Lab 1 Part 2 Report DC Shunt Wound Part 2

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NAMA PELAJAR 1. Fathur Hensem





i. DC shunt-wound motors
ii. DC series-wound motors




TEORI (5%)

JUMLAH (50%)

2. 2.1 THEORY 1-2

2.2 DC Shunt Motor Equations 2-3
2.3 Connection And Starting 3-4
2.4 Reversing Rotation Direction 4
2.5 Speed Control 4-5
2.6 Load Characteristics 5-7

3.2 Connection And Starting 7-8
3.3 Rotation Reversal 8
3.4 Speed Control 9-10
3.5 Load Characteristics 11

4. 4.0 RESULT
Experiment 1: Connection and Starting 12-16
Experiment 2: Rotation Reversal 17
Experiment 3: Speed Control
Experiment 4: Load Characteristic 17-21
5. 5.0 DISCUSSION 22-26

6. 6.0 CONCLUSION 26

7. 7.0 REFERENCE 27




A DC motor is any of a class of rotary electrical machines that converts direct

current electrical energy into mechanical energy. The most common types rely on the
forces produced by magnetic fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some interna l
mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically change the direction
of current flow in part of the motor.

DC motors were the first type widely used, since they could be powered from
existing direct-current lighting power distribution systems. A DC motor's speed can be
controlled over a wide range, using either a variable supply voltage or by changing the
strength of current in its field windings. Small DC motors are used in tools, toys, and
appliances. The universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightwe ight
brushed motor used for portable power tools and appliances. Larger DC motors are used
in propulsion of electric vehicles, elevator and hoists, or in drives for steel rolling mills.
The advent of power electronics has made replacement of DC motors with AC motors
possible in many applications.


Construction and principle of operation of a Shunt DC motor is same as any

other DC motor. It also has all the fundamental components-rotor (armature), stator
(field windings) and commutator - required for the operation of a motor. In a Shunt DC
motor, a rotational torque is produced as a result of the interaction between the magnet ic
field produced around the current carrying armature and the magnetic field established
around the stator windings. Current is supplied from the stationary housing to the
rotating armature through commutator & brushes arrangement. As the stator is
stationary, power is applied directly to it.

In Shunt DC motor, the field windings of the stator are connected in parallel
with the armature. The field windings of a Shunt DC motor are made of fine coil of
wire with large number of turns. As small gauge wire cannot handle heavy currents,
shunt windings of a shunt motor require large number of turns to produce strong
magnetic field.

DC Shunt Motor Circuit Diagram
As a Shunt DC Motor cannot carry high currents, it is unsuitable for applicatio ns
requiring a high starting torque. So, it requires its shaft load to be small to start

The resistance of the shunt windings in a Shunt DC motor is very high. As a

result, when electric voltage is supplied to the Shunt DC motor, very low amount of
current flows through the shunt coil. Armature draws enough current to produce a
strong magnetic field. Due to the interaction of magnetic field around armature and the
field produced around the shunt field, the motor starts to rotate. When the armature
starts turning, it produces a back EMF. The theory behind the generation of back EMF
is the simple electromagnetic principle, which states that when a conductor (armature
in this case) rotates in a magnetic field, electricity is induced in it. The polarity of this
generated back EMF is such that it opposes the armature current. So, as the motor turns,
armature current is controlled by the back EMF and is kept low.

2.2 DC Shunt Motor Equations

Let us now consider the voltage and current being supplied from the electrica l
terminal to the motor be given by E and Itotal respectively. This supply current in case
of the shunt wound DC motor is split up into 2 parts. Ia flowing through the armature
winding of resistance Ra and Ish flowing through the field winding of resistance Rsh.
The voltage across both windings remains the same. From there we can write :-
Thus we put this value of armature current Ia to get general voltage equation of a DC
shunt motor.

2.3 Connection And Starting

In a series-wound DC motor, the armature windings and field windings are
connected in series and current through them is equal (Itotal = Ia = If). Because the
armature windings and field windings of a DC shunt motor are connected in parallel,
the current in a shunt motor is split into two parts—current through the armature and
current through the field windings—and total current is the sum of the two parts.

