The Armstrong Humidification Handbook

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The key takeaways are that humidity control is important for comfort, productivity and protecting materials and equipment. The document also discusses how Armstrong can help with humidification strategies, software, and technical support.

The main topics covered include how humidity affects materials, determining humidity requirements, how humidifiers work, sizing considerations, installation tips and computerized sizing help from Armstrong.

Humidity can affect materials in terms of moisture content, dimensional stability, electrical properties, strength and durability.

Handbook HB-501

The Armstrong
Humidification Plays an Essential Role
Although humidity is invisible to our eyes, Armstrong has led the way to countless Controlled humidification helps protect
we can easily observe its effects. In savings in energy, time and money. humidity-sensitive materials, personnel,
human terms, we are more comfortable Armstrong also provides computer delicate machinery, and equipment.
and more efficient with proper humid- software, video tapes, and other educa- Beyond the important issues of comfort
ification. In business and industrial environ- tional materials to aid in humidification and process control, humidity control
ments, the performance of equipment equipment selection, sizing, installation, can help safeguard against explosive
and materials is enhanced by effectively and maintenance. atmospheres. You can’t afford NOT
applying humidity control. to humidify. And the best way to protect
Armstrong offers the newly updated your investment is through proven
Maintaining indoor air quality through Humidification Handbook as a problem- humidification strategies and solutions
humidity management can lower energy solving, educational aid for those involved pioneered by Armstrong.
costs, increase productivity, save labor with the design, installation, and mainten-
and maintenance costs, and ensure ance of environmental control systems
product quality. In short, humidification in all types of buildings. In addition, you
can provide a better environment and may request a free copy of Armstrong’s
improve the quality of life and work. Software Program 2 (Humidifier Sizing
and Selection) for step-by-step sizing of
Armstrong has been sharing know-how your own installation.
in humidification application since 1938.
Through the design, manufacturing, and Your specific humidification questions
application of humidification equipment can be answered by your Armstrong
Representative. Additional support from
Armstrong International humidification
specialists is available to assist with
difficult or unusual problems.

© 1995 Armstrong International, Inc.

Table of Contents
Why Humidification is Important 4-7

How Humidity Affects Materials 8-9

Determining Humidity Requirements of Materials 10

How Psychrometrics Help in Humidification 11-13

How Humidifiers Work 14-17

Considerations in Selecting Steam Humidifiers 18-21

Basic Application Principles 22-25

Sizing Considerations 26-28

Steam Humidifiers in Central Systems 29-34

Installation Tips 35

Application of Unit Humidifiers for Direct Discharge 36-38

Conclusion 39

Why Humidification is Important
Glossary Humidification is simply the addition of Humidity and Temperature
water to air. However, humidity exerts a Humidity is water vapor or moisture content
Relative Humidity(RH): powerful influence on environmental and
The ratio of the vapor pressure (or always present in the air. Humidity is
physiological factors. Improper humidity definable as an absolute measure: the
mole fraction) of water vapor in the air levels (either too high or too low) can
to the vapor pressure (or mole fraction) amount of water vapor in a unit of air. But
cause discomfort for people, and can this measure of humidity does not indicate
of saturated air at the same dry-bulb damage many kinds of equipment and how dry or damp the air is. This can only
temperature and pressure. materials. Conversely, the proper type of be done by computing the ratio of the
humidification equipment and controls actual partial vapor pressure to the
Sensible Heat: can help you achieve effective, economi- saturated partial vapor pressure at
Heat that when added to or taken away cal, and trouble-free control of humidity. the same temperature. This is relative
from a substance causes a change in
humidity, expressed by the formula:
temperature or, in other words, is “sensed” As we consider the importance of humidity
by a thermometer. Measured in Btu. vp
among other environmental factors— RH = a
temperature, cleanliness, air movement, vps t
Latent Heat: and thermal radiation—it is important to
vp = actual vapor pressure
Heat that when added to or taken away remember that humidity is perhaps the a
vp = vapor pressure at saturation
from a substance causes or accompa- least evident to human perception. Most s
t = dry-bulb temperature
nies a phase change for that substance. of us will recognize and react more quickly
This heat does not register on a ther- to temperature changes, odors or heavy
For practical purposes, at temperatures
mometer, hence its name “latent” or dust in the air, drafts, or radiant heat.
and pressures normally encountered in
hidden. Measured in Btu. Since relative humidity interrelates with
building systems, relative humidity is
these variables, it becomes a vital
considered as the amount of water vapor
Dew Point: ingredient in total environmental control.
in the air compared to the amount the air
The temperature at which condensation can hold at a given temperature.
occurs (100%RH) when air is cooled at
a constant pressure without adding or “At a given temperature” is the key to
taking away water vapor. understanding relative humidity. Warm air
has the capacity to hold more moisture than
Evaporative Cooling: 70°F cold air. For example, 10,000 cubic feet of
A process in which liquid water is 80,550 Grains 70°F air can hold 80,550 grains of moisture.
evaporated into air. The liquid absorbs The same 10,000 cubic feet of air at 10°F
the heat necessary for the evaporation can hold only 7,760 grains of moisture.
process from the air, thus, there is a
reduction in air temperature and an
increase in the actual water vapor
content of the air. 10°F
7,760 Grains
Also called heat content, this is the sum
of the internal energy and the product
of the volume times the pressure.
Measured in Btu/lb.

Hygroscopic Materials:
Materials capable of absorbing or
giving up moisture.

The states of existence for a sub-
stance, solid, liquid, or gas (vapor).

If the 10,000 cubic feet of 10°F air held 5,820 moisture. However, at 70°F, 10,000 cubic feet
grains of moisture, its relative humidity would of air can hold 80,550 grains of moisture. So
be 75%. If your heating system raises the the 5,820 grains it actually holds give it a
temperature of this air to 70°F with no moisture relative humidity of slightly more than 7%.
added, it will still contain 5,820 grains of That’s very dry...drier than the Sahara Desert.

Air Movement and Humidity Evaporative Cooling Dew Point
Another variable, air movement in the We’ve discussed the effects of changing Condensation will form on windows
form of infiltration and exfiltration from the temperature on relative humidity. Altering whenever the temperature of the glass
building, influences the relationship between RH can also cause temperature to change. surface is below the dew point of the air.
temperature and relative humidity. Typically, For every pound of moisture evaporated Table 5-2, from data presented in the
one to three times every hour (and many by the air, the heat of vaporization ASHRAE Handbook & Product Directory,
more times with forced air make-up or reduces the sensible heat in the air by indicates combinations of indoor relative
exhaust) cold outdoor air replaces your about 1,000 Btu. This can be moisture humidity and outside temperature at which
indoor air. Your heating system heats this absorbed from people or from wood, condensation will form. Induction units,
cold, moist outdoor air, producing warm, paper, textiles, and other hygroscopic commonly used below windows in modern
dry indoor air. materials in the building. Conversely, if buildings to blow heated air across the
hygroscopic materials absorb moisture glass, permit carrying higher relative
from humid air, the heat of vaporization humidities without visible condensation.
can be released to the air, raising the
sensible heat.

Table 5-1. Grains of Water per Cubic Foot of Saturated Air and per Pound of Dry Air Table 5-2. Relative Humidities at Which
at Various Temperatures. (Abstracted from ASHRAE Handbook) Condensation Will Appear on Windows at
Per Per lb Per Per lb Per Per lb Per Per lb 70°F When Glass Surface is Unheated
°F cu ft Dry Air °F cu ft Dry Air °F cu ft Dry Air °F cu ft Dry Air
-10 0.28466 3.2186 50 4.106 53.38 78 10.38 145.3 106 23.60 364.0 Outdoor Single Double Glass
-5 0.36917 4.2210 51 4.255 55.45 79 10.71 150.3 107 24.26 375.8 Temperature Glass (Storm Windows
0 0.47500 5.5000 52 4.407 57.58 80 11.04 155.5 108 24.93 387.9
or Thermal Glass)
5 0.609 7.12 53 4.561 59.74 81 11.39 160.9 109 25.62 400.3
10 54 110
-10 11% 38%
0.776 9.18 4.722 61.99 82 11.75 166.4 26.34 413.3
0 16% 42%
15 0.984 11.77 55 4.889 64.34 83 12.11 172.1 111 27.07 426.4 +10 21% 49%
20 1.242 15.01 56 5.060 66.75 84 12.49 178.0 112 27.81 440.4
+20 28% 56%
25 1.558 19.05 57 5.234 69.23 85 12.87 184.0 113 28.57 454.5
30 1.946 24.07 58 5.415 71.82 86 13.27 190.3 114 29.34 469.0 +30 37% 63%
31 2.033 25.21 59 5.602 74.48 87 13.67 196.7 115 30.13 483.9 +40 48% 71%

32 2.124 26.40 60 5.795 77.21 88 14.08 203.3 120 34.38 566.5

33 2.203 27.52 61 5.993 80.08 89 14.51 210.1 125 39.13 662.6
34 2.288 28.66 62 6.196 83.02 90 14.94 217.1 130 44.41 774.9
35 2.376 29.83 63 6.407 86.03 91 15.39 224.4 135 50.30 907.9
36 2.469 31.07 64 6.622 89.18 92 15.84 231.8 140 56.81 1064.7

37 2.563 32.33 65 6.845 92.40 93 16.31 239.5 145 64.04 1250.9

38 2.660 33.62 66 7.074 95.76 94 16.79 247.5 150 71.99 1473.5
39 2.760 34.97 67 7.308 99.19 95 17.28 255.6 155 80.77 1743.0
40 2.863 36.36 68 7.571 102.8 96 17.80 264.0 160 90.43 2072.7
41 2.970 37.80 69 7.798 106.4 97 18.31 272.7 165 101.0 2480.8

42 3.081 39.31 70 8.055 110.2 98 18.85 281.7 170 112.6 2996.0

43 3.196 40.88 71 8.319 114.2 99 19.39 290.9 175 125.4 3664.5
44 3.315 42.48 72 8.588 118.2 100 19.95 300.5 180 139.2 4550.7
45 3.436 44.14 73 8.867 122.4 101 20.52 310.3 185 154.3 5780.6
46 3.562 45.87 74 9.153 126.6 102 21.11 320.4 190 170.7 7581.0

47 3.692 47.66 75 9.448 131.1 103 21.71 330.8 195 188.6 10493.0
48 3.826 49.50 76 9.749 135.7 104 22.32 341.5 200 207.9 15827.0
49 3.964 51.42 77 10.06 140.4 105 22.95 352.6

Why Humidification is Important, Continued...

Energy Conservation consumption occurred despite 7.2% colder But what about the additional energy—
weather from the previous year. The the difference between the 18 Btu/lb DA
With Controlled RH records from this installation indicate that it and 22 Btu/lb DA? This 22% increase must
Indoor relative humidity as we have is possible to reduce the total amount of come from the heating system to compen-
computed it is called Theoretical Indoor steam required for environmental control by sate for the evaporative cooling effect. If a
Relative Humidity (TIRH). It virtually never maintaining a higher, controlled relative humidification system is used and moisture
exists. RH observed on a measuring humidity. added to achieve a comfortable 35% RH,
device known as a hygrometer will almost the enthalpy is 23.6 Btu/lb DA.
always exceed the TIRH. Why? Dry air is Let’s examine a theoretical system using
thirsty air. It seeks to draw moisture from enthalpy (heat content) as our base. This is only a 7% increase over the
any source it can. Thus it will soak up ■ Assume a winter day with outside “inevitable” energy load of 22 Btu/lb DA—
moisture from any hygroscopic materials temperature of 0°F at 75% RH. substantially less than the theoretical
(such as wood, paper, foodstuffs, leather, ■ The enthalpy of the air is .6 Btu/lb dry increase of 31% from 3.75% RH (18 Btu/lb
etc.) and dry out the nasal passages and air (DA). DA) to 35% RH (23.6 Btu/lb DA) at 72°F.
skin of human beings in the building. ■ If the air is heated to 72°F without If the temperature was only 68°F at 35%
adding moisture, the enthalpy becomes RH (because people can be comfortable
But is this free “humidification”? No, it is 18 Btu/lb DA. at a lower temperature with higher humidity
the most expensive kind there is when ■ Theoretical relative humidity becomes levels), the enthalpy is 21.8 Btu/lb DA, or
translated into terms of human comfort, 3.75%, but actual RH will be about 25%. a slight decrease in energy.
material deterioration, and production ■ At 72°F and 25% RH the enthalpy is
difficulties. Moreover, it requires the same
amount of energy whether the moisture
22 Btu/lb DA. Problems With Dry Air
■ The additional moisture is derived
is absorbed from people and materials Dry air can cause a variety of costly,
from hygroscopic materials and
or added to the air by an efficient troublesome, and sometimes dangerous
people in the area.
humidification system. problems. If you are not familiar with the
effects of dry air, the cause of these
The true energy required for a humidification problems may not be obvious. You should
system is calculated from what the actual be concerned if you are processing or
humidity level will be in the building, NOT handling hygroscopic materials such as
from the theoretical level. In virtually all wood, paper, textile fibers, leather, or
cases, the cost of controlling RH at the chemicals. Dry air and/or fluctuating
humidity can cause serious production
desired level will be nominal in terms of °F °F
additional energy load, and in some cases problems and/or material deterioration.
120 50 120
may result in reduced energy consumption.
Static electricity can accumulate in dry
A major convention center in the Central 100 100 atmospheric conditions and interfere with
United States reported that it experienced efficient operation of production machinery
a decrease in overall steam consumption 80 80 or electronic office machines. Where static-
when it added steam humidification. From prone materials such as paper, films,
one heating season with no humidification 60 60 computer disks, and other plastics are
to the next with humidifiers operating, the 10 handled, dry air intensely aggravates the
steam consumption for humidification 40 40 static problem. In potentially explosive
was 1,803,000 lbs, while the steam for 0 atmospheres, dry air and its resultant
heating decreased by 2,486,000 lbs in the static electricity accumulations can be
20 20
same period. The decreased (metered) 10 extremely dangerous.
0 20 0

