Technical Seminar1

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Chapter 1.


Every living being is composed of matter. Matter is again the composition

of infinite atoms. The atoms cluster together to form molecules, which, in turn,
combine with several other molecules to form a basic molecular structure. These
are vital things to consider in the field of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology
involves working with matter at the scale of one-billionth of a meter (1nanometer).
It refers to the manipulation of matter on the minutest scale, i.e. atoms and

According to Moore’s law, the number of transistors on a chip doubles

every 18 months, and new micro transistors are crammed onto the tiny chipset for
more raw performance. Going by this law, experts are of the opinion that sooner
than later the current standards would no longer be feasible for further deployment
and the hardware would be needed to change considerably.

All over the world scientists have been working with Carbon Nanotubes
for the last several years. Carbon Nanotubes are tiny cylindrical structures made up
of carbon atoms having unique properties. Nanotube transistors can be made
smaller than the smallest possible silicon transistor. But this technology is under
progress and it will take quit a lot of time for practical implementation.

0’s and 1’s make up the digital information and we try to cram as much
information as possible. Our Nanopolymer setup uses thousands of nano-sharp tips
to punch indentations representing individual bits into a thin plastic polymer film.
The result is similar to a nanotech version of the 'punch card' but this technology is
re-writeable and may be able to store more than 3 billion bits of data in the space

occupied by just one hole in a standard punch card. The indentations that are left
on the polymer film measure about 10 nanometers each and carry a digitized
version of the data. A punched indentation may refer to as 0 or 1. Practical
implementation of this technology is possible.

NanoPolymerRobots are nanodevices that will be used for the purpose of

maintaining and protecting the human body against pathogens. This is at present
possible only with the above proposed technology. We have designed the
nanorobot structure. Proposed applications include Nanopolymer machine for
mouthwash, cream with tiny polymer robot for skin diseases, polymer soldier for
immune system and devices working in the bloodstream which could nibble away
at arteriosclerotic deposits, widening the affected blood vessels.

With this new nanopolymer technology, even the finest textile fibres
could have sensors, computers, and motors embedded in the fabric.
Likewise,clothing would be smart enough to change according to ambient
temperature, i.e. it will keep us warm in winter or cool and dry in summer. It can
also monitor parameters like heart rate, respiratory rate, and body temperature.



Nanotechnology, shortened to "nanotech", is the study of the

controlling of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology
deals with structures sized between 1 to 100 nanometer in at least one dimension,
and involves developing materials or devices within that size.

Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device

physics to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from
developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale to investigating
whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale.

There has been much debate on the future implications of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast
range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, biomaterials and energy
production. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as
with any introduction of new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and
environmental impact of nanomaterials, and their potential effects on global
economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. These
concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on
whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.


A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of

repeating structural units typically connected by covalent chemical bonds. While
polymer in popular usage suggests plastic, the term actually refers to a large class
of natural and synthetic materials with a wide variety of properties.

Because of the extraordinary range of properties accessible in polymeric materials,

they play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life, ranging from familiar
synthetic plastics and elastomers to natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins
that are essential for life. A simple example is polyethylene, whose repeating unit
is based on ethylene (IUPAC name ethene) monomer. Most commonly, as in this
example, the continuously linked backbone of a polymer used for the preparation
of plastics consists mainly of carbon atoms. However, other structures do exist; for
example, elements such as silicon form familiar materials such as silicones,
examples being silly putty and waterproof plumbing sealant. The backbone of
DNA is in fact based on a phosphodiester bond, and repeating units of
polysaccharides (e.g. cellulose) are joined together by glycosidic bonds via oxygen

Natural polymeric materials such as shellac, amber, and natural rubber have been
in use for centuries. Biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids play crucial
roles in biological processes. A variety of other natural polymers exist, such as
cellulose, which is the main constituent of wood and paper.

The list of synthetic polymers includes synthetic rubber, Bakelite, neoprene, nylon,
PVC, polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyacrylonitrile, PVB, silicone,
and many more.


VMEbus is a computer bus standard, originally developed for the

Motorola 68000 line of CPUs, but later widely used for many applications and
standardized by the IEC as ANSI/IEEE 1014-1987. It is physically based on
Eurocard sizes, mechanicals and connectors (DIN 41612), but uses its own
signalling system, which Eurocard does not define. It was first developed in 1981
and continues to see widespread use today.


In electronics, a multiplexer or mux (occasionally the terms

muldex or muldem are also found[1] for a combination multiplexer-demultiplexer)
is a device that performs multiplexing; it selects one of many analog or digital
input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line. A multiplexer of 2 n
inputs has n select lines, which are used to select which input line to send to the

An electronic multiplexer makes it possible for several signals to share one device
or resource, for example one A/D converter or one communication line, instead of
having one device per input signal.

