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Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology

Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 493–507, 2004

available online at http://www.sciencedirect.com

Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation

Christine E. Schneemilch* MD

Thomas Schilling MD
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Leipziger Str. 44 D-39120
Magdeburg, Germany

Ute Bank PhD

Institute of Medical Technology Leipziger Str. 44 D-39120 Magdeburg, Germany

General anaesthesia accompanied by surgical stress may influence the inflammatory responses
that are essential for maintaining the homeostatic state during the postoperative course. Severe
dysregulation of the inflammatory process may provoke or aggravate postoperative
complications, e.g. increased susceptibility to infections, inadequate stress reactions and
hypercatabolism. Anaesthetics have been suspected of impairing various functions of the immune
system either directly, by disturbing the functions of immune-competent cells, or indirectly by
modulating the stress response. In the past, conflicting data on the possible immunological side
effects of anaesthetics have been published. Potential reasons for these controversial findings
include heterogeneous patient study groups with diverse pre-existing diseases, lack of
standardisation of surgical procedures, major differences in the length and severity of surgical
tissue injury and a small number of randomised studies. Although the immunological effects are of
minor consequence in subjects with normal immune functions, the suppression of cellular and
humoral immunity following surgery and general anaesthesia may be relevant in patients with pre-
existing immune disorders.

Key words: general anaesthesia; inflammatory response; immune function; cytokines.

Accidental and surgical injury to tissues initiates an inflammatory response, which is

essential for tissue reconstitution. Dysregulation of this inflammatory process may
provoke postoperative complications, e.g. wound healing disturbances or infections
leading to sepsis followed by multiple organ failure and death. In cancer patients, the
immunosuppression may accelerate the growth and metastasis of residual cancer cells.
The perioperative balance between immunostimulatory and immunosuppressive
mechanisms is affected by multiple factors. Anaesthetic agents and anaesthesia

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49-391-6713500; Fax: þ 49-391-6713501.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C.E. Schneemilch).

1521-6896/$ - see front matter Q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
494 C. E. Schneemilch et al

management are suspected of impairing various aspects of the inflammatory response

process, either directly by disturbing the functions of immune cells or indirectly by
modulation of the stress response.1 – 5
Over 100 years ago, Chadbourne6 and Snell7 observed amplified effects of
anaesthetics on postoperative immune dysregulation. Expanding scientific research in
the past three decades has promoted investigations and improved our knowledge of
the inflammatory responses to specific and non-specific attacks. However, the clinical
implications of these findings have not been satisfactorily defined. Despite major
studies, this topic remains a matter for controversial discussion.8,9 Most investigational
data have been confined to in vitro studies and are therefore separated from the
homeostatic regulation network. Many in vivo studies have suggested that the
immunomodulatory effects of anaesthesia are negligible in comparison to the processes
triggered by tissue injuries. Nevertheless, in patients with pre-existing immune
dysfunctions with sepsis and multiple organ failure, as well as in high risk surgical
patients, anaesthetics and the preferences of anaesthesia management may have clinical
implications. Last, but not least, the increased number of elderly risk patients in major
surgery makes it necessary to consider the various aspects of the immunomodulatory
properties of anaesthetics.
This review describes the effects of several anaesthetics used in general anaesthesia
on various aspects of the inflammatory response and will discuss the possible
implications in clinical practice.



With regard to the various potential effects related to surgical stress and/or other
variables influencing the immunomodulatory properties of anaesthetics in vivo, many
investigators have assayed these effects in a controlled in vitro research environment.
The increasing knowledge of recent years is strongly related to the development in
basic sciences and to the improvement in laboratory techniques, e.g. in cell separation
and cell culture methods. It has been demonstrated that anaesthetics at the
concentrations used clinically, depress the functions of the inflammatory response
Recent studies have been mainly performed to examine the effects of
anaesthetics on various functions (chemotaxis, phagocytosis) of local-acting immune
competent cells such as monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, endothelial cells and
natural killer (NK) cells. Mostly, changes in cell-mediated immunity were
investigated using mitogen/antigen induced lymphocyte proliferation, expression of
cell surface receptors and cellular cytokine release. Cytokines are so-called
biological response modifiers and regulate the activity, differentiation and growth of
many cell types involved in the inflammatory/immune system. They are active by
binding to specific cell surface receptors resulting in a changed pattern of mRNA
and protein synthesis (Figure 1). Contradictory reports in this field of investigation
may be explained by the use of different methodological techniques for cell
separation or for cell culture.
In the most important in vitro effects of various anaesthetic agents are described
and possible molecular mechanisms are discussed (Table 1).
Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation 495


