January 2011 MS - Unit 1 WJEC Physics A-Level

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PH1 Mark Scheme – January 2011

Question Marking details
1 (a) Q dQ
(i) [Rate of] flow of charge / I = or with Q defined 1
t dt
(ii) C s−1 1

(b) (i) x = y + z 1
(ii) charge 1

1 1 1 RR
(c) (i) = + or R = 1 2 of by impl. (1)
R R1 R2 R1 + R2
R = 30 Ω (1); RTotal = 40 Ω (1) [no e.c.f.] 3

(ii) [Current x =] 0.15 A e.c.f.

[Accept equiv., e.g. 6/40 , but not 0.2A without working] 1

(iii) V1 = 0.15 × 10 [= 1.5 V] (1) [e.c.f.]

V2 = 6 − 1.5 [= 4.5 V] [or 30 × 0.15 = 4.5 V] (1) [e.c.f.] 2

(iv) y= [= 0.038 A] (1)
⎡ 4.5 ⎤
z = 0.15 − 0.038e.c.f. [= 0.11 A] ⎢or [= 0.11 A]⎥ (1) 2
⎣ 40 ⎦
0.15 [12]
[Accept solutions based upon ratios, e.g. y = …]
2. (a) (i) 1.6
R= −3
(reading from graph, accept 14 × 10−3)
15× 10 (1)
R= 107 Ω [answers in range 107 – 114 Ω] 2

(ii) [Very] high [accept infinite] 1

(b) (i) V not proportion to I / not a straight line [through the origin] 1
[“Not through origin” insufficient on its own]
(ii) Bulb / thermistor [Not wire or superconductor, but accept 1
superconducting device, e.g. superconducting electromagnet coil]

V 10.4(1)
(c) R= (1) ; R = = 693 Ω (1)
I 15 × 10−3 3
Alt 1: 10.4 = × 12 [or equiv.] (1)
R + 107
manipulation e.g. 10.4R + 112.8= 12(1); R = 696 Ω (1)
V 12
Alt 2: RT = or (1) = 800 Ω (1); R 800 – 107 = 693 Ω (1)
I 1.5 × 10−3 [8]


Question Marking details
3 (a) l or (vt) [accept v if stated dist travelled in 1 s]

[NB free electrons not required to be labelled]

Number of free electrons = nAvt [or nAl] (1)

Total change = nAvte [or nAle] (1)
nAvte nAle l
I= with cancelling shown [or , where = v shown] (1) 4
t t t

(b) 2.0 = 1.0 × 1029 × 1.7 × 10−6 v × 1.6 × 10−19 (1) [substitution]
v = 7.4 × 10−5 m s−1 ((unit))(1) 2

(c) collisions [accept obstructions](1)

between free electrons and copper atoms / ions / lattice (1) [accept:
delocalised / moving / conducting electrons] 2

P 0.1
(d) R= 2
[or P = I2R] (1); R = [=0.025 Ω] (1)
I 4
0.025[e.c.f.] × 1.7 × 10−6 RA
ρ= (1) [manipulation i.e ρ = or with
2.5 l
figures ]
ρ = 1.7 × 10−8 Ω m. (1) 4

(e) cross-sectional area smaller (1)

n the same (1)
resistivity the same (1) 3


4. (a) (i) To overcome the frictional / drag force or because the applied force is
insufficient. 1
1 3.0 − 0.5
(ii) attempted (1); Correct substitution, e.g. (1)
gradient 3.0
m = 0.8(3) kg ((unit)) (1) 3

(b) (i) A = contact force of surface on body [accept normal reaction](1)

B = gravitational force of Earth on body (1) [accept: weight / mg] 2

(ii) Gravitation force of body (mass) (1) on Earth (1) 2



Question Marking details
5. (i) [π × 222](1) [accept π r2] × 14 (1) [=21 287 m3 s−1] 2
[21 287 → 1 mark]

(ii) mass every second = 1.2 × 21000 [or as calculated in (i)]

[= 25 200] kg s−1 1

(iii) Initial Ek1 = ½ × 25 200 × 142 (1) e.c.f. from (ii)

Final Ek2 = ½ × 25 200 × 142 (1) e.c.f. from (ii)
Δ Ek = 945 × 103 J s−1 (1) e.c.f. from Ek1 and Ek2
NB. “Solutions” based upon ½ m × (14 – 11)2 → 0 3

(iv) Useful power available = 614 250 J s−1 (1) e.c.f. from (iii)
1000 × 106
Nturbines = [=1628] (1) 2
614 250

6 Displacement
(a) Velocity = / displacement per unit time / rate of
change of displacement [but not per unit time] / with s defined] 1

(b) (i) v + 1 [or equiv] 1

s 12(1)
(ii) t= used [or by impl.](1) → t = [= 8 s] 2
v 15

(iii) v + 1 = (1) [allow e.c.f. from (i) only on v – 1 or 1 – v ]
manipulation (1)
v = 2.5 m s−1 (1) 3
Alt 1: Distance moved by Stacey in 8 s = 8 m
Distance moved by walkway in 8 s = 28 – 8 = 20 m
Speed of walkway = = 2.5 m s−1
Alt 2: Velocity of Stacey on walkway = = 3.5 m s−1
Velocity of walkway = 3.5 – 1.0 = 2.5 m s−1

(iv) 5.0 m s−1 e.c.f. from (iii), i.e. ans = 2.5 + (iii) 1



Question Marking details
7. (a) Use of cos 70° (1)
2T cos 70° = 800 (1) [→ T = 1170 N] 2
[Accept mysterious division by 2 (b.o.d.)]

(i) Area under graph attempted or ½ Fx or ½ kx (1)

2 2
240 J (1)

(ii) Initial energy stored in bow converted entirely to Ek of arrow (1)

240 e.c.f. = ½ 50 × 10−3 v 2 (1) [subst] 3
manipulation leading to v = 98 m s−1 shown. (1)
[Final mark not available if incorrect Ek used]
(c) (i) x = ut + ½ at (1); u = 0 (1)

t = 0.55 s [accept 0.6 s] (1)

(ii) D = VH t [or by imp.] (1) e.c.f. of t
D = 98 [or 100] × 0.55 [or 0.6] [e.c.f.]∴ D = 54 m (1)

(iii) vvertical = u + at and u = 0 (1) [or equiv or by impl.]

vv = 5.4 m s−1 (1)
vresultant = 5.42 + 98.0 2 (1) or v2 = 5.42 + 98.02
vresultant = 98.1 m s−1 (1)
Angle to horizontal [clearly identified] = sin −1 = 3° (1)
[Or equivalent correct application of other trig function] 5

(d) Greater [initial] force [or equiv.] required to pull the Turkish bow
string [through a given distance] (1) [or more work / energy needed]
Greater area under the Turkish bow curve (1) [leading to] more
[elastic] potential energy stored (1).
Arrows will leave Turkish bow with a greater speed / velocity (1)
[Accept converse arguments].
[Alt to 2nd marking point: linking to 1st marking point …. because
gradient of graph greater for Turkish bow] 4


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