The Role of Management Control Systems and Top Teams in Implementing Environmental Sustainability Policies

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The Role of Management Control Systems and Top
Teams in Implementing Environmental
Sustainability Policies
David Naranjo-Gil
Departamento de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad, Universidad Pablo de Olavide,
Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 41013 Sevilla, Spain; [email protected]; Tel.: +34-954-349-847

Academic Editors: Pauline Deutz and Marc A. Rosen

Received: 8 January 2016; Accepted: 6 April 2016; Published: 12 April 2016

Abstract: This paper simultaneously examines how the design of management control systems and
top management team composition help organizations to implement environmental sustainability
policies successfully. It also analyzes the effect of those policies on both short-term and long-term
performance. A questionnaire was sent to every member of top management teams in 231 public
hospitals in Spain. It obtained 457 useful responses from TMT members, allowing us to collect
data on 81 full top management teams (35.06%). The partial least squares statistical technique was
used to test the causal research model. It was found that the implementation of environmental
sustainability policies has a negative effect on short-term organizational performance and a positive
effect on long-term performance. The results show that management control systems and top
management team diversity have a complementary effect on implementing policies focused on
environmental sustainability. A broad design of management control systems helps organizations
adopt sustainability policies to achieve long-term performance. It was also found that top
management team diversity mitigates the negative effect of adopting environmental sustainability
policies on short-term organizational performance.

Keywords: implementation of environmental sustainability policies; management control system

design; top management team; short-term and long-term performance

1. Introduction
Many organizations across various industries are adopting environmental sustainability policies
and practices to reduce costs and increase quality [1,2]. This is especially relevant in the public
healthcare sector, where the new public management paradigm serves as a common heading of
strategic initiatives that many hospitals have taken to deliver greater efficiency and more responsive
public services [3,4]. The benefits of sustainability are more important than ever before, as the health
care environment has shifted from a volume-based market to a value-based market [4]. Environmental
sustainability policies offer significant financial and environmental benefits for hospitals; for example,
by purchasing energy-efficient refrigeration facilities, laundry equipment and data centers, hospitals
contribute to cutting energy consumption, which reduces utility costs and helps the environment
by reducing the amount of natural resources used. Furthermore, by implementing environmental
sustainability policies, hospitals not only contribute to a healthier environment but also improve
population health by reducing pollution and reducing the use of community resources such as water
and energy [4,5]. For example, hospitals are organizations that use a lot of energy (e.g., refrigeration
facilities, food services or computer centers), so the adoption of an energy efficiency policy—a major
environmental sustainability strategy—can reduce costs and improve efficiency and performance
in the long-term [6,7]. However, the implementation of these environmental initiatives often fails

