CBR Education Profession

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Skor Nilai :


(Dr. Yasaratodo Wau, M.Pd)


NIM : 4183141061

THE LECTURER : Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik,M.Si






The challenges of education-oriented education are demanded to provide

qualified and ready-to-use graduates in the field, this inevitably makes educational
institutions have to implement the right strategies. The development of the concept of
assessing education at this time shows a broader direction. Assessment of education
programs or curriculum assessments involves assessing educational objectives,
program content, program implementation strategies, and educational facilities.
Assessment of teaching and learning processes involves assessing teacher activities,
student activities, teacher-student interaction patterns, and the implementation of
teaching-learning programs. While the assessment of learning outcomes concerns
short-term learning outcomes and long-term learning outcomes.

Education is the absolute thing that exists in life. Without education, the
community and individuals will continue to be shackled in ignorance and vacuum so
that it is difficult to do something useful to improve self-quality. Education can be
done by formal and informal institutions. Formal institutions of education providers
include registered educational institutions. Informal institutions start with parental
education and others outside formal education. Formal education will play a very
important role in shaping the personality and quality of individuals. An educator who
trains and educates individuals must be truly trained. In other words, an educator
must be professional. The teacher as a profession becomes an educator who is
required to have certain competencies such as pedagogic competence, professional
competence, personal competence and social competence. All competencies are
related to efforts to improve the quality and professionalism of teachers. Educating is
not an easy thing especially in formal institutions. Need special ways to deal with
each of the differences in the characteristics of each student.


Praise the presence of God. For all the blessings and prizes from the paper
entitled "Critical Book Review of Education Profession " arranged to completion. We
do not forget to thank the parties who helped us in helping and supporting us to
prepare this paper. I hope this paper can be useful for many people and as a teaching
material for me to make better papers in the future both to improve the form and
content contained in it, because of the limited knowledge that we have, we believe
there are still many short arrivals in writing this, therefore I really hope for
constructive suggestions and criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Medan, 6th of March 2019



EXCECUTIVE SUMMARY…………………………………………………………………………………….i


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………………………….iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………….………1
A. Rationalization of CBR writing………………………………………………………………………1
B. The purpose of writing CBR…………………………………………………………………….…….1
C. Benefits of CBR……………………………………………………………………………………....……...1
D. Identity of the book being reviewed…………………………………………………..…...….…1


A. Chapter I The Nature of Educational Professionals……………………………………..…3
B. Chapter II Professionalization of Teachers………………………………………………..…..3
C. Chapter III Organization and Attitudes of Educational Professionals………..….4
D. Chapter IV The Role of Teachers in Educational Management………………………5
E. Chapter V Rights to Educational Supervision……………………………………………..….6
F. Chapter VI Counseling Guidance and Teacher's Role………………………………..……7

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………………….…….8

A. Discussion of Book Contents………………………………………………………………………….8
B. Advantages and Disadvantages of book…………………………………………………….…10

CHAPTER IV CLOSING……………………………………………………………………………….……..12
A. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………….……….12
B. Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………………...12




A. Rationalization of CBR writing

The minimal development of science is due to the low interest in
reading students currently, criticizing books is one way that can be done to
increase interest in reading. Critical book review is an individual task which in
its activities examines one or more of the books with the general aim of
training students to form conceptual definitions based on the synthesis of
theories developed from the relevant books. Criticizing a book is expected to
foster an honest, disciplined, independent, and actual attitude, critical in
analyzing information, respecting opinions, adaptive to change,
communicative in conveying information and being responsible. By reviewing
the reader can find out the quality of the book by comparing the work of the
same or other authors and can provide input to the author of the book in the
form of criticism and suggestions on the writing system, the contents and
substance of the journal.

B. The purpose of writing CBR

1. To review the content and material contained in the book.
2. Search for and find information in the book
3. Train critical thinking in finding information provided by each book
4. To be able to compare one book with another book

C. Benefits of CBR
1. To fulfill the duties of the Education Professionals course.
2. To increase knowledge about the education profession.
3. To know many things about books, and train students to love reading

D. Identity of the book being reviewed

1. Title : Profesi Kependidikan
2. Edition : Revision 2019

3. Author : Dr. Yasaratodo Wau, M.Pd
4. Publisher : UNIMED PRESS
5. City of publication : Medan
6. ISBN : 978-602-7938-05-2