On the other end, a demultiplexer (or demux) is a device taking a single input
signal and selecting one of many data-output-lines, which is connected to the
single input. A multiplexer is often used with a complementary demultiplexer on
the receiving end.

An electronic multiplexer can be considered as a multiple-input, single-output

switch, and a demultiplexer as a single-input, multiple-output switch. The

schematic symbol for a multiplexer is an isosceles trapezoid with the longer
parallel side containing the input pins and the short parallel side containing the
output pin. The schematic on the right shows a 2-to-1 multiplexer on the left and
an equivalent switch on the right. The sel wire connects the desired input to the

In telecommunications, a multiplexer is a device that combines several input

information signals into one output signal, which carries several communication
channels, by means of some multiplex technique. A demultiplexer is in this
context a device taking a single input signal that carries many channels and
separates those over multiple output signals.

2.5 DRAM

Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) is a type of random

access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor within an
integrated circuit. Since real capacitors leak charge, the information eventually
fades unless the capacitor charge is refreshed periodically. Because of this refresh
requirement, it is a dynamic memory as opposed to SRAM and other static

The main memory (the "RAM") in personal computers is Dynamic RAM

(DRAM), as is the "RAM" of home game consoles (PlayStation, Xbox 360 and
Wii), laptop, notebook and workstation computers.

The advantage of DRAM is its structural simplicity: only one transistor and a
capacitor are required per bit, compared to six transistors in SRAM. This allows
DRAM to reach very high density. Unlike flash memory, it is volatile memory (cf.
non-volatile memory), since it loses its data when the power supply is removed.

The transistors and capacitors used are extremely small—millions can fit on a
single memory chip.


A charge-coupled device (CCD) is a device for the movement of

electrical charge, usually from within the device to an area where the charge can be
manipulated, for example conversion into a digital value. This is achieved by
"shifting" the signals between stages within the device one at a time. CCDs move
charge between capacitive bins in the device, with the shift allowing for the
transfer of charge between bins.

Often the device is integrated with an image sensor, such as a photoelectric device
to produce the charge that is being read, thus making the CCD a major technology
for digital imaging. Although CCDs are not the only technology to allow for light
detection, CCDs are widely used in professional, medical, and scientific
applications where high-quality image data are required.

2.7 SEM

Fig. 1 Diagram of SEM column and specimen chamber

The diagram in Figure 1 shows the major components of an SEM. These

components are part of seven primary operational systems: vacuum, beam
generation, beam manipulation, beam interaction, detection, signal processing, and
display and record. These systems function together to determine the results and

qualities of a micrograph such as magnification, resolution, depth of field, contrast,
and brightness. The majority of the course is spent discussing these seven systems.
A brief description of each system follows:
1. Vacuum system. A vacuum is required when using an electron beam because
electrons will quickly disperse or scatter due to collisions with other molecules.
2. Electron beam generation system. This system is found at the top of the
microscope column (Fig. 1). This system generates the "illuminating" beam of
electrons known as the primary (1o) electron beam.
3. Electron beam manipulation system. This system consists of electromagnetic
lenses and coils located in the microscope column and control the size, shape, and
position of the electron beam on the specimen surface.
4. Beam specimen interaction system. This system involves the interaction of the
electron beam with the specimen and the types of signals that can be detected.
5. Detection system. This system can consist of several different detectors, each
sensitive to different energy / particle emissions that occur on the sample.
6. Signal processing system. This system is an electronic system that processes the
signal generated by the detection system and allows additional electronic
manipulation of the image.
7. Display and recording system. This system allows visualization of an electronic
signal using a cathode ray tube and permits recording of the results using
photographic or magnetic media.


0’s and 1’s make up the digital information and we try to cram as much
information as possible. Our Nanopolymer setup uses thousands of nano-sharp tips
to punch indentations representing individual bits into a thin plastic polymer film.
The result is similar to a nanotech version of the venerable data processing 'punch
card' developed more than 110 years ago, but the differences are the 'Nanopolymer
concept’ technology is re-writeable (meaning it can be used over and over again),
and may be able to store more than 3 billion bits of data in the space occupied by
just one hole in a standard punch card. The indentations that are left on the
polymer film measure about 10 nanometers each (each mark being 50,000 times
smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.) and carry a digitized version of
the data.

Fig 2: Punching the polymer with the help of heated spikes

Fig 3: Silicon cantilevers with spikes ready for action on the polymer

The core of the Nanopolymer project is a two-dimensional array of v-shaped

silicon cantilevers that are 0.5 micrometers thick and 70 micrometers long. At the
end of each cantilever is a downward-pointing tip less than 2 micrometers long.
We can go for a setup that contains a 3 mm by 3 mm array of 4,096 (64 x 64)
cantilevers, which can be created by silicon surface micromachining. A
sophisticated design ensures accurate leveling of the tip array with respect to the
storage medium and dampens vibrations and external impulses. Time-multiplexed
electronics, similar to that used in DRAM chips, address each tip individually for
parallel operation. Electromagnetic actuation precisely moves the storage medium
beneath the array in both the x- and y-directions, enabling each tip to read and
write within its own storage field of 100 micrometers on a side.