Sustainability 2016, 8, 359; doi:10.3390/su8040359

Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 2 of 12

in the short term, leading to poor performance and wasted resources in many organizations [7,8].
The coexistence of performance gain and loss is likely to yield confounding evidence concerning the
success of the implementation of environmental sustainability policies [9,10].
The implementation of environmental sustainability practices requires a combination of
coordination and decentralization within the organization [7,11], and management control systems
that stimulate fluent working relationships between different levels of organizational functions.
Management accounting research has tried to identify the managerial factors that facilitate strategy
implementation to enhance both short-term and long-term performance [12,13]. It is argued that the
availability of a broader set of management information facilitates and encourages managerial debates
and interactions on strategic issues, which are necessary conditions for adopting strategic policies
successfully [14,15].
Strategy management research argues that the composition of the top management team affects
the strategy implementation in firms [16,17]. Previous research has focused on the psychological
attributes and observable experiences of top managers as a team, since strategic decisions are often
made and implemented through dynamic processes where managers interact, consult and debate
with each other. Along these lines, Hambrick [17] argued that heterogeneous TMTs, consisting
of managers with varying skills and demographic profiles, can explain the differences in strategic
choices, innovativeness and performance of the firms [18,19]. By combining insights from the strategy
management literature and the management accounting literature, the general objective of this paper
is to simultaneously analyze how top management teams and management control systems are able to
deal with the implementation of environmental sustainability policies, and to handle the conflicting
demands of enhancing short-term and long-term performance.
Data were collected from 81 top management teams of 231 Spanish hospitals in a survey-based
study. The Spanish government has encouraged hospitals and management teams to reorganize
their activities and adopt environmental sustainability practices; therefore, this setting provided a
good chance to analyze how top teams manage strategic change [20]. Overall the results showed a
complementary moderating effect of top management team diversity and broad design of management
control systems on the relationship between environmental sustainability implementation and both
short-term and long-term performance.
This paper makes several contributions to management literature. First, we examined the separate
impact of top team diversity and the design of management control systems on implementing
environmental sustainability policies. Second, this paper analyzed the complementary effect of
management control and organizational mechanisms on strategic performance, so we answer recent
calls in the strategic management literature for a better understanding of the processes and arrangement
through which organizations implement new strategic policies. Third, despite considerable attention
to the relationship between environmental sustainability policies and performance, this is the first
study, of which the author is aware, that simultaneously examined the effect of the adoption of
environmental sustainability policies on both short-term and long-term organizational performance.
Finally, the results from this paper also have practical contributions. Authorities responsible for
appointing hospital managers should pay increased attention to the diversity of characteristics among
members of the top team. Authorities should also encourage the adoption of comprehensive designs
of management control systems in hospitals, since they are key aspects to thriving in the health care
environment of the present and future.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. First, we develop our hypotheses about
the relationship between top management team diversity, management control system design,
environmental sustainability polices and performance. Next we describe the empirical study and after
that present the results. The final section contains a discussion of the findings and the conclusion of
the study.
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2. Hypotheses Development
Top management teams are considered to have the potential to achieve strategy implementation
and make the organizations more effective [21,22]. The adoption of environmental sustainability
policies often requires that top management teams redefine goals and functions, which can create a level
or uncertainty for subordinates as to priorities on which to focus their attention in the short-term [16,17].
Furthermore, the implementation of environmental sustainability practices often requires adjustments
in related parts of the organization, such as marketing, technology or production, causing coordination
and interdependence uncertainty that complicates change [1,8,23]. The upper-echelon theory argues
that the composition of the top management team affects the strategic choices of the organization
and the success of those choices [17,24]. Authors following upper echelon tradition have argued that
demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, tenure, educational and functional background are
indicative of underlying cognitive and affective managerial characteristics that determine the decisions
of management teams, which subsequently affect organizational performance [25,26]. Recently
upper echelon literature has focused on the heterogeneity of top management teams (TMT), where
several authors have shown that heterogeneity provides TMTs with a greater variety of professional
perspectives, types of knowledge and decision-making styles [27,28]. This should result in more
ideas and more creativity in the development of environmental strategic actions. In this regard,
several authors have argued that heterogeneous TMTs, consisting of managers with varying skills and
demographic profiles, can explain the relationship between strategic policy implementation, control
and organizational performance [25,28,29].
The adoption of new environmental sustainability policies and practices puts great demands
on organizations and their management teams, resulting in a threat to organizations’ short-term
performance [30,31]. Diverse TMTs can better deal with the resulting coordination problems,
since they have a more comprehensive view of the formal structures and informal networks in
the organization [16,27], and thus they can avoid frictions that might prevent the organization
from performing optimally in the short-term. A diverse TMT will also have better skills to
search for solutions from a variety of sources, as determined by their background and cognitive
make-up [28,29]. The diversity of experience and knowledge spurs top managers to gather and
process more comprehensive and varied alternatives, which helps them to react promptly to the lack of
coordination that causes the adoption of new strategic policies [32,33]. Heterogeneous TMTs are found
to be broader-minded and to have a larger portfolio to quickly respond to new demands [28,33,34].
Furthermore heterogeneous TMTs are demonstrated to have a richer knowledge about organizational
processes, which let them to provide fast service [16,17,24]. Thus, in the implementation of strategic
policies, a diverse TMT is more likely to react and face problems better in the short term than the long
term. Therefore, we formulate the following hypothesis:

H1: TMT diversity moderates the relationship between the implementation of environmental
sustainability policies and performance, such that the relationship will be more positive in
short-term performance than in long-term performance.