Surface receptors
Second messengers

Gene transcription factors

messenger RNA

Protein Expression


Figure 1. Possible targets of anaesthetics used in general anaesthesia.


Short- and intermediate-acting barbiturates administered over prolonged periods may

induce iatrogenic immunosuppression. A higher incidence of infections has been
496 C. E. Schneemilch et al

Table 1. In vitro effects of anaesthetic agents used in general anaesthesia.

Agent In vitro effects References

Thiopental Inhibits bactericidal functions of leuko- Krumholz et al12

Inhibits neutrophil functions (chemotaxis, O’Donnell et al;13 Skoutelis et al;14
adherence, phagocytosis, respiratory Hulse et al;15
burst) Heine et al;16 Nishina et al;17
Krumholz et al;18
Inhibits monocyte functions (phago- Heller et al;19 Davidson et al;20
cytosis, respiratory burst)
Inhibits lymphocyte proliferation Devlin et al;21 Chanimov et al;22
Reduces CD14 þ expression Rossano et al;23 Larsen et al;24
Takaono et al;25
Inhibits IL-1ra release; increases IL-10
Depresses antigen induced IL-2 release Correa-Sales et al26
Inhibits transcription factors Ichiyama et al;27 Loop et al29
Decreases activity of nitric oxidase Galley et al31
Propofol Impairs neutrophil function O’Donnell et al;13 Skoutelis et al;14
Galley and Webster41
Inhibits monocyte functions (oxidative Jensen et al;33 Murphy et al;34
burst, phagocytosis) Fröhlich et al35
Inhibits protein kinase effects generated Mikawa et al36
by lipid solvent
Nagata et al39
Cleary and Pickering;37 Kelbel et al;38
Ohmizo et al40
Lymphocyte proliferation not impaired Pirttikangas et al;43 Salo et al45
Cytokine release not impaired Larsen et al;24 Hoff et al46
Sufentanil/ Reduces migration of transendothelial Hofbauer et al64
alfentanil leukocytes
Inhibits lymphocyte proliferation Sacerdote et al65
Fentanyl No effect on polymorphonuclear cells Jaeger et al62
No effects on spontaneous and endo- Larsen et al24
toxin-stimulated cytokine response
Enhances natural killer cell cytotoxicity Yeager et al60
Numbers of T- and B- lymphocytes Jacobs et al61
Volatile anaes- Dose and time-dependent
Inhibitory effects on neutrophil functions Welch;66 Nakagawara et al;67 Fröhlich et al68
Depresses lymphocyte proliferation Ferrero et al;69 Hamra and Yaksh70
Suppressive effects on cytokine release Stevenson et al;71 Mitsuhata et al72
Depresses cytokine in alveolar cells Giraud et al73
Increases pro-inflammatory cytokines Kotani et al74

IL, interleukin.
Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation 497

described in head injured patients with increased intracranial pressure receiving