In a DC shunt motor, the armature and field (shunt) windings are connected in
parallel. A parallel circuit is also known as a shunt circuit; thus, the term, “shunt

Itotal = supply current
Ia = current though armature windings
Ish = current through shunt (field) windings
The shunt (field) windings of a DC shunt motor are made of smaller gauge wire,
but they have many more turns than a series-wound DC motor. The high number of
turns allows a strong magnetic field to be generated, but the smaller gauge wires provide
a high resistance and limit the current flowing through the shunt coil. Therefore, the
starting torque of a DC shunt motor is low, meaning that the shaft load must be small
at start-up.

In a DC shunt motor, torque is proportional to armature current (as shown in the

torque equation below). In contrast, for a series-wound DC motor, torque increases as
the square of armature current. This exponential torque-current relationship allows series-
wound DC motors to provide high starting torque and handle high start-up loads.

2.4 Reversing Rotation Direction

The direction of rotation of a DC shunt motor can be reversed by changing the
polarity of either the armature coil or the field coil. In this application the armature coil
is usually changed, as was the case with the series motor.

2.5 Speed Control

Speed of a Shunt DC motor can be easily controlled. Despite the load changes,
Shunt DC motor can maintain constant speed. When the load increases the armature
tends to slow down. This results in less back EMF. This accounts for less opposition
against the supplied voltage. So, the motor will draw more current. This increase in
current results in increase in torque to gain speed. Thus, even when the load increases,
the net effect of load on speed in a Shunt DC motor is almost nil. When the load
decreases, armature gains speed and generates more back EMF. As the polarity of the
back EMF is against the supply voltage, load reduction results in less current and hence
speed is maintained constant.
Speed of a Shunt DC motor can be controlled by two ways:-
1. By varying the amount of current supplied to the shunt (field) windings.
2. By varying the amount of current supplied to the armature.

While maintaining a constant voltage supply to the armature, voltage supplied

to the shunt is varied by having a rheostat in series with it or by having a SCR current
control. Same technique is applied to vary the armature current. But as the armature
draws more current, the current control rheostats used with armature are usually much
larger than those used for shunt current control. Generally, motors come with a
specified rated voltage and rated speed in rpm (revolutions per minute). When a Shunt
DC motor operates below its full voltage, its torque gets reduced.

2.6 Load Characteristics

The three important shunt characteristic curves are :-
a. Torque Vs Armature current characteristic (Ta/Ia).
b. Speed Vs Armature current characteristic (N/Ia).
c. Speed Vs Torque characteristic (N/Ta).

A. Torque Vs. Armature Current (Ta-Ia)

In case of DC shunt motors, we can assume the field flux ɸ to be constant.
Though at heavy loads, ɸ decreases in a small amount due to increased armature
reaction. As we are neglecting the change in the flux ɸ, we can say that torque is
proportional to armature current. Hence, the Ta-Ia characteristic for a dc shunt
motor will be a straight line through the origin. Since heavy starting load needs
heavy starting current, shunt motor should never be started on a heavy load.
B. Speed Vs. Armature Current (N-Ia)
The speed is directly proportional to back emf and inversely proportional to flux.
 N α Eb / Ф
The back emf (Eb = V – IaRa) decreases with increase in load current. The back
emf Eb decreases very small due to small armature resistance whatever the load
condition. The flux also decreases with increase in load current due to
demagnetizing effect of armature reaction.
It is concluded that the back emf and flux decrease with increase in load but the
back emf decreases slightly more than the flux. Therefore the DC shunt motor is
practically constant speed motor. The DC shunt motor is useful for moderate speed
control. The DC shunt motor is well suitable for lathes, machine tools, driving,
shafting, milling machine, conveyors etc.

C. Speed Vs. Torque (N-Ta)

This curve is drawn between the speed of the motor and armature current with
various amps as shown in the fig. From the curve it is understood that the speed
reduces when the load torque increases. With the above three characteristic it is
clearly understood that when the shunt motor runs from no load to full load there is
slight change in speed. Thus, it is essentially a constant speed motor. Since the
armature torque is directly proportional to the armature current, the starting torque
is not high.

3.2 Connection And Starting

Assembly Instruction:
i. Assemble the circuit as specified in the following circuit diagram and set-up
ii. Include an ammeter and voltmeter in the armature circuit.
iii. Switch on the brake too. This does not yet subject the motor to any load.