The implementation of environmental sustainability policies typically involves significant breaks

from organizational inertia and past routines and includes functional changes as well [9,35]. For
example, developing or enhancing an organization’s recycling program, implementing a battery
recycling program or adopting a “cost, quality, outcomes” approach to purchasing, which considers
the purchase price as well as quality for patient care, facility operations and maintenance costs, disposal
costs and other factors. Thus, organizations are required to learn new routines, and this situation
impose additional demands on the organization’s information processing capabilities [13,36]. For
environmental sustainability implementation to result in improved organizational outcomes, it will
be necessary for organizations to adopt broad management control systems. Management control
systems can be defined as the formal, information-based routines and procedures managers use to
influence and motivate subordinates to perform organizational activities and to achieve strategic goals
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(e.g., balanced scorecard, budget, activity based costing, etc.). These control systems provide
These  control  systems  provide  top  managers  with  a  comprehensive  range  of  management 
top managers with a comprehensive range of management information that facilitates strategy
information that facilitates strategy implementation and performance achievement, such as financial 
implementation and performance achievement, such as financial and operational information and
and operational information and information about external and internal events [37,38]. In studies on 
information about external and internal events [37,38]. In studies on the relationship between
the relationship between management control systems (MCS) and strategy, MCS has been defined in 
management control systems (MCS) and strategy, MCS has been defined in terms of the scope
terms of the scope of available information [13,38]. Scope refers to the type and extension of MCS 
of available information [13,38]. Scope refers to the type and extension of MCS information in
information  in  time  and  space.  Narrow‐scope  information  is  derived  from  financial  information, 
time and space. Narrow-scope information is derived from financial information, internal to the
internal to the organization and with a historic orientation. Alternatively, broad‐scope information 
organization and with a historic orientation. Alternatively, broad-scope information also includes
also includes external, non‐financial and future oriented information. Broad‐scope MCS information 
external, non-financial and future oriented information. Broad-scope MCS information facilitates
facilitates organizational adaptation, flexibility and performance achievement [38,39]. 
organizational adaptation, flexibility and performance achievement [38,39].
Environmental sustainability implementation is generally believed to be essential for funding 
Environmental sustainability implementation is generally believed to be essential for funding
and  resource  allocation  among  programs,  which  is  viewed  as  a  critical  success  factor  for  the 
and resource allocation among programs, which is viewed as a critical success factor for the
continuance of delivery of services, especially from the nonprofit perspective [3,11,40]. The adoption 
continuance of delivery of services, especially from the nonprofit perspective [3,11,40]. The adoption of
of environmental sustainability policies and practices involves venturing into new routines, whose 
environmental sustainability policies and practices involves venturing into new routines, whose
unpredictability  requires  broad‐scope  information  and  more  sophisticated  management  control 
unpredictability requires broad-scope information and more sophisticated management control
systems to succeed [23,39]. The availability of a broader set of information encourages managerial 
systems to succeed [23,39]. The availability of a broader set of information encourages managerial
debates  and  interactions  on  strategic  issues  and  facilitates  organizations  to  achieve  long‐term  goals 
debates and interactions on strategic issues and facilitates organizations to achieve long-term
[36,41]. Accounting mechanisms and structure changes slowly in organizations, and MCS design is 
goals [36,41]. Accounting mechanisms and structure changes slowly in organizations, and MCS
likely  to  change  slowly  in  organizations  [13,40].  Thus  a  broad  MCS  design  is  likely  to  better 
design is likely to change slowly in organizations [13,40]. Thus a broad MCS design is likely to
encourage  organizations  to  adopt  environmental  sustainability  policies  to  achieve  long‐term 
better encourage organizations to adopt environmental sustainability policies to achieve long-term
performance  over  short‐term  performance.  However,  Chenhall  [36]  and  Bouwens  and  Abernethy 
performance over short-term performance. However, Chenhall [36] and Bouwens and Abernethy [38]
[38] argued that the availability of a broader set of information gives managers focus for long‐term 
argued that the availability of a broader set of information gives managers focus for long-term goals
goals  and  lets  them  better  understand  the  interdependence  of  organizational  actions  in  the  short 
and lets them better understand the interdependence of organizational actions in the short term. Thus,
term.  Thus,  we  expect  that  a  broad  design  of  management  control  systems  will  support 
we expect that a broad design of management control systems will support organizations in coping
organizations in coping with strategic reorientation and help them to be more effective in the long 
with strategic reorientation and help them to be more effective in the long term than in the short term.
term than in the short term. Therefore, we formulate the following hypothesis: 
Therefore, we formulate the following hypothesis:
H2: A broad design of management control system moderates the relationship between 
H2: A broad design of management control system moderates the relationship between
the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and performance, such that 
the implementation ofbe 
the  relationship  will  environmental
more  positive sustainability
in  long‐term policies and performance,
performance  such that the
than  in  short‐term 
performance. will be more positive in long-term performance than in short-term performance.

