Accounts Payable Task T-Code Process Description
Accounts Payable Task T-Code Process Description
Accounts Payable Task T-Code Process Description
Cheque with alternative payee-payment processing-step1 FB60 Payment tab>individual payee>simulate>save> note document number
Cheque with alternative payee-payment processing- step3 FBZ5 For print
Create cheque lot FCHI Fill fields>change>create>fill info>save
Accounts receivable
General ledger
hierarchy view>Cash and Bank Balances>cash
clearing>new entry>GL>CoCd>Acct grp>select bank and
bank balances>account type-P&L statement account>short
text>Long txt>trading partner>control data tab> acct
currency(only local)>check open time mgt; line time Accounting>FA>G/L>Master
display, sort key>create/bank/interest tab>field status Records>GL Account>Ind.
Create general ledger FS00 group>chk relevant to cash flow>save>not GL number Processing>Centrally
Records>GL Account>Ind.
Block General Ledger FS00 other current assets>GL>Block icon>Save Processing>Centrally
Accounting>FA>G/L>Master Records>GL
Change GL FS00 Account>Ind. Processing>Centrally
Display GL FS00
Month end accruals FBS1 doc date; type>CoCd>Posting date>Currency>Doc header Account>periodic
reference, text>reversal reason, date>posting processing>closing>valuate>enter
key>account>amount>cost center>function>product- accrual/deferral doc
telecom>continue>posting for next line tem>account for
next line item>amount>profit center>line item
text>simulate>save>click on doc in menu bar> note doc
no.; display