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Throughout this paper, the units of length, energy, and
external electric field are given in terms of the effective Bohr
radius a* = ប2⑀ / m*e e2, the effective Rydberg constant R* where Lx, Ly, and Lz are the edge lengths of the unit cell
= ប2 / 2m*e a*2, and F* = e / 2⑀a*2, respectively, where m*e , ⑀, and along the x, y, and z directions of the coordinate system,
e are the effective mass, dielectric constant, and charge of an respectively. Kx = 2 / Lx, Ky = 2 / Ly, Kz = 2 / Lz, nx 苸 兵−mx ,
electron, respectively. . . . , mx其, ny 苸 兵−my , . . . , my其, and nz 苸 兵−mz , . . . , mz其. The
For a hydrogenic donor impurity located at r0 plane wave number is nxyz = nxnynz = 共2mx + 1兲共2my + 1兲共2mz
= 共x0 , y 0 , z0兲 in a QD with an applied external electric field, + 1兲, where mx, my, mz are positive integers. We take Lx
the electron envelope-function equation in the framework of = Ly = Lz = L = Wmax + 2.5a*, Kx = Ky = Kz = K, and nx = ny = nz
the effective-mass approximation is = 15 in the following calculation,25 where Wmax is the maxi-
mum edge length of the QD. The previous calculated results
冋 ⌬−
兩r − r0兩
+ V共r兲 − F · r n共r兲 = En␣n共r兲, 共1兲
indicate that the energy levels almost do not depend on the
value of kx, ky, and kz if we take the above edge lengths of
the unit cell.24,25 Therefore, we can simply let kx = ky = kz = 0
in the following calculations.
where ⌬ = −2 / x2 − 2 / y 2 − 2 / z2, r = 共x , y , z兲, and 兩r − r0兩 The matrix elements for solving the electron energy la-
= 冑共x − x0兲2 + 共y − y 0兲2 + 共z − z0兲2. n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . correspond to tent root of the impurity states can be found from Eqs. 共1兲
the ground, first excited, second excited,…, states, respec- and 共4兲. The matrix elements contain four parts. The first part
tively. The external electric field F can be along any direc- includes the matrix elements of the kinetic energy term ⌬,
tion for different values of and : F = 共Fx , Fy , Fz兲
= 共F sin cos , F sin sin , F cos 兲 in the standard 关共nxK兲2 + 共nyK兲2 + 共nzK兲2兴␦nxn⬘␦nyn⬘␦nzn⬘ . 共5兲
x y z
spherical coordinate representation. The quantum confining
potential energy of an electron in a rectangular The second part includes the matrix elements of the do-
parallelepiped-shaped QD is nor potential energy term −2␣ / 兩r − r0兩,
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093716-3 S.-S. Li and J.-B. Xia J. Appl. Phys. 101, 093716 共2007兲
冕 冕 冕
3␣ 6␣关cos共⌳r0兲 − 1兴
− ␦n n ␦n n ␦n n +
r0 x x⬘ y ⬘y z z⬘ r30⌳2
⫻共1 − ␦nxn⬘␦nyn⬘␦nzn⬘兲exp兵iK关共nx − nx⬘兲x0
x y z
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The binding energy of the ground state as a function
+ 共ny − n⬘y 兲y 0 + 共nz − nz⬘兲z0兴其, 共7兲 of the QD edge length W with no external electric field and with the donor
located at the QD center. The solid, dashed, and dotted lines correspond to
with changing Wx while fixing Wy and Wz 共Wy = Wz = a*兲, simultaneously chang-
ing Wx and Wy 共Wx = Wy兲 while fixing Wz 共Wz = a*兲, and simultaneously
⌳ = K冑共nx − nx⬘兲2 + 共ny − n⬘y 兲2 + 共nz − nz⬘兲2 ,
changing Wx, Wy, and Wz, respectively.
