Eddy Current Brakes: A Seminar Report On

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Seminar Report on

Eddy Current Brakes

Department of Electrical Engineering

College of Technology and Engineering
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur

BATCH 2016-2020

Guided By: Submitted By:

Prof. R.R. Joshi Tanmay Arya
Head of Department B.Tech Final Year


I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to all Those who

helped me to complete this report on “Eddy Current Brakes”. With respect I would like to

thank my Prof. Dr. R.R. Joshi, Head of Department of Electrical Engineering for their

exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant Encouragement throughout the course of this

project. I also wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Vinod Kumar Yadav, Dr. Jai Kumar

Maherchandani , Dr. Naveen Jain and Dr. Vikramaditya Dave, Assistant Professor,

Department of Electrical Engineering, C.T.A.E, for his supervision And guidance. A special

thanks goes to Mrs. Lokpriya Kumawat for her cordial support, Valuable information and

guidance, which helped me in completing this report through various stages.

Tanmay Arya

DATE: B.Tech Final Year

Department of E.E.


This is an electric braking system which works on the principle that eddy current

produced in it opposes the driving torque. This opposing torque is used to brake the

automobiles. Mainly this system is purely based on Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic

induction and Lenz’s law.

For operating this control switch is provided on the steering column in a position

for easy manual. The skidding and complexity of mechanical braking system can be

minimized by this system. Also the wear and tear of the vehicles can be reduced.

Since researches are going on to eliminate some of the disadvantages of this system,

we can accept it to be the norm one in a few years of time.


Chapter Title Page No.

Acknowledgement 2

Abstract 3


2.1 Principle Of Operation 8
2.2 Construction 9
2.3 Working 11
2.4 Eddy Current Brakes In Train 18


3.1 According to Method Of Excitation 20
3.1.1 Electrically Excited Eddy Current Brakes
3.1.2 Permanent Magnet Eddy Current Brakes
3.2 According to Geometry 22
3.2.1 Disk Eddy Current Brakes
3.2.2 Dynamometer Eddy Current Brakes
3.2.3 Linear Eddy Current Brakes

4.1 Braking Power Calculation 27
4.2 Eddy current Brakes Requirements 27
4.3 Mounting And Installation 28

5.1 Advantages 30
5.2 Disadvantages 31
5.3 Applications 31





Many of the ordinary brakes, which are being used nowadays, stop the vehicle by means of

mechanical blocking. This causes skidding, wear and tear of the vehicle. And if the speed of

the vehicle is very high, the brake cannot provide that much high braking force and it will

cause problems. These drawbacks of ordinary brakes can be overcome by a simple and

effective mechanism of braking system ‘The eddy current brake’. It is an abrasion-free

method for braking of vehicles including trains. It makes use of the opposing tendency of

eddy current

Eddy current is the swirling current produced in a conductor, which is subjected to a

change in magnetic field. Because of the tendency of eddy currents to oppose, eddy currents

cause energy to be lost. More accurately, eddy currents transform more useful forms of

energy such as kinetic energy into heat, which is much less useful. In many applications, the

loss of useful energy is not particularly desirable. But there are some practical applications.

Such an application is the eddy current brake.

Eddy currents (also called Foucault's currents) are loops of electrical current induced

within conductors by a changing magnetic field in the conductor according to Faraday's law

of induction. Eddy currents flow in closed loops within conductors, in planes perpendicular to

the magnetic field. They can be induced within nearby stationary conductors by a time-

varying magnetic field created by an AC electromagnet or transformer, for example, or by

relative motion between a magnet and a nearby conductor. The magnitude of the current in a

given loop is proportional to the strength of the magnetic field, the area of the loop, and the

rate of change of flux, and inversely proportional to the resistivity of the material. When

graphed, these circular currents within a piece of metal look vaguely like eddies or whirlpools

in a liquid.

By Lenz's law, an eddy current creates a magnetic field that opposes the change in the

magnetic field that created it, and thus eddy currents react back on the source of the magnetic

field. For example, a nearby conductive surface will exert a drag force on a moving magnet

that opposes its motion, due to eddy currents induced in the surface by the moving magnetic

field. This effect is employed in eddy current brakes which are used to stop rotating power

tools quickly when they are turned off. The current flowing through the resistance of the

conductor also dissipates energy as heat in the material. Thus eddy currents are a cause of

energy loss in alternating current (AC) inductors, transformers, electric

motors and generators, and other AC machinery, requiring special construction such

as laminated magnetic cores or ferrite cores to minimize them. Eddy currents are also used to

heat objects in induction heating furnaces and equipment, and to detect cracks and flaws in

metal parts using eddy-current testing instruments.