20 30 20

40 40 40

Humidity and Human Comfort Why Improper Humidification on surfaces, conducting the charges to the
Studies indicate people are generally most Threatens Sensitive ground. Although the 65%-90% RH cited
comfortable when relative humidity is in Table 7-1 is impractical for office areas,
maintained between 35% and 55%. When Electronic Equipment any increase in humidity will yield a
air is dry, moisture evaporates more readily Central to all electronic circuits today is significant reduction in ESD events.
from the skin, producing a feeling of chilliness the IC (integrated circuit) or “chip.” The
even with temperatures of 75°F or more. heart of the IC is a wafer-thin miniature ESD Damage is Not Only
Because human perception of RH is often circuit engraved in semiconductor
sensed as temperature differential, it’s material. Electronic components—and Possible but Probable
possible to achieve comfortable conditions chips in particular—can be overstressed A study of personnel ESD events in a
with proper humidity control at lower by electrical transients (voltage spikes). poorly controlled room with a wool carpet
temperatures. The savings in heating This may cause cratering and melting of was conducted for 16 months. The
costs is typically very significant over the minute areas of the semiconductor, strength of the ESD event was measured
course of just a single heating season. leading to operational upsets, loss of in current (amps). Results indicate, for
memory, or permanent failure. The example, that a current discharge of 0.3
amps is 100 times more likely to occur
The Need for Humidity damage may be immediate or the
at 10%-20% RH than at 45%-50% RH.
component may fail sooner than an
Control in Today’s identical part not exposed to an electrical In other words, the higher the relative
humidity, the lower the occurrence and
Electronic Workplace transient.
severity of ESD.
Electronics are revolutionizing the way
A major cause of voltage spikes is
your office and plant floor operates, In addition to the risk of damage to
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Although
communicates, collects data, and main- electronic devices from static electricity
of extremely short duration, transients can
tains equipment. In the office, xerographic charges, there are grave risks associated
be lethal to the wafer-thin surfaces of
copies, phone systems, word processors, with sparks from static charges in many
semiconductors. ESD may deliver voltage
and typewriters, even wall thermostats are process applications. Static electricity is
as high as lightning, and it strikes faster.
electronically controlled. Personal computers extremely dangerous in the presence of
and CRT access points are sprouting gases, volatile liquids, or explosive dusts
ESD is a particularly dangerous phenom-
everywhere. What’s more, office decor such as is found in munitions plants, paint
enon because you are the source of these
has far more work stations incorporating spray booths, printing plants, pharmaceuti-
transients. It is the static electricity which
wall panels and furniture with natural and cal plants, and other places.
builds up on your body. The jolt you get
synthetic fabric than ever before.
from touching a doorknob or shaking
someone’s hand is ESD. Table 7-1 below While many static control products
In manufacturing areas, more machines (special mats, carpeting, sprays, straps,
shows voltages which can be generated
are electronically controlled. In fact, you etc.) are available, bear in mind that
by everyday activities.
see more control rooms (just to house humidification is a passive static-control
electronic control systems) than in previous means. It is working to control static all the
Voltage accumulates on surfaces (in this
years. time—not just when someone remembers.
case, the human body), and when the
surface approaches another at a lower
All this means that the nature of today’s
voltage a discharge of electrical voltage
business makes proper humidification a
occurs. Note the humidity levels at which
virtual necessity.
these voltages may be generated. As the
level of humidity rises, voltages are
reduced because a film of moisture forms Figure 7-1.
Effect of humidity on electrostatic voltages

Table 7-1. Effect of Humidity on Electrostatic Voltages

Electrostatic Voltages
Means of Static
Generatioo 10%-20% 65%-90%
Relative Humidity Relative Humidity

Walking across carpet 35,000 1,500

Walking over vinyl floor 12,000 250
Worker at bench 6,000 100
Vinyl envelopes for work instructions 7,000 600
Common poly bag picked up from bench 20,000 1,200
Integrated circuit damaged by ESD.
Work chair padded with polyurethane foam 18,000 1,500 (Photo courtesy of Motorola Semiconductor, Inc.)

Why Humidification is Important, Continued...

How Humidity Affects Materials

Paper and Paper Products relative humidity of only 4.4% when heated
Every production superintendent in the to 70°F indoors. Even though the theoreti-
paper industry is, by experience, familiar cal RH should be 4.4% in your plant, the
with the excessive scrap losses and actual observed humidity will be much
customer complaints that can result from higher because of the moisture given off by
the following wintertime headaches: the paper. This type of humidification is very
expensive in terms of stock and production.
1. Curling of stock.
2. Cracking or breaking at creases of The RH of surrounding air governs the
folding boxes, cartons, corrugated and moisture content of paper, as shown in
solid fiber containers. Table 9-1. The fibrils in paper take on
3. Loss of package and container moisture when the paper is drier than the
strength. Figure 9-1. Effects of moisture content in surrounding air and give up moisture when
4. Production delays when sheets fail to folding paper. Sheet on left has proper the conditions are reversed.
go through machines smoothly due to moisture. Sheet on right lacks enough
static electricity. moisture—is dry and brittle—breaks on fold. A paper moisture content range of 5%-7%
5. Gluing failures. is essential to maintain satisfactory strength
and workability of paper. This requires an
All of the above wintertime problems indoor RH of about 40%-50%, depending
have a common cause—dry or curling upon the composition of the paper.
paper caused by low indoor relative
humidities. Moisture contents of different types of papers
will vary slightly from those shown in the
Whenever you heat air, without adding table but will follow an identical pattern.
moisture, its RH drops. Table 8-1 shows
that 0°F outside air at 75% RH will have a Changes in moisture content thus cause
paper to become thicker or thinner, flatter
or curlier, harder or softer, larger or
smaller, limp or brittle.

Table 8-1. How Indoor Heating Reduces

Indoor RH and Dries Out Paper
Indoor Temperature 70°F
Outdoor Indoor Moisture
Temperature Relative Content of
Degrees Humidity % Paper
-20 1.5 0.5
-10 2.5 0.8
0 4.4 1.2
10 7.2 2.2
Effect of Indoor Heating Upon RH and 20 11.6 3.3
Moisture Content of Kraft Wrapping Paper. 30 18.1 4.3
NOTE: This table assumes an outdoor relative 40 26.8 5.3
humidity of 75%. When outdoor RH is less,
50 38.3 6.4
as is common, indoor RH will also be less.
Indoor temperatures higher than 70°F will also 60 54.0 8.0
cause lower relative humidities. 70 75.0 11.6

Printing Wood Products, Woodworking, Offices
The dry air problems found in paper and Furniture Manufacture RH maintained at 30%-40% stops
manufacturing are equally common to splitting, checking, shrinkage, and glue
Like all hygroscopic materials, wood takes
the printing industry. joint failure in paneling and furnishings,
on or gives off moisture as the RH of the
adds life to carpeting and draperies.
surrounding air varies. When, at any given
Paper curling, generally caused by the Electronic office equipment such as
temperature and relative humidity, the
expansion and contraction of an unpro- computers, xerographic copiers, and
wood finally stops absorbing or liberating
tected sheet of paper, takes place when phone systems require a constant RH
moisture, it is said to have
too dry an atmosphere draws moisture of 40%-50% to guard against harmful
reached its equilibrium
from the ex- electrical transients (see page 7).
moisture content (EMC).
The moisture in the
wood is then “in balance”
with the moisture in the air.
and curls.
It is generally not practical to hold
The curl
indoor RH as high during the cold months
will be with
as it is during the warm months. However,
the grain of
when the cold season sets in, humidifiers
the sheet. This
permit a gradual reduction of RH and
trouble is most pronounced with very
EMC to a practical minimum working level.
lightweight stocks or with cover stocks,
Under this controlled condition, warping
and coated-one-side papers.
and cracking will not occur.

Leather Processing
RH maintained uniformly in the 40%-60%
range (higher in muller rooms) reduces
cracking, minimizes loss of pliability, helps Libraries and Museums
maintain quality and appearance, and Relative humidity maintained uniformly at
reduces the dust problem in the plant. 40%-55% in storage rooms, vaults, and
galleries prolongs the life of valuable
collections by stabilizing the pliability of
glue, starch and casein. The embrittle-
ment of fibers in paper, canvas, papyrus,
leather bindings, etc., is minimized.

Table 9-1. Moisture Content of Paper at Various Relative Humidities

Relative Humidity %
Material Description
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
M.F. Newsprint Wood Pulp 24% Ash 2.1 3.2 4.0 4.7 5.3 6.1 7.2 8.7 10.6
HMF Writing Wood Pulp 3% Ash 3.0 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.3 9.9 11.9 14.2
White Bond Rag 1% Ash 2.4 3.7 4.7 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.8 10.8 13.2
Com. Ledger 75% Rag 1% Ash 3.2 4.2 5.0 5.6 6.2 6.9 8.1 10.3 13.9
Kraft Wrapping Coniferous 3.2 4.6 5.7 6.6 7.6 8.9 10.5 12.6 14.9

Determining Humidity Requirements of Materials
No single level of relative humidity provides vary greatly from one material to the next. moisture loss and materials deterioration
adequate moisture content in all hygroscopic We will discuss typical hygroscopic materials and/or production problems that result.
materials. Moisture content requirements which require specific RH levels to avoid

Table 10-1. Recommended Relative Humidities

Residences 70-72 30 Switchgear: Tea
Fuse & cutout assembly 73 50 Packaging 65 65
Libraries & Museums Capacitor winding 73 50
Archival 55-65 35 Paper storage 73 50 Tobacco
Art storage 60-72 50 Conductor wrapping with yarn75 65-70 Cigar & cigarette making 70-75 55-65
Stuffed fur animals 40-50 50 Lightning arrester assembly 68 20-40 Softening 90 85-88
Thermal circuit breakers Stemming & stripping 75-85 70-75
Communication Centers assembly & test 75 30-60 Packing & shipping 73-75 65
Telephone terminals 72-78 40-50 High-voltage transformer repair79 55 Filler tobacco casing
Radio & TV studios 74-78 30-40 Water wheel generators: & conditioning 75 75
Thrust runner lapping 70 30-50 Filter tobacco storage
General Commercial & Public Buildings Rectifiers: & preparation 77 70
70-74 20-30 Processing selenium & Wrapper tobacco storage
(including cafeterias, restaurants, airport terminals, copper oxide plates 73 30-40 & conditioning 75 75
office buildings, & bowling centers)
Fur Pharmaceuticals
Hospitals & Health Facilities Storage 40-50 55-65 Powder storage (prior to mfg)* *
General clinical areas 72 30-60 Manufactured powder storage
Surgical area Gum & packing areas 75 35
Operating rooms 68-76 50-60 Manufacturing 77 33 Milling room 75 35
Recovery rooms 75 50-60 Rolling 68 63 Tablet compressing 75 35
Obstetrical Stripping 72 53 Tablet coating room 75 35
Full-term nursery 75 30-60 Breaking 73 47 Effervescent tablets & powders75 20
Special care nursery 75-80 30-60 Wrapping 73 58 Hypodermic tablets 75 30
Colloids 75 30-50
Industrial Hygroscopic Materials Leather Cough drops 75 40
Abrasive Drying 68-125 75 Glandular products 75 5-10
Manufacture 79 50 Storage, winter room temp. 50-60 40-60 Ampoule manufacturing 75 35-50
Ceramics Gelatin capsules 75 35
Refractory 110-150 50-90 Lenses (Optical) Capsule storage 75 35
Molding room 80 60-70 Fusing 75 45 Microanalysis 75 50
Clay storage 60-80 35-65 Grinding 80 80 Biological manufacturing 75 35
Decalcomania production 75-80 48 Liver extracts 75 35
Decorating room 75-80 48 Matches Serums 75 50
Manufacture 72-73 50 Animal rooms 75-80 50
Cereal Drying 70-75 60 Small animal rooms 75-78 50
Packaging 75-80 45-50 Storage 60-63 50 * Store in sealed plastic containers in sealed drums.

