Single Phase Power Transformers: An Improved Method For The Inrush Current Evaluation in
Single Phase Power Transformers: An Improved Method For The Inrush Current Evaluation in
Single Phase Power Transformers: An Improved Method For The Inrush Current Evaluation in
Abstract- The paper presents an automatic procedure for operation of the transformer protecting equipment and cause
quantitative evaluation of energizing inrush current of a specific their nuisance tripping. Thus, the protective devices, (fuses,
range of single phase power transformers: 1.2–25 kVA. Starting
from transformer main rated data and core magnetic H-B circuit breakers or relays) should be able to discriminate the
characterization, the first peak value of inrush current is IC from any other fault currents [8-9]. Supplementary, inrush
accurately estimated. Additionally, the harmonic content of its current particularities generate, during the energizing process,
waveform is also investigated offering valuable indicators of this major power quality problems that spread out in the entire
transient phenomenon. The predetermination of the main inrush network [10]. Thus, a high level of current unbalances and
current characteristics becomes very useful in avoiding its
countless undesirable effects on both the transformer and the harmonics affects all the other power devices that already
installation where the device operates. The proposed method operate in the proximity of the switched transformer [11].
offers a fast and flexible solution of the energizing inrush Taking into account all these unwanted effects an accurate
current problem for the main general purpose single phase predetermination of the IC characteristics along with methods
transformers. for the first IC amplitude limitation are demanded.
Keywords: inrush current, transformer modeling, saturation. Various computation techniques have been developed in
order to estimate the IC feature for a certain network
I. INTRODUCTION configuration, transformer parameters and exciting supply
The transient current that occurs as a result of any sudden voltage. Thus, analytical or semianalytical solutions were
change in the voltage on a transformers winding is termed as suggested in [12, 13] for the IC amplitude estimation, which
inrush current [1]. According to the main phenomenon that rely on the circuit model of the transformer. Others studies
leads to the voltage variation, the inrush currents are [14, 15] propose numerical methods such two or three
commonly divided in three categories [2]. The first refers to dimensional FEM computations. Recently, a special attention
energizing inrush current that occurs when a no-loaded or a was paid to the magnetic description of the transformer core
light loaded transformer is switch on. A recovery inrush material. So, different advanced characterization of B-H
current arises when the transformer voltage is restored after a dependency for core materials was adopted in order to
reduction of its amplitude due to a nearby network accurately model the examined transient process [16-20].
malfunction (e.g. short circuit). Finally, the sympathetic Considerable research effort was dedicated for developing
inrush current is experimented by an already energized methods of reduction IC first amplitude. Thereby, many
transformer connected in parallel with another unit that approaches use external field sources [21- 23], or devices
switches on. Our study is limited to a quantitative [24], in order to limit the IC peak value. Others mitigations
investigation of the energizing inrush current of a certain procedures focus on controlling the supply voltage switching-
range of single phase power transformers widely used in low on angle [25, 26] or using a sequential phase energizing
voltage electric installations. procedure [27, 28] (applicable only for three phase power
As electromagnetic devices of paramount importance in the transformers). Finally, particular design aspects of the power
power delivery process, transformers must be strictly transformers (e.g. changing the distribution of primary coil
protected from any kind of overcurrent or overvoltage that winding) could lead to an important reduction of IC first
could occur during their operation. Energizing inrush current amplitude [29]. This paper is focused on the main IC
(IC) is characterized by extreme high values of its first characteristics analysis for a particular power range (1.2-
amplitude (up to 20 times more than rated load current) and 25 kVA) and core types (UI shape) single phase transformers.
additionally an even harmonic content is present in the IC Thus, a flexible algorithm of the IC first amplitude and
waveform spectrum [3-5]. This behavior leads to many waveform predetermination is suggested. Additionally, a
unfavorable consequences over the transformer and the complete harmonic investigation of the IC spectrum is carried
network where the device operates. Firstly, the out. The reported procedure only requires the main rated data
electrodynamic and thermal stresses on the transformer of the investigated transformers and its magnetic core H-B
windings and other construction components are similar to characteristic. The computation method relies on the solution
those generated by short circuits [6, 7]. Secondly, this of a nonlinear system of equations derived from mathematical
transient current could further determine inadvertent description of the transient phenomenon.
i (t )
Φ (t )
i (t )
Fig. 1. The generation of the energizing inrush current along with residual
Fig. 2. UI magnetic core shape power transformers and its geometrical
magnetic flux core effect.
