Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Operational Performance
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Operational Performance
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices and Operational Performance
Sustainable supply chain management has emerged as a key approach for enterprises aiming to become environmentally
sustainable. The study will investigate the kinds of environmental management practices that are undertaken by companies in greening the supply chain and how these practices affect the environmental and operational performance of the
companies. The study provides additional insight into the growing field of literature examining the relationships between environmental policies and operational performance.
Keywords: Management; Supply Chain; Environment; Performance
1. Introduction
be used interchangeably.
2. Literature Review
The concept of supply chain management has been observed as a recent and novel tool and the literature in
green supply chain management has been growing in
recent years. Min and Galle [7] conducted an empirical
survey of US purchasing managers with regard to green
purchasing and have found that that the primary driving
force to green purchasing is an urge to meeting regulations rather than environmental monitoring or partnerships. The effectiveness of green purchasing also depends on whether the firm has centralised or decentralised decision-making [8], which determines the extent of
flexibility in the green purchasing process. In a survey,
purchasing managers listed the impact of environmental
regulations on purchasing activities as their second most
important future concern [9].
The relationship between GSCM and organisational
performance has been investigated [10] but the results
have not been conclusive. There exist two contrasting
views about the relationship between environmental practices and organisational performance. The first viewpoint argues that many managers believe that environmental management consists simply of compliance with
regulations, and that a trade-off exists where increased
level of environmental management results in increased
cost [11]. This relationship might exist in part due to increased costs associated with the transference of externalities, such as the cost of polluted air, back to the firm
[12]. Gallop and Roberts [13] studied the effects of enAJIBM
grating 30 years of research, that there is a positive association between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance across industries.
There is a dearth of empirical research concerning
GSCM practices and organisational performance and it is
important to investigate the effect of green supply chain
management practices on environmental and operational
performance of organizations.
The aims of the study (research questions) are the following:
1) What kind of environmental management practices
are undertaken by organisations in order to improve their
environmental performance?
2) How does the practice of green supply chain management practices affect the environmental and operational performance of organisations?
A research framework is developed to investigate the
relationships between three SSCM practices that companies may implement to improve their performance.
SSCM practice dimensions and items are based on previous literature that addressed various aspects of SSCM
[30-33]. The framework is given in Tables 1 and 2.
A description of the GSCM practices and performance
constructs is given below:
There is agreement within the literature that environmental management practices in the organisation are a
key to improve enterprise performance [34]. It is well
Table 1. Environmental management practices within the
Environmental management practices within the organization
Commitment of GSCM from senior and middle level managers
Total quality environmental management
Environmental compliance and auditing program
ISO 14000 certification
SSCM practices relating to suppliers and customers
Cooperation with suppliers for environmental objectives
Suppliers ISO14000 certification
Company-wide environmental audits
Environmental management for suppliers internal management
Provide training to build supplier environmental management capacity
Cooperation with customers for eco-design and cleaner production
Cooperation with customers for green packaging
Environmentally conscious product and process design
Environmentally friendly raw material
Design of products for reduced consumption of material and energy
Design of products for reuse, recycle, recovery of material, component
Design of products to avoid or reduce use of hazardous products and/or
their manufacturing process
Optimization of process to reduce solid/liquid waste and emission
Use reverse logistics
3. Case Studies
Case study research is used to validate the framework.
Convenience sampling was used to select the companies
for case studies. Convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected
based on their easy accessibility. The necessary information required from the five companies selected were accessible and readily available. All the companies selected
have exercised substantial effort in managing supply
chain that is sustainable. Case studies were conducted in
order to investigate various sustainable supply chain
management practices and the environmental and operations results derived out of this. The studies are mostly
based on published documents such as reports and publications. A description of the cases is given below:
opment is involved in improving the businesss own operations, ensuring that the goods and services provided
by suppliers to increase efficiency and competitiveness
and working effectively with customers and sales and
distribution to design sustainable products and services
A great benefit lies in working with supplier and customers to improve the design of products and processes
that connect business with customers. Some success has
been achieved in redesigning packaging and in increasing
the recyclable content in a variety of products. Process
collaboration with suppliers and customers has been
shown to deliver improvement in manufacturing and logistics efficiency whilst reducing emissions, road congestion and improving employment stability. One way in
which companies can differentiate themselves, reduce
cost and improve service is to consider the environmental,
social as well as economic factors related to the supply
Dow Jones has valued more than 300 companies in
relation to their sustainable development in the Dow
Jones Sustainability Group Index (DJSI), the index provides evidence that sustainable development pays, with
companies in the index underperforming the Dow Jones
Group Index. One of the parameters that can have a
negative influence on corporate reputation and share
price is whether the companys supply chain is socially
responsible and accountable. In relation to risk management, any actions which may be seen as inconsistent with
Shell Group Business Principles can potentially lead to
damage to the groups reputation and its business. Sanfords business in New Zealand is based on the growth
and harvesting of wild fish and shell fish with the sustainable fish quota management system and is entirely
dependent upon long-term fish supply. Sanfords prices
for sustainable Hoki have increased following accreditations. Consumers are prepared to pay a premium for
certified fish.