Distilling Mushrooms Photographic Processing

Storage Spawn added 60-72 nearly sat. Photo Studio
Grain 6 35-40 Growing period 50-60 80 Dressing room 72-74 40-50
Liquid yeast 32-33 Storage 32-35 80-85 Studio (camera room) 72-74 40-50
General manufacturing 60-75 45-60 Film darkroom 70-72 45-55
Aging 65-72 50-60 Paint Application Print darkroom 70-72 45-55
Oils, paints: Paint spraying 60-90 80 Drying room 90-100 35-45
Electrical Products Finishing room 72-75 40-55
Electronics & X-ray: Plastics Storage room
Coil & transformer winding72 15 Manufacturing areas: b/w film & paper 72-75 40-60
Semi conductor Thermosetting molding color film & paper 40-50 40-50
assembly 68 40-50 compounds 80 25-30 Motion picture studio 72 40-55
Electrical instruments: Cellophane wrapping 75-80 45-65
Manufacture Static Electricity Control
& laboratory 70 50-55 Plywood Textiles, paper, explosive control > 55
Thermostat assembly Hot pressing (resin) 90 60
& calibration 75 50-55 Cold pressing 90 15-25 Clean Rooms & Spaces 45
Humidistat assembly
& calibration 75 50-55 Rubber-Dipped Goods Data Processing 72 45-50
Small mechanisms: Cementing 80 25-30*
Close tolerance assembly72 40-45 Dipping surgical articles 75-80 25-30* Paper Processing
Meter assembly & test 75 60-63 Storage prior to manufacture60-75 40-50* Finishing area 70-75 40-45
Laboratory (ASTM Standard) 73.4 50* Test laboratory 73 50
* Dew point of air must be below evaporation
temperature of solvent

Abstracted from the ASHRAE Handbook Systems and Applications

How Psychrometrics Help in Humidification
Psychrometrics is the measurement of control more difficult to achieve. (This is
thermodynamic properties in moist air. because low duct temperatures have a 60 70
As a problem-solving tool psychrometrics limited ability to absorb moisture. Adding 80

15 20
10 25

20 30

excel in clearly showing how changes in moisture via the central air handling 5


100 110
heating, cooling, humidification, and system must compensate for reheating


dehumidification can affect the properties of air before it leaves the duct.) °C


of moist air. Psychrometric data is needed
to solve various problems and processes For such applications, booster humid-
relating to air distribution. ification must sometimes be accomplished
in the duct of the zone after it has reached 30

1000 10

Most complex problems relating to heating, its final temperature (reheated).




cooling and humidification are combina-


tions of relatively simple problems. The To maintain typical conditions of 70°F and



psychrometric chart illustrates these pro- 50% RH, duct humidities will be very high INCHES

cesses in graphic form, clearly showing how (75% RH and above). To keep the duct
changes affect the properties of moist air. from becoming saturated, a duct high limit
50 60
humidistat is used, and becomes in these


One of the reasons psychrometric data is cases the main controller of the humidifier.



particularly important today is traceable to Since this humidistat is in close proximity



the way most new buildings (and many to the humidifier, and air is constantly



older ones) are heated. The lower duct moving, and must be controlled close to
temperatures (55°F and below) used in saturation, the humidifier output control
new buildings make accurate humidity must be fast, accurate and repeatable.

55 60

1.0 1.0


5000 3

0 ~20


50 90 .028 60
0.6 4.



0.5 -
U. F

-48.0 85
0 -

-2. .0 .026



NS .0

s 45




-0. .4

B. D




15 WE

00 80 TB

R BT .022



D 80
U F 75 50
PO 35
R U .018

)B M

(h TE 75

70 .016

Y 30 N

5 V




EN TU .014 45

SA 65



U. F

% .012
T. P


% .010
40 40
B. D

20 55



50 % .008


15 45
50 .006
45 20% 35

40 .004
30 10% R
25 .002

















10 15 20 25

How Psychrometrics Help in Humidification, Continued...

Using the Psychrometric Chart

The psychrometric chart is a graphical 55



representation of the thermodynamic 0.028

r 50
0.026 y
properties which impact moist air. 0.024 d
of 45
r p 40
It consists of eight major components: BTU
( H)
0.016 PY 30
0.014 TH
0.012 25
0.006 15
0.002 10

1. Humidity ratio values are plotted 2. Enthalpy, or total heat, is plotted with
vertically along the right-hand margin, oblique lines, at intervals of 5 Btu/lb of dry
beginning with 0 at the bottom and air, extending from upper left to lower right.
extending to .03 at the top.



9 %
80 0 %
80 0

70 %
60 %
70 40
60 20 %
50 10 %
30 35 40
35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120

3. Dry-bulb temperature lines are 4. Wet-bulb temperature lines are 5. Relative humidity lines curve across
plotted vertically at 1°F intervals. indicated obliquely and fall almost parallel the chart from left to right at intervals of
to enthalpy lines. They are shown at 1°F 10%. They begin at the bottom at 10%
intervals. and end at the top with the saturation curve

1.0 1.0

5000 3


0.6 4.0



°F 0.5 -
0 -

-2. .0

atu 0.4 0
er SE


p -1
m NS .0

Te s




io ∆H
-0. .4

at TAL








of d

ENT ∆h

y ai



6. Volume lines indicating cubic feet per 7. Two-phase region includes a narrow, 8. The protractor at the upper left of the
pound of dry air are plotted at intervals cross-hatched area to the left of the chart contains two scales. One is for the
of .5 cubic foot. saturation region indicating a mixture of ratio of enthalpy difference. The other is
condensed water in equilibrium. for a ratio of sensible heat to the total
heat. The protractor establishes the angle
of a line on the chart along which a
process will follow.

Example 1

1.0 1.0 55 60

5000 3


0.6 4.0



0.5 -
-48. .0 50 90 .028 60 Given the conditions of 75°F dry
0 -

-2. 0
0.4 0
bulb and 50% RH, determine the dew

U. F
-1 85
NS .0

TO I B L E H E A T ∆H T .026



-0. .4

point, volume and humidity content







in grains per cubic foot of dry air.

B. D
85 55

80 TB

R 40 BT .022


F .020 1. Locate the state point, where the
N 80
F 50 75°F dry-bulb line intersects the
R .018
R 50% RH line. Call this state point


(h 75 number 1.

T 70 .016

PY 30 N

5 V



EN TU .014 45
2. Project horizontally to the left to
SA 65




25 the saturation curve and read 55°F


U. F
% .012
65 T. P (dew point).
% .010
40 40
3. Project horizontally to the right and
B. D
20 55


50 No. 1 30
.008 read .0092 pounds of moisture per


15 45
50 .006
pound of dry air.
45 20% 35
35 4. Draw a line through the state point

40 ITY .004
10% R
parallel to 13.5 volume line and
25 .002
estimate a volume of 13.68 cubic

feet per pound of dry air.
















10 15 20 25
5. Solve for grains per cubic foot by
0.0092 x 7,000 ÷ 13.68 = 4.71 grains/cu ft
See also Table 27-5 for quick values.

Example 2

1.0 1.0 55 60

5000 3


0.6 4.0
Determine resultant RH when 55°F


0.5 -
-48. .0 50 90 .028 60
0 -


-2. 0
SE 0
air at 80% RH is heated to a tem-

U. F

NS .0 85

TO I B L E H E A T ∆H T .026
perature of 75°F.



-0. .4






B. D

85 55

80 TB

R BT .022
1. Locate the state point where 55°F

∆W 40

D TU dry-bulb line intersects 80% RH

O .020
F 75
50 line. Call this state point number 2.
PO 35
R U .018
TU P ER 2. Project horizontally to the right to

)B M

(h TE 75

70 .016
intersect the 75°F dry-bulb line at

Y 30 N

5 V


TH 40% RH. Call this state point 3.



EN TU .014 45

SA 65



U. F

3. Observe that if air is delivered to
T. P

a system at state point 2, that a

% .010
40 40
B. D

20 55
60 reheat operation can deliver it to



0% .008
an area at state point 3.

55 3

15 45

40 No. 2 50
No. 3 20%
45 4. If state point 1 (example 1) is

40 .004
desired in the area, then booster
30 10 % RELA
25 .002 humidification is needed.

















10 15 20 25

How Humidifiers Work
Steam Humidification Direct Steam Injection Steam-to-Steam Humidifiers
Unlike other humidification methods, Humidifiers Steam-to-steam humidifiers use a heat
steam humidifiers have a minimal effect The most common form of steam exchanger and the heat of treated steam to
on dry-bulb (DB) temperatures. The steam humidifier is the direct steam injection create a secondary steam for humidification
humidifier discharges ready-made water type. From a maintenance point of view, from untreated water. The secondary
vapor. This water vapor does not require direct steam humidification systems steam is typically at atmospheric pressure,
any additional heat as it mixes with the air require very little upkeep. The steam placing increased importance on
and increases relative humidity. Steam is supply itself acts as a cleaning agent to equipment location.
pure water vapor existing at 212°F (100°C). keep system components free of mineral
This high temperature creates a percep- deposits that can clog water spray and Maintenance of steam-to-steam humidifiers
tion that steam, when discharged into the evaporative pan systems. is dependent on water quality. Impurities
air, will actually increase air temperature. such as calcium, magnesium and iron
This is a common misconception. In truth, Response to control and pinpoint control can deposit as scale, requiring frequent
as the humidifier discharges steam into of output are two other advantages of the cleaning. Response to control is slower
the air, a steam/air mixture is established. direct steam humidification method. Since than with direct steam because of the
In this mixture steam temperature will steam is ready-made water vapor, it needs time required to boil the water.
rapidly decrease to essentially the air only to be mixed with air to satisfy the
temperature. demands of the system. In addition, direct Electronic Steam Humidifiers
steam humidifiers can meter output by
50% means of a modulating control valve. As
the system responds to control, it can Electronic steam humidifiers are used
position the valve anywhere from closed when a source of steam is not available.
30% to fully open. As a result, direct steam Electricity and water create steam at
humidifiers can respond more quickly and atmospheric pressure. Electrode-type units
precisely to fluctuating demand. pass electrical current through water to
provide proportional output. Use with pure
The high temperatures inherent in steam demineralized, deionized or distilled water
humidification make it virtually a sterile alone will generally not provide sufficient
medium. Assuming boiler makeup water conductivity for electrode units.
70° DB is of satisfactory quality and there is no
condensation, dripping or spitting in the Water quality affects the operation and
The psychrometric chart helps illustrate maintenance of electrode-type humidifiers.
that steam humidification is a constant DB ducts, no bacteria or odors will be Use with hard water requires more frequent
process. Starting from a point on any DB disseminated with steam humidification. cleaning, and pure softened water can
temperature line, steam humidification will shorten electrode life. Microprocessor-
cause movement straight up along the Corrosion is rarely a concern with a
based diagnostics assist with
constant DB line. The example illustrates properly installed steam system. Scale troubleshooting.
that 70°F DB is constant as we increase and sediment—whether formed in the unit
RH from 30%-50%. This is true because or entrained in the supply steam—are
steam contains the necessary heat drained from the humidifier through the
(enthalpy) to add moisture without steam trap.
increasing or decreasing DB
temperature. Actual results
Steam-to-Steam Humidification
Figure 14-2.
utilizing high pressure steam Direct Steam Humidification
or large RH increases Figure 14-1.
(more than 50%) increase
DB by 1° to 2°F. As a result,
no additional heating or air
conditioning load occurs.

Cross Section of Manifold

Dry Steam

Electrode units are easily adaptable to Response of water spray humidifiers
different control signals and offer full
Water Spray to control is slow due to the need for
The water spray process can create
modulated output. However, the need to evaporation to take place before humidi-
potential temperature control problems. In
boil the water means control will not fied air can be circulated. On/off control
order to become water vapor or humidity,
compare with direct-injection units. of output means imprecise response to
water requires approximately 1,000 Btu
system demand and continual danger
per pound to vaporize. This heat must be
of saturation. Water spray systems can
Electronic Steam Humidifiers drawn from the air, where it will hopefully distribute large amounts of bacteria, and
vaporize. If not enough heat is available
(Ionic Bed) unevaporated water discharge can
quickly enough, the water remains a
collect in ducts, around drains and drip
Ionic bed electronic humidifiers typically liquid. This unvaporized water can result in
pans, and on eliminator plates, encour-
use immersed resistance heating elements overhumidification, and the water can
aging the growth of algae and bacteria.
to boil water. Since current does not pass “plate out” on surfaces, creating a sanita-
Corrosion is another ongoing problem
through water, conductivity is not a tion hazard.
with water spray humidification. Scale
concern. Therefore, ionic bed technology
and sediment can collect on nozzles,
makes the humidifier versatile enough to
50% ductwork, eliminator plates, etc., leading
accommodate various water qualities.
to corrosion and high maintenance costs.
These units work by using ionic bed
cartridges containing a fibrous media to
attract solids from water as its temperature Evaporative Pan
rises, minimizing the buildup of solids
The evaporative pan method uses steam,
inside the humidifier. Water quality does
ENT hot water or electricity to provide energy
not affect operation, and maintenance HAL
for heating coils which in turn heat water
typically consists of simply replacing the
and create water vapor. This method is
most effective when installed in smaller
70° DB capacity environments either in the air
Ionic bed humidifiers are adaptable to
handling system or individually within
different control signals and offer full
the area(s) to be humidified.
modulated output. Control is affected by Water spray contains virtually none of the
the need to boil the water, however. heat of vaporization required to increase
the RH of the air to desired conditions.
For this reason, water spray humidification 50%
is a virtually constant enthalpy process.
However, as the psychrometric example
illustrates, DB temperature changes as we 30%
increase RH from 30%-50%. The result of
this loss of DB temperature is an in-
creased heating load to maintain 70°F.

Electronic Steam Humidification

Figure 15-1.
70° DB

Evaporative pan humidification can

increase dry-bulb temperature as mea-
Water Spray sured on the psychrometric chart. This
Figure 15-2. unwanted temperature change may occur
as air is forced across the warmed water
Heat Taken From Air in the pan. The increase in DB can cause
To Evaporate Moisture damaging results in process applications
and increase the need for humidity control.
The psychrometric chart helps illustrate
Water Mist
that evaporative pan humidification is not
a constant DB process. This example
shows DB temperature increasing as we
move from 30%-50% RH. To maintain a
constant DB of 70°F some cooling load
(air conditioning) is required.
Water Supply
Under Pressure

How Humidifiers Work, Continued...

