Khandani Questions of Islamic Studies Extraction by Mahar Mazhar Abbas
Khandani Questions of Islamic Studies Extraction by Mahar Mazhar Abbas
Khandani Questions of Islamic Studies Extraction by Mahar Mazhar Abbas
There are 114 Surahs (28 Madni and 86 Makki), 7 Whose responsibility is to blow the trumpet on the
stages (manzil), 14 bows (sajda), 6666 Ayats, 558 Day of Judgement? Hazrat Israfeel
Rukus, 29 Mukata’t, 30 parts (siparay) in Holy Whose duty is to protect and to bring rains?
Quran. Hazrat Mekael
First Kalma is Tayyabah, Second Kalma is Jibraeel is referred in Quran as Ar-rooh. In Quran
Shahadat, Third Kalma is Tamjeed, Fourth Kalma Rooh-al-Qudus is Jibrael it means Holy Spirit. In
is Tauheed, Fifth Kalma is Istigfaar. And Sixth Quran Rooh-al-Ameen is Jibrael.
Kalma is Radd-e-Kufr. Seven angles are mentioned in Quran. Hazart
The names of Islamic months are as follows: . Jibraeel mentioned in Quran 3 times
1Muharram, 2.Safar, 3.Rabi al-Awwal, 4.Rabi al- Shah Waliullah Translated Holy Quran in Persian
Thani, 5.Jumada al-Awwal, 6.Jumada al-Thani, and Shah Rafiuddin in Urdu in 1776.
7.Rajab, 8.Sha'ban, 9.Ramadan, 10.Shawwal, Taurat is the first Holy Book which was revealed
11.Dhul-Qa'dah 12.Dhul-Hijjah. to Holy Prophet Hazart Musa (A.S)
Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah. Al-Namal Zubur is the second Holy Book was revealed to
contains two Bismillahs (2nds one is at aayat Hazrat Daud (A.S)
no:30). Injeel (Bible) is the Holy Book of Christians which
Namaz-e-Khasoof is offered for Moon Eclipse. revealed to Hazart Isa (A.S).(means- good news)
Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered for Solar Eclipse. Quran is the Holy Book of Muslims which
Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered for Rain. revealed to Muhammad (PBUH).
Istalam is kissing of Hajr Aswad. Old Testament is the Torait. New Testament is
Tehlil means the recitation of Kalima. Injeel. Psalms is Zuboor. Gospal is Injeel. Prophet
First Ghazwa Abwa (2 hajjri) and last Ghazwa is called Farqaleet in Injeel.
Tabuk (9 hajjri) in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) How many years it took to complete the revelation
participated. of Holy Quran on Holy Prophet (PBUH)? 22 years
Surah Alaq was the first Surah revealed on 18th 5 month 14 days (13 years Makki and 10 years
Ramzan ( Five verses were reveled in the first Madni)
wahi) Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed "Hujjat-ul-Wada"
Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah with 286 Ayats and in 632 AD (10th Hajjri)
40 Rukus. (most commandments in Al-Baqrah) First institution of Islam is Suffah. (Dar e Arkm-
Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah with 3 Ayats. Al- the residency of Abdullah bin Umer (R.A)
Kausar relates to death of Qasim and Hazrat First collection of Ahadith is Sahifah-e-Saadiqa.
Abdullah. Oldest mosque on earth is Kaabatullah.
Abdullah bin Abbas is called the “Tarjumanul Janatul Baki is situated in Madina. JANAT UL
Quran”.(also called mufsar Quran,Bahar al ilm) MOALA is a graveyard in MECCA.
Hazrat Usman is called the “Jamay Quran”. Masjid-e-Hanif is located in Mina.
26 prophets mentioned in holy Quran. Al-Nass is the last surah. Al- Nasr is known as
6 Surah start with the name of prophets. Surah Widah.
The first revelation came to the Prophet (pbuh) in First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha.
Ghare Hera (cave Hera). Fatiha is also called Ummul Kitab. First surah
Cave Hera is in Jabl-e-Noor (Noor Mountain) on revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha. Surah
the road to Mina about 3 miles to the East of Holy Fatiha revealed twice-in Makkah & Madina. Al-
Macca. Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran. (First
Gate-keeper of hell Malik. Gate-keeper of heaven complete Madni Surah is Baqarah)
Rizwan. The Earth and the Heaven were created by Allah
Only Sahabi mentioned in Quran Zaid bin Haris in 6 days; it is described in Surah Yunus.
(mention in surah Ahzab) Zaid bin Thabit collected the Quran in the form of
12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran. (Total Book.
Ghazawahs- 27) Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy
Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran. Quran.
Saloos-ul-Quran is Surah Ikhlas. Last revelation descended on 3rd Rabi-ul Awal
Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran (also (11 Hajri) and it was written by Abi- Bin Kab.
called Bride of Quran and Aroos ul Quran). The word "Quran" literally means ''The Book being
Name of Muhammad is mentioned in Quran for 4 read repeatedly"
times. On which date, the event of Miraj Sharif was took
Who is the incharge of taking the life of living place? 27 Rajab ( In Bani Israeel and Al-Najaf the
things? Hazrat Izrael event of Miraj is explained)
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