Figure 1 shows the general research model of this paper.

Figure 1 shows the general research model of this paper. 

Figure 1. General research model. 
Figure 1. General research model.

3. Methodology and Measurement 
3. Methodology and Measurement
Our  hypotheses were
Our hypotheses were  tested 
tested using 
using datadata 
fromfrom  the  public 
the public hospital 
hospital sector insector  Spain. 
Public Public 
hospitals, not only in Spain but also in other countries, are forced to undergo fundamental shifts to a 
not only in Spain but also in other countries, are forced to undergo fundamental shifts to a more
more environmental sustainable business model, and to embed sustainability into the core operating 
environmental sustainable business model, and to embed sustainability into the core operating model
model  of  hospitals  [11,20].  These  reasons  assured  that  the  issues  central  to  this  study  were 
considered  to  be  relevant  for  the  population.  The  TMT  members’  data  were  obtained  from  the 
Spanish  National  Catalogue  of  Hospitals.  This  catalogue  contains  updated  information  about  the 
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 5 of 12

of hospitals [11,20]. These reasons assured that the issues central to this study were considered to
be relevant for the population. The TMT members’ data were obtained from the Spanish National
Catalogue of Hospitals. This catalogue contains updated information about the name, position
and contact information of top managers in Spanish hospitals, which made it easier to send the
questionnaire individually to managers in hospitals’ top teams. The dataset that we use contains both
survey and archival data. We used a questionnaire survey to collect information on management
control systems and the adoption of environmental sustainability policies. Performance was measured
using hard data, which we acquire from the annual reports by Spanish health care authorities. The
questionnaire was designed and administrated in accordance with the guidelines of Dillman’s [42]
Tailored Design Method and was sent to top managers of all public hospitals in Spain.
Regarding data collection, a questionnaire was sent to every member of Top Management Teams
in the all 231 public hospitals in Spain. We obtained 490 individual responses from TMT members, of
which 457 responses appeared to be useful for analysis. From these responses we were able to collect
data on 81 complete top management teams (35.06%), as the teams for which all members answered
the questionnaire. These full teams were used to test our research questions. We compared survey
respondents with the original mailing list to test for validity and for potential non-response bias. We
also compared the answers provided by early and late respondents. Independent-sample t-tests and
Chi-square tests based on the hospital size did not reveal any sign of bias.

Measurement of Variables
Top management team diversity was measured following the upper echelons tradition [17,24], which
focuses on four demography characteristics of TMTs, such as age, tenure, education, experience
and gender. Regarding age and tenure, managers were asked to indicate their age and tenure in a
management position in their actual organization. Then, age diversity and tenure diversity were
measured using the coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by the mean), which provides
a direct and scale-invariant measure of dispersion. Scale invariant measures are desirable because
they are sensitive to relative rather than absolute differences. Regarding education and experience,
managers were asked to indicate their university degree and their years of functional experience;
the responses were coded in two broad areas: External-Administrative Oriented (e.g., Business,
Economics, Law) and Internal-Process Oriented (e.g., Medicine, Nursing, Biology and Chemistry).
Educational diversity and experience diversity were measured using Blau’s index of heterogeneity,
since categorical variables are not amenable to the coefficient of variation measure. The Blau’s
Heterogeneity Index is calculated as (1´ pi2), where pi is the proportion of the team in the ith
educational (or functional) category. A score of zero would indicate perfect managerial homogeneity
(functional or educational). Higher scores on this index would indicate higher diversity in functional
background between members of the TMT. We also use the Blau index to measure gender diversity in
the team, where a score of zero would indicate a TMT of male managers, and higher scores on this
index would indicate higher gender diversity in the TMT.
We measured TMT diversity as a construct formed by the following five variables: age, tenure,
education, experience and gender diversity. The reliability and validity analyses showed that all
items were loading higher in this construct. Since members in the TMT have different characteristics,
we calculated an inter-rater reliability coefficient for testing the appropriateness of aggregation of
individual characteristics to a team level. All coefficients computed were above 0.70, which indicates
good agreement among judgments made by the team members.
Broad-scope management control systems was measured with a five point Likert scale that addressed
the perceived usefulness of several aspects of the available MCS information [36,38], slightly adapted to
the hospital setting. This scale acknowledges the difference between management control information
that is perceived as useful and management control information that is actually available. The questions
regard four informational scope dimensions, which are non-financial oriented, future oriented, external
orientation, and long-term oriented. This type of management control information is available in
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 6 of 12