In order to numerically solve the nonlinear differential Finally, using (3), each harmonic level of the first peak IC
algebraic equations system (1), Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg waveform is quantitatively evaluated in order to later estimate
(RKF) method [31] was chosen. The initial value parameter is their contribution to the spectrum relative to the fundamental:
imposed by the remnant magnetization of the magnetic core n
Bro before the energizing process being expressed in terms of i (t ) = ∑ [a k cos(kωt ) + bk sin (kωt )],
initial magnetic flux Ф0 = BroAc. k =0 (4)
However, in our further computation we always considered ck
ck = a k2 bk2
+ , hk [%] = ⋅ 100.
the worst case scenario, in terms of remnant core c1
magnetization and point of voltage weave commutation The flow chart shown in Fig. 3 illustrates the proposed
(switching angle), respectively. algorithm, which mainly requires the transformer rated data
If not available, some of the important transformer and magnetic core characteristics.
parameter, such winding turn number N1 and its resistance R1,
can be easily extracted from device rated data. Thus, along
with the transformer rated power Sn, many manufacturers also
indicate the rated voltage drop Δun as a percentage value of
the transformer primary or secondary rated voltage. The latter
is being indicated for a resistive load (no voltage-current
phase shift occurs in the secondary winding: cosφ2 = 1), and
an unitary value load factor β =1 (defined as the apparent
power S required by transformer load relative to its rated
value Sn). Furthermore, the magnetic core material
description and its operating flux density Bn are also provided
by the transformer manufacturers. Accordingly, considering
the expression of transformer voltage regulation [30], one can
easily evaluate the requested parameters:
Δu = = β(u a cos ϕ 2 + u r sin ϕ 2 )[%],
S P 2
β= ; u a = Jn ; u r = u sc − u a2 ;
Sn Sn
PJn = 2 R1 I 12n ; I 1n = ; (2)
1 Δu nU U
R1 ≅ ; N1 ≅ ,
2 Sn 2ωAc Bn
Fig. 3. Flow chart of the proposed procedure for evaluating the inrush
where Δu is the percentage voltage regulation expressed in current parameters.
terms of load factor β, active ua and reactive ur component of
the transformers rated short circuit percentage voltage usc.
The rated Joule losses PJn were evaluated in terms of primary The proposed algorithm was systematically tested on
winding resistance R1 and rated primary current I1n. numerous UI core shape single phase power transformers,
Aiming to investigate also the first IC peak waveform with rated powers up to 25 kVA. Both the IC first cycle
spectrum, a numerical harmonic analysis is carried out by amplitude and the wave harmonic content were qualitatively
computing Fourier coefficients during a period investigated under the most unfavorable operating conditions:
time (T = 2π ω) . This analysis is particularly useful for the energizing process occurs when the applied voltage
protection devices in separating the IC from any other fault crosses the zero line and remnant magnetization flux has its
currents (e. g. short circuit). Therefore, the corresponding maximum. In order to illustrate the method performances,
terms of the Fourier series are accordingly evaluated: one may use a transformer whose main data are indicated in
Appendix I. The magnetic core material used by the
T T transformer manufacturer is a non-oriented grain silicon steel
1 2
a0 = ∫i (t ) d t ; ak = i (t ) cos(kωt )d t ,
∫ M19, whose magnetization curve is shown in Fig. 4. Since
T 0 T 0 the necessary H-B function is being indicated for a finite
(3) number of measured pair of points, a first order piecewise
bk = i (t ) sin (kωt )d t ,
∫ k = 1, 2 ,3... . spline interpolation method was selected for covering the
T 0 entire core operating area during the transient process.
Figure 4 also represents these interpolation function variation.
Fig. 4 Transformer core magnetization curve (red marker) and the adopted Fig. 6 First peak IC harmonic spectrum hystrogram.
first order piecewise spline interpolation functions representation (blue
curve). According to (4) the DC component (zero harmonic) and
the second harmonic percentage level with respect to the
An accurate description of the transformer core magnetic fundamental are:
characteristic becomes crucial in analyzing IC features
⎧ c0
(magnitude, waveform and duration). Thus, for this algorithm ⎪h0 [%] = c ⋅ 100 = 59.6 %,
an accurate H-B representation is required. ⎪ 1
⎨ (5)
Figure 5 represents the IC variation during five period time c
⎪h [%] = 2 ⋅ 100 = 55.63 %.