Maintenance of evaporative pan humid- Cost Comparisons Installation costs for the various types
ification systems demands regular cannot be accurately formulated because
To fairly evaluate the costs of selecting a
cleaning of the heating coils and pan, the proximity of water, steam and electricity
humidification system, you should include
which are subject to “liming up.” to humidifiers varies greatly among
installation, operating, and maintenance
installations. Operating costs are low for
costs as well as initial costs. Total humidi-
The use of chemical additives added direct steam and slightly higher for steam-
fication costs are typically far less than
either automatically or manually to the to-steam. Water spray and evaporative pan
heating or cooling system costs.
water in the pan can reduce this problem operating costs are also low. Energy costs
by as much as half. are higher for electronic humidifiers.
Initial costs, of course, vary with the size
of the units. Priced on a capacity basis,
Response to control with the evaporative Direct steam humidifiers have the lowest
larger capacity units are the most
pan method is slow due to the time maintenance costs. Ionic bed electronic
economical, regardless of the type of
required for evaporation to take place humidifiers are designed specifically to
humidifier, i.e.: one humidifier capable of
before humidified air can be circulated. minimize maintenance while adapting to
delivering 1,000 pounds of humidification
Output is determined by water tempera- various water qualities. Maintenance costs
per hour costs less than two 500 lbs/hr
ture and surface area. for other types can vary widely, depending
units of the same type.
on water quality and applications.
Evaporative pan humidifiers can sustain
Direct steam humidifiers will provide the
bacteria colonies in the reservoir and These are the principal considerations in
highest capacity per first cost dollar; water
distribute them throughout the humidified selecting a humidification system. Table
spray and evaporative pan are the least
space. High water temperatures, water 16-1 summarizes the capabilities of each
economical, assuming capacity needs of
treatment, and regular cleaning and humidifier type.
75 lbs/hr or more.
flushing of the humidifier help to minimize
the problem, however.

Evaporative Pan
Figure 16-1.

Water Vapor
Valve Steam, Hot Water
Or Electricity In

Heated Water Auto Valve

Water Pan

Table 16-1. Comparison of Humidification Methods

Direct Steam Steam-to-Steam Electronic Steam Ionic Bed Electronic Steam Evaporative Pan Water Spray

Effect on temperature Virtually no change Small Substantial

temperature rise temperature drop
Unit capacity per unit size Small to very large Small Small to medium Small to medium Small Small

Vapor quality Excellent Good Good Good Good Poor

Response to control Immediate Slow Fair Fair Slow Slow

Control of output Good to excellent Below average Average Average Average Average
Pan subject to Subject to severe
Sterile medium; Bacteria can Programmed to not Programmed to not corrosion; bacteria corrosion and
Sanitation/corrosion corrosion free be present promote bacteria promote bacteria can be present bacteria problems
Maintenance frequency Annual Monthly Monthly to quarterly Quarterly to semi-annually Weekly to monthly Weekly to bimonthly

Maintenance difficulty Low High Medium Low High High

Costs: Price Low High Medium Medium High Medium to high
(per unit of capacity)
Installation Varies with availability of steam, water, electricity, etc.
Operating Low Low Medium Medium Low Low
Maintenance Low High High Low to medium High Very high

Recommended Applications The evidence supports the conclusion that With these advantages in mind, engineers
Steam: Recommended for virtually all steam is the best natural medium for specify steam boilers and generators
commercial, institutional and industrial humidification. It provides ready-made solely for humidification when the building
applications. Where steam is not avail- vapor produced in the most efficient to be humidified does not have a steam
able, small capacity needs up to 50-75 evaporator possible, the boiler. There is supply. The minimum humidification load
lbs/hr can be met best using ionic bed type no mineral dust deposited, and because where this becomes economically feasible
self-contained steam generating units. there is no liquid moisture present, steam falls in the range of 50-75 lbs/hr. Steam
Above this capacity range, central system creates no sanitation problems, will not generator capacity is generally specified
steam humidifiers are most effective support the growth of algae or bacteria, 50% greater than maximum humidification
and economical. Steam should be has no odor and creates no corrosion or load, depending on the amount of piping
specified with caution where humidification residual mineral scale. Unless there are and number of humidifiers and distribution
is used in small, confined areas to add particular requirements to an application manifolds that must be heated. Typical
large amounts of moisture to hygroscopic that can only be met with evaporative piping for boiler-humidifier installations is
materials. We recommend that you pan or water spray methods, steam shown in Fig. 17-1.
consult your Armstrong Representative humidification will meet system needs
regarding applications where these most effectively and economically.
conditions exist.

Evaporative Pan: Recommended only

as an alternative to self-contained steam
generating unit humidifiers for small load
commercial or institutional applications.
Generally not recommended where load
requirements exceed 50-75 lbs/hr.

Water Spray: Recommended for industrial

applications where evaporative cooling is
required; typical application is summer-
time humidification of textile mills in the
southern U.S.

Figure 17-1. Typical Piping for Boiler-Humidifier Installation

Design Guidelines—
To Additional Boiler-Humidifier Combinations
1. Boiler gross output capacity
Strainer should be at least 1.5 times the
total humidification load.
2. Water softeners should be used
on boiler feedwater.
3. Condensate return system is not
Safety Relief Valve
necessary (unless required by
Level Control & Automatic circumstances).
Low Water Cutoff Blowdown Steam
System Humidifier 4. Boiler pressure should be at
15 psig or less.
“Packaged” 5. An automatic blowdown system
Steam is desirable.
Generator Trap
6. All steam supply piping should
To Drain be insulated.

Auto Fill Valve 7. No limit to size or number of

humidifiers from one boiler.
To Drain

Considerations in Selecting Steam Humidifiers

Electronic Steam Humidifiers The humidifier must condition the steam Steam cup humidifiers receive steam
so that it’s completely dry and free of from the side of the cup which theoretically
When steam is not available, self-
significant particulate matter. Response permits the condensate to fall by gravity
contained electronic humidifiers can meet
to control signals must be immediate, to the steam trap. However, in practice
low-capacity requirements. The primary
and modulation of output must be precise. a great deal of the liquid moisture in the
consideration in selecting this type
Distribution of steam into the air must steam goes into the air flow, and the
of humidifier is its ability to work with
be as uniform as possible. Inadequate steam itself is poorly distributed.
wide ranges in water quality. Ionic bed
performance in any of these areas
electronic humidifiers are frequently
means the humidifier will not meet the The steam separator is a more
selected for this capability.
basic humidification requirements. sophisticated device which, when
properly designed, meets essential
Direct Injection Direct injection steam humidifiers are performance criteria.
Steam Humidifiers available in three basic types: specially
An evaluation of three performance designed steam grids, steam cups and
characteristics is essential to understand the steam separator.
the advantages steam holds over other
humidification media: Specially designed steam grid systems
incorporate advanced engineering in
■ Conditioning addressing unique applications where
■ Control vapor trail is of prime concern.
■ Distribution

Figure 18-1. Steam Grid Humidifier

From Boiler Control Valve

Strainer Figure 18-3. Steam Separator Type Humidifier

or Electric
Drip Leg


Control Valve Steam Jacketed

Distribution Manifold
Drying Chamber
1"/12" Slope


Air Flow
1" Air Gap Drain
NOTE: Condensate cannot be lifted or discharged Chamber
into pressurized return.
Condensate Deflected
Figure 18-2. Cup Type Steam Humidifier


Steam Conditioning condensate carries a substantial portion of Humidifier control must provide immediate
As steam moves through supply lines, the significant micronic particulates with response and precise modulation in order
scale and sediment may be entrained in it to be discharged through the drain trap. to accurately maintain the required relative
the flow—a Y-type strainer is required to humidity. Faulty control can make it
remove larger solid particles. Similarly, the Steam from the separating chamber can difficult to provide the desired humidity
condensation that occurs in the supply still carry liquid mist which must be level, and can lead to overloading the
lines permits water droplets or even slugs removed. Humidifiers equipped with an ducts with moisture and the creation of
of condensate to be carried into the inner drying chamber that is jacketed by wet spots.
humidifier. the steam in the separating chamber can
effectively re-evaporate any remaining Two design factors affect the accuracy of
Several steps within the humidifier water droplets before steam is discharged. humidifier control that can be achieved—
are required to positively prevent the Similarly, the control valve should be the metering valve and the actuator that
discharge of liquid moisture and finer integral with the humidifier. Both the positions the valve.
particulate matter along with the humidifier and the distribution pipe should
humidifying steam. be jacketed by steam at supply pressure Precise flow control can be achieved
and temperature to prevent condensation with a valve designed expressly for the
The separating chamber in the humidifier as steam is discharged. purpose of adding steam to air. Parabolic
body should provide the volume required plug type valves have been established as
for optimum velocity reduction and Only proper design of the humidifier for best for this service. They permit a longer
maximum separation of steam from conditioning of steam can assure the stroke than comparable industrial valves,
condensate. Properly separated, the essential levels of sanitation and a clean and the plug normally extends into the
atmosphere. These guidelines contribute orifice even with the valve in “full open”
to better comfort conditions and ensure position. This facilitates full and accurate
that the humidifier meets the vital modulation of flow over the complete
physical requirements of the system. stroke of the valve.

Control of Output The Control Valve

As discussed, the duct high-limit humidistat The parabolic plug design also provides
can become the controlling humidistat due exceptionally high rangeability. Range-
to psychrometric conditions in the duct. In ability is the ratio between the maximum
typical duct air flow rates, the high limit controllable flow and the minimum
Table 19-1. humidistat senses humidifier output in controllable flow of steam through the
Steam Humidifier Valve Rangeabilities one second or less. In most applica- valve. The higher the rangeability of a
Valve Size Rangeability tions, humidifiers consistently operate valve, the more accurately it can control
at a fraction of maximum output. steam flow. Rangeabilities of the parabolic
Equivalent Ratio of Minimum Flow
Flow as % of plug valves used in Armstrong Series
Max: Mii Maximuu 9000 Humidifiers shown in Table 19-1 are
1 1/2" 63:1 1.6 typical of the ratios that can be achieved
69:1 1.4
with this type of valve.
1 1/4"
1 1/8" 61:1 1.6
1" 53:1 1.9
7/8" 44:1 2.3
3/4" 33:1 3.0 Chart 19-1. Desirable modified linear
5/8" 123:1 0.8 characteristic curve for valves used under
9/16" 105:1 0.9 modulating control. The modification of true
1/2" 97:1 1.0 linear characteristics provides more precise
15/32" 85:1 1.2 control when capacity requirements are very
7/16" 75:1 1.3 low and the valve is just cracked off the seat. Figure 19-1. Parabolic Plug Metering Valve
13/32" 64:1 1.6 100
3/8" 70:1 1.4 90

3/8" 9/32" 7/32"

11/32" 59:1 1.7 80
5/16" 49:1 2.0
9/32" 40:1 2.5
1/4" 31:1 3.2
7/32" 24:1 4.2 50
3/16" 18:1 5.6 40 3/4"
5/32" 59:1 1.7 30 Stroke
1/8" 37:1 2.7 20
7/64" 28:1 3.5
3/32" 21:1 4.8
0 3/8" 3/8" 3/8"
5/64" 15:1 6.9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
10:1 10.0

Considerations in Selecting Steam Humidifiers,
The actuator is another important compo- 1. Large diaphragm area—22 sq in or Distribution of Steam
nent in humidity control. Several types are more—to provide ample lifting force. The third essential factor in proper humidifier
available to provide compatibility with This permits the use of a spring heavy design is distribution. Steam must be
various system types. The actuator must enough to stabilize both the hysteresis discharged as uniformly as possible into
be able to position the valve in very nearly effect and the flow velocity effect on the the air to permit the fastest possible
identical relationship to the seat on both positioning of the valve stem versus air absorption without creating damp spots
opening and closing strokes. This is pressure to the actuator. or saturated zones.
essential to provide consistent, accurate
metering of steam discharged by the 2. Diaphragm material highly resistant In normal ducts, a single distribution
humidifier. to wear or weakening from continuous manifold installed across the long dimen-
cycling. sion will provide good distribution of steam.
By their design, electric motor modulating In large ducts or plenum chambers, it may
actuators provide true linear positioning 3. Actuator stroke long enough (in be necessary to broaden the pattern of
characteristics on both opening and conjunction with valve plug and seat vapor discharge to achieve the required
closing cycles. Pneumatic actuators may design) to provide high rangeability distribution, thus requiring multiple mani-
or may not be able to provide the precise ratios. folds from single or multiple humidifiers.
positioning and holding characteristics
essential to accurate control. Rolling All modulating actuators, whether electric Humidification for industrial areas without
diaphragm type pneumatic actuators are or pneumatic, should incorporate a spring central air handling systems is customarily
recommended, providing they meet the return. This is necessary to ensure closing achieved with unit humidifiers discharging
following criteria: the valve if there is an interruption of power steam directly into the atmosphere. Proper
or control air to the unit. mixing of steam and air can be accom-
plished in two ways. A dispersing fan may
For industrial in-plant operation and for be mounted on the humidifier or a unit
very limited duct applications, a solenoid heater can be positioned to absorb and
Chart 20-1. Desirable Operating actuator may be used to provide simple distribute the water vapor.
Characteristic for Pneumatic Actuators on-off operation. This type of actuator
Position of valve is very nearly identical on should not be specified for duct applica-
both opening and closing strokes at any given
tions without a detailed analysis of the
air pressure to the actuator.

10 Opening Stroke
Closing Stroke
8 Figure 20-2.
7 Unit Humidifier for Direct Discharge
into Area Humidified
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 20-1.

Steam Out

Distribution Strainer
Distribution Manifold Inlet C

Duct Cross Section

Duct Cross Section Temp.
Single Multiple Distribution Switch
Distribution Manifolds in a Large Drain
Manifold in a Duct or Housing
Normal Duct Trap

Operating Noise Suggested Specification: D. The stainless steel metering valve shall
In addition to these crucial performance Steam humidifiers for pneumatic or be a parabolic plug, with a full 3/4" stroke.
characteristics, operating noise is a electric modulating control: humidifier shall This valve shall provide the high range-
consideration in selecting steam humidifi- be the steam separator type providing full abilities required to achieve full and
ers for areas where quiet operation is separation ahead of an integral steam accurate modulation of steam flow over
essential or desirable, i.e., hospitals, office jacketed control valve. Steam shall be the entire stroke of the valve.
buildings, schools, etc. discharged through an internal steam
jacketed drying chamber, a silencing E. The internal drying chamber shall
chamber and a steam jacketed distribution receive total steam flow at essentially
manifold. atmospheric pressure and be jacketed
by steam at supply pressure.
A. Humidifier shall receive steam at
supply pressure and discharge at F. The silencing chamber shall be steam
atmospheric pressure. It shall be jacketed and utilize a stainless steel
furnished with inlet strainer and silencing medium.
external inverted bucket steam trap.
G. The distribution manifold shall provide
B. Separating chamber shall be of a uniform distribution over its entire
volume and design that will disengage length and be jacketed by steam at
and remove all water droplets and all supply pressure to assure that vapor
particulate matter larger than 3 discharged is free of water droplets.
microns when humidifier is operating A full length stainless steel internal
at maximum capacity. silencing screen shall be provided.