Spanish public hospitals through a system known as INIHOS (Information Inter Hospitals), which
provides indicators used for measuring, comparing and evaluating health care performance among
hospitals. All items regarding the four scope dimensions were loaded higher in the broad-scope
construct. Furthermore, Cronbach alpha and composite reliability were also satisfactory, exceeding the
recommended levels with 0.803 and 0.846, respectively.
The implementation of strategic policies related to environmental sustainability was measured
with a Likert-type instrument based on strategic management literature [13,35]. The instrument was
adapted to the context, by assuring that the selected items were explicitly stated in the governmental
policy documents about environmental sustainability strategies. Respondents were asked to indicate
the extent to which these sets of strategic policies were implemented in their hospital, such as
energy-efficient policies; policies to reduce wasteful or unnecessary water consumption; policies
to reduce regulated medical waste generation; policies to develop or enhancing an organization’s
recycling program; and policies to examine equipment and building systems to determine whether
they are operating as designed. The exploratory factor analysis revealed one factor, explaining 35.76%,
and Cronbach alphas of 0.78.
Short-term and long-term performances were measured using performance hard data from Spanish
Hospitals, which are published by the Health Care Regional Services. We used data for six nonfinancial
performance indicators from 2008 to 2014, which indicated the efficiency of the use of health resources
in the key hospital areas, such as hospitalization, surgery, and outpatient service [20,43]. These six
indicators were: occupancy rate, use of surgery rooms, re-admission rate, length of stay, mortality rate,
and waiting time. Short-term performance was measured with data from 2011, the following year
after the survey was conducted, and long-term performance was measured with data of the whole
period. Performance was also measured by using different combinations of the six indicators. We
grouped them in the key hospital areas (hospitalization, surgery and outpatient). We also used other
combinations of these six indicators regarding the considered time periods. The results are basically
unchanged and demonstrate robustness across various operationalization of performance.
Hospital size and care complexity were used as control variables. Hospital size was measured as
the number of beds. Care complexity was measured using data on the hospitals’ Case-Mix Index [44].
This index indicated the care complexity according to the average diagnosis-related group weight. A
score higher than 1 indicates a hospital’s case mix is more complex than the standard case mix [44].

4. Results
We used Partial Least Squares technique (PLS) for testing our hypotheses. PLS is a second
generation statistical technique for the estimation of path models involving latent constructs indirectly
measured by several indicators. Different from covariance-based structural models (e.g., LISREL,
EQS), PLS explains variance and resembles ordinary least squares regression, with regard to output
and assumptions [45]. As such, PLS allows smaller simple sizes than covariance-based models. PLS
also no make assumptions about how variables are distributed, which provides the flexibility and
freedom to use any kind of indicator variables. PLS does not report on the fit of the whole model [46],
and thus overcomes some of the theoretical and estimation problems associated with the use of
covariance-based models.
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics, where gender diversity is relatively low. Most top
managers in Spanish hospitals are male, and only 18.42% of managers are women. In this respect,
during the last decade, women have gradually increased their participation in hospitals’ management
and, at the same time, have notably improved their degree of training and education. Nevertheless,
women still represent scarcely 20% of the managers in top teams. It seems that they continue to be
held down by an invisible barrier or "glass ceiling" that denies them access to the highest positions
in management [47,48]. In terms of economic efficiency, organizations in general, and hospitals in
particular, are aware that, by restricting the incorporation of women in top management teams, they
are losing a high potential value from a part of the population that is very well-prepared, and to which
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 7 of 12

valuable resources have been committed in the form of education and professional training [47,48].
Table 2 shows the correlation analysis. The PLS analysis confirms the reliability and unidimensionality
of the variables, with general loadings of manifest variables on latent variables exceeding 0.60. We
also assessed for discriminant validity of the measurement model by calculating the average variance
extracted (AVE) and comparing this with the squared correlations between constructs. Results showed
that discriminant validity was satisfactory because the AVE’s were higher than the correlations in
all cases.

