Electrical Conduction by Interface States in Semiconductor Heterojunctions
Electrical Conduction by Interface States in Semiconductor Heterojunctions
Electrical Conduction by Interface States in Semiconductor Heterojunctions
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Electrical conduction by interface states
JEt = nt µt ∇F
E t (4)
M El Yacoubi et al
rnt (Et ) = cn n(1 − ft )Dt − en ft Dt . (7)
Similarly, the defect to valence band transition rate Rpt (x)
can be written with rpt (Et ) given by
Figure 4. Energy band diagram for CdTe-p/CdS-n heterojunction
rpt (Et ) = cp pft Dt − ep (1 − ft )Dt . (8) at V = 0.2 V applied voltage. The interface defect band extends
from x = −0.01 to 0.2 µm. The total defect concentration is
In the above relations cn and cp are the electron and Nt = 1017 cm−3 for x = −0.01 µm to 0.1 µm, and goes linearly
hole capture coefficients, related to the electron and hole to zero from x = 0.1 to 0.2 µm. Nt = 0 outside that region. The
capture cross sections by cn = vth n
σn and cp = vth σp , defect density of states Dt (x, Et ) is constant as a function of Et ,
where vth are the respective thermal velocities. The relations over a width 1Et = 0.7 eV.
between cn , cp and the electron and hole thermal emission
rates en and ep are given by the following equations, Figure 4 gives the result of our calculations for the
expressing microreversibility between individual states at energy-band diagram in the interface region, and a steady-
thermal equilibrium. state applied voltage of V = 0.2 V. In the range of values
of x represented in the figure, i.e. from −0.2 to 0.4 µm, the
en = gcn Nc exp[(Et − Ec )/kT ] (9) electron and hole quasi-Fermi levels Fn and Fp are nearly
cp constant and separated by 0.2 eV. They join for x-values
ep = Nv exp[(Ev − Et )/kT ]. (10) outside the figure as usual. The defect quasi-Fermi level
Ft is nearly flat in the whole defect region, with a position
In the numerical study of the p-CdTe/n-CdS heterojunc- intermediate between Fn and Fp , indicating that, for the
tions we have taken the dopant concentrations respectively chosen set of parameters, the defect states are in equilibrium
equal to NA = 4 × 1016 cm−3 and ND = 2 × 1016 cm−3 , in with neither of the two bands.
accordance with the experimental values. As the system has In figure 5 we show, for the same value of the applied
a planar symmetry, we use a one-dimensional analysis, where voltage, the recombination rates Rnt and Rpt as functions of
the distances from the interface are measured by a variable x, the position x, alongside with the different current densities
with x = 0 at the position of the heterointerface. The x-axis Jn , Jp and Jt . These figures clearly reveal the conduction
is oriented in the direction of the CdS epitaxial film. mechanism of the junction. When the electrons injected from
The first results we show are obtained with the following the n-CdS side reach the defect region, they are captured by
choice of parameters. We take the conduction band the defect traps. These capture transitions take place for x
discontinuity 1Ec equal to 0.22 eV, the value estimated from between 0.15 µm and 0.20 µm, i.e. in the region where the
the difference in electron affinities of CdTe and CdS [11]. concentration of traps has not yet reached its maximum value.