An eddy current brake, also known as an induction brake, electric brake or electric retarder, is

a device used to slow or stop a moving object by dissipating its kinetic energy as heat.

However, unlike friction brakes, in which the drag force that stops the moving object is

provided by friction between two surfaces pressed together, the drag force in an eddy current

brake is an electromagnetic force between a magnet and a nearby conductive object in

relative motion, due to eddy currents induced in the conductor through electromagnetic


A conductive surface moving past a stationary magnet develops circular electric

currents called eddy currents induced in it by the magnetic field, as described by Faraday's

law of induction. By Lenz's law, the circulating currents create their own magnetic field that

opposes the field of the magnet. Thus the moving conductor experiences a drag force from

the magnet that opposes its motion, proportional to its velocity. The kinetic energy of the

moving object is dissipated as heat generated by the current flowing through the electrical

resistance of the conductor.

In an eddy current brake the magnetic field may be created by a permanent magnet or

an electromagnet, so the braking force can be turned on and off or varied by varying

the electric current in the electromagnet windings. Another advantage is that since the brake

does not work by friction, there are no brake shoe surfaces to wear out, necessitating

replacement, as with friction brakes. A disadvantage is that since the braking force is

proportional to the relative velocity of the brake, the brake has no holding force when the

moving object is stationary, as is provided by static friction in a friction brake, so in vehicles

it must be supplemented by a friction brake.

Eddy current brakes are used to slow high-speed trains and roller coasters, as a complement

for friction brakes in semi-trailer trucks to help prevent brake wear and overheating, to stop

powered tools quickly when power is turned off, and in electric meters used by electric




Eddy current brake works according to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.

According to this law, whenever a conductor cuts magnetic lines of forces, an emf is induced

in the conductor, the magnitude of which is proportional to the strength of magnetic field and

the speed of the conductor. If the conductor is a disc, there will be circulatory currents i.e.

eddy currents in the disc. According to Lenz’s law, the direction of the current is in such a

way as to oppose the cause, i.e. movement of the disc.

Essentially the eddy current brake consists of two parts, a stationary magnetic field

system and a solid rotating part, which include a metal disc. During braking, the metal disc is

exposed to a magnetic field from an electromagnet, generating eddy currents in the disc. The

magnetic interaction between the applied field and the eddy currents slow down the rotating

disc. Thus the wheels of the vehicle also slow down since the wheels are directly coupled to

the disc of the eddy current brake, thus producing smooth stopping motion.



Essentially an eddy current brake consists of two members, a stationary magnetic

field system and a solid rotary member, generally of mild steel, which is sometimes referred

to as the secondary because the eddy currents are induced in it. Two members are separated

by a short air gap; they’re being no contact between the two for the purpose of torque

transmission. Consequently there is no wear as in friction brake.

Stator consists of pole core, pole shoe, and field winding. The field winding is

wounded on the pole core. Pole core and pole shoes are made of east steel laminations and

fixed to the state of frames by means of screw or bolts. Copper and aluminum is used for

winding material the arrangement is shown in fig. 1. This system consists of two parts.

1. Stator

2. Rotor


It is supported frame members of the vehicle chassis. It has introduced magnetic

poles energized by windings. Current is supplied to the winding from the battery.


It is a rotating disc, which is fitted on the line of crankshaft with small air gap to stator.

When disc rotates a flux change occur in the section of the disc passing the poles of stator.

Due to the flux change there is a circulatory or eddy current in the disc around the magnetic

lines of force. The effect of this eddy current induces ‘N’ and ‘S’ poles at the surface of the

disc. Then there will be a ‘drag’ or braking effect in between eddy current induced poles and

magnetic poles in the stator. By changing current from the battery we can change the braking

force. In this breaking system kinetic energy of the vehicle is converted to heat and this heat

is dissipated through the rotating disc.

Total resistance of field winding

R = L/A

Where, L = total length of field winding in meter.