prolonged infusions of thiopental.10,11
Thiopental is one of the most investigated anaesthetic agents and is widely used for
the induction of general anaesthesia. Its inhibitory effects on the non-specific immune
system have been well documented in several studies. Thiopental in clinically used
concentrations has been shown to inhibit the bactericidal functions of leukocytes12 as
well as inhibiting polarization, chemotaxis, adherence, phagocytosis and the respiratory
burst of neutrophils and chemotaxis of monocytes.13,18 In high concentrations,
thiopental affects neutrophil and monocyte phagocytosis.19,20
In addition, thiopental is known to depress mitogen/antigen induced lymphocyte
proliferation in different culture mediums.21,22 It decreases the quantity of cytokines
released in response to mitogens or endotoxins.23 – 26 Recent studies have suggested
different molecular mechanisms for some effects associated with thiopental. It has been
shown that thiopental inhibits the activation of nuclear factorkappaB (NF-kB), a
transcription factor involved in the expression of many genes.27 – 30 Activation of NF-kB
results in the binding of specific promoter elements and the expression of mRNA from
proinflammatory cytokine genes. These findings suggest that the NF-kB pathway is a
target for the immunosuppressive effect of thiopental.
In a small number of studies the inhibitory aspects of thiopental on nitric oxide
(NO), an important biological mediator of the inflammatory response, which is
produced in a variety of cells as a reaction to receptor stimulation by NO synthetase31,
has been investigated. NO is thought to function as a neurotransmitter involved in
excitatory amino acid-mediated (NMDA) neurotoxicity32 and it plays a role possibly by
interaction with NMDA receptors.
In summary, the described inhibitory effects of thiopental indicate direct cell
mediated inhibition of the immune response and a strong anti-inflammatory effect.


Most in vitro studies are based on investigations into the function of the non-specific
immune response. Propofol has been shown to impair several monocyte and
neutrophil functions of the non-specific immune system, including polarization13,
chemotaxis14,15,33, oxidative burst34,35 and phagocytosis.36 While some authors have
supposed that the observed inhibition properties of propofol are related to its lipid
carrier vehicle37,38 other investigators have suggested that protein kinases involved in
signalling pathways are responsible for the effects of propofol.39 In a study carried out to
estimate the effect of propofol on complement activation, evidence has been given that
propofol’s actions were generated by the lipid solvents.40 Propofol, in clinically relevant
concentrations, inhibits the production of a chemotactic agent in human neutrophils.41,
Proliferative suppressing effects of propofol were only observed in polymorphnuclear
cells obtained from critically ill patients who were primarily immunosuppressed.43 The
lymphocyte proliferation44,45 and cytokine release in response to endotoxin were not
found to be impaired in whole blood culture medium obtained from healthy
volunteers.24,46 In an animal model, a study of the effect of propofol on the
inflammatory response to endotoxin reported that propofol had anti-inflammatory
effects during endotoxemia.47 The molecular mechanisms have not been established in
detail yet; however, propofol is not known to inhibit the activation of NF-kB.29
In conclusion, recent data suggest that propofol produces only cell-mediated
immunomodulatory effects on non-specific immunity and these may be more probably
generated by the lipid solvent.
498 C. E. Schneemilch et al


Synthetic opioids have been considered to affect the cellular and humoral components
of the immune response in a different manner. Modulation of the immune response is
mediated by opioid receptors48,49 that are expressed on immunocompetent cells and
by the participation of both the central nervous system and the hypothalamic –
pituitary –adrenal (HPA) axis.50,51
There are well-documented, dose-dependent, immunosuppressive effects of
morphine, which is known to impair both monocyte and neutrophil function, NK
cell-mediated cytotoxicity, lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine release. Morphine
promotes apoptosis in lymphocytes and macrophages by the activation of the enzymes
involved in apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, the drug affects NO release and inhibits
cell adhesion. In addition, morphine treatment exerts inhibitory effects on the
immune system by an increased secretion of stress-related hormones.52 – 56 Some
studies have reported inhibitory effects of opioids resulting in a decrease in
the intracellular concentrations of cyclic AMP57,58 or in a nuclear binding inhibition
of NF-kB by NO- dependent mechanisms.59
Recent studies estimating the effects of the synthetic opioids used in general
anaesthesia showed no more than transient immunomodulatory changes. Fentanyl is
known to enhance NK-cell cytotoxicity and to increase the relative number of NK
(CD16/56þ) and cytotoxic (CD8þ) cells in healthy volunteers.60 Fentanyl is also able to
increase the NK cell count; however, the production of superoxide by polymorph-
nuclear cells and the number of circulating B- and T-lymphocytes remained
unchanged.61 These effects of fentanyl on NK cells seem to be more centrally mediated
since fentanyl did not affect the NK cell activity. Fentanyl does not impair the function of
polymorphnuclear cells.62 This can be explained by a reduced interaction of synthetic
opioids with specific leukocyte opioid receptors.63
In two studies, sufentanil and alfentanil were observed to produce inhibitory effects
on leukocyte migration64, NK cell activity and mitogen-induced lymphocyte
The immunosuppressive effects of opioids have been known for more than 100 years;
however, the precise molecular mechanisms are largely unidentified. In summary, there is
no evidence that synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl, sufentanil or alfentanil, modulate or
attenuate the direct cell immune response by means of specific opioid receptors.