Fig 4: Proposed setup for Nanopolymer technology

The Nanopolymer functions on the principle of a parallel x/y scanning of the entire
cantilever array chip over the storage medium. As a part of a feedback-controlled
leveling scheme, three cantilevers at the periphery of the array are dedicated as
distance sensors. The signals they generate are used to ensure that the tip-to-
medium contact is maintained and controlled while x/y scanning is performed for
reading and writing For the operation of the device -- i.e. reading, writing, erasing
and overwriting -- the tips are brought into contact with a thin polymer film
coating a silicon substrate only a few nanometers thick. Bits are written by heating
a resistor built into the cantilever to a temperature of typically 400 degrees Celsius.
The hot tip softens the polymer and briefly sinks into it, generating an indentation.
For reading, the resistor is operated at lower temperature, typically 300 degrees
Celsius, which does not soften the polymer. When the tip drops into an indentation,

the resistor is cooled by the resulting better heat transport, and a measurable
change in resistance occurs.

Fig 5: Expected structure of cantilever with spike.

To over-write data, the tip makes a series of offset pits that overlap so closely their
edges fill in the old pits, effectively erasing the unwanted data. While current data
rates of individual tips are limited to the kilobitsper- second range, which amounts
to a few megabits for an entire array, faster electronics will allow the levers to be
operated at considerably higher rates. This technology could support data rates as
high as 1 - 2 megabits per second. Power consumption greatly depends on the data
rate at which the device is operated. When operated at data rates of a few megabits
per second, Nanopolymer is expected to consume about 100 milliwatts, which is
in the range of flash memory technology and considerably below magnetic
recording. If this concept is achieved an areal density of 800 gigabits (billion bits,
Gb) per square inch, which translates to a potential capacity of about 2 gigabytes
(billion bytes, GB) in an area of 3 mm-square. Further improvement is also
possible. In this way we can achieve Moore’s law with ease.



The development of advanced products requires more and more accuracy and the
tendency moves toward smaller components. These are fabricated using the above
technology. To handle this smaller objects we have proposed a nano robot with 3
degrees-of-freedom with higher precison and control system.

Architecture of nano robot:

Fig 6: The Nanorobot system

The system is composed of a robot operating under a light microscope or a stereo

SEM. A stereo vision module and probably additional sensors (laser
interferometer) will be used to locate the objects and the robot gripper. This

information is sent to the main control computer which will move the robot in an
appropriate way. The commands are given by a human operator through a virtual
reality-based user interface.

Stereo views, force and sound are among the feedback signals that will be provided
to the user. It will thus be possible to use the system either as a teleoperated or as a
semi-automatic mode of operation. In the latter, only final and/or intermediate
goals will be specified by the user, the control being made by the stereo vision
feedback. In robotics, like in every controlled system, the final accuracy is strongly
linked to the resolution of the sensor and its location, the behavior of the
mechanics and the control algorithm used.

4.2 Sensors

For classical robots, the sensors are usually at the joint level. Assuming that the
links are highly rigid, a geometric model is calculated to transform the sensors
information into a position and orientation of the tool center point (TCP) in an
absolute cartesian frame. This technique leads to a poor accuracy but to a good
repeatability, most of the errors being due to offset miscalibration and link
deformation. If higher accuracy is needed, a calibration is often proposed.
However, when dealing with nanometer precisions, many sources of errors are not
predictable, and cannot be corrected in a calibration process. It is then imperative
to use a sensorable to measure, with the desired resolution, the relative distance
between the TCP and the object to grasp. Among the sources of error that could
affect the precision of the robot we can list:
 Friction, mechanical play
 Thermal drift
 Fabrication tolerances and misalignment

 Mechanical deformations due to forces
 Vibrations (internal and external) and noise
 Sensor errors, miscalibration.

The ideal sensor would measure this relation with the highest possible resolution
(at least better than 10 nm), in 6 degrees-of-freedom (dof), and with a very high
bandwidth (> 10kHz).