A. Chapter I The Nature of Educational Professionals

Humans in fulfilling their life needs carry out various activities that can
be classified into types of work. There are generally simple types of human
work that require certain skills without having to go through the process of
education and training for a long time, enough to have muscle strength and
certain skills can do certain jobs that can fulfill daily needs, such as the
peasants, laborers, or pedicab drivers. But in certain jobs, workers are
required to meet certain requirements that should not be ignored because
they can cause a fatal risk if these conditions are not met, such as a doctor's
job. The work is not just anyone can do it, only those who have the skills,
abilities, skills, and skills obtained through the process of education and
training in such a way that people who are assisted / served are truly cured or
The work of educators and education has been recognized as a
profession that can only be carried out by special people who are specially
prepared through the process of education and training to the level of higher
education which is characterized by the retention of the title of "bachelor of
education" complete with other predicates specified by laws and regulations
in a country. Work in the field of education that has gained recognition as a
professional position is the work of teachers, principals, education
supervisors, and counselors. Jobs in the education sector can answer problems
and challenges in each era, including the era of the industrial revolution 4.0
when educators and education staff who are truly professional carry out the
work in a professional manner.

B. Chapter II Professionalization of Teachers

Teacher's work from the beginning to the present day has undergone a
parallel development with the development of progress in the community.
Professional work can be interpreted as work that requires special education,

meets specific requirements set by the organization, and gets recognition from
the State. One type of new job can be categorized as a professional if it fulfills
characteristics in various aspects: functions and social significance, expertise
and skills of certain disciplines, requires education and training, professional
values can be applied to the community, has a code of ethics, has certain
responsibilities , recognized and received a proper reward for his profession.
Teachers as professional jobs require four competencies which include:
personality, social, pedagonic, and professional competencies. Ownership of
these four competencies requires a relatively long time (up to college level).
Efforts to obtain and maintain these four competencies to be declared
to be professional teachers as professionalization of teachers. During the
professionalization the life of the teacher is equipped with a teacher's code of
ethics which is prepared and agreed upon by professional teacher
organizations. And so that the teacher as a profession is safe in his status,
needs protection that includes: protection of LPTK as the only teacher training
and teacher institution, teachers can only be held by graduates of teacher
training and educator institutions, teachers can only be held by LPTK
graduates, teacher organizations, like PGRI, involved in giving consideration in
matters relating to status, development, dismissal, and rights of teachers, as
well as supervision of the professional code of ethics of the teacher.

C. Chapter III Organization and Attitudes of Educational Professionals

As a professional person, the teacher must always be proactive in
increasing his knowledge, attitudes and skills as well as continuously. The
objectives of the attitude include attitudes to legislation, professional
organizations, peers, students, workplaces, leaders of institutions and the
work environment. As a position that must be able to answer the challenges of
community development, the position of teacher must always be developed
and updated. In the attitude of the teacher must always make a renewal in
accordance with the demands of the times inherent in their duties.
The attitude of the education profession implies the tendency of teachers or
educators to view and treat positions as professions. The teacher must be

aware of his willingness and ability to choose, determine, and decide to be the
teacher who obliges him to truly carry out his professional duties in the field of
teacher training. Thus, if someone has agreed to become a teacher it means
having a positive attitude towards the work of the teacher with all the risks,
then the individual will take positive actions and want to carry out with full
responsibility. The development of the attitude of the education profession is
carried out before and during the holding of the teaching profession itself.

D. Chapter IV The Role of Teachers in Educational Management

Educational management is a tool to achieve educational goals. As a
tool, management of education must be carried out effectively and efficiently
by empowering all available resources, both human and non-human, so that
everything becomes one towards one endpoint, the teacher professionally
carries out the learning process so students want and can learn until they
reach educational goals. Management of education in schools must be carried
out in accordance with its functions and adhere to the principles of effective
and efficient management. As an inseparable part of the education system,
subject matter teachers must understand and be able to become an integrated
part of education management by carrying out all tasks and responsibilities in
each field of work managed by the principal as an education manager in the
A series of activities that start from targeting refers to a series of
activities that start from targeting until the end of the goal / achievement of
the goal. The series of activities begins with the formulation of planning
objectives, then continues with the implementation and during the
implementation of supervision and assessment, and ends with providing
feedback / follow-up. These circuits are often referred to as management
functions or management processes. function, meaning activities or tasks that
must be done in an effort to achieve the goal. Management functions include
planning, organizing, preparing employees, directing, recording and reporting
and monitoring.