Determine The Nominal Efficiency

Required settings:
 Starter : minimum value (0Ω)
 DC power supply unit : 220V

Experiment procedure:

i. Set the brake mode as “Torque control”.

ii. Apply the brake to slow the motor down to its nominal speed.
iii. Measure the armature current when the process of braking.
Record a load characteristic
Required setting:
 Brake mode : Torque control
 Starter : minimum value 0

Experiment procedure:
i. The motor should be subject to the torque loads as set in the table.
ii. The armature current was measured during the braking process.
iii. At the same time, armature voltage under load was measured.
iv. The measured value was transferred into the table.

3.3 Rotation Reversal

Assembly instruction:
i. Assemble the circuit as specified in the following circuit diagram and set-up as in
the instruction.
ii. This armature circuit is include an armature and voltmeter.
iii. The brake was switch on. This does not yet subject the motor to any load.
iv. The starter was set to 0 and the voltage 220V on DC power supply.

Required settings:

 Starter mode: “Torque control”.

 DC power supply : 220V

Experiment Procedure:
i. On the motor and observed.
ii. Switch off the motor and changing the polarity of the exciter coil.
iii. Turn back the motor and observed the operational.
3.4 Speed Control

Assemble introduction:
i. The circuit assemble as specified in the circuit diagram.
ii. The armature circuit is include an ammeter and voltmeter.
iii. An ammeter was included in exciter circuit.
iv. The brake was switch on and not yet subject to any load.

Record characteristics “Ia and “n” as a function of “Ua”

Required settings:
 DC power supply 220V
 Set field regulator to minimum value (0Ω)
 The brake mode at “Torque Control”.

Experiment Procedure:
i. The armature voltage was reduce in 3 stages via the adjustable DC power supply
ii. Measure the variables Ia and n at the same time enter the value was measured
into the table.

Record the characteristics of n” as a function of “M” using the

“ActiveDrive/DCMA” Software.
Required setting:
 Brake
o Industrial series: “PC Mode”.
o Classic series: “Application Mode”.
 Field regulator: minimum value (0Ω)
 Adjustable DC power supply unit (armature voltage): 220/190/160V.
 DC Power supply unit (exciter circuit voltage): 220V
Experiment procedure:
i. The “ActiveDrive/DCMA” was started.
ii. The motor should be subjected to a load equivalent to its nominal torque.
iii. The diagram was labeled as given in the placeholder.
iv. A total three load characteristics for the three specifies armature circuit voltage
was recorded.
v. After completing the measurement, the completed diagram was exported with
all three characteristics and copy into appropriate space.
vi. The nominal torque of the motor computed by the following equation:

MN = P² / ω

Record the characteristics of “If” and “n” as a function of Rf.

Required setting:
 Brake mode: “Torque Control”.
 Set the field regulator as minimum value (0Ω)
 DC power supply unit: (armature & exciter circuit) 220V

Experiment procedure:
i. The DC power supply was switch on.
ii. Vary the Rf value of the field regulator in 3 steps, 0%, 50%, 90% of the
maximum value.
iii. At the same time, the respective variables If and n for each step was measured
and the measured value was entered into the table.

Record the characteristics of “n” as a function of “M” using the the

“ActiveDrive/DCMA” software.
Required setting:
 Brake:
o Industrial series: “PC Mode”
o Classic series: “Application Mode” (Note: starting the “ActiveASMA” software
and select “Application Mode”.
 Field regulator minimum value: 0Ω
 DC Power supply unit (armature & exciter circuit): 220V

Experiment procedure:
i. Start the “ActiveDrive/DCMA”.
ii. The motor subjected to a load up to its nominal torque.
iii. The diagram was label as appropriate in the placeholder.
iv. Three characteristics are recorded in sequence for three different field regulator
values (Rf), one each at 0%, 50% and 90% for the maximum setting.
v. Export the graph with all three characteristics and copy into placeholder after
completing the measurement.

3.5 Load Characteristics

Assemble instruction:
i. The circuit was assembled as specified in the circuit diagram.
ii. The ammeter and voltmeter was included in the armature circuit.
iii. The ammeter was included in the excited circuit.
iv. The brake was switched on

Record the motor’s load characyeristics with the aid of the

“ActiveDrive/DCMA” software

Required setting:
 Brake:
o Industrial series: “PC Mode”
o Classic series: “Application Mode” (Note: when starting the “ActiveASM A”
software, select the “Application mode”.
 DC power supply unit: (armature & exciter circuit) 220V.