 = Resistivity of the wire in ohm meter

A = the area of cross section of field winding in m2

Total no: of terms = total length /mean length of one term

The rotor is a rotating disc on shaft, which is placed very near to the stator with small

air gap (1 mm to 2 mm). Rotating disc may be one or both side of stator.

The two units have common ring member, poles cores on which winding are provided

being fixed to ring number. If a malleable casting is employed, then the pole core could be

cast integrally with the right. After fitting the windings on the cores, poles shoes are fitted to

provide pole faces of appropriate shape and area. The rotor disc should be provided with

properly designed fins for faster heat removal. The magnetic circuits of the two units are

substantially the same, non-undue and thrust would be imposed on the motor bearings. Slight

axial displacement of rotor could however, cause quite appreciable discrepancy, the air gap of

two units. The effect would be to increase the magnetic pull in one air gap and diminish it on

other which could give to rise to excessive and thrust on rotor bearing to overcome the

inherent defect, the air gaps of both units could be put in series by making the central number

non magnetic and providing a continues pole core for each pair axially opposite poles. This

modification could possibly reduce the length of the combined pole course or permits a larger

winding length.

The maximum diameter of the eddy current brake is decided by

1. The spacing of vehicle chassis frame.

2. Vehicle floor clearance


When the vehicle is moving, the rotor disc of eddy current brake which is coupled to

the wheels of the vehicle rotates, in close proximity to stationary magnetic poles. When we

want to brake the vehicle, a control switch is put on which is placed on the steering column in

a position for easy operation.

When the control switch is operated, current flows from a battery to the field winding,

thus energizing the magnet. Then the rotating disc will cut the magnetic field. When the disc

cuts the magnetic field, flux changes occur in the disc which is proportional to the strength of

the magnetic field. The current will flow back to the zero field areas of the metal plate and

thus create a closed current loop like a whirl or eddy. A flow of current always means there is

a magnetic field as well. Due to Lenz’s law, the magnetic field produced by the eddy currents

work against the movement direction. Thus instead of mechanical friction, a magnetic friction

is created. In consequence, the disc will experience a “drag” or the braking effect, and thus

the disc stops rotation. The wheels of the vehicle, which is directly coupled to the disc, also

stop rotation. Faster the wheels are spinning, stronger the effect, meaning that as the vehicle

slows, the braking force is reduced producing a smooth stopping action.

The control switch can be set at different positions for controlling the excitation

current to several set values in order to regulate the magnetic flux and consequently the

magnitude of braking force i.e. if the speed of the vehicle is low, a low braking force is

required to stop the vehicle. So the control switch is set at the lowest position so that a low

current will be supplied to the field winding. Then the magnetic field produced will be of low

strength, so that a required low braking force is produced.

When the control switch is operated during the standby position of the vehicle, the

magnet will be energized and magnetic field is created. But since the wheels are not moving,

magnetic lines of force are not cut by it, and the brake will not work. However, a warning

lamp is provided on the instrument panel to indicate whether the brake is energized. This

provides a safe guard for the driver against leaving the unit energized.

When control switch is put in any one of the operating positions, the corresponding

conductor in the contractor box is energized and current flows from the battery to the field

winding to the contractor box. This current magnetizes the poles in stator, which placed very

near to the rotor. When rotor rotates it will cut magnetic lines and eddy current will set up in

the rotor. The magnetic field of this eddy current produces a breaking force or torque in the

opposite direction of rotation disc. This kinetic energy of rotor is converted as heat energy

and dissipated from rotating disc to surrounding atmosphere. Current in the field can change

by changing the position of the controls switch. Thus we can change the strength of the

braking force.

An eddy current brake consists of a conductive piece of metal, either a straight bar or a disk,

which moves through the magnetic field of a magnet, either a permanent magnet or

an electromagnet. When it moves past the stationary magnet, the magnet exerts a drag

force on the metal which opposes its motion, due to circular electric currents called eddy

currents induced in the metal by the magnetic field. Note that the conductive sheet is not

made of ferromagnetic metal such as iron or steel; usually copper or aluminum are used,

which are not attracted to a magnet. The brake does not work by the simple attraction of a

ferromagnetic metal to the magnet.