Volatile anaesthetic agents

Volatile anaesthetics were originally investigated in order to elucidate potential

immunomodulatory effects. Whilst several studies have observed dose and time-
dependent inhibitory effects, these could not be confirmed by others. The reasons for
these inconsistent investigational reports may be related to differences in the
methodology and laboratory techniques used.1,8
Various studies have shown inhibitory effects on neutrophil function66 – 68, decreased
lymphocyte proliferation69,70 and suppressive effects on cytokine release in peripheral
blood mononuclear cells.71,72 Halogenated anaesthetics are known to suppress
inflammatory cytokines in rat alveolar cells;73 in contrast, exposure to volatile
anaesthetics and mechanical ventilation induced an increased gene expression of pro-
inflammatory cytokines.74 Volatile anaesthetics have been shown to affect the
expression of inducible NO synthetase by the reversible inhibition of voltage-
dependent calcium channels and decreased intracellular calcium concentrations.73
Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation 499

Thus, the in vitro effects of volatile anaesthetics are predominantly the inhibition of
immunological products but effects are generally transient, as well as being dose and


In contrast to the well-documented immunomodulatory effects of the different

anaesthetic agents used in general anaesthesia, in vitro reports based on in vivo studies
have suggested only transient direct effects on the immune response (Table 2).
The anaesthetics used in general anaesthesia may modulate the inflammatory
response by either acting on immune cells or, in association with preferred
anaesthesiology techniques, by affecting the stress response.
Inflammation incorporates a complex of proceedings for inactivating and eliminating
aggressive agents, initiating the reparative healing of wounds and maintaining the
homeostatic balance. Surgical interventions initiate inflammatory responses that are
influenced by multiple factors, such as preoperative health status, biological variation,
the extent and duration of surgery, drug treatment, anxiety, pain and, not least, the
anaesthetic technique selected. In this field, the conflicting data in preceding reports
make it difficult to evaluate the clinical significance. Possible reasons for controversial
findings include heterogeneous patient groups with different pre-existing disorders,
poor standardisation of surgical procedures, major differences in the duration and
severity of tissue injuries and the small number of randomised studies. Therefore, some
recent studies were performed in patients undergoing minor surgical procedures that
aimed to minimise surgical effects.
In investigations of peripheral blood cell counts and the effects on mitogen/antigen
induced lymphocyte proliferation in patients undergoing different types of surgery
under different techniques of anaesthesia, the authors related the observed changes to
the extent of tissue trauma and stress response.75,76 In all reports, corresponding
evidence regarding the increased number of neutrophils after surgery and
anaesthesia was found.77 As in cases of minor surgery when no or similar changes in
mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation were observed for different techniques of
general anaesthesia78 – 80, different effects were seen within the lymphocyte subsets.79,80
Comparable studies found an increase in T- and B-cell numbers as well as a decreased
percentage of NK-cells during anaesthesia before surgery. Balanced inhalational
anaesthesia with isoflurane increased the cytotoxic CD8þ cell count, whereas
intravenous anaesthesia with propofol/fentanyl increased the percentage of CD4þ
cells.81,82 Contradictory data were available from other studies, in which an increased
number of NK-cells and an enhanced NK-cell cytotoxicity were observed60,81 – 86
independent of the type of anaesthesia.
In recent years, further studies have been performed to investigate the changes in
the cytokine response and their possible correlation to the endocrine stress response.
The observed changes in the production and release of cytokines were based on in
vitro studies, suggesting that different anaesthetic techniques had an effect on
the balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Pro-inflammatory cytokine
response is related to surgical stress and is known to be influenced by the anaesthetic
techniques used.88 – 90
Significantly lower concentrations of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6
(IL-6) in the response to surgery were found using intravenous anaesthesia.90 – 92 Some
authors have attributed this observation to the effects of alfentanil on opioid
500 C. E. Schneemilch et al

Table 2. In vivo effects of different general anaesthetic techniques on inflammation.