C. The stainless steel metering valve H. Humidifier shall be equipped with an

shall be integral within the body of the interlocked temperature switch to
humidifier, and shall be jacketed by prevent the humidifier from operating
steam at supply pressure and tempera- before start-up condensate is drained.
ture to prevent condensation.

Figure 21-1. Figure 21-2.

The noise of escaping steam is generated at Steam moving at high velocity through the
the control valve. Muffling materials around the distribution manifold can create loud, high-
valve are necessary to minimize this noise. pitched whistling as it passes the discharge
holes. An internal silencing screen or similar
material is required to interrupt the air flow and
prevent whistling.

Stainless Steel

Basic Application Principles

Several basic principles must be consid- Visible vapor indicates an area of super- 1. Aspect Ratio of Duct. The ratio of
ered in the application of steam humidifi- saturation, where the invisible steam gas duct height to width is a factor that
cation equipment to avoid potential is condensing into water particles. When influences the visible vapor pattern.
operating problems. condensation occurs, the steam gas Fig. 22-2 shows two ducts with equal
releases its latent heat of vaporization cross section areas, but with different
Vapor dissipation in air ducts is one of (about 1,000 Btu/lb of vapor) to duct air. aspect ratios. Air velocities, tempera-
these considerations. In the steam Then, as the vapor completely mixes with tures, RH and vapor output from the
humidification process, pure water vapor the duct air, the latent heat previously manifolds are all identical. However,
at 212°F is mixed with air at a lower given off is reabsorbed, converting the in the taller duct the manifold is shorter
temperature. The mixing of hot steam with visible vapor back into invisible gas with and its vapor output comes in contact
cooler air results in heat transfer. Any time essentially no change in DB temperature. with a much smaller percentage of duct
heat is transferred from steam, conden- (See Fig. 22-1). air, causing a longer visible vapor pattern.
sation takes place. This condensation is
referred to as visible vapor. When steam Clearly, the vapor dissipation in air ducts
is discharged from a manifold in an air is very important to proper location of
duct, it quickly changes from an invisible temperature or humidity controllers. Any
gas into visible water particles, and then controller located in or near the visible
dissipates to become invisible again. vapor pattern will produce inaccurate
results because of pockets of saturated
air. Under typical duct conditions, all
controllers should be located at least 10 to
12 feet downstream of a manifold.
However, the following system character-
istics will affect the visible vapor pattern,
and therefore should be considered in
controller location:

Figure 22-1. Figure 22-2.

Typical dry-bulb (sensible) temperature
variations within a duct near the humidifier Visible Vapor
manifold. As the latent heat of vaporization
is released, the temperature increases (in
Air Flow
or near the visible vapor the temperature
may rise as much as 20° to 30°F).
However, as the visible vapor mixes and
re-evaporates in the air flow, the heat of
Vapor Contacts 75% of Duct Air
vaporization is reabsorbed and the duct air Duct Cross Sections
temperature returns to its former level.

Visible Vapor Visible Vapor


Heat Heat Controller Vapor Contacts 25% of Duct Air Duct Cross Sections
Released Reabsorbed
10 to 12 ft

2. Duct Air Temperature. The tempera- respectively. Other conditions are the the requirements. When a quantity of
ture of the air flow in the duct also same: temperature, duct air humidity, vapor is distributed among multiple
affects the length of the visible vapor duct dimensions and the amount of manifolds, the amount released through
pattern. Warmer air produces shorter steam released from the identical each manifold is smaller, and more of the
vapor pattern, as shown in Fig. 23-1. manifolds. The length of the visible duct air comes into contact with the
All other conditions are the same. In vapor pattern is approximately propor- vapor. This effect is shown in Fig. 23-3.
75°F duct air, the average vapor output tional to the velocity of the air in the duct.
from a manifold produces a visible 5. Duct Air RH. Relative humidity
vapor pattern shorter than 12 inches 4. Number of Manifolds in Duct. in the duct also affects the visible
in length. In a large duct section requiring the vapor. The higher the relative humidity
discharge capacity of two humidifiers, downstream of the humidifier discharge,
3. Duct Air Velocity. As the duct air better vapor distribution is achieved by the longer the visible vapor trail. The
velocity increases, the length of the visible using two manifolds full across the duct closer duct conditions are to saturation,
vapor pattern increases. Fig. 23-2 and vertically spaced to divide the duct the longer the vapor trails are likely to
shows two sections of air ducts with air section into thirds. The same effect is be. Fortunately, duct air RH may be
velocities of 500 fpm and 2,000 fpm achieved by using multiple distribution controlled with a duct high-limit
manifolds from a single humidifier humidistat, as shown in Fig. 25-2.
that has adequate capacity to meet

Figure 23-1. Figure. 23-2. Figure 23-3.

Visible Vapor Visible Vapor

Air Flow Air Flow

Duct Air 75 °F Air Flow 500 FPM

Visible Vapor Visible Vapor

Duct Air 55 °F Air Flow 2,000 FPM

Basic Application Principles,
Since the use of multiple manifolds Consult your Armstrong Representative
Table 24-2.
reduces the length of visible vapor, their for specific recommendations regard- Typical Particle Sizes of Common Substances
use should be considered whenever any ing your needs.
Particle Size
of the following conditions exist at the Material in Microns
humidifier location: The piping arrangement for humidifiers
with multiple manifolds varies with the Particles visible to human eye 10 or more
A. Duct air temperature is below 65°F location of the manifolds. Human hair 100
or relative humidity is above 80%. Dust 1 to 100
When all manifolds are located above Pollen 20 to 50
B. Duct air velocity exceeds 800 fpm. the humidifier inlet, manifold piping should
Fog (visible steam vapor) 2 to 40
be as shown in Fig. 24-2.
Mist (water spray) 40 to 500
C. “Final” or “high efficiency” filters are
located within 10 feet downstream When one or more manifolds are located Industrial fumes 0.1 to 1
from humidifier. below the humidifier inlet, the manifolds Bacteria 0.3 to 10
should be trapped separately, as shown
Gas molecules (steam gas) 0.0006
in Fig. 24-3.
D. Height of duct section exceeds 36".
Smaller manifolds, when possible to
E. Visible vapor impinges upon coils, use, reduce the cost of multiple manifold
fans, dampers, filters (not final), installations. Care must be taken that the
turning vanes, etc. located down- humidifier capacity does not exceed the
stream from humidifier. combined capacity of the multiple mani-
folds. Piping arrangement is shown in
Table 24-1 and Fig. 24-1 show a Fig. 25-3.
typical number of manifolds and typical
spacing between them when duct height 6. Humidifier Manifold too Close
exceeds 36". to High Efficiency Filter. Many air
handling systems require the use of
high efficiency filters (also called
“absolute” or “final” filters). These filters
Table 24-1. Typical Number of Manifolds
for Various Duct Heights remove up to 99.97% of all particles
0.3 micron in diameter, and up to 100%
Duct height at No. of manifolds to of larger particles. The significance of
humidifier be installed from one these filtering qualities is shown in the
location or more humidifiers following table, where particle sizes of
common substances are compared.
37" to 58" 2
59" to 80" 3
81" to 100" 4
101" & Over 5
Consult your Armstrong Representative for
specific recommendations.

Figure 24-1. Figure 24-2. Figure 24-3.

Manifold Pipe Adapters Pipe Insulation is Recommended Standard Pipe With Threads—One End Only
Manifold Pipe Adapters
Strainer Strainer
X Pipe Adapters
Steam Trap

Duct Cross Section
Duct Cross Section
Standard Pipe With Threads–One End Only Standard Pipe With Threads–One End Only Duct Cross Section
F&T Trap
“X” Equals Duct
Height Divided By Pipe Insulation is Recommended
Inverted Bucket Inverted Bucket
Number of Manifolds
Steam Trap Steam Trap

Since water particles present in visible When a humidifier manifold is located too Specially Designed Steam Grid Systems
vapor range from 2 to 40 microns, these close to an absolute filter, the filter collects For applications with particularly limited
particles are trapped by high efficiency water vapor, preventing the moisture from downstream absorption distances, custom
filters. Some types of filters absorb reaching the space to be humidified. engineered systems may be considered.
moisture and expand, reducing air flow Placing the humidifier manifold farther The system includes a separator/header
through the filter material. As a result, upstream allows the water vapor to and multiple dispersion tube assembly
the static pressure in the duct rises from change into steam gas, which will pass packaged with a control valve, strainer,
normal (about 1" water gauge) to as high unhindered through an absolute filter. steam supply drip trap and one or two
as 40" wg. When the filter absorbs moisture, header drain traps. Each system is
it also releases the latent heat of con- Under most circumstances, the water customized to provide uniform distribution
densed steam into the duct air. vapor will dissipate properly if the humidi- and shortened wettable vapor trail
fier manifold is located at least 10 feet (See Fig. 25-4.)
ahead of the final filter. However, if the
Figure 25-1. duct air temperature is low, air velocity is How Steam Grid Systems Shorten
+ + + +
high or the duct is tall, multiple manifolds Impingement Distances
+ +
may be installed to speed the mixing of
+ +
steam with the duct air. For additional Dry steam enters each of the dispersion
+ + + +

+ +
+ Active +
+ + + +
+ + ++++
Steam Nozzle
+ + ++++ protection, install a duct high-limit controller tubes and flows through stainless steel
+ + +++ ++ + ++
+ +
+ + +
+++ + + ++ + +++ + +++++
+++ + +
+++ ++ + + ++++++ +
+ + + + ++ + +++ +++
just ahead of the final filter to limit the steam nozzles which extend from the
+ + +
Air Flow

+ ++
+ + + ++

+ +
+ Condensate
+ ++ + +
+ + +
maximum humidity to approximately 90%. center of each tube, before discharging
+ +

+ +
+ +
(See Fig. 25-2.) through orifices into the airstream.
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + + Inactive Tubes

+ +
+ +
+ + + + ++
+ + + ++++
+ + ++++
(Baffle Tubes) Air flow first encounters baffle tubes
+ + +++ ++ + +
+++ + + ++ + +++++ +++++
+ + +
+ + + ++ + + ++++++++
+ + ++
+ + + + ++ + +++++++
+++ (See Fig. 25-1) which influence its
+ + + ++
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ ++ + +
flow pattern and increase its velocity.

+ +
Air traveling around each set of baffle
+ + tubes encounters opposing flow of
high velocity steam exiting the orifices.
The result is more uniform distribution
and faster absorption of moisture into
the air, resulting in shorter impingement
distances than experienced with
Figure 25-2. traditional manifolds or dispersion tubes.
At Least
10 ft Preferred Location

High-Limit Controller
Not Here Figure 25-4. Steam Grid System
Mounts Here
Strainer Control Valve

Figure 25-3.
Manifold Pipe Adapters Drip Leg


Duct Cross Section Tubes Inactive
Standard Mounting Tubes
Pipe With F&T Trap F&T Frame
Threads— Condensate Trap
One End Return
Inverted Bucket NOTE: Condensate cannot be lifted
Only Steam Trap or discharged into pressurized return.

Sizing Considerations
Psychrometric Considerations However, short-cut methods for making Sizing for Booster Humidifier
in Ducted Systems these calculations or for checking psychro- Assume that a primary humidifier provides
metric calculations are described below. air that will have 40% RH at 70°F, but you
In practice you may find that areas need
want to maintain 60% RH in a laboratory
humidification but cannot be satisfactorily
humidified through the central air handling Sizing for Primary Humidification supplied with 900 CFM of the air at 40%
In sizing duct humidifiers for air handling at 70°F. Refer to Table 27-3 and read 1.38
system. These are often areas having
systems, you should know: under 60% and opposite 70°F—40%.
high sensible heat loads that must be
CFM of air. 9 x 1.38 = 12.42 lbs. The humidifier must
balanced with low duct air temperatures to
Design outdoor air temperature and be able to provide this capacity at steam
maintain design temperature conditions in
relative humidity. supply pressure.
the area. Typical examples are data
processing rooms or hospital operating Required indoor temperature and relative
rooms where duct air temperatures may humidity. Special Conditions
be held as low as 50°F to maintain a Humidifier steam supply pressure. When relative humidities must be figured
design condition of 75°F in the room. for temperature conditions other than
These low duct air temperatures prevent The formula for load calculation is: those given in Tables 27-1 through 27-3,
adding enough moisture to the air to meet Table 27-5 will prove helpful.
design RH requirements in the room— Humidification Load = CFM (R2 - R1) 60
in lbs/hr 7,000
say, 55% RH. New Condition—55% RH at 77°F.
Makeup Air—35% RH at 70°F.
Using these conditions as an example, Where: From Table E-23:
duct air at 50°F and 90% RH holds slightly CFM = air flow of unhumidified air at
Grains per cu ft
less than 3.7 grains of moisture per cubic moisture condition R1
New Condition 5.54
foot. At 75°F the same 3.7 grains of R2 = moisture content of required
Less Grains per cu ft,
moisture yield a relative humidity of 39%. indoor condition air in gr/ft3
Makeup Air 2.82
To achieve design conditions of 55% RH R1 = moisture content of air to be
Grains to be added 2.72
at 75°F, the air must contain 5.2 grains of humidified (from outdoor condi-
Assume 800 CFM
moisture per cubic foot—1.5 grains more tion) in gr/ft3
800 x 2.72 x 60
than it psychrometrically can hold at duct 7,000 = gr/lb conversion = 18.65 lbs/hr
air temperature. 60 = min/hr conversion
NOTE: .857 lb of steam per hour will add
For such applications, booster humid- EXAMPLE, assume:
1 grain to 100 CFM. Use of this factor simplifies
ification must be accomplished in the air 6,800 CFM of outdoor air.
the above equation to: 8 x 2.72 x .857 = 18.65.
of the area after it has reached its final Design outdoor air temperature 0°F.
temperature. Evaporative pan humidifiers Steam pressure 10 psig.
Where Table 27-5 is used for outdoor air
may be used for this purpose, although we Required 40% RH at 70°F.
makeup, assume 75% RH for the outdoor
would recommend using combined steam Air controls used.
air at 0° to -20°F.
humidifier-fan units which can be installed
either within the humidified space or From Table 27-1, for 70°F final temperature,
remote ducted to the space. For hospital read 2.456 under 40% and opposite 0°F. Room to Duct Comparisons
This is pounds of vapor per hour for 100 CFM. When high humidity is needed in a room
applications, steam humidifier-fan units
Then 68 x 2.456 = 167.01 or, call it 167 lbs per (70°F-60% RH) and the duct temperature
should include an integral high efficiency
hour required for design conditions. is lower than the room temperature (50°F),
(95%) filter to satisfy code requirements.
the duct high-limit humidistat often acts
A single humidifier can provide this capacity as the controlling stat. Duct high-limit
Determining Humidification although sequence control for two humidifiers humidistats should be set between 70%
might be needed to avoid duct condensation
Loads for Air Handling Systems on very light loads. Length of distribution
and 90% RH. We do not recommend
Most engineers prefer to determine setting the high-limit stat any higher than
manifold is governed by width of duct where 90% RH. Table 27-4 shows the maximum
humidification requirements psychro- the humidifier is to be located.
metrically on the basis of design condi- room humidity that can be achieved for the
tions and humidification requirements. given duct conditions.