E. Chapter V Rights to Educational Supervision
In Understanding Sutisna and Willey defines supervision with service
activities carried out to assist teachers in carrying out their work in order to
obtain better results, while Neagley and Evans define supervision with
assistance provided to teachers to improve the quality of learning, education,
and curriculum. Without educational supervision, education staff will feel
burdened in teaching students if they have a problem, or vice versa will feel
proud if he thinks he is successful in teaching activities even though the
students actually know nothing.
Sehartian and Mataheru suggest that the purpose of teaching
supervision (1) helps teachers see clearly the goals of education; (2) assisting
teachers in guiding learning experiences; (3) help teachers use learning
experience resources; (4) assisting teachers in using tools, methods, and
teaching models; (6) assisting teachers in assessing the progress of students
and the work of the teacher themselves; (7) help teachers develop mental or
moral reactions; (8) assisting teachers in schools with their assigned tasks; (9)
help teachers adjust; (10) helping teachers so that the time and energy of
teachers is fully devoted to fostering schools. Supervision has a function of
evaluation (research) by way of research (research) and is an effort of
improvement (improvement).
The principle of educational supervision includes: scientific means
systematically carried out in a structured, continuous, orderly, objective,
democratic, cooperative, using tools, constructive and creative. In the problem
of supervising the teacher Marsudi W. Kisworo (2013) explained that teacher
competency had deteriorated due to neglected coaching, 60% more teachers
had to get serious coaching. Dewey states that teaching is not only about
material but involves many processes, the important thing is to control that
the teacher carries out teaching professional duties to the specified standards
and the quality of work meets the standards. According to the Education
Professional book the supervision technique is divided into 2, namely: (1)
Group Techniques, including (a) orientation meetings, (b) training teacher
meetings, (c) group studies between training teachers, (d) discussion as a

group process, (e ) exchanging experiences, (f) workshops, (g) panel
discussions, (h) seminars, and others and (2) Individual Techniques consisting
of: (a) Class visits, (b) Class observations, (c) conversations personal, (d) inter-
visitation, and (e) assessing oneself.

F. Chapter VI Counseling Guidance and Teacher's Role

Definition of counseling according to Carl. R. Rogers: "His counseling is
a series of direct contours with the individual which aims to offer his
assistance to change his attitudes and behavior", in general the counseling
services in the school are intended so that students get optimal counseling
services according to their talents, abilities and values. the value possessed,
this goal is formulated based on the fact that there are differences between
fellow students. Every student has a unique - certain uniqueness. Associated
with counseling services in schools, some counseling functions can be found,
namely: the functions of understanding, prevention, distribution, adjustment,
improvement, and development.
Theoretically, the main aspects that underlie the development of
guidance and counseling services are philosophical, psychological, socio-
cultural and scientific and technological foundations. Basically the target of
counseling services in schools is personal students individually, more
specifically, the target of students' personal guidance through counseling
services includes the stages of developing abilities - abilities (a) pengungkaan,
recognition, and self-acceptance, (b) introduction to the environment, ( c)
decision making, (d) self-direction, and (e) adjustment. Counseling guidance
services in schools are based on certain principles which include the principle
of confidentiality, volunteerism, current, and independence. If the teacher pays
more attention to students than lessons, the teacher will find that the learning
process is more effective, when giving more attention to the learning process
that occurs in their students. If this has been realized by the teacher, then he
will also realize how important counseling services are for students who are
studying. The teacher will find that the counseling approach will improve
teaching effectiveness.



A. Discussion of Book Contents

Education Supervision
1. Definition of Educational Supervision
According to the Education Profession book written by Yasaratodo Wau
supervising in Understanding, according to Sutisna and Willey defines
supervision with service activities carried out to help teachers in carrying
out their work in order to obtain better results. Whereas according to the
educational supervision book written by Muwahid Sulhan in his
understanding according to Poerwanto stated, supervision is a coaching
activity planned to help teachers and other school staff in carrying out
their work effectively.
Based on the two opinions above, supervision of education is an effort
designed by school officials to improve teacher teaching in order to achieve
optimal student achievement.

2. Principles of Educational Supervision

According to the Education Professional book written by Yasaratodo
Wau, the principle of educational supervision includes: scientific means
systematically carried out in a structured, continuous, orderly, objective,
democratic, cooperative, using tools, constructive and creative. While
according to the educational supervision book written by the Muwahid
Sulhan principle in education supervision that must be considered and
realized by supervisors in carrying out academic supervision, namely:
academic supervision must be able to create harmonious human relations,
academic supervision must be carried out continuously, academic
supervision must be democratic, Supervisor must not dominate the
implementation of academic supervision, academic supervision program
must be integral to the education program, academic supervision must be

comprehensive, academic supervision must be objective and academic
supervision must be constructive.
Thus in the setting of the school system, all members (teachers) must
actively participate and carry out the principles that have been described
by both likes and dislikes must be prepared to face problems and obstacles
in implementing academic supervision. The problems and constraints can
be overcome more or less if in the implementation of academic supervision
the principal applies the principles of academic supervision.