再 冎
1 for n = n⬘
␦nn⬘ = 共8兲 In the following sections we will give some numerical
0 for n ⫽ n⬘ , results of the binding energy for a hydrogenic donor impurity
in a QD with the conduction-band offset V0 = 40 R*.
where represents x, y, or z, respectively. Figure 1 shows the binding energy of the ground state as
The third part of the matrix elements is deduced from the a function of the QD edge length W with no external elec-
quantum confined potential V共r兲, tric field and with the donor located at the QD center. The
solid, dashed, and dotted curves correspond to changing Wx
V0共␦nxn⬘␦nyn⬘␦nzn⬘ − SxSySz兲, 共9兲
x y z while holding Wy and Wz fixed 共Wy = Wz = a*兲, simultaneously
changing Wx and Wy 共Wx = Wy兲 while holding Wz fixed 共Wz
再 冎
= a*兲, and simultaneously changing Wx, Wy, and Wz, respec-
W/L for n = n⬘ tively. From this figure, we find four crossing points A, B, C,
S = and D. Point A corresponds to the impurity binding energy of
sin关共n − n⬘ 兲W/L兴/共n − n⬘ 兲 for n ⫽ n⬘ . a cubic QD with edge length Wx = Wy = Wz = a*. Point B cor-
共10兲 responds to the edge length WB for which the impurity has
the same binding energy for 共WB , WB , WB兲 and 共WB , WB , a*兲,
The fourth part of the matrix elements is deduced from
where 共Wx , Wy , Wz兲 indicates that the edge lengths of the
the electric field energy −F · r,
rectangular parallelepiped-shaped QD along the x, y, and z
− 兺 具n⬘ 兩F兩n典,
directions are Wx, Wy, and Wz, respectively. Point C corre-
sponds to the edge length WC for which the impurity has the
same binding energy for 共WC , WC , WC兲 and 共WC , a* , a*兲, and
where point D corresponds to the edge length WD for which the
impurity has the same binding energy for 共WD , WD , a*兲 and
exp共i共k + nK兲兲 共WD , a* , a*兲. These phenomena show that the binding energy
兩n典 = , 共12兲
冑L has the same value for two edge length values besides the
curve peaks. From this figure we also find that the critical
and edge lengths corresponding to the maximum binding energy
are the smallest, middle, and largest for the solid, dashed,
冦 冧
0 for n = n⬘ and dotted lines, respectively. In the infinite potential
具n⬘ 兩F兩n⬘ 典 = iF共− 1兲 ⬘兲
共n−n 共13兲 model,23 the binding energy curves do not exhibit those
for n ⫽ n⬘ . peaks. Rather, the binding energy becomes infinite as the QD
2共n − n⬘ 兲
edge length decreases to zero.
The electronic states in the QD can be calculated from The greatest difference between the finite and the infinite
Eqs. 共5兲, 共7兲, 共9兲, and 共11兲. potential model is whether the wave function can penetrate
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093716-4 S.-S. Li and J.-B. Xia J. Appl. Phys. 101, 093716 共2007兲
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 The integrated probability density P共z兲 with the
donor located at the center and Wx = Wy = Wz = a* for an external electric field
Fz = 0 共solid line兲, 7.5F* 共dashed line兲, and 10F* 共dotted line兲.
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 The same as Fig. 1 but with external electric field
Fz = 10F* 共 = 0兲 and with the donor located at the center. The curves 1, 2, 3,
4, and 5 correspond to the variation of the binding energy of the ground state ing energy. The crossing points between the different curves
with Wx while Wy = Wz = a*, Wx, Wy 共Wx = Wy兲 while Wz = a*, Wz while Wx in this figure can be explained similarly as in Fig. 1.
= Wy = a* 共dotted curve兲, Wy and Wz 共Wy = Wz兲 while Wx = a* 共dashed curve兲, The integrated probability density P共z兲
and Wx and Wy and Wz 共Wx = Wy = Wz兲, respectively.
= 兰−L/2 兰−L/2兩0共x , y , z兲兩2dxdy is drawn in Fig. 3 with the do-
L/2 L/2
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 The binding energy in positions a, b, c, and d as a FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 The same as Fig. 4, but with F = Fz = 10F*, and in-
function of cubic QD edge length 共Wx = Wy = Wz兲 for zero external electric cluding additional points b⬘ 共dotted curves兲, b⬙, and c⬘ 共dashed curve兲.
field. The dotted curves are the results of Ref. 23.
TABLE I. The binding energies of the six symmetry points. The coordinates and energy are in units of R* and
a*. The edge lengths of the QD are Wx = 0.5a*, Wy = 1a*, and Wx = 1.5a*.
Coordinates 共0.25, 0, 0兲 共−0.25, 0, 0兲 共0, 0.5, 0兲 共0, 0.5, 0兲 共0, 0, 0.75兲 共0, 0, −0.75兲
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