It shows a metal sheet (C) moving to the right under a magnet. The magnetic field (B, green

arrows) of the magnet's North Pole N passes down through the sheet. Since the metal is

moving, the magnetic flux through sheet is changing. At the part of the sheet under the

leading edge of the magnet (left side) the magnetic field through the sheet is increasing as it

gets nearer the magnet. From Faraday's law of induction, this field induces a

counterclockwise flow of electric current (I, red), in the sheet. This is the eddy current. In

contrast, at the trailing edge of the magnet (right side) the magnetic field through the sheet is

decreasing, inducing a clockwise eddy current in the sheet.

Another way to understand the action is to see that the free charge carriers (electrons) in the

metal sheet are moving to the right, so the magnetic field exerts a sideways force on them due

to the Lorentz force. Since the velocity v of the charges is to the right and the magnetic

field B is directed down, from the right hand rule the Lorentz force on positive

charges qv×B is toward the rear in the diagram (to the left when facing in the direction of

motion of the sheet) This causes a current I toward the rear under the magnet, which circles

around through parts of the sheet outside the magnetic field in two currents, clockwise to the

right and counterclockwise to the left, to the front of the magnet again. The mobile charge

carriers in the metal, the electrons, actually have a negative charge, so their motion is

opposite in direction to the conventional current shown.

Due to Ampere's circuital law, each of these circular currents creates a counter magnetic field

(blue arrows), which due to Lenz's law opposes the change in magnetic field, causing a drag

force on the sheet which is the braking force exerted by the brake. At the leading edge of the

magnet (left side) by the right hand rule the counterclockwise current creates a magnetic field

pointed up, opposing the magnet's field, causing a repulsive force between the sheet and the

leading edge of the magnet. In contrast, at the trailing edge (right side), the clockwise current

causes a magnetic field pointed down, in the same direction as the magnet's field, creating an

attractive force between the sheet and the trailing edge of the magnet. Both of these forces

oppose the motion of the sheet. The kinetic energy which is consumed overcoming this drag

force is dissipated as heat by the currents flowing through the resistance of the metal, so the

metal gets warm under the magnet.

The braking force of an eddy current brake is exactly proportional to the velocity V, so it acts

similar to viscous friction in a liquid. The braking force decreases as the velocity decreases.

When the conductive sheet is stationary, the magnetic field through each part of it is constant,

not changing with time, so no eddy currents are induced, and there is no force between the

magnet and the conductor. Thus an eddy current brake has no holding force.



Eddy current brake works according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

According to this law, whenever a conductor cuts magnetic lines of forces, an e.m.f is

induced in the conductor, the magnitude of which is proportional to the strength of

magnetic field and the speed of the conductor. If the conductor is a disc, there will be

circulatory currents i.e. eddy currents in the disc. According to Lenz's law, the

direction of the current is in such a way as to oppose the cause, i.e. movement of the

disc. Essentially the eddy current brake consists of two parts, a stationary magnetic

field system and a solid rotating part, which include a metal disc. During braking, the

metal disc is exposed to a magnetic field from an electromagnet, generating eddy

currents in the disc. The magnetic interaction between the applied field and the eddy

currents slow down the rotating disc. Thus the wheels of the vehicle also slow down

since the wheels are directly coupled to the disc of the eddy current brake, thus

producing smooth stopping motion.


According to our concept of the project, we study many types of eddy current braking

system and compare the design of our braking system. On the basis of the survey, we

have selected of data which is further discussed in material selection.


1) Rotor Disc: The rotor is usually made of cast iron, but may in some cases be made

of composites such as reinforced carbon– carbon or ceramic matrix composites.

This is connected to the wheel and/or the axle. To retard the wheel, friction

material in the form of brake pads, mounted on the brake caliper, is forced

mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, or electromagnetically against both

sides of the rotor. Friction causes the rotor and attached wheel to slow or stop.

2) Shaft: A shaft is a rotating machine element, usually circular in cross section,

which is used to transmit power from one part to another, or from a machine which

produces power to a machine which absorbs power. The various members such as

pulleys and gears are mounted on it. The material used for ordinary shafts is mild

steel. When high strength is required, alloy steel such as nickel, nickel-chromium

or chromium-vanadium steel is used. Shafts are generally formed by hot rolling

and finished to size by cold drawing or turning and grinding. C45 is a medium

carbon steel is used when greater strength and hardness is desired than in the "as

rolled" condition. Extreme size accuracy, straightness, and concentricity combine

to minimize wear in high speed applications. Turned ground and polished.

3) Permanent Magnet: In an eddy current brake the magnetic field may be created by

a permanent magnet or an electromagnet so the braking force can be turned on

and off or varied by varying the electric current in the electromagnet's windings.