Experiment Procedure:

i. “ActiveDrive/DCMA” software was started.

ii. The motor should be subjected to a load up to 1.5 times its nominal torque.
iii. Labelled the diagram in the placeholder given.
iv. The degree of efficiency, the armature current, the power output and the speed
was recorded.
v. Before starting the measurement, the question was answered concerning the
nominal torque, which have determined in the “speed control” experiment.
vi. After completing the measurement, the generated graph was exported and
copied into the corresponding placeholder.
vii. The highest degree of efficiency obtained was determined.


Experiment 1: Connection and Starting

Part 1: Nominal data for the DC machine:
UA : 220V
IA : 1-1.2A
UE : 220V
IE : 0.1mA
n : 2000 rpm

Put the shunt wound motor into operation :

 Starter : minimum value (0Ω)
 DC power supply unit : 220V

V 220.9 V
I 0.29 A
Speed 2010 rpm
Motor The motor turns to clockwise

Part 2 : Record a load characteristic. Starter: maximum value (0.3kW class - 47Ω; 1kW class
- 16Ω).
M/Nm n/(1/min) I/A U/V
0.37 2020 0.52 236.2
0.40 2000 0.55 229.1
0.60 1970 0.78 236.0
0.80 1940 1.14 241.3
1 1920 1.35 242.9
1.20 1910 1.59 243.9
1.40 1930 1.59 243.9
M/Nm 0.37 M/Nm 0.40
n/(1/min) 2020 n/(1/min) 2000
I/A 0.52 I/A 0.55
U/V 236.2 U/V 229.1
Evidence Evidence

M/Nm 0.60 M/Nm 0.80

n/(1/min) 1970 n/(1/min) 1940
I/A 0.78 I/A 1.14
U/V 236.0 U/V 241.3
Evidence Evidence
M/Nm 1.00 M/Nm 1.20
n/(1/min) 1920 n/(1/min) 1910
I/A 1.35 I/A 1.59
U/V 242.9 U/V 243.9
Evidence Evidence

M/Nm 1.40
n/(1/min) 1930
I/A 1.59
U/V 243.9
The value of voltage must be equal to 220V at all stages of Torque (M/Nm). So that, the
value of voltage must be added and divide with the number of voltage as follows :
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒
𝑈/𝑉 =
𝑁𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒1673.3
𝑈/𝑉 =
= 239. 04 V
Hence, the value of voltage must be 220 V. It is because the voltage supply is set up to 220
V. But, this value are not fix and still moving while doing this experiment.

Graph Result:
Graph for placeholder : Connection and Starting
Experiment 2: Rotation Reversal
Put the shunt wound motor into operation:
 Starter : minimum value (0Ω)
 DC power supply unit : 220V

V 220.9 V
I 0.29 A
Speed 2010 rpm
Motor The motor turns to anti-clockwise

Experiment 3: Speed Control

Part 1: Record characteristic “Ia and “n” as a function of “Ua.
Ua/V n/(1/min) Ia/A If/A

220 2040 0.19 0.08

190 1770 0.18 0.08
160 1460 0.18 0.08

Ua/V 220 Ua/V 190

n/(1/min) 2040 n/(1/min) 1770
Ia/A 0.19 Ia/A 0.18
If/A 0.08 If/A 0.08
Evidence Evidence
Ua/V 160
n/(1/min) 1460
Ia/A 0.18
If/A 0.08

Graph for Placeholder of Speed Control

Part 2: Vary the Rf value of the field regulator in 3steps, 0%, 50% and 90% of the maximum
Percentage (%) Rf/(Ω) n/(1/min) If/mA

0 0 2080 0.11
50 1150 2390 0.08
90 2070 2070 0.07

Percentage 0 Percentage 50
Rf/(Ω) 0 Rf/(Ω) 1150
n/(1/min) 2080 n/(1/min) 2390
If/mA 0.11 If/mA 0.08
Evidence Evidence

Percentage 90
Rf/(Ω) 2070
n/(1/min) 2070
If/mA 0.07
Graph Result :
Experiment 4: Load Characteristic

𝑃2 ⍵ = 2𝜋n
𝑀𝑁 =

= 0.2𝑘/ 210 rads 60
= 0.95 Nm ⍵ = 210 rad/s

Graph Result :

Type Discussion

Connection and
Starting :
In the starting of these experiment, student are suppose to read and
record the data at the name plate of the DC motor. This is important
because, the data shows the capability of the motor of nominal rate
when the motor is running. The data that must be collect is the UA =
nominal armature voltage, IA = nominal armature current, UE =
nominal field voltage, IE = nominal field current and n = the nominal
speed. After that, student must identify the terminal connection of
the motor that operate as the shunt wound motor. Then the motor are
run in the normal state at the starter minimum value of 0Ω and 220V
of dc power supply. And then, the result was the motor was rotate a
same speed with the nominal speed because the is no resistance are
put in the motor, the rotation of the motor is clockwise in the normal
connection base on the labsheet. The motor was rotates higher then
the nominal speed maybe because of several error and the current
will increase when the speed increasing.