3. Educational Supervision Technique

According to the Education Professional book written by Yasaratodo
Wau, the supervision technique is divided into 2, namely: (1) Group
techniques, including (a) orientation meetings, (b) training teacher
meetings, (c) group studies between training teachers, (d) discussion as a
group process, (e) exchanging experiences, (f) workshops, (g) panel
discussions, (h) seminars, and others and (2) Individual Techniques
consisting of: (a) Class visits, (b) Class observation, (c) private
conversation, (d) inter-visitation, and (e) self-assessment
Whereas according to the educational supervision book written by
Muwahid Sulhan the education supervision technique is divided into two,
namely (1) Individual Engineering includes: (a) Conducting class visits, (b)
Conducting observation visits, (c) Guiding teachers on ways to learn
private students and or addressing problems that are dialysis by students,
and (d) Guiding teachers in matters relating to the implementation of
school curricula such as: Arranging semester and weekly programs,
Arranging or making pelaiaran program units, Organizing classroom
management activities, Carry out evaluation evaluation techniques, hold
media and sources in PBM, and organize student activities in the
extracurricular and study tour fields, and (2) group techniques include (a)
holding meetings or meetings, (b) holding group discussions, and ( c) Hold

4. Problems with Teacher Supervision
According to the Education Professional book written by Yasaratodo
Wau in the problem of supervising the teacher Marsudi W. Kisworo (2013)
explained that teacher competency deteriorated due to neglected coaching,
60% more teachers had to get serious coaching. Dewey states that teaching
is not only about material but involves many processes, the important
thing is to control that the teacher carries out teaching professional duties
to the specified standards and the quality of work meets the standards.
Whereas according to the education supervision book written by Muwahid
Sulhan, the problems of teachers in the educational environment include
problems in formulating studies, problems in choosing teaching methods;
problems in using learning resources, problems in making and using
teaching aids, problems in planning research programs and problems in
planning and carrying out evaluations.
Based on the opinions of the two books above, the problems faced by
teachers are very diverse for that there is a need for serious and
inculcating guidance that teaching is not only about material but involves
many processes, the important thing is to control that the teacher carries
out professional teaching tasks fixed to the specified standards and quality
the work meets the standards.

B. Advantages and Disadvantagesof book

1. Viewed from the aspect of book display, the book being reviewed has a
cover that is of interest to the reader, but for the content section it is better
to display colored images so as to increase reading interest, and also to fill
in the things that do not support the contents. books don't need to be
included, because they make thick and heavy books.
2. Judging from the aspect of layout, the layout used for writing and data
(diagrams, tables, images) has been arranged well, the size and font of
writing are also good among professional books.
3. Judging from the aspect of the contents of the book, the contents of the
book are complete, but in the section explaining the laws of the teacher and

lecturer there are certain articles that are not explained so as to make the
reader less aware of the intended text.
4. Viewed from the aspect of grammar, the language used is good, easy to
understand and in accordance with the applicable grammar provisions, but
there are repetitive words that are expected so that the writer or editor is
more thorough in the editing process.



A. Conclusion
The work of educators and education has been recognized as a
profession that can only be carried out by special (special) people who are
specially prepared through the process of education and training to the
university level. Work in the field of education that has gained recognition as a
professional position is the work of teachers, headmaster, education
supervisor, and counselor. Jobs in the education sector can answer problems
and challenges in each era, including the era of the industrial revolution 4.0
when educators and education staff who are truly professional carry out the
work in a professional manner. Educational supervision is an effort designed
by school officials to improve teacher teaching in order to achieve student
learning outcomes optimally. Without education supervision, education staff
will feel burdened in teaching students if they experience problems, or vice
versa will feel proud if he thinks he has succeeded. in teaching activities even
though students actually know nothing. In the problem of supervising the
teacher Marsudi W. Kisworo (2013) explained that teacher competency
deteriorated because neglected guidance Dewey stated that teaching is not
only about material but involves many processes, the important thing is to
control that the teacher carries out professional teaching tasks that are
determined and the quality of work meets the standards.

B. Recommendations
According to what I read from the Education Profession book, the book is very
suitable for use among students and can be a reference for the reader and it is
hoped that the book will be printed more simply so that the reader can
understand well and be able to apply it to everyday life.


Shulhan, Muwahid. 2013. Supervisi Pendidikan ( Teori dan Praktek Pendidik dalam

Mengembangkan SDM Guru). Surabaya :Acima Publishing

Wau,Yasaratodo.2019. Profesi Kependidikan. Medan : Unimed Press



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