Another advantage is that since the brake does not work by friction, there are no

brake shoe surfaces to wear out, necessitating replacement, as with friction

brakes. A disadvantage is that since the braking force is proportional to velocity

the brake has no holding force when the moving object is stationary, as is

provided by static friction in a friction brake, so in vehicles, it must be

supplemented by a friction brake.


1) Ordinary Brakes: Moving things have kinetic energy and, if you want to stop them,

you have to get rid of that energy somehow. If you're on a bicycle going fairly

slowly, you can simply put your feet down so they drag on the ground. The soles

of your feet act as brakes. Friction (rubbing) between the rough ground and the

grip on your soles slows you down, converting your kinetic energy into heat

energy (do it long enough and your shoes will get hot). Brakes on vehicles work

pretty much the same way, with "shoes" that press rubber pads (brake blocks)

against discs mounted to the wheels.

2) Eddy Current Brakes: If the conductor we are moving through the magnetic field

isn't a wire that allows the electricity to flow neatly away. We still get electric

currents, but instead of flowing off somewhere, they swirl about inside the

material. These are what we call eddy currents.

They're electric currents generated inside a conductor by a magnetic field that

can't flow away so they swirl around instead, dissipating their energy as heat. One

of the interesting things about eddy currents is that they're not completely

random: they flow in a particular way to try to stop whatever it is that causes

them. This is an example of another bit of electromagnetism called Lenz's law (it

follows on from another law called the conservation of energy, and it's built into

the four equations summarizing electromagnetism that were set out by James

Clerk Maxwell). Here's an example. Suppose you drop a coin-shaped magnet

down the inside of a plastic pipe. It might take a half second to get to the bottom.

Now repeat the same experiment with a copper pipe and you'll find your magnet

takes much longer (maybe three or four seconds) to make exactly the same

journey. Eddy currents are the reason. When the magnet falls through the pipe,

you have a magnetic field moving through a stationary conductor (which is

exactly the same as a conductor moving through a stationary magnetic field).

That creates electric currents in the conductor—eddy currents, in fact. Now we

know from the laws of electromagnetism that when a current flows in a

conductor, it produces a magnetic field. So the eddy currents generate their own

magnetic field. Lenz's law tells us that this magnetic field will try to oppose its

cause, which is the falling magnet. So the eddy currents and the second magnetic

field produce an upward force on the magnet that tries to stop it from falling.

That's why it falls more slowly. In other words, the eddy currents produce a

braking effect on the falling magnet. It's because eddy currents always oppose

whatever causes them that we can use them as brakes in vehicles, engines, and

another machine.


In the case of trains, the part in which the eddy current is induced is rail. The brake

shoe is enclosed in a coil, forming an electromagnet. When the magnet is energized, eddy

currents are induced in the rail by means of electromagnetic induction, thereby producing

braking action.





3.1 There are two types of eddy current brakes according to the method of excitation.

3.1.1. Electrically excited eddy current brake

3.1.2. Permanent magnet eddy current brake


Electrically excited eddy current brakes are abruption-free method for braking.

In high-speed trains they offer a good alternative to the mechanical rail brakes which are

being used nowadays. During braking, the brake comes in contact with the rail, and the

magnetic poles of brakes are energized by a winding supplied. Magnetic poles of brakes are

energized by a winding supplied with current from the battery. Then the magnetic flux is

distributed over the rail. The eddy currents are generated in the rail, producing an

electromagnetic braking force. This types of braking need an additional safety power supply

when there are breakdowns in the electrical power supply.



Recently, permanent magnet eddy current brakes have been developed for subways, trams

and local trains. These brakes need a mechanical actuator to turn the magnets jn an on and off

position. The main advantage of this type of brake is safety i.e. it does not need electrical

power supply to energize the magnet.

3.2 Eddy current brakes come in two geometries:

 In a linear eddy current brake, the conductive piece is a straight rail or track that the

magnet moves along.

 In a circular, disk or rotary eddy current brake, the conductor is a flat disk rotor that

turns between the poles of the magnet.

The physical working principle is the same for both.