4.3 Mechanics

It is obvious that a good mechanics will lead to better performances of the overall
system and will simplify its control. We discuss in the following some important
aspects to be aware of. If the sensor system is able to measure directly the relation
between the TCP and the object, the robot must not be accurate anymore. The only
requirement is a high resolution, that is the smallest achievable step. This leads to
completely new solutions that are much more tolerant in fabrication and are easier
to handle. A careful design is however necessary and a special attention has to be
put on the elimination of backlash and Coulomb friction. The difference between
the dynamic and static friction coefficients is the cause of the stick-slip effect in
classical mechanisms. This effect gives a lower limit to the reachable resolution. It
is very expensive and almost impossible to go down to nanometers with such
drives. New designs must be found trying to avoid friction in the bearings or better,
to avoid bearings. Piezoelectric elements are well suited for that purpose. Several
concepts have been proposed to increase it while keeping the high precision.

4.4 Control

Fig 7: Control strategy
It will not be possible to acquire the new position at a high rate with the vision
system. In order to achieve an effective motion it is necessary to move “blind”
while the vision is calculating the new data. To assure a proper operation and
above all the stability of the arm, a fast joint position control is needed. The
resolution of the joint sensors must be as good or even better as the wanted
system’s resolution, but locally only. The control loop will thus be cascaded, like
shown in figure.

Control with Real Time Vision Feedback

The 3 dof magnet-based micro-crawling machine described above has been

controlled successfully under a light microscope. The control setup consists of a
VME compatible 68020 microprocessor board and a vision board that collects the
information of a CCD camera mounted on the microscope. A primitive user
interface allows the operator to give commands to the system. The system supports

two modes: Firstly, the robot can be driven directly with a space mouse(Logitech)
used as a 3D joystick. During the motion the operator is supplied with the original
image displayed on a video screen and with the 3 coordinates of the calculated in
100ms by the low level vision system. The second mode is called semi-automatic.
It allows the user to freely position a 3D cursor on the screen and then let the
mechanism move toward this new goal. In this case, the control loop is closed by
the computer and not by the operator who is just a supervisor. A new measured
position is provided every 100ms by the vision process. In-between, the robot
moves blindly. It is thus possible to control the mechanism inside the field of view
of the microscope.

Fig 8: Nanocontrol system


Some possible applications using NanopolymerRobots are as follows:

1. Mounting of hybrid chips (e.g. Laser diodes), microsensors and
2. Positioning and mounting of optoelectronic devices
3. Microsurgery
4. Sorting of biological cells for diagnosis


1. To cure skin diseases, a cream containing NanoPolymerRobots may be used.

It could remove the right amount of dead skin, remove excess oils, add
missing oils, apply the right amounts of natural moisturizing compounds,
and even achieve the elusive goal of 'deep pore cleaning' by actually
reaching down into pores and cleaning them out. The cream could be a smart
material with smooth-on, peel-off convenience.
2. A mouthwash full of smart NanoPolymerMachines could identify and
destroy pathogenic bacteria while allowing the harmless flora of the mouth
to flourish in a healthy ecosystem. Further, the devices would identify
particles of food, plaque, or tartar, and lift them from teeth to be rinsed
away. Being suspended in liquid and able to swim about, devices would be
able to reach surfaces beyond reach of toothbrush bristles or the fibres of
floss. As short-lifetime medical nanodevices, they could be built to last only
a few minutes in the body before falling apart into materials of the sort
found in foods (such as fibre).

3. Medical nanodevices could augment the immune system by finding and

disabling unwanted bacteria and viruses. When an invader is identified, it
can be punctured, letting its contents spill out and ending its effectiveness. If
the contents were known to be hazardous by themselves, then the immune
machine could hold on to it long enough to dismantle it more completely.

4. Devices working in the bloodstream could nibble away at arteriosclerotic

deposits, widening the affected blood vessels. Cell herding devices could
restore artery walls and artery linings to health, by ensuring that the right
cells and supporting structures are in the right places. This would prevent
most heart attacks.


Wouldn’t it be really nice if any nasty stains are never ever got onto our shirts?
With this new nanopolymer technology, even the finest textile fibres could have
sensors, computers, and motors embedded in the fabric. The micro granules that
form the basic molecular structure are smaller than a grain of sand, thereby
forming a barrier that causes heavy liquids and stains to gently roll off. The fabric
sensors ensure that garments resists fading or crumpling, and also monitor the body

Fig 8: Smart Polymer Shirt

Likewise, clothing would be smart enough to change according to ambient

temperature, i.e. it will keep us warm in winter or cool and dry in summer. In the
proposed block diagram the parameters monitored are heart rate, respiratory rate,
and body temperature. Also we can develop garments that clean and mend
themselves, and grow or shrink to fit a variety of shapes and sizes.


In this paper we have proposed a practically possible nanotechnology named as

Nanopolymer technology. It is feasible and can be easily implemented compared to
the Carbon nanotube which will take years to come (More than 10 years). Vital
applications that originated in our minds and which makes use of this new
technology are also mentioned in this paper. Practical implementation of this
concept leads to all of the above wonders, and many more, are possible.




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