DM - 02 - 02 - Descriptive Data Summarization

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Data Mining

2.2 Descriptive Data Summarization

Fall 2008

Instructor: Dr. Masoud Yaghini

Descriptive Data Summarization
Descriptive Data Summarization

– To better understand the data
– To highlight which data values should be treated as noise or
 Data characteristics
– Measures of central tendency
 Mean, median, mode, and midrange
– Measures of data dispersion
 Rang, quartiles, interquartile range (IQR), and variance

Descriptive Data Summarization


 Measuring the Central Tendency

 Measuring the Dispersion of Data
 Graphic Displays of Basic Descriptive Data

Descriptive Data Summarization

Measuring the Central Tendency

Descriptive Data Summarization

Measuring the Central Tendency

 In this section, we look at various ways to measure the

central tendency of data, include:
– Mean
– Weighted mean
– Trimmed mean
– Median
– Mode
– Midrange

Descriptive Data Summarization


 Mean: The most common and most effective numerical measure

of the “center” of a set of data is the (arithmetic) mean. (sample
vs. population)
1 n
x = ∑ xi µ= ∑ x
n i =1 N
 Weighted mean: Sometimes, each value in a set may be
associated with a weight, the weights reflect the significance,
importance, or occurrence frequency attached to their respective

i =1
i i
x = n

i =1

Descriptive Data Summarization

Trimmed mean

 Trimmed mean
– A major problem with the mean is its sensitivity to extreme
(e.g., outlier) values.
– Even a small number of extreme values can corrupt the
– the trimmed mean is the mean obtained after cutting off
values at the high and low extremes.
– For example, we can sort the values and remove the top and
bottom 2% before computing the mean.
– We should avoid trimming too large a portion (such as
20%) at both ends as this can result in the loss of valuable

Descriptive Data Summarization


 Suppose that a given data set of N distinct values is

sorted in numerical order.
 The median is the middle value if odd number of
values, or average of the middle two values otherwise
 For skewed (asymmetric) data, a better measure of the
center of data is the median.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Mode & Midrange

 Mode is the another measure of central tendency

– The mode for a set of data is the value that occurs most
frequently in the set.
– If each data value occurs only once, then there is no mode.
 The midrange can also be used to assess the central
tendency of a data set
– It is the average of the largest and smallest values in the set.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Mean, Median, and Mode

 Mean, median, and mode of symmetric versus positively and

negatively skewed data.

 Positively skewed, where the mode is smaller than the median

(b), and negatively skewed, where the mode is greater than the
median (c).

Descriptive Data Summarization

Measuring the Dispersion of Data

Descriptive Data Summarization

Measuring the Dispersion of Data

 The degree to which numerical data tend to spread is

called the dispersion, or variance of the data.
 The most common measures of data dispersion are:
– Range
– Five-number summary (based on quartiles)
– Interquartile range (IQR)
– Standard deviation

Descriptive Data Summarization


 Range: difference between highest and lowest

observed values

Descriptive Data Summarization

Inter-Quartile Range

 Inter-quartile range (IQR): IQR = Q3 – Q1

– IQR is a simple measure of spread that gives the range
covered by the middle half of the data
– First quartile (Q1): The first quartile is the value, where
25% of the values are smaller than Q1 and 75% are larger.
– Third quartile (Q3): The third quartile is the value, where
75% of the values are smaller than Q3 and 25% are larger.
 Outlier: usually, a value higher/lower than 1.5 x IQR

Descriptive Data Summarization

Five Number Summary

 Five number summary: min, Q1, Median, Q3, max

– Contain information about the endpoints (e.g., tails) of the
– Data is represented with a box
– The ends of the box are at the first and third quartiles, i.e., the height of
the box is IRQ
– The median is marked by a line within the box
– Whiskers: two lines outside the box extend to Minimum and Maximum
– To show outliers, the whiskers are extended to the extreme low and
high observations only if these values are less than 1.5 * IQR beyond
the quartiles.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Five Number Summary

 Boxplot for the unit price data for items sold at four branches of
AllElectronics during a given time period.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Variance and Standard Deviation

 Variance: (sample: s, population: σ)

1 n 1 n 2 1 n 2
s = ∑
n −1 i=1
( xi − x) = [∑ xi − (∑ xi ) ]
n −1 i=1 n i=1
n n
1 1 2
σ =

i =1
( xi − µ ) =
∑ i
i =1
− µ 2

 Standard deviation: s (or σ) is the square root of

variance s2 (or σ2)
– σ measures spread about the mean and should be used only
when the mean is chosen as the measure of center.
– σ =0 only when there is no spread, that is, when all
observations have the same value.
Descriptive Data Summarization
Graphic Displays of Basic Descriptive Data

Descriptive Data Summarization

Graphic Displays

 There are many types of graphs for the display of data

summaries and distributions, such as:
– Bar charts
– Pie charts
– Line graphs
– Boxplot
– Histograms
– Quantile plots
– Scatter plots
– Loess curves

Descriptive Data Summarization

Histogram Analysis

 Histograms or frequency histograms

– A univariate graphical method
– Consists of a set of rectangles that reflect the counts or
frequencies of the classes present in the given data
– If the attribute is categorical, such as automobile _model,
then one rectangle is drawn for each known value of A, and
the resulting graph is more commonly referred to as a bar
– If the attribute is numeric, the term histogram is preferred.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Histogram Analysis

 A set of unit price data for items sold at a branch of


Descriptive Data Summarization

Quantile Plot

 A quantile plot is a simple and effective way to have a

first look at a univariate data distribution.
 Displays all of the data (allowing the user to assess
both the overall behavior and unusual occurrences)
 Plots quantile information
– For a data xi data sorted in increasing order, fi indicates that
approximately 100 fi% of the data are below or equal to the
value xi
 Note that the 0.25 quantile corresponds to quartile Q1,
the 0.50 quantile is the median, and the 0.75 quantile is

Descriptive Data Summarization

Quantile Plot

 A quantile plot for the unit price data of AllElectronics.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Scatter plot

 A scatter plot is one of the most effective graphical

methods for determining if there appears to be a
relationship, clusters of points, or outliers between
two numerical attributes.
 Each pair of values is treated as a pair of coordinates
and plotted as points in the plane

Descriptive Data Summarization

Scatter plot

 A scatter plot for the data set of AllElectronics.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Scatter plot

 Scatter plots can be used to find (a) positive or (b)

negative correlations between attributes.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Scatter plot

 Three cases where there is no observed correlation between the

two plotted attributes in each of the data sets.

Descriptive Data Summarization

Loess Curve

 Adds a smooth curve to a scatter plot in order to

provide better perception of the pattern of dependence
 The word loess is short for local regression.
 Loess curve is fitted by setting two parameters: a
smoothing parameter, and the degree of the
polynomials that are fitted by the regression

Descriptive Data Summarization

Loess Curve

 A loess curve for the data set of AllElectronics

Descriptive Data Summarization


Descriptive Data Summarization


 J. Han, M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and

Techniques, Elsevier Inc. (2006). (Chapter 2)

Descriptive Data Summarization

The end

Descriptive Data Summarization

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