Studies Patients Type of surgery Main results References


different types of 77 different types of depressed lymphocyte Cullen and VanBelle75

anaesthesia surgery proliferation and changes
(balanced volatile, in leukocyte counts
ketamine, regional related to surgery stress
Neurolepta- 12 hip replacement no changes after anaes- Salo76
naesthesia thesia before surgery
General vs. epi- 20 hip replacement general depressed lym- Hole und Unsgaard77
durale (thio/fent phocyte proliferation
vs. bupivacaine
volatile vs. NLA 40 ophthalmic vs. volatile anaesthesia þ Koenig et al78
(halothane vs. gynaecological major surgery depressed
DHB þ Fentanyl) lymphocyteproliferation
similar changes in minor
intravenous anaes- 27 minor breast sur- decrease of NK-cells Pirttigangas et al79
thesia (propofol gery similar propofol increased
vs. thiopental) T-helper cells no changes
in lymphocyte prolifer-
volatile vs. intra- 20 hysterectomy intravenous diminished Crozier et al92
venous (isoflurane IL-6 concentration in
vs. propofol/alfen- response to surgery
volatile vs. intra- 30 hysterectomy lymphocyte proliferation Pirttigangas et al80
venous (thio/iso- similar changes in lym-
flurane vs. phocyte and subsets simi-
propofol/fentanyl) lar increased IL-6
concentration similar
volatile vs. intra- 20 hysterectomy propofol promote anti- Gilliland et al97
venous (isoflurane inflammatory cytokine
vs. propofol) response Opioid suppress
pro-inflammatory cyto-
kine response No changes
before surgery
balanced anaes- 30 orthopedic sur- decreased NK-cells, Brand et al81
thesia (thiopental, gery before sur- increased B-cells
fentanyl isoflur- gery increased CD8 þ -cells
ane) increased IFNg, TNFa
increased sIL-2R
thiopental 32 minor surgery antigen induced lympho- Correa-Sales et al26
cyteproliferation and IL-2
production depressed
high dose vs. low 16 cardiac surgery no differences in cytokine Brix-Christensen et
dose fentanyl production al94
sevoflurane per se 59 after anaesthesia neutrophils decreased Morisaki et al83
before surgery lymphocyte increased

(continued on next page)

Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation 501

Table 2 (continued)
Studies Patients Type of surgery Main results References

volatile vs. intra- 46 open vs laparo- similar changes in pro- Delogu et al87
venous (isoflurane scopic cholecys- inflammatory cytokines
vs. propofol) tectomy (IL-6, TNFa)
intravenous (pro- 40 laparoscopic vs. no effects on IL-1ß. IL-4, Helmy et al95
pofol/sufentanil) open cholecys- IL-6, TNF and IFN similar
tectomy decrease of IL-2
volatile vs. intra- 40 non-thoracic non- isoflurane increased gene Kotani et al74
venous (isoflurane abdominell expression of pro-inflam-
vs. propofol) matory cytokines in
alveolar mocrophages
volatile vs. local 23 cataract surgery similar changes in neutro- Goto et al84
(sevoflurane vs. phils and neutrophile
local) apoptosis similar changes
in cytokine concen-
balanced vs. intra- 32 lumbar discect- intravenous decreased Schneemilch et al91
venous (thio/fen- omy IL-6 in response to sur-
t/isoflurane vs. gery similar changes
propofol/sufenta- before surgery
propofol vs. iso- 30 neuroradiological propofol decreased res- Heine et al86
flurane diagnostics piratory burst in neutro-
phils phagocytic capacity
general (thio/iso- 19 absence of surgery antibody responses to Procopio et al85
flurane) vs. epi- healthy volunteers antigen similar antibody-
durale dependent cell cytotoxi-
city increased in epidurale
increase of NK-cell cyto-
toxicity similar no changes
in phagocytosis
volatile vs. intra- 30 cardiac surgery sevoflurane increased IL-6 El Azab et al90
venous (sevoflur- (CABG) before similar changes in TNF,
ane vs. propofol or bypass-starting IL-8 correlation between
midazolam/alfenta- IL-6 and clamping time
intravenous with 30 minor elective increased T-helper Brand et al82
propofol/fentanyl orthopedic sur- (CD4 þ ) cells increased
gery before sur- B-cells decreased
gery NK-cells enhanced
TNFa-, IFNg, IL-1b
release decreased IL-10