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for variables (n = 81).

Variable Mean SD Theoretical Range Actual Range

1. Implementation sustainability policies 2.84 0.25 0.00–5.00 1.00–5.00
2. Age diversity 0.76 0.07 0.00–1.00 0.74–0.93
3. Tenure diversity 0.68 0.14 0.00–1.00 0.61–0.72
4. Experience diversity 0.54 0.12 0.00–1.00 0.00–1.00
5. Education diversity 0.58 0.08 0.00–1.00 0.00–1.00
6. Gender diversity 0.19 0.11 0.00–1.00 0.00–0.50
7. TMT heterogeneity 0.64 0.12 0.00–1.00 0.00–1.00
8. Broad-MCS design 2.98 0.27 0.00–5.00 1.00–4.00
9. Short-term Performance 0.59 0.04 0.00–1.00 0.42–0.91
10. Long-term Performance 0.68 0.07 0.00–1.00 0.42–0.91

Table 2. Correlations from PLS model (n = 81).

1 2 3 4 5
1. Implementation sustainability policies 0.608
2. TMT heterogeneity 0.221 b 0.556
3. Broad-MCS design 0.186 0.124 0.571
4. Short-term performance ´0.218 b 0.203 b 0.159 0.602
5. Long-term performance 0.195 0.171 0.226 a 0.172 0.597
Bold-faced elements on the diagonal represent the square root of the Average Variance Extracted (AVE).
Off-diagonal elements are Pearson correlations among variables. a Significant at 0.01 level (two tailed);
b Significant at 0.05 level (two tailed).

Figure 2 shows the PLS research model we tested. Table 3 contains the detailed output statistics
of the path coefficients in the structural model and reports on the significance of the standardized
ßs that resulted from this analysis, based on a bootstrapping procedure that used 500 samples with
replacement Results in Table 3 show that the implementation of environmental sustainability policies
is negatively related to short-term performance, and positively related to long-term performance. Our
first hypothesis asserted that TMT diversity moderates the relationship between implementation of
environmental sustainability policies and performance, such that effect of such implementation will be
more positive in short-term performance than in long-term performance. Table 3 shows support for the
moderating effect of TMT diversity on the relationship between the implementation of environmental
sustainability policies and short-term performance, since the path coefficient from the interaction term
to performance is positive and significant. However, results in Table 3 show that TMT heterogeneity
does not moderate the relationship between the implementation of environmental sustainability
policies and long-term performance, since the interaction term was positive but non- significant. The
control variable size and complexity care did not reveal any significant path with implementation of
sustainability policies, TMT heterogeneity, Broad-MCS design or performances. Overall, these results
show support for our first hypothesis.
Implementation sustainability policies  −0.214 a  0.193 b 
TMT heterogeneity  0.208 b  0.173 
Broad‐MCS design  0.163  0.227 a 
Sustainability policies × TMT heterogeneity  0.226 a  0.175 
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359
Sustainability policies × Broad‐MCS design  0.201 b; R2 = 0.279  0.242 ; R2 = 0.298 
a 8 of 12
a  Significant at 0.01 level (two tailed) b Significant at 0.05 level (two tailed). 

Figure 2. PLS Model. 
Figure 2. PLS Model.