(T0 = 5/f = 100 ms), while Fig. 6 quantitatively shows the first ⎪⎩ 2 c1
peak IC harmonic content, highlighting the level of each
harmonic. One can notice that the contributions of the above
The amplitude of the IC first cycle is Iˆ = 1446.73 A , being evaluated harmonics to the IC spectrum are considerable.
reached 7.5 ms after the energizing process. For comparison This particular feature of IC waveform has generated
reasons, is useful to recall that the transformer rated current different techniques that manage to discriminate the IC from
value is I1n = S n U1n = 20 A . Supplementary, after the decay other network’s overcurrents (especially from short-circuits).
of the transient phenomenon (within a few periods) the The magnetic core stress during the transformer switching
magnetization current is only limited to I 0 = i0 × I1n = 0.26 A . is also significant. In that respect, Fig. 7 visualizes the
The harmonic analysis of the first IC peak waveform, magnetic flux variation immediately after commutation for
whose results are depicted in Fig. 6, reveals both the DC and five period time interval.
even harmonics attendance into its spectrum.
Fig. 7 Transformer core magnetic flux variation during five period time.
Fig. 5 Transformer inrush current variation during five period time.
A flexible and robust procedure for IC evaluation in the The core geometry for one of investigated transformers
case of a certain single phase power transformer class is (with a rated power of 8 kVA) is presented in Fig. 8 and its
proposed. The algorithm inputs are the main transformer main technical data are indicated in Table 1.
rated data along with the core magnetic characteristics and
delivers the most significant IC features: its first cycle peak
value and harmonic content. The computation methods rely
on the numerical solution of a simple nonlinear algebraic
system of equations that models the transient state. Although
the procedure targets transformers with some particular core
geometry, it could be correspondingly adapted to any other
core shape device.
The analysis of a large variety of transformers reveals
numerous factors that directly influence the IC major
parameters: magnitude, harmonic spectrum content and
duration. Thus, for certain rated power, applied voltage and
core geometry, the magnetic materials properties significantly
affect the IC characteristics. New core magnetic materials,
such highly grain oriented or domain refined electrical steel,
are nowadays used in modern transformers. These materials
have completely different properties than the classical regular
non-oriented grain or even oriented lamination steel types.
They operate at higher flux density, have a higher value of
saturation induction, present a larger linear portion of the Fig. 8. Magnetic core shape of the investigated power transformers and
its geometrical dimensions.
magnetization curve and shows lower remnance flux density.
Additionally, in order to reduce the core joints reluctance, the TABLE I
step lap joint type is commonly adopted. Therefore, it
becomes very difficult to aggregate all these new materials Sn = 8 kVA Rated power
properties and add them to all other design parameters and U1n = 0.40 kV Primary rated voltage
theoretically predict the IC characteristic. In spite of all these U2n = 0.23 kV Secondary rated voltage
drawbacks, the numerical computation applied on different No load power losses
P0 = 95 W
transformer transient models along with a precise core
Psc = 192 W Short circuit power losses
magnetic characterization could offer satisfactory results for
the IC prediction problem. Consequently, the suggested i0 = 1.3 % Magnetization current
method could be further improved in terms of its accuracy by usc = 4. 5 % Short circuit voltage
developing different advanced characterizations of these new Δun = 2.4 % Rated voltage regulation
materials, especially for describing their saturation area. Number of turns in primary
N1 = 259
Transformer installed at certain points of the distribution
N2 = 149 Number of turns in secondary
networks could have IC magnitude comparable to the short
circuit peak value at that location, demanding additional IC R1 = 0.2400 Ω Primary copper loss resistance
mitigations techniques or limitation equipment. For the R2 = 0.0794 Ω Secondary copper loss resistance
transformers power class investigated here, a simple Bn = 1.25 T Operating magnetic core induction
additional resistance connected at the energized windings
Br = 1.01 T Core remnant magnetization
significantly attenuates the IC first amplitude. For other units
Ac = ab = 0.00558 m2 Magnetic core area
with greater rated power, special IC reduction apparatus or
methods may be required. Thus, NTC (negative temperature lm = 12a= 0.72 m Magnetic path mean length
coefficient) devices or electronic soft starter could a = 0.060 m UI Core main reference dimension
successfully manage to limit the value of IC first magnitude b = 0.093 m Core thickness
of a large power class of single phase transformers.
Due to the rapid change in modern power transformers
technologies, IC parameters should be accurately predicted in REFERENCES
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