Companies embracing sustainable development can benefit from being a first mover in a market. All else being
equal, 82% of UK consumers prefer to purchase goods
from socially and environmentally responsibly companies, according to a 2003 study, and 23% would do so
even if this option is more expensive.
Driving out inefficiency from processes is good business practice and reduces costs. In the service sector,
introducing video conferencing reduces energy consumption and emissions associated with travel increased productivity and reduces costs.
In 2007 Coca Cola Enterprises set five strategic Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CRS) focus areas.
These areas are energy conservation/climate change,
sustainable packaging/recycling, product portfolio/wellbeing, and diverse and inclusive culture [45]. In 2008,
Coca Cola made an investment of US $34.8 million on
capital projects in their three environmental focus areas.
They are now establishing a cost-benefit analysis process
to prioritize CRS investments. Coca Cola Company has
set the following goals in the area of energy conservation,
water stewardship, sustainable packaging/recycling, product portfolio/well-being and diverse and inclusive culture:
Reduce the overall carbon footprint by 15 percent by
2020, as compared to 2007 baseline. Establish a watersustainable operation in which water use will be minimized and have a water-neutral impact on the local
communities in which they operate, by safely returning
the amount of water equivalent to what they use in their
beverages and their production. Reduce the impact of
packaging: maximizing the use of renewable, reusable,
and recyclable resources; recover the equivalent of 100
percent of packaging, which creates a culture where diversity is valued, every employee is a respected member
of a team, and workforce is a reflection of the communities in which they operate.
In order to reduce overall carbon footprint, Coca Cola
measured their carbon footprint, calculated the first certified product carbon footprint of sparkling beverages, and
increase hybrid fleet by 120 trucks. To establish a watersustainable operation, the company reduced water use
ratio to 1.73 litres, saved 301 million litres of water
through efficiency initiatives and launched pilot study of
embedded water footprint. To reduce the impact of packaging, Coca Cola avoided use of approximately 31,000
metric tons of packaging materials, or 2.7 percent of total
used, recovered and recycled approximately 125,000
metric tons of packaging and reached 90 percent waste
recycling at an additional 14 facilities. In the area of
product portfolio well-being, the company introduced
first zero-calorie sports drink, POWERADE Zero, reduced average calorie content of the portfolio by three
percent since 2006 and introduced first naturally sweetened low-calorie beverage.
4. Discussion
From the case study analysis it is found that the companies studied are involved with suppliers to increase efficiency and working effectively with customers to design
sustainable products and services. Most of the companies
are involved in measuring supplier performance, developing alternative methods of supply, develop supplier
solution and build long term relationship with suppliers.
Most of these companies are involved in developing improved packaging, and increasing the recyclable content
of the products. Some of these companies have certification to environmental management standards such as
ISO14000. Most of the practices cited are in agreement
with the framework of SSCM practices dimensions.
In relation to the environmental and operational performance a wide range of opportunities were cited by the
companies. Among the key environmental performance
measures, greenhouse gas emission reduction, improvement in energy efficiency and conservation of resources
logistics efficiency were evident in most of the companies. Other benefits achieved by companies are increased
efficiency, reduced cost, improved risk management, improved service, increased sales and market share, revenue
growth and reputation. It is important that the companys
supply chain is socially responsible and ethical. One of
the dimensions in operational performance that needs to
be incorporated to the framework is improved risk manAJIBM
R. M. Monszka and R. J. Trent, Purchasing and Sourcing Strategy: Trends and Implications, Center for Advance Purchasing Studies, Tempe, 1995.
5. Conclusion
The research is conducted to examine the relationship
between SSCM practices and operational and environmental performance in organisations. A general framework is developed and an attempt is made to validate the
framework using case studies. In particular, the study
examined whether adoption of environmental practices in
supply chain management results in a positive impact on
environmental and operational performance of companies. The research is expected to provide guidance in
regard to the implementation of environmental supply
chain management practices and to increase their international competitiveness that will result in economic
benefits. Significant concern is prevailing at present
about reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and preservation of the natural environment for future generation.
The study, whose whole purpose is the investigation of
the environmental aspects of supply chain management
will go a long way in addressing this concern.
6. Acknowledgements
The author wishes to acknowledge that an earlier version
of the paper was published in the Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Logistics and Transport, Thailand in 2009.
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