Our  second  hypothesis  was  about 

Table 3. Results from PLSthe analysis
moderating  effect  of  a 
(path coefficients, n =broad 
81). MCS  design  in  the 
relationship  between  the  implementation  of  environmental  sustainability  policies  and  both 
short‐term and long‐term performance. Table 3 shows support for a moderating effect of broad‐MCS 
Short-Term Long-Term
From To
design on the relationship between the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and  Performance
long‐term  performance, 
Implementation since  the 
sustainability path  coefficient  from 
policies a interaction  term  to  blong‐term 
´0.214 0.193
TMT heterogeneity b 0.173
performance is positive and significant. The effect of broad‐MCS design on the relationship between 
the  implementation Broad-MCS design
of  environmental sustainability  0.163
policies and short‐term  0.227 a was also 
Sustainability policies ˆ TMT heterogeneity 0.226 a 0.175
positive and significant. Overall, these results show support for a moderating effect of broad‐scope 
Sustainability policies ˆ Broad-MCS design 0.201 b ; R2 = 0.279 0.242 a ; R2 = 0.298
MCS design, such that the effect of the implementation of environmental sustainability policies will 
a Significant at 0.01 level (two tailed) b Significant at 0.05 level (two tailed).
be more positive in short‐term performance than in long‐term performance. The explanatory power 
of the interaction model was calculated through comparison of the R2 for this model with the R2 for 
Our second hypothesis was about the moderating effect of a broad MCS design in the relationship
the main effects model (without the interaction term). The difference between the squared multiple 
between the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and both short-term and
correlations is used to assess the overall effect size f2 for the interaction [45] (p. 211). Results show 
long-term performance. Table 3 shows support for a moderating effect of broad-MCS design on
that the interaction construct has an effect size f of 0.197, which is between a medium and large effect 
the relationship between the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and long-term
(f2 = (R2 interaction model − R2 main model)/ (1‐R2 main model). Interaction effect sizes are small if   
performance, since the path coefficient from the interaction term to long-term performance is positive
f2 = 0.02, medium if f2 = 0.15, and large if f2 = 0.35 [45].). 
and significant. The effect of broad-MCS design on the relationship between the implementation of
environmental sustainability policies and short-term performance was also positive and significant.
5. Discussion and Conclusions 
Overall, these results show support for a moderating effect of broad-scope MCS design, such that
This  of
the effect paper  analyzed  the  effects 
the implementation of  top  management 
of environmental team  heterogeneity 
sustainability policies will be and 
morea  broad‐scope 
positive in
design  of  management  control  systems  on  the  relation  between 
short-term performance than in long-term performance. The explanatory power of the interaction the  implementation  of 
environmental sustainability policies and both short‐term and long‐term performance. Our findings 
model was calculated through comparison of the R2 for this model with the R2 for the main effects
showed  that  a the
model (without broad‐scope 
interaction design 
term). The of  MCS  and between
difference TMT  heterogeneity  moderate 
the squared multiple the  relationship 
correlations is used
to assess the overall effect size f2 for the interaction [45] (p. 211). Results show that the interaction
construct has an effect size f of 0.197, which is between a medium and large effect (f2 = (R2 interaction
model ´ R2 main model)/ (1-R2 main model). Interaction effect sizes are small if f2 = 0.02, medium if
f2 = 0.15, and large if f2 = 0.35 [45].).

5. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper analyzed the effects of top management team heterogeneity and a broad-scope
design of management control systems on the relation between the implementation of environmental
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 9 of 12