Load characteristic :
When the brakes is applied slowly to the motor, several statement
can be said such as, when the torque is increase, we can see that the
speed of the motor is decrease. This is because the torque is like a
load to the motor and it force the motor to slow down. The current is
also increase because it was force to work hard to turn the motor.
And lastly is the voltage is increase a little bit then constant. This is
because the voltage is not stable when the motor is running may
cause a little bit error on the reading and it suppose to be same with
the supply voltage. Base on the load characteristic, we can say that
the armature current is linearly increase with the torque and the
armature voltage remains practically constant. The function of the
starter is to control the speed of the motor.
Rotation reversal
E1 -E2 :
At the first connection the connection of field winding is connect to
A2 of armature winding to E2 of field winding. This connection
rotate the motor clockwise.

E2 -E1 :
And when the polarity of the field winding is change From A2 to E1
the rotation of the motor turns anti clockwise.

This shows that the motor rotation can be change by changing the
polarity of the field winding or the exciter winding. The value of the
voltage, current, and the speed are nearly same with the nominal

Speed control Characteristics "Ia and "n" as a function of "Ua ;

In this speed control part, student are suppose to record the how the
speed changing when the armature current is change. The connection
of the motor is change by adding the ammeter to the field winding
circuit. Student has reduce the armature voltage to three step that is
220V, 190V and 160V. As the armature voltage was decrese, the
speed is also decrease and the armature current is constant and the
field winding current is also constant. This shows that the reduction
of the armature voltage leads to a drop in speed of the motor.

Characteristics of "If" and "n" as a function of Rf :

In this part, student has change the value of Rf value in three steps
that is 0%, 50% and 90% of the
maximum value to see the characteristic of speed, and the field
current.. When the resistance Rf is increased, the result we get is not
so logic with the theoretical because we are getting the result
and decrease when the Rf is increase. The speed should decrease due
to the load put in the motor as Fr increase. The field winding
is decrease because of the resistance is increase, it is logic with the
ohm’s law where the current should decrease when the resistance is

Load charecteristic In this part, student has run the experiment to study the load
characteristic of this DC shunt-wound motors. By using the
software, we are measure the characteristic between the torque as
the speed, power out, armature current and the efficiency. The
nominal torque setup in this experiment is 0.95Nm that must setup
in the software. As the torque decrease the speed increase a little bit
due to the less of breaking when the torque is less. The output
power is increase as the torque is increase and the current also
increase because is was force to move and it will increase the
current to move the motor. The highest efficiency of the motor is
around 51% at the torque of 0.45 Nm.

In this experiment, it can be said that, the Dc shunt wound motor are regulate
its speed by it self. The flux field and the armature are connected in parallel there are
two parts for current. Students can see the variation between series wound and shunt
wound results in some different operation and the characteristic. Torque is measure by
a force acting by the object. Students learn to identify the terminal connections of the
motor and operate the motor. Learn to read the nominal current or data of the motor
besides students learn to build the connection to the motor. Besides that, student know
how to measure the armature current and voltage under the load. the load characteristic
we can see that when the armature current are increase, the torque also will increase.
To change the turn of motor, there are have three way first, by changing the polarity of
the field winding. Second, by changing the exciter winding and lastly change the
polarity of supply.

1. Umair Mirza, (3 March, 2018), Construction and Principle of Operation of the

Shunt DC Motor, Retrieved from

2. Kiran, Daware, (July, 2017), Characteristics Of DC Motors, Retrieved from motors.html

3. Krause, O. Wasynzuck, S. Sudhoff, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive

Systems, Wiley Inter-Science, New York, 2002.

4. Hughes, Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applicatio ns,
Newnes Publications, Burlington MA, 2006.

5. Chiasson, J., & Bodson, M. (1993). Nonlinear control of a shunt DC motor. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic control, 38(11), 1662-1666.

6. Hubert, C. I. (1990). Electric machines (pp. 341-342). Prentice Hall.

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