Computer Software Can You respond to the questions—often with For a free copy of Armstrong Software
Simplify Humidifier Selection a single keystroke—and the Software Program 2, contact Armstrong or your
Program 2 can: Armstrong Representative.
Armstrong offers a free software program
which can eliminate the need for time-
■ Calculate humidification load.
consuming pencil-and-paper calculations.
■ Determine correct humidifier
The Armstrong Software Program 2 runs
model number.
on IBM PC or compatible MS-DOS
■ Determine correct orifice size.
computers. Once the user-friendly soft-
■ Indicate psychrometric properties
ware is loaded into your computer, the
of air.
program displays on your monitor a series
■ Calculate equivalent room humidity
of easy-to-understand questions about
from known duct conditions.
your humidification application.
■ Print the complete humidification
application specification.

Table 27-1. 70°F Primary Humidification Pounds of vapor required per Table 27-4. Maximum Room RH for Given Duct Conditions
hour per 100 CFM to secure desired RH at 70°F (outside air 75% saturated) Duct
Duct Room RH @ Temperature °F
Relative Humidity Desired Temperature Humidity
Outdoor °F (RH) 68° 70° 72° 75°

emp. 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 90% 47% 44% 41% 37%
50 85% 44% 41% 39% 35%
*30 1.165 1.510 1.855 2.200 2.545 2.891 3.236 3.581 80% 42% 39% 36% 33%
20 1.618 1.963 2.308 2.653 2.998 3.344 3.689 4.034 90% 57% 53% 49% 44%
55 85% 53% 50% 46% 42%
10 1.918 2.263 2.608 2.953 3.298 3.644 3.989 4.334 80% 50% 47% 44% 39%
0 2.111 2.456 2.801 3.146 3.591 3.837 4.182 4.527 90% 68% 63% 59% 53%
-10 2.233 2.578 2.923 3.268 3.613 3.959 4.304 4.649 60 85% 64% 60% 56% 50%
80% 60% 56% 52% 47%
-20 2.309 2.654 2.999 3.344 3.689 4.035 4.380 4.725

Table 27-2. 75°F Primary Humidification Pounds of vapor required per Table 27-5. Grains of Water Vapor per cu ft of Air at Various
hour per 100 CFM to secure desired RH at 75°F (outside air 75% saturated) Temperatures and Relative Humidities
Relative Humidity Desired Grains Grains per cu ft at
Air Relative Humidity Specified
Outdoor cu ft
Saturated 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 75%
emp. 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70%
80 11.04 3.86 4.42 4.97 5.52 6.07 6.62 7.18 8.28
*30 1.584 1.989 2.394 2.799 3.204 3.609 4.014 4.419 79 10.71 3.75 4.28 4.82 5.36 5.89 6.43 6.96 8.03
20 2.034 2.439 2.844 3.249 3.654 4.059 4.464 4.869 78 10.38 3.63 4.15 4.67 5.19 5.71 6.23 6.75 7.79
77 10.06 3.52 4.03 4.53 5.03 5.54 6.04 6.55 7.55
10 2.334 2.739 3.144 3.549 3.954 4.359 4.764 5.169 76 9.749 3.41 3.90 4.39 4.87 5.36 5.85 6.34 7.31
0 2.529 2.934 3.339 3.744 4.149 4.554 4.959 5.364 75 9.448 3.31 3.78 4.25 4.72 5.20 5.67 6.14 7.09
-10 2.652 3.057 3.462 3.867 4.272 4.677 5.082 5.487 74 9.153 3.20 3.66 4.12 4.58 5.03 5.49 5.95 6.86
73 8.867 3.10 3.55 3.99 4.43 4.88 5.32 5.76 6.65
-20 2.727 3.132 3.537 3.942 4.347 4.752 5.157 5.562 72 8.568 3.01 3.44 3.86 4.29 4.72 5.15 5.58 6.44
* When outdoor design temperatures exceed 30°F, use Table 27-5 entering 71 8.319 2.91 3.33 3.74 4.16 4.58 4.99 5.41 6.24
the table with both outdoor design temperature and outdoor design RH. 70 8.055 2.82 3.22 3.62 4.03 4.43 4.83 5.24 6.04
65 6.845 2.40 2.74 3.08 3.42 3.76 4.11 4.45 5.13
Table 27-3. Booster Humidification Pounds of vapor per hour per
100 CFM to secure desired relative humidity with no change in air temperature 60 5.795 2.03 2.32 2.61 2.90 3.19 3.48 3.77 4.35
55 4.889 1.71 1.96 2.20 2.44 2.69 2.93 3.18 3.67
Initial Condition Relative Humidity Desired 50 4.106 1.44 1.64 1.85 2.05 2.26 2.46 2.67 3.08
40 2.863 1.00 1.15 1.29 1.43 1.57 1.72 1.86 2.15
30 1.946 .58 .68 .78 .97 1.07 1.17 1.26 1.46
Temp. RH 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70%
20 1.242 .43 .50 .56 .62 .68 .75 .81 .93
10 .776 .27 .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .50 .58
70 35% .345 .690 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.07 2.42
0 .475 .17 .19 .21 .24 .26 .29 .31 .36
70 40% –– .345 .69 1.03 1.38 1.72 2.07 -10 .285 .10 .1 .13 .14 .16 .17 .19 .21
72 35% .368 .728 1.10 1.46 1.83 2.20 2.57 -20 .166 .06 1.07 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12
72 40% –– .368 .73 1.10 1.46 1.83 2.20 Steam required to add 1 gr per cu ft to 100 CFM: 6,000
= .857 lb/hr
75 35% .405 .810 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.43 2.84 100 x 60 = 6,000 cu ft per hour or 6,000 grains per hour. 7,000
75 40% –– .405 .81 1.22 1.62 2.03 2.43

Economizer Cycles Conditions
Fan coil air systems which mix return air Tables 28-1 and 28-3 below give the EXAMPLE
and outside air in varying amounts to percent of outside air required to main- Given conditions that 70°F return air
obtain a given final mixed air temperature tain desired mixed air temperature when temperature is mixed with outside air to
require special consideration in determin- out-side air temperature is as shown. produce 55°F constant mixed air temperature
ing maximum humidification loads. Table 28-1 is used when return air in duct. The design of the space being con-
(room air) temperature is at 70°F. Table ditioned is 70°F at 40% RH. Total volume
Systems of this type usually use a fixed 28-3 is for 75°F return air systems. of air through the fan system is 4,000 CFM.
minimum amount of outside air (approxi- Determine maximum humidification load.
mately 10%-30%) when outside air temp- Tables 28-2 and 28-4 can be used to
erature is at a maximum design (-10°F). determine maximum humidification load From Table 28-2 with 55°F mixed air
As the outside air temperature increases, at the given conditions of mixed air temperature and 40% RH space design, the
more outside air is mixed with return air temperature and required RH, assuming maximum humidification load is 8.4 pounds
to achieve a final mixed air temperature 50% RH OSA and 10% minimum OSA. per 1,000 CFM of total air volume. This
(55°F). Since humidification load is a maximum load occurs when the outside air
function of the amount of outside air NOTE: Consideration must be given to over- temperature is at 46°F. Multiplying 8.4 x 4
introduced (plus its moisture content) the saturating conditions in lower temperature results in total pounds per hour required in
maximum humidification requirement will systems. the 4,000 CFM system. Therefore maximum
occur at some outside air temperature humidification load becomes 33.6 pounds of
vapor per hour.
other than maximum design.

Table 28-1. With 70°F Return Air

Desired % Outside Air Required at Temperature Shown
Mixed Air
Temp. °F -10˚ 0˚ 5˚ 10˚ 15˚ 20˚ 25˚ 30˚ 35˚ 40˚ 45˚ 50˚ 55˚ 60˚ 65˚
50 25 29 31 33 36 40 45 50 57 67 80 100 –– –– ––
55 19 21 23 25 27 30 33 36 43 50 60 75 100 –– ––
60 12 14 15 17 18 20 22 25 29 33 40 50 67 100 ––
65 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 20 25 33 50 100
Table 28-2. With 70°F Return Air
Max. Humidification Load (given in lbs of vapor/hr/1,000 CFM of total air) Occurs at Outside Air Temp. Shown for Given Inside RH
Inside RH 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55%
Mixed Air Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max.
Temp. ˚F Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load
50 30 6.7 39 8.6 46 11.2 50 14.5 50 18.0* 50 21.5*
55 30 5.0 39 6.5 46 8.4 54 11.1 55 14.6 55 18.1*
60 30 3.3 39 4.3 46 5.6 54 7.4 60 10.5 60 14.0
65 0 1.9 0 2.2 46 2.8 54 3.7 65 5.7 65 9.2
Table 28-3. With 75°F Return Air
Desired % Outside Air Required at Temperature Shown
Mixed Air
Temp. °F -10˚ 0˚ 5˚ 10˚ 15˚ 20˚ 25˚ 30˚ 35˚ 40˚ 45˚ 50˚ 55˚ 60˚ 65˚
50 30 33 36 38 42 45 50 56 62 71 83 100 –– –– ––
55 23 26 28 31 33 36 40 44 50 57 67 80 100 –– ––
60 18 20 21 23 25 27 30 33 37 43 50 60 75 100 ––
65 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 29 33 40 50 67 100
Table 28-4. With 75°F Return Air
Max. Humidification Load (given in lbs of vapor/hr/1,000 CFM of total air) Occurs at Outside Air Temp. Shown for Given Inside RH
Inside RH 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55%
Mixed Air Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max. Outside Max.
Temp. ˚F Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load Air ˚F Load
50 35 9.7 43 12.6 50 16.4* 50 20.5* 50 24.7* 50 28.8*
55 35 7.8 43 10.1 50 13.1 55 17.0* 55 21.2* 55 25.4*
60 35 5.8 43 7.6 50 9.8 59 13.0 60 17.1 60 21.3*
65 35 3.9 43 5.1 50 6.5 59 8.6 65 12.3 65 16.5*
* Humidification loads will exceed 90% RH in duct at temperature indicated. Booster humidification is recommended.

Steam Humidifiers in Central Systems
Proper location, installation and control of Steam pressure to the humidifiers must be were located between the coil and the
humidifiers is essential to achieve totally kept relatively constant to assure sufficient fan, it might interfere with the temperature
satisfactory, trouble-free performance. capacity. Double-check to be sure you’re sensing bulb. The indicated use of a high-
The primary objective is to provide the not trying to put more moisture into the limit duct humidity controller shown is
required relative humidity without dripping, air stream than it can hold at its existing optional. It is advisable if the capacity of
spitting or condensation. Liquid moisture, temperature. Use of psychrometics can the humidifier at design loads could
even in the form of damp spots, cannot be be a helpful aid in determining moisture possibly overload air when outside air
tolerated in the system. Aside from the potential in your application. moisture content is higher than the design.
hazards to the structure caused by water The high-limit controller should be 10 to
in the ducts, there is an even more critical Proper location of humidifiers in the system 12 feet downstream from the humidifier.
health hazard if breeding grounds are is most important, although sometimes the Place the high-limit controller where it will
provided for bacteria. design of the system makes this difficult to see the same temperature as the humidi-
achieve. The following examples of typical fier. A cooler temperature at the humidifier
In addition to the need for proper humidi- systems demonstrate proper humidifier would allow saturation if the high-limit
fier design and performance, several other location. controller were in warmer air.
factors deserve close attention. The
humidifier must be the proper capacity for System 1 This is shown as a pneumatic control
the system; properly located in relation to This is a simple ventilating system. We system. The fan switch activates the
other components of the system; properly assume final duct air temperature to be control system and the electric pneumatic
installed and piped in a manner that will slightly above desired room temperature. relay bleeds air from the humidifier
not nullify all the other precautions taken. The desirable location of the steam actuator diaphragm when the fan is off.
In sizing humidifiers you should be sure jacketed distribution manifold of the The following examples also show
that they deliver the amount of steam per primary humidifier is downstream from the pneumatic control—if the systems were
hour called for in the design calculations. supply fan. This humidifier would be sized electric, control locations would remain
for maximum design load. If the humidifier the same.

