Accounts Payable Task T-Code Process Description

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Accounts payable

Task T-CODE Process Description

Create vendor FK01 8 screens maintain>save
Change vendor FK02 8 screens maintain>save
Block/unblock vendor FK03 Provide relevant infor > save
Mapping of vendor account group with GL ZVCG
Carry forward of vendor balances F.07
Staff reimbursement through cheque-invoice parking / posting
processing FB60 Fillin relevant info>simulate> save> note doc no
Staff reimbursement through cheque -cheque / letter printing FBZ5 Fillin info> print
Post vendor invoice FBV0 Fillin relevant info>edit>simulate>post>note document no
Doc no generated: 2500000062 >>> reversed document number 4800000004
GL reporting FAGLL03 2500000063 withholding tax
Fillin data> select line item>additional data>select reason>time barred>save>note
Processing of time barred cheque FB02 document number
Vendor line item report FBL1N
Reversal of invoice/ individual reversal FB08 Fillin relevant info>display to revise>post>note new doc number
Stop payment with cancellation of invoice FCH8 Fillin all info with reason of cancelation > cancel payment> note doc no
Stop payment without cancellation of invoice FCH9 Fillin all info with void reason>void>note cheque no
Re-issuance of cheque after void of cheque-step 1 FBZ5 Print instrument after filling relevant inf
Re-issuance of cheque after void of cheque-step 2 double
check "for payment document" FCH2 Enter doc no and relevant info to view doc
Re-issuance of cheque: simultaneous void of cheque &
issuance FBZ5 Fillin infor>print>select new cheque
Advance payment with reference to po F-48 Maintain infor+po do with amount and po number>save
Fillin info>tr to be processed-incoming payment>continue>amount>process open
Adjustment of advance against bank guarantee (10% write off) F-04 items>fill >process open items.>simulate>post> note doc no.
Advance against salary/traveling/gpf/loans FB60 Simulate > post
Park vendor invoice FB60 Fillin all relevant infor>stimulate> park>note document number
Withholding tax splitting FB60 Fillin relevant field>withholding tax tab>tax code>amount aplit tab>simulate>park
Maintain exchange rates- F-62 Save
Foreign currency payments F-53 Simulate>save
Simulate>12. Profitability segment - functions / products>save
Late delivery charges F-53 note document number
Fillin all relevant infor>process open item> select all item>deactivate>double click
invoices to be paid> doc overview> double click on item> enter amount> simulate>
Staff reimbursement through cheque- payment processing F-53 save> note document number
Fillin info>process open items>double click on voices to be paid> doc overview>double
Full adjustment of advance & its clearing F-53 click item>enter item>stimulate>save>note doc no
Cheque with alternative payee-payment processing- step2 F-53 Simulate> check alternate payee> save-note document number
Fillin relevant info> process open item>partial payment>amount>doc overview>double
Partial payment of invoice F-53 click item line>enter amount>verify net amount>stimulate>save>note doc number
Partial adjustment of advance/down payment F-54 Fillin inf>process down payment> enter partial payment>stimulate>save
Post bank guarantee against advance from vendor F-55 Fillin infor>save
Adjust advance against bank guarantee F-56 Fillin info>edit line item>activate line item (+)>save>note doc no.
Cheque with alternative payee-change in master data FK02 Alternative payee in document-individual spec.>save

Cheque with alternative payee-payment processing-step1 FB60 Payment tab>individual payee>simulate>save> note document number
Cheque with alternative payee-payment processing- step3 FBZ5 For print
Create cheque lot FCHI Fill fields>change>create>fill info>save
Accounts receivable


