Correspondence: Serotonin Syndrome Due To Co-Administration of Linezolid and Venlafaxine

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L. monocytogenes by  50%, and glatiramer did not modify this blocks the activation of THP-1 cells by interferon-gamma. European
effect. When infected cells were exposed to ampicillin for 24 h Journal of Pharmacology 342, 303–10.
after phagocytosis, the bacterial load was reduced by  1.7 log 4. Carryn, S., Van Bambeke, F., Mingeot-Leclercq, M. P. et al.
compared with the original, post-phagocytosis inoculum. Glatira- (2002). Comparative intracellular (THP-1 macrophage) and extracellu-
lar activities of beta-lactams, azithromycin, gentamicin, and fluoroqui-
mer, IFN-g, or the combination of glatiramer and IFN-g did not
nolones against Listeria monocytogenes at clinically relevant
significantly modify this effect of ampicillin. In the next series concentrations. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 46,
of experiments, we examined the activity of moxifloxacin 2095–103.
(4 mg/L) using the 5 h model. We observed a decrease in the 5. Carryn, S., Van de Velde, S., Van Bambeke, F. et al. (2004).
post-phagocytosis inoculum of 1.34 ± 0.03, 1.26 ± 0.16, Impairment of Listeria monocytogenes growth in THP-1 macrophages
1.31 ± 0.07 and 1.32 ± 0.07 log10 units for cells treated with mox- by granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. Roles of TNF-a
ifloxacin alone, glatiramer and moxifloxacin, IFN-g and moxi- and nitric oxide release. Journal of Infectious Diseases 189, 2101–9.
floxacin, and the combination of glatiramer, IFN-g and 6. Ouadrhiri, Y., Scorneaux, B., Sibille, Y. et al. (1999). Mechanism
moxifloxacin, respectively. In parallel experiments, we examined of the intracellular killing and modulation of antibiotic susceptibility of

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the influence of glatiramer on the accumulation of moxifloxacin Listeria monocytogenes in THP-1 macrophages activated by gamma
interferon. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 43, 1242– 51.
and no effect was seen [apparent cellular to extracellular drug
7. Abe, Y., Gatanaga, M., Osuka, Y. et al. (1993). Role of 55- and
concentration ratios at 2 h of 9.6 ± 2.0 in controls versus 9.4 ± 1.1 75-kDa tumor necrosis factor membrane receptors in the regulation of
in cells exposed to glatiramer (20 mg/L) during the uptake intercellular adhesion molecules-1 expression by HL-60 human
period; similar values were found for cells pre-exposed to glatir- promyelocytic leukemia cells in vitro. Journal of Immunology 150,
amer (20 mg/L) for 24 h]. Glatiramer did not influence the 5070–9.
accumulation of three other quinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxa- 8. Nakane, A., Minagawa, T., Kohanawa, M. et al. (1989).
cin and garenoxacin). Interactions between endogenous gamma interferon and tumor
Our data, therefore, show that the production of TNF-a is not necrosis factor in host resistance against primary and secondary
critical in IFN-g-stimulated THP-1 cells for anti-Listeria Listeria monocytogenes infections. Infection and Immunity 57, 3331–7.
activity. The model used has been validated to analyse the beha-
viour of intracellular L. monocytogenes with respect to the action
of cytokines5,6 and to the influence of antibiotics. THP-1 cells Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
display functional receptors for TNF-a7 and their presence in the DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkh257
cell line used here has been confirmed (J. Zanon, unpublished Advance Access publication 12 May 2004
data). TNF-a may be more a potentializer of IFN-g8 than a true
effector for the control of L. monocytogenes growth in THP-1
cells. Because intracellular multiplication of L. monocytogenes is Serotonin syndrome due to co-administration
an important determinant in the persistence and the spread of the of linezolid and venlafaxine
infection, our results suggest that glatiramer (i) may actually not
increase this risk, and (ii) may not adversely affect ampicillin or
Stephanie Lisa Jones*, Eugene Athan and Daniel O’Brien
quinolone-based antibiotic treatments should the necessity arise.
This will need to be confirmed by in vivo studies. Department of Infectious Diseases, Barwon Health, Geelong,
Victoria 3220, Australia