3.2.1 Disk eddy current brakes

Disk eddy current brake on 700 Series Shinkansen, a Japanese bullet train

 Permanent magnet eddy current brake used in a 1970s electricity meter

Disk electromagnetic brakes are used on vehicles such as trains, and power tools such

as circular saws, to stop the blade quickly when the power is turned off. A disk eddy current

brake consists of a conductive non-ferromagnetic metal disc (rotor) attached to the axle of the

vehicle's wheel, with an electromagnet located with its poles on each side of the disk, so the

magnetic field passes through the disk. The electromagnet allows the braking force to be

varied. When no current is passed through the electromagnet's winding, there is no braking

force. When the driver steps on the brake pedal, current is passed through the electromagnet

windings, creating a magnetic field, The larger the current in the winding, the larger the eddy

currents and the stronger the braking force. Power tool brakes use permanent magnets, which

are moved adjacent to the disk by a linkage when the power is turned off. The kinetic energy

of the vehicle's motion is dissipated in Joule heating by the eddy currents passing through the

disk's resistance, so like conventional friction disk brakes, the disk becomes hot. Unlike in the

linear brake below, the metal of the disk passes repeatedly through the magnetic field, so disk

eddy current brakes get hotter than linear eddy current brakes.

Japanese Shinkansen trains had employed circular eddy current brake system on trailer cars

since 100 Series Shinkansen. However, N700 Series Shinkansen abandoned eddy current

brakes in favor of regenerative brakes, since 14 of the 16 cars in the train set used electric

motors. In regenerative brakes, the motor that drives the wheel is used as a generator to

produce electric current, which can be used to charge a battery, so the energy can be used


3.2.2 Dynamometer eddy current absorbers

Most chassis dynamometers and many engine dynamos use an eddy-current brake as a means

of providing an electrically adjustable load on the engine. They are often referred to as an

"absorber" in such applications.

Inexpensive air-cooled versions are typically used on chassis dynamometers, where their

inherently high-inertia steel rotors are an asset rather than a liability. Conversely,

performance engine dynamometers tend to utilize low-inertia, high RPM, liquid-cooled

configurations. Downsides of eddy-current absorbers in such applications, compared to

expensive AC-motor based dynamometers, is their inability to provide stall-speed (zero

RPM) loading or to motor the engine - for starting or motoring (downhill simulation).

Also, since they do not actually absorb energy, provisions to transfer their radiated heat out of

the test cell area must typically be provided. Either a high-volume air-ventilation or water-to-

air heat exchanger adds additional cost and complexity. In contrast, the high-end AC-motor

dynamometers cleanly return the engine's power to the grid.

3.2.3 Linear eddy current brakes

Linear eddy current brakes are used on some vehicles that ride on rails, such as trains. They

are used on roller coasters, to stop the cars smoothly at the end of the ride.

The linear eddy current brake consists of a magnetic yoke with electrical coils positioned

along the rail, which are being magnetized alternating as south and north magnetic poles.

This magnet does not touch the rail, but is held at a constant small distance from the rail of

approximately 7 mm (the eddy current brake should not be confused with another device, the

magnetic brake, in wide use in railways, which exerts its braking force by friction of a brake

shoe with the rail). It works the same as a disk eddy current brake, by inducing closed loops

of eddy current in the conductive rail, which generate counter magnetic fields which oppose

the motion of the train.

The kinetic energy of the moving vehicle is converted to heat by the eddy current flowing

through the electrical resistance of the rail, which leads to a warming of the rail. An

advantage of the linear brake is that since each section of rail passes only once through the

magnetic field of the brake, in contrast to the disk brake in which each section of the disk

passes repeatedly through the brake, the rail doesn't get as hot as a disk, so the linear brake

can dissipate more energy and have a higher power rating than disk brakes.

The eddy current brake does not have any mechanical contact with the rail, and thus no wear,

and creates no noise or odor. The eddy current brake is unusable at low speeds, but can be

used at high speeds both for emergency braking and for regular braking.



Sophisticated calculation methods for the determination of braking forces of eddy current

brakes are important for the design of the brakes.

For a simple eddy current brake employing a thin non-magnetic disc as copper the drag or

braking force on the disc


H = Magnetic field strength in Weber.

A =Pole force area in cm2.

V = Velocity in cm/sec of mean radius of disc under the poles.

T = disc thickness in cm.

 = specific resistance of disc material at its operating temperature in micro ohms/cm3.

Torque = F * R Nm

Where R = mean pole radius in meter.

Power P = 2  NT/60 watts.