System 1
Features of this system and
Figure 29-1.
the following systems include:
Ventilation system with primary humidification.
A. Accurate control is possible because of
immediate response of steam humidifier.
B. Control can be modulating electric or
Space Humidity Control pneumatic (shown).
Modulates Humidifier Valve C. No need for drain pans or eliminator
To Maintain Space RH 90% RH High-Limit Duct
Humidity Controller plates; makes location of humidifier
more flexible.
H D. Addition of moisture is accomplished
with no appreciable change in duct dry-
E-P Relay Bleeds Air From bulb temperature.
Humidifier Diaphragm When
Fan is Off
E. The humidifier’s integral steam jacketed
10'-12' control valve with parabolic plug is accurately
sized to meet capacity requirements.
Glossary of Symbols
T EA Exhaust air
RA T E-P relay Electric-Pneumatic relay
NO Supply H Humidity controller
OSA Fan M Damper motor
MA Mixed air
NC Normally closed
Humidifier With Steam NO Normally open
Fan Switch Energizes Jacketed Distribution Manifold OSA Outside air
Control System Sized For Max. Design Load RA Return air
T Temperature controller

Steam Humidifiers in Central Systems, Continued...

System 2
This is a typical 100% outside air system Again, the high-limit controller is optional closer moisture input control, particularly
with preheat and reheat coils. The preheat but generally recommended. when operating conditions vary consider-
coil heats outside air to a duct tempera- ably from design, thus preventing the
ture controlled at 50° to 60°F. The reheat System 3 possibility of overrun and duct saturation.
coil adds more sensible heat depending With milder outdoor air conditions, V-1 can
This system is similar to the previous
on the space heat requirement. Here the satisfy space conditions by introducing
one. It also shows 100% outside air and
desirable location for the primary humidi- only a portion of the total design capacity.
preheat and reheat coils. But here two
fier is downstream from the reheat coil to
humidifiers are used and are controlled in
introduce moisture into the highest level As the outdoor air becomes colder and
sequence from a single space or exhaust
of dry-bulb air temperature. drier, humidifier V-1 will not satisfy
air duct humidity controller. The two
demand so the V-2 unit starts to open in
humidifiers are indicated as V-1 and V-2.
Note the humidity controller location in response to the additional demand. This
the exhaust air duct. When a good pilot gives much closer control in all kinds of
V-1 will deliver one-third of the total
location for a humidity controller is not outside air conditions, as well as prevent-
capacity with a 4 to 7 psig spring range.
available in the space humidified, one ing a super-saturated condition in the duct
V-2 is sized for two-thirds of the capacity,
placed in the exhaust air duct as close at minimum design. Again the high-limit
with a spring range of 8 to 13 psig. This
to the outlet grille as possible serves the controller is optional but desirable.
sequencing control arrangement allows
purpose very well.

Glossary of Symbols
EA Exhaust air NC Normally closed
E-P relay Electric-Pneumatic relay NO Normally open
H Humidity controller OSA Outside air
M Damper motor RA Return air
MA Mixed air T Temperature controller

System 2 System 3
Figure 30-1. Figure 30-2.
100% OSA heat-vent system with primary humidification. 100% OSA heat-vent system with sequence control
on primary humidification.

90% RH High-Limit Duct

Humidity Controller
Exhaust Controller
Fan (Space or EA Duct)
EA 90% RH High-Limit Duct
EA Grille Humidity Controller H
E-P Relay 10'-12'
H Min.
Duct Controller Humidifiers—(V-1 has 1/3 Design
H Capacity, 4-7 psi Spring Range;
10'-12' V-2 Has 2/3 Capacity, V-2
E-P Relay 8-13 psi Spring Range
Supply Supply
T T Fan T T Fan V-1
100% OSA
OSA NC 50°-60° NC 50°-60°
M Preheat Reheat M
Preheat Reheat
Motor Motor

System 4 System 5
Here is another 100% outside air system. Here is a single zone packaged heating
This is an important combination because
In this case, the air leaving the preheat and ventilating unit with internal face and
the use of the primary unit allows the
coil is held at a constant dry-bulb tempera- by-pass dampers. The humidifier should
capacity of the booster unit to be small
ture in the 55° to 60°F range. This system be positioned downstream from the mixing
enough so that super saturation and
indicates the use of two humidifiers—one dampers so that moisture is introduced
visible moisture will not occur, even when
as a primary humidifier and the second as into the final leaving air temperatures of
the units are located as close as three feet
a booster or secondary humidifier. the heating ventilating unit. This location
from the discharge grille. Tests indicate
permits a high level of space relative
that with capacities in the 8 to 10 lbs/hr
This system allows a primary humidifier to humidity to be maintained without duct
range, three feet minimum distance will
be controlled directly from a duct humidity not produce visible vapor. saturation. It is a preferable location to just
controller at a level high enough to ahead of the coils because of higher air
maintain a space condition of about In this typical air handling system, it would temperature and better mixing conditions.
35% RH at a space temperature of 75°F. not be psychrometrically possible to intro- Again a high-limit controller is recom-
The booster unit, located downstream duce enough humidity into the air temper- mended to prevent possible duct satura-
from a reheat coil and fan, can then be ature downstream from the preheat coil to tion, installed 10 to 12 feet downstream
sized and controlled to produce the give the maximum required condition in from the humidifier.
necessary moisture to raise the space RH excess of 35% RH in the space. See
from 35% to some higher condition, say Example 2, page 13. The use of both primary
55%, where and when desired. This allows and booster humidifiers is the only method
individual humidity control for each zone for controlling the relative humidity in space
at a higher level than otherwise possible. at any level above approximately 35%.

System 4 System 5
Figure 31-1. Figure 31-2.
100% OSA heat-vent system with primary and booster humidification. Single zone heat-vent unit with internal face and by-pass
dampers—primary humidification.

Space Controller in
Zones With Booster To Other
Humidifier Maintaining 3' Zones
55% RH Min
Space Temp-Humidity
H T Controllers
Grille T H
E-P Relay Booster E-P Relay

Primary Humidifier 10'-12'

Maintains Duct RH at Min.
70% to Give 35% RH Low-Limit
in Zones Not Using T’Stat
Booster Humidifier Humidifier
100% Supply MA 55° C
OSA 55°-60° Fan C

M Preheat C
Motor Coils Dampers Min.
90% RH High-limit Controller

Steam Humidifiers in Central Systems, Continued...

System 6
This is a multi-zone heating/ventilating unit baffles between zone takeoff and sized supply fan—to ensure good air mixing and
with face and by-pass dampers on each for different conditions of relative humidity to allow the duct controller ample time to
zone. The example shows a method and in their respective sections. Booster sense the condition short of saturation.
location for primary humidification, but it humidifiers can be used in individual The use of multiple manifolds will help
should be restricted to design conditions zones for a higher relative humidity where provide good air mixing.
of “comfort humidification” of, say, 35%. required.
These systems are normally package Note that the primary humidifier in this
units and it is standard practice to incor- System 7 case should not be controlled from a
porate the humidifier ahead of the coils as space controller or an exhaust air duct
Here is a high-velocity dual duct system
shown. This location of the humidifier will controller, but rather from the supply duct
with primary and booster humidification
provide equal moisture distribution in hot controller as indicated. Since each zone
shown. Like System 6, above, the primary
or cold decks before heat zone takeoff, has its own temperature-controlled mixing
humidifier is capable of providing “comfort
but it does limit the amount of moisture box, a location of the primary humidifier
humidification” only—30% to 35% RH.
that can be added to the 55° air. Design controller in the space or exhaust duct
Because of space limitations, the primary
conditions above 35% RH risk impinge- could not provide accurate control.
humidifier, sized to maintain a duct
ment of visible vapor on the coils. See Further, the distance between the
condition of, say, 90% RH in the mixed
Example 2, page 13. humidifier and the controller could cause
air temperature, can be located as shown
delayed response or override.
ahead of the fan. The humidifier should be
With these units, it is sometimes possible
located as far as possible upstream—no
to use two humidifiers at this location with
closer than three feet from the face of the

Glossary of Symbols
EA Exhaust air NC Normally closed
E-P relay Electric-Pneumatic relay NO Normally open
H Humidity controller OSA Outside air
M Damper motor RA Return air
MA Mixed air T Temperature controller

System 6 System 7
Figure 32-1. Figure 32-2.
Multi-zone heat-vent unit with internal face and by-pass High-velocity dual duct system with primary and booster humidification.
dampers for each zone—primary humidification.

Motor M T
Hot Deck To
MA Supply Other
55° C
50°-55° Zones
C Two or More H
Cold Deck
Zones to Right
Humidifier of Line A-A
A Primary Humidifier Duct
Sized to Maintain Controller M
for Primary Mixing
E-P Relay Approx. 90% RH in Box
Mixed Air Humidifier
Controller Booster
H (Space or RA Duct) Humidifier 3'
From Grille
Space Humidity
Controller in Each
Zone Grille

Packaged Air Conditioner
Installations at the fan discharge. In some instances Recommended humidifier locations for
Humidifiers frequently must be installed in this may not be possible. Note that with a vertical discharge draw-thru type air
packaged central station air conditioners. the alternate location, the humidifier conditioner (Fig. 33-2) are identical to the
This can present some unusual location manifold is installed to discharge upward horizontal unit. If the alternate location
requirements due to the close quarters into the area of greatest air turbulence. must be used, a high-limit controller set at
This permits the air to achieve optimum 80% is desirable. The humidifier manifold
within the packaged units.
mixing before reaching the fan blades. should discharge upward, as with the
In the horizontal discharge draw-thru type A high-limit controller, set at 80%, should horizontal discharge unit.
packaged unit shown in Fig. 33-1, the be located as shown when the humidifier
recommended location of the humidifier is is installed at the alternate location.

Figure 33-1. Horizontal Discharge

With humidifier installed at recommended location, high-limit duct controller should be

set at 90% RH maximum—alternate location at 80% RH maximum.
80% RH


Alternate Recommended
Location Humidifier Location

Alternate Recommended
Location Humidifier Location

Figure 33-2. Vertical Discharge


80% RH




Steam Humidifiers in Central Systems, Continued...

In a low pressure blow-thru type, multi-zone, As with the draw-thru units, a high-limit In either high or low pressure systems,
packaged air conditioner (Fig. 34-1), the controller set at 90% should be installed. where the humidifier is installed at the
recommendations are much the same. In a high pressure blow-thru type pack- alternate location, set the high-limit
However, to avoid overloading the cold aged unit (Fig. 34-2), again the recom- humidity controller at 80% RH.
deck and to avoid impingement of mended location is as close to the fan as
discharge, the manifold is installed to possible, with the manifold discharging
discharge upward instead of directly into directly into the fan discharge. A high-limit
the fan discharge. controller set at 90% is desirable.

Figure 34-1. Low Pressure System



Alternate Location Recommended

Humidifier Location
Alternate Location Humidifier Location

Figure 34-2. High Pressure System

Alternate Location Humidifier Location


Alternate Location Humidifier Location

Installation Do’s and Don’ts
In discussing the systems, we mentioned When it is necessary to place the humidi- Always install distribution manifolds as
a few location “do’s and don’ts.” Let’s fier discharge into a packaged multi-zone far upstream from discharge air grilles
review these precautions that may help air handling system, install the distribution as possible—never less than three feet
to keep you out of trouble. For example, manifold into the center of the active air upstream. Less
whenever possible, install the distribution flow and as close to the fan discharge Than 3'
manifold downstream from coils. If you as possible.
have more than three feet of distance

Discharge Grille
available between the manifold and the
coil on the upstream side, the manifold Dead Air Don’t
can be installed at this location (greater
than three feet for higher velocity systems).

less than 3' 10" Min. Do Don’t

Always size and install the distribution
Coils manifold to span the widest dimension
Don’t Do
of the duct section.
Do not install a distribution manifold closer
than 10 feet upstream from a temperature
controller or you may get false signals.
When it is necessary to place the humidi- Than
fier in the coil section ahead of the fan, 10'
locate the manifold in the most active air
flow and as far upstream from the fan inlet
as possible.
A Do
Dead Air
Duct Temp.
Do Don’t
Always select the stream distribution


manifold length that will span the

The distribution manifold should never maximum width of the duct.
be placed within three feet of an air fan
intake. The best location is at the fan
A Less Do
Than 3'

Don’t Don’t Do

Do Elevation
The manifold should never be installed
vertically downward from the humidifier.
Section A A
This presents a condensate drainage
problem in the jacket of the manifold.
Don’t risk restriction of the air flow in ducts Don’t Vertical upward installation is permissible.
8" or less in depth. Use an expanded
section as shown. Don’t
8" or Less
Whenever possible, install the distribution
manifold into the center of the duct.

Don’t Do

NOTE: All dimensions shown in the above figures are based on duct temperature of 65°F or higher and duct velocities of 800 ft/min, or lower.
If duct air is cooler or velocities are higher, these dimensions should be greater or multiple manifolds considered.