Acknowledgements Keywords: oxazolidinones, interactions, selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitors
Mrs N. Aguilera provided critical help in some of the exper-
iments described in this paper and Ms M. C. Cambier main- *Corresponding author. Tel: +61-3-5229-0378;
tained the cell culture line. S. C. was Boursier of the Belgian Fax: +61-3-5222-5003; E-mail: [email protected]
Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et
l’Agriculture (F.R.I.A.), is F. V. B. Chercheur Qualifié of the Sir,
Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (F.N.R.S.). Linezolid is an oxazolidinone antibiotic with non-selective,
This work was supported by the Belgian Fonds de la Recherche reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) action. It has
Scientifique Médicale (F.R.S.M.; grant no. 3.4.612.00 F). Aventis been reported to interact with selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
Pharma s.a., Brussels, Belgium, provided the sample of glatira- tors (SSRIs) and other sympathomimetic drugs resulting in sero-
mer used in this study. tonin syndrome. We report the first published case of serotonin
syndrome due to interaction of linezolid and venlafaxine.
References An 85-year-old man was referred for management of a
chronically infected total hip joint prosthesis. He had a past his-
1. Slifman, N. R., Gershon, S. K., Lee, J. H. et al. (2003). Listeria tory of Parkinson’s disease, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibril-
monocytogenes infection as a complication of treatment with tumor lation, diabetes, previous stroke and a permanent pacemaker.
necrosis factor alpha-neutralizing agents. Arthritis and Rheumatism 48,
The hip prosthesis was removed and surgical specimens
319– 24.
2. Johnson, K. P., Brooks, B. R., Ford, C. C. et al. (2000). isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-susceptible
Sustained clinical benefits of glatiramer acetate in relapsing multiple Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
sclerosis patients observed for 6 years. Copolymer 1 Multiple Sclerosis epidermidis. Intravenous antibiotics were given for 6 weeks. Fol-
Study Group. Multiple Sclerosis 6, 255– 66. lowing closure of the wound, oral therapy was commenced with
3. Li, Q., Milo, R., Panitch, H. et al. (1998). Glatiramer acetate ciprofloxacin 750 mg twice daily, rifampicin 300 mg twice daily


and linezolid 600 mg twice daily. At that time the patient was A Phase III study of linezolid included 52 patients receiving
also receiving venlafaxine 150 mg nocte for depression. concomitant linezolid and an SSRI with no reports of serotonin
Twenty days after commencing the oral antibiotic regimen syndrome. Given the limited treatment experience with these
the patient was noted to be confused and disorientated, with dis- agents in combination, physicians were alerted to be aware of
turbance of his sleep–wake cycle, and was intermittently aggres- the potential for interaction.3
sive. A computed tomography scan of the brain did not reveal Serotonin syndrome has been reported in a patient receiving
any significant abnormality, serum biochemistry was normal, low-dose venlafaxine (a serotonin noradrenergic reuptake inhibi-
full blood examination (FBE) showed normal white cell count tor) alone; however, it is most commonly caused by drug inter-
and there was no clinical evidence of sepsis. His vital signs were actions.4 The syndrome has been now been described as being
within the normal range and clinical examination did not reveal the result of interaction between linezolid and citalopram, and
a specific reason for his altered mental status. Four days later the linezolid and paroxetine.5,6
patient became drowsy and was transferred from the rehabilita- Linezolid is a useful antimicrobial that has a role in treating
tion centre to an acute hospital. There he was found to have a difficult Gram-positive infections. There is an increasing body of