An eddy current brake is an energy converter functions is to convert the kinetic

energy of a vehicle into heat and dissipate it such a rate to maintain the temperature of unit

within reasonable limits under maximum and prolonged braking conditions. The energy

absorbed by the brake is transformed into heat by the currents induced in the motor, and this

is heat manly dissipated in surrounding air through the medium of suitable designed fins the

rotating member.

In mountains area, continues braking force is needed for a long time (say about half

an hour), at this condition, eddy current braking is more suitable to function without

overheating. The use of these retarders is by no means limited to mountain on couwewentry.

They can be advantageously employed on public service vehicles on city routes without

frequent stops. But in this braking system there without be any braking force in the vehicle is

rest. So the eddy current brake is used as an auxiliary heavy-duty retarder. By using auxiliary

retarder very smooth retardation is assumed and likely hood of skidding on slippery roads

surfaces is minimized. Smooth braking action cuts down tier were and since brake is used as

an auxiliary heavy-duty retarder. By using auxiliary retarder very smooth retardation is

assumed and likely hood of skidding on slippery roads surfaces is minimized. Smooth

braking action cuts down tier were and since the conventional brakes are relieved of heavy

duty being required only to bring vehicles to rest.


A typical mounting of an eddy current brake consists of two discs in which pole

salient type, supported between the frame numbers of a vehicle chassis. Rotor is coupled to

road wheels being often mounted on a shaft that is interposed between the gearbox and

propeller shaft and stator is mounted on the frame of the vehicle.

The driver who can select one or four excitation settings according to the breaking

effect required mounts a control switch on a steering column in a position for easy operation.

In the operative positions of this switch 1, 2, 3, 4 contractors are energized to supply current

to the excitation windings of the retarder. Warning lamp is also provided on the instrument

panel to indicate when the retarder is energized. This provides a safe guard for the driver

against leaving the unit energized when the vehicle is stationary.



 Less maintenance

 Wide range of braking force available within the temperature limit

 Prolonged braking is possible

 Long life

 Less strain to the operation

 Smooth retardation, which cuts down, the tire wears

Eddy current brakes offer smooth retardation of vehicles without skidding. It is totally

free of wear and tear. So it has long life compared to ordinary brakes. These need less


In mountain areas continuous braking is needed for a long time. At this condition,

eddy current braking is more suitable to function without overheating.

By changing the excitation current to the field winding, i.e. by adjusting the position

of the control switch, we can vary the braking force to required range. The operation of eddy

current brake is very simple i.e. the control switch is a soft switch which can be operated

without any strain.

Eddy current brakes works even under the toughest environmental conditions. For

example, in larger water slides and water coasters where the humidity would immediately

results in reduction of friction and thus impair the effectiveness of ordinary brakes. It works

even in highly corrosive environments and heavily contaminated areas.


 No breaking force at rest

 Need of electric power

The main disadvantage of the eddy current brake is that it needs electric power to

work. Researchers are going on to overcome this disadvantage by making the brake

regenerative i.e. by converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle into electric energy and

storing it back into the battery.


 For additional safety on long decants in mountain area

 For high speed passenger and goods vehicle

Eddy current brakes are best substitutes for ordinary brakes, which are being used

nowadays in road vehicles even in trains, because of their jerk-free operation. In mountain

areas where continuous braking force is needed, for a long time, the eddy current braking is

very much useful for working without overheating. Eddy current brakes are very much useful

for high-speed passengers and good vehicles. It can also be used to slow down the trolleys of

faster roller coasters.


Eddy current brakes are the best choice when demands for reliability and safety are

the highest. They work even in the toughest environmental conditions. Even the strike of

lightning will not result in the loss of the braking force.

Eddy current braking system is not popular nowadays. But we hope that the eddy

current braking system which is simpler and more effective will take the place of the ordinary

braking system and we can do expect it to be the norm one in few years of time.


1. Manual 1 Gonzalez, Volume 25,Issue 4,July 2004

2. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, Volume 34, Issue 4, July 1998

3. Analysis of eddy current brake for high-speed railway by Wang.P.J. & Chiuch.S.J.

4. Automobile electrical equipments by Young &Griffith.

5. Automatic engineering by Kripal Sing.

6. Clutches and brakes by William.C.Orthwin.

7. www.reelectromagneticbrakes.com

8. www.lineareddycurrentbrakes.com


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