NK, natural killer; IL, interleukin; TIVA; IFN, interferon; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; vs., versus.
502 C. E. Schneemilch et al





Figure 2. Communications between central-, immune and neuro-endocrine system and possible modulation
by anaesthesiological management.

receptors92, others, however, could not support this hypothesis.93 While numerous
reports87,94,95,97 have demonstrated similar changes under both intravenous and
inhalational anaesthesia even before surgery, other studies have observed both
increases90,96 or decreases99 in pro-inflammatory cytokines using different inhalational
Differences in both study design and the definition of different time-points make the
comparison and interpretation of these data difficult.
Alterations to the cytokine balance by different types of anaesthesia have been
suggested as effects of the preferred anaesthetic procedure on the modulation of the
stress response. Cytokines, peptide hormones and neurotransmitters are affected by
the endocrine, immune and nervous systems and by interaction with universally used
receptors.98 Emerging evidence indicates that the disturbed balance between the pro-
and the anti-inflammatory response is mediated by the modulatory effects of the
different anaesthetic techniques on cytokine release.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the choice of anaesthesiological
management may affect the inflammatory response to surgery by means of centrally
mediated mechanisms (Figure 2).


Surgical interventions and general anaesthesia initiate inflammatory responses that

are essential for maintaining homeostatic regulation. Severe dysregulation of
Effects of general anaesthesia on inflammation 503

the inflammatory process may induce postoperative complications. The assessment of

the potential effects of different anaesthetics is difficult, since different factors may
affect the perioperative balance between the pro- and anti-inflammatory mechanisms.
Conflicting data have been published on anaesthetics. The various explanations put
forward to explain controversial findings include: heterogeneous patient groups with
different pre-existing disorders, poor standardisation of surgical procedures, major
differences in duration and severity of tissue injury and the small number of
randomised studies. Anaesthetics have been suspected of impairing various aspects
of the immune system function either directly by affecting the functioning of
immunocompetent cells or indirectly by modulation of the stress response. All
anaesthetic agents have the in vitro capability of affecting the functions involved in
the inflammatory response; the extent depends on the concentrations used, the
methodological techniques used for cell separation and/or cell culture and the study
design. The published data suggest some evidence that the choice of anaesthesio-
logical management technique will modulate the stress-induced immune response.
Although these effects are transient and may be of minor importance in subjects with
normal immune systems, in patients with immune system dysfunctions or multiple
organ failure and in high risk patients the influence of anaesthetics and the choice of
anaesthesiological management technique on the perioperative inflammation may have
clinical implications.

Practice points
† all anaesthetic agents have the capacity to influence the functions involved in the
inflammatory response; the extent depends on the concentrations, the
methodological techniques and the study design used
† the inhibitory effects of thiopental indicate direct cell-mediated inhibition of the
immune response and a strong anti-inflammatory effect
† the inhibitory effects of volatile anaesthetics are usually transient, dose and time
† synthetic opioids are not known to inhibit the inflammatory response
† general anaesthesia has transient and insignificant effects in the healthy patient
† management of anaesthesia and timing of elective surgical interventions is more
important in immune compromised patients

Research agenda
† prospective, randomised clinical trials are needed to evaluate the effects of
anaesthetics on the inflammatory response even before surgery
† the exact determination of immunologically relevant time points is needed
† the impaired inflammatory response caused by general anaesthesia should be
investigated in high-risk or critically ill patients
† in vitro studies need to be designed to investigate the largely unknown
molecular mechanisms
† using more complex in vitro models to reflect the in vivo situation may produce
further useful information
504 C. E. Schneemilch et al


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