sustainability policies and both short-term and long-term performance. Our findings showed
that a broad-scope design of MCS and TMT heterogeneity moderate the relationship between
the implementation of environmental sustainability policies and performance differently. On one
hand, TMT heterogeneity helps organizations adopt sustainability strategies to achieve short-term
performance. In another hand, a broad-scope design of MCS encourages organizations to adopt
sustainability strategies to achieve both long-term performance and short-term performance. This
finding is relevant because firms are struggling to find ways to face strategic renewal and adopt
environmental sustainability practices successfully. In this line, before setting goals and committing
to environmental sustainability policies, health care organizations should examine the diversity of
their top management team behind sustainability efforts. Furthermore hospitals and health care
organizations should design comprehensive management control systems to guarantee the success of
their environmental sustainability programs.
The results of this paper allow us to extend the previous strategy literature and management
control literature by explicitly analyzing the role of TMT diversity and broad-scope design of MCS in a
fit affecting both short-term performance and long-term performance in firms adopting sustainability
strategic policies. Our findings show support for the conclusion that top management teams with
diverse characteristics would be better able to handle the conflicting demands of adopting new strategic
policies and reducing short-term performance downturn. Regarding the relationships between
broad-scope design of MCS and the implementation of sustainability strategies, the findings show
that a broad-scope design of MCS facilitates the success of the adoption environmental sustainability
policies in the long term and also in the short term. These results are in line with the arguments that
broad-scope design of MCS overcomes the lack of relevance of narrow-scope MCS information for
managing strategy implementation successfully [13,39].
Given that public healthcare organizations expend more than 15% of their budget in obtaining
and using management information, it is clearly important to study the factors that affect the ways in
which these organizations use their MCS effectively, especially in situations where management control
systems are critical for implementing environmental sustainability policies in the public interest. We
can conclude that TMT heterogeneity and a broad-scope design of MCS are able to prevent firms from
adopting environmental sustainability policies and performing worse in the short-term. Furthermore,
a broad-scope design of MCS helps organizations implement sustainability strategies to enhance
long-term performance. Thus, the results of this study contribute to the literature by addressing the
management of strategy implementation without disrupting firm performance [9]. This paper provided
evidence that in organizations implementing new strategies, a diverse TMT and a broad-scope design
of MCS can help to improve short-term performance and long-term performance, respectively. Thus,
we can conclude that organizations adopting environmental sustainability policies should try to ensure
that management control systems provide a broad range of information to a diverse TMT, since they
are key aspects to thriving in the health care environment of present and future.
This study has also practical consequences, such as the fact that not only does a TMT with diverse
characteristics matter for enhancing short-term performance, but also an alignment with a broad
design of MCS is necessary to improve long-term performance. Governmental authorities should
incentive the adoption of broad-scope MCS to provide a comprehensive range of information to
health care managers in hospitals. A TMT with a wide set of skills, training and backgrounds could
optimize the effect of strategy implementation on performance. Diverse top management teams
could better face the challenge of balances and coordinate patients, financial, organizational and
community needs. This may require that authorities responsible for appointing hospital managers
pay increased attention to the diversity of characteristics among members of the top team. Diverse
backgrounds let managers in the team use typical management information in broader ways than those
determined by a single specialization in education and experience. This latter also has implications
on the design of contemporary management control systems, which often require diverse expert
knowledge on their functional capabilities. This paper also showed the importance of distinguishing
Sustainability 2016, 8, 359 10 of 12

between long-term and short-term performance, since any successful adoption of environmental
sustainability policies should enhance both of them. Future research should focus more closely on
identifying other characteristics of TMT, such as cognitive or psychological characteristics, as well as
on potential interaction effects between different forms of MCS design.
This paper has several limitations, such as the lack of testing of the directions of causality due
to the cross-sectional nature of the questionnaire-based study. Causality cannot be assessed through
the use of cross sectional methods like those used in this research. Future research could analyze our
research question by using experiments and other research methods that are stronger for demonstrating
causality. Furthermore, this paper has focused on a single setting, the Spanish public hospital industry,
and thus generalizability of our results should be done with care. Future research could extend our
research question to a different industrial setting.

Acknowledgments: This article has benefited from comments from workshop participants at Pablo de Olavide
University and Nicolaus Copernicus University. The author would like to acknowledge the partial support from
the Andalusia Regional Government (project SEJ-2395) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (project
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix. Questionnaire Items

Appendix A. Top Management Team Heterogeneity

‚ Age
‚ Gender
‚ University degree and title
‚ Years of experience as clinician/doctor at public hospitals
‚ Years of experience as clinician/doctor at other health care organizations
‚ Years of experience as managers in cur-rent hospital
‚ Years of experience as managers in other health care organizations

Appendix B. Broad-Scope Design of MCS

Please, indicate the extent of usefulness of the following information elements provided by your
management control systems:

‚ Future-oriented information
‚ External information
‚ Non-financial information
‚ Long-run oriented information

Appendix C. Environmental Sustainability Policies

Please, indicate the extent of adoption in your hospital of the following policies:

‚ Energy efficient policies

‚ Policies to reduce wasteful or unnecessary water consumption
‚ Policies to reduce regulated medical waste generation
‚ Policies to develop or enhancing recycling programs
‚ Policies to examine equipment and building systems to determine whether it is operating
as designed
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