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reduced level of consciousness and fever of 37.68C. He had reports of clinically important interactions between linezolid and
widespread increased tone, generalized myoclonic jerks and serotonergic antidepressant drugs. Physicians need to be continu-
down-going plantar reflexes. FBE and electrolytes did not show ally aware of the potential for significant interactions, particu-
any significant abnormality and creatinine kinase was within the larly in these groups of patients with complex infections, in
normal range. A drug reaction was suspected; linezolid and ven- whom depression is common.
lafaxine were stopped. Within 2 days the patient had recovered
to his usual level of mental functioning. The most likely diagno-
sis was serotonin syndrome due to the interaction between line-
zolid and venlafaxine. We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the ward phar-
Serotonin syndrome is caused by excessive central nervous macist Poh Sin Kok.
system and peripheral serotonergic activity, predominantly 5HT-
1a (5-hydroxytryptamine).1 This is usually due to drug inter-
actions between agents that promote release of serotonin, or
inhibit the reuptake or metabolism of serotonin in the intersynap- 1. Atilla, R., Meglathery, S. B., Van Decker, W. A. et al. (2003).
tic space. Onset may be acute or delayed after instigation of Serotonin syndrome and other serotonergic disorders. Pain Medicine
offending agents. The syndrome manifests as altered mental sta- 4, 63–74.
tus, including agitation, confusion and coma, neuromuscular 2. Moellering, R. C. (2003). Linezolid: the first oxazolidinone
antimicrobial. Annals of Internal Medicine 138, 135 –42.
hyperactivity (restlessness, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, tremors),
3. Perry, C. M. & Jarvis, B. (2001). Linezolid: a review of its use in
and autonomic dysfunction.1 It may be clinically confused with
the management of serious gram-positive infections. Drugs 61,
neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), although resolution is 525–51.
generally faster, creatinine kinase levels are only minimally 4. Pan, J. J. & Shen, W. W. (2003). Serotonin syndrome induced
raised in proportion to the degree of rigidity and the ‘lead-pipe’ by low-dose venlafaxine. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 37, 209–11.
rigidity seen in NMS is absent. 5. Bernard, L., Stern, R., Lew, D. et al. (2003). Serotonin syndrome
The diagnosis is based on clinical signs and symptoms and an after concomitant treatment with linezolid and citalopram. Clinical
appropriate drug history.1 Infectious Diseases 36, 1197.
Treatment is symptomatic, although the use of serotonin- 6. Wigen, C. L. & Goetz, M. B. (2002). Serotonin syndrome and
receptor antagonists may speed resolution. Cyproheptadine is a linezolid. Clinical Infectious Diseases 34, 1651–2.
drug with 5HT-1a and 5HT-2 receptor blocking activity, and
may be used.1
Linezolid is the first member of the synthetic oxazolidinone Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
family of antimicrobials to be used in clinical practice. This DOI: 10.1093/jac/dkh289
group of drugs was originally developed as monoamine-oxidase Advance Access publication 9 June 2004
inhibitors for the treatment of depression, but was subsequently
noted to have antimicrobial properties against Gram-positive
organisms and was further developed for this purpose.2 As an Successful treatment of Acinetobacter meningitis
antimicrobial, linezolid inhibits bacterial ribosomal protein syn- with intrathecal polymyxin E
thesis, preventing formation of the 70S initiation complex. This
Mony Benifla1*, Gideon Zucker1 and Avi Cohen1Michael
unique process precludes cross-resistance to other agents.2
Linezolid is active against major Gram-positive pathogens, Alkan2,
Neisseria spp., Nocardia spp. and possibly Mycobacteria spp. It
has 100% bioavailability, does not require dosage adjustment for Departments of 1Neurosurgery; 2Infectious Diseases, Soroka
renal or hepatic disease and comes in oral and intravenous Medical Center and Ben Gurion Center for Health Sciences,
forms. Other than reversible marrow suppression, the drug has a P.O. Box 151, Beer Sheva, 84101, Israel
very favourable side-effect profile and is tolerable to patients.2
These factors all make linezolid a very attractive option for the Keywords: post-neurosurgical infections, polymyxins, meningitis
treatment of complicated Gram-positive infections on an outpati-
ent basis. *Corresponding author. Tel: +972-8-6400781;
Fax: +972-8-6403026; E-mail: [email protected]


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