LKPD Greeting Card

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/ Semester : VIII/ 1
Materi Pembelajaran: Greeting Card
Alokasi Waktu : 3 JP (6x30 menit)
Activity 1. Answer these questions!

1. Write down the generic structure of greeting card below!




2. What is the topic of it?


3. What kind of expressions that used in it?


4. According to you, why Attar gives the greeting card to his teacher?

5. What is the synonym of guidance?


Activity 2. Create a conversation based on the following situation by using expressions of

congratulations, wishes and hope!

Situation 1: Sarah’s 15 birthday

Mita : __________________________________________________________________
Sarah : __________________________________________________________________
Situation 2 : Your parents are celebrating their twentieth anniversary.
You : _____________________________________________________________
Your parents: _____________________________________________________________
Situation 3 : Ahmad is being treated in hospital.
You : _____________________________________________________________
Ahmad : ____________________________________________________________
Situation 4 : Lily won a speech contest.
You : _____________________________________________________________
Lily : _____________________________________________________________
Answer Key and Evaluation/ Scoring Rubric
Activity 1
Cognitive Skill

Nomor Kunci Jawaban Nilai



1 : Receiver

2 : Body

3 : Sender

2. The topic is teacher’s day 5

3. Expressions of wish: “I wish you all the best” 5

4. Because of teacher day and he wants the teacher 5

know, how grateful he was.

5. The word guidance has synonym namely support, 5


Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai Akhir = Total Nilai X 4

Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimal = 20

Activity 2.
Psychomotoric Skill

No. Kunci Jawaban Nilai

1. Mita : Happy 15th birthday, Sarah. 5

Sarah : Thank you, Mita

2. You : Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad. I hope both of 5

you always happy.
Your parents : Thank you.
3. You : Get well soon, Ahmad/ I wish you get recover 5
Ahmad : Thank you
4. You : Congratulations, Lily. I am so proud of you. 5
Lily : Thank you
Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai Akhir = Total Nilai X 5

Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimal = 20

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