfy other signif-
scale is being administered. For example, item 11 icant figures in his life. Others in the immediate
reads: ‘I seldom wonder what the point of it all or extended family, or other social groups and
is’ this may not make so much meaning to a Ni- organization may exert significant influence on
gerian youth because it appears clumsy and not the decision of the individual either for or against
definitive. Such question regarding the mean- a particular issue. The contrary is the case in the
ing of the phrase ‘what the point of all is’ may Western world where an adult is allowed to live
arise. The ambiguity was reflected in the respons- almost an absolute independent and autono-

mous life with little or no direct influence from ky et al. (2010) and four factors reported by Lun-
his parents or significant others around him. dman et al. (2007).
Item 22 reads: ‘I do not dwell on things that It thus implies that that though the Wagnild
I can’t do anything about’. This may also sound and Young 25 item resilience scale has strong
ambiguous to respondents within the culture psychometric properties, there are cultural vari-
where the scale is being administered; this is ances in the understanding and perceptions of
because most Nigerians are religious and the some of the items on the scale, therefore the
religions teach that one should not give up in need for revalidation before usage in a setting
the face of challenging situations. People are other than the original setting where the scale
encouraged to keep exercising faith and holding was developed.
on tenaciously, even when it seems that there is
no solution to the problem at hand. The impres- CONCLUSION
sion is created that anyone who gives up or Conclusively, positive psychology recogniz-
does not follow through is a coward or a weak- es the value of assessing and developing indi-
ling. Therefore individuals keep trying and seek- viduals’ strengths to increase positive adapta-
ing for means of getting solutions to naughty tion and resilience is one of those strengths.
issues no matter what and how long it takes. The assessment and development of resilience
This might have affected the response to this in youthful age is important, because at that
item on the scale and the eventual exclusion stage, many young people are faced with many
based on the result of analysis. The exclusion of stresses, challenges and changes that are pecu-
the three items eventually reduced the total items liar to that developmental stage. The findings of
on the scale to 22, as against the 25 which were the present study suggest that the resilience
on the original scale. scale is a reliable and valid measure that has
The result of analysis suggests that the re- sound psychometric properties and can be ad-
silience scale demonstrated sound psychomet- ministered on Nigerian samples. There was no
ric properties, with good alpha reliability coeffi- strong evidence for a ûve dimensional struc-
cient for the entire scale and the three dimen- ture, therefore, a three component solution with
sions that emerged after factorization. Analysis the three factors ‘Meaningfulness’, ‘Persever-
ance’ and ‘Self-reliance’ was maintained.
of the factor composition of the resilience scale
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