Create customer FD01 all relevant info records>create
Change customer FD02 Accounting>AR>Master records>change
Display customer FD03 Accounting>AR>Master records>display
Block /unblock customer FD05 here clicks all company code> save records>Block/Unblock
Carry forward of FA>AR>Periodic Processing>Closing>Carry
customer balances F.07 Forward>Balance Carry Forward
Customer security
deposit F-22 Simulate >save> note doc no. FA>AR>doc entry>invoice-general
Guarantee from
customer F-38 create Statistical posting> post for doc menu> note doc no.
Down payment / FA>AR>doc entry>down
advance from customers f-29 fillin required field>stimulate>save> note doc number payment>down payment
fillin required field>process down FA>AR>doc entry>down
Down payment clearing f-39 payment>stimulate>save> note doc number payment>clearing
Customer invoice FB70 fillin basic, payment, details>stimulate>save Accounting>AR>doc entry>invoice
Accounts>AR>Doc Entry>Credit
Customer credit memo FB75 fillin basic, payment, details,>stimulate>save>note doc no memo
Fillin infor>patrial paymt tab>enter received Accounts>AR>Doc Entry>incoming
Partial payment f-28 amount>stimulate>save>note doc no payments
Reversal / encashment Fillin required fields>edit items>double click amount to general ledger transaction>reverse
of bank guarantee F-19 select>post>note doc no statistical posting
Joint settlement of
customer and vendor fillin info>select invoices for Accounts>AR>Doc Entry>incoming
invoices f-28 settlement>stimulate>save>note doc payments
Customer invoice - scrap fillin basic, payment, details>output tax code> calculate
sale FB70 tax>stimulate>save Accounting>AR>doc entry>invoice
Cash and Bank
Create bank key FI01 Accounting>Bank>Master data> Create
Flag bank key for Accounting>Bank>Master data> set
deletion FI06 check deletion indicator and save deletion flag
Change bank key master
data FI02 Accounting>Bank>Master data> change
Upload of bank Fill required fields>upload file>run SM35>select ur session>click
statement ZRECON process>background>process>exit
Post processing of bank FEBA_BANK_STATEME Accounting>FA> Banks>Incomings>Bank
statement NT Statement>Reprocesses>fill inf>post
Issuance of
temporary/travelling select temp alw>amount>profit center>select row>save Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
advance from petty cash FBCJ selection>exit Cash Journal
date>doc type>CoCd>Posting dt>currency>header
text>posting key>account>amount>cost center>profit
cneter>fun code & product-telecom>more>personnel
no.>line item text>posting key of next line
item>account>amount>profit center>personnel
no.>posting key of next line item>account>amount>profit
cneter>personnel ...>stimulate>save>doc no
Advance adjustment TCode: FBCJ: net payment travel adv> amount>profit Accounting>FA>GL>Posting>Gener
from petty cash F-02 center>personnel no.>select row>save sel. al posting
Replenishment of petty Cash recept>replenish>amount>profit cntr>>sale Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
cash FBCJ row>sav sel. Cash Journal
doc date>doc type>CoCd>Posting date>Currency>header
text>posting key>account>amount>paymt terms>baseline
date>lint item text> posting key of next line
item>account>amount>profit cneter>line item
text>>more data>reference key2>doc Accounting>FA>AR>Doc
Replenishment invoice F-43 menu>stimulate>post>save do no entry>Invoice -general
Cash recept>reason>amount>profit cntr>>select Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
Petty cash receipts FBCJ row>sav sel. Cash Journal
Deposit of cash Cash recept>reason>amount>profit cntr>>sele Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
collection FBCJ row>sav sel. Cash Journal
Reimbursement of Cash recept>reason>amount>tax code>cost Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
expenses from petty FBCJ cntr>>sele row>sav sel. Cash Journal
Daily closing of cash print cash journal tab>select layout>back>post>cash Accounting>FA>Banks>Incomings>
journal FBCJ receipt tab>post Cash Journal
Create house bank FI12 CoCd>New entries>House bank>bank country>key>tel>contact person>save
Create account id FI12 CoCd>House bank>Acct ID>bank acct No.>G/L>currency>save

General ledger
hierarchy view>Cash and Bank Balances>cash
clearing>new entry>GL>CoCd>Acct grp>select bank and
bank balances>account type-P&L statement account>short
text>Long txt>trading partner>control data tab> acct
currency(only local)>check open time mgt; line time Accounting>FA>G/L>Master
display, sort key>create/bank/interest tab>field status Records>GL Account>Ind.
Create general ledger FS00 group>chk relevant to cash flow>save>not GL number Processing>Centrally
Records>GL Account>Ind.
Block General Ledger FS00 other current assets>GL>Block icon>Save Processing>Centrally
Accounting>FA>G/L>Master Records>GL
Change GL FS00 Account>Ind. Processing>Centrally
Display GL FS00
Month end accruals FBS1 doc date; type>CoCd>Posting date>Currency>Doc header Account>periodic
reference, text>reversal reason, date>posting processing>closing>valuate>enter
key>account>amount>cost center>function>product- accrual/deferral doc
telecom>continue>posting for next line tem>account for
next line item>amount>profit center>line item
text>simulate>save>click on doc in menu bar> note doc
no.; display

Tcode: F.81-Reverse Accrual / Deferral Document>fillin

CoCd-Fiscal yr., reverse posting date>check test>
date>doc type>CoCd>Posting dt>currency>header
reference, text>posting key>account>amount>cost
center>profit segment icon>fun code>product-
telecom>posting key for next line item>account>amount
Non routine for next line item>profit center>line item text>doc Accounting>FA>GL>Posting>Gener
adjustments F-02 overview>doc>simulate>Post>note doc no al posting
FAGLGVT ledger>CoCd>Year>Processing Option& list output>Log & forward>balance carry forward
Balance carry forward R Back>Execute>Log> (new)
date>doc type>CoCd>Posting dt>currency>header
reference, text>posting key>account>amount>profit
center>bassline date-due on> line item text>perso
no.>confirm>posting key of next line item>account
number of next line item>amount>Line item
text>Withholding tax icon>withholding tax code>Doc

F-02> date>doc type>CoCd>Posting dt>currency>header

reference, text>posting key>account>amount>profit
center>line item txt>posting key of next line item>act
number of next line item>amount>cost center>doc

F.03-Without specification of clearing

General ledger account currency>CoCd>Year>GL>Test run>Log display & Accounting>FA>GL>Posting>Gener
clearing F-02 back>update run al posting
Open and close posting OB52 Accounting>FA>GL>Environment>current
period settings>S_ALR_87003642 - Open and Close
Posting Periods
date>doc type>CoCd>Posting dt>currency>header
text>posting key>account>amount>Cost center>functional
&products-Telecom>line item text>posting for next line
item>account>amount>Profit center>save>doc no.

F-02>post with reference>doc no.>CoCd>yr.>mark "Enter

GL account items>marked line item>check acct assignment Accounting>FA>GL>Posting>Refere
Sample document F-01 & back> save> note doc no. nce Documents>sample document

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