Application of Unit Humidifiers for Direct Discharge
A survey of your requirements should be Typical Problem:
taken to determine the amount of steam Design outdoor temperature 0°F Step IV: What size humidifier to use. For
needed for humidification, the number, Indoor temperature 70°F this example, a large number of smaller
size and type of units required, and the RH required 40% capacity units is recommended. Larger
location of both humidifier and humidity Air changes per hour 2 capacity units could cause condensation
controllers. Steam pressure available 5 psi on the low ceiling. Also, because of the
large floor area, the humidistats for fewer
Room size 400' x 160' with 10' ceiling units would be widely spaced which could
Sizing and Location with Natural ventilation result in less accurate control than
Natural Ventilation Heated by: Unit heaters-fan on-off desirable.
These are the average industrial humid- control
ification applications with: Step V: What type humidifier to use.
Step I: Steam required for humidification. In this example, integral fan units are
Room temperatures—65° to 80°F. Our room contains (400' x 160' x 10') or preferable to steam jet units installed in
Relative humidities—35% to 80%. 640,000 cu ft. conjunction with unit heaters. Since the
Natural ventilation—i.e., infiltration around unit heater fans are on or off to control
windows and doors. From the 70°F Table 36-1, read across temperature, it follows that the humidist
from 0°F outside temperature to the 40% at may call for steam when the nearest unit
RH column where you find the figure .409 heater is not running. With the low ceiling,
Selection Data Required lbs of steam/hour per 1,000 cu ft of space the discharge from a steam jet humidifier
Minimum Outdoor Temperature: For for each air change. Then, 640 times .409 might rise to the ceiling and produce
most jobs, figure 10°F above the lowest times 2 equals 524 lbs of steam/hour condensation. Therefore, the integral fan
recorded temperature for your locality. installed humidification capacity required. type should be used.
The lowest temperatures are seldom
encountered for more than a few hours. Step II: Electric or air-controlled units. Step VI: Location of humidifiers. Several
■ Indoor Temperature The large floor area calls for multiple patterns are possible, and actual location
■ RH Desired humidifiers. No explosion hazard has can usually conform with the existing
■ Pressure of Steam Available for been specified so use of air-controlled steam supply and return lines to make an
Humidification units is not required. Electric units are economical installation with a minimum
■ Number of Cubic Feet in Room recommended. of new piping.
■ Air Changes Per Hour: air changes
taking place under average conditions Step III: Number of humidifiers for job.
exclusive of air provided for ventilation Divide steam required by capacity of
or regain of hygroscopic materials. humidifiers at steam pressure available.

Rooms, 1 side exposed 1

Rooms, 2 sides exposed 1 1/ 2
Rooms, 3 or 4 sides exposed 2
Rooms with no windows or
outside doors / 2 - 3/ 4

Pounds of steam per hour, per air change for each 1,000 cu ft of space to secure desired indoor
relative humidity at 70°F with various outdoor temperatures (outside air 75% saturated).
Table 36-1. 70°F Humidification
70°F—Relative Humidity Desired Indoors—70°F
Temp. 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75%

*30 .079 .136 .194 .251 .309 .367 .424 .482 .539 .597 .654
20 .154 .212 .269 .327 .385 .441 .499 .557 .615 .672 .730
10 .204 .262 .319 .377 .434 .492 .549 .607 .665 .722 .780
0 .237 .294 .352 .409 .467 .524 .582 .639 .697 .754 .812
-10 .257 .314 .372 .430 .487 .545 .602 .660 .717 .775 .832
-20 .270 .327 .385 .442 .500 .557 .615 .672 .730 .787 .844

In our problem of a 400' x 160' x 10' room, Sizing and Location with Where the capacity of fan or fans is not
there would likely be steam lines along known, air changes can be measured with
both sides of the room, and humidifiers Forced Ventilation velometer readings at all open doors,
can be located as shown in black in Fig. Typical Jobs: Mill and sanding rooms elevator shafts, etc. leading to the room
37-1. If the supply lines run down the in furniture factories. Here, the problem and with fans operating at full capacity.
center of the room the colored line pattern of selecting and installing humidifiers is Your Armstrong Representative can
would be practical. Runouts to integral fan much the same as previously described determine air changes for you.
units in a 160' wide room would be about except for:
20' long. If the room were only 60 or 80 Humidifier Location: Bear in mind
feet wide, runouts need be no longer than 1.Determining the number of air changes. that humidifiers will have to control the
required for actual hookup. humidity 24 hours a day, seven days a
2.Location of humidifiers and humidistats. week during the heating season. Exhaust
Step VII: Location of humidistat. This fans may operate only 40 hours or 80
should be from 20 to 30 feet away from Air Changes: These can be determined hours per week. Thus the humidifiers and
the humidifier and slightly to one side of from the exhaust fans’ capacities. The humidistats must be located for good
the air stream from the unit. The humidi- cubic feet per hour capacity of the fans, distribution of humidity during fan-off
stat should “see” its humidifier and be in divided by the cubic feet of space to be periods as well as when the fans are
“active” air. Do not hide it behind a post humidified, will give the number of air operating.
or in the channel of an H-beam. It must changes.
get a good sample of the air to control
the humidity.

Figure 37-1. Where practical, locate

humid-ifiers to minimize piping. Locations
shown in black where steam supply lines
are along outer walls; in color where
supply is in center of room.

Figure 37-2. Outlines a typical requirement. Pounds of steam required per hour per air change for each 1,000 cu ft of space to secure desired
Schematic layout of humidifiers in wood- indoor relative humidity at 75°F with various outdoor temperatures (outside air 75% saturated).
working plant where exhaust fans are used. Table 37-1. 75°F Humidification
Arrows indicate air flow induced by fans.
75°F—Relative Humidity Desired Indoors—75°F
Humidifiers are sized for load conditions Outdoor
imposed by fan. Humidifiers are located to give Temp. 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75%
uniform distribution of humidity when fans are
off or when fans are running. *30 .129 .196 .264 .331 .399 .466 .533 .601 .668 .736 .803
20 .204 .271 .339 .406 .474 .541 .609 .676 .744 .811 .879
10 .254 .321 .389 .456 .524 .591 .659 .726 .794 .861 .929
F 0 .286 .354 .421 .489 .556 .624 .691 .759 .826 .894 .961
-10 .307 .374 .442 .509 .577 .644 .711 .779 .846 .914 .981
-20 .319 .387 .454 .522 .589 .657 .724 .792 .859 .927 .994
NOTE: When outdoor design temperatures exceed 30°F, use Table 5-1.

Application of Unit Humidifiers for Direct Discharge, Continued...

Sizing for High or Low Explosion Hazard Special Purpose Industrial

Temperature Humidification Humidification Applications
Where air temperatures are well above Sizing air-operated humidifiers for areas In some industrial operations, a stratum of
75°F or below 70°F, it is impractical to when explosion hazard exists is done high relative humidity is required in close
use Tables 36-1 or 37-1. Humidification exactly as for other requirements except proximity to a fast moving sheet or film of
requirements must be figured from Table that they should be sized for the most paper, thin gauge plastic, fabric, cello-
5-1, page 5, showing grains of water per severe conditions of makeup air, RH phane, etc. The objective may be to
cu ft of saturated air at various tempera- required and minimum steam pressure. prevent accumulation of static electricity
tures. Typical problem: How much steam charges, or to prevent loss of moisture
per hour is required to humidify 60,000 cu ft Humidifiers should be located to get the from the material. If the sheet or film is
of space with four air changes per hour best possible dispersal and distribution hot, as it very well might be, it tends to
to 40% RH when the air temperature is of vapor in the area. give up its moisture very quickly. By using
90°F? Assume that any makeup air will steam shower humidifiers expressly
come from outdoors at 0°F, 75% saturated. adapted for this application to create a
laminar zone of high humidity adjacent
90°F saturated air = 14.9 gr/cu ft saturated = 5.976 gr/cu ft at 40% RH to the sheet, moisture loss is prevented
and moisture content of the material is
Outdoor air 0°F saturated = .475 gr/cu ft properly maintained.

75% saturated = .356 gr/cu ft For this application, the humidifier must be
interlocked with the drive of the machine,
5.976 minus .356 = 5.620 grains to be added per cu ft and it is essential that the steam be
discharged in a dry state, with no water
5.620 X 1,000 = .803 lb per M cu ft per air change droplets or liquid spray.

NOTE: 7,000 gr = 1 lb

With four air changes in a 60,000 cu ft

room, then .803 x 60 x 4, or 193 lbs steam
would be required per hour. Humidifier
capacity required for temperatures below
70°F is determined in exactly the same

NOTE: For high temperature air in

particular, air volume changes dramatically
with RH. Armstrong Software Program 2
will provide greater accuracy in humidifier
sizing for these applications.

Your humidification needs can be The Armstrong organization includes to you the vast knowledge and experience
met if you follow Armstrong’s five specialists–from researchers to applica- of the entire organization. We urge you to
basic guidelines: tion engineers–in every aspect of involve your Armstrong Representative in
humidification. Armstrong International the initial planning of your system for a
1. Evaluate the requirements has been successfully solving humidi- greater payoff in efficiency and economy.
of the system. fication problems for over 60 years.
2. Select the most suitable medium. When you contact your local Armstrong
3. Size the humidifiers properly. Representative, he will make available
4. Locate and install the humidifiers
5. Employ suitable humidity controllers
also properly located.

Armstrong Humidification Literature, Software and Videos

Product Literature: Installation Bulletins: Video Tapes:
Catalog 504 Bulletin 544 It’s the Humidity
Series 9000 and 1000 Conditioned-Steam Series 9000 and 1000 Humidifiers This video tape covers the essentials of
Humidifiers for air handling systems and for Air Handling Systems humidity and outlines the primary reasons
direct area humidification for humidity control.
Bulletin 549
Bulletins 570 & 571 Series 9000 Humidifiers Improving Humidification
Series CS-10 for Direct Area Humidification with the Series 9000
Steam-to-Steam Humidifiers This tape discusses the design of the
Bulletin IB-87 Armstrong Series 9000 Conditioned-Steam
Bulletin 514 Series CS/CSE humidifiers and explains why it’s the key to
Series EHU-700 Steam-to-Steam Humidifiers efficient and reliable steam humidification.
Electronic Steam Humidifiers
Bulletin 527 Series EHU-700
Bulletin 516 Series EHU-700 This tape demonstrates the installation,
Series EHU-600 Solutions for Electronic Steam Humidifiers start-up and maintenance of the
Sensitive Environments Armstrong Series EHU-700
Bulletin 526 Electronic Steam Humidifier.
Bulletin 581 Series EHU-600 Solutions
Series HC-4000 HumidiClean™ for Sensitive Environments Ionic Bed Technology
with patented ionic bed technology Ionic bed technology is the problem-solving
Bulletin 537 key that makes Armstrong’s HumidiClean™
Bulletin 565 Series HC-4000 line of humidifiers unique. This tape
HumidiPack® HumidiClean™ with patented explains how these patented ionic
Steam Humidifier System ionic bed technology beds work.

Computer Software: Bulletin 560

Software Program 2 HumidiPack®
Humidifier Sizing and Selection Steam Humidifier System


ASHRAE Handbook, 1988— IBM Installation Planning Manual, April, 1973.

Equipment Volume.
Obert, Edward F. Thermodynamics, 1948.
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 1989.
Static Electricity, National Fire Protection
ASHRAE Handbook and Product Directory, Association. 1941. U.S. National Bureau
1987—Systems and Applications Volume. of Standards.

Application Engineering Service
Representative/Factory Assistance Computerized Sizing
Armstrong Representatives have years of practical Given the basic parameters of an installation,
experience in solving humidification problems. Armstrong humidification specialists can use
What’s more, they’re experts at assessing your computers to quickly size equipment for efficient
humidification needs. Backing the Representatives, humidification, especially when complex econo-
of course, are Armstrong humidification specialists mizer systems are involved. In addition, you may
who are available to assist with difficult or unusual request a free copy of Armstrong’s Software
problems. Program 2 (Humidifier Sizing and Selection)
for step-by-step sizing of your own installation.
Installation/Operation Manuals
Armstrong provides detailed instruction materials Seminar Facilities
to assist customers in the proper installation and Armstrong conducts comprehensive steam energy
operation of Armstrong steam equipment. conservation seminars at locations in the United
States. Contact your Armstrong Representative
Application Data Sheets for more information or to schedule a seminar.
Thorough but concise application data sheets
are provided by Armstrong for many of its steam

Limited Warranty and Remedy

Armstrong International, Inc. warrants to the original The sole and exclusive remedy with respect to the above
user that those products supplied by it and used in the limited warranty or with respect to any other claim
service and in the manner for which they are intended relating to the products or to defects or any condition or
shall be free from defects in materials and workman- use of the products supplied by Armstrong International,
ship for a period of one (1) year after installation, but Inc. however caused, and whether such claim is based
not longer than fifteen (15) months from date of ship- upon warranty, contract, negligence, strict liability or any
ment. Except as may be expressly provided for in a other theory, is limited to Armstrong International, Inc.’s
written agreement between Armstrong International, repair or replacement of the part or product, excluding
Inc. and the user, which is signed by both parties, any labor or any other cost to remove or install said part
Armstrong International, Inc. DOES NOT MAKE ANY or product or, at Armstrong International, Inc.’s option, to
OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, repayment of the purchase price. Notice of any such claim
EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT must be given in writing to Armstrong International, Inc.
LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MER- within fifteen months after the first installation or use of
CHANTABILITY OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF the products. In no event shall Armstrong International,
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Inc. be liable for special, direct, indirect, incidental or
consequential damages, including, but not limited to, loss
of use or profits or to interruption of business activity.

© 1995 Armstrong International, Inc.

Armstrong humidifiers, steam traps, strainers and trap

parts are stocked locally by Armstrong Representatives
and by many leading industrial distributors.

Armstrong International, Inc.

816 Maple Street, P.O. Box 408, Three Rivers, Michigan 49093 - USA Phone: (616) 273-1415 Fax: (616) 278-6555
Parc Industriel Des Hauts-Sarts, B-4040 Herstal/Liege, Belgium Phone: (04) 2409090 Fax: (04) 2481361
Steam Traps \ Humidifiers \ Steam Coils \ Valves \ Water Heaters \ Air Vents \ Pumping Traps
Handbook HB-501 30M 11/97 Printed in U.S.A.

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