All other parameters describing bulk properties correspond As figure 5(a) shows, the capture rate of electrons by defects
to common values of CdTe and CdS [15]. The defect band Rnt is maximum near the boundary of the region with defect
mobility is taken equal to 10−3 times the electron mobility in states in the CdS layer and decreases rapidly when going
CdTe. For the electron and hole capture cross sections, we towards the interface with CdTe. After capture, the electrons
use energy-independent values σn = σp = 5 × 10−15 cm2 . are swept through the defect band up to the heterointerface at
The defect states are supposed to be acceptor-like, in the sense x = 0, where they recombine with the holes on the p-CdTe
that they are neutral when empty and negatively charged when side of the junction. As figure 5(b) shows, below 0.15 µm
occupied. the current is almost entirely due to the transport of electrons
For the defect distribution function Dt , we choose a via trap states. Indeed the total current density J is such that
constant value in a band of width 1Et = 0.7 eV located J ∼ = Jt for this CdS region close to the interface. In the
0.21 eV below the CdS conduction band edge, 0.54 eV below small layer of 0.01 µm where the defect layer is allowed to
the CdTe conduction band edge. The x-dependence of the extend on the CdTe side in our model, the current transforms
density of states is such that Nt (x) is constant and equal from a defect dominated contribution Jt to a hole current Jp ,
to 1 × 1017 cm−3 for values of x between −0.01 µm and due to the strong hole transition rate Rpt which appears in
+0.1 µm. Beyond this last value, Nt decreases linearly to figure 5(a). Beyond this x value, the current is transported
zero between +0.1 and +0.2 µm. This simulates a defect by holes exclusively.
band existing on both sides of the interface, with a larger This conduction mechanism is of course much more
extent in the CdS layer, as can be expected in the case of efficient than a thermally activated emission over the energy
films grown on substrates with a large lattice mismatch. barrier. Indeed, for an electron, the energy barrier is of the
Electrical conduction by interface states
order of the built-in potential plus 1Ec , the conduction band Figure 7. Current density at T = 300 K, V = 0.2 V applied dc
voltage for defect concentration Nt as described in figure 4, for
discontinuity, i.e. about 1 eV. The barrier is even higher different values of the parameter sets εµt = µt /µt0 , with
for the holes. In contrast, within our model, the part of µt0 = µn (CdTe) × 10−3 , εn = σn (CdS)/σn0 , σn0 = 1 × 10−15 cm2
the process that is thermally activated is the transport of and εp = σh (CdTe)/σp0 , with σp0 = 10−15 cm2 . When one
electrons and holes from their respective ohmic contact to parameter is modified, the two others are kept equal to their
the recombination region, which is close to the limits of standard values.
the defect region. This requires little thermal activation,
typically a few hundreds of meV, as will appear from 1 mm2 , leading to current densities of the same order of
the analysis of the current–voltage values for different magnitude as those of figure 6.
temperatures. The conduction process depends on a series of
Figure 6 shows the logarithm of the calculated total parameters which describe the different steps and which are
current densities J as functions of the inverse thermal voltage difficult to estimate from basic principles or to obtain from
q/kT , for three values of the applied voltage V = 0.1, 0.2 direct experimental measurements. Therefore we show the
and 0.3 V. Notice that, for this temperature range, log J is a effect of some of these parameters on basic dc characteristics.
linear function of q/kT . The activation energies which can In figure 7, we show the resulting current at 300 K and
be deduced from the slope of the functions are respectively 0.2 V of applied voltage as a function of the defect band
0.34 eV for V = 0.1 V, 0.30 eV for V = 0.2 V and mobility µt , the electron capture cross section σn of CdS and
0.26 eV for V = 0.3 V. As can be inferred from figure 4, the hole capture cross section of CdTe σp . The abscissa are
these activation energies correspond to mean values of the normalized values εµt , εn and εp of the three parameters with
barrier felt by the electrons on the n-CdS side of the junction. the set of parameters of figure 4 taken as reference values.
The thermal activation of electrons is the transport-limiting Modifying one of the three values εµt , εn or εp , keeping
mechanism as the valence band edge on the CdTe side is all others fixed, yields the three curves J (ε). They show
nearly flat. that the modification of the defect band mobility µt only
Comparing with the experimental results shown in leads to a sizeable effect when µt is reduced by at least
figure 2, one retrieves the linear slope of the log I –q/kT a factor 10−4 . Decreasing the electron and hole capture
curves, with similar values of the activation energies. Even cross sections σn and σp relative to the reference value
the absolute values of the currents are comparable. Indeed produces important modifications of the resulting current, as
the junctions studied experimentally have sections of about expected. Increasing σp with respect to the reference value
M El Yacoubi et al
Electrical conduction by interface states
4. Conclusion
M El Yacoubi et al