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Worksheet 2- Transfer of Charge (20 points)
Show all work – multiple choice answers “MUST be proven” for full
credit! (show your solution!!!)

1. Three identical metal spheres are used for an experiment. 2. A positively charged sphere is brought into contact with a
Before the experiment begins the charges on the spheres are as ground. In the diagram below sketch an arrow to show the
follows: direction in which electrons flow between the sphere and the
Sphere Charge (C)
A -4.0 charged
B -8.0 sphere
C +9.0 connection to

a. Determine the total charge on the three spheres and

enter it in the table above.

b. Spheres A and B are touched together then

separated. Sphere C is not involved in this step. What 3. A negatively charged rod is used to charge a neutral
are the charges on the three spheres (and the total object by conduction. The overall charge on the object
charge) after this step? will become
Sphere Charge (C)
(1) positive (2) negative (3) neutral
B Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

c. Next, spheres B and C are touched together then

separated. Sphere A is not involved in this step. What
are the charges on the three spheres (and the total 4. A negatively charged rod is brought near a neutral object
charge) after this step? without touching it. The overall charge on the object will
Sphere Charge (C) become
(1) positive (2) negative (3) neutral
C Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

d. Finally, all three spheres are touched together at the

same time then separated. What are the charges on
the three spheres (and the total charge) after this step?
Sphere Charge (C) 5. A positively charged rod is used to charge a neutral
A object by induction. The overall charge on the object
B will become
Total (1) positive (2) negative (3) neutral

Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

6. Which diagram best represents the charge distribution on
the spheres x, y, and z when a positively charged rod is
brought near sphere x without touching it?

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

7. Which diagram best represents the charge distribution on

a neutral electroscope when a negatively charged rod is
held near it?

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

8. A positively charged object is used to give an electroscope

a negative charge. The electroscope was charged by

(1) contact (3) induction

(2) conduction (4) reduction

Proof: Explain your reasoning or cite an electrostatics rule.

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