Which-The-System-Can-Enter-Your-Application/: View Answer

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1. Android is developed by
  apple
  microsoft
  google
  android inc
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Android inc
2. Android web browser is based on
  chrome
  open-source webkit
  safari
  firefox
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Open-source webkit
3. Which media format is not supported by android
  mp4
  avi
  midi
  mpeg
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4. In which directory xml layout files are stored
  /assets
  /src
  /res/values
  /res/layout
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5. Which code used by android is not a open source.
  video driver
  wifi driver
  device driver
  bluetooth driver
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Wifi driver
6. How many levels of securities are in android?
  android level security
  app and kernel level security
  java level security
  none of the above
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App and kernel level security
7. Which of the following does not belong to transitions?
  viewflipper
  viewanimator
  viewswitcher
  viewslider
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8. What are the functionalities in asynctask in android?
  onpreexecution()
  onpostexecution()
  doinbackground()
  onprogressupdate()
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9. What does aapt stands for?
  android asset processing tool.
  android asset providing tool.
  android asset packaging tool.
  android asset packaging technique
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Android asset packaging tool.
10. Which broadcast in android includes information about battery state level
  android.intent.action.battery_changed
  android.intent.action.battery_low
  android.intent.action.battery_okay
  android.intent.action.call_button
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11. View pager is used for
  swiping activities
  swiping fragments
  paging down list items
  view pager is not supported by android sdk
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Swiping fragments
12. What is jni in android?
  java interface
  java native interface
  java network interface
  image editable tool
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Java native interface
13. What is lastknownlocation in android?
  to find the last location of a phone
  to find known location of a phone
  to find the last known location of a phone.
  none of the above
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To find the last known location of a phone.
14. Which programming language is used for android application development?
  nodejs
  php
  jsx
  java
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15. Action bar can be associated to
  only fragments
  only activities
  both activities and fragments
  none of the above
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Only activities
16. Android is based on which kernal
  linux
  windows
  mac
  redhat
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17. Adb stands for
  android debug bridge.
  android drive bridge.
  android delete bridge
  android destroy bridge.
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Android debug bridge.
18. What is manifest.xml in android?
  it has information about layout in an application
  it has all the information about an application
  it has the information about activities in an application
  none of the above
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It has all the information about an application
19. In which technique, we can refresh the dynamic content in android?
  ajax
  java
  android
  none of these
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20. What is an interface in android?
  interface is a class.
  interface acts as a bridge between class and the outside world.
  interface is a layout file
  all of the above
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Interface acts as a bridge between class and the outside world.

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